THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUllDVY MORNINGS FEBRUARY iJO, 1897. PARDON GRANTED THE LAST REBEL Political Disabilities of Col. Simms Arc Removed. MR. GROW TALKS ON OKLAHOAU ."Unites I'xtoiulcil Koninrks Conccrn intj tliu I'rcu HoiiicHlcrul Mctisiiru. AJr. ltichmioii Seeks lnformntion. Pension HUls Pucil In tlio Semite. Senator Daniel ill Komi W usliiiiK ton's I'nrcttell Address. "W'asliliiKton, Feb. 10 The open ses sion of the senate today lasted foi only halt nni hour. Two tonfeieiice i epulis on pension bills were ngieed to one glv Inir 50 a month to the vv Idow of General Stoneman und the other $75 a month to Gencial Julius Stahl Sen ator Daniel (Democuit, Vliglnia), was designated as the leader of Washing ton's farewell nddtess. next Monday tin observance lnttoduced by Mi. Iloai (Republican, Massachusetts), some eais airo when Senatoi Ingalls, of Kansas, was presiding olllcel pio tern, and when he was, as such, designated as the leadei. His splendid elocution has neei been equalled on a like oc casion since Possibly the last of the "untccon structcd lcbels ' was paidoned today In the person of Colonel D V Simms, of KentucUj the senate passing .1 bill to leinove his political disabilities. At 11:30 p m, the senate pioceeded to the consldeiatlon of executive busi nessthe aibltiation tteatj and did not adjourn until S p m. MR, CHOW'S VICTORY Anothei appiopiiatlon bill was taken Up in the house today, but little pi og ress was made The measuie was that canjing appioprlatlons to supply de ficiencies lor the cunent fiscal jeai and piloi ears It encounteied Its l,ai.U3iia a. ar.ow. i1ist snag when Mr Glow (Republican, Ponnsjlvanla), insisted that he had a light to speak as long as he wanted to on it. This proposition was discussed foi some time and resulted In a vlctoij for the veneinble Pennsvlv.inia num ber who devoted some extended le maiks, not to the nppiopiiatlon bill, but to the Oklahoma fiee homestead measure Then a lonir discussion was staited b Mi Richardson (Demociat, Tennes see), ovet an Item to pay &petlal at toinevs for defending suits against the United States Mi Hichaidson wanted to know the use of paving .ittoinejt, to defend such cases when the judgment given against the United States, paitlculaily In claims under the Bowman act, were never paid Many members spoke with le gaid to the pioprlety of opposing the Bow map claim, but when the afternoon was ncailj ovei the discussion was diopped The bill was not finished at 5 o'clock when the hoiibe took a lecess foi thiee houis Tonight the house discussed pilvate bills AVOCA. Postodice hours on Monday will be ham 1) to 10 a m and fiom 0 to T p m The Heptasophs will meet In xegular session on Monday evening. The Juvenile Ordei Sons of St Geoige will meet this evening Theie will be a union lally at tho Pilmitive Methodist chinch this even ing A laige delegation fiom Plttston will be piescnt. Mis Ijlandy will con duct sei vices and will continue her la bois dining next week Mrs John Lally, of Olj pliant, has le tuined homo after a few dajs' visit at the lcMdence of her patents Ahs II M Steevei und Mlbs Jennie Xcwlln have ietuined home after a few dajs' visit at the leshlcnce of Mr and Mrs D, J. Ciown, of Peck- ille. A large tiolley patty left here last evening to spend the night at the l evi dence of Mi and Mis. Chailes Tjrell, ol Torty Toit. The eisteddfod on Monday piomlses o b a veiy successful atfali The committee have worked earnestly and have secuted excellent judges who will cuts Nnvv York, Mas. Downey, 42 W. 9Sth St., ''I took "77" for Grippe and it cured mo; ouo small vial." PfiNTWATEii, Micir., Tho Crescent Drug Store. "Wo ilud your "77" lor Grip and CoIiIh 'a wonder ' Every package more than satisfies.' " .Lincoln, Ne"., O.J. Wilson, Esq., of the Fanuoia' Mutual Iusurauce Company, wrlles: "1 have been using your '"7" for Grip with such success, that I want to hnvo your other Speci fics nt hand. Kindly Bend mo INIauuul of Diseases." Richmond, Va., John Mit 'hell, Jn., Editor und Proprietor of the Planet: "Wo nro much pleased with the Specifics; thoy net quickly and without auy disagreeable tesults "77" is 'electrical' iu its action. A. fiiond of mlno, W. II. Islmni, 800 N. Fiftli St., sufi'orlng with a Cold of u yeiii'n (luratlou, although under tho tVeat- nient of a physician, was cured by 1177 11 11 Dr. Humphrejs' Ilomeopithlo Manuil of Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Pi ee. A small bottlo of pleasant pellets, fits our vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or neiit on receipt pt 2' cents, or llvo for $1. Humphreys' Mtd. Co, C01. Wllltum anJ John ata. Haw York. J1P short. award the prizes to the best talent only, Chohs fjom Talor, Plttston, Scranton, Plj mouth and Nantlcoke have leported. Music will be furnished by Miss Norma Williams. Mrs. J. Gallagher, an aged lady of the Noith i:nd, was seriously binned on Tuesday evening by the explosion of a lump, which she was cat tying In her hand while descending the stalls. Her head and face was tenlbly burned and but little hopes ale entertained of her recovery. Miss Kate Taylot has returned home aftoi a few days' lslt at the lesldonce of her sister on the West Side. Mis Hoi tic Lee, of Tunkhannock, Is visiting friends In town. The Avoca and Floienco Coal com panies will pay its emplojes today. Patriotic exei cists will be conducted In the botough schools on Monday morning- The following piogiamme will bo lendeied at the High school. Opening song, "Ameilca," school; pi os cillation of Washington's portrait, Tll lle Cllffoid, essay, "Washington's Childhood," Agnes Clifford; poem on Washington, Mai gat et Dixon, solos, Robert Golden, Kate Murphy, Cella Mc Olj nn, 'Death Hod of Benedict Ar nold," John O'Malley; "Washington as a Statesman," Annie Alkman; song, "A Flag of a Resolute Nation," school; Washington as a boldlei," Maigaiet Healej "The Revolution," Sadie Campbell; 'Out Flag," Maitln King; "Washington as Piesldent," Alice Campbell; "Character of Washington," Maiy Burns, "lllstoilcal Relics," Cella McGlynn, "Washington's Rules of Civ -llltj," Lizzie Gteen; address, Robeit Golden. BUSINESS MORE HOPEFUL. Large Increase in Iron and Steel Trade, and I3elt:r Demand for Other Goods Encourage Buyers. New York, Teb 18 P.. G. Dun & Co will say tomoiiovv In thelt weekly Re view of Trade: A laige Increase In the lion and steel business on account of sales coveting eight to twelve months' pioduotlon of the laigest wotks, a better demand foi woolen goods, and slightly bettei foi cotton", a gain which may piove lasting In boots and shoes, slightly bet tei pi Ices for wheat, cotton, wool and lion and a money mm kit well adapted to encouiage libeinl pui chases against futuie Improvement In business, have tendered the past week more hopeful than any other since earb In Novem bei. The hcavj excess of merchandise epoits over Impoits In Januaij, the continuance of exchange lates know ing that Euiope Is still laigely indebted to this count! y on cm rent account and the piospect that congiess will adjoin n without any dlstuibing action, all have theli favorable Influence upon the money maiket, and upon future undei takings. In neailj cvti blanch, the lion and steel Industry feels the upwaid Impulse supplied by putchabes of steel lalls, said to be half a million tons each from the Illinois Steel com pany and fiom the Cainegle compin, besides some fiom other companies. In part as low as $15 pel ton, about 100, 000 to foielgn puichaseis at $17 to $1S, but all lecent sales at $20 at eastern and "21 at western mills These enoi mous oi dels have advanced Bessemer pig at Plttsbuig onlj l"i cents pei ton, with giev foi go a shade lowei thcie, and no consldeiable change appeals in finished pioducts The sales of wool have shaiply de clined The laigei mills have acquired full supplies foi the present, and at any advance of prices thev appear iead to diop out of the maiket The demand foi woolen goods does not seem to have expanded mateiially and no quotable change in pi ices has appealed dining the week Wheat diopped to SO "o, but lose to 83 25 Receipts of corn have been neaily double those of last jear. The volume of business is not accui telj' leprcsented bv clearing house ex changes, ou ing to the extra holidaj tnls jeai at ome commeiclal centers But the dally average appeals to be 3 1 per cent smaller than last jeai The lall load earnings begin to show Impiove menl, being 9 7 per cent largei than last jear for the second week of reb i uai y Fallmes for the past week have been 303 in the United States, against 2S0 last jeai, and 5S3 in Canada, against CG last jeai. OLYPHANT. Johnnie, tho 11-jeai-old son of Mi. and Mrs Thomas Weavei, of Delawaio stieet, was painfull Injured jesteiday afteinoon, The boj vas given a cait lldge by a companion which he lit with some matches. In an instant theie was an explosion lesulting in the loss of two ot his flngeis A blithdav paitv will bo held at the home of Mr. and Mis John Thomas, of Blakely, Tuesday evening, Mnich 'J, foi the benefit of the Piesbjteiian chinch Last night the council 100111 was filled with cltiaens Interested in the boiough electilc nlant. The pioposltlon which was made to the councils the othei night in 1 elation to the new electilc plant was again teid by Boiough Al tome O'Malley, after he had finished leading it ho was closely questioned by the membeis of the council, who did not seem Inclined to favoi the pioposltlon. A motion was made- bv Mr. Cuiian, seconded b Mr O'Halloran, that the proposition be laid on the table until the supreme couit decides the legality of tho bonds. The meeting then ad journed. A sacied conceit will be given at the Tathei Mathew opeia house tomouow evening by Di. James P Moigan and company Di Moigan will deliver an illustiated lectuie on "The Life of Our Savioui," Duiing the lectin e a num ber of mechanical effects will be lntto duced, dmong them being, "The Ascen sion of Oui Savioui," "The Rock of Arcs," "Faith," ' Clowned bj an Angel " The concert is for the benefit of St. Patrick's paiochlal academy, Mls Fiieda Hairis, of Scianton, was entei tallied by friends In town jestet day. Episcopal sendees villi be held In St. George's mission In Fdwatd's hall, Ulakely, tomouow afteinoon at 4 o'cluck Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Rev. Rogeis Isiael, of Scianton, will conduct the services. Rev Peter Roberts leaves today to spend Sunday In Flushing, where ho will occupy tho pulpit In one of the Coiifiiogatlonal chuiches Mis D. Y Davis and Mis, Maiy Owens spent yesterday with lelatlvcs at West Scianton. Mis P. H. Muiiln, of Caibondale, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. A. C. Fairell yesterday. iiawu:y. The twenty-fifth vveddlngannlverBaiy of Mr. und Mrs. OttoKevllng, of Hloom Ing CJtgve, was celebrated on Thuisday A laige paity of their Haw ley ft lends vveto In attendance. A wan ant vvuh issued Monday by 'Squlto Cuitls for tho nn est ot Joseph D. Frlsby, cliaiglng hlin with assault and battel y upon tho pei son of Hoi ace Chapman. Ho was brought befoie the Justice pn Tuesday by Constable Ann- $ pin S $ IVr Bilious nml Nnrvoin disorder such ns Wind nnd Pain in tho Stomach, Welt Ilnndaplio. OlddliiosU'illhuss and Swollln nftor meali, Dlzz nosi nnd Drowsiness (-.',dcJ! J' niJVnVi Si of Hont. Loss or Appotlto, Huortneas or ureain, v-osuveness, ii(nciioi n 'u",,",""'"i"" bleep, Frightful Dreams nnd nil Nervous and Trembling .Hpnyj-tlons &c . wh-n '""""; tntns nro r.ufed liv onstlpntlon in most of t'lem nro TIIU I IUS1 DOSE WILL uiv -' I ii n in TWRNTV MiMiTi.s. ThU In nn fiction P.verv BUfforer In oarnostly lnvltou to trj ouo box of these Pills, and tliev will be acknowledged to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE- UCLXUAM'S PILLS, taken .i directed, will quickly roUore females to complo.3 hoaltli They promptly leinove obstructions or irn guliiiltloa of tho sjEtom 1 or n WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER thoy act llkomaElc-n few doses will work wonders upon tlio Vital orcans; stiongtlientiig tho Muscular Hvstom. restoring tlio lone lost cqnplrxloii, Vii Incluir back tlio kot-ncdKO of appotito nnd arousing with tho Uoscbud of Health the whole physical energy of tlio .In nan frame. 'J hoo aro facts admitted hv thousands In all classes of s. riotv. and n ottho best Rltai au toes to tho Nnrvoin and Ilobllltatod is that Bcecham's Pills have the Largest hale of any Patent Medicine In the World. WITHOUT A "RTVA'L. Annual Sales over lsocs. Sue at Drug Stons, or will to sont by U. S. Apcnt, P. T. AI.IXN CO,, ICO Canal St., Now York, post pilii, upon rctolpt of prico. liook lrco uion application. strong and waived a hearing upon on leilng ball In the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next quai tei ses sion term of court. Mi. and Mis. r. Ij Ttittle pleasantly entertained about sixty guests at their home on Nineteenth stieet, Wednesday evening. Music and various games weie the features of aipusement. Re fieshments were served and the coteile dispel sed between one and two o'clock. The enteitalnment given by the Young People's society of the German Lutheran chttteh Wednesday evening In Manneichoi hall was witnessed by a picked house. The chaiacteis compris ed only small children who, undei the pioilclent training of F. W. Scholm, nc qultted themselves In a commendable mannei. Tho programme consisted of shadow pantomlnes nnd a haivest cli ill. The latter, in three acts, w,as lendeied bv sixteen little folks, who wore attired in Hue farmer stjlo Refreshments weie seived at the close of the enter tainment and about $G3 weie netted. A Hrge delegation of Odd Fellows from Fieedom lodge, No 8S, of Hones dale, v lslted Wangem lodge, No US, on Wednesday evening. The second nnd thiid degiecs were worked aftoi which the visiting biethien weie seived with an elegant lunch In the dining loom connected with the hall A smoker was ah o enjoyed and the visitors took theli dcpaituie at 1130 o'clock well pleased with Hawlej's hospitality. MARKETS AND STOCKS. Yi all .Street Ilcucu. New Y01 k, Feb. 19 The stock mar ket was duller than evei today, the transactions, 10G.100 shares being the smallest total foi an day this week. The business vvat. almost entirely for professional account In the eaily tiad Ing the tendency of pi Ices was down waid The continued heavlnets of the coal stocks exeiclsed an adveise Influ ence The Giangeis were lower for a time. The greatest decline was In New Jeisej Cential, which ilelded two points The othci losses weie H to pei cent. Later in the day thinness pievailed and pi Ices lecoveiod J to 1 pel cent all along tho line. The gen cial maiket closed barely steady in tone Net chances show gains of a r;8 pei cent , except Jersey Cential, which loot r8 pei cent Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL MS &. CO, stock brokeis, Meais bulkl Ing, looms, 703-70G Open- High- Low- Clos lnir est est. incr Am. Tobacco Co . 71j Am Sugai Re'D' Co IU lih 1 T 11IU 14U 17 7G"& 104 7-8 113'i 14U 103-i 3'8 Atch , To i b Fe . 14'i At , To S. S Fe , Pi . J2"8 Ches til Ohio lui Chicago Oas .. . . Tc'a Chic & N W .. .101 Chk , B i Q 71 Chic , Mil &. St. P . 73H Chic , It I. S. P . . Go Del i. Hudson.. ..107 17 7G'j HPi 71'! 73 j Gi, 107 i'-'t 11 .4' 137 19 iU'2 S.7'3 -ns ' 92?4 9 14U, 14S 49 21 24 sa 9 2S"3 73'3 73 107 'i 107 D, L &. W ... . Dlst. t C F .... .13Jif. 133-i V . 14 11 13 il r.3'4 n c3 4 1S 9". 0-1 92?t 9 14V4 14". 4s'.' 244 21 9 27H 20 C?3 Gen. Electric ... . 33's Like Shoie . . 153U Louis kV. Nash . . 'J M K &, I'r . '9'4 uiy. IV 491' 3)j S"! -0 1 ''"'1 074 92?! 9 14'i nya 49 23V1 2Pt 2b'i 27' 3 Manhattan Ele . ... Mo Pacific . ., Nat Cordage N. J. Cential . . , N. V Cential N. Y, S &. W Nor. Pacific . . Ont. &. West . ... Omaha . Pae Mall Phlla S. Read ... Southern It R . .. Southern It H , Pr Tenn C & I Union Pacific .. . . Wabash S7 19, 'A ?-'4 92'j 9 14'i HVi 4S'i 23i 9 27?i -U 8 7 F."a 81 1 S 37', -'08 lias Fi's S2 14 S C3i 20 Wabash, Pr 15& West Union S2 W. L IK- U. S Leathei S 137J Sl 1 S ro. U S Leathei, Pi.... 3G"i U. S Hubuer 203a CHICAGO DOAIID Or TRADE PRICES Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. llaj Jul OATS Mav Jul CORN May July LARD. May July PORK. Muv .... ing est. est. in .. 73i3 .. 71i TuVfs 73 7ui4 71'1 17'3 IS 21'g 23'4 . 400 . 4 17 17'a 18 1738 IS", 21 's 23' 2 103 4 12 1S'4 2P8 21 I 10 4 20 400 4 12 8.03 812 8 00 S02 Scmnton IJonrd of Trade Evxltnugo (iuolatioiih--All (iuotutions Jtnscd on I'm of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Askod. Scranton . Plttston Trac. Co. ... 20 Scranton Laco Curtain Co 0 National Boring & DrllPg Co. ... &0 Fiist National Bank C30 Scranton Jar &. Stopper Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank 200 Bonta Plato Glass Co Scianton Packing Co 100 10 93 OUR SEMI-ANNUAL ONE 5 IU n If o p Jllii iliiiil All Goods Reduced One-Half, for CASH ONLY. Hats and Furnishings, Too. OILUK 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Lackawanna Iron &. Steel Co. ... Third National Bank 330 Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Scranton Traction Co 15 Scranton Axlo Works Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replacer Co Scranton Bedding Co Dlmo Dep. &. DIs. Bank Hi Colliery Engineer 110 Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 133 BONDS. Scranton Pass Railway, first mortgage duo 1918 110 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1913 110 Scranton & Tlttston Trac Co. ... People's Street Rallwa, Sec ond mortgago due 1920 110 Dickson Manufactuitng Co.... ... Lacka. Township School G City of Scranton St. Imp G. ... Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. (L P. Co 150 '90 17 83 230 100 103 90 100 103 103 hj 100 93 10) New York Produce JHnrUct. Now Yoik, Feb. 19 Flour Fas, un changed. Wheat Dull, stronger; f. o b , 9ue , ungiaded red, 72a91c , No. 1 1101 th em, SG?4c. , options active anil strong at lalHc advance, February, 83'4c ; Match, S3i4c , April, SV8c ; Mav, S2c; June, Sle ; July, 79'hc, September, 77c. Corn Quiet, firmer, No 2, SOsC ; elevator, 30c alloat; options were dull nnd firm: Fehruaiy, 29'8c; Mai, 30"8cl, July, Slc. Oits Quiet, stronger, options dull, Hrmei , Feb marj and Ma, 21V&C ; Jul, 22'4c ; spot pi Ices No 2, 214c ; No 2 white, 23'2c ; No 2 Chicago, 22Vlc.; No 3, JOViC: No 3 white, 2F4c , mixed western, 21a23c; white do, 22i30c , white state, 2Ja30e Provisions Steadj, unchanged, Lird Stionger, western steam, $120, city, S3 SO, Mi, $4 33, lefined dull, continent $143; compound, 4alHc Buttei Steadj , un changed Clieee Firm, steadj, un changed. Eggs Firm, state and Pcmi sjlvanla, 19M.C , Ice house, case, $2 J3a 3 30, western fresh 19c, southern, 17Vja lSc., limed, 12'3il3'.c Pliiludeltiliin Provision IfnrKrt. Philadelphia, I'eb 19 Provisions weie In moderate Jobbing demand and steadj. o quote Beef hams, $18 23al8 73, as to ago and biand, pork, familj, $10all; luunj, S P. cuud, in tlerce3, SUa9'ic , do smoked, 9il0'c , as to average and brand, sides, ribbed in bilt, I'niftC , do do smoked, u'iao'2C , shoulders, pickle cured, 3'4a3'c , do do smoked, GViaCc , picnic hams, S P. emed, uaS'fcc. , do do smoked, GaG':c , bellies, In pickle, accord ing to aveiage, loose, 5i3'.c , bicakfist bacon, G'.a7'ic , as to biand anil average, laid, pine, eltv refined, in tlnice-), 4Sa5c ; do do in tubs, "iic , do butchers', looce, 4c , city tillovv, in hogsheads, 3c : countij do, 2Vii3c, as, to quality, an 1 cakes, 3'.c. Chicago (Irmii and Provision Market. Chicago, Teh 19 The leading future, nnged a3 follows- Wheat Fobruao 73Vj i7-i7sC , JIa 73'4c, Jul, 71a73o Coin Februaij, 22'.a-2c., Ma, -IVic , Julv, 2ri'5a23".c Oats Februaij, lu'sa li.c , Maj, 17V4al7sse , Jul, lSalS',c. McbS Pork-Ma, SSOSaSOS'. Julv, SS 22a S13 Lard Mav, Slal 03, Jmj, $4 10a4 12Vj Short Ribs-Maj, $1 12'.a4 12'A, Jul i -0a 120 Cash quotations v. ore a follows Flout Quiet and steady; prices un changed; No 2 spring whtat, 73Da73'se ; No 3 do , 70e , No 2 red, S4',aSli'.c , No i coin, 22':a22 4c , No 2 oats, ITfoc , No 2 lje, 31c , No 2 barlev, 33c , No 1 flax seed, 74U,a77c , timothv seed, $2 30, mci pork, $7D0a7 93 Lard $3 0a3 97'e, shoit libs, sides, S3 93a4 23, shoulders, SI 30a 173, short clear sides, $l23a!37', whlskv and sugars unchanged Hiillulo Live Mock. Buffalo, Feb 19 Cattle Stead , light butcluis, ?3S0a3S3, medium, $130, old to fat cows, $2 2)a3 10, bulls, $2 C3a3 Hogs Active and hlghei , good to cho'ce York ers, $3S0a3 83, mixed packet s, $3 70a1 73 heav, $3f3a3 70, pigs, $3 70a3 73 Shiep and lambs active and 10al3 cents higher fot lambs, stead for shep prime lamb', $3E0a3 35, common to good $4 C0a5; culls, $3S3a4 40, mixed sheep, choice to extia, $3 90all0, fail to good, $3 30a3 0, culls and common, $ 73a3 40 Chicago 1,1x1) Slock, Chicago, Teh 19 Cattle Receipts, 2,300 head; maiket steadj, common to extia steers, $3 30a3 49, stockers and feedei' $3 13al23; cows and bulls, $1 83a3 SO calves, ?3 23aG23, Texans, ?2C0al30 Hogs Receipts, 22 000 head, market 5al0 cents higher, heavj packing and bhlpplng lot, JS 40a3 fO, common to choice mixed, $3 40 a3G2'C, choice assoited, f3S0a3G3, light, $3 30a3b3, pigs, $3 30a3C3 Shee;) Re ceipts, 7 000 head, maiket active and htrong, Inferior to choice, $2 50a4 23, lambs, ?3 30a0 23 Oil illnrkot. Oil City, Pa , Feb 19 Credit balance 91 MONEY TO LOAN. Advs. Under This Head One Cent n Wori Mg ONEYTO LOAN -II. M. HANNAH, lit 01111 avenue, Q500, S1.000, J2 010 AND S2 Wl EAb terms, niono furnished promptly. BROWN, Attorney, Mears liuildliic CLAIRVOYANT. Advj. Under This Head One Cent a Word. MME DG LEON FENTON, CLAIUVOY nut and Phrenologist, 1020 West Lacki wanna avuiue, Hyde Park, a few dj s onls . P' U. - HALF PRICE SALE OF HAGKETT, CorBnolly Our C. & W. Special neck band, is a boon to the Hade of Wamsutta rUislin, bosomed and cuffed with the best of linen and made as well and worth as much as any dollar shirt ever produced. CONNOLLY & SAOOOOOOOOOOOO01W V"v'VV'WWW VJ'WW'VV,"t5C TRY ONE. You Ciin stippl) out Wiints (piicldy b n small "ml." in out "U'iint" columns. ONE CENT A WOUD 000000000000s oooooooooooo 9vy V90000000 -ooov UIAjV wanted males. Advs. Under This Head One Cent n Word. TXTKLLICUNT MLN TO PRCI'ARE FOP. X Civil borvlco eximlimtlo 1 foi rovornmcut positions; inform itlon free HLV IUJ W, II. OOl'WALD, Presidont Civil Sorvico Col leg3 of Coriespoudonce. VVa9hlngten, D C AOENT&-OUIFIT rncn, NO CAPITAL nodod oxrlunlvj torrltor ; oau silo wookly pjvi big inoiny, wilto ALP1NU SA1 U CO , Cincinnati O ANTCD-AT OVCE. A YOUNG MAN (if tho Masnnic ordi , must bj a lmst Addnas . Y. Z , Trlbuno office lo-. I T ANTED 4NIDI1A. 'WHO CAN THINK ot somo "ilinplo thing to patent ? Pro tect your iilras thi'v may Inlug vou wealth Write JONII WLDDEItBUlIN A TO . Dcpf. C, 21, Patent Attormjo, Wahintrton. D, C, fnr tboli S1WI0 prizo effor and lUt of 1000 inron tions wanted WANTED-AS AGENT IN EVKKY SEC tion to cnlnas S4 () to S300 a day made ; tells ot tig t, also a man to fell Staple Goods to dealers, b. st sldo llro $73 a month, piliij or largo (ommiasion luado pxperlpiico mniPCiissarv. Clifton bovp nnd ilanufactur 1ns Co , Cinelninti O WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to hcit stock sulwrlp tiors, amonopol ; big money lor nfents no npltal required EDWARD C. PlbH ii CO , lio-dcn Block, Chiciiro 111 HELP WAN IED FEMALES. Advs Under This HeaJ One Cent a Word yANT;iTDCOMPErENT Olltl TO 1)0 gonor il hoU3ewor'c rofurencs u quircd. 820 Qulncy i onue. ABOUT 20 MORE OPERATORS C V.U ITND .mploMiient at PREEMAN M'F G CO. Uo lid Etuildlnjr, Lindon straot J ADIKH-1 MAKE BIG V.'AGES DOING I 1 leapant 1 01110 vroi It, and will gladl) send full pnrticulnrs to nil (-tridinc 2 cent stamp 1IS M A. SiEPBliNb, Lawrcuco, Micb. w; ANTEU-LADY AGPNTS IK "CRAN ton to soil -ind intioducn Snvdor'3 nku Hni?. iiierieneid cinvaf-f r mefci red; wo' k ltimanunt ard vcrj profitable Wiitofor pirticularR at once ai d tot 1 enefit of holidai trade. '1. B feNYDPR & CO., Cincinnati, O W-"-ANTl-D HaMLDIA'IELY-TWO ENER t,ctlc Fnleawomcn to rcprtsont us Uuaianteod JU a c'ay without interferriug with other duties Hirlthlnl occupation. VViito for t aitiiularp em losing htamp.MangD f heuifcal Ciinpauj, Nc. 72 John btrtet. New Yoik AGENTS WAN'IED. Advs Under This Heed One Cent a Word. AAuTnTEI) MENANTjiVOMEN. t young and old, to work for lis in iheli own homos in rj aro time, day or evening Wo pa JM0 togl) P"i week No ciimfsing Any cbi'd can do tin work Send eddies odav Woajnd oik at onco. '1HEVAII, RTCO. Uopt. 277 V ill. Pa. WTV. DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAPETiS, V but men of ahiliti ; ?301 to 550 1 a month to hustlers, atato and e'eniril asjentu naluv imd cuiumlislou. RACINE PIRc ENGINE ( O , Raelim. VVN. IALEbMEX--1- A DAY; .NO CtNVASS J inir; no de!ieri(, no collections, Him 1 les frea, si in line or exclusive, MPHS., 3911 Market street, Phtlidulphla, AGrNTS-ST PATRICK'S DAY BUT tons ludees, shamio-ks, oniblnim most irtistl' desl.'ns 1 08 irtad SiUlplos ind eata loRue, 10c. GALLATIN OJ 'Yoik, Pn WAN TED-SOLICITORS: NO DELIVLR ing nocollo tins; position nerminont piy weeklv. stitu age. MJLEN BROlIILRb; orhester. N Y SATANTKI)- GENERAL AGENTS IN EV V V erv eountj , also 1 idy tanvassers, somo hlng new ; Hiiro nefiei , apply quick J, C 1 1 L11ERT. HI Adams avenue, Scranton. Pa. AGENTb-WHAT ARE YOU OOIVO 10 iV do about feafo Citizenship prko SI Oi ut; by thousand!. Address, NlUIIOLb, S'M'pnrlllo.JlI. fiLNTS-TO BELL OUR PRAC1ICAL 1. (.olil, silver, nickel ana copper electro plastei s, 1 liccs ficm JJ upward salary and xpoi ses paid: outfit free, ddriss, with ttainp. MICHIGAN MfCr CO , Chicago 4 OENTS TO hELL G1C.ARS TO DEALERS; V i'.j weekly and expenves oiperieiuoun uttei.s.ri CONSOLIDATED 111 G CO. la v an Buion st , Chicago, FOR UF.NT. Advs. Under This Mead One Cent a Word. pvoit retoubTekjuse! m.o V Mont 00 iivonue; all modern linproe oicnts Inqniro of II S. bCIIULlZ, WW Madi tou avoiuiu, Dunmoie nOUSES FOR RENT-FROM $.2 TO $71: now is tho time COMEOYb, 1J0 Sprueu troot. I .on HENT-ELEVEN-ROOM I) WELLING V house, with nil inodoru linproomonts, ont modern') Apnly 422 Madlsou avenuo J, 'OR RENT-T1IE THREE PLOORS OVER L No liO Hpruco street, now occupied by ho Rowing Association: posses-dou April 1st, 1 quiro u PRED WAGNER, 511 Lackn wanna tv onue FOR SALL. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, j'OR rtALE-UIE PROPERTY I Franklin avenuo. Inquire ut itroet AT 420 21 Olivo i;OH SALE-HOUSE AND LOT IN DEBT F part of Groon Rldgo, B. C. Y., caro of 'rllmni olll',o irolt SALE-A bILVER PLATED CONN I1 double bell euphonium, idcol) engraved with troinbono Lell cold lined: noarlv now ind cost t(0. will sell at n baigain. Address this week to E. W, GAYLOR, Laltajsville, Pa r,-01t 8ALE-HOHbE, AGED BIX YEARS. I1 vv eight 1.WX1 . i ounds; can bu been at 1021 Price street. Shirt, with the patent wearer of shirts. WALLACE, REAL ESTATE. Advs. Under This Mead One Cent a Word. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME? IIero'B a great bargain: 1721 Penn avo 11119, idjoinlmr North Par c. Green Rldgu; 0 rotmis fm naee, hut and cold wntei , lot3ixlt!l; cellai undei whole liois.i; fine lawn stnue vvdUs! propel ty vvoith I.),IW0; no leisouablo offer rofnsod; must tell; part pasmsnt bal ance, on time to suit iiuicuiur Address TALI.1EMOIIGAN, rnroof U L Hawloy 211 Wjomlngaveiiue, bcianton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, Qg7pONIlVETtYS yii'i month thionsh our bv stem of sjndl eato speculation Bend for full explanatory mnipldot. O'CONNOK&CO, 10 Wnll ht., YOU CAN MAKE SOME MONEY BY IN vesting in speculation immcdlatel) ; send for our booklot, "Good Advice." and daily in formation A. T. BORST & CO, II Pine fat, Now 'York CIIIUOPODISr AND MANICURE. C10RNS, BUNIONS AND INOROW1NG ' nails cured without tho least palu or di awing blood Consultation and jdv li o glvou frio. i: M I1FTS1 L, Chiropodist, 330 Lack awatma avenuo Ladies attended at tholr residence if desired Chaiges model ite. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. "rJMiEriRMUItwir&MOl X itects. was this day dissolved bv mutual consent Tlio busiuoss will bo continued bv T L. Brown. Arcnltect, at tho film's formor ofilces iu tho I lieu Building All accounts duo the drill will b lecelvod bv Ml lliown MEDICAL. U?ANTTD-G00l PEOPLE, WHO ARE oil fT Ji Inn twirr 111 nt 1 tinrl iiufi mi a rl (o cass3 to calinnd bj cmed free of ehargo at tho ofllco of tho Burdock Medicine Co , 318 bpiure stieet. SI OCKHOLDERS 31KET1NG. Xi the stoclcholduis of The Lackawanna Ircn and Stetl (.ompiny, for tliu 1 lection of diroLtorj and trans ctinu of Buck other busl- Lnoss as iray piopertv como before tlio moet ring, will bu hold at tho otllce of the company, in 1110 elt or bcranton l'cnnsvlvaiiU, on Wednesday, Mareli 3d, 16U7, at 2 o'clock p. in, Tho polls vi ill ramain open for ono hour. Tho transfer books will bo closed on Fobruary 21, 15J7, and reopono 1 on March 4 1697. (Signed! J P. HIGGINSON, Secretary. Scrnuton, Pa , lob 2Jth 1S07. CITY SCAVENGER. AP BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . and cess loolc; no odor; improved pumps used A. BRIGOS, Propnotor Leavo 01 dors 1100 Noith Main urenue, or Erckos drug store corner Adams and Mul borrj . '1 elephono 0 140 SITUATIONS WANTED. (mLTIONWAN O ilv as housekeeper, good cook Address Box 57, Peekville; Pu SITUATION WAN1ED-BY A MIDDLE 3 asredlady us dishwasher 01 housekeopet In small family, can gilo good rotHtciues. Addiess M. J , caro Win Chailes, 1010 Price etroot, city. WORK OF ANY KIND WAN TED BY M. A. VV HICHARDbON, 42J Cedar nveuuo, Siranton, Pa SITUATION WANTED -BY A lOUNG ' man as driver or clerk In gro ory store Address T '1 . II , JR , 160b Washburn street. SITUATION WANTED-AS COACHMAN O tor pi hats family, by a singla man; has had ixperleme and ran eivo good reference. Addross A. 1I ll-'o Washburn stioet. ylfUATION WANTED-YOUNG MAN, - chem'st colleie education: eonoral ana- 01 nm.utactliriug preferred b , I ribuno oltlco Address QITUATION WANTED-BY GIRL IN A C5 small fnmilj, or saeonJgirl AddiosslGOJ Prospect avenue FINANCIAL. uTStTuestnient of $100 Paid to our cllent during the past week. Cluek-t foi piofllB togotlei vitli utim?nt mailod uchtatuidaj Under our Sjstom of bjndioato ispeoulatlnu we bavo been ablo to piy fiom 5to8 por lent weltl. Pamplil'ts uxpl lining our methods, mailed treoon appli catioi SAM KELLER & CO., Bankers and Brokers Established 187. 44 Eroadwaj , New York PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. MARTHA S EVHRITT, 30S WASH ington ave. Olllce hours until 10 a. m , 2 to 4, G to S p. m. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D HOME oputhist, No. 223 Adams, avenue. DI1 A. TBAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wjomlng avenuo and Spruco streot, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thuriday and Saturdajs, SI a. in. to G p. ni. DR COMHGYS-OFFICG NO 337 N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 ni. to 3 p. m Diseases of women a speclaltj. Tel ephone No. 2222. DR W V. ALLEN, Ington avenue C12 NORTH WASH. DR ANNA LAW. 308 WYOMING AVE. Ofllce hour3, 9-11 a m , 1-i p. m , 7-8 p in. DlT.L mTgATGS. 123-WASHINaTON avenue Olllce hours, S to 9 a. in , 1 20 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 3W Madi son avenue DR C L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Tiuss Fitting und Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 203 and 207 Mears Building. Ofllco telephone 13j2. Hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic disease ot tho heurt, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary oi gans, will occupy the olllce of Dr. Rooi, DR. JOHN C. PRICE, 333 WASHINGTON avenue. Office houia il to 10 a. in., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. non - tearing cushion split CENTS , 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. 212 Adams avenue. Ofllco hours, 1 to 5 p in. W. G. ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattlo and Dogs treated, llcpltnl, 121 Linden btieet, Scranton. Tclephono 2G72 Lnwvvst;. FRANK B BOYLE ATORNEY AND counselior-at-law'. Burr building, rooms 13 and II Washington avunuo. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY, Rooms 212-13-K Common wealth Bldg. JEFFREYS & RUDDY, ATTORNEYS-at-law, Commonwealth Building. WARREN S. KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellois-at-law, Republican building, Wnbhington avenue, Scianton, Fa. JESSUP i. JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND and Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue W. H. JESSUP, . W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON . WILCOX, TRADERS national Bank iiulldlng. ALFRED HAND, VILIAAI Jl HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Convmon wealth building. Rooms 19 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scianton, Pa. JAMES W OAKrORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LaVv, Rooms G3, G4 and C3, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, OITlce, Wjomlng avenue, Scranton. L A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave , Scranton, Pa URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dlmo Bank Building, Scranton. Mone to loan In large sums at G per cent C. R PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears buildings, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. B F KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wjomlng avenue, Scranton. Pa. JAS J. II HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 45 Commonwealth bldg, Scran ton. WATSON, DIEHL, HALL & KUMMKIt ER Attorneys and Counsellors-nt-Law ; Tradeis' National Bank Building; rooms G, 7, 8, 9. and 10; third floor Detectives. BARRING & M'SWEENEY. COMMON wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vlce Agency. Architects EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCTITECT. Rooms 21, 23 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scrnntom E L WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of GOG Washington avenue LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT, JKSpruceSt , cor. Wash ave , Scranton. FREDERICK LBROWN, ARCHITECT, Price building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton T I. LACEY &. SON, ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. . $ Aldcrmun. G T KELLOW,l 1001 W. LACKA AVE Dentists. "DR . El M'GRAW, 303 SPRUCE street. DR. H. F. REY-NOLDS OPP. P. O. PR E Y, HARRISON, 113 S MAIN AVE. DR C C LAUBACH, 115 Wjomlng ave. R. M. STRATTON, OrriCE COAL EX change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Dressmaker. MRS M. E DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton, Ta , prepares bpjs and girls for college oi business, thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER II BUELL MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13 Klnderga rten $10 per term. Seel,. ' G R CLARK &. CO , SEEDMEN AND Nuiserjmen, store HG Washington ave. nue, gieen hojse, 1330 North Main ave nilB, storo telrphone,782 Wire Screens. JOS KUETTEL. REAR BU LACKA wanna avonue, Scranton, Pa, manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CArE, 123 AND 127 TRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable I ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , L S. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu. ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Miscellaneous, BAUER'S ORCHEbTRA-MUSIC TOR balls, picnics, imrtles, receptions, wed dings and conceit vvoik furnished For terms addiess It. J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjomlng avenue, over Hulbert'J music store MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' buppllcs, envelopes paper bags, twine. Waiehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Px FRANK P BROWN .t CO , WHOLE sale dealers In Woodivnie, Coidago and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna avo THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC countant and auditor Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postotllce. Agent for the Re Tlio Extinguisher Printing. THH TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. North Washington Avenue Llnotypa Composition of all klnd3 quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed In this region. i