The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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Syviw Smkru W Hi P
Sr-nrnr Corit Trkatmknt for torturing, llfl(C
mint;, Hilling, Irarnlnjr, nnd scaly skin nnil ecnlp
metises with losso'lialr. Wnrra bsttistvltlitji.
IIOUB bOAt HCIltlo applications Of COT10UR
(ointment), ami full -loses of CUTIcnru liiunL
TnNT.urciitcDt of blood purlQcrs ana Uutnor cure)
j $y& j& ue
Ti ioM thranthoat the otH roitc
DrrnftOniM Com-. 8nl rrori .Boston
cor " How to Cure Itching Bkln Dniin,"frt,
Rentiers w 111 plciFo note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, nntl Items for
publication left nt the establishment of
Shannon & Co, newsdealers, North Main
Btreet, will reeclo prompt nttontlon; of
llce open fiom 8 a, m to 10 p. m
Tlio Mitchell"'. I'uir.
At the Mitchell's full Inst nlRlit the
following progi amine was tendered:
Selection, Tenny nnd Mntttcssen; piano
polo, Ptoftsbor Ronnie, ocal solo,
Miss llnunu Htown: lecltntlon, Mat
tel Joseph JciiKIiih; Instiumentul duet,
Leontud and Jlehln.
tlie cuts, the publication of our com
inunlcntlon of the Odd Fellows' annlver
puiy hns been tic laved fot n few days.
Mr. nntl Mrs. Charles Gardner attend
ed the Musical alliance at Fleetvllle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter, Messrs.
Zllm Hinds, Hupert Hard, Ira llnrtmnn,
H. H. Heynolds, Howard Reynolds, W.
A. i:nns, H. J. Hlddleinan, A. H. Hos
slter, Deter Palmer, F. M. Hat Huston,
and A. F. Der.shlmer; the Mioses Pni
mclla Hennott, Ivn Stephens, Francis
Iewls, Currlo Wntklns, I,ena Swnrtz,
Anna Hud, Alma Wilson, Bertha
Chilstman, Ues.sle Wilson, Lizzie Wll
1 ur, and Fottla nuinett, comprised a
jolly pnrt of our ouiir people that took
ndvnntnpc of the slelKhlrif last Montlay
nlfht, and enjoyed a slelRhrlde to TunU
hnnnock, uhue an oyster supper was
aw aitlng; them at the Keeler house. All
leport a frood time and one young lndv
was heard to lemnrl the next morning
that the didn't have to be called that
ninrnlnfr for breaklast.
The Mlses Almi. t,l7le and LouKa
WllBley, Misses Dcltha. and Ada Cur,
Mpssis Pied and I.ou Wiiirlev, nnd
Mr. and Mis W 11. GnrUnet. attended
the tenth wedding anuhersaiy yettei
day, ot Mis William Snover, nee Miss
Then-a Wiiglej, of Twelfth btreet,
Scianton. Pa.
Messts. H I Beach, O A. Gllbeitand
Hdltor James P. Taylor, ot Montrose,
wete Inspecting East Mountain L-ithln
spilngs here jtsteidaj,
fer. The vote for eminent In the Sec
ond ward was tie, William Summers
and John Miller, each receiving S3
Votes, and to elect a candidate the elec
tion board drew lots and resulted In
the choosing of William Summeis.
On Tueidnv, im the llrst time In Its
history, Ait'hbald elected candidates
tnnnlntrat-latgcona Republican ticket.
Heiotofoie the town has been so stions
ly Dcmociatlc, that even In local elec
tions It has been next to impossible
for a Republican lunning under hla
Miss Ida Rut?, of Rlpon, Wis., Is vis
iting Miss Minnie Burner, of Noi th
Main stieet
Henry Kearney, of Scott stieet, Is
confined to his home b illness.
Mr. and Mib. John Kvans, of Oak
avenue, left vestetdny for Wilkes
Raire, wheie they will spend borne
Mis. C. n. T-atlnop Is visiting lela
thes In Wilkes-Rarie.
Mrs. Adelbeit Day is slowly Impiov
lng after a two weeks' Illness
Rlehaid Ciaft shot a rod fox on the
mountain east of the city veiteiday.
This makes the, seventh that he has
shot this winter.
Mr unit Mis. Trank Thompson, of
Tth.tca, N. Y, are visiting Mib. M.
Coiby, of Wyoming stieet.
Piofessor Thomas,, of South Tei
race htieet, Is 111 with the measles
Mrs. W. Williams and Miss Ploi
enco Williams, of No -i, weie the guests
of Mis Heniy Robeits, of n
btiLCt, Tuesday
A slelglnlde to Wnvmait Tuesday
evening wan enjoved by the following
young people: Chailes Millaul, Pied
Havenstein. Donald TTaite, Geoige
Glbbs, Misses Lottie Havenstein, Mag
gie Thompson, Ida Scull and Beitha
Oscar Hlsted, of Belmont fcticet, is
111 with bcnrlet fever.
Piofessor John P. McCawloy is seil
ously HI at his home on Belmont stieet.
Rev. T. n. Jepson announced Tues
dn evening at the Baptist chinch that
a letter locelved fiom ivangellst Need
ham, who was expected hoio last Sun
day, but was detained by illness in
his family, stated that they were Im
proving and he hoped to be here the
coming Sunday, Feb. 21.
Tho funeral of Mis. Maiy Kennedy,
of Delawaie stieet, took iilace cster
dny morning at 10 o'clock and wns very
laigoly attended. A lequlum mass vas
celebrated In St. Patrick's chinch and
an eloquent sermon was pi cached by
Rev. J. M. Smoulter, after which tho
remains weic conveyed to the Catholic
cemetery and laid to rest. Tho pall
bearois weie: Thomas Donnelly, Pat
llck Ollinaitln, John Cummlngs, Peter
Inglesby, James Carbine, James Mc
Hale, James McAndiew.
A maiilage quietly solemnized Tues
day evening at St. Patrick's church was
that of John R Mcllale and Bildget
Hastings, two popular voung people of
this town. Miss Alicia Mcllale, a. sis
tor of the gioom, attended the bilde,
and Willie Rogan acted as gioomsman
The ceiemony was purf owned bv Rev.
J. M Smoulter Mr. and Mis Mcllale
will leslde on Dunmore stieet.
Miss Maile Jones, of West Scianton,
was a visitor In town yesteulay.
The Subuiban wheelmen banqueted
at the West Hnd hotel Monday even
ing. Thi occasion was one of unusual
enjoyment. 'Coasts were made by the
piesldcnt and seveial meinbeis of the
Mrs Chailes L.ewsley Is visiting rela
tives at Caibondole.
Mrs. AMlllam Riley, of Scianton, Is
visiting lelatlves heie.
Mis. F. F. Forbes and Miss Maud
Hainden, of Caibondnle, spent yestei
dav with Miss Cora Voyle
Hdwaid Ciane, of Scranton, and Miss
M. Golden, of Plttston, visited Miss
Mniy O'BojIe, of Dunmoie street, yes
teulay. Councilman-elect James O'Brien 13
laid up with the quinsy.
Mis. J. Kllciillen, of Dunmore street,
met with a serious mishap jesteiday
while stepping off the pinch at her
home, she slipped and fell, breaking her
leg Dr. L Kelly was called and set
the bioken membei.
Miss Lizzie McGinty pntei tallied a
laige number of young fi lends at her
home on Dunmoie street last even
ing Seveial meny houis weie spent
in games and dancing. Refreshments
weie seived about 11 o'clock.
William Winters, of Jewnyn, Is woik
Ing for the Weston Mill company.
Miiiij on's Cold Cure euros colds In the
head, cold on the lunKs, old colds, new
colds and obstinate eolds, nnd all founs
of grip. Stops snet.7ltiK. dlrcharRis from
the nose and ejes, prevents catanh, diph
theria, pneumonia and till throat ana
lung troubles. These plenant little pel
lets nie absolutely harmless, have saved
thousands of lives and pieventetl much
Hickiiesg, Trice, 23c.
Improved Homoeopathic Home Rnmcily
ccnipanv put up a separate cuie loi uich
tllE-cufe. .' t all druggists, mostly '.i cints.
Guide to Roaith free.
Petsonnl letters to Prof. Munjon, 160)
Arch stieet, Philadelphia, Pa., answeied
with flee medical advice foi an) disease.
Thursday and Friday evenings of this
week, hasi been postponed one week.
Full announcement will be made In
Tuesday's Issue of next week.
The local election passed off very
quietly, yet with a great deal of Inter
est. A large vote was polled for an
election wholly of local Issues.
The borough election here was quite
wnimlj paitlclpated In by the Republi
can and the Piohlbltlon parties, th
fight for constable and tax collector be
ing very close, especially for tax col
lector, the vote being a tie R. H.
Reynolds was elected constable by a
majoiity of L vots. The boiough went
Republican .straight as follows- Bui
gtss Charles Klinefelter. Councllmen
W. H. Manchester, A. II. Passett.
Constable R. H. Reynolds High con
stable A. L, Rovnolds Judge of elec
tion W. W. Baul Inspectoi II N.
Carpenter. Tax collector R. H. Rey
nolds, R. D. Chase, tie. School iliiect
ois J. W. Remolds, Biomley Smith.
Auditors B. J. Goodwin, A. A. Blown.
Poor niastci L. II. Cha.s.
Mr. Stephen Noithup, an aged and le
spectpc' iesldent of this town, sulfeted
a stioke of paralysis last Tuesday
evening, and is still In a ciltical condi
tion. Lane-staff Hose company at a special
meeting last Monday night, added tlnee
new membei & to the companj., and
elected a secretaiy to fill the vacancj
caused by the leslgnatiou of the toimer
becietury. Work Is progicsslng lapldly
on the entertainment to be held Maich
5 at the Methodist Kplscopal church.
The committee on entertainment is
w oiling nlfcht and clay to make It a
financial as well as a social biiccess The
new axes have ai lived and the tot dies
aie expected soon.
Before 'Squiie Gardner's court, Mon
day, the case of Hunt & Connell vs.
J. C. Reynolds came up for tiial, but
was settled by the defendant.
Tuesday, in the case of Hulfsmlth vs.
G F. Smith, 'Squire Gardner gave Judg
ment in favor of plaintiff. This case
gipw out of tho failure of the above
parties to amicably come to a settle
ment of their accounts, therefoie the
plaintiff sued the defendant for a set
tlement, Mrs. Lou Staik lias moved her family
and household goods into the house
ow pod and occupied by J. K. Znulzlg, in
tho ntnth end of town. Mis Staik ex
pects to keep summer boaideis tho
coming season.
Thomas Hough, of Lake Winola, will
become a resident of our tow n about
Apiil 1, having rented his faun to Heniy
Phillips, of the Caul faim.
Morton Stephens, who has been soil
ously ill with typhoid fever, is tepoited
much bettei.
Owing to the artist not having the
right size "plates" In btock to pioduce
pat t caption to ain an election. But
this time evot. the solid De'inocratlc
Second waul lias elected a Republican
councilman and came neai electing a
Republican school dliector. In the
Thiid waul dissension in the Republican
innks had much to do with the defeat
of the ward cindliates The only can
didates i tinning tluough the boiough,
who weie elected by the Demociats
weie an auditoi, Mai tin Malndy, and a
lilph constable, Bdwaul O'Hoio. Their
opponents were lespectlvelj Solomon
Middleman and Martin Miglln Both
gentlemen live In the Ridge and vei
winning at a disadvantage because they
weie not as well known as their Demo
ci.itlc rivals As it was thej have good
leason to be proud ot the showing they
made foi theie is coitnlnlj nothing dis
ci edltabl" in defeat under such circum
stances. The suceesslul candidates de
bit e tc express theit thanks to the peo
ple wno so nobly suppoited them and
ai e grateful for their expressions of
confidence so emphatically show n at th
election. The total vote polled was
about 9"i0. The majoiltles weie as
follows: For burgess, Langan over
Lane, 39: for Justice ot the peace, Dutfy
ovei Munlev, 112; for auditor, Mahady
ovei Middleman, 2-R The vote in detail
appeals elsewheie.
Mi. Langan. the next buigess, Is a
voting man of singulai tact, ability and
enemy He made an active and tlioi
ough Pinvass during the campaign just
closed and he Is to be congratulated on
Ills success in defeating such a stiong
and popular gentloman as was his ilval,
L'dward Lane.
The pastor of the Geiman B angelical
chinch of Archbald expi esses his giat
itude to the vailous parties who vied
with eacli other to make tho donation
on Monday evening last, atti active and
luciathe. Owing to the efforts of the
ladies and some of the male membois of
the church the donation was maiked by
good w 111 and joviality. Tho band w ith
its excellent music gieatly added to the
en.iovment of the evening It was
pleasing to see tint so many outsldeis
attended, and that they all seemed to
feel perfectly at home. It will long ie
vnain In the memory of all who paitlcl
pated as a great success.
Mr. Fiank Wlnteis nnd Richard
Qendnll, who have been home for sev
eial davs, returned to Wvomlng sem
inal y Tues'day.
William Winters lias accepted a po
sition as teamster w Itli the Weston
Milling company, of Olyphant, and eli
te! ed upon his duties vesterday.
Totumle, the 4- ear-old son of Mr.
and Mis. Thomas C.ivaiiaugh, of May
field, Is ill with dlphtlieila. James,
youngest son of Mi. and Mrs. Rlehaid
Rev nolds, of the same boiough, is 111
with the same disease.
The Sons of Veterans' dtum corps
hold their social this evening.
The Episcopal conceit last evening
was well attended and pionounced a.
financial and social success.
A veiy ptetty wedding was solemn
ized on Monday evening at the home
of Mr. Johnson Bennett, coiner II nnd
Second stieets. The conti acting pnt
tles weie Miss Mae Bennett' and Gomer
Lewis, of Mnyfield. The ceremony was
peifouned bv the Rev. Fiancls Gentlall,
pastor of the First Methodist Hplscopal
The" senate vesterday confirmed the
nomination oi Thomas A. Ilendilcks as
postmastet of Jewnyn.
The boiough election pissed off
quietly In this place The Republican
ticket was unanimously elected. The
following Is the olilclal count: Bur
gess, J M Rhodes, It., IS; J. II. Wilcox,
D , 30. Justice of the Peace, J II. Snv
der, R , 31, J. W Williams, D , 31
Tax collectoi, William Snover, R D1,
T. B. Httulenbeigh, D , 2J. Ovei seer of
poor, Romevn Snvder, R, 3S, J. J.
Blink, D, 3C Auditoi, B D. Coopei,
R, -11; William Stelff, D, 34. Council,
Heniy Battln, R, 47, II. G Thaver,
R , 40; William F. Jenkins, D 30;
James Y. Dunning, D , 37, School dl
lectors, John D Fullei, R, 49; S. G.
Rlel, R 42, J. B Mnsteis, D, 30, J J.
Blink, D, 31. Judge of election, Chas
R. Smith, It . 30; W. C. Dunning, D , 39
Inspectoi of election, Hoi ace S. Finn,
R , CO; Thomas J. Thompson, D , L'C
The olllce of judge of election was a
tie vote, but was aftet wauls decided
foi the Republican candidate, Ml.
C I Depew, of California, Is visit
ing his uncle and aunt, Mi and Mis.
Alfied Giillln.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Ptes
bytetlan church will give a chicken
suppei In the church pailois Monday
evenin, Teh 22.
Samuel A. Wilcox is confined to his
bed by a severe illness.
The people of Hlmhui"t are looking
foi w aid to a big building boom the
coming summoi, and fiom present In
dications they will not be disappoint
The Hlmhurst Manufactuilng com
pany have just completed a fine house
on the grounds of Heniy Weluum at
the entrance of the Hlmhuist boule
v ai d
Thomas Holtham made a business
tlip to Scianton Tuesday
It Is expected that Rev. Biowe, of
Waveily, will assist the gospel wagon
evangelist, II. I Higgins, one night
this week In the tevlvul now being
held nt the Thst Baptist chuich.
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades,
Draperies and
WaSl Paper. . . .
All the latest designs and colorings
for the sprinj; trade. We guarantee
our prices the loweht.
Mrs A. T. Jones and Fon, Alfred, have
moved heie fiom Catbondale. Mr3.
Jones' many friends will be glad to wel
come her back to her old home
Mis Maiy Sandeicoeic, of Clieirj
Ridge, is visiting her nelce, Mis. Clar
ence Williams
Mis. John English has been indisposed
for the past week.
The valentine social given by the
Young People's society of the Methodist
Episcopal chuich was a grand success
socially and financially.
Miss Stella Waltz of Mt. Cobb, is
visiting Miss Rose Glanvllle.
John Kendall was given a sin prise
party at his hume on Main street last
Tilday evening by a number of his
oung friends. Games and music wete
the chief features of the evening.
Miss Jennie Kennedv, ol Pleasant
Mount, is visiting at the home of Mi.
nnd Mrs. F. A. Peck.
The Woman's Chilstian Tempei nice
union will give a dime state p.nloi
meeting at Mis. William Page's homo
next Monday evening. Refreshments
will be seived and a musical entcitaln-m-nt
will be given. Everybody wel
come. On Tilday evening, Feb 19, the Young
People's society ot the Piesbyleilnn
chinch will slv a mum social at the
home of Maple Bell. Something entiie
ly new. Ale you to keep mum? Just
come and see if you can That Is not
our intention, only for a short time.
We piomlse you a good time; a fine
progi amine and excellent lefreshments,
This is our pait of the contract. Youis
is to come youtself, bring your ft lends,
btlng oui dime.
J. A. Bairon is circulating a petition
piajlng that the postofllce be moved
to his block on Lincoln street.
A number of our young people attend
ed tho dancing class at Thtoop last
The election hero on Tuesday lesult
ed In a vlctoiy for the Citizens' paitj
The following is a list of the candi
dates elected: Buigess, Moirls AVeiss,
tax collector, Theodoro Wleland; audi
tor, John Wleland; for council, Second
waul, William Summers; council, Third
waid, James Twlss; for school dliector,
Second wuid, Robert Builelgh, and
school director, Third waid, Fred Kle-
At the boiough election on Tuesday
Republicans elected burgess, tw o school
dltectois, auditor, collectoi, poor master
and one Inspector, while the Demociats
captured two councllmen, one school
dliector, judge of election and one In
spector. Those elected aie as follows:
Buigess, J. W. Billings; councllmen, A.
W. Stephens nnd Geoige S. Haidlng,
school directors, E S. Wheeler and J.
E. Hat ding (full teim), and M. Shields,
jr , one vear to fill vacancy of Benjamin
Pediick, leslgned, auditor, John Shei
man, collector, J. B, Cornell, poor nias
tei, J. T Bonno, Judge of election. C
M. Paiker, inspectors, C. McConnell
and Bait Gaidnei.
Mrs. D W. Titus went to Harfotd
Tuesday to attend the funeral of trie
J-yeat-old son of II McConnell.
Mr. and Mis Hiram B Wotden, of
Whitney's Point, X. Y, aie vislting
ti lends heie
Spencei Rude, of Tunkhannock, was
impioving the sleighing on out streets
Tuesday. j
Miss Genevieve Bacon and Ralph D
Williams will assist In the conceit to
be given In Scianton this evening for
the benefit of the West Side hospital
rill a bottlp or common glass with
mine and lot it stand twenty -four
houts; a sediment oi settling Indicates
a. diseased condition of the kidneys
When urine stains linen it is positive
evidence of kidney tiouble. Too fre
quent deslie to urinate or pain in the
back, Is also convincing proof that the
kidneys and bladder aie out of order.
WHAT TO 1)1).
There Is comfoit In tho knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the gieat kluney remedy
fulfills eveiy wish In lellevlng pain
In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urlnaiy passages
It corrects inability to hold mine and
scalding pain In passing it, or bad
effect following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to get up
many times timing the night to uil
nate. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp Root Is soon realized
It stands tho highest for Its wonder
ful cures of the most distressing caBes.
If you need a medicine you should have
the best Sold by druggists pi lee fifty
cents and one dollar For a sample
bottle and pamphl6t, both sent free
by mall, mention Tribune and send
your full postofllce addtess to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Rlnghamton, N. Y. Tho
proprietors of this paper guarantee tho
genuineness of this otter.
Mis. H. M. Steever and Miss Jennie
Newiln aie visiting friends in Peckvllle.
Mis. E. r. Snytlei Is suffeiing from a
severe attack of grippe.
Misses Alice Conway and Sarah Mee
han have leturned home after a lew
weeks' visit with friends in Caibondnle.
Miss Anna Malonoy, of Scranton, was
a visitor in town vosteuluy.
The Saislleld fair le-opened on Tues
day ecnlng in their new hall which is
now completed and open for Inspection.
The building is laige and commodious
and the society deserves commendation
for the wotk- they have accomplished
in electing such n stiuctuie. The citi
zens of tho tow n should show theii ap
pieclation by pationlzing the fair now
in in oil ess Their manj valuable at
tleles to be chanced on ami two con
tests will be decided in a few even
ings A large delegation accompanied St.
Mary's choir to Wllkes-Bawe on Mon
dav evening and seveial attended last
Miss Matgaret Kane, of Plttston, Is
the guest ol her slstei, Mrs. J. J. Han
Ion Mi J. Jones, of Scranton, Is visiting
fi lends in town.
Messrs M. F. Judge and Robei t Mooie
of Taylor, weie visitois In town on
Tuesday evening.
Heiinan Cramer, the freight man who
was beilously lnjuied on the cut off on
Monday morning, has regained con
sciousness nt the Plttston hospital and
hopes aie uuu enteitained of his re
covery Chailes Johnson, who has been suf
feiing fiom an abscess duilng the past
few months, left on Monday evening to
undPigo tieatment In the Wilkes-Baire
Helen, the 3-year-old daughter of Ml
and Mis Patrick How aid, of the Noith
End, Is ciitlcally 111.
Election day lesulted in on almost
complete v Ictory for the Democrats Tho
only Republican candidate elected was
M. F. Whalen, foi Justice of the peace.
The following .lie the successful candi
dates Bui ptess Anthony Hcaley.
Couupllmen Coinlius Osboin, Chirles
Rcillev. Justice-M. F. Whalen. Judge
of election, i-'orth disti let John Bi en
nan; South dlstilct, Thomas Mcllugh.
Inspeetois-M. J. McAndiew, Thomns
Mcllile. Tax collectoi, P A. Bovle.
School dlrectois Philip Clifford, Au
di evv O Mnlley. Auditois John Dotan,
John F. Mitchell.
The election of borough officers here
Tuesday was exciting. Never before
has such Interest been manifested and
veiy few straight votes were cast. In
the Fit st waul, D. W. Sampson, the
Democratic candidate for buigess, le
celved 120 votes, nnd John B. Fasett
PS. James Kethledge nnd William
Kutz, Democratic candidates for jus
tice of the peace, received 107 nnd 95
votes respectively, while the Republi
can candidates, Peter Ace and O. S
Klnner, lecelved 8R and 07. For school
director in tills ward, J. Wood Piatt
(Dem.), lecelved 11G votes and James E.
Trcar (Rep), 100. Aaron Blown
(Dem.), was elected councilman over
L T. Burnt (Rep ), by a vote of 107 to
72 For Judge of election, Geoige Rob
eits (Rep.), defeated Mai tin Schlatter
by one vote. U. Miner Ross (Dem ) le
celved 90 votes for Inspector and S 11.
Hauling (Rep.) SO. Both will serve. N.
A. McKown (Rep.) for auditoi, lecelved
CD votes, and Unity Slckler (Dem ) 110
J, R Hungerfoul lecelved 87 votes for
tax collector and A. W. Rensliaw
(Dem.) "89.
In the Second ward, for burgess, Fas
sott lecelved 59 and Sampson 88 votes
For justices. Potor Ace lecelved 79,
Kutz 78, Kethledge 70 and Khmer CO
For school ditectoi, B. II. Shook (Rep.)
defeated R C. Cookec 91 to 59 votes
W. Ci Kittredge (Rep) lecelved 87
votes for councilman while Albert Mil
ler lecelved DS. G. B. Frey (Rep.) for
judge of election lecelved 71 votes nnd
Geoige Cooke 71. Ed Furmnn (Rep)
and Sam Fitch lecelved 75 and C7 votes
respectively. Both weie elected. In
the Second waid N. A. McKown le
celved 85 votes for auditoi and Hany
Slckler (Dem.) Go. J. R Hungerfoul
(Rep.), tax collector, lecelved SG and
A. W. Rensliaw G3.
The majorities were as follows: D.
W. Sampson (Dem), for buigess, 91:
James Kethledge and William Kutz
(Dem ), foi Justices, 13 and 9 icspectlve-
ly ovei Peter Ace and II and 37 lespect
hely over O S. Klnner B. H. Shook
(Rep.), for school director, 32; J. W.
Piatt (Dem.), school dliector, 10, W. C.
Kittredge (Rep ), councilman, 29, Anion
Brown (Dem), councilman, 35, J. R
Hungerford, tax colector, 19; Harry
Slckler, auditoi, 23; Geoige Roberts,
judge of election, 1; G. B. Ftey, judge
of election, 3
Absolutely Pure.
Cololirnto'l for its giott losvenius stretiffth
mitl heAlthfnlm"i. Asmuiot tliu food uRiiliiiit
nlum nnd all forms of iiuultorntlou common
to th 3 cheap brands
county, Hint the death ot Piul Rhoads,
ton ot tt. noil-know it lawyei in this pait
of the stnte, was the lesult of contact
with the hotly of a subject on the dis
secting tn'jle at a medical college in
Death was caused hy tuheiculosls, and
It I" f-ald that youn-r Rhoails the
ltibt of thtoe students to die from th
same cause, nil of whom contiacti d the
disease ft om tin same subject
The experience In the dlssectlmj-ioom
vtis two years ago, and soon iltet the
thieo students felt the elfects ot th"
inoculation but at tho time did not. un
derstand the natuieof thelt aflllttlnn.
A llttlo book tint should bo in evetv
home. Isbiicd by tho irunufacturcis J
4 ot tho t
Gail Borden Eagle Brand
1i Condansotl Milk V
onmii Prefers r.cnmmiiiiica(ion to
Gting Up Ilrr Ml potlicnrt.
St. Louis, Feb 17. Miss Josephine
Rowley, a social favorite and member
of an influential Roman Catholic laml
ly, this evening became the wife of Di
W. L "Whipple, a Piotestant.
13y this net, in defiance to the man
dates of Aichblshop Knin, she has
been excommunicated, and it Is be
lieved that hei bildosmaid. Miss Alice
McKlnley, will also be cut off from
the church.
The wedding took place at the home
of the bilde, wheie the ceiemony was
performed by Rev. J. H. George, of
tho Delmar Aenue Congiegatlonnl
From a church and social point of
lew this mnirlage has caused a gieat
deal of comment nnd stiried Roman
Catholic elides to the depth.
N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. K
71 Hudson Street, Hew York t.
Sttcli bargains as we olTer this week
aie worthy of ) our attention. It means
Hue grade goods at about one-third
the cost of manufacture.
The following may gic you a little
idea of some of the bargains:
One small lotof Misses' ami
Children's Coats, assorted
An eluRnnt Bouclo Coat,
linlf Hiltc lined, shield front,
stylish collar, Season's price,
JU.00. now
A Fine Curl 1'ersiim Cloth
Coat, latest cut. lined
throughout with lUindumo
silk. Season's price $10.00,
An elegnnt French Cnter
pillnr Coat, lined throughout
with silk. Sold in the sea- QK CQ
son for &15.00, now oJiJO
A beautiful nstortinent of
Kersey Coats, some silk lined
throughout and some half
lined. Season's price, fS.OO 00 OQ
stud frlO.00, now J). JO
Z. WEINGART, Prop'r.
S .98
Mm I
W. '
runners Urge That Duty on American
Wheat tiiitl rioni He Koinoicd.
"Winnipeg, Man , Feb 17. The domin
ion tariff commlssloneis lecently held
sessions heie, when the farmeis sent
lepiesentathes to uige that the duty
on American wheat and Hour be le
moed, being of no piactlcal benefit to
Canadian faimeis.
This flee trade demand has
so alaimed the millets In this countiy
that they have decided to suspend op
eiatlons until definite announcement
is made tegaidlng the tariff.
The mllleis declate If the United
States wheat and Hour Is admitted to
Canada flee, Canadian milliner Intel -ests
will be luined. But the agilcul
tuilsts seem bent on free tiade with the
United States.
Manufactured nt tho 'Wnpwallopen Mill
Luzerne county, Pa , and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
113 WYOMINd AVENUE, Scranton, P
Third National Hank Building.
THOS. TORD, Plttston, Pa.
JOHN B SMITH &. SON, Plymouth, Pa.
E W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes-Barie. Pa.
Agents for tho Itepauno ChonUcfU Com.
tanj''B Hlsh explosives.
IF'P-tite .-- -fi
We want all the people
to know what hundreds of
our customers know, that
we have punctured pneu
matic prices, that our
goods are seasonable, that
our prices reasonable, and
that nobody is asked to
take an unsatisfactory
garment from our store.
One of the most pleasant sleighing
parties that have left town since the
sleighing season is on, was that which
unt to Wamait Monday evening. A
eiy palatable supper was sered at
the Waymtut hotel, and the osenlng
was pent in sanies ttnd other social
amutements The paity consisted of
the following young ladles and gentle
men: Messts Dave Harils, Archie
Pentecost, H. Hoiton, Fied Iteynolds,
Albert Nichols, A Lowrle, James Hoar,
Heniy Hutan, John Lanir, Warner
Hudd, Misses I'eail Gaid, Renda Hine,
Heena Bouehei. Louise Westgato
Gwennle Chilnths, Anna Thomas and
Ethel Alexandei.
The thiid annual ball ot the Forest
City Maennetchoi vas given In the
opei a house last evening, and the pop
ularity of the annuals ghen by this or
gnnUatlon was agiiiti attested by the
laige attendance The costumes of the
Jolly mastiueiadeis weie of a great a
tiety and many of them ludicious In
the oxtieme Among those that at
tiacted especial attention were the
Ethiopian coachman of Joseph Aclcer
nuui, the now woman of Miss Georgia
Lee, of Jeimyn, and the widow of Mi
chael How ley Among the out-of-town
people In attendance weie: MlbS
Geoigla Leo, of Jeiinyn, Henry AcK
eiman, oi Honesdale, Professoi Moi
gan, of South Gibson; Finnic Kianta
and George Von Heck, of Carbondale.
Dr. J. W McGuite, of Vandllng, has
opened a biancli otllce at Davis' drug
stole. Tills was necessitated by the
doctoi's Inci easing piactlce In this
Tlie Demociate candidate in Tues
day's local election was a poser to the
Republicans yesterday and even the
"I told you so's" are a minus ciuantlty.
Pastor Viillinms Warns His I'locli
Atrninst tho Spoil.
Huillngton, N. J , Teh I". One of the
few dlveislons bf the lesldents of the
little town of BrkVeboio Is shooting
matches. On" day lust week William
V. Hubbs had one of the matches, w hich
was largely attended. Among those on
hand to see It wei" several members of
tlie Methodist church.
On Sunday the pastor of the church,
Rev. Homy G. Williams, spoke on tlie
evils of gambling, and Unallj gave vlg
oious denunciation of the shooting
matches, which, he said, were very sin
ful He said a bad inlluencc smiounds
the sport.
Made a
'"!'. . . mm
istDay. jf Mjp CMrJe'i IVlan
lBthDay.- Qf Me,
tc:l upcat aotlt Day.
proiliicru thonlxmircxultRln CiOdajn. Itact
ixinertull) tuidquicklj Cures ulicn nil others fall
iovfc men ill regain their lost manhood and old
men will leeovet their jontbtul vlttor by nting
i;;:VIVO. It ouicUyamliimcU restores Nenous
Bess, Lott Vltallt), liurotfttcj, Mihtl tmUslons,
Lobt Power, lallinc Memaiy, Wastitiu Dlstatos and
oil effects ot e If nbuho or cxcoKiind indlbcritlon,
which unHU ono for utmly, Initial hs or mairiaRO It
uotonlj curebbv smarting at tho beat ot d.jcase, but
iHagieat nrrtetnnlo and blood builder, bring
iUB back tho pink glow to imlo ohceUs and ro
fctorliiR tho llro of outh. It wards ofl Insanity
and Consumiitton Insist on having in: VI
other. It can bo carried in vent rocket. By mail,
ful.OO per rackace, or els tor O5.O0, with a pool
tivo 'vritten KUiiranteo to euro or rofuml
tho money. Circular f'Lo. Address
tor sulo by MAIIIIEWb UkOj iu;
cist i-i-ru it t o ii. I'u.
Arcade Building,
213 Wyoming Avenue.
Builders' Hardware,
Gas, Plumbing and
Electric Fixtures,
Electric Light Wiring,
Diu from Tuberculosis
ti.'ictctl Wlulo DiscctiiiK.
Telle Haute, Ind , Feb 17. Tho re
port conies fiom Newport, iunllIon
KJ Vf wthr Em k R3 ill ViwJW
1 1
Like biliousness, dsicpsln, hcatlaclie, const!
patlon, sour stonucli Itullgebtlon are 'iiomritly
cured by Hood's 1'llU. They do theii woik
Unprecedented Bargains
In Nottiugliam Curtains, Irish Point, Brussels, Cross
Stripe, Snow Flake Alusseleue and Swiss (both plain and
Attention is particularly requested to our line of
Chenille and Tapestry Curtains and Table Covers, which
are oifered at prices never before quoted in bcrautou.
easily atul thoroughly
Host alter dinner 1I1U).
25 cents All druggist...
Prepired bj C. 1. Hood & Co, I.o.
ell, Mass.
The only l'lll to take with Hood's Sars uiarllLi.
The donation held at the home of 'W
S Fince for the Ilev. A. W. l.,elsve,
pastor of the Uuntlst church, on Wed
nesday evenlnc last was a eiy enjoy-J
able unci piontnljle occasion.
Walter O'Malley leturned to his west
ern home, lu New Mexico, on Monday
Another of the all absorbing' social
gatherings, a card party, Is to be held
nt the home of W. II. Swallow on Fil
day evening of this week.
The broom drill and "Le Parallne"
fntprtn.inmnt. ulilph ivdh nnnnlinnod
In last Saturday's Tribune to occur on J
CANADIAN PACIFIC E'l located the finest llehlng- and hunting
grounds in the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points In
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and
United States Northwest, Vancouver,
Beuttlo, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all tbrought trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may bo had with second-class t'eketa.
Rate always less than via other Hues.
For further information, time tables, eta.
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.,
353 Broadway, New York.
Main Kntrancs to Wyoming House.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.