The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 17, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    ?RJ5v vvigs f js-'I
rimplfn, blotches, blnckhcada, red, rouijh, oily,
motliy Un, Itching, scaly ecalp, dry, thin, nnd
fnlltnq hair, nnJ baby blcmUbcs prevented by
Outicuha Soxr, tho most effective skin purify.
Inp nnil beautlf j Ing soap In the world, as well as
purest and Bwectist for toilet, bath, and nursery.
la 10M tlirouthout the worl.l. Vomit p. Air. C. Cojp ,
Sole l'ropi , Uoilon. of'llowlolleiullfy th Skln,"rrco
Reader"! will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and Items for
publication left at tho establishment pt
Shannon & Co., newsdealers, North Main
(street, vtlll reecho prompt attention; 01
llco open from 8 n. m, to 10 p. m.
Tho f.iicKiuvniiiin nml rortnislitlV
Clubs r.nio) SloiRliridc I'mll-
The members of tho Lackawanna and
Foitnlghtly chilis formed a larpe patty
on Monday evening and enjojed a de
lightful till) to Way mait. The party
who welcomed by Landlord Gruver,
who had taken special caie to provide
a supper for his guests that would do
Justice to tho occasion. A social season
wits spent In dancing and all enjoyed
the delightful party. .
Anions those piesent weio: Messrs.
and Jlesdames W. G. Scurry, J. J. Slnip
bon, W. E. Watt, J. B. Nicholson;
Mei3rs r. J. Hamilton. Albert Crane.
J G. Iloole, Frank Hoole, George Mills,
D L Crane, J. K. Ilollenbeck, George
Paul, Chnrles Pel kins, J. J.Thompson,
Hany Williams, H. G. Likely, L. A.
Patterson. Lyman H. Smith; Misses
Susie Jadwln, Floience Harrison, Ma
bel Jadwln, Lottie Kills, Josephine Burr,
Anna Huson, Geitrude Hnidlng, Mary
"Watt, Lizzie Scurry, Jessie Moore, Ol
ina Hen Ins, Minnie Reynolds, Mrs.
Hannah Leonard; also Mr. aird Mrs.
A. S. Baker and Miss May Albto, of
Mr. nml .llr. Walter Cibbs Celebrate
Their Anniversary.
A largo number of friends congrat
ulated Mr. arrd Mrs. Walter Glbbs ort
Monday evening, when was celebrated
their crystal wedding. William Lewis,
In behalf of a large number of fUncls
presented them a handsome chair as a
token of esteem and as n memento of
the anniversary. In a brief speech he
expressed the kindly feelings of then
Among tho guests were Messrs. and
Mesdumes Juhrr Glbbs, AValter Glbbs,
jr , William Grlfllths, John Kstabiook,
W. Shelly, John Downing. Mrs. Kloh
nrd Glbbs, Mrs. n. Main, Messrs. W. II.
Garren, William Matthews, William
Glbbs, George AV. Box, William Lewis,
"Misses May Giiflltlrs and Laura Glbbs.
Land Company to (Jive a l'eu Acre
. 1'iiik to the City.
The r.ast Park Land company have
offered the city a desirable plot of land
for a park, under very favorable condi
tions regarding Improvements, orna
menting and beautifying the streets to
the amount of five hundred dollars each
year for the tei in of live years, witlr the
pledge to Keep the park In good repair
It Is said that the councllmen are In
favorof the plan offered through Messrs.
Rtocker and Walker, committee of the
The city solicitor has submitted his
opinion to the councils, that they have
a right to enter Into such a contract
for the annual Improvements requited.
Mitchell lloscl'nir.
Tho Watt building was well filled on
the opening night of the fair. About
400 people attended and enjoyed the ex
cellent programme of vocal and Instru
mental selections. Strong attractions
are olleied each evening of this week.
In the room adjoining the hall are
three booths. W. K. Kirby, of North
Church street, has a display of furni
ture and draperies; there are also re
freshment and cigar booths. The en
tertainment last evening was furnished
by the William Walker Hose company,
of Jermvn, assisted by Messrs. Tenny
and Matthew son, artists from New
Arrested for l'ightitrg.
A diunken fight occurred on Archbald
street on Monday evening. A man
named NIcol and several others were
arrested. Alderman Jones hold NIcol
under $1,300 ball on several chaiges.
Announcement Is made of the coming
marriage of Miss May Walker, daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker, of Cot
tage stieet, to Thomas Walsh, of Pow
der ly road. The ceremony will take
place Feb. 24 In the afternoon at St.
Hose church.
A. S. Lewsley, late head clerk In the
furnishing stoie of J. W. Dlmock, has
purchased the stock and good will of
the latter and will shoitly open a
gentleman'3 hat and furnishing stoie.
Mr. Dlmock will devote himself to the
nhoe business exclusively after April 1.
The Northwest colliery was shut
down yesterday In order to give all the
employes an opportunity to vote.
Mrs. Hollenback, of Oak avenue, fell
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades,
Draperies and
Wall Paper. . . .
All the latest designs and colorings
for the sprint; trade. Wc guarantee
mr prices the lowest
Sunday and fractured her right vrm
near the shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs. Blown and family, of
lloriesdale, who have been guests at
the home of Mr. Fred Blown, on Wuyne
street, have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Her belt Benson left yes
terday for Green Hldge, where they will
make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker, of Scranton,
we,re guests of friends In town Monday
11. A. Purple, wife and child are sick
w Ith la grippe,
F. A. Bell, of the firm of Bell & Brown,
Is entertulnlng his mother, Mis. Bell,
of Salem.
Miss May Albro, who has been visit
ing Mlfcs Susie Jadwln, of Blrkett street,
has returned home.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho
dist church will give a supper Wednes
day afternoon and evening, Fob. 21.
They usually give a supper on Wash
ington's birthday, but as that falls on
Monday this year, have deferred It.
Miss Jennie Graves entertained a
small patty of friends at tea Monday
evening at her home on Wyoming
stieet. Among those present were:
Rev. and Mrs. V. J. nalsley, Mrs. Fer
dinand Guyre, of New York; Mesdames
Frank Smith, J. D. Fox, K. Hall, R. W.
Graves, C. O. Mellln, W. Johnson, O. C.
Moore, Chauncey Race and Miss Eliza
The Sunday school classes of Mes
dames John Harvey and Samuel Moon
enjoyed a slelghrlde to Aichbald Mon
day afternoon.
Miss Kate Byrnes, of Scranton, called
on friends In town Monday.
T. H. Elmer and family have moved
Into the house on South Park street
tecently built by John B. Iloyt.
This evening a lodge of the Ancient
Order of the Knights of the Mystic
Chain will be organised by the district
deputy organizer, James Williamson, of
Isaac W. Newton, of this place, was
granted an original pension this week.
Miss Ella McDonough held the lucky
door ticket at the fair which drew a
silk umbrella.
The Knights of Father Mathew Liter
ary and Dramatic society will have an
onteitalnment on Friday evening.
A large number of Carbondale friends
will attend the fair of the Holy Saviour
congtegitlon at Wilkes-Dane, this
The funeial of tho late Thomas Hurd
was held from his residence on Cherry
Ridge at 1 o'clock Monday, Rev. C. A.
Benjamin, of Honesdale, assisted by
Rev. Mr. Rawltngs, of the Ridge, oilj
clated at the obsequies. The esteem In
w Inch deceased was held In his commu
nity was evidenced by the large con
course of friends who followed his re
mains to the Ridge cemetery where In
terment was made. Many of his old
time friends who, like him, had spent
more than half .a century In that vlcln
lti. were piesent to pay a last tribute
ol respect to their leverend neighbor.
The pallbearers were William Wilber,
W. L. Feigusorr, Louis Dean, Hector
Cowles, Philip Reining and Andrew
Wick. Sam Brown was funeral direct
or. Messrs. J. C. and William Beardsall
were ushers.
Our popular clothier, Lee Fov, left
Monday morning for Philadelphia
wheie ho will spend two weeks super
intending the manufacture of his spring
stock. His store will be In charge of his
brother, Benla, during his absence.
A comondable exhibition of large oil
paintings Illustrating the famous An
drew's raid of the late war.accompanled
by a, graphic explanation by V. J.
Knight, the engineer of the date devil
scheme, was given in Mannerchor hall,
Saturday evening. The rapt attention
of a large audience was held during
the whole lecture. The entertainment
was under the auspices of J. Monroe
Thorp post, Grand Army of the Repub
lic. Isaac Blackmore, of Fifteenth street,
while decapitating a chicken a few days
since missed his blow of the weapon
and nearly severed the Index finger
from the left hand. Dr. Plum gave It
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Brooklyn, who
have been the guests of T. V. Taft and
w Ife, of the Lddy, for sev eral days, have
returned to their home.
Mrs. George AmniPiman, of Seelyvllle,
was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Snyder,
on Fourteenth street, over Sunday.
A sur pr Ise party was tender ed to Miss
Emma SteltA orr Laurel hill, Saturday
evening. About twenty of her young
friends enjoyed a gland time.
A mectlns of the Woman's Christian
Temperance union will be held at the
home of Mrs. Grace Collum, orr Fif
teenth street, Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Mrs. J. T. Rodman will pie
side. Rev. Mr. Griffin, formerly of Blng
hamton occupied the pulpit In the Meth
odist Episcopal church last Sunday In
tho absence of Rev. A. W. Cooper, who
was called from town on account of the
serious Illness of a relative.
Mr. John Pethlc, of Carbondale, was
entertained by friends at the Eddy
Pike county sldp, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Footo spent
Sunday at the home of his father, Mr
Ebfn Focte.
Superintendent Harrison, of Wllkes
Bnrro, was a v:'tor at the MethodlH
Episcopal par.sonage on Saturday.
Mr. Thomas Ward returned orr Tues
day to his duties at the East Strouds
burg Normal tehool, after a few days'
visit with his parents In this place.
Jane, the 21-year-old daughter of Wil
liam Carey, met with a serious accident
while coasting on the Old Forge hill
on Monday evening. She lost control of
her sled and went crashing Into the
large storre wall at the bridge. She re
ceived n deep cua In the head and was
badly bruised.
Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Smiles was made merry on Thursday
evening by a number of friends from I
this place and Duiyea, who had gath
ertd to spend the evening with them
The hours weie pleasantly parsed and
refioshments were seived. The Misses
Anna and Agnes Niehol helped to re
Mi. John E. Wilson, of Yostville, was
a visitor in town on Monday.
Don't forget the entertainment at the
Brick church Wednesday evening, Feb.
2k. One of the bpecial features of the
evening will be a wand drill by twenty
two girls in costumes.
Mr. John Caiey Is still In a ci It leal
All aie Invited to attend the oyster
supper at the Methodist Episcopal
church on Saturday night.
Rev. W. G. Feurk 13 still confined to
his bed.
The condition of the sidewalks
throughout town lemalns unchanged.
If our council will not take some action
In this matter It Is probably time for
the citizens to take the matter In hand.
Any English speaking voleis who are
compelled to cast their votes In the
Thlid ward will tlnd It necessary to
cairy an Interpreter along when bal
loting. The election here yesterday was hot
ly contested all through. The many
candidates and frlerrdsi watched the
polls very closely and votes were
challenged frequently.
Miss Theresa O'Hnra, of Duryea, Is
visiting lelatlves In town.
An entertainment and ball for the
benefit of Luke McGulre. who was re
cently Injured at the Richmond col
liery, will be held nt Fadden's hall orr
Monday evening, Febiuarv 22.
The Prlceburg high school alumni
are making elaborate preparations for
their annual select social to be held
In Fadden's hall on the evening of
February 20.
Lewis McLoughlln, of Upper Main
stieet, Is suffering from a severe cold.
Rev. R. M. Rodeilck Is conducting
revival services In Traceyville.
Mr. A. J. Rehbeln Is on a business
trln to Chlcngo and other western
Miss Blood and MIbs Helen Baker
have been visiting friends In Blngham
ton for the past two. weeks.
Word received from Miss Harriet
Rockwell, who Is Irr Bordentown, N.
J., sick with typhoid fever, states that
she Is past the danger point In her Ill
ness. The Martha Washington supper by
the ladles of the Presbyterian church,
given annually on February 22, Is
looked forward to ns the event of the
season. This year It promises to eclipse
that of founer years.
The "Boy Tramp," who Is drawing
latge houses throughout the county,
will be at the opera house Wednesday
and Thuisdny evenings of this week.
Mr. G W. Decker left on Tuesday
morning to attend the funeral of his
sister, Mrs. Helen M Wilcox, whose
death occuned in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sat
urday evening.
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Kellow
took place Monday afternoon.
Mr. arrd Mlrs. W. B. Holmes and
daughter, Daisy, returned Saturday
evening from Red Lands, California,
where they have been spending the
winter for the benefit of the health of
the daughter. Miss Holmes Is resting
comfortably after the long journey, but
Is In a feeble condition.
A delegation of Honesdale Odd Fel
lows will visit Wangum lodge, of Haw
ley, on Wednesday evening.
Miss Ida Pell spent Sunday
Scranton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Neill called
orr May field friends yesterday.
Mrs. John Connolly spent Sunday
with her mother.
Joseph Ackerman returned yester
day ftom a visit with Honesdale
G. M. Petterson, of Carbondale, was
In town yesterday orr business.
Samuel Jennings was a visitor at
Scranton yesterday.
Rev. G. U. Stone, pastor of the Meth
odist Episcopal church. Rev. P. B.
Kennedy, of the Presbyterian, and Rev.
J. G. Evans, of the Congregational
church, are taking part in the Sunday
school convention at Clifford today.
Mrs. Louisa Griggs, accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. Manzer, of South Gib
son, are 111 at the home of Zllla Wescott.
Both nre seriously 111.
The Forest City band and the Men
delssohn Glee club composed two sleigh
loads of merry makers that went to
Her lick Saturday night. They were
enjoying themselves when a third par
ty of local toughs interrupted them
and precipitated a geneial light, which
broke up the party.
Miss Mabel Stone, who has been 111,
Is convalescing.
Mr. Sam Whaling, who was Injured
by being thrown from his wagon while
driving a spirited pair of horses, is
B. jr. Thompson, of Elmira, spent
Sunday at the Waverly House.
Mr Jesse E. Case is not recovering
from his Illness as rapidly as his friends
wish for.
Razors ground and honed at Martin
Bold's barber shop.
The funeral of Mrs. Nettle Bailey,
nee Walker, w Ife of Charles Bailey,
took place last Saturday at 1 p. in.
from her late home. Rev. A. Bergen
Biovve, of the Baptist church, con
ducted the funeral services. Inter
ment was made at Hickory Grove cem
etery. The following weie pall-bear-
ors: B. E. Parker, William Hall, Jonn
Peny, Albeit Johnson, William Doty
and Eber Doty.
The real estate of the late Pardon
Covey was sold by the administrator,
W. D. Spencer, last Saturday after
noon, Bert Spencer being the purchaser.
Hon. N. C. Mackey left yesterday for
Mrs. S. S. Kennedy Is visiting at
There will be a suoper given under
the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society
at the Pilmltlve Methodist church this
evening. All are Invited to attend.
Stomach, sometimes called -vaterbrash,
and burning pain, distress, nausea,
dyspepsia, are cured by Hood's Sarsa
parillu. This it accomplishes because
with its wonderful power us a blood
puiiiier, Hood's Sai&apurilla gently
tone-j and strengthens the stomach and
digestive organs, invigorates the liver,
creates an appetite, gives retreshing
sleep, and laises the health tone. In
cases of dvspcpsiu and indigestion it
seems to iiave "a magic touch."
"For over 12 years I suffered from sour
with bevero pains across my shoulders,
and great distress. I had violent nnuEea
which would leave me very weal: and
faint, difficult to get my breath, Theso
snells camo oftener and more severe. I
did not receive any lasting benefit from
physicians, but found such happy effects
from a trial of Hood's Sarsaparllla, that I
took several bottles and mean to always
keep It In the house. I am now able to
do all my own work, which for six years
I havo been unablo to do. My husband
and son have also been greatly bene
fited by Hood's Sarsaparllla for pains in
the back, and after the grip. I gladly
recommend this grand blood medicine."
Mrs. I'ktkb. Burby, Leominster, Mass.
la tile One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
77 7! r.ii cureall Liver Ills and
nOOUS PlllS Sick Headache, weeuu.
Great Gathering of Crows at Hickory
Other Intelligent Anlmitls--Jnincs
McCloild's Horse Has lilt-lit Legs.
She Selected a Ilimtmiiil With u
Locust Itiisli NittuuroiiH Poets nt
Moritroso-Muimoii Converts.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Susciuehanna.Feb. 10. There was a
gieat gathering of crows near the Kile
station at Hickory Glove a few morn
ings ago. Flock after Hock poured Into
a piece of woods near that station.
Their llight was so continuous that
they obscured the sun. They came
from tho north. The noIe made bv
their cawing was deafening. Men and
boys shot them by the score lis they
swooped down Into the woods, which
became for a time a veiltable old-time
crow-roost. The firing of guns only
frightened such of the crows as wete
nenr the gunners, and they only rose
to alight In another tree. The noise
they made was kept up until darkness
settled over them. Once In awhile in
the night the blanch of borne tree,
which was overloaded with birds,
would bieak with a crash berreath their
weight. Then there would be a great
cry and clamor and rush of wings
among the ciows thus suddenly de
prived of a roosting place, until they
regained a foothold elsewhere. ThMr
noise could be heard a mile away.
Early the next morning the great mass
began to stir and they Hew awav In
flocks until the woods were again free
of them. They were more than an
hour In getting away. Dead crows
and broken branches littered the grove
from one end to the other.
The Jefferson branch society of Chris
tian Endeavor will hold a convention
In the Susquehanna Presbyterian
church on Wednesday next. Rev. Dr.
Edward Taylor, of Blnghamton, Is
among the speakers announced.
The Susquehanna shirt factory may
not materialize, after all, there being
a hitch In the final arrangements.
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of
Hibernians, will have a grand field day
June 29. About fifteen neighboring
divisions will bo Invited. The pro
gramme will Include a grand parade, a
picnic In Beebe Paik, a musical and
literary entertainment In Hogan oseia
hoube, and midnight fireworks. The
national and state olllcers will be pres
The Presbyteiians will hold a congre
gational meeting on Thursday evening,
to take Into consideration the sublect
of electing a new chinch edifice,
Susquehanna was quite largely rep
resents at the recent Bradley Martin
ball In New York city. Few regrets
weii bent. Returning, a number of
Great Bend guebts were unavoidably
sidetracked en route, as they came In
box eais.
Miss Kate Hotehklss, of Wlnslow,
has the most precocious cat In the state
of New Yolk. Entirely Ignoring the
time-honored "cat-hole" In the kitchen
door, when desiring to enter the house,
it will walk lelsurply up to the front
door, and, standing upon Its hind legs,
pull the bqll knob, until Its mistress
opens the door. It evidently loves the
sound of the bell, for when the door Is
opened It will continue to pull the knob
until dilven away.
Dr. S. I. Engle, of Susquehanna, has
a music-loving kitten. At the first
sound of the piano It will spring upon
the Instrument and remain theie until
Its mistress ceases playing. Quite
often it will run backward and forward
over the keys, evidently to lrear the
beautiful discord. Before this fad of
the kitten wab discovered, the sourrd
of the piano In the small hours of the
night led the family to believe that
supernatuial hands were manipulating
the keys. The doctor Is endeavoring
to teach the kitten the scale.
A district Sunday school Institute
will be held in Montrose on Thursday
Mormon "missionaries" havo made
seventeen converts in Forest City.
"And there are more to follow "
E-County Commissioner Jerry Ste
phens hus removed to NIcholbon.
The Brandt chair factory has been
placed orr nine hours' time, an Increase
of an hour. Tho advance agent of
piosperlty Is climbing the Jefferson
branch mountains.
The Filendsville Literary and Dra
matic company will piesent the Iilsh
comedy, "Old People," February '2'i.
There are not enough Democrats in
Great Bend township to hold a caucus.
Ilallstead Is overrun with crayon
portrait agents.
Next spring about twenty new cot
tages will be erected at Ciystal Lake.
Years ago there was a young lady
in Susquehanna county who had two
sweatheai ts, and, not being able to de
cide between the two, she set out two
wild locust bushes In the ward, naming
one for each of her lovers, believing
In the old adage: "If he loves me that
bush will grow", and "accoidlng to hei
lalth, so It happened unto her." One
of the bushes very soon withered, but
the other nourished, and In the course
of time she mauled the gentleman
for whom the bush wus named They
raised a large family, who are well
known throughout several counties,
and the locast bush also grew and
multiplied. Time has laid lre the
Spot where the old dwelling stood, and
nothing remains to mark the spot of
this once happy home but the locust
hushes, of .hlch there is a complete
hedge about one hundred yards In
Montrose has eleven poets. A
wlpked person at our elbow suggests
that the bebt thing about them Is
their melUIIUous silence, and the (act
that they are seldom heard of, except
In statistics.
Great Hend Is striving hard to keep
up with the procession. But It still has
a toll-gate a relic of barbarism.
A Iilnghamton poet Is out with some
winter verses and warrts to know
will love grow cold?" It will, this
weather, If it lingers by the front gate.
Anent tho Mormon Imbiogllo at For
est City, pel haps those Duudafflte
"missionaries" might try their (1st at
converting those wicked mormon eld
ers u In Forest City. It would be
easier work than going to Africa or
Susquehanna and much sater! And
a mormon temple In Forest City would
be something dreadful!
The man who wants to see a mais
convention of tho candidates for the
postolllces In the State should not over
look the next annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Editorial association.
And you can't find a lnoie deserving,
Intelligent, capable set of gentlemen
In nil the commonwealth.
The Susquehanna Maenerchor will
hold a masquerade ball, February 23.
Rov. Dr. Oltnstead, pastor of the
Tabernacle Methodist church In Blng
hamton, will deliver a lecture In the
Susquehanna Methodist Episcopal
church, February 23.
A 'charity concert will bo held In
Hogan Opera House, February 25, un
der the auspices of the St. Vincent de
Paul society.
The Young Men's Dancing Club w 111
hold a ball at tho Stnnucca House,
February 19.
It was a wlso man who said: "Don't
marry until you can suppoit a wife.
Rend the papers. Advertise your busi
ness. Love your God and -your fellow
A cottage will not hold the bulky
fuinltuie and sumptuous accommoda
tions of the mansion, but If love be
theie, the cottase will hold as much
happiness ns might stock a palace.
Why Is It that your umbrella Is al
ways at the wrong end of tho line
when you want to use It? You don't
have It, arrd the junn you borrowed
It of doesn't hav'o it, either!
Wonder "when we get to heaven"
whether there will be any distinction
made between tho follows who make
long piayeis, but conveniently close
their eyes when the contribution box
Is passed, and the chaps who swear a
little once In a while but never forget
a f i lend In need, and always tiy to help
a man up when he Is down?
James McCloud, of Gulf Summit, has
an eight-legged hoi&e. It Is a marvel
neither as a trotter nor racer. Ills
supposed value lies In the fact that
he has eight feet. The division begins
at the postern or lower end of the
shin bone, arrd In each case there are
two peifectly formed hofofs, one of
which Is large and useful, and the
other, about one-third the usual size.
Is wholly ornamental. All eight hoofs
on each horse, might be shod, If It was
desirable to do so, but It would be a
waste of four shoes to each horse, be
cause the four extra hoofs do not come
within three Indies of the -giound.
They are possibly developments of the
suppressed toes or "splints." The horse
does not seem to be Incommoded by
too much footing.
R. N. Randall, superintendent of the
Coburrr whip vsorks, In Wilson, died orr
The funeral of Freeman Tlngley, an
old resident of Harford, occurred on
The Eile Is having; a fair run of
f i eight. In a few months, aided by a
Republican administration and the re
sultant confidence of the business
vvoild, buslnes will besltl to boom. So
might It be! Whitney.
- -
Gospel meetings are being held every
night In the Baptist church by Rev.
II. I. Hlgglns, ,of Chester, Mass. Much
Interest Is being manifested by all, and
the result Is that many are being per
suaded to lead a better life.
Miss Beulah Cooper Is visiting with
her grandparents at Nicholson for a
few days.
Henry Wehrum Is removing- some
large pine trees fiom the farm of Al
fred Griffin and setting- them out on
his place, which will greatly add to
the beauty of his home.
W. J. Koch has accepted a position
at the Hotel Jetmyn, Scranton.
Dr. J. C. Bateson will remove with
his family to Seianton April 1.
The Scranton Gas and Water com
pany are making Improvements on their
land recently purchased by them fiom
the Union Tanning company.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Buckingham en
tertained sleighing parties from Scran
ton on Sundav.
Miss Lottie Clay is visiting friends
at Seianton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Masters visited
friends at Hollistervllle Sunday last.
Charles- Koch has returned from a
business trip to Bangor, Pa.
Keep up hope. There are
thousands of cases where re
covery from Consumption
has been complete. Plenty
of fresh air and a well-nourished
body will check the
progress of the disease. Nu
tritious foods are well in their
way, but the best food of all
is Cod-liver Oil. When
partly digested, as in Scott's
Emulsion, it does not dis
turb the stomach and the
body secures the whole bene
fit of the amount taken. If
you want to read more about
it let us send you a book.
SCOTT & BOWNF, New .ork.
nro located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds In the world. Descrlptlvo boons
on application. Tickets to all points In
Halne, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
tnate3ot-NoVthwesr Van"ouver.
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Gars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding;, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may bo had with second-class t'ekets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time tables, etc..
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
353 Broadway, New York.
Ladles' and Children's Wear.
Seal and Plush Sncqucs,
Carpets and Feather Ucds
L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave.
Prom Mrs. JamoB Oorrltrnn.
For seventeen yeaVs I have suffered.
Periods were, so very painful that I
would have to go to the doctor every
lie said that I had nn enlargement of
tho womb, and told my husband Unit I
must undergo nn
operation, ns 1 had
tumors In tho
womb, and it
vvuu a case of
lifu or death.
I was ope
rated upon
twice, but it
did not seem
to do mo any
good, it mado
nro very weak.
I was troubled
with the leu
corrhcoa u
great deal.
I also suffer
ed with the
sick headache,
spells, back
ache nil the
time, terrible pain in my left side, chills,
loss of appetite, and could not bleep
nights. After taking beveral bottles of
Lydia 11 I'lnkhirm's Vegetable Com
pound, .some Liver I'ills, and using your
Sanative Wash, 1 recovered.
I can eat well, and every one that
sees me tells me I am a diflcrcut per
son. I can do all rrry own work, sleep
well nnd foul well. 1 am growing
stronger every day, and am able to go
out arrd enjoy a walk and not feel all
tired out when I return, as I used to. I
doctored for sixteen years, and in all
those years I did not feel as well as 1 do
at the present time. I wish that every
woman that is troubled as I was, would
try that medicine. Oh 1 it is so good
to feel well, and it is all owing to Mrs.
Pinkham's kind advice and medicine.
Mrs. Jamks Coriuoan, 2S4 Center St.,
Jamaica Plain, Mass.
'Manufactured at tho Wapwallopcn Mill
Luzcrn5 county, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 VVYOMINO AVENUE, Scranton, P
Third National Bank Building.
TH03. FORD. Plttston, Pa.
JOHN B SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes-Barre. Pa.
Agents for tho rtepauno Chemical Com.
tally's Hish Explosives.
Made a
latDay. 'ii fl y JMy e" Man
lBthDay. "SMfflfT' of Mfi.
THE GREAT 30th Iloy.
produces the nboi e results in 30 ilaj-8. It act
PowcrfuUyandquicUy. C'urts when all otrcrsfaiL
lou-K men will regain their let manhood, nud old
mtu .111 recoei their jouthful visor by using
IIIIVIVO. It qulclfl and bmtly restorer Xenons
nets, Lott Vltalltj, Impotency, Mghtly UuUslono,
Lost Poner, 1'allliig Memoiy, Wastlmt Dls,eaies,and
all cirecta of self abuse or exceu,and IndUcretlon,
rhlch unfits ono for s'udj , business or marriage It
not onl cures by Parting at the 8f at of d.sease. but
la a gnat ncrto tonlo and blood builder, bring
ing back tho plult plow to tinlo checks and re
ttorlng the lire of jouth. It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIVO, no
other. It can bo carried in cst pocket By mall,
S1.00 per package, or six for 83.00, with ti posl
tlvo written Kunruntco to euro or refund
thomonoy. Circular free. Address
lor bulo b .MA'lllir.WS lirtUj siu,i
uist bcruuton. Pa.
fggfa ".war R e V I VO
i'mStMS- m 3 sH
We are. not actually GIVING AWAY CARPETS,
but we are selling them at astonishingly low prices,
and you can select from the most complete stock in
Scranton. No pdds and ends. NEW GOODS, LAT
grade and price represented. All goods purchased
Compare our prices and quality and CONSULT
YOUR OWN INTERESTS by making your selections
while the present low prices prevail.
Opp- Alain Entrancs
to V online HouS'
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
Such bargains ns we olTcr this week
arc worthy of your attention. It means
fine grade goods at about one-third
the cost of manufacture.
The following may give you a little
idea of some of the bargains :
Ono small lot of Misses' ami
Children's Coats, nssorted
An elegant liouclo Cont,
half silk lined, shield front,
stylish collar. Season's price,
J0.00. now
A Fine Curl Persian Cloth
Coat, latest cut. lined
throughout with Ithadnmo
silk. Season's price $10.00,
S .98
An elegant French Cntor
pillar Coat, lined throughout
with silk. Sold iu tho sea- QK OQ
sou for 51G,00, now $J,JO
A beautiful assortment of
Keisoy Coats, some silk lined
tmougnout nntt some hall
lined. Season's price, $8.00
and 5-10.00, now
FROM 14.00
We want all the people
to know what hundreds of
our customers know, that
we have punctured pneu
matic prices, that our
goods are seasonable, that
our prices reasonable, and
that nobody is asked to
take an unsatisfactory
garment from our store.
Arcade Building,
213 Wyoming Avenue.
Builders' Hardware,
Gas, Plumbing and
Electric Light Wiring.
Carpets and Draperies.