The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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ICopyrlRlil, 1S97,
Clrralil .Tlnyburn, n . romantic yotniB
-tnorlriin traveling; ' In central Krunrc,
conies to the town or Clermoiit'Keminil,
In the department of Puy do Lome, named
after tlio luoimtnln so railed. He IIihIh nt
the same hotel two American Kills, Miss
Miriam Lowell nnd n friend, from lloston.
He Is attracted by Miss Lowell nnd en
deavors to make her acquaintance, but
she and her friend Ignore him.
1'AKT It.
The next morning bo wns up early
di'llbi-ratfly up onrly but, ttlsn! IWIsR
l.mvell and bor friend were ii earlier,
nnd bnd frnno out "for the day,"
nvidnnip believed.
Hnyburn strolled about the town In
tin- vague hope of runnitiff across them
somewhere; but thoy were not at tin?
cathedral nor nt the Church of Notre
I)aine-du-l'ort, nor nt'any of thu other
points of interest where it was their
duty to be.
As for himself, ho could hardly hnve
imagined his being entirely unim
pressed by the building wherein Pope
Trimn held the council that proclaimed
tli" first crusnde, yet such wns the
painful fnct; and bis following days
were spent In excursions to Itoyat, to
the ruined towers of Mont-ltognon and
to the great plntenu of rieiRovla. where
Tafsar lecelved his famous defeat at
the hands of VorchiKotorlx; excursions
that were signalized by an entirely iml
firni bnd fortune as to company, and
by nn entirely uniform lack of Interest
or impressions. At one point he got
scraps of intelligence to the effect that
two foreign young ladles bnd been nt
the spot the day before; at others. Hav
ing floundered out of the depths In
French, he wns, as a consequence, sent
en wild-goose chnses across the coun
try perhnps to find nothing, perhaps
to find the chnse materialized Into a
brace of unsavory peasantesses. In
the hotel It was the same or worse. Ills
xisienee was absolutely ignored, pre
cisely as was that of the French
At first Hnyburn had been supremely
disappointed and upset by his lnck of
pi ogress, but, Inter, he began to drift
back Into u normal condition. Tf two
young women chose to be so confound
edly distant under circumstances where
the most conventional might bo ex
pected to relax just a trllle toward one
whom they must know to be n fellow
countryman and a gentleman, it meant
one of three things. Hither they didn't
like his looks, or they hadn't sense
(.noURh to know when they could afford
to be cordial, or they were too Inde
pendent and "new" to be of any earth
ly use to a rational man. He did not
like to come to the first of these con
clusions, and what he had seen and
heard hardly warranted either of the
others, but It wns quite evident that
he was at a social standstill, and some
theory was necessary to restore his
mental equilibrium. They evidently
didn't want to know him. Well, they
needn't, and thnt settled It.
Luckily for Hnyburn, he was blessed
witli one of those minds that can live
up to a philosophy once determined
upon. Ills desertion of law for leisure
showed as much, nnd, therefore, when
be arose the following morning, it was
with hardly a thought of the unap
proachable JIIss Howell or the inde
pendent Miss Hodges and with a very
lively Interest In a walk he had planned
for that day and the next a visit to
the summit of the Pny do Dome and
the ruins of the temple of Mercury, that
surmount It.
Ills expectations were not unre
nllztd, for, by the time the summit was
reached, the sharp cold of the atmos
phere, the magnificent panorama, and
the joy of rummaging amid the ruins
of a building whereof Caesar wrote,
all united to banish dreams of unap
preclativo femininity, nnd, when he re
tired to rest that night in the guest
chamber of the observatory, he heartily
congratulated himself that lie was once
more a free man.
It was noon of the following dny. He
bad hesitated for awhile as to whether
to descend by the roundabout path
be had climbed, or whether to strike
straight down by a steep, but practic
able way that would cut off about three
miles nnd meet tli" Clermont-Ferrnnd
road veil to the westward. A decision
had scarcely been made in favor of the
longer route, nnd so made, be it said,
lii a measure because It was the longer,
vhen he became aware that he was not
alone on the plateau. A Utile above
mid among the ruins he described two
By CMetoe Ross9
Autlior 01 "TJie Scarlet Coat."
This 3s a story of Revolutionary days, by
a writer who has made that field of fiction his
own. A British lover and his American sweet
heart, as well as General Washington, are
among the characters displayed.
Pullhdd Osborne
familiar figures clad In tramping gowns
of dark gray cloth". Evidently they had
driven over thnt morning In fnct, now
that he recalled It, he bnd noticed a
carriage stop nt the little hostelry nt the
loot of tho path that wound up the east
ern slope.
For a moment ho feared thai be wnn
nbont to experience a relapse, nnd had
Miss Howell so much as vouchsafed him
n glance, his fear inlgh't have been
realized. Hut no. Although he was
w Mm xNw;
Ml I --
quite positive Hint she must have seen
and recognized him, yet, new as ever,
she and Miss Hodges wore absorbed In
each other's conveisntlon, tempered
only by the ruins and the view. The
perilous moment had pascd and, with
a mildly profane growl, Kayburn be
gan the descent.
Somewhat to bis surprise, there wns
no carriage walling at the hosteliy
when he reached It and stopped to
lunch, but a single question, which lie
considered an entirely Innocuous dis
play of interest, disclosed the fact that
niesdenieoisellef had sent their convey
ance back with the announcement that
they Intended to walk home by n short
er route "Ah! what walkers you Eng
lish are!" Kayburn did not trouble
himself to correct the blunder as to na
tlnnnllty. and an hour Inter be set
out on bis return.
Skit ting the mountain, he swung
gradually toward the west. Ills blood
was tingling In his veins, stung to re
newed visor by the pure air of the
region. Had he been Caesar, Ver
clngelorlx must hnve struggled to
maintain himself on Gergovia. Had
he been Verclngetorlx, not all the
forces of Home could have dislodged
him. With him it was one of those
tare, glotious moments when the man.
healthy in mind nnd body, feels him
self to be an Irresistible force.
Suddenly he wus aware of half a
dozen dusty cavalrymen grouped In
the road, and the next moment he was
halted by the, "Qui Vive?" of a ser
geant. Explanations followed, and he
learned that It was the afternoon set
apart for the uttlllerj practice of the
Thirteenth army corps, Yes, the road
was closed during the practice by two
cavnliy deinils ylneed about two miles
apart; for the guns played lrectly over
It, and It would be very dangerous for
any one to attempt to cross the line of
lire. Then there was more talk, nnd
finally the seruennt admitted, ufter re
peated consultations with his time
piece, that the firing would not begin
for nn hour nearly, and thnt. If mon
sieur would hasten very rapidly, he
might pass.
Monster would hasten yes, with
entirely sufficient speed to cover two
miles In nn hour, and thoy parted with
mutual felicitations.,
As he walked on, Itnyburn's eyes
sought, from tlmo to tlnlo, the summit
of the great Puy. Then he reached
the point whore the telegraph lino
which marked the short cut, struck the
hlghwny, and, a few moments later,
the targets entile In View; n dozen
grent frames of unpnlnted boards, per
haps fifty ynrds south of the rood,
stretching away for more tlian half a
mile, and looking llkei tho wrecks of
whut might once hnve been American
waysldo advertisements, lie had not
noticed thcin at all the day before.
Far over, on a range of low hills a
mile and a half or Pwo miles to the,
northward, his eyes caught the glint
of sunlight upon metal. That wns
wheio the batteries must be, and Hny
burn reflected upon the utter Inconsld
erntness of European militarism.
Surely tho targets could ns well have
been set n few hundred ynrds further
north, nnd the jmbllo Inconvenience
occasioned by closing n main highway
for several hours In each month, readi
ly avoided; but, while be thought he
quickened his pace a trllle, lest the
sergeant's watch or memory might
have played him false.
Soon the line of targets wns passed,
and then tho enstern detnll came In
view, nil gesticulating wildly.
Hnyburn was beginning to feel ag
grieved and provoked nt the whole tif-
fnlr, nnd when he gained the point nt
which they were stationed, he was In
the humor to amuse himself by feign
ing entire ignorance of French; a pro
ceeding which his friends might hnve
criticised ns smacking more of earnest
than piny.
"Are there more of you Anglese com
ing?" shouted the setgeant In com
mand, raising his voice anu speaking
with wonderful rapidity upon the cus
tomary theory of enforcing compre
hension. Then suddenly Rnyburn com
prehended nnd grew white. The whole
sltuntlon Unshed through his mind on
the instant. Those girls were to de
scend the south side of the mountnin.
Thnt would bring them within the
lines of the closed road. They would
be entirely unwarned of their danger
until they encountered It. Perhnps
they would delay until the practice
was over? but no, It would continue till
dark and they would surely count upon
tenoning Clermont-Ferrand before
then. Possibly, barely possibly, the
observatory men would inform them,
but most probably these knew noth
ing nbout the practice, seeing they had
not warned him; and, anyway, with
the customary Indifference of the
French lower middle classes, they
would be more apt to leave such warn
ings to those whose duty It wns to
give them.
Heedless of whatever construction the
sergeant might put upon his sudden
Ungual enlightenment, Haybutn has
tened to Inform him, us well ns i
could, of the danger that menaced. Tn
fnrtunntr ly, however.the man w:is hope
lessly dull. He was simply nn old sol
dier an ignorant peasant who bad been
conscripted peihaps thirty years back,
remained in the army through force of
linbil, and dually risen to his present
place as a thoroughly perfected piece
of military machinery. Of his infonn-
ant's pro in t acquisition of French, he
took no notice, doubtless ascrlblnfj It to
the loudness and ruiildlty with which
he himself bad spoken, but to all Hay
burn's appeals he was stolidly obdurate.
Tho younx Indies expected to descend
they Puy inside the lines? Well, they
must take the consecpucntcs of such an
Irregular proceeding. As for hlins-df,
he had been posted where he was w Ith
orders to let no one pasa within. That
lie would do; but as for deserting bis
post or ordering one of his men to do mj,
tor the purpose of savins foreign wom
en who were fools "Norn do Uleu!" it
wus Impossible and he settled himself
down on his hoiso.while his xay mus
taolies bristled out wltb horror at the
mere thought of such an independent
Heybutn was in despair. Would the
oillcer then permit him to retrace his
way m the path and turn the ladle
back ?
Most ceitalnly tho oillcer would not,
ITe had been ordered to prevent. jurit
that very thins, nnd, ."oiier than i'uli
In so clear a duty, ho would let every
v. oman In thu world be blown into a
thousand pieces,
1 F
"Would persons passing nlong' the
road be In very serious danger?" liny
burn naked, with a vngue hope thnt the
minuet' might contradict what he knew
to be tho fnct. ' ,
The Fienchinnu laughed scornfully
at such Ignorance. Most nssuiedly they
would; else the genet nl would be n fool
to close the highway during practice.
A slight depression oh, so slight a de
pression of the sruns would sweep tho
load clear. Often they struck It many
times before getting the range.
Hnyburn recollected with a sensation
of nddltlonnl horror Hint there was" not
even the semblance of a ditch along the
stretch fronting the targets nothing
but un absolute level of road and lipids
There was no hope but In some Of tha
chances that might delay no might
hasten them; for now, far across the
plain, he could mnke out two figures,
To bo Concluded.
Its Winter Spree.
The gas pipe, the organ pipe.
The smoker's pipe of elny,
Are sober things we long have learned
to trust.-
Hut the water pine a paradux
When fi Igid grows the day,
Is pi one to go and get upon a bust.
Washington Times.
Thousands of women are cast-up dead
on the shores of life because of their own
ignotance or neglect. No woman can be
free from pain, or safe from the uvor-thrent-cuing
breakers of death, who neglects to
take proper care of the organs that con
stitute her womanhood. A woman who
neglects her womanly-self will be sickly,
nervous, pain-racked and fretful, and ap
proaching maternity will ben menace of the
grave. It is easy for a woman to avoid thjs
fciiffering and danger.
Wise women know that Dr. I'iercc's Fa
vorite Prescription is a marvelous remedy
for those troubles that make a woman's life
miserable, and fill the period of prospect
ive motherhood with fears. It is the dis
covery of an eminent and skillful specialist,
Dr. U. V. Pierce, for Unity yen's chief con
sulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, at, N. Y. Over
90,000 women have testified to the almost
mitaculous action of this wonderful remedy.
It works directly on the organs distinctly
feminine. It makes them strong and
healthy. It cures all weakness and disease.
It tneparcs for wKehood and motherhood.
It uisuies baby's health and makes its ad
vent easy and nearly painless. Druggists
Bell it. Nothing else is "just as good."
Mrs. fi. A. Cou'ior, of Allcgliany Spring, Mont
gomery Co., Va writes: " My daughter, aged 15
years, had n gotttc coming on her neck ami it
disfigured her very much 1 mil happy to say
that it has disappeared after tile use of one bot
tle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser is in plain English. Contains 1,008
pages. and over 300 illustrations. If you
want a copy, paper-covered, send 21 one
cent stamps, fo cover the cost of mailing
onlv, to the World's Dispensary Medical
Association, buffalo, N Y. If you prefer
cloth cover, scud 31 stamps.
Tours to CALIFORNIA and the PACI
FIC COAST will have New York and
Phtlaiklphin Feb. 21, stopping at New Or
leans duriiiK Mardi Grns festivities, and
allowing four weeks In California, and
March 27, rcturnliiK on regular trains with
in nine months. Round trip rates from all
points on the Pennsylvania Railroad sys
tem east of Pittsburg: $330.00 for tour cf
Feb. 24, and $210.00 for tour of March 27.
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks
In Florida, will leave Now York und Phil
adelphia Feb. 9 and 23. and March 0. 1S'I7.
Unto coverinn expenses en route In both
directions, $'('00 from New York, and $lS.eo
from Philadelphia.
Tours, each covering a nerlod of three
days, will leave New York and Philadel
phia Feb. 11, March 11, April 1 and 22, and
May 13, 1S07.
Rates, including transportation and two
days' iiCLomniodation at the best Wash
ington hotels, $11.30 from New York, and
$11.50 fioni Philadelphia.
will leave
Feb. 20, JI;
New York and Philadelphia
itch IS nnd April 15, UL17.
I'nr dftalled Itineraries and other Info'
matlon. apply at tleket aKi'iules, or ad
(livs"S Cb-orRu V. lloyd, assistant Reneral
passemjer agent, Broad street station,
An estntilldieil hotel under new management
nniltlianiuulily abreast nf tlio times. Visitors to
Hew York will dnil Hie Kveiett In tho very heart
of the slioppliiu illt-trlet. convenient t" places of
nmuscmrnt nnd readily nccessllilo tiom all parta
if tho city. EUHOl'KAN PLAN.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvlug Piaca,
Rotes $3.50 Pfi 81 Bl Hi
(.American Plan.)
GEO. MURRAY, Proprietor.
The St. Denis
Broadway and I:lcicntli St.. New York,
Ofip, Clruce Church. -European Plan.
Kouiiis Ji.oo a Day anil Upwards.
n a niodost unit unobtruslva way thora urn
few butter eonductBd liotoli in tlio mutropoll.
than tho St. Hunts.
Thu trout popularity it lias oequirod onn
louillly Im trucod to its unlqiio titration, It.
Iiomcliko iituioplicru, tlio peoull-ir excollonco
of Its euisinu nua sjrvlco, and its vory uiodor pr'cca.
&? t$ crr,,tt..r V v
sera -j p Tra
J Li Li Saa
till! t li
124-126 Wyomin
In Order to 3ltiltc lioom for
Spring (loods, wo bug to announce
.Special liar.irain l);iy.
Toilii)' anal Momlny,
and tho balance of the week In Winter
Goods of every description at almost your
own prices,
In addition we are offering the first nr
rlvals of our new spring goods, designs
nnd patterns that must be seen t obe up
pi eclated,
Dress Goods nnd Silk s.
23 pieces M-lnch Wool Dress Goods
nil Spring colorings, were made
to retail at 3c. Our Price
G." pieces Wash Silk checks and
stripes. Our Price
13 pieces Fancy Silks for wulsts,
also linings, worth G3e. Our
One lot or Plain and Hrocnded
Hlnck Silks, choice of any
One lot of Plain and Hrocnded
Hlaek Silks, 73c. grade. Our
.lust lecelved 10 pieces large Hro
ende liluek Grosgraln Silk, very
newest designs, regular price,
$1.23, Our Price
3 pieces liluek and Colored Moire
Velour, regular price $1.23. Our
I.ndie.s' Separate Skirts
100 Ladles' Figured .Hrllllantine
Skirts, three yards wide, vel
veteen bound, worth $1.30. Our
30 ladles' figured Hi llll.intlne and
Hlaek nnd White .Shepherd
Plaid Skirts, !', yards wide, vel
veteen bound, worth $2.30. Our (M AQ
Hike v iblAv
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
100 dozen Stanley Wnlsts with
Kloretto Waist Adluster and
Skirt Hanger, all colors, newest
designs, detachable collars, sizes
32 to II, worth $1.00 Our Price..
23 dozen Plain Hlnck Gloria
Waists, detachable collars,
turnover cuffs, worth $2.00. our (M OK
Price . !I.ZD
SO dozen Persian Lawn Waists.
navy and white, and black and
white, detachable white und
black collars, turnover cuffs,
worth collars, turnover cuffs,
30 dozen Persian Percale Waists,
detachable collars, turnover
cuffs, navy and white, black and
white, sizes 32 to 14, worth $1.0).
Our Price
10 dozen Fancy Silk Waists in all
the newest shades, detachable
velvet collars, turnover velvet o JJQ
cuffs, worth $l.0i). Our Price ... vZiUO
Ladies' Underwear.
Ladles' Muslin Gowns with
Mother Hubbard yoke, trimmed
with embroidery. Our Price ....
One lot of Ladles' Muslin Draw
ers with cluster of tucks, Spe
cial sale. Our Price
A full line of Ladles' Muslin and
Cambric Skirts, trimmed with
lace or embroidery. Our Price .
-, i.P. si, 7, iP,7, I.', .Ml upward.
Ladles' Jersey Ulbbed Vests in
white, low nerk and no sleeves,
In white and ecru with silk rib
bons, special sale, 2 for
Children's .leisey Ulbbed Vests In
white, low neck and no sleeves,
with silk ribbons. Our Price, 3
Lodge and Gcrjioratioii Seals,
Rubber Stamp Ms, All Colors,
Daters, Pads, Pocket Cutlery,
Scissors, Revolvers,
Razors, Strops, PaoMs,
Bicyclss and Suppliss,
Umbrella Ropairin,
Athletic and Gymnasium Goods,
!Jt. UU09
niectrlc Uattorlos, Klootrio KxuIoJoh. f jr ec
plodliig blasts, Safety l''us3, and
Repiuno Chemical Co. 'i
Mb: i$
'V I'M P i" A ,U, 3 ft
, Made a
')!Wp!I Mnn
irtt U MA' h
"IfY tt-,i
w ...
.... - ta.ri ri-f
louiuay. -f
f r f lY1 a
Ul iTla
THE GREAT .loth Day,
produces tbunhnr retulta In fill ilnyt. It at'ti
liouerfullyaii(iiulrkly emeu hen all others fall
Vouuumcu viltrt'Mlti their lobt inaiihoud.uuilolil
men will recocr their ynutblul Mu'or by using
Ki:VIVO. It (iiiclilyanii Biialy retotenNi'nouB
ness, I,obt Vitality, Imiioteney, Ntshtly KinUstona.
I.obt l'ouer, l''alllni; .Mtinory. Vastlue Dlbcascs.and
all cflVcts of self-ahui.0 or euros anil IndUcretlon,
which unrlts one for etudy. business or niarriatfe. It
not only cures by btartinu at th beat of d. leafco. but
Uaiinat nervntimlo and blond builder, brinz
ini; back tho plnlc p;liiu- tli pnlo elieehn ai:dro
btorliu thu llru of n,ltli. It waids off Juhaulty
cud L'ouhiunptiou. 'luslkt on havlui: Jti;VIV(),uo
other. It can bo carried lu ert pocket. IJy inell,
fcil.illl per pieltaite, or eli for 86.00, with u poxl
tlio wrltton 1,'uui-anteo tn cure or refund
tlioiiioiuiy. Circular free. Adilrcts
tor MATTIIBW.S IlKOs., uiui"
iilat Seruutuii, 1'u.
2 Ave.
nnnnm htr ynn J
1 1 1 ' .'Htmmsss
It 111 A H fflrn w4
Baa W7 BB Ea I kJ j
I 222 Wr3Klli'G ftiESUI j
Hnircir PflwnFB rn
DUE! 1 Hill
At Our New nnd
Klcguut Storerooms
Conl Uxchnniic, Opp, lintel Jermyn.
"Old linn in now surround
ings," like an old "stone in new
settings," shines more brilliant
than ever, and "shines for all."
Diamonds, Fine Jcwlery,
Watches, Silvorwara,
Silver Noveltios,
Rich Cut Glass, Clouto,
Fine Loathai Goods,
Open Glasses.
When j'ott see our Net l'rices
yon will ask for No Discount. All
Are Welcome.
nunpj imi
Lr.dics' and Children's Wear.
Seal and Plush Saccules,
Carpets and Feather 15eds
L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ava.
MhL'nblJl. Th,. MrsTnoT
IS'tlALcn will euro you. A
woiKltTful boon to putrorere
fromoltl, HnruThi'uat,
3nnticti7:i, ISrnncliHIr,
nri:A1'lT.Vi:i:. llfonlj
immruiaiercil'j. Jn cuicicni
remedy, convenient to enrr
In poeScLroaily- to ni on llrt indication or cnlif.
t'nntlnciud Una IllYcctK Merniuvnt Cur
Pattf action cnnrnnteeil or mnney re runded. Price,
." r. Trial free nt Ilrnmlnts. IleRlstored mall,
i:u ecntu. H. D. CC.TiiiN, Hfr., Three Tarns, Uich., U. S. i.
MPRJTHDt ,J,' ourpHt anil enfest TPT?ily for
IHtlfl i IlllL nlUklndliionses. Kctema.lteli.Halt
Ilheiim.old ?orC3. Hums, 1'iifs. Voiiderrul rem
ru fnrPIIjKK. Price, 3.1 eta. nt Urns- D A B BS
elstsor hyinall tircfidd. AdilreHsnsntiovo. DKt 1
For Pnlo by MATTHEWS BROS, and
JOHN IT PTIRT.Pf?. Rptantnn. Pa.
6GiI)p!0Xi6n Pf9SBJB3l3
Rcmovoi Frtc!:lr.c, Pinip'es.
Liver Mclcs, Bhr.!di:2t!s,
i.ltii.i. ol Tttn nr.,1 T.
ctorc3 the sUiu to it3 oriel- satfoi&S
Tuii Jrebliiiccs, produciaii oA,5iSx'?SV
clear aud healtby c.)m-ii"tf -v'aWl--'-plosion.
Biipc lor to rdW-a --s--iirepurutloi.n
end perfectly hartnlcs'). At nil
tIiui;sUt2,oriiuiik",llo?E3c:ts. Send for Circular,
VIOLA OKIK SO.'.I5 lJ tlirplj Irconparrtlo nn a
iVIa imrlfilui: t?oa?, iv-'-quUal f;r tlio titlet, ani without a
rival fT tlw nu.-rcry. ALclutcly ruro tnl 1-Ucatal meill.
catcil. Miirueniiti, lJries Jb Cenfs.
j G. C. BiTTNSR A SO., Toledo. O.
j For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and
! JOHN If PHELPS. Sernnton. Tn.
What Saraii Ucrnhard say.
Schedule In Effect November 15, S?5.
Trains Loavo SVillics-Barro as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burp; and tlio West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisbure;, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washlnpton and Pitts
burp; and tho West,
0,15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburp;
and tho West.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburp;, Philadelphi a,
and Pittoburfrand tho West.
COO p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Poltsvlllo.
J. K, VOOi, (Isn'l Pjjj, Ajea;.
S. M, I'UliVOST, U.-nerul Manager.
llP0 Jf&
HTI HHT ,n nn;
1 y ut y m .
I rV y l ('J- a
1 W 1
. .. TKM.
Anthrnclto Coal Used Kxcluelvcly Insur
ing Clcnnllnoss nnd Comfort,
IN KFPHCT NOV. 15, 1890.
! or Philadelphia nnd New York via D.
II. It. It, nt 0.43, 7.13 a. 111., 12,03, 1,20, 3.3J
(Hl.tck Diamond Kxpress) and 11.30 p. m.
I' or Plttston ,ntul Wllkes-llarro via. D.
i'in.' n- u- 6'W, S.0S, 11.20 11. in., 1.55
3.40. 0.00 nnd S.17 p. m.
I-or White Haven, Hnzlcton. Pottsvllle,
f f J1 I r 1 11 0 1 1 I points In the coal regions
P m H" u" c'13 "' m" 1-2,0'"1 nnU 4"41
,il'!.r "olblehem, Kaston, Heading. Har
iin!!J ,1 n'.ul I'Hrrlpal Intermediate Bin
lin"8 iVi. !J' ft " " c',r'- 7X n- m
"H nmf U.3o',.(m"Ck Dlttmo,,d ExprM,)'
"' J 'uiKnannock, Townnda, Klmlrn,
i!.m !' a,nova ami principal Intcrmodlnto
stations via n u . w, 'n n c.00, 8.0S,
Ml., J,IJ
i,i,iJ , '?r.l.5rr nni1 Now York- Phlladel.
1 " TiA'iiri,l.1,nl,a Stl!,l'ension llrldge.
CIIAH. S. LF.IC, Clen. Pass. Agt.. Phlla.,
Pass. Agt.. South nethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Ofllce, 30D Lackawanna avenue.
Del., Lacka. and Western,
Tl':rfcf l JIondny, October 19. 1S9G.
,.. r ,nvo Scranton as follows: Kx-
1 in .S''rVw York alul a" I'o'n" East.
M0, .'.DO, G.IC, S.00 nnd U.B3 a. m.j 1.10 and
.I..H p, in.
iiilin'!1'.08,8.01" Vision, Trenton, Phlladel
1 " " ' South, 5.15, S.00 and 9.53 a. m.,
1J,0,.nld 3.33 p. ni.
unslilngtoii and way stations, 3.45 p. m.
1 011 hiiniia accommodation, 0.10 p. m.
,l"'c's for Ulngliamton, Oswego, El
i,' ';'. Coining, Rath, Dansvllle, Mount
Mortis and RnfCalo, 12.20. 2.35a. m., and 1.55
.. iuiiKlllir c nsn rnnnnntlfina n TliilTiiIrt
q?,Mi!.,,ol,.,tB In tl)0 Wet, Northwest and
, . ....... .,
;.press for Utlc.a nnd Richfield Sprlng3,
-" ni. and 1.53 p. m.
,,, 1CU 2'35 nlld Uath -15 a- m- and 1-53
'''or Xorthumbcrlnnd, rittston, Wilkes
uairo, Plymouth, nioomsburg and Dan
iiie, making close connection nt North
liniliuilaiHl for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg,
Baltimore, Washington nnd the South.
.Nortliumborlnnil and intermediate sta
tions, G00, 0.55 a. m., and 1.53 and COO p. m.
.Nantlcokc and intermediate stations, S.0S
and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and lntcrmcdlato
sbitlon, 3.10 nnd 8.17 p. m.
i ullmnn parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
I' or detailed Information, pocket time
tribles, etc., apply to M. U Smith, city
ticket olllce, 32S Lackawanna iwenue, or
depot tleket office.
Central Knilroad of New Jersey.
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur
ing cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wilkes-Iinrre, etc., at S.20. 9.13. 11.30 a. '.n..
12.13. 2.00, 3.03, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00,
a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. ni.
For Atlantic City, S.20 n. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth,
8.20 (express) a. in., 12.13 (express with Buf
fet parlor ear), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun
day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m.
arrives nt Philadelphia. Heading Termin
al, 5.22 p. m. and New York COO p. m.
For Mauch Chunk, AUentown, Puthle
hem, Easton nnd Philadelphia, S.20 a. m
12.15, 2.03, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
For Long liraneli, Ocean Grove, etc., at
S.20 a. m. nnd 12.45 p. m.
For Lakewood, S.20 a. m.
For Pending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg,
via AUentown, S.20 a. m., 12.43, 5.00 p. m.
Sunday. 2 15 p. in.
For Pottsvllle, S.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m.
Returning leave New York, foot of Lib
erty street. North Iltver, at 9.10 (express)
a. m., 1.10. 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. tn. Sunday, 1.30 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal,
9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6 25
a. in.
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be had, on application In ad
Nance to tho ticket agent nt tho station.
Gen. Puss. Agt.
J. II. OLHAPSEN, Gen. Supt.
On Monday, Nov. 23,
trains will leave Scran
ton ns follows:
For unrnonuaie o. lo,
7.55, fi.53, 10.15, a. m.:
12.00 noon: 1.21, 2.20. 3.52.
5.25, G.25, 7.57, 9.10, 10.30.
11.55 p. m.
For Albany, Saratogn, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc. 5. 13 a. in.:
2.20 p. m.
For Honesdale 5.13, 8.53, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00
noon. 2.20, 5.25 p. m.
For Wllkes-Barro-0.45, 7.43. 8.45. 9.5-!,
10 43 a. m.; 12.05, 1.20, 2.23, 3.33. 4.41, Q.U0.
7 50 9.30, 11.30 p. m.
'For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Valley Railroad G.45, 7.45 a. m.;
12 03- 1.20, 3.33 (with Black Diamond Ex
i"ress), 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania Railroad points G.4a,
9 "S a mi 2.30, 4.41 p. in.
For' western points, via Lehigh Valley
T"illroad-7.45 a. m.i 12.05. 3.33 (With Black
Diamond Express) 9.50, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will arrive at Scranton nt follows:
From Carbondalo and the north C40.
7 40 S 10 0.31, 10.40 a. m.i 12.00 noon; 1.03,
A'of 3nJ 1.37, 5.13, 7.45, 9.45 nnd 11.25 p. m.
"V, oin 'Wllkes-Bnrre and the siiiith 5.10,
7 50 R.50, 10.10, 11.55 a. m.i 1.1C. 2.11, 3.43,
r,'"' G"l. 7.53. 9.03, 0.45. 11.52 p. m.
j"w niMlDICK, G P. A, Albany, N. Y.
II w. Cross, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Uric ami Wyoming Valley.
Effective Jan. 4, 1S97.
Trains will leave Scranton for Notv
York, Ncwbursh and Intermediate points
on Erie also for Ilawley and local po!ni),
at 7.05 a. m. nnd 2.2S p. m.; and arrive frorr
above points at 10.33 a. m. and 9.3S p. m.
Ill r.flVrl DntolHir-ltli, I.HOfl.
Kortli llonnil.
Miulh Hound,
m b Stations
Mi 'itll,
? 1
O 3S '...,. .. r.
n a ,
X it . W VliUIUa t'till , J.A'
5 its I ccpt Mitulay.)
5 hh a
1-3 SO
i' M,r
m Arrive Leave
SAiN. Y. Franklin St.
r h)
7 it), West 4'.'nd street
7 00! Weclmwken
r M'Arrlve Leave
1 15 Haucrcl; .Itinctlon
1 0'.) llnncock
law Starlight
IS 40 l'rcstnn Park
12 40 ('onto
13 '.'1 1'oMitelle
1211 Belmont
12 l rieihant Mt.
11159 ITulnudnle
U 49 Forest city
B 10
2 '1
2 311 .
2 41 .
2 301 .
3 II) .
liMill !il Carbondalo
01' 331' ,
filintlP'O White llrldge
to 13 1112! Mayflcld
f 7 07 18 CS
i: 1813 43, .
( 11,11 2:1 jermyn
(1 81 U IS Archibald
(841115! Wlnton
II2S1U1, recUvlllo
0 2311 07 Olvphant
it 20 11 03 Prlceburir
c 18 11 0) Tliroop
015 11 0.1! rrovlrtenco
0 12 f 1017' rnrk T'aco
7111 3 45' .
T 3tl,
T S31 3 Ml
7 27 3r9
7 32 4 01!
7 34 41)7 .
7 S6 4 1(1, .
7!i!l U4 .
7 41ftl7l
7 45,
l M 1' JI
6 10,10 55 t-ciniion
r m U m I.pnYo
All trains run dnllv except sunrtiy.
f, blgnllles that tiultis stop on signal for pas.
i-eciirn rates via Ontario a Western bffnro
purchasing tickets and save money l)a a 1
Night Kiprcis to the West.
J. C. Anderson, (Jen. Paw "
T Flltcrnft. 111. ''n-i -
Houses for Sale arid for Rent.
If jim contemplate purchasing or lens
Ink'n hnute, or want tu Invest in u lot,
see the IIMs uf desirable property on
page 2 of '1 he Tribune.
i.-..V?r 9,in,eva' Uochestcr, lluffalo, Niagara
c. it s',r"!?0 nl'd all points west via D.
,,,;i ft ,l" 7'b " " 12.03. 3.33 (Black Dla
111 "'''I Impress). 9.50 and 11,30 p. m.
vin lmnn ,arr and sleeping or Lehigh
' hi.. i. 1 nni :t in t n uii 1111 iiiiiiim UUIWCCII
ui. i nccol"modntIon, 9.15 n. m.
JiiiiKliiiiiitoii nnd wny Htatlon's, 1.03 p. m.
leliplson accommodation, B.13 p. m.
lllnsliatllton nml TSlmlr., mi,rn V, t.
i i&r j
ra w$