THE SCRANTON TBIBTJNE- SATURDAY" MORNING, FEBRUARY 1897. 11 GALLANT WALES IN PARLIAMENT Mr. Alfred! Iiomas Asks for a National Museum For Wales. SHORT SKETCH OF SIMON THOMAS Mndnmo Ktlltli U'jiine, tho .Most l'o liulnr Urntorio Singer of Ilcr Time, Die lit Her Iteiuitiliil Homo in Ijiiiulu!iShnkcsiieure u Welshman All Itlglit. While yet our delight In finding that Wllllum Morris was a nine Welshman lias not worn out, hete Is the "KlmUes peniean" quoting from Professor Dovv den's leetute slating that Shakespeaie himself vvhh a downright descendant from the Jones blanch of Adam's fam ily. Here Is what the piofessot (who is no Welshman) wild "A curious and (to students of heicdltv) an lmpoitant discovery has been made duilng the yeai by the antlquailos, who uie ever at work upon the family hlstoiy of Stiatfoid's Rieatest son. I lefei to the long line of Welsh anccstiv with which he has been connected It Is now le gaided as sullklently pioen that Shakespeare's paternal grandmother was a Gi llllth, a member of a nice the most Intensely Celtic, 01, lathu. Cam bric, in South Wales. You piob.ibly know that the lubt few months have witnessed a great ielul In Celtic llt eiatuie. Piofessor Shari hns stuitled the plucld 'Anglo-Saxon' (o called) bv the darlns nssai tlon that considerably moie than half of all that Is gieat In his llteratute comes from Celtic sources, nd Is the woik of men with Celtic blood in their elns The favoi lteanswei to tills theoi j has long been. 'Well, ou can take our Umoiis, dold smlths, Scotts, Hurnses and Hen Jon sons, but jou cannot claim Shakes peaie. He, at least, was Saxon to the finger tips' This comfoiting opinion lias been iudol innttliioun b the dis cover of a stiong ginln of Gi llllth blood In the Shakespeaie fiunilv tie, and now we aio asking ourselves how it did not hltheito stilke us that the gieat poet's undoulttdl Celtic vein wab his by light heiedltai.v Stiatfoid is but a step fiom the Welsh mar.shes The Shakesoeares, ptobably, made many othei Welsh alliances " death or edith Wynne Madame Edith Wnne, the famous oiatorlo singei, died at hei beautilul lesldtnee In West Kensington, London, leccntly. The -ad news came to hei fi lends as a gieat shock foi a few even ing befoie hoi death she attended a peifoimance of the Call Hosa Opeia company at the Qaiikk theatei. It Is supposed that upon that occasion she EDITH WYNNE AT 20 caught a chill, which lapldly assumed an alaimlng character, and death soon resulted The deceased) aitlst leaves one daughter, aged 15, who Is alieady an accomplished aitlst, and is believed to have a srreat futuie befote her. For many jeait, Madame Edith Wjntte was far awa and the most popular singer In Welsh musical cir cles She was pie-emlnently the daugh tei of the eisteddfod A native of Noith Wales, and a competitoi when a meie child the superloi lty and qual it of bet voice attiaeted the attention ot a numbe- of WeNhmen, principal among them being Llew Lhwfo, the elstcddfodlc pilnce, v ho decided to open a -ubscriptlon list with a view of enabling her to pursue her musical studies at the Roal Academy of Music, London. She was the first peasant gill, piobably, who received pi oyei musical tialning. During he caieer at the academy she distinguished heisedf, and a billllant futie seemed to open before her In fact, she was foi jears the chief atti action at Welsh national gatherings, both In the pilnclpality and in London and other large towns where Welshmen congiegated. When at the zenith of her populailty she was mar lied to a gentlemun of independent means, a Mr. Agabeg, but continued to practice liei favorite art foi some yeats afterwaids Some eight or nine years ago, howevei, she decided to piaetically letlie fiom the stage, and very little we have heard of hei pei tonnances since In her beautiful house at West Kensington she was often visited by hei countijmen and coun tiy women, foi many Welshmen will have It that she was the greatest so piano singer Wales ever pioduced She was of a most geneious disposition and leady at all times to help In anv de seiving cause. In 1S71, In company with the great Santlej, the woild's greatest batltone, and the Patevs, the noted basso and contralto, she made a ptofesslonal tour of the United Suites, and Canada, and visited Scianton, Elvlng a concert In Klein's opeia house which stood on the site the Boston stoic now Is. It was a gieat concert and a niUBlcal tieat of the miest kind Not befoie nor since have we lieatd such Hinging of "Ruddiei Than the Cheuy," by Santley, and "Marjories' Almanac," rafts, II i tjf vzni !) an. rw TTIi$ is tlie Package' remember it. It contains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly. ' For economy buy 41b. package. THE X K. FAIBBAMC COMI'ASV, Clilcwo, Bt. Louis, New York, llostOD, riuladelpUU. tfST by Madame Wynne. At the request of the late Dr. Glbbs, the writer and Mr. Dnv les (Yr alto bach o fendlgedlg goff advtrlnutli) In l espouse to an enthus iastic encore, she lesponded with "The Bolls of Aberdovoy." The Welsh peo ple that weio piesent vveto the proudest people on earth that evening. A POPULAR COUNCILMAN Mi. Simon Thomas, the popular com mon councilman of the Fourth vuud, Is not only easily the best looking of those who lcpicsent us In the council ohainbois, but Is also one of the most influential Ills affability mid stralght forwaidness has made him a policial favorite with lilsco-membprH.mul what ever he seeks he generally gets. Ills labois in behalf of his constituents have been Indefatigable in his effoits In be- fe WjJZ. ss. imMh -A Iwf A COUNCILMAN SIMON THOMAS. half of the opening ol Pilco ttieet, which lb a gieat necessity, now becms to have reached a happy ultimatum. Mr Thomas Is a Republican In and out of the council and can alwas be found In the foremost lank of the work eib of the giand old patty. Notwith standing his Indubitable fidelity to pat t, Mr Thomas Is not one of those kind that will always give a ooidlal heailng to those of opplslte political views, and will invniiably aid when advocating meauies of meilt and of benefit to the people, hence his gieat popularity. lie was boin In Wales, June 8, 1S6S. and was bi ought by his patents to Ameilca a eai later When only eight cais ot age lie commenced working at the Brlggs bieakei, and was afterwaids in the mines In 1SSS he left the mines and stalled in business on Noith Main avenue In which he has been veiy suc cessful He served the people fot thesec ond time in council, and as for as we can learn, his constituents will onl be too glad to have manv moie oppoitunltles to vote foi a man of such nigged in tegiltj Indeed, the people of the Fouith waid may well be pioud of thelt Thomases. LAND TENURE IN WALES Mr. Vauglian Davles bi ought In a bill to amend land teniae In Wales, and the date foi its discussion was fixed foi May l'J In many quaiteis this Is le- gaided as a favoiable peiiod, and con fident hopes aie expiessed that the bill will have piopei consideiatlon given It. On the othei hand, it is also thought the government will by this time have monopolized all the time of the house for nilnlsteilal business, and that the bill will not be discussed at all. On this account It Is thought that Mi. Biynmoi Jones will have been w Ise to inise the whole question on the ad diess The intioductlon of Mr. Vaugli an Davles' me.isuie, as well as one my Mi Jtees Davits on fieeholds, thus piecludes him fiom bringing the ques tion upon the addiess, and his amend ment will have to be wilhdiawn Mi. Vaughan Dav les presented his bill In dumni foi m, as Its teim have not yet been decided upon It is backed by thiee North Wales Radicals and three South Wales Radicals The piobabll Itlesaie that at the meeting of the pai ty, which will bo shoitlv held, a bill of modeiate chaiactei based upon the mlnoilt lepoit of tine Welsh land commission w 111 be drafted. Ev en such a measure will meet a seveie opposi tion to fiustrate any attempt to pio mote s-epaiate legislation on this ques tion WELSHMEN IN PARLIAMENT. Mr. Rees Davles (R , Pembiokeshire) asked the piesldent of the board of tiade wli'ethet he had been In commu nication with the Flsliguaid Baj Rail way and Pier company in icgaid to a memoilal lecelved bj hint last eai fiom the inhabitants of Goodwlck (Pern ) In refeience o the alleged poweis pioposed to bo exeulsed bv the com pany, and what steps did ho piopose to take to preserve to the fisheimen and Inhabitants generally the existing ac fe"s to the seashoie, which would be scilously Intel fered with by the com pany's proposal Mi. Ritchie. I am still In communi cation with the Fishguaid and Ross lute Railways and Haibouis company upon the subject of the woiks they pio pose to (onstiuct in Fishguaid bay, and am awaiting a btateinent fiom the com pany as to the facilities they aie pie pared to piovlde for boats landing at Goodwlck If the existing pier theie Is lnlerfeied with The repiesentatlons contained In the inemoilal lefened to will continue to receive m caieful con sideration. HOWELL'S CHARITY. Mr Ilumphreys-Owen (It., Montgom erjshlie) asked the vice-piesldent of the committee of council on education what are the leasons for the delaj In dealing v. lth the scheme foi the Denblghshlie poitlon of How ell's chuilty, SIi John Goist (Vice-president of the council) The dela Is caused b Its appealing doubtful whether what Is called the Denblghshlie poitlon of the charity does not belong to all Wales, outside Glamoiganshlie. NATIONAL MUSEUM TOR WALES. Mi Alfied Thomas has given notice that he will move on Tuesday, Februaty 2J, in the house of commons:' That in the opinion of this house It is necessaiy for the public good of the Inhabitants 1,'vCS of the Pilnclpalty thnt a national mu seum and library should be established In Wales." wnLsii peasant FnnnnoLDniis. Mr. Llojd Moigan has given notlci that he will In the house of commons on Tuesday, February 23, move the fol lowing resolution: "To call attention to the sel lous eftects of the long period of agricultural depression so fai as It nffocts peasant freeholdeis In Wales, and to move a lcsolutlon," THli EST-AHLaSlIELl CHtTHCII IN ENGLAND AND WALES. Mr. Samuel Smith, M. P., has given notice for Tuesday, the 9th of Febiu aiy, "to call attention to the evils le bultlng from the- union of chuich and state in England and Wales, to move a lesolutlon." LOCAL, TAXATION GRANT IN WALES. Mr. Heibert Lewis, M. P., has given notice for an early date to call atten tion to the Inadequacy of the share of the local taxation giant received by Wales, and to move a lesolutlon. no n:s. To strangers, the peculiar twang mado use of by some Pembrokeshire people is most bewildering. Mr. Justice Lawience was at his wits' end this week trlng to catch the woids ot the witness at Haver fordwest "That Is not evidence," my lord," suld counsel, and m lord replied wil, "I don't know whethci it Is evi dence or not because I have not heaid It, and when I do heat It, I don't understand it." Lord Kenon deserves well of his coun tr men A model landlord and a peer of broad nipathles, he has ovei and over again demonstrated his keen Intel est in the welfare of the Principally. The lat est pi oof of this was lecentlj, when be foro the house of loids he advocated the clams of Wales' to a national museum. His refeience also to the loalt of the Cmrj to the throne was vei happy. Wales hid need of moie Kcnons and fewei Pcnihjns Onls about hull the usual numbei of caes which average about twelve bun dled each month weie htaid lu the coun t courts held at Pontjptldd and tho Hhondda this week. "Ho,v Is that" one Utlgnnt w is heard to ask the other. "I don't know," was tho unswei, ' unltss It Is that people aie afraid that the wont get Judgments, because the times uie so bad" It Is well known that Judge Gwl-Iv.-n Willi ims has In some of his lecent courts lefused to giant Judgments against a numbei of working men owing to the depression In tho coal trade. Hlrwaln and Trehoihcrt should at once send in a foimal application for the W'elsn Unlveisltj olllces We have the authorl t of tho "Cuinuivon Hei aid" for stating that "if the olllces are to bo llxed In the place which Is the centie of the dense-st population within the ladlus of llft miles, Hlrwaln or Treheibeit would be far supeiloi to Caidlft." Hiiwalu and Tie herbeit will no doubt both blush eilmson at the honoi thus unexpcctedlj thiust upon them, but thej must not allow stock modestj to st ind In their waj. Cardllf, when It leallzes that the poweiful advo cae of our Cainaivon contempoiarj Is behind the superloi claims of Hlrwaln and Tteherbeit, must retire giacefully from tho contest. It woeyd be sheer madness to couit a crushing dcteat. R J. J. writes I have In raj possession a fiagment of the (list Welsh exposition of a pai t of the Ulble, that of John E ans, M A , on the "Ilaimon of the Tom Gos pels " The title, page Is complete und beais the- name of E. Farlcj, Bristol, as publWhei, with date 17C3 Up to page 210 seems In good condition, aftei that come pp 4dt-4 The book Is called 'Cjrsondeb Pedaii Efmgjl, gd ag Agoilad B rt a nodan Athrawus, S.c." Can unj leader give a full descilptlon of this Intel estlng work ' Tho author was sometimes known as l'furul, Plymouth, and was a native of Llanarth or llanbadarn, Odowjn. He edited an odltlon of the Bible In 171.9, and tiauslated several works from English Into Welsh Relatives of his lived in Lla ntrth, Card , SO jeais ago Can anv help to fullci particulars of his petsonal his tory ? Petei William's first edition ap pealed In 1770. Madame Mlles-Bjnon, of Merthvr, is arranging to proceed with a paity of vocalists first to America, on toui, and afterwards to Australia. A movement is on foot for the purpose .of testlfj lug by a complimentary concert the appreciation In which this talented lad who has so often assisted local woiks of charltj Is held Tho marriage arranged between Mr. Grlsmond Phillips, Glangwlllj, Carmarth enshire, and Miss Edith Picton Evans, Treforgan, Caidlgan, joungest daughter of Colonel W. Pleton Evans, commandant of the Tlrst Volunteel Btttallon WeUn Regiment, has been fixed foi Tuesdaj, Februarj 10th, at St. Ovullo's church, Llangoedmore, neai Caidlgan. Lady Bute has been making special In quiries, through Sli William Thomas Iewls, as to the progiess "Morlen" is making in the lecoveiy of his eyesight. Sli William conveyed to "Morlen" her ladj ship's deep sjmputhj, and it is hardly necesbar to saj that the suffeiei Is deep ly giateful for Lady Bute's Inquiries. Welshmen aro making a splash In Western Austialla. A lecent letter states that mote Welsh than English can be found heat on the Pilchaid Morgan com pany's properties, managed by Mr. G. W. Hall, once a Swansea journalist. The Rothschild sjndlcato Is lepiesented b an Ebbwvalo native, ill. A. E. Moigan, whilst Mi. Gillllth, who first drew bieath at Aberjstwlth, manages foi the Atilcan Gold Recoverj companj Mr. Grllllth Is president of tho local Cambilan society. Mr. John Davles, late manager of the CarniaiLhen Railway compans, is tho government geneial manager of railways, whilst one of the laigest Coolygardia Hints Is that of the Tobias brothers, Lla nellj bos, at whose shop ou can ask lor an thing In "i Hen Gjnraeg," and ou will get It. A good story Is told of one of the In cumbents of Llen in the good old das. Tho church at that partlculai place was not well attended, tho seivlce gunerally being a duet between person and sexto t, However, there was a oung lady voi Bhlpper, who took charge of the poor par son's oi gan the harmonium Unfortun ately, one Sunday morning the organist was absent, and tho person and clerk were put In great embairassment as to the musical part of the service. Tho clerk had but one tune between him and tho wall, and "she" boio a female name, in his perplexltj, John (to wit, the clerk,) asked the parson, "Master, shall we tiy 'Joanna'"" The parson just then was nodding, but the ladj's name brought him to, and he leplled, "All right, John, knock at tho door" Mrs Jomna, it may be added, kept the Black Lion. Tho Bishop of Llanday Is patron of sev enteen living In the diocese of St Asaph, eleven In the diocese of liangor, and one In the diocese of St David's, Mr "Vloiris Lewis, of Swansea, has tianslttted Tenn son's "Northern Cob blei" Into tho languago of mld-Carmar-thenshlie, and has succeeded In producing a most faithful version of the oilglnal "Tho teapot poms slowly, Mrs Jones," said a Welsh minister, who was having tea with one of his members. "Yes, sli," sold the good woman, "It icmlnds mo of ou " "How's that?" "Both of you have a poor delivery." Pcoplo not very well acquainted with Amoilcan polities aro applying for the local United States consulates which they thing will become vacant when Mr. Mo Klnley takes In hand tho loins of state, As a mattei of fact, Iris probable that few, If any, changes will bo mado except lit tho llrst-class consulates of London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester, Dublin, &c for the latest executive order issued I ill! u w t - Ilenv jplay Well, the'va attached our She Goodness I What am 1 to do' Can't 'No We must walk east as we are " by President Cleveland about six months ago extends what ale termed civil spiv ice rules to the remaining classes (Cardiff and Swansea being in the second-clnssj. By this i uie any applicant who hns not acquired expeilence elthei as a consul oi In some other capacltj In the siute de partment ("foreign service") rnus. pnss a rigid examination It seems that tnere aio Innumerable applicants especially for Cardiff but not one In a hundied eems aw aio of the changed conditions. The "Lodge" bill, which makes consulships peimanent, and prevents them being made the rewaids for political services, nas al ieady pushed the second leading in t .e senate, and bids fan to become law. No doubt, the leason for there being oo lew applicants foi Swansea Is found In the fact that few aie aware that the western town was raised last Julj from being a commercial agency to u consulate. Welshmen are now taking largely lo tho wilting of llctlon Ml. Hlchaid 1'ijoe, who Is Issuing Immediately a new romance under the delightful title of "Elementary June," Is a native of Montgomery to which shore he lias In lecent jears re turned, having won his spurs In London. Still on th'rtj-two ears of uge, ha has put in quite a dozen years In persistent wilting, beginning shoitly after he left Leamington college with a shoit sto'V of Piench peasant life In an "Evil Spirit," he vas one of the fim to utill'o tho tragedy pathos of the Morphia maddened woman, and in "Tho Quiet Mrs Flemmlng," he showed his capacity to treat with success the modem detec tive story. Mr. Prce wiltes of the humor and monotone of life In Loudon with all a Welshman's feivor and Insight, nnd some of his characterization', notably of the prim occupants of Bajswatei vllas, remain In the memory. No moie chaim Ing example of this feature In his wilting need be recalled than the dalntv rom ance entitled "Just Impediment.'' All this paiagraph Is tiom "The London Stai." Reckoning up what Mi David Ranell has been In politics, the only Radical evening paper In London sajs; "ill. Randell has made an excellent member. His devotion to tho cause of laboi and his Intimate knowledge of lndustilal questions heve more thai, justlllel tho confidence thnt was placed In him bj the tlnplaters, while his undevlatlng loyalty to piogiesslve Radicalism has united tho Llbeials In his eonstltutencj. He suc ceeded In earning through the house of commons a bill giving to wages a preiei entlal claim on estates in liquidation and he has fought hnrd and stienuouslj In the hoube of commons and out foi all l'ro giesslvo measuies The oleetoiato showei Its appreciation of his sei vices b elect ing him at the last general election b a majority of foui thousand Mr, Randell is on teims ol friendship with many ol tho Liboi leadeir, on the continent, mil especiallj in riame. The one i egret that has cast a cloud over a busy and success ful life Is tint he I ot onlv composed, but printed, a v olume of poetry In eai 1 outh ilr. Randell has u-od his scants leisure In endeavoring to ic-claim the few hundied copies that were prlvatel circulated." RAILROAD TIME-TABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD SYS TEM. Anthracite Conl Used Exclusively Insur lng Cleanliness and Comfort, in j;rri;uT nuv 10, isub. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Philadelphia and New York via D. (SL H. R n atC io 7.15 a. m , 12 03. 1 20, 3 33 (Black Diamond Expiess) and 1130 p. m Tor Pittston and Wilkes-Barre via, D L &. W R. R . C 00, 8 OS, 11 .0 a. m , 1 55 310, COO and 8 47 p. m For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville, and principal points in the coal regions via D. &. H. R. R , C 13 a. m , 12 03 and 4 II P m, ror Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har risburg and pilnrlpnl Intel mediate sta tions v la D i H R. R , 0 43, 7 43 a m , 12 05, 1 20. 3 33 (Black Diamond Express), 4 41 and 11 30 p m. For Tunkhnnnock, Towanda, Elntlrn, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D , L. i. W. R. It , 0 00. 8 OS, 55, a m , 12 20 and 3 40 p m. ror Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara rails, Chicago and all points weet via D. & H. R R , 7.43 a m , 12 03. 3 33 (Black Dia mond Express), 9 50 and 11.30 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley chair cars on all trains between Wllkcs-Barre and Now York, Philadel phia, Buftalo and Suspension Bridge ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen bupt. CHAS. S LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla , Pa A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen Pass. Agt. South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Ofllce. 309 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lackn. and Western, Effect Monday, October 19, 1890. 1 rains leave Scranton as follows, Ex PmSSC?r New Vork and all points East, 1, 2 50, 6 15, 8 00 and 9 55 a. m.; 1.10 and 3 S3 p in. Expiess for Easton, Trenton. Philadel phia and tho South, 6 15, 8 00 and 9 63 a. m., 1.10 and 3 33 p. m Washington and way stations, 3 45 p. m l obynanna accommodation, G 10 p. in. fc.xpress for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mira, Corning, Bath, Dansville. Mount iiorils ami Buffalo, 1 20, 1 35 a. m , and 1 65 , ,! "Id"lng close connections at Buffalo b..1 l)0l,lts In tho West, Northwest und nouthwest. Bath accommodation, 9 13 a. nt. iilngliamton and way stations, 1 05 p nt. Jvlcholson accommodation, 615 p m Hlnshumton and Elmlra express, 5 55 P. m Express for Utlca and Richfield Spilngs, - 3o a. m. and 1 55 p, m. Ithaca 2 33 and Bath 9 15 a. m, and 1.55 For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes- i7irre' Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan- vine, making closo connection at Noith- umbprland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and tho South. IOrthntn tlrtrln ml n ml Inlm-niuilln t rt ufft. tlons, 0 00 9,55 a. m., and 1 65 and 0 00 p. in. I rtantlnnka ntiil Intnpmmllntn atnllnna K (lt and 11,20 a. nt PI mouth and Intermediate stations, 3 40 and 8 47 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. I pr detailed Information, pocket time Utiles, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket ofllce. trunks at Inst, I got my clothes? Life Copyright, lb7, by Mitchell & Milter. PENNSYLVANIA BftlLEQl, Schedule In Uflcct November 15, i3j5 Trains Leave Wilkcs-Barro as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Vashington, and for Pitts burg and tho West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton, Pottsvlllo, Reoding, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and the West. 3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and tho West. 6.00 p. m., week das, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, den'l Pais. Agent S. M. PHLVOST, Ocneral .Manager. Ccntitil Kailroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exelusivelj, Insur ing cleinllness and comfoit. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JAN. 23, 1537. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes-Bai re, etc , at S 20. 9 15, 11 30 a. 'it , 12 43,2 00.3 03,5 00 7,10 p m. Sundaj3 9 00, a m , 1 00, 2 13, 7.10 p in For Atlantic City. 8 20 a. m. Tor New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8 20 (express) a. ni , 12 43 (express with But- ici parior car;, 3 03 (express) p m sun da, 2 15 p m. Train leaving 12 13 p m urrlves at Philadelphia. Reading Termin al 3 22 p m. and New York 0 00 p in For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bothle. hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8 20 n. nt , iz 10, 3 uo, t, 00 (except I'MUUelphla) p. in Sunday, 213 p m For Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8 20 a. m and 12 4i p m For Lakewood, 8 20 a. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8 20 a m, 12 43, 5 00 p. m Sunda, 2 13 p m Tor Pottsville, 8 20 a. m , 12 4" p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9 10 (express) a m , 1 10, 130, 4 15 (express with Buffet parlor cai) p m. Sundaj, 4 CO a. m Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal 9 00 n. m, 2 00 and 4 30 p. in. Sunda, 6 25 a m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may bo had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Ast. T. II. OLIIAUSEN. Gen Supt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON TIME TABLE trains will leave Scran ton as follows. For Carbondale 5 13 12 00 nooti; 1 21, 2 20, 3 52, 5 23L C23, 7 57, 9 10, 10 0. ' 4i xlO J' It, ton, New Enbland points, etc. 5 45 a. n , 2 Z0 p. m Tor Honesdale 5 43, 8 55, 10 15 a. m ; 12 00 noon, 2 20, 5 23 p m. For Wllkes-Barre G 13, 7 43, S 45, 9 S3, 10 45 a m , 12 03, 1 20, 2 23, 3 33, 4 41, C 00, 7 50 9 30. 11 30 p m For New York, Philadelphia, etc, via i ohlch Valley Railroad 6 13 7.45 a. m ; 12 05 120, 3J3 (with Black Diamond Ex press) 11 30 P m Tor Pcnnslvania Railroad points 6 43 1 3? a. m . 2 30. 4 41 p. m. ' Tor western points via Lehigh Valle Railroad 7 43 a m.. 12 03 3 33 (With Black Diamond Express) 9 DO 11 30 p. m. Tialns will arrive at Scranton at follows riom Carbondale and the north 6 40 7 40 8 40. 9 31, 10 40 a m ; 12 00 noon; 1 03, 224' 3 23 4 37. 5 45. 7.43. 9 15 and 11 25 p Hi riom' Wllkes-Barre and the south 5 40 7 50 8 50, 10 10, 11 53 a. m : 1 1C. 2 14, 3 43, B " G 21. 7 53, 8 03, 9 45, 11 52 p m j"W BURDICK, G P. A. Albany, N. V H W. Cross, D. P A , Scranton, Pa trie and Wyoming Valley. Effectlvo Jan. 4, 1S97, Trains will leavo Scranton for Now Yoik, Newbuigh and Intermediate points on Eile also for Hawley and loral points nt 7.05 a. m and 2 2S p. m , and nrilve from above points at 10 33 a in and 9 Zi p. m soisain'ion suvixconr. In I.ilecl October lib, lH'JO. $T jeffy m jv u b STMi "Wto& w,v p- North nound. aoiitti Hound 203 JO I tot -201 1 -!. Butl0M pgSa I figa (Trams Dally, Ex-1 & J its I coptMintmy) 3 18 a' i- ulr u A I rive leave a lit 7S5N Y KrnuMIn St .... 74. 7 10 West l.'nd slicet ,.., 7 53 700 WeehawLen ., 8 10 . p m Arrive Leav r a m r u 1 IS llamco.. Juuctlon s Si too Hancock . a i . MiS 8turlUlit . ,2 23 is (Hi I'rustonl'aik 2 311.. 12 40 Ceimo .... ni unl l'ointcllo .... 2 sol UUr Hclmoat 2 6 .... urn. PleienntJIt , 8(6 11159, Unlondala 3 to 1140 Forest city 3 19 .... 8 Will Si Carboudnio 7 01 m .. 43H180 white nriiU'e rrc7f3 58 .... fli (3IIIJ, .Moyllold i: IS IS 4 ) .... 0 41I1U3 Jermn 714 8 45 .... 685lll8 Archibald 7'J3 8B1 .... 08.M115 Mlnton 7.3 8f4 .... GJ81111 I'ccltvlllo 7 27 a f I ,... fii3U07 Olypbaut 7 32 4 01 ... 0 20 11 03' I'rlctbUrg 7 31 4 oil .... 0 18,1103 Throop 7 8-14 10 .... 01SJ!(M rrOTiileuce 7 89 4 14, , .... a uimi I'Rrt. rmoo 17 41 n 171 ... 0101013 Ecramon 743 420, r mU m leave Arrive a h r il All trains run dally cxcoDt Eunrtv. f blffDlfles tUut trutus atop on Mirnal for ru BOPKere. ' hecuro rates via Ontario a Western bcfi purchasing ticket ! and savo money. Dor a, Night Kiproastotlin Vcst, ' J O.AnflcrsoD, Gen. pus Act. T.Flltcroft. Div. Puss, Agt Bcrantou, Pa kSwrpritMiiun i titfiiiiniiiiiitminimiiiiim 'iinmin iimtTwr-rM 111 WHIM PR ? ZALUJtll&LL&J iivii wii lauM-ij H4"4-fi. ,;ffl SOP Vh tBfT.Iv J ;- .Bi-ria ! im '3: --t..i.-n.. J.r rr,"I T. , ,;i ,n Mi 1, F,irnmiM "? .-.T.yT-. JiVegclablcPrcparalionforAs slmilallng aicroodatuincgnla I'uig lite Stomachs andDowab of PromoVcs'DigesHoti.Ciiccrful ticssandncst.Contains neillicr Opium.Morphtru norMacral. KOT NAliC OTIC. Xutpe cftXdllrSIflZZPJIVBHl JlrrXm Sritl MxSmnn JteJidlt Sails -fwt Sc& Jinptmunt -JhCutonattSoz fftfjn Setd -ftmfuti ' Surwr YkiiiyrKn tlaixr. Apcrfcctlicmody forConslipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature og NEW 'YORK. (lv5 Hj tXi4 : la EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. jjWyw t('lL argJivnffipgiirwgfTOgy GITY AND AUT STUDIO. F. Santeo CSS Spruce. AII1I.1.T1C AM) DAI1.V PAPFKS Relamnn & Solomon, 101 Wontlnrf ave ATIII.I.TIC HOODS AM) 11IC CI.I.S. C. M. Tlorey, 222 Wyomlns ave. ' i AWNlNOs AM) HI Kill It OOODS. q A. Crosby, 321 Lackawanna ave. BAIvitS. Lackawanna Trust and Safo Deposit Co. Merchants' and Mechanics', 420 Lacka Traders' National, coi. Wjomlns and Spiuce. West Side Bank, 109 N Main. Scranton Savings, 122 Wyoming. Ill IIDIMi, C.AIUU 1 C1.I.VN1NG, 1.1 C. The Scranton Bedding Co , Lackawanna mtr.wi its. Robinson, n Son"3 433 X. Seventh. Itoblnson, Mlna, Cedar, cor. Alder. gi .ns, i ir., E. It , 321 Spruce HICYCLI. . 1 K City Bicycle Livery, 120 Tranklln. uicylix ulpvihs, r.rr. Blttenbender & Co , 313H Spruce street DOOIS AM) SIIOI S. Goldsmith Bros. 304 Lackawanna, Goodman's Shoo Store, 432 Lackawanna, UKOM K AND JI.W i Itadln Bros , 123 Penn. SANDY .MAM'IAClUHiH. Scranton Candy Co , 22 Lackawanna. SAUPI.IS AM) MALI. PAPiK Ingalls, J, Scott, 410 Lackawanna, CAKHIAGHS AND IIAKM.SS. Slmwell, V. A , E15 Linden. CAHKIAGi: K1.POSIIOKY. Blume, Vm. & Son, 522 Spruce. CA11 Itl It. Huntington, J. C, 303 N. Washington. CHINA AM) GI.ASSW ,KC. Rupprecht, Louis, 221 Penn ave. CIGAU MAMJl'ACTUKl It. J. V. Floro, 223 Spruco street. CONn rilOM ItY AM) TOYS. Williams, J. D. & Bros , 314 Lacka. CONTHAriOll AND 11IJII.DI.K. Snook, S M , Olyphant. CKOCKI.UY AND Gl.ASSVV'Alth. Harding, J L , 215 Lackawanna. DINING IJOO.M. Caryl's Dining Room, COS Linden DHY GOODs. Tho rashlon, 30S Lackawanna avenue. Kelly & Healey, 20 Lackawanna. Flnle), P B, C10 Lackawanna, DH GOODS, SIIOI S, IIAUDWAUL, I'lC. Mulley, Ambiose, triple stores, Provi dence, DltY GOODS, 1ANTY GOODs, Kresky, E II. & Co , 111 S Main. DHUGGISTS. McOarrah & Thomas, 203 Lackawanna Lorentz C , 418 Lacka , Linden & Wash, Davis O W, Main and Market. Bloes, W S , Pckville. Davles, John J , 106 S Main, ING1M S AND IIOII I-Hs " Dickson Manufacturing Co. I1M. MIUrilAM 1 All.OIU.NG. J W Roberts, 120 N Main ave. W J Davis, 21B Lackananna, Eilc Audren, 110 S Main ave. 1IOHA1. 1)1 SIGNS. Clark, G. R S. Co , 201 Washington. IIOL'U. HUH I If. I GGs, LIC, Tho T II Watts Co , Ltd 723 W Lacka. Babcock G J & Co., 118 Franklin 1I.OUK, 1 I.I D AM) GltAlN Matthews C P Sons &. Co , 34 Lacka Tho Weston Mill Co , 47-49 Lackawanna. ritl'ITS AND PltODUCi: Dale S. Stevens, 27 Lackawanna. I Cleveland, A S , 17 Lackawanna. rUKNIslILD HOOMS 1 Union House, 215 Lackawanna iuiimtuim: Hill & Connell, 132 Washington Barbour's Homo Credit House, 423 Lack. Gitocr.its. Kelly, T. J. a Co ,14 Lackawanna Megargel ic Connell, Franklin avenue Porter, John T., 20 and 28 Lackawanna Ulce, Levy & Co , 30 Lackavvunna, Plrle. J, J 1.7 Lackawanna. -3f. -r 3t-ai "I tu - .traces afla wfetiftDPi? iwM --, t t 'Ii' I II i I III ' Oirecioii of Wholesale end Retail mmuiMWMmzm SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS 03ST THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTTFi OF Cactcriv h pat up in ons-s!:e bottles onlT. It la not told la balk. Don't allow onyono to sell yon anythbjr che on tho pica cr promiso that It u jctt as good" and will answer ovory pur pose-." Jur Beo that yoa get 0-A-B-T-O-B-I-A. -aaiic- aii z' x? srr . 7- it ea W'lu'UyyT&Z' "T ef ' wttppet. SUBURBAN gcni UAL Mruc.iiANnisr Osterhout, N. P.. 110 W. Market. Jordan, James, Oljphant. Bechtold. E J., Ql pliant. UAKDVVAHL. Connell. "W. P. & Sons, US Penn. Toote & Shear Co , 119 N, Washington. Hunt & Connell Co , 434 Lackawanna. llAKPWAIti: AND PLUV1IIING. Gunster& Forsyth, 327 Penn. Cowles, W. C , K07 N. Main ave, MAUN! SS AM) SADDLI UY llAUDHAUO. rrlta, G W , 410 Lackawanna. Keller &. Harrlu, 117 Penn. 11ARNLSS, UilMiS, HLGGII S. E B Ilouser, 133 N. Main avenue. uon ls Arlington, Grimes & riannery, Spruca and Franklin. Scranton House, near depot. UOU.SI, SIGN AM) I IJI.SCO PAIN ILK Win. Hay, 112 Linden. HUMAN IIAIK AM) HAIlt DHLbblNG. N. T. Llsk, 223 Lackawanna. LKAllILIt AM) FINDINGS. Williams, Samuel, 221 Spruce. LI Ml. ri'MIM SMUII PUT. Keller, Luther, 813 Lackawanna. MILK. CHI. AM, 11UI 111!, l.rC. Scranton Dairy Co , Penn and Linden. Stono Bros , 303 Spruce, MILLIINTH. Mrs M. Saje, 14G N. Main avenue. MILLINHtY AND DIM SsMAUING Mrs Bradley, 203 Adams, opp. Court House. MII.I.INI HY AND l-LK.MSUIVG GOODS. Brown's Bee Hive, 224 Lackawanna. MINK AND MILL SUPPLII.S. Scranton Supply and Mach. Co , 131 Wyo MODISH. AM) DIM SSMAKHt. Mis. K. Walsh, 311 Spruce street. MONUMI MAI. WOKIv1-. Owens Bros , 218 Adams ave. PANTS Grrat Atlantic f3 Pants 'Co , 319 Lacka. vvana ave. PvINTs AND SI PP1II b Jlencko &. McKee, 300 Spruce street. PAINTS AND WALL PAPLH. Winke, J, C 315 Penn PAW Mil! OM It, Green, Joseph, 107 Lackawanna, PIANOS AND OHGANs Stelle, J. Lawrence, 303 Spruce. PlIOIOGItAPIII It, H. S. Clamor, 311 Lackawanna ave. Pll'MIIING M) III AUNG, Howie), P V. & M F 231 Wyoming aye. 1M.AI. 1 SI ri . Horatio N Patrick, 320 Washington. ItUIIIll It STA.MPS, SIL.NCII.s, i.rc, Scranton Rubber Stamp Co,, 633 Sprues street. HOMING National Roofing Co , 331 Washington. SAM1AUY PI.UMHIM! W A Wledebusch, 23) Washington ave. SII'.AMSIIIP J A Barron, 21S LacHawanna and Prlceburg, sii ulo-im i.n r in coitAno.Ns and PVIMING. S H. Morris. 217 Wyoming ave. i la, i oi i r.r and spici:. Grand Union Tea Co , 103 S Main. IHUSSIS, 11A11IKUS HUIIlilK GOODS Benjamin & Benjamin, Franklin and Spiuce. LNDIUIAKI Ii AND LU LUY. Raub, A R , 423 Spruce UPIIOLSTLIM U AND CAHPLT LAYER. C. II Hazlett, 22G Spruco street. WALL PAPI H, I rC. Tord, W M . 120 Penn WAICUMAUI It AND JhWI l.l It. Rogers, A E , 215 Lackawanna. 1NS AND IiyilOKs i WaUh, Edward J.. 32 Lackawanna. Wlltl'. AND VMIM. HOPL. Washburn & Moen Mfs: Co., IIS Franklin CTA&i j$j 1 .