The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 11, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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120 Wyoming Ave.
308 I'enn Avenue. A. II. WAKMAN.
Square feet of floor space
filled with tlie largest and
most choice assortment of
ever shown in . Scrauton. A
visit to our store will con
vince you.
1 Willi
I I ! ""' "' ' ""
The fourth and llnal chamber concert
takes place this evening.
The public school day janitors will he
paid tomorrow uftcrnoon.
An alias subpoena wns yesterday grnnt
i'd In the divorce case of Anna II. Dlcklson
against lexnndor McWIIllams Dlcklson.
Court yesterday approved, conditionally,
tho report of Attorney T. 1'. Duffy, auditor
in tho estate of George W. Lloyd, de
ceased. V. a. Schoonmnker, guardian of Maud
C. Snyder, and Hose J. Mahon, guardian
of Katie 13. Duffy, were yesterday dis
charged by court.
John Hugno, arrested at Jessup for pass
ing counterfeit money, was yesterday re
leased on $300 ball furnished by Ids bro
ther, Frank Bugno.
An Important meeting Is called for tho
members of tho Klectlic City Economy
lodge at their hall, on Xorth Main ave
nue, Friday evening.
Daniel Langofskl was held to ball Tues
day night by Alderman Sllvlnskl, of Prlce
hurg, on another charge of libel brought
by Rev. Uruno Iwanowskl.
Tho Young People's Society of Christian
Kndeavor of Grace Lutheran church will
give a social this evening at tho home of
Mrs. Leighton 012 Washington avenue.
Attorney Horaco E. Hand yesterday
made application for a charter for tho
Soranton Hallway Uenellelnl association,
tin organization composed of tho street
car men.
T'nlon Biblo class for lesson study at 7.43
this evening in Grace Iteformed Kplscopal
church. Subject, "Tho Prison Opened,"
Acts, v, 17-32. All Sunday school teachers
are Invited.
Saturday will be the last day for llling
license applications preparatory to license
court March 13. Itemonstrances may be
tiled until March 1 and exceptions as late
us March 12.
The will of Joseph Webb, late of Scran
ton, was yesterday ndmltted to probate
and letters testamentary granted to Thom
as nnd Joseph Webb, his sons, and Will
iam Well, his son-in-law.
Class No. D of tho United Evangelical
church will hold a "mum" social at tho
home of their teacher, Mrs. Donlln, corner
York street and Capouso avenue, this ev
ening. Everybody welcome.
John Toole, of Scranton, and Catharine
Gallagher, of Lackawanna township;
Lewis Thomas, of Simpson, and Mary
Jane Stlmpson, of Olyphant, were grant
ed marriago licenses yesterday.
All members of Lady Oakford lodge,
Women's Veteran Relief union, are re
quested to meet nt Fuller's hall, Thursday,
Feb. 11, at 2.S0 o'clock, and all ladles who
are eligablo to become members are cor
dially Invited.
Romaln Van Looren, tho Wilkes-Harro
boy who was caught in this city Tuesday
ovenlng and who is wanted In Sayro or
the robory of $D0 and two gold watches,
was taken to Sayro yesterday by Chief
of Police Hass, of that city.
Tho Delaware and Hudson company paid
yesterday at the Jermyn mlno and on the
gravity division from Olyphant to Way
mart. Tho Delnwate, Lackawanna and
Western company paid Its trainmen yes
terday and will pay today at the Pyno,
Taylor and Holden mines.
St, Joseph's Foundling Homo acknowl
edges tho following donations: Rev:
Father Hrehl, Plttston, $10; a friend, $2;
Mrs. Edgar Connell, two barrels of Hour;
JCIegler's Bakery, llfty-flvo loaves of bread;
Mrs. John M. Burke, Green Rlage, cloth
ing; Mrs. F. W. Gunster, clothing; Mrs.
W. B. Duggan, Mrs. John Knlttle, dry
goods; Mrs. Simon Rice, groceries.
Captain Jenkins, of Philadelphia No. 1
post, will take charge of the services held
In the American Volunteer armory this
evening, at No. 318 Washington avenue.
Miss JenklnB has been very successful In
her soul-saving work In Philadelphia and
an Interesting meeting Is promised to those
who attend Scranton No. 1 post tonight.
The meeting commences at 8 p. m. All
Ceiicrnl Stnrblrd Will Meet the Local
Committee This Kvoning.
George Stnrblrd, of tho Pennsylvania
uniformed rank, Knights of Pythias,
will meet the loral convention commit
tee tonight at S.SO o'clock at tho Castle
hall of Electric City lodge, 120 Main
Information .relative to the state con
vention In this city will he Eiven by
General Starblrd.
V 35 oranges 23c.
FIno oranges 20c. per dozon.
A 200 boxes fancy sweet California
Y Naval Oranges. Also Florida Rus
y sets and fancy bright Nassau
0 fruit. E. G. COURSEN.
A Wholesale and Retail.'.
I'ronl A Gold WiUeh Froo I
Will be given to one of the C Bros,'
"ucky customers on Saturday nltfJU.
no ticket Blven with every 25c, pur-
.nse and four with a dpllar purchase.
lundreds of eager buyers are dally
'king advantage of our closing1 out
le about half usual price. Harding's
u Qtrtra
Way (lie Lncknwamia Iron and Steel
Company Figures In II.
Thoy Secretly Sold Hulls nt 11 l'rico
Iicss Thiiii tho One Tixeil by thu
Pool, unci When tho liiicliiiwiiium
Company 1 1 curd ol'Tlils It Decided
to Wltliilrnw-Vtirious Opinions ns
to What Itcsiilt Mill lie-Will Not
Ucnefit the Tindu.
The disruption of the steel rail pool
wns tho one topic that engrossed the
attention of the steel workers of the
city yesterday 'and In business circles
It was nlso a much' discussed topic.
What will the breaking of the pool
inenn for Scranton? wns the question
that everyone nshed nnd that no one
nppenred able to satisfactorily answer.
It seemed to he the general Impression
that the collapse of the pool will mean
steadier employment for the men work
ing lu the Sernnton mills th'un they
lmve eirjoyed for several years.
The mills of the Lackawanna Iron
and Steel company control the steel rail
situation so farns the east Is cuncc-ned
nnd there Is every probability that the
blllclals of the company will see to it
that they get at, least their full share
of the orders pluccd In the Hast. The
company Is now selling rails at $20 a
ton and It Is said can go severul dollars
below that mark without actunlly los
ing money.
In Chicago Tuesday Carnegie sold
rails for $17 a ton and In Pittsburg
the same day he disposed of thoin for
$14. 23 per ton, a drop of $9 since, the
pool broke and a drop of $12 since Jan.
1. Although the perfect machinery In
Carnegie's Pittsburg: plant renders It
possible for him to make rnll-J somo
whut cheaper than his competitors; It Is
said by those who are familiar with
the details of the steel rail business
that he loses about $1.C0 on every ton
he sells In Plttsburc at $14.25. Thnt
condition of affairs cannot go on indefi
nitely and some of the smaller and
weaker concerns must co to Ihe wall
If the fight which has already begun
should be conducted with vigor for a
few months. In some quarters tho
Lackawnnna Iron and Steel company
of this city Is held responsible for the
disruption of tho pool hut the blame
should not be laid at Its door.
A man who Is well versed In tho se
crets of the steel rail trade and who
Is In a position to know what tho Lack
awanna Iron nnd Steel company has
been doing said to a Tribune reporter
yesterday; "As I view the situation
the breaking of the pool is a misfor
tune to the steel rail trade and I think
that fact will be apparent before many
months have elapsed. The Iarkawan
n a Iron nnd Steel company was forced
to withdraw because the companies
with which It was associated In the
pool were not honest., Since Jan. 1 the
pool price for rails has been $25 a ton
yet several companies have been quiet
ly making a lower price than that
when they found they could capture a
good size order by so doing.
"This, of course, soon became known
to tho officers of tho Lackawanna com
pany and they withdrew from the pool
and wont out Into tho market and ob
tained the best price they could for
their rails. That price was $20 a ton.
When this became known among other
members of the pool an effort was
made to prevent a general disagree
ment, with the consequent demoraliza
tion of prices. At a meeting of the rep
resentatives of the pools in Pittsburg
Monday a strenuous effort was made
to prevent its dissolution, but without
avail. It was decided to let each com
pany look out for itself, getting the
best prices It could, and all the orders
that active sales asents could secure.
This decision was also lnlluenced by the
. -
fact that few rails are being sold de
spite the reduction a few months ago
of from $2S to $25 a ton, which It was
expected at the time would lead to the
placing of many new orders.
"I am of the opinion that the mills
of the local company will do u little
more work under the condition of af
falv'xtlmt now exist than they would
ha - he pool continued In 'xlstenee,
but here can be no very great dlf
fure for railroad companies do not
buy el rails unless they want them
and pn they do want them they
inu.s . v. A dollar more or less a ton
will i i,1UBnc0 them for or against
orderl TJie Lackawanna company.
It ina l said, however, practically
controls the trade of the east and al
ways has done so, It will have Its
share of tho business that is going, on
that you may depend."
The steel rail pool was organized over
eight years ago with tho following
mombers: Carnegie Steel company, Il
linois Steel company, Cambria Iron
company. Uethlehem Iron company,
Lackawanna Iron and Steel company,
Pennsylvania, Steel company, Mary
land Steel company and the Ohio Steel
company, ot Vcjungstown. The latter
made no rails, hut yvns paid profits on
a certain amount of tho general allot
ment to keep out of the market. It Is
'now probable that the Ohio and John
son Steel companies will enter thu rail
market actively.
Since the .pool was orsnnlzed It has
been dolus; business with 'the excep
tion of one vear. 1892. In December.
J 1603, a reorganization was perfected
on tho allotment plan. Dtirlnrt the
pust few years the Carnegie and Illi
nois companies Had been ninkln:; most
of the rails In tho country by purchas
ing the allotments of minor concerns.
The big companies did this nt a profit,
as they could make rails cheaper by
reason of superior equipments. Urok
ers arc delighted over the dissolution,
as It will enable them to again handle
rails. Speaking' from nn Impersonal
standpoint, a prominent Pittsburg steel
broker said yesterday;
"This smashup means prosperity for
tho Iron, steel, coke nnd ore industries.
Last year when the pool kept rails at
$28 a ton, railroads were' prevented
from buying and production was far
below the normal. This, In turn, kept
Idle many blast furnaces, coke plants
and oil fields which would have been
active hnd there been normal activity.
All this will ho changed. Lower prices
that will come In an open rail market,
will undoubtedly Induce the railroads
to buy more liberally than they have
for years. There Is not a branch df,
the Iron and steel business that will
not gain a fresh Impetus from the
dissolution. The rail pool has syste
matically robbed the public." Con
cerning tho breaking of the pool the
Philadelphia Ledger said yesterday:
The steel rail pool was organized with
tho object of regulating the production
and preventing cutting below a prolltablu
price. Tho prices wero mnlntulued by
agreement between the companies In tho
association, and up to last year ranged In
tne neighborhood of $30 a ton down to J2S.
An effort wns made to overcome In nomo
degree the dullness of tho trade by llxlng
the price at !!S a ton for the present yeuf's
contracts. This decision was reached
some time last fall.
There are conlllctlng opinions as to the
result of the cut. On one hand It was
thought It will stimulate tho sale of rails,
railroads hastening to purchusu before thu,
price stiffens again. It was pointed out
that extensions might now he made, owing
to the low price of rails, which otherwise
would have been left alone, and there is a
feeling that perhaps tho export trade will
be Increased.
On tho other hand, It was assorted that
tho cut In tho price will certainly demor
alize the steel rati market, nnd, following
tho collapse of tho steel billet pool and
the steel beam pool, probably have a
most depressing effect on the Iron market
generally. The dissolution of the pool wns
declared to be a mistake, as railroads will
buy the rails they need anyway, no matter
what the price Is, and the cut could not
possibly have any beneficial effect.
Ralls are selling In England at $21 a
ton. It Is understood that tho Carnegie
company proposes to ship rails to that
country. It Is stated on good authority
that the dissolution of the pool was
caused directly by cuts made by this
company. When tho Lfoluiwaima com
pany heard of this It served notices of
withdrawal Immediately.havlns expect
ed something of the sort.
At the first of the year the pool re
duced rails from $2S to :j23, expecting
'that the lower prices would bring in
creased sales. It failed to do so, nnd
this circumstance caused tho members
to bo ready for" almo-st any change
Comparatively few orJeis for rails have
been placed this year.
They Made a Murderous Assault on Louis
Frcedman in His Store on-
Penn Avenue.
Louis Frcedman, who keeps a general
store at 127 Penn avenue, was assault
ed yesterday at noon by two individ
uals whose evident Intention was to
kill him. Mr. Frecdman's version of
the affair Is that at about 12.30 o'clock,
when he was very busy, two tough
looking men entered his store and pro
ceeded to raise a disturbance. Neither
appeared to be drunk. One of the men,
who subsequently was captured, and
gave his name as James Reed- said:
"I'm going to kill this man," accom
panying the words with actions that
made Freodman think the man was In
Freedman tool; refuge behind a coun
ter and Reed pulled out a huge pocket-
PsesPS - ffiaw
knife, which caused his companion to
protest. The two meni became en
gaged In a scuflle In which Reed's
friend attempted to pull him out on the
sidewalk. In this ho was successful,
but no sooner was the sidewalk reached
than they continued to light and soon
both were rolling about on the pave
ment. During the light Reed struck
his friend a savage blow over the eye
which was returned later in the shape
of a kick In Reed's face.
When Freedman saw the two men
down he rushed out ot the store and
seizing Reed pushed him down toward
Lackawanna avenue, honing to find a
policeman somewhere. Ho was calling
on some of the bystanders to help him
lead the man, when ho heard some one
cry out, "Look out, Freedman, your be
ing stabbed." lie wheeled about Just
In time to see the glint of a knifo und
at that moment his foot slipped and die
fell. The man with tho knife fell on
top of him In such a manner thut
Freedman's left arm was broken above
tho elbow and he was rendered uncon
scious. Reed was placed under arrest soon
afterward bv Patrolman May, but his
friend escaped und the police were
looking for him u;i to a late hour last
Dr. Hobart was called and attended
Freedman. The latter stated to a Trib
une reporter that certain merchants
who were competitors of his were the
Instigators of tho assault. Ho said
they were Jealous oMilm because ho
wns doing1 a largo business and ho he-
lleved they were greatly ant'ered by
hla opening yesterday of un uddltlon
to hla present place of business.
Becomes a Weil Woman If Taking
Paine's Celery Comport,
Mrs. C. C. Newcomb of St. Louis, finds
herself "a new woman," In the best
sense of the word.
An Invalid woman Is always a sad
sight sadder even than that of an In
valid man, because of her greater cap
acity for suffering.
Neuralgia, backaches, fits of depres
sion and headaches compel her to think
or work with half her brain, while
the other half throbs as If It would go
to pieces. There arc no more striking
examples of tho great, practical value
of Paine's celery compound than are
heard from the lips of women who have
been made well.
Its ability to relievo those Ills that
seem to he peculiarly the mlsforune of
women is overwhelmingly proven by
Innumerable testimonials from women
of the highest standing In the commu
nities where they live.
Cannot He Furnished with Transpor
tation to Washington.
Colonel H. A. Coursen last evening
received the following telegram from
Adjutant General T. J. Stewart:
Harrlshurg, Pa., Feb. 10, 1S37.
Colonel H.' A. Coursen, Scranton, Pa.
Guard will not attend thu Inauguration.
Will write particulars. T. J. Steward.
The following dispatch was received
at this olllce last night by United
Harrlshurg, Pa., Feb. 10. It has been
definitely determined that the National
Guard of Pennsylvania will not take part
In tho Inaugural ceremonies at Washing
ton on the 4th of March. At past Inau
gurations tho troops wero carried frea
by the railroad companies, but the Inter
state commerce regulations Interfere this
A reduced rate of fire has been fixed,
but even this low rate would make tho
cost of transportation of the Pennsylvania
troops upward of $30,000. The adjutant
general eannpt use any portion of the fund
appropriated for the Guard for this pur
pose and the condition of the state rev
enues make a special appropriation Im
possible. The railroad companies are desirous of
transporting the troops of Pennsylvania,
but as other states are demanding tho
same favor the trip had to be abandoned.
Thnt Is All That Is Charged Agninst
n Pair of Contractors.
Antonlnn, William, Anthony and John
Kofoskle, of Old Forge, yesterday bagan
an action for $5,000 against Contractors
Joseph L. Chapman and George F. liar
ber.agalnstwhom they allege tho unique
tiesiKiss of violently and with givat
force of arms sliding, dragging and
carrying away a. double dwelling house,
belonging to the plaintiffs.
The house in question was located on
Grace street in Old Forge. The con
tractors for some reason not made ap
parent wanted tho house removed from
the premises and proeeeded'to do it last
November, without waiting for the fam
ilies occupying It to agree to get them
selves or household goads out. A, AV.
Rertholf Is the attorney for the plain
The I. Ilnuistur Stock .'dust Ho Sold,
Uig liargnin.'i for Uiirly Huyei.
Never In tho history of the shoe busi
ness in Scranton wero such creat bar
gains offered to the public than can now
be secured nt Tho Banister Shoo com
pany, corner of Lackawanna and Wy
oming avenues. Read prle?s caie
l'ully and bee what muney can be saved
by purchasing there. All Kahler last
shoes, $5.00 and $G,00 goods, will be told
for $0.00 a pair; Laird, Schoher & Cob
shoes, English toe, worth $0.00, tor $3.20
a pair; all tho $4.00 hand-made Com
mon Sense and square toe shoes will be
sold for $::.'"; all ot Gray's $3.00 hand
made shoes for $2.&0 a pair.
Closing Out Hiitilnohs iu Sernnton.
Crouch Iiros. & Ilcatty are havlnff all
the people they can take care of since
they have concluded to lot their stock
o fine shoes no at a price to close out
their business.
Tn Curo ii Cold in One Day.
Take lasatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets.
AH druggists rotund the money If it
tbils to cure. 25 cents.
(Jot n Ticket on tlio Oold Watch
at the 5 Brothers'. One ticket given
with every 25c. purchase, and four with
n dollar purchase. Urawlng will take
place Saturday night.
Great bargains In hair switches at
Konecny's, hair dresser, 317 Lacka. avo.
Mrs. Newcomb, writing from her
home, 2205 Market St., St. Louis, rays:
"I wan taken with a heavy cold, which
I neglected, and pleurisy set In. Then
I was In bed for several weeks. When
I recovered so 1 could get up I had
'that tired feeling,' and was never very
well. My doctor told mo to take Paine's
celery compound, so I got a bottle and
have taken it. I feel much bptter than
1 have lor months. I was nervous and,
could not sleep at night. Now I rest
easy, sleep well, eat well, and will say
that Paine's celery compound has really
made mo a new woman."
Paine's celery compound Is used by
physicians in tliPir own homos as well
as prescribed to patients suffering from
nervous diseases, sleeplessness, neural
gia, rheumatism and a "run-down"
condition. It Is within the reach of
every one.
Two Applications for Divorce filed
Yesterday with tho I'rotliuimtiiry.
Two divorces were petitioned for yes
terday. Saiah Hull, of Carbondule,
through Attorney J. K. Rurr, asked
to he separated from her husband,
Richard Hull, to whom she was mar
ried November IS, ISSn, nnd from
whose companionship she was com
pelled to withdray July 12 lasf, she al
leges, because of cruel and barbarous
The other petitioner was a man from
the South Side, Adam J. Franc, who
wants to be divorced from his alleged
unfaithful wife, Louisa. Mr., Bcale Is
the attorney In the latter case.
The Colli Watch.
to be given away o,t the 5 Brothers'
Suturday nlsht is creating a great deal
of excitement. Every one is anxious
to be the lucky one.
Kay Aug Park Colliery, Cunnvan
& Stokes, Coal Operator.
Egg: Stove and Chestnut.
AT MINES, $2.00,
Colliery, Gibson St., Tenth ward.
01H(!C 130 Wyoming avenue. Strict
attention given to orders by mail.
Including the painless extracting of
teutli by an cnlitely now process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
331 Sprues St , Opp, Hotel Jermyn.
reduced, nm mm
lHr?,tV&'frrt8W5i!( a les'
m mmtr&m n
TM'. llW A omit
3 "-M(m,?C'nvwj'? rita oum
There is no uecessit' for this lack of coziuess. We are
selling, draperies at such reasonable prices that the most
economical can be accommodated.
.So ui(! Swooping Reductions in the
I'riuu ol'Iittillus nnd Mini' Toot.
The Banister Shoe company have pur
chased Mi. 1. Ilnnlster's shoo stote, cor
ner of Lackuwanna and Wyoming ave
nues. Extensive Improvements are
contemplated In tho store nnd building
by tho now firm, to mnke such Improve
ments It Is, necessary to dispose of tho
Immense stock. In consequence prices
have been reduced and every pair ot
shoes In tho store will be sold for ubottt
one-half of the actual value. '
illou Who Work' Hard
Need Ilorxford's Acid Phosphate.
Taken nt bed-time It brings Round,
sweet sleep; quiets the nerves nnd
builds up brain tissue. It's good for
digestion too take a little after mauls.
Young, hut Up to Onto.
It you like our work, tell others; If
you don't, toll us. Soft button holes In
your collars. Crystal Laundry
Miss Carolyno V. Dorsoy, teacher of
elocution, oratory and delsarte, GIG Ad
nms avenue.
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m.. .5
p. in.
Get a nalr of those shoes at Crouch
Bros. & Realty's quick if you want a
real bargain.
Stall Price Cutting
Fcr tho benefit of tho people.
What was S7.0J is now $i q3,
What was 10 tn Is uoiv 4.7s,
What yus H.UO is uo7 6.50.
What wns 55 0) Is now $2.49
What wns 10 00 Is uow 4.75
What wns 15 00 Is now 6.05
Big Bargains in Fur Capes.
W. R. BLACK, l3, VVvo
mliij Ave
We have placed on sale 50
dozen cups and saucers of the
above sensible ware. The
saucers have heavy gold band
ed edges, the cups show solid
gold handles, and goldbauds
and in plain rich solid colors
as follows; Cobalt-blue, dark
pink, light pink, iyoiy, yel
low and turquoise.
Y8 Have Marked Tliem
Cup and Saucer
Sohni3r Piano Stands at th9 Head
Jl&! ' ' ' i:.- 'iVr.v5ftA-i-
m tM'?2mmM
.(.'"-?:.vj- "i 4' -Zj-zr -
AND J. V, (1UCRNSBY Stands at the Head
in thu Musio track. You can always gjt a
better bargain at Ida beautiful warerooras
than at any nthor placo in tho city.
Call uud seo for yourself before buying,
205 Washington Avenue,
An Idea! Home
Is incomplete without drape-
You may place the
dsomest furniture in a
paper its walls, and
the draperies at doors
and windows, and there is an
air of incompleteness about
the apartment.
406 Lackawanna Ave.
Ann Himmtnrv Unilftl
'$ UJJ. tijuiimig nuussi
IfUulllu dUuu flU 0
r :t
i. W. BERRY,
423 Lackawanna Avb.tjj,
Clocks, Jewelry,
Sterling Silver
And Cut Glass.
Great Reductions iu All
These Goods.
Watches and Clocks Re
paired on short notice.
From Business
Our entire stock of
In both our stores, 412 SprilCC St,,
and '205 LilckiUVaillM AVC,
will be closed out at
to facilitate a spesdy wind-up
of our busiticss.
and putting down the price
upon tlicin is wlmt we arc ever
striving to do. Wo have made
a record in certain lines of
Complete with Shade or Globe,
from $l.i)8 to $4.4!). These
sire one of the many bargains
now at the
Wears Uldg, Cor. WoAh. and Sprue: St.
Jewjy .A.ia.JLl!LiL Wu?
ill i CONNELL CO.,
Builders' Hardware,
Gas, Plumbing and
Elsctrfo Fixtures,
ElGdric Light Wiri.ii
I.. ..II.I..I..II .Wlllllll 111 I 111 III
Jewelry Store,
Look at our $10 Gold Watches,
Warranted 15 Years,
213 Lackawanna AveniH.
ill '"VCWiSH f H
fflUm AT
ffll fan's