i S-f&i mx EIGHT PAGES 5 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., TIIUJRSDAY MOHN1NG, FEBRUARY 11, 1897. TWO CENTS A COPY 9UUW we mt 5M Ganncn LEFT OVCn OUR REGULAR , FALL, AND WINTER SELLING IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT, AND THESE- Must Be Got R5d! of. WE NO LONGER QUOTE PRICES, BUT WILL CLEAN THE ENTIRE LOT, ooooooooooooooooo ir Single Garmeits 'AT LESS THAN COST OF MAK ING THIS 13 A Hew Feature Sell! BUT WE ARE THOROUGHLY IN EARNEST AND WILL Clean tie Stock OUT WITHIN THE NEXT TEN DATS, NO MATTER WHAT THE SACRIFICE TO US MAY BE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hare The PI mi oder ooooooooooooooooo Lowest FOR NEXT SEASpN. YOU NEVER HAD SUCH AN OPPOR TUNITY AS THE PRESENT, t THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST t CALL OF THE SEASON ON THESE GOODS, AND PRICES VILL NEVER REACH THE AME LOW POINT AGAIN. THAT IS CERTAIN. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAREHOUSE GLOBE CAPITAL BOOM FOR PHILADELPHIA Mr. Thomas Presents a Dill la Interest of Removal. AIR. KUNKEL DEFENDS HARRISBURG He Speaks in Glowing Tonus of thu J'ire Department niul Hreomcs Snr cnstlc lion Referring to tlio Senntc. A Hill Providing (or Tux on J'eiin n Itiiuiti ami Foreign I!eerOIuiu bcrs oi Mine Kvumining Hoard. Harrisburg, Pa.. Feb. 10. The senate was cnlled to order lit 11 o'clock this morning, 'Lieutenant Governor Lyon presiding. The following bills were lead In place: By Mr. Thomas To make the clt of Philadelphia the capital and seat of gov ernment ot the stato of Pennsylvania and to piovlde for submitting the proposition to the vote of the qualified voters of the Btate. It provides that on and after Jan 1, 1893, Philadelphia shall be the capital and seat of government, provided that the said city of Philadelphia shall Hie with the governoi of the commonwealth a legal and binding agieement on the part of the clt to furnish the necessary site. That at least sixty dai s befoie the next general election to be held In Novembei, 1S97, the governor shall, b proclamation, order an election as requited by the con stitution, upon the proposition of lemoval. The secietarj of the commonwealth shall have pi luted on the olllclal ballot two sep arate columns, one heading "for the re moval of tho capital," and the othei "against lemoval of the capital," and the result shall be aseei tallied In the same manner as other elections, and when de termined shall be dul certified to the sec retary of the commonwealth The bill wab refeired to the committee on judicial y special 13y Mr Hardenbergh Providing for the ndvirtlslng of proposals for contracts or notices of letting and all legal notice ie lating to the count) affatis bv the count commissions! s In the several counties of the commonwealth. Two bills vveie passed finally, the first authorizing school conti oilers to establish free kindeigartens and the other validates the Indebtedness of any borough In the state herein before ln cuued. When the period for the consideration of resolutions vvns renched, Mr. Kauff man, of Lancaster, offered a resolution limiting the aichltect employed to pre pare plans for a cnpltol building to plans, the canylng out of which is not to eort mote than $1,000,000 Mr. White offered a substitute giving the commissioners of public buildings and giounds the power to give the ar hltect engaged general instiuctlons as to plans. The amendment and substitute were refened to the public buildings com mittee. Mr. Grady offered a resolution that when the senate adjourn it be to meet Monday evening, Feb 22, at 9 o'clock. At 12.15 the senate took a lecess until 12 45. THE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. Upon re-conventng the committee on the part of the senate to investigate the olllces of the state treasuier and auditor general was announced It was made up of Mr. Mitchell, of Jeff ei ton, chairman; Messrs. Snyder, of Chester, and Brown, of Philadelphia The gov ei noi submitted tho following persons to be membeis of the board of exnmlneis to examine applicants for the position of mine In spectors to seive for four yeais from March 1 next: A. V. Hoyt, Phil lpsburg; George L. Miller, engineer; Bitumen; Heni Gage, miner. South roit, and Joseph Williams, mlnei, Lind say. 'I he nomination of George Whegal, of Penyopolls, to be a member of the boaul of examineis to examine appli cants for mine inspectors, was received. The appointment, togethei with the other nominees, foi the position, weie conllrmed The house amended the senate resolu tion of pdjouinment so far that while It agreed to the senate adjourning to the 2'd, it (the house) agieed to ad journ only until Wednesday, the 17th, at 9 p. m. The senate then at 2.50 adjourned to meet on Teb. 22 at 9 1. in. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. When the house met at 11 o'clock this morning theie were the usual petitions asking the passage of the bill to pre vent the desecration of the Ameilcan flag. Among the bills read in place vveie the following: 3J Mr Bliss, ot4Jglavv are Providing for tax on beir, ale ana"portei, manufactured or brewed In Pennsylvania, during the ears U97, 1&9S and 1699 Also an act to Impose a tax on the same pioducts manu factured outside tho btate. It Imposes half a cent a gallon on the home pioduet and one cent on that manufactured out side of tho state. Bv Mi Martin, of Lawrence To prevent fraud in the manufacture and sale of dalr products By Mr Dunlap, of Philadelphia Increas ing the minimum punishment for fiaudu. lent voting to live jears In prison. ,By Mr Foeht of Union Limiting the numbei of luffed grouse and woodcock to be killed In one da and prohibiting tho transporting of this game. B Mi. Smith, of Jeffeison Creating a mining department In the department of internal affairs Speakei Boier appointed Represen tative Robeit K. Fostei, of Centte county, a member of the Soldiers' Or phans' school commission In place of Representative Cook, of Fulton, de ceased. MR. KUNKEL'S ELOQUENCE. When the senate resolution opposing the appiopi luting of any money for a new cupitol until Ilnnisburg provides a paid (ire department was taken from the table, Mr Kunkel, of Hairlsbujg, moved that it be tefened to the com mittee on public buildings, now inves tigating tho (Ire. lie said In pait: I trust members of the house will refuse to concur In this resolution. It should go to the joint legislative committee now In vestigating tho lire, which is the proper committee to consider It, I deslie to bring mo attention or the house to the real pur poses of the resolution and Its effect. The honorable gentleman who Is tho author of this tesolution took occasion to reflect upon this elt) and the lire depaitmeut, which has suved it so long und so well, It is only fair that the resolution should (Irst be considered by the Investigating committee. This resolution piejudlcates tho whole case. To press It now and then havo a report from this commit tee exonerating tho, firemen would be for tho house to stultify Itself. I am here to nsk fair play for the fire department which has saved millions of property and many humnn lives In Its history of moro than fifty j ears In Ilnrrlsburgv Mr. Kunkel spoke eloquently Of tho gallnnt conduct of the Hi emeu In many a lmtd fight with the Humes; and said the depaitment would compare favoi ably with that of any third class city In the state, paid or volunteer. Con tinuing, he said: Isn't this resolution an entering wedge to secure tho lemoval of the cnpltol? Wouldn't It be ns sensible to substitute for this resolution one that no senate chamber shall be built In Harrlsburg or elsewhcie In the state so long as tho sen atorial districts continue to Send persons to the senate who do not know smoke when they breath It oi lire when they smelt It. (Laughter ) Men who did not smell smoke when It was all around them and made no successful effort to ascertain the origin of It are not In a position to eiltlclse the conduct of our volunteer de paitment Adveise comment conies with bad gnce from them. Mr. Kunkel said In conclusion: This seems to be an attempt to use the legislature for the put pose of prejudicing the people of Pennsjlvnnla against the ictentlon of the seat of government In Hairlsburg, where the capitol has been foi almost a ceuturj and where, by the Intelligence of the people and the pdbllc policy which has pievalled on this ques tion, It will continue to remain, I trust, for many veais to come There can be no offense in referring this resolution to the committee on Investigation and I move to so refei it. This motion was promptly seconded. Aftei some aigument, Mi Kunkel's mo tion to lefer the lesolutlon to the com mittee on investigation was Lairied oveiwhelnjlngly. The speakei appointed Messrs W. T. Marshall, Keyser, McClaln, Hauls, Ken, and Lennon nienibeis of the com mittee to investigate the state treasury on the pait of the house After a shoit recess the amended res olution for adjoin nment was letutned fiom the senate and asreed to. The house then adiouined until next Wed nesday evening at 9 o'clock. WEYLER'S STYLE OF WAR Some Specimen Instances of the Heroic Struggle Made by the Chivalrous Spanish Governor-General. Havana, Feb 10 The rich sugar plantation Cat men, in Sabanllla, ptov Ince of Matanzas, lias been ravaged for the third time bv a Spanish column undei oidei of Geneial Weylei. The troops binned thirty houses on the plantation and killed two old men, one of them SO, and the other 76 yeais of age, a woman and a boy 14 years old. The manager of the plantation, F. Te joia, an American citizen, protested against the unlaw tul attack and the assassinations. He was Immediately killed by the Spanish soldiers, after having been insulted when he declared that the plantation was the propeity of an American citizen. The ow ner of the sugar estate Carmen Is Alfied Hernandez, who was impris oned for twenty days at Havana and then expelled from the Island. He is an Ameilcan citizen At piesent he has a claim befoie the state department at Washington against the Spanlbh gov ernment for the damages to his ptop eity lesulting fiom the two previous raids upon the estate. Since the exist ence of that claim became known heie all of Mi. Hernandez's pioperties have been in danger of destruction. The mllltaiy authoiltles and the Spanish guerilllas say that Hernandez, as an enemy of Spain, deserves the severest punishment, and all the more because ho is an Ameilcan. Just before Te joia was killed a soldier said to him: "So v,e do with all Amei leans," and pleiced him with his bajonet. It Is a fact that, not Including the paclficos assassinated in the country by the Spanish columns, and who aie to be counted by thousands, the Span ish couits martial condemn to C Mi on political accusations about twenty per sons eveiy day, all over the Island When not the slightest evidence is found against the victims these teiri blo tribunals invariably Inlllct upon the prisoneis a sentence of Imprison ment at haid labor foi life. Such are the cases of F. Navauo in Matunzas, and in Remedios of Pablo Hurtado, Manuel Bairios, Hennino Lopez, Mateo Tejeda and Pedro A. Perez. The list of those ulieady shot in Havana or sent to Fernando Po or Chafarinas Islands is enormous. The Spanish steamers leaving for Euiope are ciowd ed with thebe hapless victims of Span ish oppiesslon, and among them aie many lepresentatlves of the more learned and distinguished classes. Negro Sentenced to Death. Houston, Tex, Teh 10 Alexander 'ler rell, the negro who outraged Ms. Jack son, a white lad In the outskirts of this city last December, pleaded guilt to the charge this uioinlng and was sentenced to death The olllceis who escotted 'ler- i ell to the court house and subsequently to the jail weie followed by a laige crowd, but bejoud a few jeei3 and cuises no dem oustiatlon was made. Will .Vol MiiUii ItuiU. Young3town, O, Feb 10 The Ohio Steel company deny that the Intend en gaging in tho manufacture of steel rallb. and membeis of tho compan asseit very emphatically that the question 1ms not been consldeied and that no action of any kind In that dliectlon has been under con sideration at uny of the meetings' of the companj. (Jlnss Worker Strike. Ellwood, Ind , Teh 10 The soveral hun died emploves of the McUeth Lump Chltn ne factory walked out this mottling It Is suld that tho glass has been wot king badly for some time and tho bieakage has been so great that the men could not make wages, nnd decided to walk out und remain out. until tho matter was bettled. Steamship ArrmilH. New Yoik, Feb. 10 Arrived. Steam ers Manitoba, from London; Westernland. fiom Antweip; Palatla, fiom Hambuig Sailed. Steamers New Yoik, for South ampton, Schiedam, for Amsterdam, Ma jestic, for Liverpool, Sailed for New Yoik- Spaarndam, fiom Rotterdam, Dresden, from Bremerhaven. bineer Prnpn Demi. Now York, Pcb 10 vAt tho conclusion of the final scene of the opeia "Maltha," at the Metiopolltau Opera House tonight, and as tho cuilaln wtU down, Armand Castelmury, the vvell-knoVn singer, leeled and fell dead. Heart disease was the cause- INTERVIEW WITH GENERAL GOMEZ Cuba Wants Nothing from Spain Except Complete Independence. SHAA1 REF0RA1S ARE NOT DESIRED Tho Island Would iot Accept Home Utile with n Spanish Cnptnin Cen-cial--IIc Docs Not Think the Atti tude ol Our Government Hns Been rricnclly to Cubn -- He Protests Agninst Cleveland Ignoring the Cuban Republic us nil Established Pact. Tiom tho New York Sun. Camp of Gen. Maximo Gomez, near Salado, Piovlnceof Santa Clara, Cubi, Jan. ai, via Jacksonville, l'la., Feb. i -Yesteiday I arrived at the camp of the commnndei-lii-chlef and today General Maximo Gomez, the hoart, head, sou!, and strength of the lebeillon against Castlllan power In Cuba, gave in the most satisfactory nnd lengthy Intet vlew yet accorded the lepiesentatlve of any paper. I found the Cuban leader seated In a hatd, straight-backed chuli upon a v Ine-coveied veranda. He was sunounded bv several of his officers Betancoui t, Menocal, and Lieutenant Galvo The latter, lately arrived from San Domingo and a fast friend of the Gomez family, translated and assisted in tho Interview which follows. I have tried to follow the commanders own vvoids ns much as possible, since he hos a dliectness nnd teiseness of exoies slon that leaves no doubt as to his meaning, "What do you wish to know?" was the beginning of tho interview, and without giving me time to reply, Gomez continued "You must quote me cor rectly. I will speak openly on nltnost any subject ubout which you will nsk me, but j on must not say more than I do. Therefote I will lequest that a copy of the inteivlow be submitted to Lieutenant G-alvo and to Dr. Stevens befoie It Is sent nvvay." Dr. Stevens Is a loung Boston sur geon who has the entiie confidence of the insurgent leader, and is the only foreigner who dines with Gomez iegu laily. "What Is the attitude of the Cuban people In relation to reforms to be granted by Spain?" was the first ques tion. Geneial Gomez replied: "Spain does not Intend to grant reforms. She has no good will tow aid Cuba or the Cuban people. She never had It has been alwavs liei foiemost deslie to make as much out of the colony and get as much out of It as was possible for her own good. Be that as it may, we are asking nothing of the Spanish government or people. Even were the pioposals for reform bona fide nothing could tempt us to treat with them. "We aie for liberty, not for Spxnish i eform We are for Cuba, not for Spiln Wo aie for the people of our own land who work, not for the horde of 'dlers and coiruptionlsts that Spain intends for us so long as she is able to back them by bayonets. "I am disgusted with this talk of re foim. Does Spain think we have for gotten the lessons of the oast.' Does she think we will bo ready to tieat with her loi a portion when the whole is within out ieach, and when we can win it with honor'" and then Gouipz asking ot me paper and pencil, vviote the following quotation: "La Llbeitad es uno do los mas pre clsos dones que los clelos dleion a los hombres," and continued: "Liberty Is what we are lighting foi, because, as I have Just written, it Is one of the moit glorious gifts that God has bestowed upon man " Lieutenant Galvo then read to Genei al Gomez the words of Mlnistei Estrada Pnlma legaiding Spanish iefoims con tained in a newspaper clipping. "Dr. Palmn is light in what he says," said the little general when Galvo had finished "He understands w hat we are all fighting for. Di. Palnm could not have truthfully said nuj thlr.g else. He knows the Cuban hcait, and hi knows as well as any one in the world what a sham and deception Span ish refoims would be" REGARDING HOME RULE. "Would Cuba be willing to accept home rule in the broadest sense?" I asked. "Home rule In its broadest sense In independence," quickly retoited Gen eral Gomez "That Is the kind of home rule ve want. If vou mean would we accept home mle with a Soanlsh cap tain general, I would answer must em phatically, no We want nothing from Spain but our rights. We do not want her captain general nor her glorv, If bhe has any lemalning, nor hei care "The hatied for Spain is so deeply rooted In this Island that I am sure that a very latge majority of our people, those under arms and those who have not yet had oppoitunlty to go Into the field, woultl rather, if they thought the revolution was going to fall, go abroad and live among stran:eis than stay in Cuba under a continuation of the Spanish power. As for me personally, I would piefer hell and the domina tion of the devil than my beloved isl and with a Spanish captain general " General Gomez rose and looked about him as he utteied these vvoids, while his officers smiled at his emphasis Ills face, however, undeiwent but slight change, and in a minute or so he was again talking. "Why should we be willing to nccept an) thing from these people9 Who are they that thev should ofler to us certain concessions, when we know, as all men know, that the concessions ofrered us are the rights given us by God? Here wo are a peo ple struggling for what is our due, and here Is another people, hacked bv the sympathy of Europe and the mateilal assistance of the United States, snug gling Just as hard to keep what Is ouis from, us, Yes, It is a ciying shame In this day of light It Is a blot upon thu page of this, country s history, but with the help of God the Cuban ar.iny will sponge It away "Have ou regarded the United States as an ally of Suain?" General Gomez thought a moment before replying. "That is a pretty strong question," ho finally answered. "No, I should hope not. Hull, even though this Is a delicate question, I may speak plainly and with candor. It Is certain that the United States bus not been our ally. It Is certal;i that LConUnucd on Page 2 MEN OF PROMINENCE. 0f , GEN. MAXIMO (10MEZ, Leader of the Cuban Insurgents. BRADLEY-MARTIN BALL. A Superb Social Function That Has No Parallel in America-Interesting Customs Worn. Now York, Teh. 10 The Bradley Martin fancy dress ball took place tills evening In the spacious ball loom of the Waldoif hotel. The scene was of bewlldeilng enchantment, a veiitable fairy land, resplendent w Ith all that wealth and taste could command and graced by the presence of many hun died membeis of the fashionable set radiant in lich robes of historic io nown. As a superb social function It has had no parallel in America. Its fame may pass into history and perhaps its splendors will be written down as the standard foi the belles and gallants of the coming century. Pei haps there were 700 guests piesent all goigeousl garbed In silks and sat ins and bedecked In diamonds Almost every character of note In the times of Louis XIV and X.V fiom the Pleblan peasant to the jewel clowned king and qusen, was personated. They presented Imposing figures, dancing in the stately minuet or whirling in the merry waltz The Marie Antoinette ladies predomi nated. America's hlstoi leal notables seemed badl neglected, even the father of his countiy,,Geoige Washington, be ing honored by only two lepresenta t(v es Aside from the beauty of the cos tumes, inteiest centeied In the unpie cedented display of jewels. Theie Is no estimate of thcli monetary worth, but they ceitalnly represented vast for tunes. Many ot the women sesmel ablaze with the spaikllng gems The guests began ai living about 11 o'clock They entered the hotel thiough a pilvate door on Thlity-thlid stieet and were Immediately usheied to tho second Hoot, where a suite of fifteen lnrge noaitments had been ie server for diesslng purposes Heie stationed numerous hnlr diessers, cos tumeita, modistes, and all functionar ies required for the final polishing touches of the exquisite outfits After tho guests had assembled and made i each foi the grand entiee thej de scended the tlowei-stiewn stall ways to the reception pailor on the main llooi. As they passed thiough the aichwaj they vveie met by the hostess, Mis Biadlej Mai tin, who stood beneath a canopy of rich tapestries, and floral ef fects Mrs Martin wore n becoming costume of the Queen Elbabeth period, made of black velvet ovei led biocade. She was adoined with nil hei magnifi cent jewels, Including hei famous robe of diamonds As the iruests approached, their names and the characters Imperson ated were announced bj lackeys. The walls of the reception room wore cov eted with costl tapestile3 of the daint iest culois while mllads of loses, caie lessly thrown, vveie at rested In the folds as they chanced to fall In one i ornei was placed the Hungarian band hidden behind a bower of long stemmed roses The fuests moved fiom this saloon thiough the corridors, which had been made to lepiesent a woodlnnd, lit bv scorso of concealed miniature incan descent lights, to the big ball loom The decoration of this loom was also a woik of nit, and the Illumination biillinnt. At the end of the room was a balcon haildsomely adorned In w hlch was stationed "Victoi Hei belt's or chestra for the dance music" It was neai midnight befoie the qund illle d'honni'Ui. the openlns number of TUB NEWS THIS MOltMNU. Weather Indications Toda: Pair; follow cil by Cloudiness. 1 General Gomez Gives Cuba's Attitude Tow aid Spain Legislature Votes to Take a Best. The Hi adlej -Martin Ball. 2 Financial and Commeicial, i (Local) C. II. It of N. J. Depot on Pile Cilmlnal Court Doings. 4 Kdltoilal. State Legislative Topics. Casual Mention. 5 (Lqcal Disruption of tho Steel Ball Pool. Two Callers Attempt to Stab Mr. Freed man C Annual Statement ot the County Com missioners. 7 News and Gossip of the West Side, Subutban lluppenlngs. Phoenix Contract Caso at Wllkes-Baire, 1 8 Up and Down tho Vulleyr the ball was danced. It had been or ganised by Mis Astor. John Jacob Astoi and Mis. Bradley Mai tin led the quadrille. Then came the debutante quudiille, all the dancers wealing cos tumes of the Louis Qulnze epoch Gen eral dancing was then Indulged In Sup pei was served in the Emplie dining looms. Tlie tables were prettily deco rated witli roses. The cotillion after supper was led by Ellsha Dyer, Ji , who wote a costume of the peilod of Tian cls I It consisted of a cloak of royal puiple velvet, a coat of the same ma terial nnd richl decorated with cm bioldery. The tights were of violet silk and ho wore a hat with laige ostilch featheis. The gray streaks of daw n w ere strug gling through the windows of the Wal dorf befoie the last echo of "Home, Sweet Home" had died In the floral scented loom and the greatest ball i Gotham's history was ended, Thcte weie many guests from out of town, small parties coming from San Francisco. CABINET POSSIBILITIES. Ceueral Wooi'lord's Prospects Arc Kuconiing Brighter. Canton, Ohio, Teb 10 Much inteiest centered in the visit today of P. C. Knox, of Pittsbuig, who has been dis cussed ns a cabinet possibility. Major McKlnley sent his carriage to the sta tion to meet him and welcomed him heaitlly. Mr. Knox took lunch with the piesldent-elert and left for Pitts burg In tho afternoon He said he was not offered a place In the cabinet. He has, been verj strongl suggested by his trlends foi the position of attorney gen eral. C P. Shavne, of Now York, a busi ness man and politician, called on Major McKlnley to suggest the selection of General Woodford to a place In the cabinet. He did not disclose the result of his confeience, but Is confident that Now Yoik will be leprescntod In the cabinet Among Major McKlnley's callers to day were e-Congiesman M. M Booth man, of Ohio, who came with Phlletus Smith, of Chicago, who is an applicant foi the Liverpool consulate and Z H Mastei, of Bivan, Ohio, who wants to be consul at Belfast A. T. Wimbeily, of New Orleans, who is inglng the appointment of James A Gaiy, of Baltimore, to the cabinet, call ed on Major McKlnley this evening PITTSBURG LIBEL SLITS. Siv New Cnscs Are Itr2iin--.1Iagce arid Plum re Active. Pittsbuig, Pa , Teb' 10 Six libel suits against three newspapcm weie besun this afternoon by Stato Senator Mageo and Flinn. Thej aie civil actions, and are foi damage1 foi publishing certain stoiies about the senators making a deal with Chaiimnn Hanna during the last piesidentlal campaign. Tluee suits vveie enteied by each i-enatoi against the Commeicial Gazette, the Pi ess, and .tho Leader Two criminal suits will also bo en teied tumor row bv Messrs Miiree and I'llnn against the Leadei company for publishing an alleged libelous editoi'al and cuitoon relative to Maik Hanna's testlmonj in the iceent suit of the senntois against the Gazette In addition to these suits Mesnis. Ma gee and riinn will enter cilmlnal libel Infoi nation against Rlchaid Quay, son of Senator Qua Young Quay is charg ed with giving the Gazette the Infor mation on which that paoei based Its article charging that Senntoia Magee and Flinn had "sold out" to Hanna dur ing the last piesidentiil campaign. Big Orders for Steel ICnils. New Yoik, Feb 10 The Illinois Cent-al Italhoatl compaii taking advantage ot tho iceent bieak in the price of steel rulls, has placed ouleis with different mills tor 0,0C0 tons of rails tor delivery duilng the jeir liH7 Of theso oi del sit is understood 43,000 tons went to tho Illinois Steel coin pan, ot Chicago . m STATE SNAP SHOTS. P.ipresentatlve John 1. Shaw, of Alle gheii countv, has announced himself as a candidate for state treasuier Governor Hustings finds that the press of olllclal duties since the burning of the capitol building will make It impossible for him to be present at tho Lincoln an nlversar dinner of the Marquetto club, In Chltago, wheie ho wus booked for a speech. The second annual convention of tho State Association of School Dlteetois was called to oulei in tho Supreme court room jesterdaj afternoon bv H. H. Qulmbv. of Montgomer count), w ho inado the annual udetiess. Governor Hastings was invited to bo present and made an address Ho attacked tho present method of distribut ing school apptoprlutlon us tielthet equita ble nor Just. TTTTY 0 . M ' JLiAM JldlLd We have now on ex faibitton a Magnificent New Stock of primig Dress Good s ST Your personal Inspection of which Is cordially Invited. j ; It comprises many ex clusive novelties in French and German All-Wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics. Also, S, uiievas Tweds, Serges, Covert Goths, ie Etes, ., He 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Bttusyo 1897 Bnasiefo ATTEND OUR Moeey Savtai: February, 18W. LEWISJEIllYttAVIES 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. ACCIDENT ON THE flUINE. Several 3Ion Air Injured lv the Ev plosion 01 n Caitudgu. Chaileston, S. C, Teh 10 A seiious accident occuued on boaid the battle ship Malpe yc-terdav, but It was kept quiet until tod v. This was iendeied possible by the fact that the ships aio some sixteen miles away from the city out at sea While a crew consisting of First Ser geant Wanner and Privates Serimun and Hnidln weie loading a one-pound, gun of the Maine's secondary bat tery with a one-pound callbie cart ildge, the cartildge exploded, iu Juiing Wagner on the right hand, teai Ing the (lodi fiom the bones. Pnit of tlie shell stiuck Hardin In the leg and has not yet been extracted. The men aie painfull, rather than seilously huit Scnman was injured about tho face The Indiana ndi Massachusetts have not yet joined the fleet. It was learned today that the manoeuvres are to begin ut once. M lieolmeii .licet. ' Alian, I'eb 10 Wheelmen from all sections of the counti weie present 10 da it the opening session of the annul assembb of the National League of Amer ican Wheelmen 'Ihe opening gun was Hied In tho cause of good loads. At pres ent about 2oJ delegates and about foity ex-olllclo voteis uie heie. Pittsburg Hicvclo Knee. Pittsburg, I'eb. 10 The scoies in tho 72-houi blcclo lace at midnight (thirty six houis) weie as follows. Waller, tU miles, 10 laps, Glmm, 01.', 10 laps; Schock, 010 miles, 7 laps, Hall, uH miles, 10 laps; Torster, 5S1 miles, 10 laps, Keuekel, OjJ miles, 7 laps, Dene he, 423 miles, 10 laps, Itii'vclo Jliiniifncturrrs I'm I. Reading, Pa, l'ib 10 W. J. Wllhelm, thu bkcle manufacturer at Humburg, has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditoib to Geoige H. Whltnei, of this eit. The lloralil'h IVoutlioi Porecnst. Now York, Pcb. 11 In the Middle states todaj, fall to pait! cloudy weather will prevail, with sllghtlj lower tomperaturo and flesh noithwestel to northerly winds shifting to bilsk northeasterly und fol lowed by Increasing cloudiness and snow or tain. On Friday, cloudy weather and brlsl: northeasterly to northerly winds will prevail with snow and rain, Blight temperature chunges and dangerously high winds on the coast, h n I & ScT &