8 TETE SOEANTON TRIBDKE-rONDAT HORNING-. 3T.EBRUATIY 8, Sf)7. CARBONDALE. menders will please note thai advertise ments, orders for Job work, nna Items lor jiulillcntlon left nt the establishment of Shannon & Co, newsdealers, North .Mam Hirer t, will receive prompt attention: or llee open fiom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J I'lonsunt lliitcrtnliinii'iit. Jomcs Walker, of I'owderly roail, Kiavu n soclnl putty on Friday evening In honor of Ills sister, Miss MnrBaret "Walker, of Clilcnuo, n foimer lesldunt of this city. A pleasant season was tnJuK'd In dnncliiG and social Kames Voc.nl and Instiumentnl selections weiu lendercd duilnc the ovenlnir by Daniel Dumpsey and l'eter Slieildun. Allium? the guests weie: Misses Hose and Anna I.ee, Mussle and Lizzie Qulnn, Anna, Maiy and Uildgut Joyce, Anna Geirity and Mary Ituddy; Mussts. Will iam iMcDonough, Fianuls Lavello, Maik Halt, Thomas Walsh, Martin Casey, J'etei llrndloy, Patrick McAllister and Pelei Slieildun. Ollii'urs of Hock Cliir W ntcr Compniiy. An adjourned meeting of the stock holder of the Hock Cliff Water com pany was held at the Mlneis and Me chanics' bank on Saturday. The leslff natlun of W. II. Hanklns as a dltector was accepted and D. A. Pateison was elected to 1111 the acmcy. The former boaid of dliectors was re-elected as follows: W. A May, It. II. Patterson, Thomas I.c Ison, II. M. Peck and Will iam Mattel's. No dividend was de dal ed un account of heay expenses lor lmproeinonts diuliiR the past jear. The boaul thin elected W. A. May, pi evident, and Li A. Patteibon as see letaiy and tieasuier. Accident to a Ml no Car. A mine car was throw n fiom the nar low uuap;e load, leading fiom Cuibon dale bicaker on Pilday, and dashed upon the Hacks of the Jeffeiaon divis ion of the Kile lalhoad. Kuituiuitnlj n oailv of miners returning limn woik i n the car satd themsehes from th fall by jumping out. The cai came In (olllslon with a small mine engine used on the load nnd was lifted fiom the ti.ick and thiown down the steep bank Iliirflneei Schuestei seeing the ear com ing was able with Eie.it effoi t to sase his engine. l)nstnrdl Uutrnuu. Some unknown mi-cieant on Tildav ietilng between il and 10 by a poweiful blow with .some kind of Instiunietit de lpidlshed an entile window in the home of Mis. S. A Uilggs The sabh and the huge window panes weie eomplete 1 witcked. Mis Urlggs and a lad filend had just letmned fiom a lellg lous service when the clash came that staitled the household. The mibcieant was heard to hum away. No leason can be jjlen for the outiageous act. The Ma) Held Hotel. Contractoi A. II. Tiifany, of this clt, has signed a contiact to lebulld tin' M.iylleld Yaid hotel, which was de ad oed by Hie a few weeks ago. Th building, thieo stoiles high, with a liiansitid toof, will be made laiger than the former btruetuie. Masons aie al leady at woik upon the foundation walls and the hotel is to be llnibhed b the 111 st of Am 11. Mis. Diiiiock'"- I'lincrnl. Funeial sen lees oer the lemalns of Mrs. Betsey Dlmock will be pi hate this moinlng at 10 o'clock. Rev. T. 11. Jepbon olllclating. The Interment w 111 be made at Piompton. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Biyan, of Washington, D. C, are visiting his sls tei, Mis I. E. Buir. Mr. Biyan is one of the edltois of the Washington Stai lie is now taking a vacation, beeklng full lecoveiy of heilth, after a seveie illness of Uphold fevei. His father, Ke II. D. Brjan, was formetly pastoi of the Flibt Piesbyteiian ehuieh In this elty. M. Lathrop spent Sundov with hi sister, Mr-s Bean, of PaUei-on, N. J M F Manley, of St. Mai y's Hemlnai y, visited fi lends In this city Tilday. I.dwaid Klnse, of feubquehanna, calljd on friends In town Satutday. Mis. S. B. Mills, Mis O. C. Mooieand Mrs George Bun 111 have Issued cauls fur a leceptlon at the Mills lesldenee on Blikett street foi next Filday. The new Centuiy elub will meet with Mis. C. T. Meaker on Monday after noon, Febiuaiy Sth. MWs Caioljn Meicereau, of Scianton, is lblting Mib3 Josephine Buir Mlbb Annie Nealon lias letmned fiom a visit with fi lends In Pittston. Miss Anna Stnny was IsUlug fi lends In Waymart last week. Mis Jennie Genltj, of Pike stieet, is setlously ill. Misses Belle HIsted, fizzle Wj lied and Cairlo Pi Ice veie the guests of fi lends In Pittston over Sunday. Miss Kinina Foster, of Scianton, spent Sunday with Miss Susie Jadwin. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dowe spent Sun day with f i lends In Port Jcrvls. Miss Lizzie Finlon la visiting fiiend3 in Plymouth. Miss Mame Ch'arlesworth, of Scran ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mib. H. W. Han lson. PrCKVILLE. Mr. and Mis. Phlletus Snedlcor entei toined a number of their many fi lends at their elegant new home last Friday evening. A very enjoyable evening was spent in boclal gieetlngs after which letieshments were served Those piesent were: Mr. and Mis. George A. Bell, Mr. and Mis. William Page, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wademan, Mr. and Mis Ildward Baiber, Mr. and Mrs. Wlndsoi Toster, Mr. and Mrs John Berij, Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, Mr and Mrs Joseph G. Bell, Rev. and Mis. S. C Slmpklns, Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Mi. and Mrs. Z. P. TInklepaugh, Mi and Mrs. R. J. Taylor, Mr. und Mis. John Day, Mr. and Mis. Columbus Hartman. Mis. Saboth Williams, Mis. Thomas Pope, Mis. David Brown, Mr. and Mis. Hoinei English, Mi and Mis Annual Inventory Sulc OF CARPETS. We have concluded our annual Inventory of stock, and llnd we have a great many desliuble lengths that we will olosn nut t much le-ss than cost, to make loom for our spring goods that wo are receiving uuuy utuih 4c po ui jruur luum along wuu yuu ii in urcu ui u. uurpei anil we Wlli Rutiuiuiro jfuu ti uuiijuill, us tills Js no humbug b.ile, A word as to our third annual lemnant sale, we have anmn ui,r. lengths that wo will close out at half, price. See them, as this sale lasts only for ten days. i ww a o til Carrets, Wall Papsn and Draperies, 419 LftCKA. AVENUE. Rfinn imqhs y UiL3 0ti S. J. Callender, Mr. and Mm. Frank I3atnes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Giuliani, Mi. and Mrs. Ana M. Scott, Mr. and Mis. Wells C. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. S M. Moguls, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Pick ering. Mr. Wlllam Peck: Misses Heba Slmpklns, Grace and Florence Taylor and Olo Rogeis, Peekvllle; Mr. Qeoig? Connor, Miss Lena Shone, Mis. J. W Pi Ice. Mls-es lMlth and Huttle Price, Mrs. William Slices and daughter, Ma bel and Frank Callender, of Scianton: Mr. and Mis. AVIlllam Pyne and daugh ter, Jennie, of Duninore, and Miss Ues sle lteese, of Jeiniyn. Uenjamln Phillips, of Hyde Park, has been a winded the contiact for the lock tunnel of the Steirlck Coal com pany. ltobeit Cialg. the locomotive engi neer at the Ontailo collleiy, and Miss Ilmmu Tieux, of llenlck Centie, were man led hist Satuulay. Mr. Ctalg and bilde at lived In town yesteulay and will stop at the home of Minor Cialg for a short time. William Sykes, of Gieen Hldge, spent Sunday In town. The Stenlck Cieek Coal company has pin chased the pioperty of Jewolt lie Comilck on Main stieet, adjoining the ihnrison House, and will elect u stole building. Ulakely council, Junior Order United Aineiican Mechanics, will hold a special meeting this euenlng to make arrange ments for the funeral of their deceased bi other, Wellington A. Taylor. All members of Oilental Star lodg", Fiee and Accepted Masons, will meet at the I.adynul hall this evening to make aiiangemeiits to attend the fu neral of their deceased bi other, Well ington A. Taylor, l$y older of the wor shipful master, Geoige A. Bell. Archie Dunlap .has been Indisposed feu the past few das with thtoat tiuu ble. Albeit Chapman and Deonaid Slmp kins will letuni to tesume their studied at Wyoming seminal y this moinlng. AVOCA. Thf Cential eollleiy of the Pennsyl vania Coal company will lebume woik to-day. Old Foige will be Idle duiing the week. Itev. D. T Smyth, of Hamilton Squat e, N. J , the newly elected pastor of the Langcllffe Piesbyteiian ehuieh, enteted upon his duties vesteiday at both sei vices. Theie was an unusually luige congiegation piesent The Ladles' Home Mission society vill meet In the class looms of the Pilmitlvc" Methodist ehuieh this aftei nooii. A full attendance Is lequest ed, as business of lmpoi tance v 111 be tiausacted Mis. II. Hlnes, Mis Hattle Bell, Mis. W II Welles and Mis. M. A. McGuiie have been elected delegites to the W. C T U. convention that will be held at Wllkes-Bane on Februaiv 10 and 11. James Allen and tamllv, who icbid til in this town foi a numbei of veais, but lecently have been lesidents of Piovldence, will return In a lew davs and will take up their abode in the Noith i:nd. The Saiblleld fair will leopen on Teb maiy 10 and will continue tor about oni- week. A number of valuable ai tieles will be chanced off, among thein being the white Shetland ponv. Mib. Mary Puieell, of the West Side, is seilously ill. The remains of John Castner, who died at Pittston on Thuisday, weie bi ought to this place on Saturday and Inleited in St. Maiy's cemeteiy. Mr. J. J. Gordon, of Sci'anlon, was a vUltot In town on Satuulay. The Daughteis of St. Geoige will meet on Wednesday evening. All mem beio aie lequested to be piesent as theie will be an Initiation of candi dates. A peculiar accident befell Michael Laeutn, a i evident of Dupont, on Fil day, which will ptobablv lesult in fatal Injuiles Peter Lacuta, a biother of the Injuied man, Is about to elect a lesldenee, and during the past few weeks the work of excavating the eel ldi had been In progiesb. Sevetal davs ago the laboiers veie about to icinove boine large bowldeis by blasting them vlth giant pow 1 r They placed a quantity of the e. plosive among the loek , ai ' as ll i i, ..(. no i j the lIiuo tu Ibtiltc it, thuy went houiv and lelt the pow del Imbodded In the stone On Filday, when Michael was about to complete the work begun b the other men, and while tamping the pow der. It suddenly exploded and he le celved the entlie contents about the face and hands. Theie weie seveial seveie gashes about the head and It Is feaied that he will lose his sight. Dr. Pier was summoned and did all that was possible to alleviate his sulleilngs. TAYLOK. Rev. John Motrls, of Bellevue, vls- Ited In this town on Satuulay. William Richards, of the Flist ward, who has been on a visit to Wales, le tuined home on Filday evening much benellted fiom the tiip. Misses Grace Lowiy and Rosie Diear have been visiting lelatlves at Ran som for the past few days. Oillcer Ddmond Caiter visited Pilce buig on Satuulay. Plank stieet walks aie badly needed on Noith Main stieet, as the lesidents have to wade thiough mud and wuter ankle deep befote they.can cioss to the opposite side. Piofessor Lewis Watej ns and Ills (lass expect to give an eiiteitalnment In the near futuie. The class meets ev eiy Monday evening, and the membets are making rapid pi ogress. The employes of the Tav lor silk fae toiy weie paid on Satuiday for Janu ary. Mis. William M. Evans, of Hyde Pink, visited lelatlves In this town ves teiday. Mr. and Mis J. E. Davis spent Sat urday at I'llcebuig. Pll'lCniJURG. Peter McGeteilck visited In Olyph'unt yestetday. The political situation In this bor ough Is very waim. The many wuul heeleis ate loudly demonstrating their povveis among the Ignouint voteis and each candidate Is confident df vlctoiy The biggest light is being put up bj the many nspiiants for the oilhe of tax collector, and It is rather dlllL'tilt to say which will be the choice of the people. Pi of. John E. Mc Caw ley, of Cirbon dale, visited fi lends In town ycstei duy. Tho Pilcebutg social and dancing cluss meet In Faddei.'s hall thl3 even ing. Miss Etta Vail, of Caibondale, Is the guest of her aunt, Mis. Wlllluni Mc Laughlin, of Noith Main stieet. If tho linliy Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. WlnsIow'B Soothing Syrup has been used for over llfty years by mil lions of motheis for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of tho world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. JERHYN AND Harold, the little son of Mi. nnd Mrs. W. R. Dodson, of Second stieet, Is quite 111. Thomas Solomon has accepted a posi tion as ttavellng salesman for T. Jainon Fetnley, wholesale haulwaie dealer, of Philadelphia. On account of the wide experience ho has hod In the h'-ndwnio business, no doubt he will mnke a suc cessful salesman Messis. Fiank Steele nnd Chailcs L. Bell, who will open a geneial stole about Am 11 1, weie In Wllkes-Balie on Filday pin chasing goods. Mr Fiank Picas, of Dilnmoie, of the linn II L. Fleas te Son. piopiletois of the Jeitnyn Milling company, has tent ed a house of J. D. Stacker on Bacon stieet. Miss Fnnnle Badgei, of Conkllng. N. Y, Is visltil),; het biothel, Mi. W. S. Badf,er, of Cemetery stieet. Mls Jessie Wlnteis, of Wyoming Hemlnai y, spent Sunday with her pat ents In town. Yesteulny moinlng Rev G. E Place, of Catbondule, conducted the usual bci vlce In the Methodist ehuieh In the evening the Rev. William Suulevnl, pastor of the Congiegatlonal (.hutch, preached In the absence of the tegular pastoi, Rev. Ftancls Gendall, who Is quite sick. Miss Dotsey. of Sct'anton, on Fobi li nt y fi, will ghe an enlettaliiment In the Methodist ehuieh, under the aus pices of the Epwoith League. The ob ject of this enteilalnment Is for the lalblug of funds to liut chase a piano foi use In the Sundav school. On Filday the pigeon shooting match between David James and William Cunningham tcsulted In a vlctoiy for the lattet. The council met In legulut session on Filday evening. Mr. Wlnlleld Scott, a piopeitv ownei lesldlng near the Jeimvn and Maylleld boiough divid ing line, was piesent and stated that he was assessed In each boiough. On account of the deed ol his ptopoity claiming It was In Jeimvn, he has paid taxes In this borough for the last three jean to the Jeimyn collector He has letcntlv leeched an olliclal letter fiom the .Mas Held colleetoi to the effect that if he did not pa" his taxes In that boi ough at once they would seUe his goods and chattels and sell them, and con sequently he asked piotection of the founill. By motion the council In sttueted the secietaiy to communicate with the collector at Maj field, telling him that the boiough would piotect Scott against anj action they would bi lug until that boiough (Ma field) had proved the pioperty In dispute to be In theli boiough. The leslgnation of High Constable Heibert Smith was lead and accepted, and that a vote of thanks be given him foi the elllcient mannei he has sei ed the boiough dur ing his tctin ot olliee. The bill for $7.4 frr the giadlng of Foutth stieet, which was laid over fiom the last meet ing, was again bi ought up and laid over despite the wishes of Councilman Moicom. The job has only been pait ly completed. The contiactois, finding thej would lose money on it If they did any mote woik at the pi Ice con ttacted tor, have failed to complete It. Tin- stieit committee, howevel, who have charge of the matter, will have to lepoit favoiably befote the bill will be pid, and this they do not appe-ir to be anxloub to do unless the woik Is done ns lequlted by contiact. A num ber of bills weie nulered paid, and Tax Collector J. J. Hiller piebented a list of names for exoneiatlun. The list was c.nefully examined. Some of those en the list weie exoneiated In full, some In part and others weie Ignoied. The tepoit of the boaul of health for the ear ending Decembei 31st, lilij, wasicad. In which It stated theie weie 7B bliths last veai. Of these there weie 30 In the Tnst waul, 2b In the Second and IS in the Thlul watd Sixty live deaths wne repoited as follows-Twentj-oiiM In the FItst w.nd, 'M in the Second, and IS 'n the Thhd Sov-ntj-flve cp'oc of (llpbtheria had been I n i 'd 1" ifwhi ll w i'I" fnt il. Fmr i if o ryt liei 1 f ' i had In i i -pmtid f h'eh ! 'U'ed i ital It al-o stated that 12 nulsaia Ls had been abated. The buigess stated that the electric light and stieet car companies had paid their poll taxes for last yeat. The Western Union, Postal and th" Telephone company had not yet paid their taxes. He was Instiucted to not ify them to do so, and then council ad join ued to meet al the call of the piesl dent A suipilse was tendered thp Rev. W. B lit own, pastoi of the Baptist church, on Filday evening, at his home on South Main stieet A veiy pleasant evening was spent The following julned In the tneiilment. Mesdames Gaulner, Lane, Illllei, Kiesge, Russ.i, Caiy, Toman, Matthews, Hat hour, Bell, Multland. Stone, Mvers, Clemou, Baker, Stevens, Tilpp, Lutey, Mls-ses Scutt, Mae Pijor, Nellie Havenstritt, P.mlly Ft lend, LillleT.ane, Rachel Gilf fiths, Alta Mveis, Annie Gillllths, Katie Robetts, Bessie Filitid, Eliza Philips, Of ill health, despondency and despair, k'ivus vuvJ to (lie siiiihhino ot hope, happiness and health, upon taking Hood's Sai-upaiill'i, because it jjhcj lenewed life and vitality to the blood, and tin ouyli that iinpiuti lieno stieit H glli, vijror and uuvigy 0bfl jX&f. tu the vv hole! body. Head jrj Stf jjfl this letter: "Hood's Sar l&3 xtjjajsi' sa par ilia helped me wonderfully, changed sickness to health, gloom to 3un Bhine. No pen can describe what I suf fered. I was deathly sick, had sick head aches overy low days and thobo terrible tired, despondent feelings, with heart troubles bo that I could not go up and down stairs without clasping my hand over my heart and resting. In fact, It would almost take my breath away. I suf fered bo I did not care to live, yet I had much to live for. Thero is no pleasure in lifo H deprived of health, for life becomes a burden. Hood's Saisaparllla does far moro than advertised. After taking one bottle, it in sufficient to recommend Itself." Mrb. J. E. Smith, llelolt, Iowa. Sars&parilia Is tho Olio True Hloodl'urlfler. All lritgglsts.$t. rrcn.itciloul) b) C, I. Iluotl &. Cu , I cm ell, .Muss. w,i r:n euro all liver Ills, bilious flOOU S FlllS ness, lieaiiaeue. 5teuts. ifu i a Maud Clemow, Alice Maltland, Annie llllnni, Hthsle and Edna Blown, Miss Huntet, of Carbondale", Delta Howe, of Heiilck Centie, and Miss Catpcnlor, of Oiyphnnt. Messrs. Gardnet, Rossor, Toman, Stone, Myeis, Clemow, Baker, Tripp, Cramei, John Lewis. II. J. De Gtaw, Chatles Hoyt, Geoige Myeis, W. B. Thomas, John Rowe, It will Elmore, Cothe Mosler, Ray Whltlock, James Bakei, Wllllnm and ileniy Stevens. The Ladles' Aid of the Flist Baptist chili oil, Jerinyn, on the evening of Feh maty 2J, will seivo an ojstei supper. The Invitation Is extended to all. The tegular monthly meeting of the Maylleld school boaul was held on Fil day evening last, all members piesent but Coggans. The secietnty wns In stiucted to notify ex-Tax Collector Brady to be piesent at the next Pt'ited meeting of the- boaul The school rt lendnnce for the month of January was veiy huge. A lepoit wns made that there weie some pupils attending school coming fiom homes wheie there woie eases of measles, also that theie weie home In nttendntice who had not e:n foimpd tc the vaccination law. The ptlnelpnl was notified of the same The piesldent repoited that he had visited the school duiing the cold wjather to "ee If the school was pioperly heated and found that the heating nppaiatus was giving excellent satisfaction. Mr. Chailes Hovt, a eletk In the em ploy of Simpson Ac Watkius, Mavlleld, Is visiting relatives In Pittston Keiance Beigen, ot Maylleld, la very 111 at his home on Lackawanna ave nue. Mr. Benjamin Mendelson, of Mij field, i etui ned home aftet a few davs' visit In Philadelphia. An' oullnance will be offeied for pas soge al tlu council meeting this even ing establishing the width of Wjom Ing avenue In Mnylleld boiough at !)' feet, 19& feet fiom the centie line ot the Hack of the Wllkes-Bane and West Side Railway company ns now laid; also fixing the width of the pavement and distance of cutb and tiee line on said avenue Theie will be a special (ounell meeting this evening In May Held, when business of linpuitnnco will be tiansacted Isaac Mendelson, of Mavlleld, called on fi lends In Seranton yesteulay. BRADFORD COUNTY SCANDAL. Alleged Illegal Letting ol a Number ol'Couiitv Contracts. Towanda, Feb 7. A sensation de veloped In the public healing held by the auditois of Biudfoid county Fil day to Inv estimate the letting of extia contiacts on the new couit louse now building and the prices paid for the Same The ex-commlssioneis, who te tlied on Junuaij 1, weie on the stand and undeiwent a rigid examination It wa shown that the boaul acted In the matter just as advised by the atch Itect and the county attomej, and in but one oi two Instances tiled to veilfy pi lees. The oilclual bid of Conti actor Btadley for the building was $11J,S0C At piesent the building, together with extia mat ble woik. a change in the loot fiom slate to tiling, mosaic tloors In lotunda and basement and extta ex cavating and stone woik for footings, amounts to neatly $200,000 This Is v el ided by the testimony of one of the boaul that the aiehltect's commission ol 3V. per cent, nlieady amounts to $?,1S0 The auditois will attempt to ptove that all the extra contiacts, except one foi nilslng the building one foot, weie let without the uppioval of the court, as lequlied by law. In the oilg Inal contiact and specifications extia excavating and stone woik weie to be paid foi at $5 per cubic yard, and, ac coullng to the suneilntendent's lepoit, the eontiactoi was entitled to $1,9S0 -10 for such woik. Instead, It Is claimed, he was paid at the late of $15 per cubic vaul, or $5,ulS.10. Adjournment wis taken until Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. OLYIMIANT. May Smith Robbins In "Little Ttlxle" will appear at theFathet Mathew opeia house Wednesday evening Rjy Keij Is home fiom Mansfield St..te isctniij! iiin 1 A cluli. of h ,;h Le, !s, and ulso one nl Ju-'.)h Reiuluet, u. Boll stieet, have dlp'ithena. The Olvmpia elub will hold a social In the Club of '95 hall this evening. Gnfllth Moisan, of Scianton, spent jesteiday at his place. ALPINE ACCIDENTS. Nearly Two Hundred 1'ntnl Ones in Thirtv-siv Yenrs,. riom the London Telegiaph. Since the ear 1SG0 neatly 200 fatal accidents have oecuned upon the Swiss Alps alone. Ot these how many weie occasioned by maladiolt, feeble or tim id cllinbeis'' The safet of evciv mountalneeilng patty demands In ad vance that each membei of It should be a piacticed and steady climber; that no seilous ascent should be undei tak en by anj man who can not lely upon his own neive und capabilities, his powei of biavlng fatigue and standing cold, and, finally, that the party should be accompanied bv a sufficient num ber of professional guides. Leslie Ste phens lavs It down as a nile that the loftiest mountain may be scaled with bufety bj ttalned mountalneeis, pio vlded that line weathet, good guides and favoiable conditions of rock and snow have flist been secuted. "On the other hand," he adds, "theie Is no mountain which ma not be e.xcesslve Iv dangeious If the weathei be bud, the guides Incompofmt, the climbers Inexpeilenced, the conditions of lock oi snow unfavoiable. Who, foi in stance, ean bay with confidence until he has befli tiled that he has neive enough to stand the ciuclal test which Piofessor Agasslz confesses was almost more thun he could bear, when In 1841, he wus one of a paity of twelve who ascended the Jungfiau, half of them being piofesslonal guides, with the celebiated Jacob Lenthold, who died soon afteiwaul of consumption, at their head '" "We stalled," vvtote Agasslz, "from the Gtlmsel hospice at 4 o'clock a. in, on August 27, 1811, sleeping the (list night nt tho chalets of Meill, and com pleting the acent of tho Jungfiau next day. Out dltllcultles weie not a little inettused by heavy mists and Intense eold At last the Ubcent became moie and moie steep, and eveij step had to be cut in the lee. Lenthold kept us eloe to the edge of the ildge of fiozen snow, bacause the Ice yielded theie moie easllv to the axe It was, however, so tivlng to mil nones that I, for one should not like to tepeat the expeti ;nce. The nvvtul precipice beneath us wns constant In view, nnd we could dilve out alpenstocks thiough the ilin of fiozen fallow' and gaze sheer down thiough tho hole Into a vast amphithe ater which seemed yaw nlng to swallow us thousands and thousands of yaids below. The apez of the Jungfiau Is so small that only one petson can stand upon It. At 1 p m, we stai ted upon our dowuwurd path, turning our faces to the ley slope, and feeling with the foot fot each step below, these Bteps be ing more than 700 In all, A 11.20 o'clock p. ni. we reached the chalets of Meill, Which wo had left that moinlng at the. earliest dawn of day." The least Imaginative inlnd can leadlly sutface eo steep und sllppcti that It Is Impos sible to think of It without a shudder would have Involved. In the woist ac cident that ever happened on the Mnt terhotn that which befell Loid Frauds DuUttlnss and his thiee hapless com panions It Is notorious that one false step made by an Inexpeilenccd cllmbet, and followed by the bienklng of a lope, was the sole cause of that tenlblc tt.tg edy. tiii: oli)i:st r.NCLiMi paimmc. It Is the Loudon 2ii'tlc--Pullisliril First in 10(10. The oldest English newspaper Is, though few people know It, the Lon don Gazette, which was, on Its Hist publication on Noveinbet 1-1, 1CG5, known as the Oxford Gazette fiom the f lit t of the paillament sitting at Oxfoul The name was changed on Febtuaiy 5, IOCS, to the piesent one Hut though the London Garotte contains some Items of much Interest to eeitnlti peo ple, such as those who have letejved "honois" at the hands of lovnltv or those whose banki uptcles are an nounced, It Is not a newspaper In the usual sense of the teini, that Is, as be ing tend geneially by the public. The honur of being the oldest news paper of this class in the Biltlsh Isles, and hence probably In the wot Id, may be unhesitatingly aw aided to Het low's Woi center Journal, which made Its np peaiance In 1CJ0, ten yeats heroic the Beginning of the eighteenth centuiy It has always hud a wide clt dilation nmong the higher classes of Its dls tilct, and Is today as vlgoious as ever. But when It Hi st came out It was not under lt present name, and this fac tor Is of lmpoi tance In consldeilng Its claim to the piemlor lionois of the Journalistic woild Pei haps we ought to aw aid lh palm of being the doven of English joui nals to the Lincoln, Rutland and Stum ford Mercuiv, still published weekly at Stamford. This papei has now, as ever, a tiuly gteat clt dilution, and un enoimotis Influence In the Eastern Mid land dlstiiet. Its title Is exactly the same as It was on the day It was Iltst published, 171 veais ngo Hence this linpoitant factot should almost assign to It the tlrst place among extant news papei s. Theie Is In the Leleestei museum a copy of the 1719 Issue, consisting of four pages demy quaito, Its stvle that of the old news letter In July, 1S33, Its cli dilation had become 11,000 a week, tiie nigliest at that time of any paper out ol London. Its pi Ice was then two pence, but Is now a penny, with a cii culatlou of 2.-,000 weeklj. Thumas Cooper, the famous Chnrtist poet, was on Its stnff In his younger davs The political complexion of this celebrated papei Is Liberal MAItltY HOME MEN. !ood Advice to Young Aiucricnn Women About to llnrrv. Trom the Plttsbuig Dally News. The dlscoveiv hi the Pi Incest ilr Chlmay that It Is a mistake foi an Ameiican gill to many a fo e.gner, Is not new noi sui prising. Ameiican glils who allow themselves to be cin lied away by some titled Euiopean geneinlly find out that titles will nelthet pay debts noi alfoul con geniality for a gill who has been bi ought up to look upon heiself as the equal of anj thing In existence. In Euto'je theie is no eiualltv. Eveibody from the woman who s ts on the tin one to the girl who peddles beet at the public house, Is contlnuallv agitated rs to her lace In the end less piocesslon of ptecedenco Which being the case, the Individual counts for nothing, and station counts foi a 1. Foreigneis cannot undei stand the le gard which Is felt foi women by Amei icins. They cannot comp e'-end that an Amoilcin gill in Ameilca Is as fit to have piecedence of the queen as th queen Is lit to have precedence of the glil. Foiolgn waj.s ate so differ m fiom our vvnvs, and liberties so -adiy lacking abioad, that no Ameiican of spit It can go nbioad and live there nnd become one of the people Nor Is the re'n'ion between t li - sexes such as to Insnlro lespect fci foielen men, no miner what thelt statlen In Europ w -men woik i-i the fleld3 and bieik one on the loads and can hods to masons and aie aie yoked up with dogs and cows to pull caits They aie kept In a pes' tl:n of stivltude. 10 mattei whetre of high oi lowly blith. the masto s being the males of the familv. A wife Is a slave. ' A forelgnei tet.l'ng In this countiy Is not a good man for nn Ameiican gltl to manj Foielgn customs aie too w dely diffeient fion the fieedom that pievails at home. It Is pei haps a sweeping statement, but It Is doubtful If evei an Ameiican ghl mauled abi ad ard lived as happ ly as If she had mairled an Ameiican and lived In het native land. Piivnte Morals in thu Public Seivicc. 'lhewa topiulf the public sei vice is to Itnpiovo the pilvate moials of men The time and place to begin Is In childhood. L t tho home and the bchool be kept pine, anj fiom these pine fountains will come foith puie sti earns. Thej mai become ileltled and unwholesomo In spite of tilth oilUn, but the are not likely bo to do W'utei will become pute unless polluted b what with which It comes In contact. As a rule, vvhm a child Is It alncd up In the way he should go, he will not depait fiom It when he comes to niaturlti Hut at the b.ime time that child Is sufei not to come In contact with evil compunlonhlps The gieat caie should bo taken to piotect him from con taminating inlluences Even thobe who have been vaelnuted had better not expose thenibclves to smallpox. "Ltt him that thlnketh he stamleth take heed lest he fall "The Clulbtian Instruetoi. A Claim to Aiitiqtiitv. "Mothei," said a thoughtful Doston child to his maternal lelutlve. "What Is It, Waldo.'" "Is Philadelphia older than Boston, mothei ?" "Of coutse not, mi ton. The flist bct tlenient was made in Chailestown in PiJu, while William Peiin did not at rive on the bite of Philadelphia until lift) -two je.us lutei " "That was alwujs mi Impiesalon, mo thei, but how Is It that Philadelphia Is mentioned In the lllble, while Iiostou ,s not?"-Plttsbuig Chionlcle Telegiaph. Itching, Irritated, ecaly, crusted Scalps, drj, thin, end falllntf Ifulr, clenied, jiurlOed, and beauti fied by warm thoiiipoon with Cc-ncur Por, and occasional drcsslni.9 of Cunccui, purest of emotlDti, the greatest skin cures. Treatment will produce a clean, healthy scalp with luxuriant, lustrous hair, w hen all else falls. PoM throughout the world. roTTsB Data i d Custf. Cuat .irl l'rop , Uoslon 8Lf-MUow to produce l.uiariantllatr," mailed free. SKINS ON FIRE rlth i ccema IniUntly rellered If CtlKtaA lUuinus. TIRED SALESWOMEN. EMPLOYERS SHOULD DE MORE CONSIDERATE.' Interesting Slatnmmt by a Toting I.ndy In llro()ltln. In tho vast retnil establishments of largo cities, many women are cm ployed ns saleswomen. Men formerly held tho positions that women tow hold, and while is ojs stronu; limn men's they are expected to do the same work. Their duties compel Uiom to bo on their feet from morning to night, and many of tliem, In a shoit time, contiact tlieso dis tressing complaints called " female, diseases." Then occur irregularities, suppressed or painful monsttuation, weakness, Indigestion, leuoorrhcua, geneial de bility and nervous piosttatioti. They are beset with such symptoms ns dizziness, faintness, lassitude, ex citability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "ull-gono" and " want-to-be-lef t-aloue " feelings, blues and hopelessness. In such eases tlieio is one tried and true lemcdy. Lydia 1). PtnUhum's Vegetable Compound at once lemoves Bticli tioubles. The following is a sample: "My dear Mrs. PinUliam: After writing you, and beforu your answer came, 1 was too miseiable to go to tho store, and so lost my position. That was five weeks ago. I am now back again in my old place, and never felt so well in all my lifo. The bearing-down pnini and whites have left me, and 1 am not a bit neivous or blue. Life looks brighter to ino. 1 don't get tiled, my temper is real Bvveet, and I could scream right out bometimesforjoy, Your Vegetable Compoutnl is my stand by. You don't know how thank ful I am to you for sav ing mo from suilering. Every woman 'n my portion should ivtiovv of your won derful lemedy. 1 never saw you, but 1 love you for being so good to me." Coitu W. titli Avo., Brooklyn, li ?. PS. Lodge and Corporation Seals. Rubber Stamp inks, All Colors, Daters, Pads, Pocket Culler, Scissors, Revolvers, Razors, Strops, Padlocks, Bicycles and Supplies, Umbrella Repairing Athletic and Gymnasium Goods, AT J 222 WYOMING AVENU: -wxztlm my iT -nA'..rU tCVNJV Am$ZPKmik imvlamm. &v&')p-jv'cin fflw.vS5rvru rfflaflJ viKW vkSTJ&A ' MpwiMi ii i i. We are not actually GIVING AWAY CARPETS, but we are selling them at astonishingly low prices, and you can select from the most complete stock in Seranton. No odds and ends. NEW GOODS, LAT EST DESIGNS, MOST ARTISTIC PATTERNS, every grade and price represented. All goods purchased now will be STORED FREE OF CHARGE. Compare our prices and quality and CONSULT YOUR OWN INTERESTS by making your selections while the present low prices prevail. ffenn $Q 03. If aOlllL Carpets and Draperies. ""fo'ottr-u.,. 408 LACKAWANNA AYENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS, 4ai LACKAWANNA AVE. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK IN 1 AND LADIES' COATS, C4PE5 AND SUITS. Such barsnhijf ns vc offer this week ate wot thy of ) our attention. It means fine grade Kootls at about one-tlilrd the cost of inaiuifactiiie. The followlni; may ulve you a little Idea of some of the bargains : One ninn.ll lot of Misses' nml Chllilruu'B Coats, ussoited f' fiQ Sl-503 J) ,JQ An cloirnut Honcle Coat, half silk lined, shield front, stylish collur, Season's price, rl (0 JU.00. now ilJO A Flno Curl Persian Cloth Coat, latest cut. lined throughout with Ithniliuno bill?. Season's price $10.00, . S4.98 now An elegant Ficncli Cater-, pillai Coat, lined thiotighout with silk Sold In thu sea- ftQ son for $15,00, now oJ.lfO A beautiful nsgortmeut of Keisoy Coats, soino silk lined tlnoiighotit nnd some half lined. Season's price, J8.00 00 OQ und $10.00, now OO Z. WEINGART, Prop'r. We want all the people to know what hundreds of our customers know, that we have punctured pneu matic prices, that our goods are seasonable, that our prices reasonable, and that nobody is asked to take an unsatisfactory garment from our store. . J. DAVIS, Arcade Building, 213 Wyoming Avenue. mwpjmtfzmvz?? &r t-;." SfS m r ' J2?LStS&S''' -y'2 y st s s , 'S 3?.r . - lf& What Sarah Bernhnrd snya NO DISCOUNTS ALLOWED. iiSTv mu i4.oo