Mm- wasara n Mb n m C? V ELG-IIT rAGES 5(5 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., JEONDAY MOBNINGr, FEBRUARY 8. 1807. TWO CENTS A COPY 2?-v.,v-- -Tf-I I i . g l.W.I-T"'tyra: --llJ'S7M'rtJJVJJJvTILAJU. fl TiHWIf. E--Cil H,,C ItWtt;- lO P.U AiniAB. H. w J. AX ax w :i s ii ii i sSSSSffiSgMWfflSS VUMfe33S:z A I1 11 1 rilflHIlT or sk$y xfc' YfwvTJb JtE IftMrrk 0- j j TP ill! ferouifl. SM get much of a show for casting a shadow on Candlemas, there ffor, if yon believe in the old traditions dbout an early spring, we're bound to get it this year. Be that as it may, we're fully ready for it, and today make Am Ataice Slew of PWNC ooooooooooooooooo Oyr Display WILL INCLUDE THE VERY LATEST NOV ELTIES IN SSI and Wool Weaves, ii $, s, Covert Cloths, s, &c. These may best be de scribed as old names with new faces, and , when you come to look them over, you'll fully realize that this de scription is about right Our regular opening will take place later, meanwhile these ought to interest early buyers of fine fabrics. ooooooooooooooooo WAREHOUSE. tog Dm NEW BIESS GOOBS GLOBE LAWMAKERS WILL TAKE A HOLIDAY The Legislature is to Adjourn Until After Spring Elections. GOVERNOR WILL GIVE A RECEPTION A .Host ltrilliunt Soelul Alliiir Will Tnke l'luco lit the Executive Mnn-sion--A State Dinner (it liicli tho (Jovornors ol'Nuvv .lurscj, Aliirilnnil mill 'Will He Cucsts. Capital Speculations. Special to tho Scranton Tilbune. IJfinlsburu, Feb. 7. The state law makers aie going to mix pleauie with business the coming week, and then take a holiday. A lcceptlon In their honor will be given by Governor and Mis. Hastings Tuesday evening at the executive mansion. It piomlses to be the most brilliant social function ever tendered the olllclal life at the state capltol. Invttatluns have been Issued to senatois and membeis, state olllclals and employes, the legislative cone spondents nnd their ladles. Members of lifty leading families of Ilanlsbuig hae also been Invited. The affair will continue fiom S to 11 o'clock, and will be followed by a state dinner, with covers for twenty-four. A featuie of tho leceptlon will bo the presence of tlnee visiting state execu tives In the leceivlng line. They aie Gov ei noi s Gilggs, of New Jeisey; Lowndes, of Mai land, and Tunnel), ol Deluwaie. Mrs Lowndes will ac company her husband, as will also the adjutant geneial of Delaware, In full unifoim. Mrs. Gilggs may be de tained ut home by the illness of an ared aunt. Governor Tunnell is a bachelor. Theie will also be In the locelvins line Lieutenant Governor and Mis. .Ljoii, Piesldent Pro Tern and Ml v. McCnnell and Speaker Bojer. Cabi net olllclals and their ladles will assist in entei tabling the guests. The man sion w 111 be brilliantly decorated, the pievalllng colois being apple green and white. This scheme will be cat lied out in the icceptlon, dining and ictlr Ing looms A huge annex has been built to the dining loom. The walls and celling will be laid olf In squares of gieen and white cheese cloth The loom will be decoiated with eighty In candescent electilc lights, with gieen mid white globes The shades will be tied with bows of gieen silk llbbon There will be a large aich over the table, with a cluster of electric lights In the center. The floral decorations will consist of lilies, chrysanthemums and choice oichlds. An orchustia will be stationed In the leceptlon loom be hind a large wlie scieen, coveted with smllnx and cut tlow'er.s. Those who will attend the state din ner aie Governor and Mis. Hastings, Governor nnd Mis. Llojd Lowndes, Governor Griggs, Governor Tunnell, Lieutenant Goemor and Mis. Walter Lyon, Piesldent l'to Tern and Mis. McCarrell, Speaker Ileniy K. Boyer, Seeietary of the Commonwealth and Mis. Piank Reeder, Attorney and Mis. II. C. McCoimick, Auditor Gener al and Mis. Amos II. Mjlln, State Treasuter and Mrs. II. J. Haywood, James II. Lambeit, commissioner of Insurance; B Fiank Gllkeson, com mlssionei of banking; Adjutant Gener al Thomas J Stewart, Lewis E. Belt ler, the governors private .seeietaiy, and Societal y of Intel nal AHaiis and Mrs. J. W. Latta. The legislature will adjourn the lat ter pait of this week until the Monday evening following the .spilng elections Duiing the lecess the pioposed changes In Grace Methodist chuich will be complete and both bodies will continue without fuither Intel luptlons. Neither body will do much, however, until after the inauguration of Piesl-dent-elect McKlnley. The committees have been handicapped In their woik by the destiuction of many bills by the burning of the capital Chairman Kunkel, of the house committee on ju dicial y geneial, lias called a meeting of that body for Tuesday afternoon. lie will offer a bill making the wife a competent w Itness against the husband In notions for alienating the wife's af fections and In case of an action for damages for assault and battel y. Senator "Walter Merrick, of Tioga county, Is staying over In Hairlsbuig dining the recess tiylng to get ild of n heavy cold. He has diafted an 1m poitant bill which he will offer Mon day evening. The measuie piovides that wheie evidence shows conclusive ly by tho certificate of a leputable physician or the supetlntendent of a state hospital for the Insane that a man or woman Is hopelessly Insane this shall be sufllclent giound for in voice. Senator Daniel S. Wnlton, of Gieene county, lias drafted a bill to reduce tax on ieal estate by making piopertles now alone taxable for state put poses subject to local taxation, ex cept s-ohool piopet ties. Mr. Walton w ill also offer a bill changing the sys tem of paying the nfllclals of Gieene county. Ills scheme is to pay them a fixed salaiy and icquiie the fees of ofllce to be tuined Into the county tieasury. The uual membeis nie organizing to oppose the pioposed cut In the ap propilatlon to the public schools. William O. Smith, of Hedford county, who led the fight two yeais ago for a change In the method of distributing the fund, -selves notice that ho will not ngree to any bill that ghes less than $5,ri00,000 a year to the schools. "The burning of the capltol," Mr. Smith said, "Is aliendy being made nn excuse for those who advocate the cutting down of the school nppiopila- tlon. Two yenis ago a detei mined ef foit was made In the-same dliectlon and was only pi evented by the most active earnest nnd peislstent effoits on the part of the friends of the schools. Let economy be piactlced in other directions, but do not place moie Inn dens on the overtaxed poor of Pennsylvania by withdrawing from them tho aid they have for yeais been receiving, "Over $100,000 was absolutely thrown away In re-flttlng and repairing tne Interior of the capltol. This Is the way tho state money Is spent, and then the cry Is 'cut down the school appropriation.' If a fair dlRtilbution of this nppropilatlon weru made a small cut In it might be had, but If not, theie should be no i eduction. Many of the counties receive no state appropriation except for schools, nnd It Is unfair to take that from them. "There should he no thought of spending millions of dollais for n now capltol A half a million elected the laige executive nnd llbraiy building two years ago, and thnt sum ought to be sulllclent for a new capltol. All tho public olllces aie alicady piovlded for except that of superintendent of public Institution, so that all that is requited Is a building for the meeting of the leglslatuie and committee looms and besides one other branch of the gov ernment. The executive, the auditor geneiul, state treasurer, state depatt ment, banking, internal affalis, etc, now have their (uiartots. To 10b the people In ihose hai "tries to build a goigeous state house vvuif.I je a cilmo that will not be excused by the voter"." Wambaugh PHOENIX CONTRACT CASE Attorney Burns Will Call Attention to Severn! Important Points of Law. Mr. Spencer a Victim. WIlkes-Barto, Feb. 7. The chief wit ness In the Phoenix Contiact company case on Satuiday was Piosecutor Geo. W. Koons, of Audemeld. He said he Is employed ns nmnagei ot a laige haid waie company at Audeniled. The wit ness was not asked to go Into details of the ulleEed conspliacy, and mutely Identified the checks irlven him by Au biey and Spencer. Fled F. Turner coiroboiated Mr. Koons' testlmonv about the checks. Some time airo when Koons 111 St dis coveied that he was duped and whert he began pioceedlngs, he had issued a foieign attachment on the goods and chattels of Spencer and Aubiey at Scianton. Mr. Koons was then lecalled and said lie first had business lelations with Au biey and Spencer In April, lSUli. He Identilled the letter lecelved by him f i om Aubiey in Mutch, 1SUG It 10 lated to the purchase of cut nails. The letter was lead to the Juiy by Distilct Attorney Fell. The letter stated that "We have huge business with you in the Immediate futuie." Auothei letter sent by Aubrey to the Sunbuiy lion company was also lead to the juiv, and both letteis weie of feied in evidence Two otliei letteis f i om Aubiev to Koons weie also of feied in evidence by the piosecution. One of the latter state that the PhoenK company Is "gieatly disposed to buy fiom Koons by leason of past favois lecehed." Another company, aecoid ing to the letter, was "hot after the Phoenix companj's tiade." Theie is a possibility that the case may not reaih the juiy. Attorney I. II. Hums, of Scianton, one of Mr. Spen cers attorneys, Is looking aftei the law points in the case, and it is not Inipiob able that he will ask Judge Bennett to take the case fiom the jury. Mi. Hums claims that theie can be no con- Ictlon of Mr. Sponcoi for three rea sons: Tiist, the allegation Is solely of a con spliacy to cheat Koons, the pi oof be ing that If Koons was cheated at all It was by the Phoenix Contiact company, of which Mr. Spencer was not even a stockholder. Second, if any offense was commit ted It was not committed In Luzerne county, but elthei In Lackawanna or Caibon counties, and that the Lu.eine couit has no Jutlsdletlon. Thlid, that the offense, If any, was by the Phoenix Conttact company, and that a corpouuion cannot be guilty of conspiracy at least, not without defi nite coipoiate action. It is also claimed by the defense that Spcncei has been a loser Instead of a gainer by whutever business connection he had had with the company, and In stead of being an offender he has been a victim of a lot of shatpeis. PENSION AGENCIES ABOLISHED. Secretin v Francis Expects to Snvc l."il),()00 n Venr bj the Sistem. Washington, Feb. 7. The president has signed on the leconimendatlon of Societal y of the Intel lor Fiancls an i'lipoilnnt older l educing the number of pension agencies in the United States fiom eighteen, to nine. The ob ject of the older Is to effect a veiy lnige saving to the government with out inconveniencing the pensloneis Tho sicietaiy demonstiates that by this reduction of the pension agencies int cost of disbuislng pensions can be i educed at least $150,000 per annum. This executive order will go Into effect Sept. 1 next, Its execution having been postponed until that date In older that no pensioner should suffer inconveni ence in consequence of delay In lecelv ing his pension, and to give nmple time foi the lemovnl of the lolls and iccoids from the agencies discontinued. The agencies abolished aie- Con coid, N. II ; Augusta, .Me ; Buffalo, N. V.: Plttsbuig. Louisville. Knoxvllle, Detiolt, Milwaukee, Des Moines nnd Topeka. A new agency Is established at St Louis. The method now In vogue of pa Ing by i omittances has so facilitated the wnk of the pension agents that the pbollshment of the above olllces was possible. The following aie the nine agencies and the number of pensloneis uald theieat under the new older: Boston, 111,317: New Voik, 9S.S33; Philadelphia, 10G,73.r; Washington, 140, 2CG; Columbus, 101.401'; Indianapolis, 11G.0CG; Chicago. 12r.,123; St. Louis, 1C1, 700, San Funelsco, 2.1.09S, total, S70.C7S. All pensloneis of the United States residing In foielgn countiles, and now numbciing 3,781, will continue to be paid fiom the Washington agency, and the navy pensloneis which will bo pnld, as heietofoie, from the Boston, Chicago, New Yoik, Philadelphia, San Finnclsco and Washington. Societal y Fiancls Is of the opinion Hint no valid objection enn be offeied to this change, and believes that the saving will be even gi eater than estl ivuied. (hici'ii Victoria in No Invalid. London, Feb, 7. The queen, through her private secietuiy, Sir Alfred lilgge, has wiltten to tho mayor of Bhelllelil announc ing her Intention to open the Town Hall there la person In May next, This fact should dlspiovo the rumois about tho phy- bicui ana mental prostration ot ner uiu-Jptv LIVE NEWS FROM FOREIGN LANDS The Sultan Will Be Presented with Plans of Proposed Reforms. ILLNESS OF THE CZAR OF RUSSIA The Afllictcd Monarch Has Aban doned Smoking anil Is Limited iik to ine--Austria I'liriilHlii's it Par allel in the Ailments of the Present Heir Presumptive. Boilln, Feb. 7. Theie Is tho very best nuthoilty for the statement that the ill aft of tho i of oi m protocol as completed by the anibassadots ut their eonfeionces In Constantinople Is diuwii up on the nssumptlon that the sultan will accept the pioposals, but theie Is no lefoienco theieln either dl lectly or Indliectly to any possibility of a lesoit to coeiclon on the pint of the poweis to enforce them. The oppo sition of the Kaiser to any further con sideration of the question of coeiclon to enfoice the Tuiklsh lefoims may have tho effect to neutiallzn e lesulti of the ambassadorial ,, Ceionces, though it is undeistood that In defer ence to the wlsln. of the other powei3 Baton Do Calico, the Austilan ambas sadoi and piesldent of" tho eonfei onces. will be authoilzed In piesentlng the sultan with the pionosals of the powers to Infonn, the Tuiklsh empeior that the powois aio piepaied to enforce theli acceptance nnd opeiatlon. In le gale! to the extent oi chaiactei, or the method of applying coercive measuie3, how ev or, nothing has been decided upon. A. pretty good idea, of the situation may be gatheiod fiom the utteiunce of the Vosslscho Zeltung, which In an aitlcle on the subject says "The gieatest task of the powers will only begin when the question Is foiced upon them that a long time will elapse betoie the piotocol, after being up pioved by ench of the governments concerned in its foi mutation, goes thiough the fonnal diplomatic course of piesentatlon to the Poite. This loi mallty having been gone through with, the nioposals will be piesentcd to the sultan by his ministers and they will be certain to be lefened back to the am-bas-mdois, thioughoul a long pmcess ot exchange ol communications extend ing until l&flS unless events in the mean time shall hhatter the sultan's leglme and compel tho powers to play each Its own game. The plain truth is tint now, as befoie the so-called conceit, the poweis aio Inslnceie and do not in tend to take concei ted action In the matter of coeiclon and the sultan knows that they don't." TIIC CZAK'S AILMENT. The peculiar ailment of the czar has been no secret at tho Goinian couits for some yeais. Since lie was a lad emeiglng lrom bovhood, It has been known that he was subject to occasion al fits. They weie laie, howevei, and weie supposed aftei the closest medi cal diagnoses, to be likely to dlsappeai as his physique sttengthened The seizuies, which In his oaily youth took place about eveiy four months, be came moie fiequent, and of a mole distinctly epileptic type, but they weie never paitlculaily tiylng to his consti tution until after he beenme buidened with the woik and tioubles Insopaiabl fiom the tlnone. Dining the last vear lie has had pionounced epileptic seiz uies a' once a month. Not that any seilous fears are enteitained of the czar being obliged to ciente a leg enoy, nor any as to immediate danger to Ills life. Ills loyal lelntlvcs aie dis tressed, however, by tho possibility of body and mind being weakened If tlm sclzmes do not lessen In fiequency, nnd are understood to concur In uiglng the czar to give up most of his im pel lal duties to the piojected now council of state. His medical attevd nnts have piescilbed a stilct legtnen, designed to stiengthen, especially the neivous system. He has abandoned smoking and only takes a veiy limited quantity of wine. Apait fiom his epi leptic condition, his health Is good, Theie Is better news about tho condi tion of the czarewltch and the czai's younger brothel, tho Giand Duko Michael, alwavs In delicate lieaKh, is becoming stiongei. The consumptive and neurotic tend ency In the Itusslan impel lal house has its paiallol In the Austilan. The political consequences ailsing fiom the suicide of Ciovvn Pilnce Rudolnh'and the illness of tho piesent heir pio sumptlve, the Aichduke Fianz Feidl nand, have been long under considera tion by Empeior Francis Joseph It Is now w hlsnered In court and high political quai ters that tho empeior has consulted his mlnlsteis and politi cal leadeis, both Hunguilan and Aus trian, lo nscettuln what suppoit they would give to the lecognltlon' of his gianddaughter, the Aichduchoss Elizabeth, and that he has found leady suppoit fiom Hungaiy, but lit tle or none In Austila The empeioi, who hns leched his sixty-seventh year, has by no means abandoned ills design to set aside the Salic law in Austi la Meanwhile the health of the Aichduke Franz Feidinand Is, nccoiding to newspaper lopoit, Vreatly Impiovedi but the stoiy which the nichduko's suppoitois in Vienna have caused to be circulated that Ills diseased lungs aie healing and that ho was lecently able to go mountalnoeilng in Coislca Is considered doubtful. Ho looked doomed nbout six months ago, emaci ated and subject to seveie paioysms of coughing, and only his return to act ive duty In the aimy and his 10-np-uoutauce In Vienna soilety will con vince the couit and public of his ro stoied health. CARPENTER'S STRANGE FATE. Blown from the ltoof lv a (list of Wind mid II is Hack Broken, ABliland, Feb. 7, Joseph Heltli, a car penter, was blown off the I oof of a House heie, sustaining Injuilos fiom which he' cannot lecover. Itolth had the contract for building the house, and to pi event Its collapse climbed to the i6of for tho pm pose of Jiraeing It, and was thus engaged when a gust of wind liuiled him to the giouud, bieaklng his back and Injuilng him Internally. MEN OF PROMINENCE. JOHN ADDISON PORTER, Who Is to Be President AlcKlnley's Private Secretary. John Addison I'oiter Is the editor anil propilotoi or the Ilurtfoul Post, one of the oldest und most influential dallies in tho state. He Is about 41 vears old und Is u native of Connecticut. More than three tars ago he began to agltute the qutstlou of McKlnlej's nomination In lb'JG. He was the president for succes sive tonus of the McKlnlej club of Unit ford, the kugtst political oigauiziitlon la the state, and two vtnis ago the club en tei tallied its gnat namesake at a dinner in lluitfoul, at which Mi. 1'oitoi picsldcd When the time came foi electing delegates to the St Louis convention that je.ii Mi. Poitci became active in the effoit to e cute the election of men pledged to sup poit McKlnley Instead ot Speaker Heed, and he was so fat successful that seven delegates woie said to be foi the Ohio man out of a total ol twelve. Strangely enough, Mi Pottet himself aid not soeilie his own election as a delegate to St. Louis, and the sudden uctlvlt of ex-Go-etnor Moigan G Hulkeley In behalf of Mr McKlnley. which resulted In his heading the state delegation for St. Louis, und his boom for the'vlce-piesklency, seemed for a time to eclipse the set vices of Ml I'ottti The latter, howevei. It Is said, had lately been assured b a direct communication fiom Mt. Me'KInle that his sei vices and friendship were appt eclated at their full value. Mi Poiter is adnilubly fitted for tho pi hate sect etar ship He was graduited fiom Yale twenty ears ago, and has since figured prominently In tho alumni affairs of his alma mater. Ills grandfather Jo seph Sheffield, was the founder of the Shef field Scientific school, tho scientific de pat tment of Yale university, and his fa MANY CHRISTIANS KILLED. The Turkish Soldieis Pillage linker's Quarters. Athens, Teb 7. A dispatch fiom Canea to the Asty states that incessant illlo and cannon filing was heatd out side Canea yesteiday and to-day, and that tho Tin klsh ti oops took pai t in tha fighting, using aitillery. Many Cluls tians weie killed. It is repotted that the Cinlstlans have captuted the ar senal at Suda. The Astys coi respondent adds that he saw Moslems pillaging the bakeis' quartets In Canea and killing and mutilating Epliot bnkers. London, Feb. 7. The Standnid'i Athens conespondent telegraphs that suilois weie landed fiom the foreign vessels in the harbor of Canea to pie vent tho entlie destiuction of that city by tho incendlniy flies that were staited on Fiidny. The Haines were not subdued until they had buiued for thlity-six hours. The dispatch adds that a number of Tin Its aided by the troops have matched to Haleoa, which place Is de fended by Cinlstlans. With the ex ception of Canea, llotimo and Heiak llon neailv the whole Island is report ed to be In possession of aimed Chris tians, who are only awaiting: a signal from Gieeco to proclaim the union of Ciote with Gieoco. - Legislation Against Insurance Hate-. Montgomeiy, Ala, Feb 7 Tho house has passed a hill ptohlbltlng nnv insuiance company doing business In Alabamu from belonging to any tut Iff association or com pact which tends to icgulate tho lates of Insuiance and pi events fiee competition. Coll is Out of It. Canton, Feb 7 It is stated upon the best uuthoilt) that Nathan Golf, of West Vltglnla, Is not at all llkelv to be 111 tho cabinet T1IK NEWS THIS 3I0KNIXU. Weather Indications Toifa: Probable Showers; Mlghtly Colder. 1 Luwmakeis Will Telle a Holiday. Phoenix Contiact Case LIvb News fiom Lands. Pension Agencies Abolished. '2 Potecnst of Week In Congress. Now Huso Hdll Hides. Maikets and Stocks. 3 Setmon by Rev. Dr. James McLeod, Will Complain of Mavot and Chief. Hois' ('o-.tly Mischief. Taken Suddenly ill. I Editorial. State Legislative Tonics. r. Qouso Given Almost Pull Ponalty, Middlemen to Go. Anti-Sow elites Walt on the Mitvor, Seilous Chaigo Against Him. G (Story) "My Conn ado Thompson." Ho Was a Hrave Soldiei, 7 West Side News and Gossip, Subuiban News In Ueneial, 8 Up and Down the Valley. Uiadford County Scandal, ther was at one time the dean of that In stitution Another lllustilous relative was the late William Waltei Phelps, his uncle, who at the same age us Ml. Portet occu pied the post of minister to Austila, After his uianduatlon from Yalo Mr. Poiter went abroad to trivel and studj. and then came to Washington, whete he spent some time as pi hate seeietary to his uncle, then Senator Phelps. Ho was well known in Washington, and Jmong the newspaper fiateinltv has a host of vvaim friends. About fifteen years ago he puichased tho Haitfotd Post, and has ever since been Its editor. Dm ing tills period he ha3 made frequent conti (buttons to magazines and general periodical llteiature. Ho was not educated In law, but has taken an ex tended coutse of Instruction In legal sub jects not dhectlv calculated to admit him to the bai. Six vcars ago he was a mem ber of the lower house of Connecticut In tho famous deadlock legislature. Two ears ago ho was a candidate for tho Re publican gubernatoilal nomination, and received eighty-eight votes In the conven tion This was followed by his candidacy for the same nomination last fall, when ho ns defeated by tho piesent governoi, Lot tin A Cook. Mr. Porter Is a man of considerable weilth, and has a fine summei home In the fashionable town of Pomftet, In Wind ham count His wife Is a charming ladj, and Is a leader In Hartford society, lloth himself and his wife are well known In the best social elides of Connecticut, and will no doubt tako equal interest In social affalis In Washington This will be par ticularly tho case In view of the determin ation of Piesldent McKlnley to make the ofllce of private secretary one on a footing with other high olllces in his gift. CORBETT'S TRAININQ GROUND. Wnllcv's Springs Will Probably lie SoluctciN-Tlic Sports Arrive. Carson, Nev., Feb. 7. E. G. Cook, James J. Coibett's advance agent, Is not fa voi ably lmpiessed with Steam boat Spilngs as n training place. The toads In the vicinity aie rough and unfit for travel at this season of the year, and the conveniences aio not ex actly what he expected. Cooke will visit Walley's Hot Mlneia) Spilngs, near Genoa, in Douglas county, and it seems piobable that he will make Coibett's headquaiters there. Wal ley's Spilngs aio only fourteen miles distant from Carson, and are more happily situated than Steamboat Spilngs. A number of prominent sporting wilteis from the east have already arilved in Cnison, and otheis aie ex pected daily. The aulval of Dan Stuait Is anxiously awaited. He will be met at Reno by delegations from that city and Cnrson, and uiged to de cide upon the location of the battle--ground as quickly as possible. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 7. James J. Coibott left Kansas City this afternoon for San Fianclsco. Accompanying the big pugilist were Jim MeVey, "Kid" Egan and Ruhllns, the wrestler. At Denver the pnitj will be joined by Billy Woods, who been engaged to assist Cotbett In tialnlng foi the big light. The paity will stop off one day and night nt Salt Lake, whete the pugilists will spai Tuesday night. Kiitish Warships Sent to Crete. London, Fob. 7. Several British war ships of the Medlten mean squadron have been o'dcx'd to t'teto at once, because of the tetiewal of disturbances in that island. An official repot t declares that onl tlilitj Christians weie killed, but tho iiuinbei Is piobablv about ten times that Many Christians, who had locked them sehts In their houses, wete driven out by the II lines only to meet death at the hands of tho Tuiklsh soldluis, who shot them at "Ight. Otheis lost their lives while tijiug to teach tho w at ships. Truiii Over nn Embankment. Willlninspoit, Pa, Feb 7 A passenger train on the Fall lliook l.iilioad Jumped fiom the lulls jesterday afternoon near Cedar Hun Station, about fifty miles noithwest of Wllllanpott. Three cats rolled obet a 12-foot embankment Into tho bed of Pino Cieek. Andiuvr Busted, the lit email, jumped fiom the engine und was killed. No other peison was seriously lu Juied. Tlieio woio only live pastengeis on the ti.ilu at the time. Orialia Throws Keil Light. City of Mexico. Feb 7 The Orizaba vol cano Is somewhat active, throning u ted light ugulnt tho skv and emitting kugo columns of smoke. The Inhabitants aio alaimed and feui that an eaithquuke will follow. Cnshior llrfdcr in Toronto. Bethlehem, Pa., Feb. 7 -Defaulting Cashier Hreder, of the Tlist National bunk, has not committed suicide, but is in Toronto, Canadu. How S'pniii Treats Opponents. Madrid, Feb. 7, A dispatch from Ma nila says that eight ministers of the in surgent gov eminent have been shot. TT If I M We have now on ex hibition a Magnificent New Stock of )pnnn Dre Your personal Inspection ot which Is cordially Invited, It comprises many ex clusive noyelties in French and German All-Wool and Silk and Wool Fabrics. Also, Caiievas Yigdraiix, Tweeis, Craveidtes, Serges, tap die Etes Etc, El 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Buisyc 1897 Biflsnero ATTEND OUR Moeey jlp Savtag' (flili Feltou, U9L LEWIS,mLLY&MVlDES 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVD. Tho Hcrnlil's W enther Forecast. New Yoik, Feb, S In tho Mlddlo state today, fair to partly cloudy weather and slightly lower temperature will prevail, with fresh northwestetly winds, shifting to brisk northeastetly, possibly followed by inci easing cloudiness, snow or inin. On Tuesday, paitly cloudy to clearing weather will probably piovail with slight tempetuture changes, possibly preceded, by dangerous winds and snow or rain on tho coasts. Steamship Ai rivals. Xew York, Teb 7 Ai rived: Steamcri Weimar, from Bremen; Hergundo.i, from Marseilles and Naples; Auranla, from Llvei pool; La Noimandle, from Havio; Furnessla, from Glasgow. Sailed; Ful da, for Genoa. Aitlved out: La Gas cognc, at Havio. Sailed for New York; Servla, from Queenstown. Dissatisfaction nt Madrid. Madrid, Feb 7 There is much dissatis faction expiessod heie over what aro be llev ed to be the oxcessh e concessions made to tho Cubans in tho scheme of rofoims, and It is thought th it cabinet changes aie likely to result. It Is lepoited today that Marquis Pid ii 01 Geneial Martlnex Campos will shortly repl ico Senor Cano vas Del Castello, the pi lino minister. Fun nt 11 Sunilni School. Allcntown, Pa , Teb 7 While St. Luke's Lutheian Sundny school was In session this afternoon the building was set on tiro by a defective flue The membeis of tho Sunday school, 25a In numbei, got out in safetj nmld mm h excitement. Tho loss Is 13,000, and tho insui anco $3,003, Di'spcinto Womiin'o Suicide. Hlg Timber, Mont , Feb. 7. Tho wife of John Cort last evening threw her threo chlldten Into tho Yellowstono river and then Jumped in aftei them. All were diowncd. Tho cause of tho tiagedy Is said to bo domestic unhapplness. Tho three chlldien weie undei 'Z jeais of ago, two being tw ins. - The Thrno Friends Sui7itl Again. Jacksonville, Fin.. Feb 7. The stoamor Tin co l'l lends m lived In port nt noon fiom Jupltei, and was Immediately seized by tho collector of customs under Instruc tions from the becietuiy ot tho tieasury She was taken In custody by tho United States Maishul on a chaigo of piracy. Dnith of n Xnti'il liltwtnr. New Brighton, S, I Feb. 7,-Chai les W. Bioolte, tho noted ciltunal lawjoi, died at 1215 this morning at tho S, H. Smith In llrmniy, at this place, from cincur lu tho lower intestines. Goods .