The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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West Side
Very Pleasant Event Lnst Evening Con
ducted by Lackawanna Council, No.
1133, Royal Arcanum.
Lnckaw mina council, No. 1133, Koyal
'Aicanuin, met Inst evening In Hobcrt
JIouls hull on South Main avenue, nnd
after lnslullliic olllceii a social time
waB enjoyed by the sevcnty-IHc men
present. The Installation oC olllcers
lield within Itself a mild surprise which
bill st out when Chatles Lali.u, who
was nominated for legent declined the
nomination at the meeting. The i eason
for the sudden resignation Is not at
hand. Aftet Mr. I-aUar had leslgned
Charles 12. I.anninir was elected to 1111
the olllce of iegent.
The othei olllceis installed were:
John II. Reynolds, cc legent; .Tames
Leyshon, oiatoi, Thomas Cosgiove,
post lenent; A. 12. Vorhls, sectetaiy;
U. r. Kynon, collectoi, O. T. Ilugdon,
chaplain; V. H. Lautr, tic.T'uiei; Wal
tei Tllhon, iiulde; L. 12 Giles, warden;
John It. Ilanls, sentinel, Ico 12 T.
John, deceased. The Installing ofllcer
was DIstilct Deputy Gtand Itegent V.
12. Ntehl, assisted by membois of
Seranton councils.
A pleasant episode of the session was
n presentation by the lodge of a gold
band ilng to Thomas Cogiovo, who
vacated the olllce of legent. The ilng
Is veiy handsome, suitably Inscribed on
the inside nnd ornamented with the
emblem of the ordei Inlaid In gold and
enamel. 'Dr. W. A. Paine made the
presentatloni speech, mentioning Mr.
Cosgioe's efficient set Ice and express
ing the thanks of the lodge for the ex
cellent piogic-s made during his lc
glme as legent. Sandwiches, coffee
and clgats weie furnished In the Ior
ite club quaiters.
The lectin e delivered last evening
by A. Vincent Bower at the Scianton
Street Baptist chuich was a rich treat.
Mr. Bowel's subject was "Michael An
gelo," and he was aided in Ills descrip
tion by the use of a eiy line steieoptl
con operated in the iear part of the
chuith by an assistant to Mr. Bowei.
The lecture deseies more than passing
mention. Mr. Bower led his lieatuis
through a maze of lnstiuction, flist
showing the master pieces of other
world-famed artists and then contrast
ing their ci cations with those of An
gelic The lenowned Italian's greatest
piece of sculpturing was of Moses, now
in St. Petei's chuich at Home. In
lauding this paitlcular cieatlon Mi.
Bower aniljzed the const uctlon. It
was the woik of the soul. Angelo was
inspired and lie seems to hao Impait
od the inspluitlon to the marble. One
day, after the statue was llnished the
great sculptor drew- back apace and
looked intently at the still figuie. Then
ciazed by the stillne's, he lushed up to
the gieat llgure and stiuck ileicely at
it with his ehisd "why don't you
speak?" lie ciied. It was this powei,
the divine ability to Imbue the cold
maible with passionate life that char
acteilzes the woik of Michael Angelo
A large audience beaid the lectuie.
Monday next, Feb S, from C to 10 p
m., tables will be spiend foi a welcome
supper to Captain and Mis. S. M. Johns,
at Post No. 2, Volunteers of America,
ICC Noith Main avtnuo. Quite a time
Is expected as these olllcers hne made
themselves ery popular since they
came. The pi Ice of supper will be ten
cents. The West Slders will do well to
patronise this pntilotlc people, not only
by silent sjmpathy but pmctical work
by sending along something substantial
to tin aboe addiess The captain as
sures us It will be welcomed.
An eisteddfod w 111 bo held on April 7
at the Bellevuo mission of the Flist
Welsh Baptist chuich. Luther Lewis
is supeilntendent of the school John
E. Jones is piesldent of the committee
in chaige; John II. "Williams, secretary;
Luther Lewis, tteasurei, and the fol
lowing members: David J. Jones,
Jacob Jones, Mlilam Jones, Mrs. Isaac
Davis, Thomas M. Jones and Dald
Davis. Tho eisteddfod will be an old
fashioned one. The piles, though
small, will be just iaige enough to
make it interesting.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Margaret
Edwards took place yesterday after
noon from 1C21 Lafayette stieet. Rev.
Thomas de Giuchy, pastot of Jackson
Stieet Baptist church, preached the
funeial sermon. Theio was a largo as
semblage of f i lends of the deceased.
The pall-bearers were: David T. Jen
kins, Thomas S. -Williams, Geoigo
White, George Campbell, B. Lloyd and
Thomas G. Beddoe. Intel ment was
made in Washburn street cemetery.
Tho following have been elected offi
cers of the CaUinlstlc Methodist
chuich, Bellevue: John W. Davis, sec
retaiy; John D. Phillips, tieasurer;
John T. Jones, Henry W. Evans, Will
iam Davis, tiustees; John Samuel, Wil
lie G. Williams, ushers; James Davis,
Willie Samuel, door attendants; John
Talarthen Jones, Moigan P. Jones, pub
lishing committee.
A lag bee wns tendeied Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Lewis Thursday evening at
their homo on Fourteenth street.
Among thoso present weie- Mrs. Mol
lis Jones, Mis. Thomas Lewis, Mis.
William Royal, Mis. Hush Williams,
Mrs. Maggie JiMklns, Mis. William
Powell, Miss Louise Jenkins, Miss Mag
gie Lewis. It was a Jolly company and
a good time was passed while the sew
ing was going on.
A preliminary meeting of the Ladles'
'Auxiliary of the Ordei of Rutlioad
Conductors, will be held Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock, at the looms of the
Railroad Young Men's Chilstlan asso
ciation. Clothes lino thieves have been very
much in evidence near tho corner of
South Main avenue and Hampton stieet
during tho past week and suspicion
la tin own on a resident of the latter
named street. On Wednesday morning
n laige piece of caipet was stolen from
the line at C04 South Main avenue.
County Detective Thomas E. Leyshon
In a lecoveied from a very serious 111-
I t and has again begun active woik
I I his oilice.
" ho funeral of the late William Mua
r ' -nn, who wus killed Thursday oven
I on tho Delaware, Lackawanna, and
stern lallroad at Tobyhanna, will
place tomoirovv afternoon at 1.S0
e jcIc from his late residence, 320 Mer
idian street, and at 2.30 o'clock nt the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal chuich,
Rev. J. 1). Sweet, officiating. Interment
will be made In Torcst Hill cemetery.
A social was held at the Hampton
Street Methodist Episcopal chuich last
Robert Hand, a fifteen-year-old boy
who l csldes on Luzerne sti eet, nnd Ed
ward Lord were ancstcd last night by
Lieutenant "Wllllamr on iti warrant
swoin out befoic Alderman Millar
which charges them with stealing
hinss fioin the plant of the Seranton Il
luminating, Heat and Power company.
They were detained In the station house
last night and will bo given a hearing
this moinlng
Mr. E. O. Finunfelker, of 1124 Jack
son street, hna returned fiom a visit at
"Mag" Montgomery and her husband
were sent to the county Jail yesterday
for thlity days In default of $5 line.
The negro and the white man who
made a noise on Seranton stitet weie
fined $5. Alderman John pieslded.
The, revival son Ices at tho Simpson
Methodist Episcopal chuich will be
continued next week and so long after
as intoiest wniiants. Rev. J. B Sweet
Is meeting with encouraging success.
Last evening Rev. F. P. Doty, of the
Hampton Stieet Methodist Episcopal
(.hutch, pleached.
We laundry stiff collars with soft
button holes. Ciystal Lanndiy.
Stow ait Galloway, of Touith avenue,
Is lecov eilng from Injuiles lecelved
at tho Dodge mine llnee months ago
Ellas Pughe, of Acker avenue, who
was lnjuted In the Bellevuo mine, Is se
llously ill fiom pneumonia.
Dr. E. Y. Harrison, Dentist, Mears
Hall. 113 S Main nvenuc.
A bachelor social will be given at
the Bellevuo Baptist Sunday school
rebtuaiy 17 under tho auspices of
clnss No 2
Lieutenant Green, who Is doing Vol
unteer work in this city, has leoehed
the direful IntellgenLe from Merlden,
Conn , that her mother died this w eek.
The latest and best stjles. Roberts,
12(1 North Maine.
The funeral of W. T. Mussleman, w ho
was killed on tho Delawaie, Lackawan
na and Western road Thursday, will
take place at 329 Merldan street Sun
day afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Set vices
at Simpson Methodist Episcopal chinch
on Noith Main avenue. Inteiment In
1' oi est Hill cemetety.
Choice cut floweis and flower de
signs at Palmer & McDonalds, nil
West Side Business Director!.
lloweis ana funeial designs n specialty;
101 South Main avenue; two doors fiom
, Jnckson street.
avenue. Physlcinns' preset Iptlons caie
full.v prepircd from vv at ranted pure
drtiKs una chemicals A line assortment
of trusses, line statlonety, blank books,
varnish stains, mixed paints oi funcj
work, artists materials, vvlnaovv Klass,
wall piper ana pletuio moulding. Clerk
at store nil houis of night.
anjthlng ou have to soil furniture.
Stoves, Tools, etc Call and see tho
stock of J. c King, 701 to 709 West Lack
awanna avenue.
Al Roev es and his big burlesque company
will bo tho attiactlon at Davis' theatei
the first tin co duj s of next wetk, and It is
without a. doubt one of the giandest ot
ganlatlons of Its klna ever seen on unj
Ameiican stage, nnd so pionouncul by
pi ess and public. Twenty white, tvvetuy
bluck, handsome women, be lutltul Cre
oles, Korgeous costumes, bcautitul scen
ei ana giand electiical cftects thiee big
shows In one High-class vaudeville, min
strel and burlesque, headed bj tho clevoi
Celtic wits, 1'errv and Bums, Miss Cissy
Grant, Walker Slsteis, Brjco and Milton,
Alice Clajton, gieat American colored
quuitette, Paulino Bradshaw, the Norrls
lamllj, ana last, but not least, Al Reaves
and his banjo
The sale of seats indicates that almost
the entlie amusement-going public of
Seranton who patronize the best dinmatlc
performances will be on hand this attei
noon and evening nt the rrothlngham to
see tho tirst pcrfoi minces in our clt ol
Daniel Prohman's famous New Yoik Lv
ceum theatei success, Tho Prisoner of
Honda " To any one who has seen this
delightful dramatization it is a faot be
jond question that tho play would havo
been mi Immense success even If the stoi
of Awthonj Hope's book of the same name
had never been written. This is truly a
unique exception In tho woild of literature
No moio realistic scene Ins ever been
presented on a local stage than the gieit
prison scene intioduced in "Temptation of
Money," which makes up part of the lep
ertoire to be produced bj Ploy Crow ell and
her strong supporting companj at tho
rrothlnghnm net WPek. Duilng tho ac
tion of the plav an Innocent man Is ac
cused of the killing of a New Yoik park
policeman Trial and conviction follow,
tho next scene showing tho Interior of the
death chamber at Sing Sing prison, with an
exact fie-slmllo of the eloctiocutlon ch lit
In position The condemned man Is then
led In The trained attendants quickly
strap him In tho chair and the operator
stands vv 1th his hand on the switchboard
awaiting tho fatal signal. So quickly 13
tho work performed that within three
fourths of a mlnuto after the condemned
man enters the death chamber all Is readv
for execution Of course at the last mo
ment his life is saved, but the sceno Is
ona of tin tiling Interest. ,Tho same com
pany and scenic and mechanical effects
will be used hero as during tho twelve
peiformances in Boston this season.
On Monday nnd Tuesday "Tho Real
Widow Blown" companj will bo seen at
the Academy of Music. Tho mistakes of
the joung man who is doing his best
to peisonate tho leal charming "Widow
Blown" aro most ludlcious. He Is as
sisted by two joll fellows and a couplo
of bright, prettj girls, but as will bo seen
proves unsuccessful in tho attempt The
compan Is under tho management of A.
O Sc.immon, who has many other suc
cessful comedies on the load, including
"The American Girl" and "The Buiglai."
He has given special attention to tho se
lection of artists for this company, which
Includes many well-known favorites.
don'tTikeTme system.
Cit) Uiiginon to Suggest n Now Plnn
lor Accepting Streets.
Tho action of select council's light
and vnter committee In referring to
City Engineer Phillips a list of thirty
one pioposed locations for new elec
tilc lights and lequestlng fiom him In
formation as to whether the stieets
mentioned had been accepted by the
city, will give that olllclal an oppor
tunity to say something about a much
needed leform.
Tho most pa!n3takinsr of eouncllmen
and other city ofllclals liavei inanj
times ciltlclzed the methods of accept
ing streets. In the past It has only
been necessaiy to cut a soit of ioad
way with any kind of a grade and
foist tho "lmpiovement" off upon the
city as a stieet, the city then becoming
sponsor for It and lesponslble for its
Many of the proposed elect! lo lights
are for stieets in annexed dlbtricts
It Is a question whether the placing of
lights upon them would not imply tho
acceptance of the streets. The system
has been so lax and undefined that
City Engineer Phillips Is in doubt about
tho owneishlp of several of the thor
oughfaies In question. He will prob
ably communicate with councils sug
gesting the aid of the city solicitor
and a different plan for accepting
streets In future
Suburban News
In General
Burgess Dnn I'oncll,
Treasurer Louis Engle.
Tax Collector William E. Corrcll.
Councllmen-C. S. Weber and William
School Directors M. K. Kellum and Jer
ry McPeck.
Streut Commissioner George Jackson.
Auditors Harry Winters and II. P. Mur
shnll. Jusctlee of tho Peace A. A. Krotzer.
William E. Corrcll, tho Republican can
didate for tax collector, is a nnn the peo
ple of Dunmore should tnke pildo In sup
poitlng. Especially qualllled for such an
olllce In every way he would seo that tho
borough received every cent that could
be collected or tho tax pliced In his hands
Mi. Condi was boin In Wnmait and
Republican Candidate foi the Ofllco of Tax
comes of a family noted for Its stauncn
Republicanism. Poi twelve ears he has
been a icsldunt of this boiough, during
which time ho has been nn emplojo of tho
Erie and Wjoming Vu11e Rnlltond com
panj. Duilng his resldenco in Dunmore
Mi. Corrcll has gained a host of friends
and when elected to the position foi which
he Is now a candidnto ho will 1111 the olllce
to the entire satisfaction of his consti
tuents. James Thompson, of Claj avenue, Is tho
guest of friend! in Pittston.
Mis. Alexander Smith and diughter,
Ethel, of Dallas, Tex , are tho guests ol
Mis. William Young, of Chen street.
The pioperty owners of Dunmoio arc
Indignant against the contractors who nie
putting up the poles foi the Electric Light
company. In some of out streets the
nte erecting the poles in the middle of tho
gutters, thus destroying the paving stones
and blocking the vvatei course. Yesterdaj
moi nlng tho boss In charge of tho woik
told n proportj owner on liiook street,
aftei bienklng one of her Hags upon the
sidewalk bj blasting for a post hole, that
Dunmoio boiough hid nlreaay received a
reduction of 23 pci cent, on theli electilc
light bills, therefore she must be content,
ho did not Intend to put his hand Into his
pocket for such paltty damages.
Mis Williams, a well-known character
In police clicles, was anested lor duink
enness and disordeily conduct last night
at 7.15 p m b Olllcor Bulgei, and spent
last night In jail She will be given a
healing befoio Burgess Duggan this
Mis Van Houten's Sunday school class
of tho Methodist Episcopal chuich gave a
most delightful social last night at tho
homo of Miss M irlon Kcnne, of Butler
stieet An excellent pi ogi amine was icn
dercd and a thoioughl enjoyable evening
was had b all piesent.
A straw -ride pal ty fiom Hjde Park
passed thiough Dunmore on Its way to
Moscow Inst night
Tho Missts Giace Berlew and Mary Ed
gar, of Plttston. aie being entertained by
Mi. and Mis. Prank Bingham, of Butler
Elsie, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Otto Dueblei, of Adams avenue,
Is cerlously ill with scarlet fever.
Rev. W. J. Pord, of the Baptist church,
who lias been suffeilng with lngilppe foi
tho past week, is now able to be out again
and will occupj his pulpit Sunda morn
ing and evening.
Miss Jennie Cane has returned to her
home, at Maplewood, after spending a few
das with Mi. nnd Mis. Tied Dunn, of
Houlevaid avenue
Born, to Mr. and Mis William Everett,
a son.
Rev. G. L Malee will dellvei a sermon
to tho Independent Oulei of Odd Pellows
lodge, No CO), at tho United Evangelical
chuich, on Cupouso avenue, tomonow ev
ening. Enos Maish has gone to his home, In
Waj ne county, wheio ho will remain foi
some time.
A daughtei has been born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Jacob Johler, of Sandeison nvenue.
The Senloi Epwoith League of tho As
bury Methodist Eplscopul chuich will hold
Its tegulai monthlj social In tho church
pailois Monuay evening. These socials
are veiy hugely attenled and aie glow
ing moio Interesting All aio Invited to
come and bilng their ft lends.
Mis A. C. Learn, of Delawaio street, Is
entertaining net mother, Mrs Brown, of
Miss May Seward very pleasantlj enter
tained a numbei of hei joung filends at
hei home, on Mousey avenue, last even
ing. Games music and othei amueements
weie tho featuies of tho evening during
which lefreshments were served Tho
following composed tho party Tho Misses
Llllle Seward, Grace Wnid, Florence Bow
el, Lillian Saltord, Minnie Peck, Peaile
Ltastono, Mae Benedict, Pauline Shook,
Pcul Tieveiton, and Mes-sis. Clajton and
Dwlght Saffoid, Chalks Teal, We-,lej and
Albeit Kcllow, Will Edgar and Clarence
Sownid Miss Sewaid was assisted in le
eching b the Misses Pecrle Lldstone and
Grace ard.
John II. Phillips entertained his Sunduy
school class last evening at his home, on
William street Games and music wero
Indulged In until a late hour, when a tur
kej supper was seived Those present
were David D Reete, Mr. and Mis. John
H. Phillips, Ml and Mis Divld Jones,
Mr, and Mis Daniel Morgin, Mi and
Mis Merodjth Jones, Mr. ana Mis Thom
as N Evans, Mrs Annie Humphrey,
Misses Mar C Powell, Elizabeth Evans,
Anna Reese, Battle J. Sharpies, Margai
et Davis. Jessie Hicks, LUzle Jones, Mary
J Edwaids, Martha Retse, Jessie Jones,
Elsie Phillips and Maud Phillips.
Miss Anna Davis, of School street, who
has been 111 for the past few weeks, has
The North End Star Basket Ball team
will play tho Crescents of Pino Brook
next Monday evening in Company II aim
ory. Tho Citizens' band will bo piesent
und while tho gamo Is In piogiess.
Miss Maggie Thornton, of West Market
street, has icturned fiom a visit with
friends In Wllkes-Bnrre.
Completion of n Tunnel Will Bring
thu Coul Into Mnrliut.
Everything Is In leadlness to tnp
the watei In the old Buck mountain
mine near Hazleton through the tunnel
driven by C. F. King & Co , contractor,
for Coxo Bros. & Co, Everything
points to tho successful completion of
this very diillcult englneeiing feat. It
means the practical lecovery of coal
mines) that were abandoned many yeais
ago by the old Buck Mountain Coal
company, and Is another evidence of
tho supeilor sagacity as a mining ex
peit of the late Eekley B. Coxe, A
number of bore holes have been diiven,
and within a few days high explosives
will be brought Into use to tenr out
the face of tho tunnel. Tho tunnel Is
a hnlf mile In length, and cnteis tho
mountain In the Laurytovvn alley. 11io
water from the mines; will empty Into
the Lehigh liver.
Fifteen jcats ago the mine was given
up as worthless nnd allowed to 1111 with
wnter. It was leased some yents ago
by Cox-e Brothels, and, upon the advice
of Eekley B. Coxe, tost holes were driv
en, which showed that the vein had
"overlapped" Itself, and thnt the de
posit was still lleh nnd lnige. It 1ms
been shovi, by snipping audi bore
holes, that not moio than 30 per cent,
of the coal has been lemoved, and the
lomalnlng veins measure CO to SO feet
In thickness.
A pioposltlon to strip No. 1 vein Is
now being considered, which would In
volve muny yeais of labor. It Is esti
mated Hint there aie 2,210,000 tons of
coal available by tho leniovnl of 0,000,
000 cubic juids of caith and lefuso.
As soon as the water Is lemoved fiom
these wot kings opeiatlons to mine coal
will be commenced by Coxe Biotheis
& Co. The coal will be biought fiom
the mines through the tunnel and then
hoisted up the mountain on a plane
1,500 feet long and hauled to tho Eekley
bi eaker.
Illlort to Ilu .Undo to Have One
Erected in This Part ol Stnto.
The rittston Gazette in lofoience to
a meeting of the Plttston poor bond
held In the Ransom poor house Alonday
says: "Of the ninety-four inmates,
about twenty nie demented, while the
dlsttlct also has about llftj-flve Insane
patients being cared for at vailous state
asylums Tho nsylums, however, nie
ovoi crowded, and will receive no addi
tional patients. There are no provisions
at the Ransom homo for cailng for the
Insane as they ought to bo caied for In
hopes of effecting cuics, und the prob
lem Is as to what shall bo done with
these unfoitunato people.
"The Wllkes-Baire poor district Is
even worse off than the Plttston dis
trict, and the dlrectois of both bouuls
ate to hold a conference shortly to dis
cuss the advisability of petitioning the
legislature to build a state nsvlum lor
the Insane of Northeastern Pennsyl
vania. With Plttston's seventy Insane,
Wilkes-Barrc's 2J0 and thoso of the
Hazleton dlsttlct, theie would bo a suf
ficient number, the dli octets believe, to
wairant the establishment of an asylum
In this section of the state."
Mrs. Stanford, as Executrix, Decides
to Close It Up.
San Tianclsco, Feb. 5 Mrs Leland
stanfoid has decided to close up the
estate of her husband, of which she Is
executiix. Plist, she will dispose of
lands and aftei waul personal propel ty.
Trom tile piocecds the balances due
the legatees, under the will, amounting
to nearly a million dollais, will be paid,
and allow the residue to go to the Uni
versity at Palo Alto
Although Mis. Stanford has decided
to leallze on the estate, and has ap
pointed arents for the disposal of the
landsi yeais mny be lequlred to cany
out hei puipo3e. Tho outside lands will
be sold off Hist and later the Stanford
lesldenee and othei realty In San Fran
cisco 'and Alameda counties will be
placed on the maiket. The outside
lands, which aro to receive Immediate
attention, consist of lanches hold by
the estate. They are the Copeland
ranch, Tehema. county, 3,000 acres, a
3,000 acie lanch near Maitlnor, the
Coon and Poll ranches In San Mateo
county, aggregating 1,210 actes, nnd
small i .inches neat San Luis, Obispo
and Redlands.
A Desperate Husband Pirst Tries to
Murder His lie.
Huntingdon, N. J, Teb 5 Nicholas
Schanei, of this city, shot and seriously
wounded his wile and then mot tall
wounded himself on the stieet here, at
noon today. Schaffer and his wife had
been sepaiated lor some tlnee months
past and he had llted up a house with
the Intention of staitlng anew. He ac
costed his wife as she was i etui nlng
from work and asked her to letutn to
his home. On her lef using Schaffer
diow a levolvoi and fired tlnee shots at
hei, one taking effect in the stomach
and the other two enteiing hot face
just above the mouth The ciazed man
then turned the lovolvei on himself and
shot twice, the balls taking effect In the
Schaffer died this afternoon, but It is
thought Mis. Schatfer will lecovei.
Schaffei was foity yeais of age. Tho
piesent Mis Schaffer was his second
wife. They had been man led but a
shoit Inie when domestic diillculties
arose and they sepaiated. Schaffer
had been di Inking heavily of late.
Apimrcntl Thoj Set It on Tire While
Illowing Open n Snfc.
East Haddam, Conn , Teh. 5 The
lailioad station at Goodspeeds, on the
Valley division of the Now Yoik, New
Haven and Haitfoid lallroad, was to
tally destioed by lit o at 4 o'clock this
morning, and evei thing Indicates
It way the icsult of an attempt on the
pait of unknown peisono to burglarize
the station.
In the lulns the ofllco cafe was found
In pieces Pieces of debris weie found
100 feet fiom tho scene, and some dis
tance away weie two palls paitlally
filled with water, Indicating that tho
burglai"! sought to extinguish the file
The loss will piobably not exceed $3,000.
Snjs That Ho No Longer Hns nn
Object to Live l'or.
Beilln, Teb. C The Diesden Gazette
publishes ait aitlclo on Pilnce Bis
marck, In the couise of which It sas
that the prince lecently said:
"I feel tired, but I am not sick. My
complaint Is uneasiness of life, in
w hie U I no longer have any object.
Nothing that I see gives me pleasuie.
I feel lonely. I have lost my wife,
and my sons have their own business
to attend to. Agilcultuie and foiestiy
have lost Intel est, and politics aie be
ginning to bole inc."
Detective's Admission iu tho Kansas
City Investigation,
Kansas, City, Feb, C Detective
Hayes, testifying fov the defense In the
police Investigation, proved a valu
able witness, Ansvveilng a question,
Hayes said that on the Instructions of
the late Chief Irwin ho had notified
half a dozen gambling houses to closo
dm lng cai nlv al week.
They had been i mining light along up
to that time. Sandy Edwaids lan a
crame dm lug the tlmo
Munyon's Asthma Hei lis will otop tho
most violent pntoxjsm of asthma In tlneo
minutes. They aro compressed Into tilan
gulnr pastlles, thu most convenient fotm
for binning ever discovered, Used w'th
the Asthma due tiny will positively nnd
permanently cuie the worst foims of as
tliinn. Box of Asthma Herbs w Itli Asthm i
Cuie, Jl 00.
A separate euro for each dlscico. At all
diugglsts, mostly 25 cents a vial.
Peisonal letteis to Piofesor Munon,
ISO-. Arch stKct, Philadelphia, Pa, an
swoied with free medical ndvlco for any
Nicholas Tonkin, after n short Illness,
died on Mondnj nt Hei lick Center The
funeral services took place on Wednes
day. James McCarten died nt his home In
Luzerno borough on Wednesday moinlng
at tho ago of 52 jcais His wife and sev
eral children suivlve
James Emanuel, aged 7. ex-high consta
ble nnd ploncci mlnei of Shenandoah, died
there Thursdaj. Ho seived tin to eais
In tho Union uimy duilng tho rebellion
Mis Arthur II. Jono3, formoily Miss
Etta Cowling, of Wllkes-Baire, died on
Thursdaj In Philadelphia She will be
bulled today in Hollenback cemeter,
Mi s Mnry Aluri In, aged 18 ears, tho olt.
cst icsldent of tho legion, died nt her
home, In Upper Lehigh, Wednc'dn night
Sho leslded In that vicinity for nearlj hnlr
a centur nnd Is survived b a slstei, who
is four jeais her Junior.
Riley Bell, son of Alonzo Bell, died ut
his home in Hopbottom on Thuisdnv
last, aged 11 yeais Punoral toda nt H
o'clock, Rev. P. E Adnms, officiating.
Typhoid fever, of which he died, Is qulto
prevalent In Honbottom.
Lnuia tho Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs
Geoigo Seifoss, of Nicholson, died Thurs
da afternoon The funeial will tako
place at the house at 2 30 o'clock this after
noon, Rev P. E Adams olllclatlng. In
terment In Nicholson cemeter.
The IS-months-old son of Mr nnd Mis
E L Keane, otVDunmoie, died Thuiday
night of diphtheria. The fum ral will be
hold this aftei noon at 3 o'clock The mo
ther nnd anothei child aie serloujl 111 of
tho same disease.
Mis Etta Cowling Jones died In Phin
delphia. Wednesday nnd will be buil'd
this afternoon nt 2 o'clock In Hollenbnck
cemeter , WIlkes-Bai re She w as the w ife
of A. II Jones, founeii supeilntendent
of fhe Subiiiban Electric Light compaii
of this city.
John Wairen, aged C2 jcars, died at his
home In Plymouth Thursdav afternoon of
general deblllt. The deceased had been
a resident of PI mouth for several eirs
He Is survived b a wife, but no children
'1 ho funeial will tako place on Sunda
aftei noon at 2 o'clock, with services at the
Flist Pilmltlve Methodist chuich. Rev.
John Bath will olllelate Interment will
be In Shawnee cemeter.
At C GO o'clock last evening occurred the
death of Mrs Betsy J. Dlmock, at her
home, in Carbondale Deceased was
bom In Vermont Oct 17, 1S00 Shoiemoved
to Carbondale ovei thlit jeiis ago, slnco
which tlmo sho has resided theic. bhe has
been a member of the Baptist church
elc.hty-th'-ee ears Her maiden name was
Mill I a, and sho wns a nleco of ex-Coer-
noi Palmer, ot the state of Voimont, Dur
ing her icsldenco In Carbondale she has
ucqulied in Mi) warm friends b hei Chils
tlan chaiacter and deeds She had en
Joj ed exceptional! gooil health all her
life, and till within a shoit period was
in the best control of ill hei faculties She
Is survived b two sons, Geoigo Dlmock,
si , who Is over 75 yeais of age, nnd Har
1 Dlmock, sit grandehildicu, the oldest
of v horn Is ovei CO ears of age, eleven
gi eat-grnndchlldrcn and three gi t at-gi e it
grandchildren Funeral aiiantiments whl
bo announced later
Sccunt) ISuildnij nud Savings Union.
Charteied under Pennlvnnla laws
Home olllce, looms 203 and 2o'J Meais
building, Scianton, Pa ; telephone 12t2
Olllcers Colonel Geoigo Sanderson,
pnsldent, Colonel P. L Hitchcock, lce
piesldent, Edmuna A. IJartl, actuar , L
J. Slebeckei, tieasurer; Horace E Hand,
attoine, Albert Ball, secietu, R. IC.
Cranner, superlntenaent of agencies
Boaid of dliectois Colonel George San
deison, attoine and eounsel-at-law ; Col
onel P. L. Hitchcock, Insurance and attor
ney, Edmund A Haiti, county surveor;
L J. Slebecker, caipets and draperies;
Albert Ball, secretin of S B, and S P.,
Frank II demons, sheriff of Lackawanna
county; Prank P Chilstlan, hatter and
gent's furnisher, C. C. Peibei, of demons,
Feiber &. O'Malle Co; Chailes R. Con
nell, secietary and treasurei Lackawanna
Cash In hank and olllco $ 2.S2J 10
Real estate loans 40,741 21
Stock loans E10 0)
Installment dues unpaid S0C 75
Interest and piemlum
due and unpaid 1,131 S3
Real estato 1,700 00
Olllce furniture ana fix
tures 2St 21
Insurance ndvnncea ... IS 75
Due fiom expense fund . SJ 05 $4S 101 21
Installment stock S.S0,OjS 72
Debentuio and coupon
stock S.151 00
Dues Advanced by mem
bers 7JS CO
Bills paable 1,000 00
Undivided pioflts 2,122 89 113,10121
Intel est and premium
leeched S 1.SJ7 53
Interest nnd premium
delinquent secured .... 1,121 S3
Tines lecelved CJ JJ
Withdrawal piollts 21 CJ S 3,057 12
Sundiy loan fund, In
terest nnd discount....? 40 50
Dobenturo dividends . .. 2HI 25
Interest and discount .. 240 0J
Delinquent Interest and
premium luly 1 .. 377 10
Net pioflts, (0 months) . 2,122 SO $ 3,057 42
umber of shaien in force Jan 1, 1SJ7, 1,501
The Activo Young Missionary l'nsscs
A way in Allien.
Philadelphia, rob 5. Infoimatlon
was received today at the olllce of the
Philadelphia Mtsslonniy council of the
death of Rev P. Cnmeion Scott, of
Biooklyn, N, Y founder and dliector
of the African Inland Mission, at Nzavvl,
Hiltlsh East Afilca, on Dec 4
Mr. Scott was one of the joungest
nnd most activo mlsslonailes in the
Held, being only 20 years old
To Cure n Cold in One Dny.
Take laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it to cure. 25 cents,
Scintic Klieiiiiiatisin Cured.
L. Wagner, wholesale diugglst, Rich
mond, Vn says "I had a featful
attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid
up almost two months; was fortunate
enough to get Mystic Cure for Rheuma
tism. This cuied me after doctoi's
piescrlptlons had failed to have any
effect. I have also heaul of fine lesults
fiom othei s who huve used it."
"Inputs O'Cluck,
Mondn and Tuesday, fcb. S and g.
Presenting Willlnm II. Lytet's Succosaful
Throo-Aot larco Comody,
Many Laughnhle Situations. i3 Musical
Numbers, Calcliy Dances.
Douglass Athcrtnn, I.dwnrd I'owctb, John
llavuns, AJolphe Al(isr, Win, A Ulllettc,
llentrlce Leslie, (Irncc Dillon, Sadie Handy,
Lizzie (lunznles and Others,
I'KICHS Onllcry, ijc.i linlcon, 35c ;
rlrst rioor. 3sc , 50c. und 75c.
Monday, Tuesday, Ycdnesday,
Feb. 8, 9, and 10.
Tiia Twantieth Century Sensation,
rlesque Co,
A (ir.ind Spectacular Production of Two
Races. A Alummuth Conception rl Vaude
ville, Minitrclsy unit llurlcsquc, Including
Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents.
Two performances dally. Doors open at
1 SO and 7. Curtain rises at 2. SO and 8 1J.
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
V nshburn, Crosby'q Superlative is sold everywhere from the)
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in L'ngland, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in th
1EJ i ft a
Removable, Self-Sharpta!
Nevarclip T03 Cal'u
And a full line of iron and
steel Blacksmiths' and Wag
oumahers' supplies.
IIIBlie i CO.
SCRANTON AND WILKES-3AFinE, PA., Manufacturers of
Mto? SMionasi Engines? fliers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
J l vf'tV . v I i l.l . In i .
rty'lill Sotcctlnos noe 13 a reliable,
XSVQ: A tbo jiurett drugs
' Tboy sm prompt, salo ard certain In result. Toe osnulne (Dr. Teal's) never dksr
2 nalu.. Sut auywlicre, 51.00. Addrcu l'SAI. Uco:utu Co,, Cloulaad, Q.
For salo by JOHN H.
Spruco Strootj Seranton,
WncncrAUols. MnmiRors.
John L. Kerr, Acting AUnager.
Matlnccnt 3.30. livening nt 8,15,
Encntfeiiioiitllxtriordhury. Tho Great N.Y.
liycoiint 'theater Succow,
Drimntlzod from Anthony Hopo s fnmous
romance by Kdwaid Hose. (I'rolncod by nr
riuiKomuut with Jfr.Danlol rrolminn, JMcr. N'
J. I.vcoum Theater.) 3Ianni;omont of Mr.
mvld II lyninn Llnbornto t-ccnlo Effects.
Oioit Cast. Silo of seats opens Thuruilny,
Fobruai y I, at a s, m.
Wupner & Ucls, Manager.
John L. Kerr, Acting Manager.
WcjU Commencing Monday, Vtb. 8.
Tho Wlnsomo and Tnlontod Emotional Ao-
tieis, Miss
Supported liv her own superb compuiv, un
der tho direction of Armltngj iv, 1 Itzpntrlok,
in n cnrofully solnetod lotvrtoiru of comedies
nnd dramns Unmlbomu scenery, clovoi
specialties Crowded houses ovoryvv horo.
Pricos-ld, i!0 nnd 30 cents Dlmo nntlnoes
Tuosdnv, Wednesday, Thursday and I ridny,
Saturday inutlnoo 10 nnd 2D cents Ilesorvod
B"iits on Halo rrldny, Fob. 5 Ladles' tickets
for Monday night inn bo secuicd nt box office.
If Expense Is No Object Why Not
Have the Best ?
Tor n Limited Purse Select
Manufactured by
Price to All, $75. Fully
For Rubber Stamps Patronize tbe
CHASE & FARRAR, Prop's.,
515 Linden St., Seranton, Pa.
He Positively Cannot Slip
I, PA,
U Your Ho:se Is Shod with
THE TRIBUNE is now prepared to fill or
ders for composition on newspapers, books,
pamphlets, or other publications at moder
ate rates.
fcM www -fiaw..!
monthly, regulating roedlclno. Only harmlsu e53
should bo used. If 7011 waut tut best, get
Fhormaclst, cor. Wyomlna Avonuo ontJ