THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 0, 1807. 3 NORTON'S BULLETIN. Palnc's Wh'st Hoards, latest and best Wc ltae all sires and styles. Also Whist Cards; In large variety, ! the pack or by the dozen. Games of amusements, all sorts, for old and oung people. Blank Account Hooks, all sorts and all sizes, from the vest pocket mem. to the largest Ledger, for'all sorts business Stationery, c cry thing desirable for the ollicc, desk or counter, all the stamlatd sorts and novelties, Choice Stationery for ladies' use. Engraving and Printing to order of Calling Cards and Invitations on shoit notice and right pi ices. See our Spccimeus and get prices. Tunc Cioods at greatly reduced prices, Bargains in sccral Hues to reduce stock. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave. 1 3JSK-s 3 The Finest If BUCKWHEAT FLOOR We Ever Had in the Mill. We o Wholesale It. tg 32S AJoses s$tsoa? 0JSSc'$?0sS0& The Weston Hi! ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN EXTRACTION OF TEETH WITH "ANAESTHENE." TINEST DEN TAL WORK IN THE CITY. DRS. HEN WOOD & WARD ELL 3;6 LACKAWANNA AVE. VERSATILE LELAND POWERS. lie Will Ho Seen at the Y. M. C. A. Hall Tuesday If veiling. The fouith number of tho Young Men's Christian Association's standard couise will be given on Tuesday even lng, Feb. 9, by Leland T. Poweis, the Impersonator. This vv 111 be the fifth appearance of Mr. Poweis In Scranton. He was le-ongaged by the committee Mho hao arranged the couise, In re sponse to a. veiy generally expressed wish on the pait of the patorns of the couise that this should be done. In tho eaily pait of last summer the committee found that Mr. Powers.' time was so fully taken up that It was ex ceedingly doubtful whether or not ho could appear In Scranton; but a per sonal appeal to him to anange a date for us if possible, led him to do so by auanging to cancel a date elsowheie. Mr. Powers will appear this iear in a new play entitled "Lord Chumloy," which is said to bo one of his best plays, nnd as there are ton char.icteis in It, It enables him to use his lemaikable ability as an lmpeisonator. To tho?o who have not yet heard Mr. Powers it can be said that he Is beyond doubt one of the most etsatlle men In the land. WOMAN FELL DOWN STAIRS. Occident to .Mrs. William Sicl;erl, of J.iiKo Wmoln. Mrs. William Slckerly, of Lake WI Tiola, who is visiting her bon-ln-law, Mr. Bender, of l'-M South Seventh ditot, fell headlong down a lllght of stalls yesterday moinlng and was lendeted uuconfeclous. It was still dnik when she arose In the moinlng, the gas In tho hall was not burning and she mis Judged the location of the stair land ing, with the lesult that bin: fell as above stated. When Dr. rennypacker called ho found the woman's lnjuiles to compilse wounds about the head, two bioken libs and a bioktn wiist. The lnjuiles aie not consldeted dangerous. BABY'S SHOES Kicked them through again, has he? Well, bless his little heart it only goes to show he's healthy and vigorous, We're closing out a few little lots of shoes for little tots at just-what-we-paid-for-'em which is certainly less than you usually pay. For instance, all the 75 aud S5 cent shoes of yesterday go this week at 50c. 00000000 '' 4 tf Ul UllUUlIt 110 Spruce Street. 1 lis 1 rl nt WW m m mm . . 1 MM J 110 Spruce Street. :; GOUSE FOUND GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER Judge Edwards Criticises Finding. the Jury's SAYS IT WAS CERTAINLY MERCIFUL Indicates That n Second Decree rimling Would Have Itcon -More l'lttlng Under the Ihidcncu--Verdicts in Other Cuius-- I'lillcrton (Juts Oil Hns)--Colored liitd Sunt to tho House of Corruclloii--Scwii discs Tried Siiniiltuiicoiisl. Manslaughter was tho vol diet ion doled by the Juiy In the Oouso case Judge 1-Mwauls didn't lllc the mm diet nnd vald so In a delicate wnj, of couise, hut still In u ay that loft no doubt of his meaning;. Hut for the fact that ho would not possibly caie to set U his on u Judgment, Judge though he i, against that of twelve men, something nun e omphalic nilnht have been heaul Horn him. As it was, he said, that while he hnd ouleied the mm did le eouled, ho still felt that the evidence would have wai ranted a mm did of sec ond degieo. "Your mm diet, gentlemen, is toituinly a meicllul one," ho le marked. House looked veiy nerntl'i when the Juiy lilid In and tiembled petciptlbly while the piollmliniks to tho leading of the Midlet veil- ltelng gone thlougli with "When It was luinomuod that his nock vv at saved and that hUeilme Ind been lled as manslaughter the cx piesslun on his face changed like a Hash, and his eyes which had all the time been lled on the papei contain ing tho mm diet diopped to the Moor. lie showed In every moMinont and fea tuie a feeling of the gieatest lellef. Tho Jury at Hist stood one foi minder CLERK in the flist dogiee, five for second dc gioe and (ho for manslaughtei. The last llo lemained solid and giadually won oor the othois. Tho genual opin ion about the couit house was that the Jui laid gicat sttess upon the fad that loungOouseha lbeen bi ought up amidst vicious suiioundings and that the fath ei was himself In a gieat mcasuio le sponslble foi these suiioundings and consequent for his own death. Gouse will be sentenced today, most likely. Tho maximum penalty for man slaughter Is twelve eais and $1,000 fine. The maximum penalty for second degiee murdei is twenty eais without any mention of fine. In couit 100m No 2 the case of Mary Bums chat god, with keeping a dlsoi deily house In Rendham, occupied all tho moinlng and pait of tho afternoon It seems when eery pay day comes aiound Mis. Bums is wont to ask hei Italian and coloied nelghhois In to hae a good time. Although Mrs Bums is fiom "Bonny Scotland" and does not understand Italian or Ethiopian veiy well. She and her good tt lends know enough of each othet's language to get pietty diunlc together. One of her Italian calleis has a little glil who "lushed the giowlei" for the patty un til she got tiled of acting ns baitend ei and inauguiated a stiike. Her ra til er began beating the child when some of the nelghhois inteifeued and the boater was beaten. He lan Into Mis. Burns' house and she piotocted the swaithy son of Italy fiom tho ,tath of tho populace. SHD USED A POKEIt. When the constable came to berve the wauant she endeavoiod to use a poker to 111 til the wauant but dosttood In her eagerness one of her scieen doois. Mis. Bums was not intoxicated at all, she baS, but the good citizens of Ilend lum dumped her Into a wheel bauow and in this chailot she was taken to the 'htiulie'.s olllce, clad less than a whit moie tlaboiatel than Venus was when .she atose fiom the sea. Mis. Bums declaied that sdie was not boss of the house and should not be made the defendant. Peter, her husband, al so testified that ho and he alone was the boss. Some of the neighbors, how -ever, thought different John H. Wil liams, the piosecutor, aveired that he had no peisonal gilevance against Mis. Bums, but was acting for the com munity at laige, which was deslious of getting ild of Mis. Bums, her tilbe and theii Bniihumillan oigles The juiy In the case was out at adjournment. Tho case of John F. Sheridan ac us ed of biting John McDonnell's ling' r dining a quan el over the settlement of a wage claim, was given to the jui at 11 o'clock. No vei diet had been leachtd at adjournment. HA'EN AGAIN CONVICTED. Edward Ilazen, who was convicted Tluusday of stealing $25 and clothing Horn C. P. FIske, of Wallsvllle, was tiled again, yesteiday, for embezzling Jib fiom Lheryman W. K Kdwaids, and nguln found guilty. As In tin first ease the juiy made a letomiueiidatloii foi moity. Geoige C. Fulleiton, wh'o was on tilal at adjournment Thuisday, for feloni ously attempting to kill Peter Lafiance and pointing fii eaims at Chailes W'hlte foot, was yesteiday 1 etui nod not guilty of the last ehaige and guilty of the fouith and fifth counts of the indict ment In the first case, namely, wantonly nnd playfully dischaiglng flreaims at Peter Lafiance Lewis Lewis was called for tilnl he foio Judge Edwaids lor assault and battel y upon Doisey E. Capp, but ow lng to the non-appearance of tho accuser, a verdict of not guilty was dltecttd. Patrick Kutchford, Jr., was tiled be fore Judge Edwaids for committing an assault and battel y upon Maty Wll hclm. It was alleged by the pioscu tilx that Ilatchfoid enteied her houso In a diunken condition August 1 last and when she drove him out he tinned on her, pushed her against a wall and fiactured three of her libs. Tho claim of the defense was that she received the Injury In falling while utemptlng to assault the defendant. The Jury Is still dlscusslns the question, "Did she fall, or was she pushed?" Seven cases weie given to a Jury at one time In the mnin court room. An diew I.ukatch piosecutcd John Lepuf skl, Joseph Matuchak, John Krupployuk and Stephen Kazlnskl for robbery, nnd piefoned the chni go of assault and bat tel y against the Hist thieo of the (puu tette accused of lobbery. The piose cutoi's Bloiy was to the effect that the last t hi oe defendants assaulted him nnd with the assistance of Kaalnskl, robbed him on the 2!)th of last November In 'iopokoltch alley, Olyphnnt, while nil weio 1 etui nine from a ball. The de fense was that Lukntch was simply lleing; Hint ho lilcked up a stone to as sault them and they simply disarmed him. Both sides had a strong intitule ot veiy lobiiEt sweaters. A jury is also out on this cne. Capiases weie Issued for Michael Bur nett ohniged by Patrick Flannghan with loblieiy, nnd Mary Moian charged hi Thoiuns liesslon with keeping a dls ordcily house. Chat Irs lluike, the 11-year-old coloicd lad, who, on Monday pleaded guilty of stealing $fi fiom F. W. Mason's stoic, on the West Side, was jesteiday com mitted to the house of coirectlon by Judge 1'dwaids. Owing to the fact that three Juilos weio out and another engaged in heal ing a case, It was Impossible to fill the bo-c in court loom No. 2 aftoi dinner. Still Collars with soft button holes. The Lacka wanna Laundiy, SOS Penn ae. o O (PDft l.l I I Nil 'ill! nAV, j w?i DANIELS HEADING THE VEKDICT. EISTEDDFOD TA AV0CA. One Mill He Held 111 That IMaco on t iisliiugtou's Ilirthdii) . On Teb 22, Washington's bilthday, an eisteddfod -v. Ill be held b the Welsh lesldents ot Aoca The pi ogi amine auanged Is as follows: 1 Chcius (not less than 50 voices), "The Mom" (II 11. Woodvvnid), SS0 2 .Male chorus (not less than !", voices), "Turkish Di Inking Song" (.Meiultlssoliii), $!0 3 Quaitette, "I'm a Pilgrim, I'm a Sti anger" (Maiston), 3S. Duet, T. nnd B, "The Call to Aims" (It S Hughes), $G ." Soprano, "Because I Lovo You Deal" (Ilnwle), $1. Alto, "Untld" (Belli ens), $1. 7 Tenor, "Out of the Deep" (Davies), $1. S Baritone, "I Peai No Toe" (l'lnsuti) ?4. 9 Piano, "Polish Dance," Opus J, No. 1, in D Hit mlnoi (Seharwenki), $' 10 Duet, piano and violin, "Senate," Opus 21, No. 0, Hist movement (Beeth oven), Jii. 11. Sight leading (one voice,) $1. 12 Female lecltatlon, "The Last II ran," fiom Stnndaid Recitations No. 2, $J. 13 Male lecltatlon, "Chaige of the Light Biigade" (Tennt-on), $3 11 Recitation for etiildien under 12 ears, "Psalm of Life" (Longfellow), $1.50. 15. Iinpiotnptu speech, . 10 Tor the best leading of a few- lines of English piose, given at the time, $1. Names of compitltois to be sent to the betietaiy on or befoie Feb. 15 Competltois allowed theii own nceompi nlst 01 the one furnished by the commit tee. WA1TE COMEDY COMPANY. Is Doing a Wonderful Business nt the Academy of Music. The Walto Comedy company has ev eiy leason to feel highly pleased with its business In this city. Yesteiday was a lepetltlon of the pievlous das of the week and people weie tinned away at both peifoimunces. On Thuis day the afternoon and evening pei foi mantes weio attended by J.S00 pei-s-ons Last night the company was seen In ' Fog-g's Feny" and unive a fine Inter pretation of It. This afternoon the ' Hoosler Ileioine" will be the attrac tion and tonight "The Veteinn " Mon day the company begins a week's en gagement In Binghainton. By tho use of my now local aniesthotlc No bloep-produehiBngont. It is simply applied to tho sums and tho tooth extracted without a particle of pain. All other dental operations performed pojl tlvoly without pain, i LL LI WARRANTED 5 YEARS. Those aro tho same tooth other chait'o from 515 to S2j n sot for. dentists TEETH WIIluT PLATES. Gold nnd Porcolalu Crowns; Gold, Silver and Cement rilliugj, nt one-halt the usual cost. Examination frco. Opeuovonings 7 to e. I BARRETT, DENTIST 316 Spruce Street, Next Door to Hotel Jcrmyn. TrrTi ptTirn ot Tr WITHOUT Pitii TEETH 8 RESOLUTIONS OF THE POOR BOARD Passed with Reference (0 the Resigna tion of Airs. Francis D. Swnn. HER LETTER READ TO THE HOARD SheSnjs tt Is Not Surpassed by All) Itody Administering Public Trusts in City or SIile--Huports of the Olllcers Heud--Stnte Aid for the Insane Asjluui nt Turin to He Askrd. Statement Issued by the Committee of the Hoard. No better medium exists, thinugh which the pecuniary conditions of tho city's poor can be gauged, than the pcoi board, nnd judging fiom tho numbei of applicants bofoio the boaid at its monthly mooting, held yestoulay nftei noon In Its looms in City hnll, thoie Is a largo numbei of people In tho city, at piesent, who nio sufforinc for want. Theio was the usual urn of need and decieplt, of widows, women whose hus bands nie In jull, gills foi whom fi lends Inteiceded that they might bo lescued fiom degiadlng sliuoundlng and the I miscellaneous other unfortunates who iel upon tho boaid's beneficence. The gi eater poition of the mooting was con sumed by loutlno business. Among the lepoi ts thnt weio lead was that of Superintendent Beemor of tho Hillside faun It stated that foi the month ending Januniy It, 1S97, the total numbei of nelsons In the home to be 17 J, of which 131 are males and 44 are females. Twelve poisons weie admit ted, 11 weie dischaiged and 5 deaths occmred In the institution. Dr. Stiang, tho lesident phvsician at the home, piesented his monthly lepoit, which Is sunimaibed as follows: Num ber of presciiptlons piepaiod, 709; deaths, 7; number of patients Heated, 307. In the insane asylum, on Decem ber 11, 1S9C, there were 19S patients. Since then eleven moie have been ad mitted, hk have been dischaiged, and thieo have died, leaving a total of 200 in the Insane asylum. OUT DOOIt PHYSICIANS. Di. Ives and Dr. Bamsteln, out-door phslcians for the board, lepoi ted, af ter which a communication fiom Mis. Fiances B. Swan legaidlng her leslgna tlon fiom the board was lecelved. In the communication she speaks at con siderable length of the haimony and honesty of puipose of tho boaid and of her pleasant l elation with the mem beis thereof. Speaking finther of the boaid she said: Scianton poor diiectois can stand on theii launls. The are uusiii passed by an bod admlnlsteilng public trusts In city oi state. It gives me gleit pleaure to bo In a position wheio I can thus assure ou of in confidence In our otllclul la tegrlty and puipose I esteem It an honor to have been assooiated with ou on the boaid and doubly so as the only worn in who has held a bimllar position I realise that a certain degree of success has be mi attained, thiough my olllci il ltlitionshlp with oui bod, and et I believe that It Is only as tiled, disappointed hearts hive been cheered b look, woid oi act, fevtitd blows have been cooled by loving touch, wujwaid fallen ones been eiuouiagid to higliei living, or taddened homes been bilshtcned b m piesence onl as 1 Ill0 i III3 l The great success of this sale has persuaded us to continue it for another weak in order to give all our customers an opportunity to buy at these remarkably low prices. You will not get the chauce again to buy linens at such prices : THRTF T TWFWn of Reeds & Barnsley Mauufactme. "oc Cream Damask strictly pure Hiipu .. . 10c Crenm iMmunk strictly pure linen 45c Cream J)amask strictly puto linen 50c Cream Damask stilctly pure linen . 5jc Cream Damaik strictly pine linen ... (Joe Cieam J-umasK strictly puio linen S5c Cieam Damask strictly pure linen 53c Bleached ?5 now White (iOc Bleached Know Wlilto SOc 75c Bleached Snow Whito (iSc 00c Blenched Snow White 7!)c $1.00 Bleached Snow White SSc And a largo assortment of 11m linens ranging in prices fiom $1 25 to 3 per yuid at gieatly ic dueed pi lees. Na))kins., 5 square, vvoith GOc, for 'i-7c Napkins, Bjuarj, vvoith SOc, for (!)c Napkins, square, worth 1, for 8Sc Napkins, largo dinner, worth Ijl 50, for $1.15 Napkins, large dinner, worth 2,00, for ... 1 50 Napkins, lnrge dinner, worth 2,25, for . . 1.7!) Nnpkins, lnrgo dinner, worth 2.60, for. . 1.05 A largo stock of higher pi iced goods. $1.00 large Crochet Quilt for 1,25 huge Crochet Quilt for have been successful In leaving a favor able Impress on human lle, cnpoelilly among inj own prx, thrt leally lnstlng good hns been accomplished, Aftor the communication had been lend tho following lesolutlons wete loud and unanimously adopted. ItnSOLUTIONS ADOI'TUD, AVhoiens, We havo received with I egret Inforuuitlon of the leslgnutloii, us a num ber ot this bouid of our earnest co-woik-er, Mis. Tronics B Swan; and Where is, Duilng her tuetnlicrshlp of more than six yeais on this board shu tins been a wise and saguclous counelllui, In dustilotis and zealous In the seivlce of tho district, most faithful to the impoitnut tiust leposed In her, kind nnd consider ate to the poor ot her district, often sup plementing the public bounty by contri butions fiom her private purse, and hns been In over wn deep Inti rested In tho welfnic ot tho dlstilot nnd lntensel nc tlve in the promotion ot tho same, thoic fore bo It Hesolved, That in the withdrawal ot Mrs. rinnces B Swnn from tho bomd, the dis trict hns suttered a seVole loss nnd ever membei and ever officer oC this bonrd feels n peiolinl depilvatlon III the loss of hrr vvlso counsel, unlfoim couitcsy and energetic action in all things pertaining to the business oC the illstt let, and that we pint from her with sincere and hciitfelt regie t. ltesolved, That the mtmbnrs ot tho bond and the olllcers theloof slnceiel tender to Mis Swan theii wishes that she mil havo an ubundunio oC jov lmhei new lelatlons and that jhe mnj enjo a long, h ipp lite. The committee appointed to make ov ei tin os for state legislation to aid the enlaigeinont of the Insane asluni at tho Hillside farm ofleied a lepoit. The following has been published at tho instigation of the committee and will bovvldcl dlbtilbuted wheievoi It will be piobable to have an elleet. COMMlTTHirS STATi:MI2NT. Scianton I'ooi Dlstilot, Seiantoii, l'u , l'eb I, 1S'J7. Deal Sli You uie probabl aw aie thnt the Hillside Home Imano !iliitii hns foi some eurs peifoimed the functions uf a stite hospital tor the Insane Tho St ito rouio eais slnco adopted the theoi tint the Insane ale the vvuids ot the common wi.ilth, and It Is the intention of tho 1 ivv that Ins uie poisons without mtuns oC sup l)Oi t should be cared for In state hospitals loi the Insanei Owing, hovvevei, to tho fullure of tho commonvvenllh to tuinlsh a sulllclent numbei ot hospitals foi the accommoda tion of the Insane, tho st Ue Institutions aie lm gel oveieiowded, and applications roi admission b pool dlicetorsof IndUent persons Avho are chirges upon their dis till t, have been lefused, and the Insane confined In tho alms housis where thi re are no pioper means for their tieatment, and often In tho count jnfis, Tho Scianton poor dlstilot, having Its own insane hospital, has ondcavoied to far as it could to take the plnce ot tho state hospitals Cor the counties ot noith eastein l'ennslvanlu, and has admitted to Its hospitable doots patients from otlni poor dlstilcts in Lackawanna and fiom Luerne, ffajnc, WOiniiig, Susucishaniin, l'lke and Momoe counties At piesent about forty people outside of Scianton pool district aie sheltered within Its walls, und the limit of its cipiclt is now fullv tnod, but the applications fiom outside dlstilcts for the admission ot In sine ) itlents continue to come In, in great el nuuibeis than evei. Tho alternative piesmts Itself to the bond ot poor dlreo tois of the Scianton poot dlstilct to build a new Insine vvlnp,, or refuse to admit any other patients living outside of the dls, trlct und to icquiio the giadual with drawal ol those who ate aliead thete, as the necessities oC the district rectulie. lTn dei these clicumstanccs the boaid has concluded to mike application at the pies, ent teim of tho leglslatuie foi an appro pi latlon to aid them in tho construction of an Insane wing It Is a Just application and should meet with tho nppiobatlon ot the legislature. Wo have accommodited so fai all appli cants who nave come to us, and pel haps wo have admitted people upon oui appli cation. Wo ask as a return for our liberality in till' respect th it ou uso our Influence with the leglsHtors fiom vour count to favorably consider our application fot tho appioprlation, believing that If this aid Is gi anted we would he In better shape to help you out if the occ islon should re qulie It, and there would be no dangtr th it any of the patients that ou ma ahead have with us would be wlthdiavvn We hope that ou will see youi vvn cle ir to giant our ujonnble request, and tint oti will uige upon oui lepiosentattves You can save money by buying specta cles of Silverstone, tho eye specialist, at 303 Lackawanna avenue, oncly ono lllght over tho Lehigh Valley ticket office. The following prices will satisfy you that they aro the cheapest In tho city; Solid gold rimmed spectacles at $3 CO per pair; flllel bows nt $2; nlckle bows from SOc. to $1 SO, aluminum bows from 75c. to $2 00; colored glasses fiom 23c. to $1 23. We have a largo lino of reading glasses, tho best In the market, nt 23c. per pair. Opera nnd mag nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of flco hours, 8 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p m. Remember that our c es will be exam ined frco and satisfaction is guaranteed I Marseilles Quilts, all EYES Wffilll SOMKrillNG NP.W. Stevens Bros.' soft 11 u ish Clashes, leady for use. . 25c 2!tc . 5c . !!)c . 5Sts S cent Crash tor (!c 10 cent Clash lor 7o 12 cent Clash for He 15 cent Clash for 12 Ic (li)c (5c TOW CLS Large stock MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Having bought a largo stock at the very lowest pi ires cotton goods over sold at, wo pioposo to give our eustomeis tho bouellt of our purchafao: Good Blown Muslin only Kino Blown Muslin only 7c Blown Muslin ouly 7c Atlantic A, only 7c Atlantic II, only lie Best Lockvvood, 5-1 P. life Best Lockvvood. 0-4 P 10c Best Lockwood, 8-4 ISc Best Lockvvood, 0-1 20c Best Lockwood, 10-1 (i!)c 05c 415, 417 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa, In the legislature nnd your senator the merits of our claim. Vcty tespectfully yours, 1'redeilck Puller, W. A. l'nlne, M. D., 1'. .1. Muiphy, 12. J. Liictt, Committee. The committee nlso drafted a lesolu tlon providing for the neccEflaiy uppio prlatlon and which will be given to the local leglslatoia to Intioduce at the next session. SERVED UiailT YEARS. Herman Kimlilo HoliMised from the J'.nstcrn l'onltcntiiirv . lleimnn Kimble, of the West Side, was on Thuisday leleased fiom the Hastern penitential y after solving eight yeais for otlminnll assaulting two little irlils near the Hound woods, His victims weie Oi phy Jane Swingle, aged 10 oais, and Flleva May Swingle, aged C years, both daughtcis of S. M. Swingle Kimble pleaded guilty and was riven four veins and j&00 line In each case. JOHN LEKUTER KILLED. Teirihlo Work of u Charge ol' Ciant I'oudor. John Lokutor was killed by the pre mium e eploslon of a elmigo of giant powder ut Smltliv llle vesteida moin lng. Lektiter wus engaged with sev eial other wotkineii In excavating for the foundation for n house for his biothci and In tamping u chaige or power a spaik caused II to explode. Bocks and dlit weio bulled In all ill lections and Lekutei was tonlbly mu tilated. When picked up ho was dead. I'or Dvspopsin Uso Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr J. Guy MeCandless, Plttsbuig. Pa, says: 'I havo used It In vailuus forms foi dyspepsin, with gratifying 10 sults" REXFORD ' S. Our patrons will be glad to learn that we have secured the services of Mr, Nel son Soggs, of Bing hamton, N. Y. Mr. Soggs con ducted the finest retail store in Bing hamton. N. Y., for 10 years and conies to Scranton with an excellent record. He will have full charge of the repairing, also of the optical depart ment. As a maker of diamond mount ings his equal is only found in the large cities and sel dom there. Suppose you come in and see him when you want expert advice on dia mond mounting or buyin i rv Lto" REXFORD 'S, 303 Lacka. Ave. Why let j our homo and business be dontroy ed through strong drink or raorphlae when v on enn tin curod in tour weeks at tho IXwlay Institute, 728 Madison nvcnuo bcrnaton, Pa. Die Curs Will Bear Investigation. grades, ut reduced prices lfio Best 10c Be-,t 21c Best Gc Cotton Clash for i5c 0c Cotton Crash lor :Uc at j actual value. C C. !5ci 4c" Sic 54c Sc Muslin tor iMuslin lor IOc t-heetlng Muslin lor. 121c Sheeting Muslin for 14c Sheeting Muslin for Uie , J I Ail U13.J.1 w hJ Closing out sale Odds and Ends, parls of sets and complete sets of open stock pattern which we wish to close. Now is your time to buy good goods at prices of poor Former Present l'rlro. Price. M?.?.0.'.3: Or $ 4.60 $ 2.49 '"ner1.0:!..1:!1.1; 10.00 8.49 10.1 Ploco Decorntod Cirls- to ll 11 00 bad Ctiliui Diuiur Hots.. 10. UU li.OO KHpl'coDicorntcil French 00 (1A 00 (In ClilimDiuuorbcts SO, UU li.UU 11D!;l,i!Uri,0otcso."!?:,..c:!,!r.': 34.35 24.98 15" l'leco Ilecornted Tlieo zy.t.Ly!:zr. 100.00 85.oo Odd Pieces of Glassware. Tumblers, Etc. 131 W (lining Avenue. Walk in and look around. U !G LRCKAWANN& AVENUE TH1ELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Sclurwcnka Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiols is the successor to the lab IiERR KOPFF. IWLT. PLEASANT COAL ATRETAIL, Coal of tho best quality for domestlo us nnd of all sizes, Including Uuckwheat and liirdseye. dellveri-d In any part of the city; at tho lowest prlco. Orders received at tho Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 1I3 telephono No 2624 or at tho mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended to.Dealers supplied at tho mlno. T. SMITH. Utica, 8-1 Sheeting Miulin, for .... UMc Utica, 0-4 Sheeting Muslin, for 15Jc Utica, 10-4 Sheeting Muslin, for 17c u ill BlU SIMLLj, MILLAR & PECK, II rl ft B nnui ru si 1 i I BLEACHED. Oo Good Muslin for 4c 7o Koirest Muslin foi 5Jc 7c Hill Muslin for (ic lo Lonsdale Muslin for !c 74oFiuit of Loom Mtisliu for (Ic lC'Jo Piide of West Muslin for IOc 12',c Lunsdalo Cambric Muslin for . .. . . Oc 126 Lockwood, 5-4 P C. Muslin for Oc 14c Lockvvood, (! 4 P V. Muslin for 1 lc life Lockwood, 50-inch Muslin for .. IOc 17c Lockwood, b-4 Sheeting for l'ic 20o Lockwood, 0-1 Sheeting for Hie 22c Lockwood, 10 4 Shooting for ISc !)c Utica, 8 4 Sheeting for 15Jc 21o Utica, 0-4 Sheeting for 17c 2.ic Utica, 10-1 Sheetiug for 10c Co Good Apion Gingham for ;lc 7c Best Apion Gingliam for 5c flo Bt-I Indigo Blue Calico for 'lc 5o Good Calico for . 3c 0c blinker Fiauuel for ... 4c