Vmpa ir,1 .4 Iff THE SCRANTOST TKIBUITE-SATURdAT MORNING, FEBRTJATlY G, 1897. LIST OF SENATORS NOW COMPLETED Credentials of Richard R. Kctincy, of Delaware, Arc Accepted. P0RTV.P1VE STATES REPRESENTED Tho Huiibo Disposes of Sixty-one Private I'onsion Uills---Scctnl Coutpotcd I.lcetloii disci Arc Ite jiortocl in 1'nvor ol'thu Sitting Jlum-tiurs--lti'iiort of Alllittir) Acuilumy Aiiproiirliitlim Agreed To. Wellington, Fob. C Tho vacancy which ha? olslci1 In tho Pollute since the foiuth of March, 1SDG, by roanon of tho Delnvvaie legislature's falltue to elect a Fcimtoi from Hint Htnte was tiled today by tho adinlslon of JUchaul 15. Ken ney, whoso ciedcntlals. In due lorni, writ' presented bv Sir Qiny, of Deln vvaie, and weie accepted Us prima fade evidence of his light to tho Boat. Even P"natois Chandlci, of Now Ilampshlic, und Hoar, of Massachusetts, te-ro.'inl.ieil Mi Kcnnoy's light to bo siwoin In and to take his .seat, suggesting, however, that the question of whethet tho Dclt waio lcglslntuio which had elected him was a fraudulent body could bo hic afttr piesented to tho committee on rihilPRes and elections. Manv hlle Mi I enney holds the seat, anil the 45 sl.ites of the Union aie now fully lop resentcd In the senate by 00 senatois, The liouc bill to piohlblt the fulo of Intoxicating liquors in tho capital was not taken up today. Ml. Hill, of N"W loik, stated that It could not bo dis posed of within the mot nine hour, but notice was given by Mr. Moirlll, of Vei mont, that ho would move to have it taken tip tomonow. Mr. Thurston, of Nobiaska, continued his speech In opposition to the lesolu tlons of his populist colleague. Mi. Al len, questioning the light of tho execu tive depaitniLiit to consent to a judicial sale of the piopeity of the Union Pac ific Uallioad company. Ills argument was to show that that disposition of the question was the legal and pioper one. He had not llnibhed I1I3 speech when the morning hour oxplied. The Nlcaiagua bill was taken up and speeches in opposition to It wore made by Senatois Allen, Nobiaska, and Caf fie Louisiana. Afteiwaids some fifty pension bills, and some twenty-five othel unobjected house bills weie taken fiom the calen dar and massed and tho senate at C o'clock adjourned until tomonow. BUSINESS IN THG HOUSE. "With a few interi options tho house applied itsQlf today to the consldetatlon of the unfinished business and when thus engaged disposed of slxty-onc ptl vato pension bills. Among them weie bills gi anting pensions of $50 .1 month to the widow of Goneial Eiastus A. Tvlci, to Edwin C. Snoffoid, of tho Thlity-llfth Massachusetts lnfantiy, to Shuball Gould, of the Eighth Iowa; Hans Johnson, of tho Twenty-seventh Iowa, to Major Goneial .lullus A II Rt.ihel, to th widow of Goneial Mat thew P Tiumbull, and of $30 a month t the widow of the late Goneial and Go'iinor "V, II. Stoneman, ot Cali fornia. lirpoits were piesented and oidoipd in luted upon the contested election (iisis of Benolt vs. BoatiK r, fiom tho rift'i dlstilct of Louisiana; of Hopkins s. Kendall, fiom the Tenth Kentucky distik t, and of Heattlo s Pilce, fiom the Thii,l Louisiana dlstilct all In fa voi of the sitting members. The continence lepoit on the mlll taiy academy appioptlatlon bill was agietd to. At " TO tho house tool: a lecess until 8 o'eloek, tho evening session being de voted to pi Unto pension bills. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. No Important Change in Business Ap pearsMantifactnrinj on the In creaseStocks Advance. Now Y'ork, Feb. C R. G, Dun & Co. will say tomonow In their weekly le vlew of tiado: No Important change appears, but tho number of manufactuiing establish ments stai ting much exceeds the num ber of those stopping dining the week, and so much that the cm tailing of vv oi king time In many cotton mills probably does not lessen tho aggiegato productive force oi amount of wages paid. There Is a distinct inciease In oideis foi woolen goods, some gain In the silk manufactuio, a waiting condi tion with gain In one blanch of boots and shoes, and Indications of better things coming in the lion and steel manufactuie. Tho condition of the maikot Is not explained by any special lnfoimatlon, but cunent prices show that no gieat A Wonderful Medicno m wmm Tor Bilious and Nervous dlsordcrs.sucnna Wfnel and rain In tho Stomach. BIck Headache, Glddt noss.rullness and Swelling nftor meals, Dlzzi lioss and DrowBlnoss, Cold Cullls, riushlngs of Ilont, Lo33 ot Appotlto, Shortness of Breath, Cos tlvonosa, Blotches on tho Skin, Disturbed Sloep, rrlGhtrul Droata3, nndallNorvouB and Tromb ling Sensations, &c, vrhon theso symptoms aro caused by constipation, ns most ot thom aro. Tlln FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE I1EUEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no Action. Every sulloror 3 oarnestly fnvltod to try ono Box of tlicso rill3 and they iiill lie iicknovvlcdgcd to bo h WONDERFUL MEDICINE. MEECIKA'I'S I'IZ,I.S, taken asdlroctcd, V7111 quickly tostoro l'oma!o3 tocoraploto health. 'Xhey promptly lomovo obstructions or lrresu larltlea ot tho system, For a Weak Stomach Binpaired Digestiora Dcsordered Liver thoy act llko magic a fow dosos will work won. dors upon tho Vital Orsausj strenetheiilne tho muscular system, restoring tho long-lost com ploxlon, bringing back tho koon odgo ot appo tlto, and arousing with tho Kotcbud of Health tho ivholo physical energy of the human frame. Tlieso aro facts admlttodby thousands, In all classes ot oogloty, audonoof tho best guarantees to tho Norvous aud Debllt tatod Is that llccclinmis l'ills hnvo tho Iiaveit S.ilo of auy Z'atcut Htctllciiio lu tho World. H Annual Sales more- than 6,000,000 Boxes 2o. at Drug Stores, or will bo sent by U.a Agents. I). T. ALLEN CO., S65 Canal Bt , Now lork, post paid, upon receipt ot pnoo, Eooi t: upon application. Mtefjmo confidence Is felt In the estimates of supplies available for tile lest of tho year. Cotton fell 7'1 cents after tho aglcement to close Fall Hlver and other pi Int cloth works became known but lecovorcd tho quotations of a week ago without futthcr nows. Pi Ices of besse mer and glay foigo at Pittsburg have slightly ndvanced with a much moio hopeful feeling, notwithstanding tho compilative imtiownoss of tho demand for finished pioduots, and In plates and wlte and wire nails thoie Is much moio business with good ptospoet-. On tbe whole tho demand for Iron and rteel pioductn is slowly gaining. In the monev maikot thcio appeals no ombai rafsment Tho course of tho stock Hint -ket has been unlnstiuctlve ami deal ings have been large, but the average of lallwnv stocks has advanced a small ft action and the aveiage ot tiust stocks lias slightly declined, Fnlluies foi the week have been 811 In the United States against 321 last year, and CJ In Canada against 07 last oai. INDIANA UNSEAWORTHY. Failure of the Illj; Battleship Is F.. plained Inn Manner Satisfactory to Nanl Officers. Washington, Feb C What may be piesonted to foreign governments as an Ignominious fnlluie of one of the ciack vessels of the new navy received nn explanation which navy oflltn of experience legiid as sallsfactoiy The letuin of tho battleship Indiana to Hampton lloads today aftel having been at sea with Admiral Bunco's squndion, scatcoly twenty-four bouts was duo to the same tin lots which got loose In a stoim last fall when Captain Evans commanded the ship In evolu tions off Long Island. On Chat occasion tho big guns projecting from the tui lets swung back and loith acioss tho decks as tho ship heeled over on her beam ends In the sea and the gravest fears weie felt that the magnificent es?el would "turn tut tic" as tho sailors er.picss It, and go down with all hands Captain Evans hove her to, and lashed tho guns tompoiaiily which enabled him to 1 each pott and then several months woio spent at the navy yaid In tijlng to lenii'dy tho defect. Captain Evans was succeeded In command by Captain Taylor and jesterdny was tho first ex pedience for borne time in an aimoied ship that has earned a leputatlon for wallowing and it Is undoi stood that th" long lolleis following tho locent heavj gale made themselves felt on the ship w hen tho fleet got oft Ilatteras If she had not been lestricted to squadrun for mation Captain Taj lor might have headed his course into the seas but as the New Yolk, v, lth her high free board and notable stability was setting the com so and as the Indiana could not sifolv stay with the fleet she was per mitted to letuin. If her tuuets had bioken loose off Ilatteras the ship might have been lost. Ihe navv depiitment give out tho follov.Ing statement le gal ding tho matter this aftcinoon: The Indiana returned today to Hamp ton Heads, having made a mil with the bqundiou. When she went out this time slio h id a new locking device foi her tur lets, latelv put on at New Yoik and which was intended to lemedy the Double she hid the last time she went out to sea In heavy wcathei. This present device has tin cc times the stiongth of tho foimei one Hveij ollicei of the ship has bcs.11 millions and observant as to its walkings, and she has 1 etui lied to the Koads foi a tuithei inspection ot it nnd possible adjustment, llei loimer tiou bU wii- occasioned to some extent b. hui lolling In the veij heavj sl 1 which she eiuounteiod nnd it Is possible she again met an unusual, lough ten. When the Indiana and Massachusetts were designed they had on, as absolutely neressaij 101 them, bilge u els, hut, eiy unfortunate!), all tho docks up to those just completed, weie not of sutllcleut capacity to dock nnv of thee ships with bilge keels, but anticipating tho construction and llnishlns of the dock at New fork. the depaitmcnt some time ago ordered bilge keels to be made lead) for all of these ships, and such keels will be placed in position as soon as possible Gieat Biltaln had a similar epeiloneo with her battleships befoio such keels were put on. The depaitment cpeets to have tho Indiana again at sea In a few eki)S. DAKOTA DIVORCES. rive Men Will Test the Validity of Decrees It undo roil Theie. Washington, Feb. D The Supiemo couit of the United States will ulti mately be called upon to declaiu con cerning the validity of the dlvoices that have been gioilnd out by tho judicial mills in the Dakotas. The decision of Justice Russell, of tho United States Supreme couit, in tho McCowau ease, and In which he holds that neither tho w Ife nor hus band can acqulie temporal y residence In a foiolgn state for tho puipose of se eming a dlvoice, has, in the opinion of eminent lawjer, laid the groundwoik for the oveitluow of the entile fake dl voice system. The case lb now pend ing in the New Yoik couit of appeals, but whatever may bo the decision lieie, It has been deflnltel ananged that the matter shall be can led up to the United States Supreme couit, for a definite and final adjudication of the questions involved. To this end It Is stated that five hus bands w ho hav e been victims of Da kota decieos have subsciibed $10,000 each to a fund for taking the appeal to the Supieme couit. Of tho combine, two letlde In New York, ono in Uoston, ono In Philadelphia, and one In Chi cago. CUBAN SUGAR TRADE. Central Plantalions of Caracas and Andreite Permitted to Re sume Work. Havana, Pe'j, S Captain General Veyler announces that lie liai author ized the cential plantations of Caiacas nnd Audi cite to erlnd suunr cane. It Is expected that he will boon giant per mission allowing other Cuban planta tions to commence work. Additional details received by the nu thotltles legal dlni; tho engagement near Clego Avlla, published Wednes day, aie to the effect that the insui gents left fceven dead on tho field, ai d that thlrty-thiee wounded pilioneis were taken inasmuch as the Cubans ictlted cairylng their dead und wound ed it Is believed that their loss was tar gt cater than this. Colonel Arjcna commanded the Spanish foices. ELOPING COUPLE CAUGHT. Kuriigcil l'ntlii rillnkos His Son Tear Up tho Jllnrriago Liecnne. Shelbyville, Ind , Feb, 5 William Givgoiy, son of Township Tiustce It. P. Gregory, has been com ting Llllio Underwood against his father's vvlshes, and this morning procured a license to wed, Tho father chased the two to Wuldron, six miles away, In time to prevent the Rev. Mr. "Watts from mar- ryliig tho couple, who then slipped away and made for St. Pnttl, a few miles distant Tho father, aimed with a revolver, followed tho fleeing pnlr. Hooveitook them, and ut the point of his revolver made tho hoii dostioy tho maiilago li cense and outer his vohlclo nnd return home, while Miss Underwood was do se! tod and left to leturn homo alone. SAVED FROM A TRAIN'S PATH. Voting Woman Ilnil llocn Dnslioil Unconscious on the Tunic Knst Hampton, Conn,, Feb. C Alan Colemnn and Miss Nellie M01 laity, who w etc out for a slolghrldo last night nai lowly eseaped 11 honlblo death on the All Line uillroad tiackn. Coleman attempted to cross the tincks some dis tance ahead of the "Fish" ft eight. As the sleigh stiuck the rails It was over tut nod. The horse ran away, and Miss Mo rlarlty, who stiuck on her head, laid unconscious on the Hack "dltectly In front of the appioaehlng fi eight. Cole man, with gieat piesence of mind, seized the girl and hulled her Into a mow eli 1ft, and jumped fiomtho Hacks just as the train lushed by. Tho girl's hat, tho sleigh robe and other ai tides weie cut to pieces by tho tialn. PLUMS FOR INDIANA.- Pern S. licnth mul J. K. (Jovwly nro Well Provided. Anderson, Tnd , Feb. C Before leav ing on a trip south, National Republi can Committeeman W. T. Durbln, who Is also a member of the executive com mittee, said to a couespondent of the United Associated Pi esses: "You may announce upon my authoi Ity that Pony S. Heath has been ton deied tho place of consul general to Kills and has accepted, "J. K. Gowdy, chalnnan of tho Indi ana Republican committee, has been tendeied a (list-class foreign mission, You niny give me as authority foi this statement " Mr. Duibln visited Canton n few dajs ago with Senatoi -elect Fall banks. FORIiST CITY. Next Sabbath evening Rev. P. B. Kennedy, of the Piesbj teilan church, will picach against the doctilnes of the Moiinons, or Latter Day Saints, whose mlsslonaiies fiom Caibondnle aie la boiing in this vicinity. MARKETS AND STOCKS. Wall Street Review. New York, Feb. C The early dealings at tho Stock Iischange were characterized by we.akhess, owing niainl) to model ate sales foi London account. Sugar was weak It opened a full point lower at HJ'j and latel sold down to 113. The gen eral market ) elded i'i to 1 per cent, the dangers, Manhattan and Chicago Gas leading the downward movement. Ihe dangeis were weakened b) tho state ment of the Burlington, showing a. little over 3 per cent, earned on the stock for the yeai. During the afternoon most ef early losses were recovered and In a lew Instances pi Ices went above last night's llti lis. Speculation closed quiet and steady in tone. Net changes show losses of 'i to "Si per cent., excepting Northern Pacific Picfened and the eoaleis, which gained '1 to 1 per cent. Total sales were 1C7.0W shares. Turnlshed by WILLIAM LINN, AL. LEN &. CO. stock biokers, Mears build ing, looms, 703-700. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Int. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 7J"& 73 7J 7J'. Am. Sug. Uef. Co. ..HJh HI BJ'i D3" At , To & S. I'O .... If, IVa ll'a 11 At,To ,S rol'r. . 1MH 21 21 i'4t Chicago Gas 77Vi 77'j 7o7s 77'i Chic, il N. W 103" 1014 101'a 101 Chic , IS. .1 Q 74's 7t'j 7o-Si 71".. C C. C. fi. St. L 27 271.. 27 27' j Chic, Mil .. St. P. . 7CJ 7o'i 75"t 7fi Chic, It I ,L Pae. .. C74 C7U C7"i C7'j Del R. Hudson 107".. 10S'. 107'i IOS'j D., L. : W lJ'i 13J Vol KS Dlst. .V- C. P 131 1J4 UYi J3 Gen. Elect! Ic .. 3.V-4 S3'! .S-,3j Lake Shoie 133W l.i"t 3"2'f. IjJ Louis. & Nash f.0 W f.0'b tffi M. K. S. Tex Pr. ... 30'j l,0s SOVi "0"4 Man. Elevated SO'.. SO-i SO t'J' Mo Pac 22 22 21 21 Nat. Cordage 11 11 11 11 Nat. Lead 22'i 22?i 22' 22-i N. J. Centl.il 03'i U9V6 'Ji'4 Wi N. Y. Cential 03'i 01 !T. 93 N. Y., S & W. Pr. .. 24"t 21Vi 2 Hi 24i Noi. Pac 37U HS'i S7", 3Si Omaha 4S' 4S'A IS S'3 Pac. Mall 2-'b 2W4 2"i 'l'fi I'hll & Reading .... 2C'i 2G 2G'& 2GH Southern R R !fi ir4 'i "i Southern It. R. Pr. .. 2'JU 29Vi 2S LJi, Twin. C .1 Iron 20'i 23 20U 2J'. TeasPacinc S"s S'i i)i 0. Union I'acIOc 7's " 7 7Ja Wabash Pr 1J l."S 1' r- Western Union S2). S3 S2-!i W y jj 2lf. 21" 2' l'i IT. S. Leather'!!!!'.!'.!. 5i S'i 8'i Wi V. S. Leather Pr. ... C9 G9 CSj M'i CHICAGO HOARD Or TRADE PRICr5 Open- High- Low- CIos- WHEAT. ing, est et lng. May 7o'i 7G5, 7'i'& 7JT, July 71'j 72. 714 71H LARD. May , 175i 173i 17 17 July 1S 1S 1SU lSVi PORK. May 2t 2li 2I''8 2l'i July OA1 S. May CORN. May -J- 2J. :j',i 3 77 7.M 3 SO 3 75 7.37 7.30 3 77 crnnton Ilonril of Trade i:.vchange Quotntions--All Quotntiuu Ilnsed en I'm of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Ask:d. Scranton Lace Cuitaln Co 50 National Horlng i. Drill's Co. ... id Kllt National Hank C50 Scranton Jai & Stopper Co 23 Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Scianton Savings Bank 200 Honta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Packing Co 93 Lackawanna lion & Steel Co. ... 150 Third National Bank 330 ... OUR SEMI-ANNUAL ONE PITT1 II OF s and Overcoats Commences Monday, Feb, I All Goods Reduced One-Half, for CASH ONLY. Hats and Furnishings, Too. ill!! 220 Lackawanna Avenue. TREATMENT THAT TIIUIILOW HOMOEOPATHIC modi, clues leach, sooth and heal every diseased organ: cuilng (availably nil forma of mi"80' " matter what It may bo. il1.? PHYSICIANS of the TIIUIILOW institute, No. 203 and 30.", Slirllco street, are dally prescribing rutin for hundredB ?,, ? ?k. I'toplo at tliclr homes, and at the institute, auffereis from Ilhoumntlsm, Catarrh, in m?' Dj ".pepsin, Kldliev Dlscnse, nnlnJ kumbngo, Neuralgia, t'emulo DIs- inM CoUl?". Colds and Grippe nio con t.i?i V c,tl'cssliig their heartfelt giatl eases miraculous cure of these dls- THii runn nisTumuTioN of Thurlow AC Dyspepsia Curo proved to be a God-send to THOUSANDS of pain- nil ntiil long-stnndlng cases. t icr' "" liXAMINATION AI3SO- LUrnLY rniili either at the ofllce or at your homes. nA 1ITAT' CARD WILL UUINO ON11 2,.TUULOW'B SKILLBD I'HYSI- h,i S.. ,ho bedside of uliy sufferer. vvno will lircscrlbo for )ou, nnd uttend oil until cured. Hie I'h) Mel in's Services are rRHR no MliDIClNRS aie mostly twenty n?. ,ct"'ts a bottle mis QlirtAT ivcTiTimp ne TnrTr. HO.VIOIiOPATHY, No 301 and 30J Spiuce 1 11 ouranion, continues to bo crowdeil onll) with a Huong of.aflllcted people who come fiom miles around to avail them selves of tho rum Doctor's services of f,e'e;l at the THURLOW MDD1CAL IN SriTUTn Thousands of TliSTIMONI ALS could bo published It space would permit. Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Scranton Traction Co Scranton Alo Works Traders National Dank Weston Mill Co Alexander Car lleplacer Co. . Scranton Deddlng Co Dime Dep. &. Dls. Dank Collleiy Dnglneei 1JONDS. Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. Scranton Puss Hallway, first moitgago duo 191S People's Street Hallway, first mortgage due 1018 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dlekon Manufacturing Co ,., Lacka. Township School 5.. City of Scranton St. Imp. G&. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scianton Axle Works Scranton Tiactlon Co Dconomy Steam, II. S. P. Co.. 90 15 20 SO 115 l.'O 2ji 100 105 113 110 ... 20 110 ... 110 ... 30 110 ... 100 102 102 ... t5 100 100 Philadelphia Provision ."Market. Philadelphia, Teb 5 The market was steady, but business was confined to small lots to meet Jobbing w mts. Wo cpiote: Ueef hams, $!SalS 50, as to age and brand; pork, famll, $10 50all; hams, S P. cured, In tierces, SaOc; do. smoked, Oxalic, as to aveiage and biand; sides, llbbed. In alt, -PiafJiC.; do. do smoked, BUaj'tc. j shoulders, plcklo cured, Gnosis?.; do. do. smoked, b'jiCHc., picnic hams, S P. cured, BiE'ic; do. do. smoked, G'inCHc: bellies, In pickle, according to aveiage, loose, Hi 5'ic; bioakfttht bacon, G'saT'c., as to brand and average; laid, puie, city leflned, In tlcces, 4n5c.; do do , in tubs, BaJ'ic ; do. butchers', loose, 4c ; city tallow, In hogs heads, 3'4c ; country do., S'iaS'ic, as to cpiallty, and cakes, S'iaS'Hc. Ivovv Vcirk Product) llnrkct. New York, Deb. 5 Flour Quiet, steady, unchanged. Wheat Dull, steady; f. o b , SM'hC.; ungraded red, TJaD'c, No. 1 north ern, S75c; options closed steady; Pebru my, Sic; Match, S5'ic; Ma, S2.c; June, Sl3he ; July, 79'f,c; September, 7Cc,c. Corn Dull, taslei ; No 2, 2S'ic, elevatoi ; 2!)7sc., afloat; options dull and steady; February, 2S'e.; Mas. 29'., July, Jlsc. OaN-Fiim; options dull, easlei; Pcbiuary, 21'sc.; Mas, 2Je.; July, 2J4c; spot fillces, No 2, 21V4C ; No 2 white, 2Ie ; No 2-ChIcago, 2'2c ; No J, 20'i.c ; No 3 white, 2Jt ; mixed western, 21'ia21c , white do and white itate, 22a !0c. Piovlslons rirm, milet, unchanged. Lard Quiet, barely steadj, unchanged, liut tei Finn, feteady, unchanged Cheese Stiong, ste-adj, unchanged. Eggs Dasy; state and Pennsylvania, 10c.; Ico house, case, $JaJ SO; western! fresh, IjiIOc ; southern, ll'.illc , limed, 12il3Uc. Chicngo Grain nnd Provision Mnrl.et. Chicago, Teb D The leading futures ranged us follows. Wheat Pehiuaij, 73e., 74c ; Ma, 73"sc, 73rc; July, 71'te., 711iC Corn l'ehruiiy, lie, 22c; May, 24',c , 24'mC, Julv, 2Jc, 23-8c. Oats Ueb iut,i, ir,0ie., 15".c ; Maj, 17c, 17(,c; July, 1SJ,C, lSc Mess poik May, J7 30, $7 52".., July, 7t'). r7G"). Laid-May, $3.77'!, $3 77'-..; July, J21-;, S.I&3 Shoit libs Ma, $3 S3, J3S.3; July, $3 92'i, $3 93. Cash uriotatlons were as follows Plour Dull and easy, unchanged; No 2 spilng wheat, 7.1a73Hc. ; No. 2 do , 70i7Ic ; No 2 red, 748a7u'e ; No. 2 coin, 22'ja22c ; No. 2 oats, lG'tall,i.e.; No. 2 lye, 3"ia33'se.; No, 2 bnloj, 31a3'jc.; o 1 llaxseed, 74a70M.c ; pilme timothy seed, $2 SO; mess pork, $7 43a7 47'.; lard, $iG3a 3b7'; shoit libs, sides, $3 07ti3 92V4. shoul deis, Si Mat W. shoit clear sides, $1 12Vsa 4 23; whiskej, $1.17; sugars, cut loaf, $3 14; gianulated, $131; standard A, $1 2. lilillalo Lio Stork. Buffalo, N. Y' Teb. 5 Cattle Dull and lower; light butchers' steels, $303, good steeis, $123 Veals Good to etia, $G73a 7.'2; common to fair, $l73aG50. Hogs Stiongei , Yorkeis, $3 70i3 72H; mked pack ers, $J C0a3 03; pigs, J3 D0a3 CO Sheep and lambs Higher; ptime lambs, $313 if. 23; fall to good, $1 50a5 10; mixed sheep, good to cliolce, $3 03a4, common to fair, $3 40a3 75. Chicago Iiivo StueK. Chicago, Peb. G. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head, maiket firm and 10c hlghei , com mon to otia steers, $3 70a5 30, stockers and feLder, $Ja4 23, cows and bulls, ?lS0aJ73; calves, $?aG, Texans, $2 ,r,0a4 33 Hog3 Re ceipts, 2J.0U0 head; market easy and 2'2a5c, low oi, heavy packing and shipping lots, 3 20aJ 47'., common to choice mled, $3 23a 3 43, choice assorted, $3 40U50, light, $.i 33a 3 50, pigs, SJ 20a3 30. Sheeji Receipts, G.UOO head, maiket Ami; Infeilot to eholee, $2 30a 4, lambs, J50j3 Oil Market. Oil City, Pa., Peb 5 Option oil not quot ed, credit balances, 90e National Transit uins, J3,'I12 banels, shlinnents, 4,932 bai rels Burkeje urns, ol,G31 bairels, ship ments, i.K3i bariels. - HALF PRICE SALE OF 9MCKETT, OBIrfll v A V ullhh THE -AMERICAN QUEEN The Foremost Illustrated Hagazine and Home Journal for Womeiij February Number. A Splendid Spring Issue. From Paris A brilliantly illustrated letter from the headquarter-, of fashion. Advance news re uurtltng btreet antl house costumes, wash dre.sses, wraps for mild weather, with im portant details concerning shirt waists, sashes, neck ruffa, etc., etc Four Generations Tor the first time portraits of D. L. Moody's (tlie jreat evangelist) family, his mother, wife, daughter and granddaughter. The Dressmaker Practical, helpful news for the profes sionnl and home dressmaker. Inclusive ile signs, clear, careful directions in detail. Di rect correspondence upon all question:) re lating to the making of clothes. CONNOLLY & YOU Won't be in "want" if you make j'our WANTS known througli tlie col umns of The Scranton Trusune. One Cent a Word in Advance. HELP WANTED MALES. Adva. Under This Mead One Cent a Word. WNlGjTd?DalNnm (ibVcUNMUNT positions as railway mall clerks, nr riers, gRHgars, Inspectors, onglnsors watch men, ianltors oto to wrltu at onci for val uable In Cot mntiou (froo):Gxninlnatlous occur soon in ovoi v htato. U. 8. HU11RAU Or IN I'OnjIA'lION, Dent, M, Cincinnati, O. SXTAKTED-AN IDRA. WHO CAN THINK Vt of somo simple thing to patent? Pro toctvoui lilois thov miy hilng von wealth Wrlto JONH WKDDlSUBUItN & CO.. Dept. C, 2J, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D, O , for their ?1800 prize, offer and list of 11)00 Inven tions wanted WANTED-AS AGENT IN KVI.KY bEC tion to cinvnhs 5100 to S,"00 a day mido ; piIIr nt fight; nNo a man to f,ell Staple Goods to dealers; bist side lino 575 a month; talaiy or large commission made; experience unneenssii y. Clifton Soap aud Manufactur ing Co , Cincinnati, O. "WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ii every town to solicit stock subsciip tlons; a monopoly; liig mnnoy for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. Flhll&CO, Borden Block, Chic.ico, 111. II EL1 WANTED FEM A I.ES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. W7ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED COOK. i viith trood ro'eroueos Apply from b to Pl'l (I a. m and 7 to 8 p m. SIRS. H. WAT- KIN8 520 Monroo avonuc LADIES TO WRITE TOR Ub AT HOME, in canvasshu'; roply Inclosing stamp, Hll.VER TERN CO, Aurora, Indiana LADIE-1 MAKE BIG WAGES DOING 1 leasant homo . oi k, nnd w ill gladly sand full particulars to all bending - tent stamp. MISS 31 A. S'lEDBINS, Lawrence, Mich. "WANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN i V ton to soil and Introduce Snvder's c.iko Icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work ictmiinont aid veiy profltHhle Wiite for particulais at rnco mid tet benefit of holidui trade. T. B bNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO KNER gotic al.swoIell to reprcsont us Gunrantcocl SO a day without fntorforrlng vlth other duties. Hinltlilnl occupation. Wrlto for paitlculars, enclosing stamp, Mango Chemical Ccmpanj, No. 72 John btreet, Nuvv Yoi k. FOK KENT. Advs. Under TliU Head One Cent a Word. HOII RENT-I0 ROOM HOUSE, WITH ALL modern improvements, and all kinds ot fruit on largo lot; also bain, Apply 822 lion- roo avenue. F OR RENT-'tHE CORNER STORE known as tha Vallov Houso bhoo -toro. corner Franklin and L lOkawanna nvonues Innnlio 30 Lackawanna avonuo- JOjEPH LLVY. 17'ORRENT-ELEVEN-ROOM DWELLING 1' house, with nil modern iinprovemouts; l ent modura'o. Apply 422 Madison nvenno i?OR RENT-THE THREE FLOORS OVER 1 No 410 Spruro stioot, now occupiod by tho Rowing Association: possession April 1st. lupilro of FRED WAGNER, 11 Lackawaoni avenue FOR SALE. Advs. Under Till-. Head One Cent a Word. T?OR 8ALE-A blLVER PLATED CONN J1 double bell upbonium. nicely engraved with tiombonu bell, (.old lined, ncarlv now and ecu $90 w ill tell at a bargain Adit! ess this vveuk to E. W GAYLOR, LaKajsvllle, 170R SALE-HOUS1. AGED SIX YEARS. J.1 weight 1,000 i cunds; can be seen at 1021 I'rko 6treet FINANCIAL. Particulars Free on Application. SAM KELLER & CO., Bankars and Brokors 44 Brcadwa and 45-47 New btreet, New York Agencies In all large Cities of the U. S Nearly 70 pr cent profit on our "Holiday Combination," covoriuir ovoi twenty seven .1 1 n.u..n nL.n iMnn'pnpn ir .n u DUBININS OIM'OUTUNH IKS. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word, Tp,TOu'wA'TO KAKEMUVvA' SAI'E 1 y In stock and grain inaricots, write to us; wo mako pioflts not loi-ses, WLSI.EY, CHAl'IN CO , 12 Now street. Now Yoik YOU CAN MAKE SOME MONEY nY 1N voitlug In speculation lininedlatolv ; send for our booklet, ' Good Advice" and (fully in formation. A. P. IiUlt&T &. CO., U Pino St , Now York CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. rtORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING y.' nulls uiod vUthout tho leant pain oi drawing blood t'iiiBulttlou and dvlio given free. E. M IITThEL, Chiropodist. JoO Lack, awanna avenue, Ladios attended at thou re-ildoneo If deHired. Chalgis nuderalp. city scavi;n(;kk. Ad. lmiaas cleans privy vaults aud ecus I ools: in ixlor; Improved pumps used. A. BI11GOU, Proprietor, Leave orders 1I0O North Main avenue, or Erckos' drug storo. eorucr Adiiuis aud Mul berry, 'telephone UJ1J, Ill" irttinatuym w .-,,. i.it-iji.. i 1,1, vj.j . wufkly 011 tho iiiviitin'iit for tho past Six Yortis, No Lo3sesEor Reeordod, Tlionaf -st mm most proutauio system oi invciitiueiit known. WALLACE, AGENTS WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. tATElE7ni?rATSAYrNO ei fn'; no dollvorlea; no collections; sam ples frou; hlila linn or oieluslvo, MFIIS., 3011 Market street, l'lilladalphl i, AAA.-WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, loiing and old, to work for us lu ilndi own homos in npnro time, day or ovenlnu Wo pay $10 to 813 por wook. ho canvassing Any child can do tho vvoik. Send addioss today. Wooend woil: at onco. THE VAIL ART CO, Dopt. 277. Vail, l'n. WE DON'T WANT BOYS OK LOArEftS, but men of ability; S00to5M0a month to hustlers: Btato and general nttents; snlirv nnd oommltslon. HAl'IXE TIUB ENGINE CO., Itaclno. Wis. GASLIOHT IN EVEItY HOUSE, NEWEST thing out; nttnehoa to onlinary limps; no chimney; o-ifo, economical; outfit froo to nctivo workers, STANDARD I1UASS CO,, Mfrs, Covington, Ky. AGENTS-ST. PATRICK'S DAY HUT tuns Imdites, shamrocks, omhlnms most artistic de-sienst assnrtod eamplns and catu lorfue, 10c GALLATIN CO., York, 1'u. ANTED-SOL1CITOKS: NO DELIVER lng, norollo:tluj; position permanont paywookly; statu age. GLEN BROTHERS; Rocuestor, N. Y. WANTED-GENERAL AGENTS IN EV erv county; nlso lady canvassers; somo thine new; sure seller; apply quick J, C. HILllERT, 111 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa AGENTS-WHAT ARE YOU OOIVQ TO do about Safo Citizenship prleo 81. Go ing by thousand Address, NICHOLb, Napcrvillo, 111. GLNT3-TO BELL OUR PRAC1ICAL gold, silver. nlcKel and tonpor ulectro plasters; prices from $J upward salary and expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with Hump, MIL1HO AN MrG CO., Chicago AGENTS TO SELL OIGARS TO DEALERS; J23 weekly and expeneos: osporlonco un ncccps.iry. CONSOLIDATED MTG CO. 4s Van Daren st , Chicago, HEAE ESTATE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. DO YOU WANT 'TO HUY A HOME ? Hro's a gieat bargain; 1721 Peimavo nuo, adjoining' North Park, Greaa Ridgo: il rooms, furnace, hot and cold water; lot 8-):18l: cellar under wholo houss; flno lawn stono wulks; property worth SJ,90(I, no rcasonablo ofter rofnsed; must sell; part pa) meut, bal anco on tluis to suit purchasar. Address TALL1E MORGAN, caro of C. L Hawloy 211 Wyomlne avenue, Scranton TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Advs. Under This Head One Cent n Word. THEREBY GIVE NOt7oTtiTvtTh7oDY X should trust my wifo, Clara Tranz, with ont my consent. WM. FRAN Z SITUATIONS WANTED. QITUATION WANTBP-11Y AN ENER O gotlc lady, as atimojraphur, typewriter, cashier or gunoral olnco work; has had expo liuuceandcan furnish guod reference. Ad dress N. J., Tribune office WANTED-hlTUATION AS HOUbE kuopor. Address MRS. THOMPSON. Tribuuo otllco. TV AN 1 ED-SITUATION HY A GRADU il ato from Willlamsport Commoiclal Collo?e; bookkeeplugorotliee woik; an expe rienced salesman; have taught common school nnd brokl.oepinu- Address, for lefereucos, O J. M , 112 Mifllln avouu", city. SITUATION WANTED As butcher; will J ing to poddlo or tend market; good saus age maker. Address 3J2 Furest court. SITUATION WANTED-IJY AN F.XPERI enccd grocery derk; is strictly tamper ato nnd honest: will do any honest work: would like to collect for a rollahlo llrm: can furnish refoiuco; also give bonds. Addicss HONESTY, Trlbuno otllco. QITUATION WA.NTED-AS SUPERIN n tendent or foiomanot brlckvard by ono of oxtonsivo txpoiience. Apply D. J. J, 1820 WaoliDurn stroet. T7ANTI:D-bITUATION nY AN T-XPERI ' ' enced butcher capablo oj maiiHglng business Address M. H , 'Irlhui 0 QITUATION WANTED-RY A YOUNG vD man, 20 j oars of igo asflieraan: ranglvo good rofut ences Address S. W, 1227 bUort avonuo, Paik Place, Pa. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES TOM AKE oiiRugomnnts for musing; terms, SS per wook: best of references given, Address NURSE, 'tribune office. T'ANTED-I!V AN AMERICAN WIDOW, V with ono child, poxltion as working liojsokoeper: best roforoncus glvnn. Address MRb Ii, I20U Davis street. Phltidelphla. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man willing to do anything: can givo ref erences, if loijuliod. II 1, 420 Oakfoid court, city. WANTEO-SI1UATIONAS A STENOG lapheror ofllco assistant by n ciuiig man, can givo lufereiiccs. Address J, J Tribune olllci. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Phy.iiciaiis ami Stirucons. DR MARTHA S. EVERITT. 303 WASH Ington ave. Office hours until 10 a, m., 2 to 1, 0 to 8 p. m. MARY A, SHEPHERD, M. D., HOME opathlst, No. 22S Adams avenue. DR A TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursdaj and Saturdays, 9 u m to 0 p. m. DR. COMEGYS-OrPICE NO 237 N. Washington ave. Hours, J2 m to 3 p. in Diseases of women a speclalt,. Tel ephone No K.32. DR W E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH. Ington uvenue. DR ANNA LAW. 303 WYOMING AVE, Ofllco hours, 0-11 a. in., 1-3 p, in , 7-S p. in DR L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue Ofllco hours. S to 9 u. in , 1 30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Itesldenco 300 Madi son avenue DR C L. PREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Tiuss Pitting and Pat Reduc tion. Rooms 1M and 207 Meara Building. Ofllco telephone lSoJ. Hours; 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. drTs W. L-AMRRCAUX, A SPECIAL ist on chronic disease of tho heart, lungs, liver. Kidney nnd genlto urinary oi gans, will occupy the, oillce of Dr. Hooi, "By a Minute," Uy Clara Louise Uiirnlitini. A Ucltahtftil and spirited love story of today by tlie nu thorof "Next Door," "Sweet Clover," "Mlsa Hugh's Secretary," etc., etc. In the Household Chapters on cttpboardsand closcts.lamps and candles, profusely illustrated. The Rising Generation How to give Valentino and Washington parties. Also Articles for the housekeeper, "The Hard Season," "'Ihe Mirror of Venus," money making with the Typewriter, anil other well edited departments. Tlie housshokl paper will be presented to all customers who apply for it at our store- 209 Z"lc"STHenae- 232 Adams avenue. Ofllco hours, t to S Pjn. W. (3. ROOK, VDTDUINAUY SUH- goon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Ilopltnl, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telepliono 2C72. Lawyers. PP.ANK D. BOYLE, ATORNDY AND counsellor-at-Kvv. Uurr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington nvenuo. DDWAIID W. TILVYDH, ATTOUNDY, 221 Wyoming avenue. JBrPItBYS & ItUDDY. ATTOHNBYS- ae-iavv, tjommonwealtn Ilulldtng. WAHRDN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors-at-law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JDSSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND and Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSUP, W. II. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' iNaiioini uanlc xiunuing. ALFRED HAND, WILIAM J HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common w ealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. TRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKPORD, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Rooms G3, Gl and Cj. Common. wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Ofllce, Wjomlng avenue, Scranton. L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Lavv, Dime Dank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums at G per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-. Law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. H. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Meais buildings, cornor Washington avenuo nndSpruce street. H P KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Womlng avenue, Scranton, Pa. JAS J. 11. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 43 Commonwealth bldg., Scrnn ton. WATSON. DIEIIL, HALL & KEMMER ER Attorneys nnd Counsellors-at-Law; Traders' National Hank Building, room G, 7, S, 9, and 10; third floor. Detectives. BARRING & M'SWEENEY, COMMON w ealth building. Interstato Secret Ser vlco Agency. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCTITECT. Rooms 21, 23 and 2G, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE 1 ear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR , ARCHITECT, 433 Spruco St.. cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN AND MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY fc SON, ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. Aldurnian. G. P. ICELLOW. 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. T l! M'GRAW, ibl SPRUCE street. DR. II. P. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR.E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. PR C. C. LAUBACII, 113 Wyoming ave. R. M STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, 0 to 1 and 2 to 5. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest, REV, THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13 Kindergarten S10 per term. Seed-,. G. R CLARK & CO, SEEDMEN AND Nurseiymen, storo 14G Washington avo. nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue, store telephone, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac tuier of Wire Screens. Hotels atiel Restaurant?. THE ELK CAPE. 123 AND 127 FRANIC lln avenue. Rates reasonable, P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON' HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu. ropLun plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC TOR balls, picnics, paitles, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms nddrebs It. J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbcrt'a music stoie. MEOAROEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twins. Waiehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scianton, Pa. FRANK P BROWN &. CO , WHOLE salo dealers In Woodwnre, Cordugo aud Oll Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna avo. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 nnd 20, Wllllanib Building, opposite postofllce. Agent for tho Rex Plro Extinguisher. Printing. THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO, North Washington Avenue Llnotypo Composition of all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed in this region.