TILE SORANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY JS, 1S!)7. Horrman & Moore . PIKE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. t ACKAWANNA, THE E A D E R IN CORRECT AUNDERING , 30S I'cnti Avenue. A. D. WARMAN. I v 127 WYOMING AVU. Carpets, Wall Paper, Draperies. argest Stock, owest Prices. CITY NOTES. Supper will be strvtil this evening lis the I lilies of the Second Iiesb trlan chinch, Th montlilv meeting of the managers of the Home foi the rileudless will he held tit the home this morning at 0 30 o'clock The Hi st annual ball of Hilcltlnvcis' union, Xo 18,' will be held In .Music Hall tonight, llulc will be furnished b l'to fes,sot Johnston 'this afternoon "l'ilnce of l.lais" will bo the bill, and tonight "I'ogg's reir" will be plajid it the Aeadtim of MUblc b the Wuitu Comeilv eompanj. A miner nimed tlatelj was Injuied while nt woik In the W'oodwaid shift at Kings ton esterdaj He was taken to the Moses Tavlor hospital, where he was lound to hae sustained a seeiel sprained back. The Delawate, Lackawanna and West em lallioad paid jesteidaj at the ma chlm shops and it the Slot is mine. The Deluwnieaml Hudson Canal company paid esteida at the Dlekon shatt at I'tovi detice and at the C3iass lsl.intleollli.iv at Olvphant The musons emploed bj the company weie also paid jistcidaj. The Literal and Debating elide of St. John's societv of IMne Hiook will hold an euteitalnment next Thurbdai night In their hall, on Cnpouse aenue There will be 11 debate on the subjeet, "Unsolved, That debating- Is the best mems to Im prove joung men inentallv " The af firmative of tho subject will be maintained bv Thonns Culkln, John Jovce and rrimlc HovvWv, and tho negative bj Ucinaid .1. Kelle, John Gibbons and John Dempsej. At the Scranton Tuin Vereln masquer nde ball held Holiday evening the joung ladles and the actlv e Tin 111 is will g'v e two beautiful dances The first will be the riowei Dance and will be given by the following oung ladles "VINses Mai Poichei, nmina MeAitlitir, Kosa Blattu, Lena HoblnsoK, Jennie Noth, Hnima Plt tack, "Ulna "W'elcliei, Miss Schnell Freda Vockioth, Annie and nmma Graeber and Miss Hdlertlngei The othei bv eight ac tive Turners ealled the Afilean War Dance The danceis will be Kdwaid ihs ele, Victoi Noth, Joseph M( Donald, Will iam and lleniv Vockioth, 'lheodoie Helb, A Hennc and Chitles Motaska. lie Clumped His Name. Vllllam Itlle enteied the White IIoue hotel Wedncsdav night and had an ai,;u ment with tho bittendei He went out, but soon letuined with paving stones in his poeket Then he leiuwed his aie.u ment and when he piodueed his persuad ers ho was anestid Yisttulay he tile 1 to make Mavot liallev bellive his 11 imp w.is Trank Kellv, and lot that and tho chnt,e agulnst him on the docket went up to the count Jail foi twenty days. Upper Jnu bono lliol.cn. A. 17. Horn, a prominent mei chant of Dupont, near Durvea, was taken to the Lackawanna hospital jesteidaj sulfeilng fiom a biokin uppei Jaw. Mr Horn, to getliei with his In othei, were driving In a caiilago on Wednesday, when the hoie became f lightened and In the collision uf tho wagon with some object he was thrown out. it Is believed one of the holi es' hoolsstiuck HoinvlnllIctlng tho wound which is a veij painful one. Intemperate 111 llei Old Aye. A ciowd of cuilous people was utti acted about an oil and decupit woman of about SI jeais, who suppoited herself agilnst a tree at the cointr of Spiuee stieet an 1 Wvomlng avenue, last night at C o'clock She gave her name as Millei and said she reslihd In 1'rovldence. She was bullv en tangled as to nil wheiabouts, due to im blblng of ivhlskej too freelv. Two patiol men escoited her to her lodgings. ill Ilitvo to I'sp Stii-Kors. There will bo no Dcmociatlo ticket on the olltclal ballot In the Twentieth waid nor In the Tlist dlstilct of the SKth waid, owing to the fact that two dlffeient caii cusses weie held In these localities and two Deinociatlc certificates letuined. 'J lie Piohlbltoln party of Hansom will not be represented on the ballot because It failed to file its certificate in time lirol.u Uncle Sum's l.inu, Joseph Alpeit was iccelved at tho eoun tv Jail yesteiday, wheio ho will uwalt trill In tho United Stutes dlstilct couit, vvhleh meets In this city In Maieh, Alpert was ariesttd In Utlea, N V., but the ollev-o for which ho will be tried was committed In Nantlcoke, Liucine count Ho is chaiged with using the United States malls to defraud. Tnl.en to W ill.es-Hurro. William Watson, alias Wilkinson, was taken to Wllkes-Hane jesterdaj b Dek Seigeant Itiugwav. He was 111 rested pi this city on msplclon of being Implicate 1 In attempt to burrflailze Hiovvn's Lie Hive, on Lackuwunna uvenue H'j Is wanted at Wllkes-Harre to answer scvenl chaig s of buiglaij liiitprlaiiuid llur Pricnds. Mis. Chailes Schlager entertained n 1 mber of fi lends In her home, at the cor , er of Cluy uvenue and Jfulbeiry stieei. j-.-t evening Sdo will agiiln entertain t s evening, !io Oriuinnl Auti-Sueai , Hutton Holes ! your collars when laundiled, at the' 1 Kawanna, svs renn ave, in -tObel) VERDICT FOR THE BOY. Inturcstlii Suit Tried In the Susiiue liiinnii Ootitilv Courts. A ety Intel estlnp case to mine ovvnem ami operutois wits tileel In ftluntlose tills Week, The cuset wni John I'. Smith nKnlnst the Hillside Coal and It 011 r,onimny. The plnlntllf vvua Injuied while titling on the front litnnii pi of the eleutilu motor In No. 2 shaft at roiust City. Ills leg was very badly crushed nnd had to he amputated tvv Ice hefole ho vvns able to boeuie any re lease f 10m pain Incident to the In jui y. The boy wns thltteen jtais and Ilvo months old the day of the accident. Noveniliei 21, 1811. Suit wns Instituted liy L 1'. Wodcman, cbu , and C. Smith for the hoy and $20,000 tlunuiKe'S vwio claimed The ease occupied the atten tion of the Susquehanna court for four dajs For plalntlft appealed Wedpman, Smith nnd A. H. JtcCollum; for de fendant companj, Mnjot llveiett Wai len and CI. It. Little, estl The plaintllf lolled on defendant's violation of the mine law In lilting a Ijjiv midei 14 yeais of aio and a falluie to piopoily Instiuet him as to his duties and the dangeis ot his woik. The defendants claimed they had dls-ehai-;ed their full dutv when they hlied a competent mine foiemnn and asked foi ulndltiK instiuctlons. This the court lefused. The Jurj went out at C o'clock Wednesduj and at 3 jesteiday attet 110011, u turned with a vol diet for the boy of $1,000. WJiuthei a now tilal will he asked for and by which paitv Is yet uncertain, KISSES ARE PLENTIFUL. As Coiiinmcd with ISold Wntchosls the Judgment ol 'Ilouiit't Joe." Mis. Ll?7le Stodell, of Oak street, has been held In $&00 by Alderman Hobeits foi stealing a watch from Jo seph Jnckovltz, alias "Uouiiuet Joe," who wus anested last Sunday on sus picion of havliiK stolen Mis. Thomas Healev's pocketbook containing a check for $1'10 and $2& In cash. He alleges that while he was In jail Mis Stodell, who Is his boaidliiK mls tiess, enteied his loom and lHnlolnoit the watch. He bald he Knew it was she who took It, because he oveiheaid hei admit It. At the heating- It was elicited that Mis. Stodell, one time, tried to buy the watch, and that when she was accused of taking it and thieatencd with prosecution, hei hus band told hei to "kiss Joe a couple of times and he will give you the watch " His unswei to that pioposltlon was th it gold watches weie seaieer than kisses MR. REPLOGLE WAS DISCHARGED. Altciuutds Again Arrested at the In stmucol illr. rrotlmiglimii. Attorney D P Iteplogle was dls chaiged f 10111 custodv vesteiday on the habeas coipus pioceedlngs begun the da before Judge Gunstei held that Mi. Keplogle could not be held lot the leason that the chaigo on which he was anested was fiaud and embe77lenent while the commitment chaiged laiceny by bailee Last evening Mi. Keplogle was again anested at the Instance of Ml rioth Inghnm on chaiges of fiaud, embezzle ment and laioeny by bailee The wai imit was issued by Aldeiman Millai and Mi. Keplogle went befoie Aldei man Wilglit and enteied ball, waiving a healing "I ha e not broken the law In any way," said Mi. Keplogle last night, "and I am simply being hounded be cause I date collect ceitain judgments aggiegatlng ?S50 fiom Mi. riothlng ham." LAID AT REST. runciiil of the Late lMrs. Mai Dull) Vesterdu) Aloruiug. The j'uneial of the late Mis Maiy Dulfy, of Jackson stieet, occuned jes toiday moinlng fiom St. Patilek's chinch, wheie a hiuh mass of lequlem was celebiated bv Kev. r. P. McNally, who also ineathed an eloquent funei.U hei 111011 on the text "Bles'-ed aie they who die In the Loid, theli good vvoiks shall follow them and their end is peace" The chuieh was well filled with the lelatlves, filends and nelghbois of the deceased. At tiro conclusion of the sei vices the lemalns weie taken to Plttston, wheie they weie lntened in the Maiket stieet eemeteiy. The pall-beaieis weie si nephews of the deceased', the Mcssis Ledon and Duffy. TRACTION COMPANY EARN1NQS. Showing lor December nnd the Last Hall ol IHUtt. The follow ins statement shows the earnings ot the Scianton Ti action com pany foi the month of December, lSliC, and for the six months ended Decem bei Jl, 189C: December. 1S9G ib93 Gloss ?3J C7 J'MSO Inc.?3J07 Op exp pjSftS ll.oai Inc. .',774 Net $15,S3S 915,1-15 Inc. $W3 I'oi the sK months Gloss $191,025 $10S oJfl Inc $.'3,OJ5 Op. exp 10.',"J0 W.'JU Inc. J1.417 Net Jb9,.'Jl ?S7,!i5u Inc $1 (,78 Net earnings, as above fiU.Jul rixed chaiges, Including taxes .. o7,17u Surplus f'l.loi LOST HER CAPE. Clever mid Successful 'I heft 111 the Jam at the Acudomv Vrsteidii). While attending the matinee perfoim anee of the Walte Comedy company at the Academy of Music jesteiday after noon, Mis Saiah Hedfoid, of 80'J Linden btieet, hud a valuable cape stolen. Owing to the c low tied condition of the house some pel son succeeded In get ting the cape fiom undei hei aim and putting a much worn gaiment In Its place. Mis. Uedfoul did not discover the theft until she was leaving the liquse aftei the peifonnance. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HONI3V DHW SUGAIt COKN. A small, tendei, sweet kernel!, pilceiedueed He per can, $1,20 per dozen; ?.' SO pel case 1: G COUHSH.V, Wholesale and Uetall. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tim (.rantost llvent ol the Season, Lledeikinnz masqueiado Thuisday evening, Feb IS, 1S97 Tickets at Kelchett's, 300 Lack'a. nve. All liatternmakeis ale leouested to meet the undeislgned at Hulbert's hall, Wyoming avenue, on Satuiday evening next, Feb. 0, 1897, at 8 o'clock, when they will hear something to theli advantage. Philip J. Thomas. i Great bai gains In half switches at Konecny's, hair dresser, 317 Laeka. ave. ' i Still Collnri. It tfll olPt lm.lnii linlnd FPlin T nnl n ,b. puu UUktUll UUICD, Alio uutnu' wanna Laundiy, 303 Penn ave, SPITTING EVIL IS CONSIDERED Board of Health Devoted Seme Time to It Yesterday. FAVORS THE SOUTH SIDE SEWER ltcsolutlott l'nsscd Requesting Mn) or Ilnlloy to Sign It--Ventilation of School llulldlngs Crltieled--lloard of Control Asked to I'ut 1111 levator in the High School llulldiiig--Ail-niinl llcport oT the 1'ood Inspector Listened to by the Hoard. The monthly meeting ot tho boat el ot health was held jesteulay afternoon In the bo.ud's rooms In city hall. After the reading of the minutes General Managei Sllllman of the Sctanton Tiac tlon company, appeared before the boaul In legaid to the lequest of the boaul made at the last meeting, le questlng the Scianton Traction cmn panv to put catds In their cais, pio hlblttng cxpectoiatlon on the lloois of the bailie. He stated that he would be lileahed to confoim vlth the leciuest cf the boaid but said that the company s only penalty, for those spitting on the llooi was the ejection of the passmM'l. "This," he said, "would be lnsutliclent GnNKRAL MANAGRR SILLIMAN. penalty to enfoice the mle and sug gested that the police foice be asked to co-opeiate with' the stieet ear eonduc tois in bilnglng the piomlscuous e liectoiatois to Justice " Pioposillons foi the lepalr of the gaibage ciematoiy weie lecelved fiom Messis. Kngan, Iteagan and Damn The jiroposltlon vailed fiom $17'" 'to $l,2Sn Action was defeired until the next meeting A special nv,at ig will be held Monday night, at S o'clock, In the boaids 100ms to take definite ac tion. Tim SPITTING IIABtT The matter of spitting In cats wns again bi ought up and mum discussion followed icgaidlng the best metho 1 wheieby toenfotee the law. The her lth ofllcei and secietaiy weie Instiueted to have n lesolution prepaied fot action by the boaid at the next meeting. Mr. Zelglei Intioduced a leMolution, v.hlch lead as follows "That the boaid of health deem the constiuctlon ol the sew 01 In the Seventeenth dls tilct an uigent necessity for the abate ment and lemoval of a laige uumbci ot nuisances now existing In said dls tilct, which aie piejudlclal to the health' of that community, and that his honoi, the 11111501, be hetewitli lequest- ed to sign the oidlnance lecentlv passed foi tho constiuctlon of the same " Thesecretaiy Infonned the boaul that foi bevei nl times Undertaker Joidan has failed to foi waid lepoits of deaths In this, city, to the secietaiy, which is a seilous Infi action ot the lnw. The health olllcei and secietaiv weie in stiueted to make Investigations and 1 epoi t at the next meeting of the boai d. The boaid's food Inspector, T. N. Cul Ion, oifeied 1.1s lepoit foi last month as follows. Number of meat and fish inspections, fil2; number of milk in spections, 22'), number of pounds of poultiv seized and destiojed, 2Sr; niim bei of liounds of bob veal destiojed, 3"0, num. bet of pounds of flh seized and destioyed, CO KHPOKT Or SHCKHTAKY. The sccietaij's lepoit was lead and showed the moitality foi Jamiui v to have been 140 The moitalltv foi the .same months of phst veais has been as fololws. 1S91, 1C7; 1SU1, 1.5J; ISO", US; 1&90, 1 Jl. Dining the month theie weie CO , male and C5 female bliths Theie weie 97 eases of contagious diseases lepoited; 42 of dlphthula, JS ol meas els 11 of seal let fevei, 1 of t phold and 1 of whooping cough. Out of these cases 7 deaths occuned. Midical Olllcei Allen gave an infor mal lepoit of the convention of the Stale Associated liuaids of Charities held last month In llanlsbuig which he attended, lie also 1 epoi ted on the un sanltaiv condition of some of the schools in tills city and eiltleized their ventilation and heating "The boaid of contiol," he said, 'should be4 compelled to put an clevatoi la the High school building, whose long (lights ot steps hhalth orncint ALLEN' completp exhausted the girls In as cending." The method of gaibage col lection was also given consideration and the inadequacy of the pi 1 sent method of collection was dwelt upon. A motion was passed Instiuctlng the secretaiy to Imrncdlutelv notify all school authoiltles of the city to confoim with tho law which specifies that all bchools, secluilan 01 not, be compelled to keep a vaccination recoid, and debai non-vucclnated chlldien fiom attend ing. A motion was adopted which vrovlded that the boaid of conttol be again ap piulsed of tho health boaid's lesolu tion adoptid some time ago to the eifect that an elevatoi be placed In the High school. The annual lepoit of the milk and food Inspectoi was lead and showed k jMa that duilng the year 1S9G G.1DG meat and llsli markets had been visited, 2,09 milk Inspections had been made, 1.R1C pound1) of fish weit seized and destioyed ft 0111 Sept. 1 to Dec. Jl, 250 pounds of beef Wete destroyed, 219 pounds of diessed poult! y and lOO pounds ot bob veal W'oio seized and destioyed. Quantities cf ojsteis, ft ult and vegetables were alo seized The lepoit estimates that the amount of milk consumed In this city dining the year was about 7,600,000 gallons, un avetage of 70 quails per capita. The committee appointed to consult with Piofcssor Wells of tho High school, lepoited. Mr. Walls' pioposltlon was for chemical anal j sis and theio was some discussion as to whether the boai d lequlred mlcioscoplcal or chemical an alysis. The pioposltlon was orileied placed on file, and the boaid adjourned. BRAKEMAN A1USSLEMAN KILLED. I'cll Between tho Cms and Wus Klin Over nt Tob) lunula. William J. Musselman, a Dclawnre, Lackawanna and Western liiakenian, was tnstantlv killed jesterdaj at Toliy hanna by falling between the ais and being 11111 ovei. He was emplojej on coal tialn No. 4S, of which Henjamln Honnett Is conduct 01. They weie going south and weie about to enter the switch just below Tob) lianna tank .it r, o'clock 11. in. to al low the Incoming milk tialn to iiass, vvlun the accident occuned. The 1111 foituiuite man lost his balance or miss ed his footing, It Is piesumed, while walking ovei the tuin and fell bet.veen tho cars and undei the wheels. Foui cais and the cab.ooso passed over his body cutting it In twain and sevei nig both ai nu He was dead w hen his fellow lialnmen leached his side. The lemalns weie biougbt to this city ut 8 40 last evening and aftei being diessed at Kaub's undet taking estab lishment weie lemoved to his home at S:& Meridian stieet. The deceased was 32 years of age and Is Hiiivivojl bv a wife and one child, lie was a member of the Hiotheihood of allwa Ti .tinmen, ltailioad lodge, KnUhts of Pythias, and Camp 17u, I'at ilollc Older Sons of Ameiica. HEARD A JURYA1AN SAY THINGS Iiut Did Not Come Up to Che His Testinionv lien Wanted. Anotbei healing of the application for a new tilal In tho ejectment case of Matthias Sowka against Marcella Snjder, will take place today befoie Aldeiman O. H Wilglit, who was ap pointed commlsslonei In tho case. The giound foi a new tilal Is an al legation that Jul men In the case weie out di Inking with the defendant dining the noon recc-ts and that one of them was heaid to sa that he'd bo blamed If he was coming to Scianton to do jui duty foi only V a da . At the Hist hearing of tho case, Jan 27 Inst, the principal witness, Moiris Spiegel, who, It is avened, oveiheaid the juiyman's assettlon, did not pie sent himself. Yesteidav Judge Stan ton secuied an attachment foi him and pioposes to have him on hand this time. - m SCRANTON'S NEW PITCHER, Charles Morse is n Promising '1 wirier ol the South I'uvv Order. The accompanying plctuie is that of Chailes Morse, of Aulluin, Muss, w ho is one of the new men signed bj Man- PITCHUIt CHAKLHS MOUSE ager Gilllln for next season's Scianton base ball club. Mi. Moise Is an ambitious oung man And made a veiy good showing In the New England league last season He Is a south paw tvv ii lei and Is said to have a gieat stock of choice curves and shoots in his lepertolie. SECOND ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT. Given l.nst Night Undei Auspices of .Miss Amanda Nichols' Class. In the lectin e 100m of the Penn Ave nue Baptist chui'cli last evening was given a veiy pleasing enteitalnment under the, nusnlces of Miss Amanda Nichols' class of oung men of the Sabbath school. It was the stcond an nual enteitalnment thus given and the piocetds will be devoted to the chali fund. In the pi ogi amine weie Included a selection by the Impel fals, a duet bv Hddle and Edith Dnv Is, a v lolin solo b William Allen, a leeltatlon 1 Ef fle Hiownin, a coinet solo by William Stanton and a vocal solo by Mi. Cioft Miss Giace Williams dellveied a iecl tatlon and the Philomel quaitette 1 eli de! ed a selection The Misses BilJl and Naiiowniau gave a piano duet, which was followed b a vocal duet b L'ddle and Edith Davis. REMAINS BROUGHT HOME. runeinl oi'.lliss Kntio V. liiowu Mill TnUr Place Toduv. The lemalns of the late Kittle V Blown, who died Tuesday while on a visit at MasMllon, O, nnlved heie esterday moinlug and weie taken to the home of hei slstei, Mis. James A Mellon, on Noith Seventh stieet, wheie they weie viewed yesteida and last evening by a laige tluong of sonow lng fi lends This motning at S 53 o'clock tho le malns will be taken ovei the Delawaie and Hudson load to Hone lale foi In tel ment In the family lot at that place. Snjs Ills Pocket ItooU Mas Stolen. Kato Williams, who lives in Temple eouit, was uircsted )estetda on a wui rant swoin out befoio Alderman Howe by J W Smothers, who alhges that the Williams womun and a girl who lived with liet stole his pocket-book containing $0 75 The will be given a hearing this uftti noon at J o'clock, Tho Oiigintil Antl-Su-cnr Hutton Holes In our collais when laundrled at the Lackawanna, 30S Penn ave, JAMES GANNON'S TESTIMONY HEARD Taken from the County Jnillo the Office of Commissioner M. A. AlcGlnley. APPEARS AS RESOLUTE AS EVER Sn)sIIul)id Not Ask lor or Consent to lime n Conditional or .Moulded Verdict Taken--Supposed That disc Was !o lie Tried 11s a Common Law Action in Kjeetiiient--Teitl-luoii) ol' Ills Sister. James Gannon, who hns been In the county jail for two yeais and eight months because he lefused to sign a deed as dltected by couit, left his pils 011 cell cstcidti and was taken to the law olllce of Attoine M A Mcalnle, on Washington avenue, wheie his deposition was taken The litigation which finally resulted In landing Gan non In jail has bet 11 In piogiess for over two dec-ndes In one foim 01 an other. In 1SS7 the suit which Is dliectlv 10 sponslble foi Gnnnon's Incaic oration, wns begun In tho form of an action In ejectment and was tiled befoie Jlnlge lland, who assisted the Jui In mould ing n conditional v millet which gave Gannon's sister possession ol the land but dltected hei to pi him the nmolint of mono he hid paid on the lot with Interest. A conditional veidlet Is pet inisslble In equitable ejictment pio ceedlngs, but not In common law ejectment suits, wheie the veidlet must lie either foi the plaintiff ot de fendant A new tilal was asked foi 1 Gan non's uttoines, Messis Burns and Sciagg, and one of the grounds spt ti lled was that the trial judge eired In moulding a veidlet A new tilal was lelused, the moiie due Gannon was tendei ed, he lefubed to sign a deed ti.insfenlng the piopeit as dltected by the couit. and In June, 1!91, he was) compiltted to jail foi contempt and he has been theie ever since ErFOIlTS TO GET HIM OUT. Kecently Attoine Rkhaid Busteed began ptocecdlngs with a view to hav ing Gannon leleased. lie seemed a lull- to show cause win a new tilal should not be granted, and Attorney M A McOiille was appointed a com mlsslonei to take testlmoii, the Intui tion being to show the couit that the pleadings in the case and the Intention of the plaintiff was to have the case tried as a common law action In eject ment Insliad of which It was tiled as an equitable action In ejectment The 111 st batch of testlmoii wns heaid esU.'tda by Connnlsionei McGInley In his olllce and one of the witnesses eani!ned was Gannon He was lep lesented by Attoinev Hlcliaid Busteed and Attoines Pitcher and Wells ap pealed foi the defendants In the eject ment suit. Gannon did not look as If his long Incaieeratlon had affected his health to any great extent. He Is still a laigo fiamed, lobust looking man apparentl about CO eais of age, anil seemed quite as lesolute as ever Ills an swers to the questions put to hlin would Indicate that his intellect is still sharp and keen He said he nev er asked for 01 consented to have a con ditional 01 moulded veidlet taken. He undei stood the action was to be tried as a common law ejectment suit. HIS SISTER TESTITIES Gannon's sistei, Mis Maigaiet Toid, testified that he heaid her niothei suv that the deed of the land In dispute should be given to James, for he had helped to pa foi the lot. Thomas Gannon testified to the vvoith of the lot and the length of time the Impiovements have been on It No othei testlmoii will be offeied on the pait of Gannon It is not cei tain that an will be offeied on the pait of the defense. Comniisslonei McGinle will Hie his testlmoii with the couit and It will then be consldeied b the judges Naj Aiip: Parle Colliery, Camuaii ic Stokes, Coal Operators Egg, Stou and Chestnut. AT MINES, $2.00, DELIVERED, $2.50. TELEPHONE, 3712. Collier), Gibson St, Tenth -wmil Olllce, 136 Wjominy dNCiute. Stiict attention given to oideis bj mail. BEST SETS BF TEETH. $8, Including tho pilnlcss oxti acting of teeth b un cutiicl now pioci.3a S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S 321 Spruce bt 1 Opp. Hotel Jernij n H. H. 1, Rill). REDUCED. REDUCED. ROfn BSack Fur Rugs $1.75, former price $2.25. Javanese Rugs, 26x54 inches, to close $1.00, worth $1.50. 9x12 ft. Japanese Rugs, $6.50. 3x3 ft. Japanese Rugs, 60c. Brussels ilitre Rugs Half Price. Smyrna Rugs 30x60 inch $1.50. Mat size 50c. S (LARGE NEW KIND OF LICENSE. Tnlilrriiilt pplles lor Authority to ,1(111 Minis Out ol NciiHon. Dr. Alexander, a local taxldeimlst, vesteulnv, through I'lothouotiuy 1'iy or, Hindi' application to the state de paitmeiit for a license to kill blids out of sea' on, vvhleh Is piovldetl foi by a special act or the tcglslatute. This Is the fit st time that such a li cense has been petitioned for In this county. Tailor mado fall suits and overcoats, latest styles, John Hoss, 307 Spiuca Btreet. 2G0 XX Vhlto Envelopes for 17c. nt 3c. Store, MJ I.ack'a. nve. Men in Ileiiliug and I'liimliiiig. P. F. &. II. T. How ley, 231 Womlng ave. Mill Collars with soft button holes, The Lacka wanna Laundry 308 Penn nve. DIKE). ri'LI.nit In Scranton, Pi , at her late icsIUmipc Chinch avenue, Tob. I, 1M7 Mis Pullv Ann Pullci, wife ol Pi uuols Puller, ngiil S. yens Piuietul prlvule, Satin dn, Peb C, at J iO p in For Saturday and Monday, Scllng nt such prices Is n great loss, but the friends vvu nuik) innl the trade vc do cumpmsates us for the loss. Kaliirtlii) and -Momla) Specials. Ten doen Tiluuncil Sillora, nil tlio loadliu stlus nnd sliapcs. louulur O7o prico.Sl nnd SI S Special hnle Price L I b Ten dozen 1 in nti'l Vino Wdol Piesi t-h ipi t, luiinii of thorn sold for 51 60 1 - bpiclnlhnlo Price IG 13 Trimmoil Hits midoof good nm toil its mid trimmod st llsli. bpe. J"1 OC clnl bale Price ,. ....tpliZO -0 'lilinmod lints, mado up to Boll for SKIO Sr.00 nnd $U 00 breclal bale M "JC Price vH0 Larl Purchasers Secure the Margins. A. R. sawyer, ,,;,?,; Ave UP-TO-DATE GOODS UP-TO-DATE PRicES ON OUR Extra Strong Wira Polato Masher Fancy Flue Stopper, 4-Quart Milk Pans. 3-Qiiart Pudding Pans. Crick-Loaf Bread Pans. RetinnerJ Soup Ladles. 1 6-Inch Basting Spoon. Japanned Fire Siiovols. StoYe-Covor Lifter. Bird-Cage Gups. Bird Snail. Bird Gravel. Betinned Sk.mmer. And one thousand other Useful Articles. Sohmar Piano Stands at the Head AND J. OULRNbnV Stanils ut the (lead in tlio Music tuck You can alwnjs get ft hotter b.iiRalu at his linutiful warorooras than nt any otlioi platu in tlio city. Call nud sen foi youiself befoio bujint', 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. J. V. OUERNSEY, Prop. Elli SPECIAL PRICES flnr nnni Htril Dt Ml 51 llll. UlJ I 11 ISIflTIflMC 406 Lackawanna Ave. Ml SUM, Opp. Wyoming Hous3, WINDOW.) W. W, BERRY. JliWJiLM 423 Lackawanna Avenue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sterling Silver And Cut Glass. Great Reductions in All These Goods. Watches and Clocks Re paired on short notice. Retiring From Business Our entiie stock of CLOTHING, HATS AND In both out stoics, 412 SpiHICC St., and '205 Lackawanna Au, wll bu closed out at PRID2S EXTRAORDINARILY LOW to facilitate a speedy wind-up of our bttbiiicbs. STERLING SILVER . . . Is :i new addition to our stock at Itotcom Prices. Opened an other new line o White China For Decorating Prices and styles talk, as wc are selling lots of it. METROPOLITAN A HALL C J. WEICHEL, Mcars Uldg, Cor. Wash, and Sprue: St. THE Builders' Hardware, Gas, Plumbing and Electric Fixtures, Eleotrio Light Wiriag. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING 434 LACKAWANNA AVE, A. E. ROGERS' Jewelry Store, 213 LACKAWANNA A EN J: DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, WATCHES. Look at our $10 Gold Watches, Warranted 15 Years. 213 Lackawanna Avenua. III u CQNNELL CO., ill I 1 13 Ijji" i3BiSW! "' BI HATS AT Dunn's