The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 04, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Pulnc's Wh'st Hoards, latest and best
Wc hac all sizes and styles.
Also Whist Cards; In large variety,
ly the pack or by the doen.
Games of amusements, all sorts,
for old and young people.
Hlanl: Account Hooks,
all sorts and all sizes, from
the vest pocket mem. to the
largest Ledger, for all soits business.
Statloneiy, ccr)thlng desirable
for the office, desk or counter,
all the standard sorts and uo cities,
Choice Stationery for ladles' use.
Enrniii! and Printing to order
of Calling Cards and Invitations
on shoit notice and light pi ices.
Sec our Specimens and get prices.
Fancj (loods at greatly i educed piicis.
bargains in secral lines
tb reduce stock.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
Ill I
00i0 1 0
t The Finest
We Ever Had in the Hill.
Wholesale It.
3 6 LiiMftWAim a;.
County Commissioner
In Harilshut'.
Giles Roberts Is
Il-Slurllf Low Is was a visitor In Wilkes.
Ilane isteid.ty.
Hon. William Council and James S. Mc
Anultv are In New Yoik Uty.
Mis. A. Hentele, of Lackawanna avenue,
has been culled to Allentown b the ill
ness of her sister.
Daniel Langstaff, of Mulberry stieet,
leaves today tor rioiida, where he will
iemain until Aurll.
Rt Rev. Hlshop O'Haia, accompanied by
Rc Mlihael I.oftus, was In Ilkes-Baiie
jesteiUay morning.
Mis. I.eC.iand Wilght and damjhtor,
Mis. Ilinij N. Atheiton, sptnt estudav
with i datives at Plttston.
Re James S. Kagan, of Great Bend,
was the t'liest of Rev. P. J. McManus, of
St Paul's ehuteh, on Mond.iv.
Mis llaulmheigh, wile of Senator llar
cleiibergli, was the must ot Mrs. liuinham,
at C.J Madison avenue, on Monduj.
W N. Biooks, of Boston, who has Gen
eral chaige of the Banister bhoe eom
punj's. stole, suicisoi to I Bannlstei,
had long- been identllkd with the Intel -ests
ot the Janus A Banister compan.v, ol
Newaik, X. J , nuikeis ot lino shoes, and
his thoiough knuwledgu of the business
and up to date methods will doubtless voon
plate him In the liont tallies ot Snalitou's
business men.
A suipilse pai ly was given at the home
of James O'Toolu Tuesilu evening, Tliose
J)ieseut weie. ilisses (Nettle Goldui,
l.otte Sullivan, Belinda Hanlon, Gi.ue
O'Toole, M.ugaiet Ruddy, llcniietta Col
lins and Mil Golden, fiom Now Yolk;
Lama GUioy, Josephine Gllio, and a
tcoie of otlui oung ladles, with Geoigo
Ash, Edwaid Dutty, Joliu Goldeii", .lames
O'Toole, 1'etei Gilmes, Chatles Luttus
and Will Mulherln.
In Washington hall, Dunmoie, on ed
nesd.i evening; IVb. M, a pio-LCnten
daiue will be given that plomlsis. to bo
a social event of much impoi tance In
Dunmoie, A limited numbei of invita
tions have been Issued. The patronesses
of the dance are: Mis. John Duggan, -Mis.
F J Uvvyei, Mrs. J. J. Healey, Mrs. V.
J. Costello, .Mis, J. D. Boyle, Mrs 1'. D
Manej. Mis. P J Hoian, Mis P H lion
Ban, Mis J E Swirt, Mrs J. B. Uaivev,
Mrs J R Muiphy, Mis 1 T Mongan.
John P. Munlej Is secietaiy of the exe
cutive committee In charge of the dance
In our show windows you
will see the greatebt ofler in
Gent's Shoes for this ssason, all
stjles and Kinds. Toruierly sold
at'3 50. Will sell lor
i it
; P-ftU pair. ;
4 oooooooooooooo
I 410 Spruce Strea!, j
South Side AuliSewcrIlcs Send a
mil tee to Hie Mayor.
It Is Decided to riist'l'rj to Iliuu Hip
Ulilcctloiialilu Urdi'iuuiuu Vetoed,
mid ii'Thiil rails to right It in the
Courts--TIiito Were Some I'm
Suwerlte" nt the .Hut-tin;;, but Tlioj
Did NdthiiiK l"t Think.
.Another met Hub ot the opponents of
the pioposed new newer on the South
Side was held 111 Ht. John's hall, on
Stone avenue, lust night. Them weie
uliout one handled men pU'seut, lcl
leHPiitltiR the Twelfth vvnid und the
tipper poitlou of the Xlneleentli, the
innjoilty ot lliein uiblil nntl-si'vveiltts,
hut a lew being; either not avowedly
opposed to the pioject or eltm ladllfei
ent, the last unined tillditlinif out of
uuloslty to know' what was ltciIuk on. .
No one of Hip pio-sew elites made any
attempt to voice Ills ennvletlcilH They
weie sathilled to fct oiouud and listen,
ai'd oxehaaue occasional wink" amont?
tlK'ins"lvts 01 with a ied-hot pio-fanver
ill legation wltli h ciinu fi om dow n ulonir
Plltstiin avenue with e-Siletl Coun
ellinan rii.ulo'i V. Weslpl'nhl at thell
head. Tl.eie was no lack ol nccchC3,
howevvr. us may he well believed
It was mil iliemed m"i"!ai to nn
nounce what the meitliu; was foi 01 to
mal.e anv foiiual motion to st.u t a ills
iikiImu. The.v weie llieie m the vast
limjuilu ol them vv'eie, to light t'1"
sewn and the only iiuestlon to he iif
Ktied was the best way to light It. Af-
la an hours discus-Ion or nu-uoi
(.peaches and about sit dll'leient sug
gestions) It was linallv decided to send
a couimlllip to piny the major to vvlth
hold his sliriuiluie fi om tne ouUnaiici'
and if that did not iiceivil, then lo 03
cme an attorney and flht the thins In
Coiumon Conncllinaii Moii?an Sweo
iu, of tin Twelfth, who was ehoen to
jueslle in the absence of Kdwind Tia
l H, told how be, single-handed, haltled
..traliisl the pas&age or the measuie
thiough the lower blanch and how ho
vvu oveicciine by the foice ol supeilur
numbers. He thin gave It as his opin
ion that It would be quite futile to seek
to India e the mayoi ftom signing a
meastiu which had viitually leeclvid
the unanimous Mite of councils but al
lowed that it would do no haim to tiy.
He 1 illevcd in chipping ill and hit ins a
good attomcv to light the oidiuance In
couit, Iccllng ossuied tl'.at it would be
possible to llnd a. weak spot In it as the
Lackawanna lion and Coal company
did two Mills ago.
K-v-Hchool Conti oiler James O'Boyle
favoied the sending of a committee to
the major, believing that his honor
could not tuin a deaf ear to the aigu
nii nts ot a committee lepiesentlng HO
per cent of the people aftected h the
oidlnani e
1'. A. Cavanaugh said he was not op
posed to piogiess and impiovemtnts,
but he was not In favor of an uniiee
essaiy Impiovement such as he consid
eied the pioposed sewer to be. He be
loved In sending out a petition lor
signers and then laying It before the
ma or.
petition; no good.
Owen Walsh said petitions weie no
good and IMwaul Coleman favoied the
i omnilttce plan. A motion to delegate
a committee ot twent-ilve to piotest
against tho major signing the oi di
lutee was passed and the following weie
named as the committee: John Ii. Mil
ler, 1'. A. Cavanaugh, Philip Xealon,
John Convey, Kdward Coleman, John
Call, Hdw.ud 1,. Fiany, John Nealon,
Hugh Caftiey, James O'Boyle, Moigan
Sweeney, Owen Walsh, Thomas Kelly,
Edwaid riii hie, .lame'! Mauley, Peter
.Ionian, Hemy Joidan, Fiank AVest,
John Kennedy, Patiick Banett, Martin
Roche, Michael McCuIre, Itoger
Oi lines, AVilllam Tiee, Patiick Weir,
John Uttiodt.
Tho committee met after the ad
journment ot the mass meeting and ap
pointed Messi.s. Sweeney, Couv el and
Coleman to secuie an audience with
the maor for next Satin day night.
The committee then adjourned to
meet net Satuulay evening at G'M
o'clock at CuAanaugh's Htoie.
Piosentcd bj an I'-xceptionally Strong
Cast Last Niuht.
The audience that saw- "Dr. Belgiaff"
at the Fiothlngham last night wus en
thusiastic, notably so, but it was plav
pis rather than the play that called
foith the enthusiasm, "Di. Belguiff"
Is daik, mm bid and neive rneklng, a
soit of combination qf "Tillbj" and
"Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" and with a
company' less competent than Wilton
Laekayo and ills associates would bo
posithedy dull.
Dr. Belgialf Is a scientist who Is ab
soibed In Ills opet intents so much so
that he tails to leall.e that the atmes
pliete he lives in does not satisfy the
longings of his oiphan sister, just bud
ding Into womanhood. They leslde to
gether and so lai as he can he keeps
her i'-olated from the woild in a cutlet
Hngllsh village. She meets Sir Geolfiey
Langham, a titled scoundiel, Is tempt
ed und deceived. Her bi other has ob
tained a hypnotic Inlluence over Lang
ham's sister and makes her subject to
his will. Tluough her ho pioposes to
be leveiiged on the bi other. "Slater for
slstei" Is the eiy of vengeance he utters.
Sir Oeoftiey enteit. Dr Belgian's la
bmatoiy one day and taunts him ubout
the sistei he has mined and in a. lit of
lago the doctor sti angles his caller.
Just nt this moment Langham's sistei
uppeais on the scene and to save hiin
selt lioin exposuie for the inuider the
doctor hypnotizes) her and declines she
must iemain In that condition foi the
remainder of her life.
Remorse drives the doctor to dilnk
nml he llnally loses his coutiol over
Agnes Langham and knowing that his
crime Is about to find him out he com
mits suicide When she tecovers her
noimal condition of mind the teal facts
of the murder become known and her
lover, Geiald Fenton, whom she ac
cused of the murder at the suggestion
of Dr. Belgraff, Is leleased. This la the
gruesome stoiy of the drama.
Tho acting of Mr, Luekaye in the
title lole vva- tiuly a vvoik of nit. For
the time being he seemed Dr. Belgialf
In every action, movement and manner
Ism. His peisonallty was obliterated.
Mnile WulnvvilBht, Fonest Robinson,
All-o Avails, Caiollne Franklin, Aided
Hampton and those steillng old actois,
Joseph Allen and C, W. Couldock
lound out a company of exceptional
met It whoso equal Iiuh not been seen
lu Scrautou since Mr, Laekayo was heie
with the 1'aliner Stock tompany thiee
yeais ago
After the second act he was com
pelled to tome befoie tho curtain tlueo
times to bow Ills acknowledgments to
the storm of applause. A laifiQ ntldl
ence saw Hie iiriiiluctlotu
Ku) slouc I, mid Coinpituv Makes a
Large l'liroliuse on Most S.dc.
What will constitute one or tho most
extensive leal estate liiovenlentH In
uugutated In the vicinity of Seinnton
for weveinl jean p'lst, took definite
f oi in lccenllv by the put chum: of
eighty-one anil one-half acteH or land
on the West Side bv tho Keystone
Land cimumuv. This company, which
was oianlr.ed on Januaty 25, will
shoitly be Incot pointed by the state
with a capital of $C0 000. Its otllceiH
aie (.Mimics Sehlatrer, piesldent, W.
W Watson, vice piesldent, G F. Rey
nolds, secietaiy and tivalnuer. Tile
dlicetois ate. C D. Jones, V. J. Par
lott, J T. i'oitel, O. F. RoMloltK J. S,
l!enold, Clmiles Schlagei and W. W
The land purchased by the company
eompilses what Is known as the old
Von Stoidi lutm, iiontlng on South
Main avenue and boi deling on Hound
oods paik, The land slopes gently
fiom South Main nvenue and has for
.veais been under cultivation. As soon
a-; the weathei penults a foico ot civil
englneeis will be engaged to inn stieets
thiotigh the tiaet, and to divide the
gioiind Into lots for the building of
Theie will be ovei 150 huge building
lots. It is anticipated that the lots will
easily llnd nui chasers for the site Is
ne .u nuineious Industiles, emploIng
many people, and the company pio
poses to :ml the land befoie the pub
lic on llbeial terms. Dining the com
ing sumniei seveial lesldence will be
gonstiucted on the land
.flajoi .Monti ose Itm niirit to Uesign
Mis Position in the Tim teenth.
..Mnjni Monti i 'ie Hatnaid, who for
some eajs pist, has been connected
with the Hillside Coal and lion coin
puny of this city, h'ns ai cepted the posi
tion of assistant supeiiiitelideut ot the
Blosslnng bituminous coal mines, lo
cated nt Ulossbuig and will shoitly
make that place his home. His leaving
the city will necessitate his leslgnatlon
as an olllcei ol the Thli teenth leglment.
lie has been Identified with this oi
ganlation since Its foimation and has
pioved hiinselt a cnpible and popular
olllcei Major Barnaul is at piesent in
attendance at couit In Montiose and
upon his latum he will make piepaia
tlons to move to his new home.
lSeevo .loues Pleasantli- Enter
tains Her Husband's Pupils.
Mis. Reeve Jones gave a five o'clock
tea yesterday to the pupils or Mr. Jones.
Alls. Jones was assisted by Mis. T. J.
Pi ice, Miss Edith Jones, Mis. Piotheroe
and Miss Elizabeth Thomas. Arter tea
a pliMio foite was given by the
pupils of air Jones. The? lollowing pu
pils paiticipated: Miss Lillian Ilain
inett. Miss Belle Duncan, Miss Bone,
Miss Goodman, Miss Iiaines, Miss Nel
lie Fulton, Miss Gealej, Miss Llllie Mor
l Is, Miss Anna Jones and Miss Edith
The composeis lepiesented In the le weie Beethoven, Mendelssohn,
Chopin, Giel and otheis. The "Moon
light Sonata" by Beethoven, Noctuine
in G minor, by Chopin; conceit waltz,
by Vv'inlnawskl, sonata pathetic by
Beethoven weie among the selections
given b the advanced pupils.
The w is u most pleasing affair
thioughout and lelleetod cm e lit both
upon the pupils and their Instiuctor.
Hold in Hail to Answer a Cliaigi
I.aii'tni) hi Bailee.
Ike Posnei, a young man who piom
i?cs to become a Ncpoleon of business,
was befoie Aldeiiuan Millar e-3teiday
alteinoon chaiged with laiceny by
bailee. He Is a son of a lower Lacka
wanna avenue clothing meich'ant.
On Oi t. 15 last Posner went to the
Globe and Valley House shoo stores
on Lackawanna avenue and obtained
live pail 3 of shoes, two at the toimei
and thiee at the latter store. Ho said
he had customeis who wanted to buy
shoes and would submit those he had
obtained tioin the stents for appioval.
Neither the shoes 01 their equivalent
weie i etui ned and jesteiduy the piopil
elois ot these stoics had Posner ar
lested. His lnthei furnished SHOO ball
for the joung man's appeal anee at
Diowsiness Is
dispelled by UL'CCII-
To Cuio n Cold in Ono Day.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it
falls to cute. 25 cents.
Tou can snve money by buying specta
cles of Sllvorstone, the eye specialist, ut
303 Lackawanna avenue, onely ono lllBht
over tho LehlKh Valley ticket otnee. The
following prices will satisfy you that they
are tho cheapest In the city: Solid gold.
rimmed spectacles at $3 50 per pair; filial
bows at 12; nlcklo bows from 50c. to $15;
aluminum bows from 73e. to $2 00; colored
glasses from 25c. to $1.23. Wo have a larjje
line of reading glasses, the best In t)i9
maiket, at 23c per pair Opera and mag
nifying glasses at reduced prices, Of.
flco houis, S a. in. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m.
Remember that your eyes will bo exam.
Incd freo and battsfiictton Is guaranteed.
Why lot your home nd business bn deatroy.
lid through utron,.' drink or morpulno when
rou cun bo cured la four wuolcs at the Ktolor
Institute, 723 MudUon uvunuo Bcrantoa, P.
rue Cur Will Bear lavfitlgntlea.
'Pennsylvania Coal Company Is Making
' I:tcnsie ImfroNcmcnts.
New IMnn Now Almost Perfected
Makes a limit Cliuugc. in lliuidliug
the Coal Irani No. I, No. 7 und
IliMt's Hrcnliuo-Onu ol the ."Host
Coiupact and c Arransed Plants
in Antliiauitu Coal I'lelds.-Towers
ut ISicnl.eis Ite'iug 'l'likcn Down.
Tito Pennsjlvnnla Coal company Is
keeping abieast of the times lu the way
or model n Impi in emeiits for mining and
piepai Ing coal One could not be mom
sliongly Impiessed with this fact than
on a visit to the Hwen bleaker, says
the Plttston Gazette, w heie much acllv -Ity
Is In piogiess, making a vei liable
tinnsfoi mallon In the entile plant and
Introducing an until eiy new st'teni to
this vlelnltj.
Tlio luipiovements affect not only the
bieakei, hut the mines that empty their
piodilct Into the bieakei as well. They
am undeigulng a oveihaullug,
thus, In a sense, linking the entire rom
pluics llovt, Nos, 7 and ! shalts and
the Hwen bieukei Into one. The most
etenlve tiansloi matlon, however, Is at
the Hwen. Foimeily laige cits were
loaded at that mine and urn by a
iciiindnboul vvny p.nsing over a long
tie'tllng to empty the coal Into the
Intake). All this Is done away with
and 'in entlinlv new svstem intioditced.
1'he t.illin id tricks over which the
laige lais weie roimeilj inn havo-been
chnngeil to a lutiovv gunge load. As
the small cuis am hoisted out of the
dllfpient mines connected with the sys
tem they w ill bP Immediately taken by
meuns ot small locomotives to the
The new plan does away with the ad
ditional dumping Into the gi.ivlty cats.
When the cms aie conveved to the
bieakei fiom No. I and 7 shaft", they
pass ovri a new scale, wheie they are
weighed and dumped Into a pit located
alongside of the weigh house, then pass
ing au'Uiid a ch'cult and back to the
mines again The llojt shaft, which Is
located on the lower side of the bieak
ei, MMids its pioduet up another loute
and connects with the track lending
fiom Nos -I and 7 and passing over the
TAKnx to Tim biirai:er.
'j'he coal, when dumped into the le
cclving pit. Is conveed to the bleaker
by moans ot immense comoyois that
aie suppoited hj a huge lion tiestllug
built In the shape ot a plane. These
conveyoi, will be In continuous motion.
The entile aftalr Is located on the west
side of the bieakei, and the distance
fiom the pit to the top or tho nieakei,
wheie the coil Is to be conveyed, Is
piobiblv 00 icet This contilvanee is
new In this vicinity and foinis piob
ably the most expensive pait of the en
tile Impiovcments. This pm Hon of the
wink was finished on Satm day last.
Other impiovemenls that aie being
made in the bii-aker is the placing In
petition or new tolls or ciusheis of
laigoFand moie modem design. A new
system of disposing oLthe accumulation
of culm is nlso being constuicted. This
will be done by means of laige con
veyois. The same principle as that used
to convey the coal to the brejkei will
be emplojed only In a smaller scale.
The conveois will inn down through
the bleaker and out tliiough the
southern side of the building by means
ot a long tiestllng and deposited into
lecelvlng pockets that ate now being
elected on top of the culm pile, riom
theie, the culm will be emptied Into
cats and dumped us foimerly. All of
these mechanical aitangements will be
piopelled by the engines that tormeily
oieinled the bieaker machine y, with
the assistance of an additional engine
which will soon be placed In position.
A new boiler plant In connection with
the entlie system hns been constuicted
to furnish power to No 7 and No. 4,
Hoyt shafts, and the IJwen bieakei,
thus doing away with the boiler looms
at these shafts. The vvoik on the boiler
plant was completed about one week
ago. Since then steam has been mn
thiough the pipes In oulei to peifectly
test them. So far they have wotked
veiy satisfactorily. The plant consists
of thiee chests of bollei, or twelve
Small conveyois lun from the bleak
er to the flte loom, which convey the
coal In suflleient quantity to feed the
laige furnaces. The same convenor,
after passing tlnouih the fire room, is
uiianged so us to pass under the lloor
diiectTy opposite the- Hie boxes and
convey the ashes to the tear of the
building When the flies am being
cleaned, holes In the lloor lecelve the
ashes and after the Hi email has fln-
Commencing M
In order to acquaint people with our LINEN DE
PART flENT we intend giving them the greacest bargains
ever offered in this city,
been opeued.
Of Reeds & Barnsley Manufacturing:.
3jc. Cream Damask "trk'tly pine linen 23.
Wo. Cieam Danuieh sliU'tlj puiu linen J'Je.
43c. Cieam Damask bttlctly puie llnuu aji.
DOo Cltam Damask stilctly puio linen IMt
fh",e. Cltam Damatk stiletl pule linen -lie.
Cic Cream D.imiihk btrlctly pure linen 5Sc.
ts'ic. Cieam stilulj pine llnen.ivic.
5.k nieachfd Snow White 4Cc.
(,0c? Illeached Snow White COe.
7.'ie. llleatheil Snow Whltu i,Se
!KV ltleaihetl Snow White 7ik
$1 00 IJUached Snow White iic.
ami a laige assoi tuient of line linens
laiwlni; in pilots fiom $1 2u to 3.00per yaid
ut cicatl) leilueeil pilots..
Napkins, bqunip, worth COc , for .. 47e
Nupklus, Stquaie vvoith S0l , foi G9t
Nunl-.liis.. suuax.. woith $100. for !Sc
Napkins, laige dinner, vvoith $1 CO, foi $1 13 J
Ished Ills occupation these holes are
coveted up and the conveyois do the
rest. Thee am opeiuted by a small
engine located at one end of the com
modious Hie loom,
At No. 4 shaft the towet which was
foi met ly Ued to hoist the coal to the
top of a high tiestllng In older that the
coal us It came up out or the mine
could be dumped Into chutes and thence
Into the large cms, Is being torn down
This Is no longet needed since the cats
aie to bo hoisted only to the stitraco.
At No 7 shaft the same changes In
legal d to the tower us at No. I shaft
am being made, both shafts having
vvoiked on the same principle. Besides
this, another meat ohange In the foi
ni or niranrrement at ah of the mines
of which mention has been made, Is In
progiess. A lingo plane Is being elect
ed. I'n this will he drawn and dumped
all of the lock taken out of the differ
ent shafts.
Foimeily each of the thiee mines
hud their own lock dump In the di
lute No. 7 will bo the genciul dump for
nil or the thiee mines. A new set of
engines will be placed in position at
this place to convey the small cars up
the plane. This Is also quite an Impor
tant change lu funnel methods. No. 7
junction will be the hendquai tots for
the cuipentcis. Foi met ly car shops
weie located at each of the seveial
mines. Now till ol the cats In need of
l epulis oi new enrs, will be consti noted
at this one plate.
At Hoyt shaft the tower Is being low
eied to coiiespond with the otheis. All
of the impioveinents are on a huge
scale and when completed will foim
one of tho most systematic coal pio
iluclng and piep.ulng plants lu the nn
tlnaeite legon. The system will be the
means of abandoning the old No. 1
plane at Pmt Grilllth which has hud
many yeuis of sen lee dining the most
piospeious times this legion has ever
Known. The positions foimeily occu
pied by dumpeis, t minors, etc, will be
done away with under the new older
ot things. It Is thought that the bleak
er will be mady lor opeiation In about
a month's time,
lie Is Cliurgcil with Praiul by Arthur
Attorney D. P. Replogle was arrested
seveial dajs ago on a charge of daiid
We've made up our minds, The cutlery stock shall
be closed out. It's a department that doesn't pay as well
as we wish. Maybe it's because we've carried such a high
class of goods. People thought they were dear. They were
a little high in price compared with the cheap trash with
which the market is flooded. Well, there'll be no more com-
plaint on that score. These prices are as low as you pay
for poor stuff. These are A No. i, made by the Meriden
Cutlery Co. Every piece hand forged and warranted as to
temper and satisfaction-giving qualities,
Knives and Forks
Six of each comtilete a set. Fine
steel blades and ood wearing han
dles. We mention three grades:
40c. the doren.
58c. the dozen.
75c. the dozen.
Pocket Knives
All our 25 and 3; cent pocket
knives aie bunched together tor go
ing. And you know what good
values we gave for that price. What
do you say when you get them
Today at your choice for 19c ?
Or our choice of the 50 and 75 cent
one-, for 39c.
Safety Razors
Self-shaving is not only possible
but pleasurable with one of these.
And how quick the money you pay
for one comes back to you, Two
or thiee weeks of shaving saving,
and fiom that on it's all clear gain.
S2. 00 the rmikei asks for them.
The balance of ouis goat 75c. each.
Complete in box with blade holder
foi stiopping.
Choice of all the Scissors
In the store to Jay for 19c,
goods are
new, having just
Napkins, large dinner, worth $- 00, for.Jl 50
Napkins, large illnutl, worth i.2'i. for $1.70
Napkins, laige dlniui. vvoith $.'.50, oi.$l.'.'J
A largo fctoik of hlghei-pilced goods..
$100 laige crochet quilt, for COc,
$l.Jo laigo ciochit quilts toi D5c.
Muisellles quilts, all glades, at tcducid
Something new, Stevens 13ros." soft finish
clashes- icady for use.
Si. eiash foi Cc,
10c . crash for 7c.
Uc crtifch for Sc.
15c uiash for IJ's?.
5c cotton crash Jc.
Ge cotton crabh SV.c
Towels, largo stock, at two-thirds actual
415, 417 Lackawanna
preferied by Aithur Frothlnghnm. Mr.
Fiothlughntn alleges that he gave Rep
logic a note for $125 for cash to that
amount which was loaned him for u
conslduiatlon of $10. He nveis that he
pnld I ho note but despite this Mr. Rep
logle had It entoied up und tin execu
tion Issued on It.
Aldcimnu Millar, before whom lie was
given a healing yosteulay, held him In
$.100 ball. Mr. Rcplogle declined to fur
nish bull and nsked to be committed.
The uldciman thereupon directed Spec
ial Ollleer Jack I'leincy to take him Into
custody, which wan done. Mr. Replogle
themupon, tluough Attorney Chniles
U Olver Iniilltulcd habeas corpus pio
ceedlngs for his leleasc. ' The hnbcis
corpus was gi anted during tho after
noon by Judge Atchbald.
Hnghies and Dvnanios Were llciug
Tested Last Night.
The tetnporaj plant of the Scranton
Illuminating Heat and Power comp in.v
was the scene of gieat activity lust
night. The two engines, live Incandes
cent and thiee aie light dvnuinoa hud
been put In plnce und weie being test
ed. Wheels w hit led, belts Hew and
snapped, steam hissed nnd vvoikmen
Ultted hither and thither Intent on the
vvoik of pel footing thu maehlnety and
of getting a covet Ing over the engines
and dynamos to protect them fiom the
Today the company, bailing acci
dents, expects to furnish power and
electi le lights to Its customeis und to
motiow anticipates being able to fur
nish Its own aie lights. The tempor
al y plantadjolns the one burned down
Sunduy moinlng and will be ued until
tho new one Is completed.
Import of the Commissioners Piled
with Court Ycstciday.
Attorneys James L "Watklns and II.
M. Mulholland, commissioners In the
Dickson City contested election cases
ol M. r. Fadden and John J. Altken
for the ofllce of councilman, and Fred
Iiels and James Cayglll for school con
ti oiler, yesterday filed their leport In
An older was made that the repot t
be filed and that exceptions It any
are to bo made must be taken within
ten days. Aiguments will be heard at
n later day to be IKed by court.
A Special
In cabinet photo frames todav.
made of brass and gold plated.
50c. to Si.oo, worth double.
We've a lot of imitation Rock
wood jardinieres that cannot be
told from the genuine, and at this
sale they're yours at one-fifth the
25c. and up.i
Cut 'em to cost, said the mana
ger to the ad. man. That means
a big saving to the basket buyers
of today.
All the 3jC. baskets 19L today,
And s.0 on up to the biggest and best.
Unframed Pictures
Home decorators for ever so lit
tle. Ot course we'd like to frame
'em for you, but you can get them
framed elsewhere if you wish. But
pi ices like these aie only to be had
at Rl-XrORD'S:
Imitation l'astelles, 20x24, 15c.
Real Etchings, 14x30, 19c.
Photo Grav tires, 22x28, 50c.
Artotj pes, 11x14, St.
Lackawanna Ave.
l n ts
onday, February I,
Having bought a large stock of the very lowest prices
Cotton Goods ever sold at. we propose to give our custom
ers the benefit of our purchase:
Cc. flood Muslin only 4c.
7e. l'orest G'.o.
7Hc 11111 "-"
7i.c. I.onsdalo Cc.
7'c. fruit of Loom Cc.
U-c. 1'rlilo of West 10c.
12'c. Lonsdale Cumbilc 9c.
12c I.ockwood 5-1 1', C. Muslin 9c.
He. I.ockwood C-l 1'. C. Muslin lie,
13c. I.ockwood 50-Inch Muslin lQs.
17c I.oekwooil S-4 Sheeting
20c. I.ockwood 9-1 Sheeting
22c I.ockwood 10-4 Sheeting ....
19c. 1'tlca S-l Sheeting
21c. 1'tlca 8-1 Sheeting
2Jc. Utlta 10-1 Sheeting
,14c. ICc.
ICe. 1&C
ISc 20c.
15Vsc 17c.
l"".e. 19c.
19c. 21c.
Avenue, Scranton,
Closing out sale Odds
and Kncls, parts of sets
and complete sets of open
stock pattern which we
wish to close. Now is
your time to buy good
goods at prices of poor
Tornier l'reqont
,, , Price. l'rlce.
nd0!0?.' br.n S 4.60 $ 2.49
1()ne.I.,sou.1.,!!,.l; 10.00 8.49
'WfSilKffi' 18.00 12.98
muZti' 28.00 22.00
11u!.'!ncortc,0!?.a..c:1.,! 34.35 24.98
151 Pleco Docoritod Tlieo.
to"?.!1:? 100.00 85.00
Odd Pieces of Glassware.
Tumblers, Etc.
131 Wjoiiilng Avenue.
Walk in and look around.
School of Music, 5:0 Spiucc St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singing
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Sclnmvenka
Conservator', New York. Also other
competent teachcis engaged. Mr. Thiols
is the successor to the late
Coal of tho best quality for domestic u
and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat anil
Ulrdseyo, delivered lu any part of the city,
at tho lowest price.
Orders received at tho Ofllce. first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. J:
telophone No. 2624 or at tho mine, telo
phono No. 272, will be promptly attended
to.Dealers supplied at the mine.
Good Apron Gingham 3c.
liest Apton Gingham 5c.
Hist Inillgo Hluo Calico ic.
Good Calico v.3c.
Shaker rinnnel 4c.
Good Ilrowu Muslin, only 3c,
Tine Hi own Muslin, only 4c.
7c. Brown Muslin 5Ku.
7c. Atlantic A, only Sa.
7c. Atlintlc H, only 64e.
lie. Debt I.ockwood 5-1 1. C. Muslin . Sc.
13c. Hist Dockwood ii-1 I' C. Muslin. .109.
Hest Lockwood 8-1 Sheeting IJ'sC
licit Lockwood 9-1 Sheeting ,...140.
Hest Lockwood 10-1 Sheeting ....16o.
Hest Utlta !s-4 Sheeting ,'l3sc.
Best I'tlea 9-4 Sheeting 15ViC
Hest Utlca 10-4 Sheitlng 17c.
a D a a VaUmm
OmaLfft I L i
M& u H Iu9 U 1 I DBS e2
3 m H A i i t Bus