The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 03, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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tfiMilcrii ulll pleaup nolo Hint nilerlre-mi-iit.
order for Job worts, nml turns fur
I nfallrntioii left nt the eitabllsliiiitnt of
Shannon fr Co , lir-wnclenlpra, North Main
Fticet, will tpcohe lirompt ntti-ntloiu ot
l!re open riom S a. m to 10 p. m J
Sor.icf lit M. Hose Con,i'til--Ut.
ltd. Nillimii O'llurii Olliciatcs.
Tito soldiin fili-pi of le-cllnti unci
Viofpsslim at St. Uosp cmi(iit pstui
il ly nftemoem weio nttpndul 1 n IntKc
mnnlter nt the clergy "I thp iIIocpsp
Many Mends of tin ouni? slstprs wlt
ni'SBed the heuiitlftil cerement 'a lit
fullowlnK novices, 1st. Jtev. Wlllluni
ii Ilnra ortlplatinu, lciclxeil the black
veil anil made their micas
Sister Mary Dnlel, South Krianton'
Winter Mnty Cjillln, Diiniiioto: Slstei
iMaiy Timothy, Aoen: Sister Muty
I'litlinrln, South Si i anion; Sister Mnty
Uraldlne, Carbondalp. Slstei Jlm
hike, Aoea: Sister .Mnty Annan In.
I'.nbondnle; Slater Maiy Moihi, Sus
The follow Ins ynutiR 1adto? leeehed
11iu linly lmblt or ipIIkIoii: Miss Maiy
tinDklns, Wllkes-Hano, to lie known
in religion as Sister ?.Inr Tlisuleim.
Miss Lorettu ill Hugh, Duninore, to be
1 nown as Sister Maiy Vo Chantnl, Miss
Cathaline Gill, of Parsons, to be known
s Sister Maiy Mariplla. Mt-s Mai unlet
Pierney, of Hunt Mend, to ho known
in Sister Mniv maeliitli. Miss Itose
Inskln, West Hpiauton, whose lellslous
nime is Sister Mat l'adiia
The ilepointlwiH of the nllni weie
vfry beaulliul and the sen lie most
implesKhe ,
Tinfliol)ulu)i'(l -ii Souial Hotns
I bo Simisli I'll.
Woikmen weie busy until
hour yesterday morning In
nic1 0160111111? mi the dibils
an eaib
the Kile
of a bad
w i eeic.
No one Is to blame for the accident
as It was caused by a diawhead in one
uf the cms pulllnR out. A coal tialn In
i barge of. Conductor Lewis r.ectoi start -i
d north. As the heavy tialn asi ended
the hill a draw head on one of the for
ward cajs pulled out letting the real of
the tiain nin back. This pait of the
tialn consisted of thirteen heally lond-
d cars and as the eiade was quite
teep at the place soon gained a gii'tit
rloal ot momentum. The cois wie fin
ally stoppid by a number of gondolas
which. wer boinK switched. Tin J
nashed Into these and reduced them to
Kindling wood Nine i am ,eie lot ill
dimollshed, the wreckage completely
blocking th' tiacks foi seual houis.
Tim KuKUllii Wuckl) Jti'i'tniji nt Urs.
W.A. iMumille". lloine.
The New Cor tin club held Us weeklj
iieetlng on Monda afteinoon, when
ucVLial new inetnbei joined the oignii
is.ation. Those leeched to niemberuh'ip
were Mesduines (J. S. Kimball, A. 1.
Patterson, T L. McMillan M. Q Meak
ii and Miss Stella Ilathawa.
Miss Ella Reed Mead lead a papei
on "Elizabeth Cady Stanton " An es
say was lead by Miss Alice Rutlei on
' Kllzalieth Stuait Phelps," and a papei
was piesented on "Cdla Thatei "
After those papei s had been In ought
liefoie the socletj IMis. N. II lllllei
tieated of cm rent events In a ,euy in
teresting m mnti. 'I he next meeting Ik
ippointed at the home of Miss 1 'a scop
l.itei.irv Moi'iut) iUcpIs
The first meeting of tlie IIUIi School
T itenry society was held lnsf ioning
in the high school. The piotninnio
tatrled out consisted of a deliite, ocil
s 'lections and recltitlons. TIip consti
tution and by-laws were also lead and
appioved. The by-laws retiune that
c vtiy membei of the society shall be an
active one and thus those who take nd
ulitage of the society ill, besides has -ing
a pleasant social time kain much
in the debates and talks which will be
n leatuie of the mcellngb.
DniiKliti'rs of Kclii'kiili.
On Tuesday eenins. Ve maiy ') the
Daughters of Uebekah lodge, lndepend-
nt Older of Odd Pellows, of this i it
will Initiate n number of candidates
Membei s of the otder fiom Snantou
Hojiosdale, Susquehanna, Auhbald and
Vlclemille will be present and assist
in the ceiemonles. The lodge is onjo -ing
piospeiitj and is haimonious The
woik will be well done on the occasion
when new mei'itbets uie lecehed IZ -i
ly thing Is no'w In a good condition
and a pliasant time may be expected.
Well-Known SiugiM Itusignv.
Arrs. Stllman Hancock, who has bpen
Hie Boprano soloist at the Flist Pusbj
terian chuich in this city, has leslgned
her position owing to the state of hei
health. Much regiet lias been ex
pressed by u laige number who hae
enjoyed her singing that this step is
necessaiy. Her talents and deotlon
to the choir have been highly appie
clated. The hope Is entei tallied that
her stiength may again allow hei to
lesume these duties, after needed lest
School Appiopi lations.
The secretaiy of the sthool hoard has
lecelved notice that the annual appio
lirlatlon fiont the state will be $U,
r.87 22. This sum Is less than the ap
propriation last j ear by neailj $CM
The attendance of the schools has urn
stantly increased and it will be a dis
appointment to iceehe a sinallei up
propi latiun.
Mr. and Airs. William Aungor enter
tained fi lends at their home on Wvom
ing street Alonday evening.
Miss Alaiy Doyle, of Seianton, Is ls
iting fiiends in this city.
John J. Jtclgleuth, pioprietor of the
JJew York store, is In New Yoik clt
on htisiners.
Allss Alamie Aloian, ot Dunmore, is
Amniftl JiiYciitorj'
yi'e haxo roncludcd out annual Inx'cntory
of stock, mil find xvo haxo a great muny
tlealrablo lengths that wti xvlll eloso out at
much less than cost, to make. loom for
oui spring goods that xve are receiving
dally. Hiing the sle of your loom along
With J on If In need of a carpet am wo
will guarantee ou a baigaln, as this Is
no humbuir onle A word as to our third
annual remnant sale we huxo hoiuo short
lonKths that xve. will close out at imir.
price St i them, an this salo labts only
Carpets, Wall Papan and Drap3rles,
lor ten uayu.
the riii"H of M13S Aim j A10Caw,lej, on.
Ilhet sticel. '
AUss Ollle Tiacy onti ltnlneil the
ITelpei a Olllld nt her home on DiiiiclittT
Bluet Alondaj eenlng.
Alis. William IJikand little son hne
rot ill lied fiom a threl- w.Pels' fslt wltlt
leliitlifs'lu South'tliiiiatTn. -
Allsa AIuij Husnahnn, of Plltston,
has tc turned to hoi home aftoi a two
weeks' lslt .with AIIhs U?vle McAu
die ii
Hev. Piilher AKC.ibe, of Avoca, was
a guest nt the puroeiiml lesldencu on
Airs'. Atlchael O'llolleran and ton, of
OH pliant, weie guests of Alls. J. Ik
CJllhool Alondin.
AlessiH. Thomas Haiictt, of Allscoitla,
and Anthonv 1'nuett, ol Hiilfalo, N. i ,
ute lsltlng fib nds in this tit j .
Chin let, Hates has lcslgned his posi
tion with W. It Atoon's stoic.
Allss Jiertha Cole, of Scianton, has
taken up hit u side me with hoi slstei,
Alls I'lehnid Pothlclc, of Spiing Htieet
George llubina, who foi the last few
months has been In the employ of Di
II. C 'W hoelti, left yesteidav toi Con
necticut, whole he wilt Join H'latlves.
Allss Isabelle Walt is confined to lift
home li an nttuck of giliipe
Ke. J .1. Italslov has l etui nc d fiom
a shoit lilt at llllainspott.
At it,. W. V. Itogois, of Pateison, N' J .
Is the jjitost ot her pnenls. All. and
Alls. (Millies K. Lathi op.
.1 .1. Patlom, of this iltv, a Isltod
fi lends In til pliant AIondn eenlng
Geoie V. James has been appointed
local consul b Chief Consul l.ojle, of
the I'ennsjHanl i League1 of Ameikan
hee linen.
A huge c ingiegatlon galheied at the
Alethodlst ohui oil last c cuing to hea'
Di. Walkei ptcuih The seislres con
sisting of Ming and preaching, nu M'iy
Intel estlng and Ui. Wiill.ei will un
doubtedly do a large amount of good.
The school boaid met on Alonday
eenlng but liansactod no impoitant
buhliieES. A numbei of bills weie oi -doted
paid and the soeioUnv was til
led ed to ubceitaln w lmt amount of
money was u tillable to continue the
night sthools
The condition of Alls. John J. AIls
tale, 1r, of Ceineteiy stieot, has be
come eiy dingeious and ft Is now be
lieved that she cannot leeenei
The Tilbune intsents beneath a lini
tiait of James V Phllbin, who was
elected bj tlie boiougli rouncll on Alon
day eenlii!j to 1111 the mu ancv caused
by the iemoal of James AlcGlnu to
jami:s r Pllll.BLV
Kendhani. All Phllbin will lepiesent
the Second wind in the boiough coun
cil School Dlrecloi Ileniy Afeis, who
sustained a'biokon leg about two weeks
afco, lb sleadilj Imptovliig
A sin prise was teudeied to Allss
IJiidcet AIcAndiews at hei home on
Pine stieet on Alonday evening About
twenlj couples weio pic-sent and spent
a tow houis erj pleas inllj Theie
was muslt and dancing und main
foi ms of amusement caliulited to make
the alfaii i-njoMible Allss AUAndiew
nnel hei slstei, Aliss Aggie, will leae
foi ISlossbuig In n day oi two
Ttlcluud Jul dan, of Pnisons, is visit
ing lelatlx es lieie
At the eouiioll inPotlnr mi .Monday
eening Piesident Jones stated that
he had leeehed a lettei aeldissed to
The Councllmen of Arthbald oi Dutch
Hill.' in which the w liter stated that
he hud lint t his foot stepping Into a
hole in tlio sidewalk on South Alain
stieet He asked the boiough to com
pensate him ten the time spenl In nuis
Ing the lujuiy, which, be said, would
not hue occ tilled It the sidewalk was
kept in loimii The mattci was ic
feiuel to the stieet committee foi In
estlgallon Innies J Lvnch, of Olj pliant, wa3 In
town ostcidu.
The funeinl of the lato Alia Axon
Trails occui led fioin her late home on
Pond stieet jesteiday moinlng. 'I'lit
leinnins Xveie follow'ed bj a huge eon
couise of fi lends and nelghbois Sci
xiees weio condueted at the house lij
the Uev I oi 1 hoinas The leinnins
xveic taken to Pl mouth on the 11 .0
tialn loi Intel incut.
The congi elation of the Aichbnld
Piiinitixe Alethodlst chuich aie making
extcnsixe auangeinents foi theh giaud
enteitaininent whlcli will be hold at the
chuich on "Washington's bnthduy lVb
luaiy 2.'. An excellent proguimine Is
being ananged for the occasion Ad
mission 10 cents
All and Alls. Thomns Giiiriths, of
Alain stieet, xlsltcd fiiends in Pioxl
deiite on Siindaj,
The Keils Jouinejed to Pinxldouco on
Alonday ox cuing and xxeie defeated In
an Intel esling game of Indoor base ball
bx a team fiom Unit town, bx a seoio
ot 10 to 1.
Alls. Thomas ilfllths xxho has been
confined to hei homo xxlth sickness, foi
the past fexx weeks, has lecoxeicd.
The Allsres Seope Thotnton and Ida
Hden spenl Sunday at the home ul Ah
John Thornton.
Ahs .Toiome Setfoss und Ahs. Will
iam Aluuie, of Seianton, visited with
frlendh In this, place on Alonday.
Ah. John H. "Wilson has mined his
family to Nuntit tike.
Alts. Hostel, of Jeifcey City, Is visit
ing at the home ol D. C. Heetls.
J. II. Chatinan Is building u catpen
tei shop
Allss Hildget Aloien is Imptovliig af
tet her rot out Hleknoss.
Allss Hlootit, of Sctnnton, hpent .Suii
da at the home of All. and Alts. Au
di exx ICennedj.
Allss Cow let, of Duninuie, xxas visit
ing a few days with ti lends in this
If tlio lln lit Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hai
been used for over fifty yeais by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect succes? It
Eoothcs the child, softens the gums,
allas all pnln, cuies xxlnd collo und la
the best icmedy for dlarrhppu. Sold
by druggists in overy part of tltn xvorld.
Do sute and call for "Airs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup." and take no other
kind. Twenty-live cents a battle.
tyy rs wv ,f
'Council met In logitlai sosslnn Alon;
daj oxenlng Thoto woie foui mem
bei s pieRont, Ale Dart i, AlcGulnuess,
Williams and John AlcCitltx The
met ting xxns of nil txtiomolx quiet ol
der. The tinanco toinnilttee, that
had been Instituted at tile in e Ions
meeting to see o-Tu Collectot Hi mix
ul ot.t his collet tlons and about how
much ho would be nble to glxe the
lionsuiei, lepoited The comnilltoe
nxx All Iliads and that gentloin in
liifnimed them that he hud no inonex
The lopoit xv ns accepted, und on mo
tion It was di elded that the toiincll
nn ot Ir special session on next Alon
day ev onlng and that Ulad be pies,
eiit, so that uunugonionts tan bo made
for the collet lion of the taxes duo on
the "i'i implicate
The Seianton Hloctilcal Constitu
tion compnnx will haxe thelt eonluict
foi constructing the addition to the
lighting sxstein finished In about one
week, and tholi conttact c ills feu pux
nioitt tvxo woi'ks nftci nciolilanco of
tiio woik. The niiiount Is oinothlng
oxet JGOO and It the eollcolot ennnnt
niake si ttleincnt the council xvlll be
obllued to hot low the monex Stutt
tominlttpp lecominonib d that Hieuket
stieet, Horn Second to Thlid, on the
West Side- bo aecopteet and that intui
tu lot the gindlng of It out on pto
po'iils Council appioxed the topott
The societal x xv as Instiliotod to notlfj
the xx titer coninunx to lepali a leak
in the main pipe on 11111 stieot The
sfeet oommlsslonei xxns instituted to
pioeccd at once and collect the uox
e nl amounts duo Itoin the piopeil
oxxneis on Laokawiiniia axeniie xvho
fnllid to contoim to the fence lino
given some time' ago. 'I he unnuil le
port of the bo.nel of heil(h was read
and oideiod filed It showed the
number of deaths foi the xem to huxe
been 10 (! ol which xvuio fiom con
tagious diseases There woo 11 cases
of contagious diseases lepoited, as fol
lows Seat let foxtt, .', dlphtlipiln, Ji,
membtaneotis etoiio, L tjphoid foxei,
1; ineali's !i, numbei of bltths, not In
cluding Hungailan 1I1I1 nutles, 11, fe
mnl5s 2, Theie wore 21 hiiIbiiicc- to
poited to the lioaid and all xvpio abat
ed xxllhotit lesiutlng to legal means
The boaid a iked council to assist
them In enfoiclng the sanltnij laxxs
and thex Immedlnteb passed it resei
liil'ion to the effect that the, xxoukl
stund bv them In all t-ises xxheio th
xxoio onfoiclng the obstixance of the
sanltaty laws The following bills
xxeie oidc ted paid Pli email at pump
sltiilt, for taking caio of lockup, 1 10,
CemstnliK Aluldetlo-s' set vices $!7f,
Hunt i'i Connell, shox els. 2, Gcoiro
llucklngham foi seixloes ns sanltaix
otlliet, ?!, Di AInnloj, health ofllcei,
ialui foi nine months, $J7 TO
The Ilungatlaus xxho look )ai I In
I ho slabbing afrtay In Alnjtleld oiue
lime ago weio given a heating 'by
eiuli f AleCntfei tv on Alonday oxenlng
Paul Pa xx lock, xx ho, it Is alleged, xxas
i ho cause ol all the double wa plated
iindoi $1 nun ball All the otheis weie
put mulct SSOO ball The men showed
a disposition to -ettle the case Those
x ho vxete stabbed lnxe fullx tecox
et eel
The folloxxing poisons attended the
funeial eif Ileniy Collins ot Caibon
tlali . xxhlch took iilaio jesteidaj All
ami Mis I' Al Collins und dniighlei.
Annie All and Alls Uoboit Feenex
and son, Joseph All and Alts Allchnel
llaggoitv nnel daushtois, Goitio and
Aluelellne', All and Alls James Alai
tln and 'on, Joseph
Alt llllant rinulsun and Allss AIui
collti Alaxvxell. of Caibondale, spent
Sunelax Willi' the foi met 'r paients on
the I la' I Side
Daxid Saxiis toi moily of Alavflold,
w ho teeentlj mux eel into a lesldenee
on J Tic kot .stieet, Siiiinton, was at -tested
bx Spoelal Ofiu ot Homy Jones,
of the South Side lot the hi caking of a
city oidliinnce t elating: to the obsttuc
llun of sielowalks Theie xxns a iiuiin
tity of mbblsli In his vatd whlth h"
shoxeled out on the slilenxalk, whele
loi sexetal dnxs It annojid paHseis by
Aldeiinnn Alilliir gave him a hearing
on Alonduv oxenlng and dlschaiged the
ptlsonei ttpifn his pajinent of the costs.
Alt and Mis lame s L Cinvvford, of
Seianton, weie xlslting Mis Hemel
light on Second stieet xepleidaj.
estctdu) Alt (ieoige S Hiiiiu put -
chased the ptopeilx on Alain stieot oe -e
upleel by Flank Steele, of James L
Cinwfotd Consideration, $J,000
Alessis C D Intel and Isaac Ax ety
eujoed jesteidaj llslilii!- on Sliklot's
pond and had thelt usual good luck
Mi John Poote of Auhbald, was a
cal c In town jestetdaj
Tne choii of Sacied Ileait chinch ate
now busllv enuaged picjiailng the
music foi Unstei
Alls Aluitnugh Aleehnn, of Caibon
dale, calle-d on ti lends In toxxn yestei
day Alt William Graved made a buslnoss
ttlp to Sitanton yesterday.
Airs Joseph Tennis and sun, Norman,
of Alain hit cut, spent yesterday In
Airs Chailes A Sl.anton, of Cntbon
dale, called upon fiiends In toxxn es
terday I' K Timlin spent last evening In
Cai bondalo
While IT S Wonnacott, (.lie laun
ch yman. of Caibondale, und his dtixei,
G II Yost, of Jetinyn, xxeie collect
ing launch y In AiehbalcT yesietday thoy
met with quite a setlous mishap. When
crossing the stieet cat ttack a cai tan
Into them The eiecunanls weie utiln
juied, but weio badly shaken up The
wagon was damaged to stime extent
On account of the close el wagon which
they use It was imnossime to heal or
see the uppioaching cai.
College daj xvas obsetxed hete last
Thtitsday, mid It proved very success
ful. Chuntelloi Da, ot Sjiaeubc unl-, pi eat lied In the afternoon
Di. C. i: Mogg. of Wilkes-Hart e, led
the meeting hi the nsbemblx mom. The
cioctot gaxe a shoit tall:, aftoi which
the setxlce xxas turned into a geucial
ptayei meeting A mtinbei of the stu
dents started In the good wax
All. Willaid D Howe, of Plttston,
Pa, gaxe an enteitaininent in Nelson
Alemotlal hall last Ptldiij evening It
xvas under the auspices of the Chris
tian Hndcnxor boclety of the Pi ebb -tulan
chinch Ah, Howe Is a uenlai
heie this eat, and ono of xxliont xxo
may bo ptoud. Ho Is certainly a flno
Tito uoon-day ptnyoi meetings aie
continued this xxeek;.
Allss Jennings spent Sunday at
The Amphlctjnn and Independent
societies elected olllceia last Satuuldy
Ah Lutlsli, of IllooniBbuig, has to
tin tied tei school, aftei his sickness
Ah. Iluny Cialn lllled tltn pulpit at
Ashley last Sunday.
Ah. Ilentj V. Ueclcer, of Dalton,
cnlled on his son, at the seminal), last
The btudeuts of the ait iKpnitment
huxe dtaxxn some xoty line prttyon pic
tines. Allss Jewltl Is eurtnllilj tilery
good Instiuctoi In this departincut.
Aft Chailes P MclCown, of Tunk
hiiunock a foi mot studout, tailed at
the seminal x on Aloudax.
All W." W. Johnston mil bookkoepet.
Is utile to be about iigullt, after his tc
c e nt Illness
Alt Nelson Hotsholmor Is at his
homo In Daltnn
Alt. Chailes Smith spent a few das
last week at his homo in Wjuluslng
Alts. 11 W Nottliup,' of Glettlutin,
called nn hoi son, Aithtti, at the semi
niiix one day last xviek.
Di Spinguo gave a xoty Instinctive
let tin o to the jutiioi class, on the ait
of lettei xxiltlng, und also cotnpnsltlnit
The docti'ii said. "The i olli gos mo be
ginning to teeittlto tnoio ovaotnefis in
IhiglMi studios and a poison xxho has
graduntod fiom a colli go and Is still
deficient in Ihtgllsh ought not to he
called a college giadliute" Ho tnged
the studout to glxi' mute attention tn
composition, spelling und punt tuatlon
Tlio class mulct Airs Moobe In Ilng
llsh llteiatuie lias boon committing
'Onx's Flegj " Mis Heche Is a xty
Inleiostlug tenthol, mill has hei pupils
Intel estcd In the class xxotk.
The AVometi's Clnlstlun Tetnpetnnce
union xvlll meet at the home of AIis
AI A. Flack tomoitow uftuiuoon. All
ni e loeiuestod to alle nil us theh will
be an olee lion of elelegiites to the mlit
seat oonxcntiou to lit hold In Wllkes
llatt on Fobttinij VI and II
Alts I! S Ilolllstet, of Lincoln Hill,
Is oiitliallx 111
The Homo Allsslnn sni lety of the
Piiinitixe Alethodlst chuich met ostot
elax iftoinoon at the loslelenee of Alts.
Tlinmns LlewellMt und uftet the legu
lui business inesentcil their sotietutv,
Alls Doniini iinitth, xxth it nluable sot
ot llnon ns a token of appieclatlon
lot hei sivle'es
Allsses Allio Cnnxxaj and Sal ill Aloe
han aie (siting fiiends In Caibondale.
Piofossoi DaxMel lones bus tesigneil
ns loadoi of the Ax oca .Music ii soelttl,
owing tn 111 health The membeis wuto
giiexod to loam ol his iesignutlon us
Alt Jones bus pi ox oil an able and ef
rlLent Instiuctnt 'I ho clinlt willelfl
new le.adci at tin next meeting and will
continue Its pi.ictkes ten the coming
Allss Jennie Novxlln Is spending a few
d lys with fi lends in Plains
All mid Alls L H O liilen, si ; Alt
and Alls Al F O'Hi Ion, Allss 1! O' Hi It'll
nnd Mis John Cuiinn ntt-ended the
i 'tenionips at the Cat bond lie tonxenl
xisteidnj when All-s(.s Mur U Illicit
and Alatx Watots foiincily of this
place, took final xoxxs 111 the Oleic t ot
the Immaculate Ileait
Allthael Alunlox loft yestoidnx to on
tet as u student In St Mich ids col
li ,re, Toi onto
A pleasant family lounloii assembled
nt the teslilenco ol Ah nnel Alts Theis
L Ale Halo ol Lincoln Tllll, on Alondax
e veiling in lionoi of Ah Ale Hales foi
tielli biill. annlei-ni x'. A sumptuous
fiait was on Dated fen the guesis anil
the evening was spent In lostlxilx and
enjoxment The following weie ptes
ent Ahs Jlellale and daughteis, v.HJi o
and S u ih, Alt ami ti s Motile unci
lamlly. Ah Alls Fiank Alcllalo,
Alt and Alts Geuige Alcllalo, Ah and
Ahs Filwinil Alcllalo and fiunllx Ml
and Ahs John Sulllxr.n nnd lainilj, ot
i-stunton, Alt and Mis Chailes Han
Ion und liMinlx of Olx pliant, Ah und
Alts '1 linnn s U mb n Mi nnd Alt'- John
llanlon iml lumilx Mi mil Mis 'I Ims
McC .11 nnel famllx ni Avoca All Alc
llalo lecelved a lew valuible picseuts
Otto ottng VI Oman ftics Iioni slioi'U
and a sopnuil ot III.
Polax no Cllv ix 1. Feb J Allss
Hva I'utelnoi a ntiltx 1'i-jeai -old ,:lil
of this tow n lost bit life while skntlug
on the i inal this uf lei noon tfli a
companion, Allss Alice ingnte. Allss
tlaidnei xxas skatinij xxith a eto.vd,
xx hen lite tvxo oung women lei t the
otheis and went about 100 juids up the
canal Soon Hip othei skutois heaid
cries of dlsttess and the two vxoinen
xveie seen to lull thlougb the thin Ice
A pal tj of men wint nttei them as
soon as nosslble A boat wns pushed
out on the thin loo and the voitng wo
men, both appal i ii tlx line oii'-clnus, weie
In e tight tn the shine A phjslilun was
hutii'dlv summoned but Allss Gntduei
was 'iioniiiinieil dead Allss Ingate
xxas altiivvuds lexixed but 4 sttf
le'lillf 1 1 (Mil shock
The VItlit.ii Called Out to (Juoll u
opiiiiisi Hob.
Al.ldild. Pel) J .Most of the woik
Inineii ut Aluiijen In Xevv Castile,
twentx -eight miles south southeiht ot
Mndild, went on stilko todav and be
gan inarching tlmnigh the sheets. 'I he
crowd fluullj assembled mound the
toxxn hall, xxhlch thox polled xvlth
btoues, bieuking a numbei ot witidovs
The police elimgod the mob mid at rest
ed a numbei of the lintel's liti hiding
sexotal women, 1 ut In the end the
crowd ptoxtd too strong ten the polite
who llndlti!j themselves powotless to
e liei k the dlsoidet .appealed to the
inllltatj atithotltles
The mllllaiy testioiided to the sum
mons of the cixll authotitles and dis
pel sed the Hotel s Soldltts mu now
pnttolllng the Hheots
I'xpiosscs Contempt toi .Hi. ('ngt)"'
tows on tlio Ctiiteui'v.
aalvestnii, Te , Feb ii. In legatd to
the published statement oi L inqn J
Cage's xiews on the cuiieuc), William
J Miyan bald today
"Ah Cittgi' Is a daisy C5ietnbatkn
should, he hits, be tetlted and sihei
put chased undei the Shot mini act
should bo bold and tteusmj notes le
deeined and cane oiled Then xve might
to have bank notes that mo icdeomnble
only in gold And he ulso s,irf tlie gov -eminent
should not act us a w alehouse
foi elthoi old oi sllvet Theie Is no
doubt about Ah Onge being a elais
1 wonc'ti If he wouldn't like to Inaug
uiate a bstem lij whlcli we would huxo
to obtain his ipi mission eaelt nioinlu;
to live tlllouh the du "
.Siiprunti) Com I Etoliisps to Order u
Special .lection at Detroit.
Lansing, Alieh , Feb 2 The supreme
couit this inclining vefitbotl to issue tlie
mandamus applied foi bj Attornej
Fled A. Hakei last night, dliectlng tin
common council of Dettdlt to decline
the oillcp of niajoi xntant an 1 unlet a
bpooial election to till the xucuncj Tne
etiut held that theie Is plenty of time
befoto the next election to let the ense
i go thtough the piopei channels, the
Wuno oil t ult toiut.
The cunttiition Hfli Hint Mayor Plu
gieo l) IiIh asRiimptlou ot the olllcu of
goxetnoi of Michigan had vacated thu
utile cot tuajot of Uettolt, which he still
Jiisf a Word or TuJo
of Castial Mention
A most peeiil'iti citFi w its tpppntly liplolu
Iteglsti i of Wills lloiiklns fin conslilpiii
flon Seine je'ins nt,o Ahs Ann Clnrk of
Diiiintore, illeil, Ii uvlng coit'lilct tlile
ptopeitv vvlikli she dlspnsi il of lis tueiiiis
of u xvlll dtnxxn un bv u Justlie or tin
pento ol the lioiiiilKtl While Mis Clinks
glxen muni xv us Ann il unpens that hit
fill mis anil neighbors hint tnvnrlnlilv
cnllrd lit r lliidgpt nnd It was it giiie'iittl
iipi tplpil litot that such was 'the n uiip
ghitl hit xvlell bnptii'etl The Justice ot
till peace vWio ibiv up the will thought
so uliil the dnctiuii nt wits made to lend
"llildgit Clink,' tlmt nnhte oxen appear
ing lit the bottom oT It, the miiki or the
will tiicnly attncliing it i ross murk flip
wlfl was nguliuls piabittil und no pk
ceptlou was tnken lo the inline Sottip time
ligo a poitldn oT the ptoppttv left bj Mis
Chtk wits void to the i oni'ipgullou of St
Xlinx's (' itholle chinch of Duninoio ntul
In oate lllllg the title it xv as iliseovtml
that the piopeitx ovviuil lix Ann Clink
wits eIlmioiil or b the xvlll of ltildget
Clink This wns u "erlolts illseicpune v,
ntul steps wire alpn to lPincdj the ele
lert" The lulls weio eulloil logetlii r and
it wns uiuleulilv ugltiil that pi m i pilings
slinillil bo Instituted Willi It xxoilld lisult
In luixlng the will of Hildget Clink pio
bitPd is the will or Ann Cl'iik AM'dltii
tloli was tniielo lo Iteglstei ol X ills Hop
kins. W ho t ev old il the Ii tit I test uni lltm y
Knitted on the will or Hildget CI uk nnd
then ullowfel the will to lie piobtted us
tlmt if Ann Clink and thus the laurju
his been stiniglitcned out W hethei en
not tlio highest couit ol the state would
six til it it li is In utl ptoperlx stiillghteiiPel
out Is, or course not known Pitt re-
si at dies 01 the re slstei have rnlled to uii
c in tli u pat tilt I nisi Hint might be li'id
us a piece dent to guide hlin.
A xv lid and untiiintd sense or liiunoi is
apt to get Its )iosessoi Involved in nil
kinds or tumble The lltei at genius xxho
Is ii stioiislble toi one ol the columns ot
"gossip" Hi it appeal In a plnk-ixeil i on
ti mponrj 1s willing to stake etthit his
ipptitatloii oi his shoes on this The list
Hun the plnk-pjtd p ipi r darled Its 'J7'
nailers It lontiliuil u pttngiapli con eni
lng Judge Aie lib lid s tioublis with out "t
thi woikinen on the coin t houi that w.s
supposed bv the mill who xviote It to in
'suichaigtd with the most delliati lronx
and liiunoi Hoth weio phiused with siii Ii
Hxcctdliig delictus Unit ixen the inopilt
tots or the pnpir tnlled to pimlxi Hie
sldi -splitting ipiulltlis ol the pnriuapn
Thex saw nothlpg Snt in ittctnpt to It I i
the picsldiiit judhi ot the coiuitv up t
public ildleule mil tontenjot ami ilie"
asked tot un explmitlou The ii-piiui4
jitd ltopi fill lltoiaiv lljjlit expltliiPl Hi it
It v us 'i liiunoi ous tiltle he hud d isln d i tf
in an Insplieel inoinent, but this explinu
Hon was not tie eiplpil
' I his Is a politic il papei, not a emili
weekl" quoth the Jimloi piopiletoi In
inL'i "Tiul the best lltjilg xou e in do is
lo hiutle over and hquiire this pttpt 1 with
the Judge '
The humoilst "luistlod " Just bovv Ih
"siiuiucd" tlio pippt Willi lln Itulip It
would piobablj bo unf.iii to lolitt
-II- .
If tliore Is nn tiuth In the old raxx uliout
the gioundhog and Candle inns d i tills
xvlll lit n short und mild vv Intel I In
gioiuidliog Is supposed to leive bis liiu
iow at noon on Cuinllem is i!a and il he
sies tils sh ulow ho hmni ill Itelj goes Ii i k
Into his hole foi sU xviiks Xtsui I i
was Candli'mas dax mil II the giounillioj
came foith ho ceitiiinlj did not c his
slmdow Whit elTeet this tin must nu i
xvlll lmxe on the weitloi leiiiulns to in
seelfi- -
11 A Thomas u gentleman well known
In Si rnnton, has been ippointed pus1-! ng i
and ticket nM'eut foi Hiilfalo ol the V vv
Yoik Cenlial and West Shoie tuilioil
Foi the past seven xeais XI i 'liionn
hus littit t'slst tnt to Ciimiil IMsin ii
Agent lienigp A DaiUtls ot the New XoiK
Onti it iiibnid, with bis ollle o in tli
CJiaml Ceiitiul di not Coi t -second stim
New olk Mi 'lhomiiK is ruinill.ii Willi
cxeiy phase ol the passenger business it
the t"o toads named
-II -At
the annual election of ollle pis ol tlie
Pen nnd Pencil club of I'hllndclphi t lon
da nletht, Louis N Meguisep. btothPi of
1'. ruaiil and Pinnk Mngaiset, or this
pftx, xvas eloctoil priMldent, siKiedinj
Claude G W'-et-'tone
Pattle'K "Sentimental TommK Is
linxlng a tioinendous sule It has ul
leadv teached II " Ihlitleth tlioiibind
Alatlou ('lavlnitl bus a siste t vvlm is
about lo cntei the lite! at; lie Id Shi
bus Just tom'ilpted a novel that will
boon make Its upnoaiance
Ton thousand dnlhus has boon tn e
bonlcd In the Hnstnit Llbiutx bx Allsi
Ait' oi Chicago toi the establishment
ol a Longlellei.v Me nun lul Colloe tiou
It Is suld that the Ilmneis huxo of
lPtfd Di Nan ten SlOUOti foi theAmeil
onn liahtti of his tot tin tuning book on
the sublet t nl his tetent Join nex in
so itch ot the Nouh Pole
Hufetl W Chatnbeis xxho xvon popu
lntltj with hs novel The Hul Hi pub
lit " contributes to Hip Fobnm v Si t ib
noi 's' a tali ol I'.tittanx ontitli d The
Ale sengi 1 " The still is leniuik.lble
loi its luntastle niiginulltx
Yone Nogui hi the oung .l.tpancs,
pnot, dues not seem In have bufleieel
in in li tiom tlio inx i stigitlun nmusi d bv
tin" e 1 tint nl i San Pi intVt o ulitm that
he hud nluo'ut lyptl pwe'i mums The
lhnsi that wus piiix oil at,jln t Viuio xv it
that he bad its. il sixiixl nt Pno s e -pri
ssions ami v mils Th it he pie-s(.d
enlhinallv nt lb night iiiiagliiiitiiin and
Pipsiilnnl Nan I.t w i
is limltlv ti -in i toil
.iliin.i, Ohio,
tlnntifili tint
M'llimi. Hi his livid in ( liuinii t'n.
7.ri veals, and litis In in )n i -itlt nt tit
tlieiliinu Hank 'Jo xi us o 'liiillv
ti slilk's to tin nun! ul Iltioils .s.n,t
IMtill.i, anil xxlnt lie ss is voil!i
tittenhon. All luaiit xvotkois. liml
Jlonel's .s.iis.iiuilll.t net nihil h mlaiittil
to tlicii liceils. niahi's iniic, liih,
hhI tilniid, und It oui this i mm poi vo,
inoutal, Imililv and du.isiixt' stionth.
"1 nm glad tosnj thai Hood's i-nri-apii-ri
1 In is a xerj good nieiiieiue, especially
ns u blood puiitier. It has clout me good
innnyliintt For (-ejiral jeurs 1 suffttcd
grtatlj with pdiiib of
hi ono oje ami about inj tcinplts, cs
peciallj nt night when I had been hnxlng
n hnrd day of plijbicitl and mental labor.
I took inniij remedies, lint found lielponly
in Hood's "-urfapni ilia which cured moot
rheumatism, neuralgia nnd hendncho.
Hood's .Snrenpnrilln has proved itself ntruo
friend. I nUo take Hood's Pills to keep
liij bowels regular, nnd like the pills
xerj much." ISAAC LUXXIB, bubina, Ohio.
IitlioOnnTriiulllnoell'iiriller AUilrniCKM Si.
riupiiiitoiil) li (' 1 IIimmIMii 1 uwi'll .M.ns.
u i. i--1 1 urti prompt, ellle lent ami
MOOU S PlllS eas in illett. '.Scents.
iiiSv' LJiS. E3 fca la i3k
lonietlilng nltln lo gbnltis could not be
A lmgo fiction reading pttlillc xvlll be
pleased lo lc tn it thut Anna Kuthuilno
Gie en has n new volume lenelx 'That
Alfnlr Next Dooi" Is the title unci
Alessis Putnam's Sons, New Yoik, tuo
the published s If thou Is mix thing tn a
title and Its piomlsels fulfilled, the nu
tlioi's ipputnllon as a xviltet of detec
tive dot lis llkelv to be ptihanced b
this xoltiiuo The book xvlll lip out lo
xvaitl the oiul of this month.
Anthonv Hope Is Just (ltilshlntr a s
iUol to Tin Pi Isemoi or Zemin." It Is a
novel or tin same high, tnniuntle klnd'n
"The l'll'tuui or Zeniln" Itself, beailng
tht title nl 'The Cniistuble nf Zeneln,"
und iiniies the attiat the poisnmtges nf
Hie oat Hot sloiv thtotirh a tie xx si lis
ol stt ingo and moving lite idouts Tito
celu"lxe ii"ht of sotlnl public itlnn In
Attn tit a 1 as lln y set tiled b AttCluu s
Alagnylni, and tl.V pulilliiitlon ir it will
begin In that in iguylne In the touiso of
a few niuntliH
Ah I! n He's In lef ptefaco lo ' The Lit
tle Allnlsloi," In the now tonnilete edi
tion of his xv oiks, contains this passugo
' No one tenth! peistindo mo to add half
an Inch to the statute or the little tnlii
isloi Vott know when the
shoit man Is liittotltipi d that ho is to lie
a tune roll to a six-fi otei th it he must
love In Xdln that the most the ludx
xvlll orfot tei bo a slsit't to him " And
Sentimental Tonnnx follows the nd
uilsslnn 'This Is not the "tnullest de
gieo the book I meant it to be Toutiu
i in uxvaj with the authoi '
Prom C'p (llobe-Deniopiut
In the lt Cuban lebeiboli Amu I in
pltlypus lost pi imoi tx xuliiPd at uniiuiiuiu,
nnd thex will sultei In the pttum vv it to
a gicitor amount 'I ho Ilie om liislxo liot
t III lies Unit Sp tin Is ding ling on no nil li
ons to In i -tir ami a io-ll mil-un to
otlu i
SrrEDT Conn Tr.vvTiirvT for torturing, eihUg.
Tiring lu lilng, Imrnlng unit s ill ultiu unit seal))
tlUcasps Willi loss of hair Wium tiiuhs wllliC u.
Ticul K bOAl', entitle ipplirutiniis nf Cent t l
(Ollltllicllt), lllllt full l()jl0 Ot CUTIILIU liKBDI
MiT,i;ruiU.8t ull)looilpuilUerb and humor cures
la itftlfl thrn iffhout Ho topKI Po
Hrroil Ct!EM V rr nlpPmtn It ton
tt2 " How to Cure Uolilns ykln Diseaaeii M free
bi rteno 1 nn 1 Ilenutlf od
anurncturcd at the VA'apTallop'-n Mllla,
Luzcinn county, Pa . and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
J P.
General Agent for tho Wjomltifj District
i!8 WVOAIINQ AVLMJI2, licranton, Po.
Third National Ban'c Building.
TITOS TORD Pittston. Vx.
JOHN R SMITH 1st SON. Plymouth, Pa.
n V MUI.I.IGAN Wllkes-Itiiio. Pi.
Agents for tho Hepauno Uhenxlea) Com
far.v's Ilish U volobivts.
SiriGiiy ki Laid Eggs;iieai by, 25s
Frasii Egs,
3' . . 22g
16c io 13c
Good Siorago Eggs
15J!)e TllKUiiKN. ClICdllllH'iS,
(Jri'i'iJ JSt'iiEis, Caiililiov.e.'iN
M.i'ii'.roouis, KU'., lite,
1 1 we. m me. ms
!7 GifiS """"""v n El n n fn nx,
Miii hit va ul M via
hi 1 1 mi
Our selection? for the spring trade are arriving. We
must have space, and in order to make it will clear out the
patterns in stock.
iA llza llED
The greater part made in anticipation ot the coming season,
at a price which will insure their speedy removal,
And we are confident of the result.
Opp Alnln Fntrnncs
to Wjomlit lluiis;
IIP !i?l
Special Attention
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
Such ImiR.iijis ,:s wc olTor this vxick
ate worllt) of"") nut attention. Itmettis
liiiL' "i.idf goods at about one-third
the cost of lii.iiiiifactitte.
'I he rolloxxin-; ma) tjixe. oit a little
itle.i or sniiieof the liai,iins:
OnoMlltllllnlof Alissps' niul
Clilltli oil's Coats, assoited
An ck'trnnt P.ottelc Coil,
lmlf sdk line.,), shiold rmnt,
sl.v llsh eolltu, fccason h nnuc,
50.00. now
A KiiioCnil l'cisl'ui Cloth
Co it, latest cut. lined
tlniiiinlumt xxlth Uliailniiiu
silk. tscMson's pilco 'J10 00,
An elegant Fioncli Catet
liillut Ctutt, lnicil thioiurlioiii,
xv Rh silk Hold in tliu ,m
bon foi JlO.Ol), now
A lieautirnl nssoituiLMit of
Kemey Co-its, bomo silk lined
tlitotighout and some linlf
lined. Season's piieo, fjS.OO
and islo.OO, now
s .os
SI. 98
t ,, ,
Arcade Building,
213 Wyoming Avenue.
is -,
-' jj fZaS t .
rt-r-C--'' - wh
i-.v .fwS-.-."-.
- jV J7 -V"?
'&Vw,- -s- gifaf-2r i
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s. - ' S J.-" S?- .
tSZrS "
VW. &j&sZffi
H,r nCw
jitir iWMj
?jst.r ri.aSrS.
( jt-
What Sarah Bernhard r,-yn
i rt
?Vh1 ' s s (jCv
M & W- gs
CfjK -
w -
61? rimSsCs:
b '
k f-s'-
mew eos
Carpels and Draperies.
Given to Business and Per