The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 03, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tina sen anton tribune-Wednesday -MomTN&, .fei-j-ruauy ,j, is?)-.
l'.il!ic's Wli'st Hoards, liitcstanil licit.
Wo h;ie all slcs ami style.
,Alsi U'hlst Cards; lit Iaric variety,
bj lltu pack or by tliu diwcn.
Games nl" (iiuusciiieiits, all suits,"
for old and 3 uiiiijl; people.
Hlank Accomit Hooks,
all sot ts and all sles, fiom
the vest pocket mem. to the
lniest I.cilijcr, for all sorts business
Stationeiy, eertlijng dcsitalile
for the office, desk or counter,
all the standard sorts and no cities,
Choice Stationery for ladies' use.
r.iiiiiMvlng and Pi luting to order
(if Calling Cauls and Invitations
(111 shoit notice and tight pi ices.
See our Specimens and get ptices.
ti!Kj (inods at greatly 1 educed piicjs,
Hatgains in sacral lines
to lediae stoiK.
3:2 Lackawanna Aa
i rui
The Finest
1 We Ever Had in tlio Hill.
Wholesale it. til
Mi1- U A Kih returned fiom a
I It Lo New 1 01 k cll.
MNs Kalle (lladv. ol William stieet,
1 I lust eVellillK fOl II tWO Wec'liS li'l'
Hi friends In Vllkes-Uaue und Mims
Mi and lira. G W. IIislei nnil rtaiiRh
tii hive 1 etui noil fiom rulcison, N. J.,
mi I have taken looms at J. D. Cuijl's, COS
LI11 1. 11 strett.
'I litiiMluy 2!o Is In He Taken Uofoio
ConiuiisMonui Hi'(iinlev .
Attorney Richaid Husteed and At
li 1 in y I. II. Uurns ycsteiday made an
1 Palliation to Judge Gunstei lor an
null 1 permitting tliem to liave Jaincs
f iiinun, who is in the county jail,
t ik 11 befoie Conimlssionei Jl. A. 51c
tliuhy that Ills deposition may be ofll
c 111 II v taken.
(! union 1b tlie man who for over two
v 11s lias been in the county jail be
i nise he leiused to sign a deed an di
1 (tid bv tlie couit. Recently his at
1 11 in y.s began pioieedinijs to secuio
Cannon's lelease and one oC the steps
t iUi 11 lias been the appointment of. At
t iiruy ZMcOinley as commissioner to
t iUi tobtlniony with jefeience to the
( ise.
ludKo aunstci" granted the order
li.ijed for and on Thursday Gannon
will be taken before Mr. JUUInley ami
his deposition lecorded.
T.lvci Complaints cured by BCEOII
For Infants and Children.
1" -w
MAAAAAiut fcAltl.AAAftaAjiAAA
3 YVlirtl VV JD
In our show windows you
Mill see the greatest olfet in
Gent's Shoes for this season, all
styles and kinds. Formerly sold
n't $3 50. Will sell for
410 Spruce Skoal.
wrv 'wv ww iirrvwv www v
j 4.50 pair,
Congregation of First Church Decides to
Erect Such a Building. '
Dlircts tlio tliiili'.ln Committee to
l'rocucil to lliitu n I'lirMiiinne
Hicctcd 011 the rouiiil Iluiotulorc
Olituineil lor 'I'luit l'urposu--l'lsiiis
Mure Drawn In Arcliitiiut li. C
llolduii liuildini; Mill Itu Stone
mill Coil About tils, 0(10.
A mc ial meetliiK of the eoiiRlescatlnn
of 1 lie r-'li st Presbyteilan chimli war
held last evening In the auditorium of
the 1 Inn (In O. A. Fuller pleslded and
W. J. Iliind acted us seeiotniy. Tin.
meetltiK was called toi the e);pres pur
pose of taUlnir action nn the (ideation
of building a parsonage. The follow
ing ti solution. was pienented and unan
imously adopted.
lit solved. That the timtces of the
chilli h be nuthoilKcd to secure a Ii-upo
of Hie Short eid house ami lot foi usffas a
paiionttRe dining flic coming yeai.
Ill solved, Tliut in accordance with ac
tion licictororo twice taken by the eon
gu nation after full discussion. Alia build.
liiB lominHtce be Ami Is yeielij directed
to proceed to iiect a pai.anuce on Rioitnd
ahead oljtiiliiei fni the unc, Ulnl Toi
thut puipo'c the be duly authorlireil lo
pi 01 in i' sulisi ilptlons, which, tnjiftlior
with the mone nheadv on hund for I lie
)in pnse, will be sulllcient to elect the
paronaifp without debt.
The building committee of the
chuiili, to whlili Is entrusteit the woilc,
Is composed as follnwn Jatnea Arch
bald, W . Rirantun. W. F. Hallstead,
A. H Stoirs. C. C. Mattes, W. J. Hand
and P. K. Piatt.
The nlaiis for the pftisonnge fub-
mltled bv Architect ! C. Holden Ifave
lttually been adopted. Thev piovlde
foi a beiuitllul stone structuio, lo cost
about lr.,noo, the details of whlcji will
be In pel fed harmony with the climi h
edlflio, to be construct oil an soon n
the piesent property of the chuicli on
Washington avenue has boon sold. The
pnisoniiKe and the church, when com
pleted, will occupy the elevated plot
of Riound at the corner of Madison inc
line and Olhe street, which the chinch
has owned foi some time, and which is
known as the tesirvoir lot. The plans
nl the committee aie to immediately
pioii il lo M'cino the dcslted amount
ol mono l subxcriutlon and to begin
dp soon as piaeticable, Hie actual con
stun lion nt the lesldince.
jl:i-.s IIii-l' itluincil In i)r. JiocKuril, ol
New oil. Cm, '
At noon aesteiday Miss Jessie lola
lln'-e daughter of 1 A. Rose, of Mai ion
stiect, was mat iled lo ti. J0I111 Aicli
b.ild Ijcckaid, cf New Yoik rltj The was performed at the bildes
home bv Itev Cluules K. Lee of the
Cat bondak Piesbyterian churth. Mia.
Rose woie i dark sicen traveling: cos
tume After the coienlonv Di. and Mis
LnckJid It 1 1 foi Nlw Vol It elt Fiom
there they w 111 po on an extended wed
ding lour UnouKh 1H110 and Illinois.
They rer elveil 11 i.n hundsome and
v iluable pusrntH.
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
The lCJTiilai' senit-monthlj meetlliK ol
the l.auii'l club that was to base b"i n
hi lil last eenlitf In the Vouiik Women's
Chiistian uMsociatlon rooms, was posi
poned on anount of the imnlNcisni v lntft
intr of the city Christian lii)cleaoieis,
held last eenlnff In the Penn Aenue
Baptist chm h. Instead of the programme
thut was to hus'e been prejnteU, an infoi
mnl hoc In! Katheiinir was held. The
evanRel luoRiiimme which was to have
been Klw'ii last night will be given Tms
d IV uyeninrf, Fc b 10.
.Miss Hi len Uiooks, the recently ap
pointed collise state eeeietuiy ol the as
sociation. Is lsltim; ut the Ko stone aeail
imy In I'm toi j v ille.
Socuiil) Itiiililin nnd S.ninu's Hiiiiin.
Chaiteml undei Pennsj lnnld laws.
Home odlce, looms J08 and 1'03 ileal s
billhlinic, Sti anion, Pa : telephone 33W
(Jlllceis Colonel (leome Sanileison,
piesldent; Colonel V. I., ltluhc.oc.l-, vUe
pieslilent; Edmund A. Uaitl actttaiy; 1j
,1. Slebeckei, tioasurer; Hoiace E. Hand,
nttomey, Albeit 13all, seeietao; R. K
Ciannei, suiifrlntondont of iiKfiiclcs
Houid of dliet tors Colonel Cleoiue Ban
dcison, attorney and counsel-al-law ; Col
onel F. E. Hitchcock, Insurance and attoi
ne , Edmund A. Haiti, county suieyoi,
E J St. becker, carpets and diapeiies,
Albert Hall, secretaiy of S. 11, and S. I'.,
I'limk II demons,, sheilff of Lackawanna
county, Fiank P Clnistlun, hatter and
Kent's fuintfehei , C. C. 1'uber, of demons,
Feiber & U'.Malle Co.; Chailes 11. Con
ni'll, setretai and tieasurer Lackawanna
Cash in bank and office. 2,822 4d
Real estate loans .30,711 21
Stock loans 510 00
Installment dues unpaid 06 75
Intel est and ptemium
due anil unpalu 1,131 S3
Real cstato 1,700 UO
ullke furnltuie and fix
tures SSI 21
Insuiance advanced ... IS 75
Due fiom expense fund . 83 08 JtS.101 21
Installment stock $30,IXS 73
Uebentuie and coupon
stock S,151'(X)
Dues Advanced by mem
bers 75S CO
Rills paable 1,000 00
Undivided pioOts 2,123 SO $13,101 21
Interest . and premium
i delved $ 1.S37 6S
Interest and premium
delinquent seemed .... 1,121 S3
l'lnes leceived C3 20
".Vithdrawal piollts 21 IB $ 3,0"" il
Sundiy loan fund, In
tel est and discount....? . 4Q CO
Debenture dividends .... 201 25
Inteitst and discount .. 210 C2
Delinquent Intel est and
piemlum July 1 377 1G
Net profits, (0 months) . U.I2J S3 $ 3,0"7 12
umber of shaies In foice Jan. 1, 1S'J7, 1.6UI.
ii vhiiu:!).
GIEES-Ri:r.P..S-ltl Scianton, Fob. 2. 1S-J7,
nt the UnlM isallst paisonaie, Scianton,
by Rtv. I' W. Whlppen, .Miss .Ma F.
lkers ayil lit my A. Olles.
HAEEETT-In DalevTllo, PeV. I, 1S07, Al
klon Halktt, tiuod 37 jeais. Funeral
Thurfcilay afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Ser-
-.Ices ut the Dalevllle .Methodist 1'iotcs
tant chinch. Jlurlul in tlio DaltWIle
HOEAND-In Soinnton, Pub. 1, 18U7, .Miss
Cecilia Roland, ut the home of Jier sis
tit, .Mis. Thoniun Fl)iin, Vd Pioiilence
toad Funeral Wi dnebdaj loienoon at
0 o'i loi k Inlei ment in the 11 do Park
Catholli ciniLteiy
WAhhll hi Scianton. Feb. 2, 18')7, Uildiftt
Walsh, of 72t) Jlaln atnue, 1'rovliltiite,
instil i weeks; and datiKhter of Mr. mil
Miu Thomas Walsh. Funeral this at
ti moon ut 2 30 o'cloi k Intel ment In
HjJi Paik Catholic cenietny,
Mat in Annual Session In This City
The li usle.ev'f Hie Kc .vstone at aiteiin
at Facloi-yx Ille held tin ir annual meet
ing yesterday iiioiniiiK in the Puui
Aenue Hdptlst chinch. The pionldi nl,
Dr. U. A. L'npwell, of tills city, mo
ulded Officers wt?ic elected ns follows: Pr.
Cnpwcll, piesldent; ice iiivslilents,
l.lilliei Kelki, or Scinnton, nnd Tlieo
doie Halt, of Plttslon, secietaiy, 13.
M. Peck, of Citibondalej nsclstant sec
letai.v, aeoiRe Slson, pf lv.1 Plume',
tiensuier, A 11. Fassct.
It was announced th'at $.'0,000 had
been mibcilbed puisuant to.lohu Rock
nfcllei's offer to contilliute $10,000 lo an
endow nienl lund If S-lO.OtiO mote was
lalsetl by the liustecs. Mr. Roeltafel
ler's oilslnal olTei had been niude for
one year only, but he nRiecd to extend
the time unother when the paitlal suc
cess of tlio tuiBteos was mode known
to him.
Rex. K. I hilly, lnluclpal, preiiented a
tfintlrylns lepoit of acadeinv wotk,
show ins an hit i eased um ollinetit of stu
dents, lo or whom aie now attending
the school. .
Resolutions of condolence wete adopt
ed on the deaths of S. (J. Matlhewson
nnd Clarke Slsson, wlio were nieinbeis
of the boaul.
Samuel I.pbIi was ,u tested vcsteidny,
rhuisul With steallllK . trees fuiui the
pi opt rtv ol the Scinnton Uns and Water
i ompany In l.'lmliuist. The compnnj 1ms
been ml'Rlnft xaluable fiult tiees from Its
property fpj some time past and wntoheis
weio1 emuloicd to deiect the mui' iiulltii;
pailloB Eei-h was i anitht i hoppinfT down
an apple tin, and he Is heln eil to be the
poison who is irutlty of the foimti tlietls.
lie was sent to the county jail In default
6T $tm ball In Alderman Howe, beloie
Whom t''i case uis tiled.
Constable Cole jestinlay nncsted a ol
ored man nunied ilelvln on u wanrCnt
swoin out at the instance of another col
ored man named Madison Rriukett. 'the
charges against Melvln Weie the alien i
tfon of the alTectlons of UincUOtl's wife
nnd the canylng of concealed wenpoliu.
The evidence adduced bj the piosecutor
proved Insulllcltnt, aii the jirUouer was
dlhchurifid by Aldeimm II owe, wlio
heal d I' a case. "
(boipre llaihcr and VlllInm Spencer
wen ui'iniKiied befoie Alileimnn Howe
vtMtcnlay ehatged t itli the larceny ol a
li.uness belonging to N. A. Shlmei. Thine
appears to have been some mlslll,lle
ntiiiidliiR reRaidlnB the piopiletoirhlp ot
the luiiness and ns the pvlilem e was
rtnmnl Insufficient the defendants were
dlsi buigeA
.lennle Selmer, who l elides at 20 En ka
wunnn aienue, and ,1c; Filler were be'in
Aldeiman Mlllni yestciday alteiiejcin
ami as a icsult both are nov Inniat, - ol
the county Jail In default of $100 ball 'oi
cull. Fltsei caused a waiiant to he
swoin out lor Hie uriest Of the wain m,
thuiirinfi hci with stealing $'i tiom him
Beloii the aldeiman she chaiged Fltz i
with is .tulllug hei nnd caused his attest
on the thaifte of usiult and battci.
Seen True Bills, Were Found Against
Winterstccn and Knurr at Rlonins
burg Yesterday.
P.loomsbuiff Pa Tcli 2. One of the
most lemaikable cilminal caset. m
Pennsvhani i was biousht into mini
heie loda tin tieptembei 111 last an
attempt was made to blow up the i si
delice with dynamite of the linn l.ei
I'., Wall' r, a piomlneiit lawyn- of tins
place. Tilt attempt was trjeed to Clif
ton Knoir, a jouiir man of pood fainllj,
lint ot chsiilute habits Knoir conlessed
on his an est that he had been hiied b
Llod S. Winteisteln, a lawyei pionnii
ent at the bar of this count, and in
terested In many business ventuns in
blow up Mi Wallet's, lesidence foi the
pin pose ol killing Mr. Vallei and hi.
family. Wlnteisteen was ai tested and
today the uidnd Juiy lound seen tine
bllia against Wlnteisteen and Knon
i lmi Ki"K them with several forms ot
attempting to kill A still mote das
taidly attempt at inuidei was confessed
to by Knoit today. He made a confes
sion tliut pilot to the attempt to blow ,
up Mr. AVallei's family, that Wintei-
sleen had induced him to attempt the
UHbnssiuatlou ol Ml. Wallei by shootlnc,
liim. Knou laid In wait foi Wallei
but the lattei's lite was saed bj his
unexpected depai line fiom home. As 11
this was nut mougli, Knoir confessed
to an attempt to kill his stcp-inotlici,
Mrt. Knoir, and that too, by oneans
that only the wildest nl llctinnlsts would
lime llioiiuht of. Knoir In his confes
sion says that he tw ice attempted to
poison his step-mother by putliiiK pois
on in hei len, but each time, by a lor
tunate clinnce the ultempt was fuis
tialed. Then on the nigftestlon of Wln
teisteen, he wiote to a cei tain place In
New Yoik city and theie proem id the
bacilli of dlphtlieila with the puipue of
Impuitiiiff the dlseiihe to his step-mother.
When tlio bncllli nriiveil Knou
learned that the only way the, dlsensi
could be lmpnited b tills means was
by Inoculation. It was jtnpossihh tin
him to do this w itliout his step-mot In i s
know ledge, but in tlio hope that she
would contract tlio disease anyhow he
scattered the germs tlnough her cloth
ing. All these attempts at minder, mould
ing to Knou's conl esslon tuose fiom a
business ttansactlon in which Wlntei
steen was woisled bv Mr. Mallei and
in which Mis Knou had 'a linuncial in
terest. When Hie bills fiom the ijuind
3111 y weie returned to comt today Fied
eilck Ikeler, compel for Wlnlc i.steen,
isktcl foi eontlnunnco until the .May
lei m of court. The. piosecutlon wanted
to know on what gi omuls the continu
ance was asked for, but Ml Ikelei le
fused to state and his lefiihnl was sus
tain! d by tile couit. Judge Ikehr,
father of couiipel for the defendant, and
formerly an intimate Mend ot Winttr
steen. was the silting Judge. On tills
account he telegraphed to Judge Metz
gai, of Wllllamspcu t, to come here to
mouow and heai the argument for a
continuance of the case.
Ambassador lliiuinl III.
London, Pi b. i Ambassador haynid Is
coiUlntd to his house. He has been Sick
foi stneial ilis, bin Is bettei.
You can R.ave money by buying sppcta.
cles of Slherstone, the ejo specialist, at
309 Lackawahna annuc, onely one lllght
oer the Lehigh Valley ticket olllce. The
following jirlces will satisfy you that they
are the cheapest In the city. Solid gold,
rimmed spectacles at $3 GO per pair, tlllel
bows at 82; nlcklo bows fiom COc. to $1.50;
aluminum bow 3 from 75c. to $2 00; colored
glassos from 23c to $1.23. Wo have a lar-fo
lino of i eudlng glasses, tho best In the
market, at 23c. pe,r pair. Open a and rnag.
nlfyiiig glasses at reduced prices. Of.
flco hours. 8 a. in, to 12m.; 1 to 0 p. m.
Remember that your eyes will bo exam
lned free and satisfaction Is guaranteed.
They Arc Loath to Tackle the Annual
Appropriation Ordinance.
'I'll ' u thu r.sthuutcs Commuted Ad
journed Until Net .Mondnv Niulit to
l.iw the .lii'iuliurs mi Oppoitunil)
to Stud) the i'loblrin hi All ol Its
llcliiils.-Dduui'd enul, ol Cniii
liion Council, (,'Iiuiniiitu ol lliu
The- lolnt estimates committee of
councils held its Hist meeting last
night but did not accomplish uiij thing
tow aid cutting down the 1SU7 c-'llinule
oiillnance to meet the until Ipnteil life
line. Alter cugaiiUliig an adjoin n
inent was taken until net Monday
Theie weie inesent the following
committeemen Fiom select council,
Messis Ross, Cluike Mauley and JIc
Cann; fiom common council, Messis
Wensel, Moll, S. Thomas, Noune and
Ooi don. The iibsontees weie belectinun
Lansing and Williams.
Kdwaid Wens-el, ol coiumon eotinell,
wits cliosen chaliiiian. Hu was the
only nominee.
City Cleik Laelle lead the applo
pilatlou oiillnance and on Ills conclu
slmi Mt. Nuone moed an adjournment
In iiidei to give the inembeis oppoi
tumty to study the oidlniuice. Mi.
Moll objeiiid, Intini.illim that nothing
coil Id be 'allied b delaj thlit the
memheis weie as conM"-nnt with the
dllfeient iti nr- as thej muld eei be
Mr. Aland took Ml Noone's lew of
Shortest month of all the year,
for shop going, 4 for church going.
more business than last month, when, we had three days
more. February's called a bad business month, too.
Still we must beat January. Know why? Every month
in the new store has been better than the preceding
one. And we don't propose to slump in February just
because it's a bit shorter. A few more dollars every clay
will soon make up the three days we lose. Here's the
business bringing prices that will save the day:
Carving 5 ts ot
Sots ' taivinji sets,
" maikecl foi .1
ijuick ticioc.1 hye. H.unifomed
steel hLitles. with ebonieil
handles, pieces m a s,et tUK
the steel m eveiy piece all
that steel should he. ins iets th it cut, wc a set.
Novels We've concluded
these take up too
much space, so we close out all
we've lett. They'ieall good,
Liipj nlited novels, by hest
authois. Good piint and good
papei ; 25 cents apiece, the
bookstoie chaise you. Thebe
aie to 00 at 4 foi a qum tei ,
I our Good Novels for 25c.
Writins In boeb. Pret
ty fair paper,
too. Not nice
enough for the over fastidious,
but good enough lor oulinaiy
coiiespondence. 20 sheets
and 20 envelopes in a box.
200 Uoes go un sale tuJ.iy at 5c each
A Piano An inteiest-
ing surgical op-
eiation is the cutting otf of
more than halt the value ot
an upiight piano. Touch and
REXFORD'5,303 LackaAvenue
8$',0',,C'' 6$
a Ira M FrQ M v Ira R Prh '
Iii order to acquaint people with our LINEN DE"
PARTHENT we intend giving them the greatest bargains
ever offered in this city. The goods are new, having just
been opeued.
Table "Linens,
Of Reeds &. Barnsley Manufacturing.
S3c. Cream PaninsK stilctlj pine linen "3i
-lOe. Cream Damask atiktly puie llnt-n .ae.
4jC Cream Damask stiktl puiu linen 35i .
COc. Cream Damask strictly jnne linen .,jc
TmC. Cieam Dimask stiktl lime linen lie
bio. Cieant Damask atilitly pine linen toe.
81c. Cieam Dainasl. Htiktlj puie linen elle.
Mi. lileached Snow White 4Se.
I0e. lileached Know White COc.
71c. llltached Snow Whlto CSc,
Hue. lileached Huovv Whlto '. !9e,
Jl U0 lileached Snoiv Whlto bic.
and a large assoitment ot lino Unen.i
i unKliiK In pi Ices f i om $1.21 to f J to per yai d
at Kiuatlj i educed pi Ices.
Napkins, "fa aituuie, vvoith COc, fori.. 47c
Nupklns, ' "quuie, vioith bill , foi . ic
Napkins, s squaie, vvoith $1 oo, for ssi
Napkins, 1.UKC dliinci, vvoith 1 CO, foi l 11
Hie matter, which, when cited upon,
ieenled u He, which was broken by
Chilli innn Wenssel's vote fawning ad
join umeiit.
Tho otdlnnnce piovldon. foi the ex
pendltuies for general city pin poses
to Hie amount of $373,110 111, to meet
Which theie Is an estimated levenue
fiom all souices of but $2Sr,,O00, lorn lug
$ss,110 1Uas the amount which the com
mittee will hnvc to cut out of the otdl
nnnce Last year the total amount up
piopilatud was $271. S27, about $10,000
less than can be piovlded for this jeui.
.iJujor Ifnilej lias Not Decided W tint
He A) ill Uti About It.
Tho Keenlecnlh dlstilct sower oiill
nance was dclUeied to Mayor llalley
for his slgnutuie yestetday. lie has
until the 17th of this month 'to sign the
netisuie, lie stated to a Ttlbutie le
pottei that he would lake no action
until he had ascei tallied what he be
lieved to be Hie wishes of Hie nuijoilu
of Hie lesldcnts of the tluee wards af
fected, the Eleventh, Tuelllli and
Mayor Ralley l email. ed that lie
should take Into enncldeititlun the san
ltai phase of the case and the ques
tion of mone-sa ing as piesonted In
the intnided di.ilnnije of watei fiom
thejitieets In the men affected
On Monday and yesteuliiy a number
of Houth Sldcis iiifoi inally lslted the
mnyoi's olllce and hnd siinietlilng lo
say concerning the sewer, without ex
ception, the fmoted It Heeuil Intl
maled that the opposition was not ns
general as was claimed and that much'
of It wus piomptcd by ceitaln lesldcnts
on political I'lounds.
The opponents of the siwer will, how
tnei, hae their Innings after tonight
whin Is lo be held In St John's hall
on Stone avenue a dlireim' mass meet
ing. Theie will lie foimulnU'd a plan
for pioctiilng a petition to be signed
by non-si wciltes In Hie thiee wnids
O'O &$$$$
tone aie unexcelled. Been
used? Yes, a little. You'd
never know it if we hadn't
told you. The little stump of
pi ice left is only $110. Not
much foi a lust-class upright
piano, is it?
How you've
been lobbed in
buying glass
shades for the chandelier. It
neai ly bioke youi heaiteveiy
time you he.iid one ciack, be
cause you knew how you'd
have to pay to leplace it. Now
we've bought some at light
prices. Wide flaring tops that
the gas can't ciack if it is
turned a little high. And
we've turned the pi ice down
So very low, 19c each.
Photo Frames
foi cabinet photos. Wan ant
ed not to tarnish. The silver
plating is coeied with some
seciet pieparation that pio
tects it fi 0111 the action ol the
air. Seivice and beauty at
the extieme littleness of pi ice,
19c each today.
?sSi nf
Ml Hi
Commencing Monday, Februaiy 8,
N ipklns, 1 irs- ilinqcr, woith 52.00, for. 51 (.'
Napkins, lain dinner, worth $2.23, for $1.79
Napkins, laihc dinnei, vvoith J2.C0, for.Jl.l'J
A laifee btoi k of hiuher-prlcod Boodd.
$loi larRc ciochet quilt, for COc.
51 Si larsu crochet iiullts for Me.
Marseilles iiullts, all giades, at reduced
Soinothiiiit new, Stevens Broi;.' eoft finish
oraches ready for uae.
Sc. cinsh for , Go.
10c. crash for 7o.
12c. cuiHh for u.
ICc. ciash for 12Vo,
6c. cotton crash So.
Ci lotion cinsh Stye.
TovvcU, lame stock, at tv.o-thlrtls actual
417 Imvmm
nnd piotestlng ngnlnst the pioposed
liupiovement. It will be ptesented to
Muyoi Halley eatly next week.
Produced li) Daniel Kully und Coin
imny nl Hie I'rotliliiKliiiin.
Daniel Sully !iipnted his well
known piny, "O'Hileii, the Conlinc
tor," at the Fiiitliliifluini hist nlglit
befoie a good sized audience. It was
his second upeaianee In this city this
"O'llilen, the Cnnltnotor," Is n duimn
with a stiong vein of Interest tunning
Hu iiugli It and It enables Mr. Sully to
make a good display of his oilginul line
of hish chaiacter acting, A fuiily
good company stippot ted him.
i , - -
Minings Assoeisilion Olliccis.
The Ihlid nnnunl nieetliigof Scianton
Itiancli of the Republic Savings and
Loan association ot Vow Yoik look
place at I p. m. at the olllce of Ibeli lesl
delitdiioctoi.S.N Cnllondir.W.W. T.ath
lop, esq., pieslillng. Theie was a gooil
attendance of meinbeis ami consldcr
tilile enthusiasm manifest In the selec
tion of ollleets and diieitoi.s for the
ensuing eai. Col, F. U. Case, jr., of
New Yoik, guneuil lminiiirer of the us
so( latlou, was picseut unit gae an ai -count
of Hie glow Hi and pi aspect oT the
Republic. The tieasiuer lepoits that
V'.COO shates have been sold to tills
launch, $70,000 loaned Id meinbeis and
$11,070 i etui ned to wlthdt awing nuin
liets, and that theie was an Incieii'ing
demand foi loans. The lollowing aie
the ntllceis-elect Piesldent, James JI
13eihait, Hi st ilic piesldent, Janus
C! Halley. second Ice presld'Mit, 1' 1J
Uiustei, M. D; seciclni and tiettsui
ei, S N C'alleuilei; nttoinejs, W
Wit'on, esq ,W. S. Dd ill. esq, nppralse
im nl committee. A. It P. ml), John lie
nine. M. T. Kellai, W, . Youngs, M.
Ill Uewitt.
Twenty-four days
Yet we want to do
die. These
Two blades
of good quality
set in a ster
ling silvei han-
are part ot the
Wiight stock, and $1.00 is
what he sold them for.
Yuurs toJay for 38c. each.
Writing I'apc-i by the
Paper pound in oiigi
nal packages.
It's so much cheapei to buy it
this way. If once you'd tiy
it you'd always buy your pa
per by the pound. Two qual
ities, foui kinds.
Connrcsb Note, 10c. .1 pound. 120
sheets to the pound.
White Voe, Cream Laid.
Velvet and Linen, 19c. a pound. 108
A special
lot of XXX
envelopes to go today at 3c a
bunch of 25. And they'ie not
thin trash eithei, but good,
stiong, well gummed envel
opes. School A special good
Pads thing in school
pads. Good pa
per. You can wiite on it with
ink. A good five-center, but
ToJa they're only 3c. e.uh.
HiiiPslpiiiipiT Gnflf
liyilisBkelplilM iJlllli
fluslins and Sheetings,
I-Iaviuff bousfht a larcre s
Co.ttou Goods ever sold at. we
crs the betiefit of our purchase
Co. Good Muslin only 4c.
7c. Forest f!e.
7'.c. Hill Cc.
7".i'. I.oiibilalo Uc.
7'fce. Krnlt of Loom Cc.
12'ic fildo of West lOe.
12VkV. I.ousdalo Cambrlo 8o.
12c.iLoekvvood 5-4 1'. C. .Muslin Sc.
lie. Lockvvood C-l 1'. C. Muslin llo.
13c.VI.ockn ood co-Inch Muslin 10c.
17c. 'Lockwood S-'l ShoetlliK 14c.
20c. Xoekvvood 11-4 SheetlllK 10c.
22c. I.ockvvood 10-4 Sheetins Uc
19c. UJloa 8-t Sheetinit lC'.c
2lc. Utica H-l SlmetliMf 17.i.
23o. Utica 101 SheetlllK l'Je.
kimm, Soranton,
Bm UTS (Ti fl inYO
fi fill 1
Closing out sale Odds
and Ends, parts of sets
and complete sets of open
stock pattern which we
wish to close. Now is
your time to buy good
goods at prices of poor
rounor I'losnt
I'liee. I'rlfo.
,,,db,,;rei:,.,.8.o.t.'':..m:.". $ 4.50 $ 2.49
10uer1Su?3."r.!;?.t.':.l,. "l'.1; 10.00 8,49
101 Piece Docorn'cd CnrU. 40 (h i) (0
bid C'Uliulllunm Huts.. lo.UU li, UO
llflpi'ccnpcoiati'ill 'leiich 00 flfl 00 flfl
Uiinii Uhiiioi Sets O.UU ii,)j
'N'mmLrtT.:!?:1..1:!'!:1.': 34.35 24.93
151 I'll cj Dei nutted Thi'o.
8etV':m:!.cl:!,m.D.l.,.'r: 100.00 ss.oo
Odd Pieces of Glassware.
Tumblers, Etc.
n ra n 51 n a ra
1 w IV, i il 11 1. Ml
mm ii
1:51 Vt'jomini,' Au'huo.
Walk in and look around.
416 UCKAWflfJiin AVENU3.
Scliool of Music, 5:0 Spiuce St.
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice 'Iiainin, Solo Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Rotti
teachcis nt celebrated Scliarwenka
Conservatory, cv York. Also other
competent teachers ungnijcil. Mi- Thicb
is the successor to the late
-J&-..iA ..
Coal of tho best quality for domcstlo us
nnd of all slzo, Including Buckwheat ant
lilrdseye, delivered In any jiau of tho clt
at the lowoit price.
Orders received nt tho Oftice, first floor.
Commonwealth bulldlns, room No. l;
telephone Io. 2C2t or at tho valns. tel
phono No. 272. will bo promptly attended
10 Dealers uuppllcd, nt tho mine
tockof the very lowest jjricos
propose to give our custom-
Be CJood Apron Olngha'm "
7c. Bent Apion Qlnehum .
Cc. 11 est IiiiIIko Blue Calico i .
Co. (lood Calico , Ji.
Cc. Shaker riannel ! .
Qooil Drown Muslin, only H'j .
Tino liiovvn Muslin, only 4.
7c. llrovvn Muslin 0'.. .
7c, Atlantic A, only ,, C. .
7c. Atlantic II, only , f i.
lie. liuBt I.oekwood 6-t V, C. Muslin . Sc
13c. llest Loekvvood C-l 1. V. Muslin. .10'.
Ibc llest I.oekwood b-t Sheeting 12'jC,
ISc. Jiest l.oikwood li-l Shi'etinn Ik.
20c Hust I.oekwood 10-4 Sheetlne ....lbi
17cHent lllka b-t Sheeting 1-' .
Ttic Ik-bt I' t lea 9-4 Sheeting lC'jt.
21c Utst L'tiea 10-1 Sheeting 17.
I EraOH !
YH wn la An 1 ( W
Jh C 1 jra nn