THE SCTMNTON TrilBUlNTE-TUESnAV MOANING. PEBRTJATIY 2, 1897. AMENDMENTS JO ARBITRATION TREATY AH Reference lo the King of Sweden Is Eliminated. THE SECRECY INJUNCTION REMAINS A Resolution to Dulcruiiuu tlio Con dition uf'Dclnwuru Is OH'uroiI--Tlio llouso Refuses to Consider a .lli'its uru A lined at llnllroait Tleltot Scnlpor--Various Kills Approved by thu liuu'ur Hranuh. "Washington, Feb. 1. Immediately after the senate convened ut noon Senator Sherman moved an executive session, stating that It would require but u short time. When the doors were closed he reported the general treaty of arbitration ns amended Hat urdny by thu committee. The (list of these amendments, ns previously stat ed, In these dispatches, adds at the end or the llrst article the clause: Hut no question which affects the for eign or domestic policy of either of the high contracting parties or the relations of either with nny other state or power, by treaty or thorwlse, shall bo subject to arbitration under this treaty, except by special ugreumont. The second strikes out all reference, wherever It .occurs, to tho King; of Sweden und Norway as the umpire where the tribunal falls to agree upon such umpire. After the report was made Mr. Sher man asked that, Inasmuch ns tho text of the convention had been made pub lic tho Injunction of secrecy bo re moved from the text of the amend ments, but Senator Morgan objected and tho request was denied. No at tempt was made to arrange n tlnid for the consideration of tho treaty nor was anything suld about debating It In open session. GOVERNMENT OP DELAWARE. A resolution was offered by Mr. Chandler, of New Hampshire, nnd was referred to the committee on privi leges and elections Instructing that committee, to Investigate the recent presidential and state election in Dela ware and report to the senate whether a Itepubllenn form of government ex ists in thnt state. The Nlcaraguan canal bill was taken up and an unsuc cessful effort was made to have a day and hour llxed for a final vote. The discussion then proceeded on Mr. Vi las' motion, submitted last Thursday, to have the bill recommitted. Mr. Vilas spoke of the inter-oceanie canal project us a historic dream nnd quoted Senator Sherman's statement the oth er day that the canal could not be constructed by any Incorporated com pany, and must be built, if at nil, by the government: nnd also that the bill could not possibly pass tho house In the present congress. SCALPING BILL IGNORED. The first thins: the house did today was to refuse to consider the bill re ported by the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce to prohibit rail road ticket scalping. In the course of tho session which was devoted to mis cellaneous business the following' bills were passed: To prohibit the carrying from one state Into another of obscene literature or articles designed for Indecent or Im moral purposes; giving olllcers In the volunteer service of the United States the brevet rank held by them and the right to wear the uniform of that rank, protection, of national military parks, protection that surgeons of soldiers' homes may be appointed from other than those who have been disabled in tho service of the United States; ex tending the authority of the president of the United States to Issue medals of honor to other than officers and en listed men; to restore to his former rank lr the navy and plnee on the re tired list John N. Quackenbush; grant ing to Colorado C37 acres In Fort Lyon reservation for a state soldiers' home; authorizing the entry of public lands containing petroleum under the mining laws; directing the issue of patents for tho located biiL unconfirmed- lands in Louisiana, 2SS tracts containing about 80,000 acres. The last hour of the session was de voted to the consideration, in commit tee of the whole, of the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE. The Verdict in the Johnston Case nt New lllooinlicld. Now Bloomfleld, Feb. 1. Dr. Thomas Johnston, of Duncannon, who killed Druggist George S. Henry at that plnco last fall, was found guilty of murder In the second degree. Judge Lvonn Immediately discharged the jury, and then application was made for a new A Wonderful Medicine Tor Bilious nnd Nervous disordcrs.auch as Wind and Fain In tUoBtomacb, Sick Headache, aiddl. noss, Fullness nnd Swelling after moals, Dizzi ness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings ot Ilcat, Loss ot Appetite, Shortness ot Breath, Cos tlvenoss, Blotches on tbo Bklu, Disturbed Sloop, Frightful Droams, nnd all Norvous and Tromb llng Sonsatlons, 4c, whon thoso symptoms aro caused by constipation, as most ot them aro. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no Action. Every Bufforor Is earnestly Invited to try ono Box ot tlieso Fills and they will bo acknowledged to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEi:ciIA?I'S l'lLI.S, taken as directed, "Will quickly rostoro Fomales to complete health. They promptly romovo obstructions or Irregu larities ot tho systoni. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver thoy act like magic a tow dosos will work won ders upon tho Vital Organs; strengthening the muscular system, restoring tho long-lost com plexion, bringing back tho keen odgo of appe tite, and arousing with tho ICosobud of Health tho whole phynleal energy ot the human frame. Thoso are facts admlttodby thousands, la all classes ot oocloty, and ono ot tho best guarantees to the HervouB and Doblll tatod Is that Hecclinm'S 1M1U liavo tho Largest Sulo of nuy l'atvut IUcdlcluo 111 tho World. Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 Boxes SJo. at Drug Stores, or vrlll bo sent by U.a Agents. D. 1'. ALLEN CO., 363 Oannl St., New York, post paid, upon receipt ot price, boat tret upon apvllcatloo- P MIAST trial by Dr. Johnston's nt.torneys, February IS hns been llxed when the application will be argued. When Dr. Johnston- was brought Into tho court room lie looked pale and anxious, more ho than at nny time since the trlul begun Wudncsdny a week ago, and when the. verdict was announced he fame very near fainting. It wus a big surprise to him, It having been learned that he had expected a verdict of acquittal. Mrs. Johnston became hysterical at the Rhlnosmlth hotel, where she Is stopping. The court room was well filled with spectators and tho excitement here Is very gront, while at Duncannon the people are pleased with the verdict. Had Dr. Johnston been acquitted ho would not have been re leased, but sent to some Insane asylum by Judge Lyons for at least three months, or until he had sufficiently re covered from the delusional Insanity under which he Is laboring. This hns been the most expensive trial Perry couty has over had, nnd It Is estimated $15,000 will not cover the cost of attorneys' fees, etc. Drs. Moulton, Wood and Mills, the expert.- on insanity, are credited with receiv ing $1,000 each, while throe of Dr. John ston's attorneys, Hergner, Shull nnd Sclbert, got $1,000 each, and Mr. Heck Is said to have gotten $3,000, and $2,000 addltlonnl If his client is acquitted. The four counsel for the, common wealth, ex-Judge Harnett and son, ex Senator Smiley and Mr. Weidman, are said to have received $300 each. There were over 110 witnesses present for eight days. MONTROSE MURDER CASE. John and Michael Kellcy Must Answer for the Cowardly Killing of Leon D. Gage. Montrose, Feb. 1. Tho trial of John and William Kelly, charged with tho murder of Leon D. Gngc, at Hrack neyvlllo, ou Aug. IB. last, wlll occupy the attention of the court of quarter sessions of Susquehanna county this week. On Saturday, Aug. Iu, 1S9G, John and Mlchnel Kelly attended a picnic nt Quaker Lake. When evening came they drove to Ward's hotel at Brack neyville, about a mile distant, and lo cated fourteen miles from Montrose. They had had considerable liquor at the picnic, nnd as their appetites craved more, they proceeded to satisfy their desires. About 11 o'clock thoy became angry at a remark made by Thomas. Guhugnn, and assaulted hiin In the hotel bar room. Thomas Ward, the proprietor, ejected the Kellys. Gahagan left the hotel about mid night and had scarcely reached the street before he wns attacked by the Kellys, who had been waiting outside. Ward and Gage ran outside to act as peacemakers. Gage reached the bellg erent trio sooner than Ward, as the latter Is lame. When Ward arrived a few seconds Inter, Gage lay on the ground. He wns barely able to gasp: "Tom, he's got a knife; It's there," pointing to John Kelly's right hand. Ward grasped Kelly's hand and called for assistance. Patrick Donovan, who was some distance from the scene, came to his aid. and Anally Kelly was overpowered and the knife taken from his hands, but not before Donovan had received a bad cut upon his arm, Ga hagan nnd Michael Kelly, who had been fighting during the meantime, were separated; then attention was given to Gage, who was already un conscious. The Kellys disappeared un rirr the cover of darkness, but were soon after arrested. After taking Gage Into the hotel a huge gash was discovered In his groin; the femoral artery had been complete ly severed, und he soon died. FIRE AT FACTORYVILLE. Mrs. J. T. Bush Has a Narrow Escape from CremationResult of Ex plosion of Gasoline. Speclal to tho Scranton Tribune. FuctoryvillP, Feb. 1. This afternoon nt 2 o'clock un alarm of fire was sound ed from the north end of town, and It was soon discovered that the residence of J. T. Bush, on Main street was on fire. The Langstaff Hose company very promptly responded to the alarm, und In a few minutes had a stream on the llnmes, which were confined to the west corner of the house, but which had eaten their way through the partitions and between the walls to the roof. The efficient work of the firemen soon told on the fianies and In about an hour the fire was declared out. The tiro wus caused by the explosion of a pan of gasoline with which Mrs. Bush was cleaning some dress goods. She had a very hot fire in the kitchen range for baking purposed, and the overheated atmosphere caused the gas oline to explode while Mrs. Bush had her bunds in It. She ran out doors en veloped In ilames and her son happened to be near and by rolling her In the snow extinguished thpni, although Mrs.' Bush is quite seriously 1311111611' about the hands and arms and her hair Is badly burned. Prank Bush wns also burned about the face and hands. The firo was con fined to three or four rooms, but the damage by water Is nearly as much as by fire. The loss an building and con-. tents will perhaps reach $500 and no in surance on house or contents. JOHN BOND'S LONG REST. An Indiana .11 mi Has Lain in Hod Twenty-two Venrs. Indianapolis, Fob. 1. John Bond, of Mitchell, has lain In bed for twenty-two years, and until he has lost all use of his lower limbs through want of exer cise, and he Is now hopelessly wrecked physically. Formerly he lived with his mother on a farm near Mitchell, but when his mother determined to sell the farm he vowed that if she did so he would go to bed nnd remain there. Te farm was sold and he kept his vow. Eventually lie was removed to Mitchell, atlll persistently remaining In bed, and until her death his mother cared for him ns sho did In his infant days. Her dentil came two lears ago and the watchers at tho bier claim that he stole to the casket and looked at her, stealing buck tq hed again upon finding himself observed, He never leaves his bed o,nd while ho converses freely with callers, ho always keeps his head mullled under tho bed clothing, so that u, clear view of his face cannot bo had, DIG INCREASE IN WAQES. Kmployes of Carney iu Stuul Coinpnny Itt'cuivu mi Adviinco of JJO Per Cunt. Pittsburg, Pa Felj. 1, Tho Cnrne glo Steel compnny save Its army of employes In tho bin; genera! building on Fifth avenue u pleasant Eurprltfo Sat urday a4!ter;ioon by raising their wages generally. Tho Incrense wns about 0 per cent, nnd Included every employe from olllce boys to heads of departments, In 1803 salaries of the clerical force were cut from IB to 35 per cent. This Is the llrst general Inerenso since thnt lime nnd was wholly unexpected ami unannounced. Wunthor nml Other Predictions for thu Coining Week. Sundny, Jnn. 31. Fourth Sunday niter Epiphany. A child born on this dny will be uetlve and ambitious and will rise 111 life; a female will marry a man of hgh spirits. Monday, Feb. 1, Bull trine to .Mars. A child born on this day will be lortunate In tho employ of others and rise rapidly. Tuesday, Fob. 2. Venus trine to Saturn. Snow or rain. A child born on tills dny will be unfortunute and should never at tempt to do business on Its own account. Sell In the afternoon, Wednesdny, Feb. 3. Mercury stationery. Weather stormy. A child born on this day will bo extravagant, careless and gener ally poor. Seek employment in tha morn Ing. Thursday, Feb. 1. Uranus a morning star. Weather unsettled. A child born on this day will be quick In anger, head strong and resolute, but not fortunate. Court, marry, nnd sock employment, Fihluy, Fob. 5. .Moon In conjunction with Venus. Wenther unsettled. A child born on this day will be Industrious, clever and fortunate. Negotiate business. Saturday, Feb. C Sun trine to Neptune. Weather cloudy. A child born on this clay will be active and ambitious, ciulclc in anger, but not very fortunate. Travel, deal and push business. MARKETS AND STOCKS. Wall Street Review. New York, 'Feb. 1. Stocks were Ir regular, but In tho mnln firm. The Ir regularity wns attributed to the desire of the senate committee to amend the general arbitration treaty. London firms sold fairly large amounts of tho international stocks on this account nnd professional operators short of tho mnrket attempted to force liquidation. Very little Impression wns made on prices, except In a few Instances. Manhattan and Lackawanna, how ever, were rather feverish did not receive the support accorded the gen eral list. There was good buying of the Northern Pacifies and the new preferred rose to within a fraction of 3D. Louisville and Nashville was higher on the favorable remirt for De cember. In the industrials, Chicago Gas was in request. Speculation closed Irregular, but In the main linn. Not changes show losses of al per cent. Western Union, Northern Pa cific preferred and Omaha, however, gained Va. per cent. Total sales were 1S,",000 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms, 703-700. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 7,' 73 73?8 74Vi Am. Sug. lief. Co. ..117-i 117 117 117',i At., To. & S: Fe 15Vi 16 IS 13 At., To. & S. Fe l'r. .. 2o 25 25 23! Canada Southern ... 1G -IG 4J 4G dies. & Ohio 17 1SV6 I7Ta 1T Chicago Gas IWi 7S?s 7S 7SVi Chic. & N. W 105 305 10 IH 10P4 Chic, B. & Q 75 75 75'fc 73'.. C. C. C. & St. L 2SU -S'.ii 2Sj 2S'. Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 77V3 77',s 7Gft 7G'S Chic, II. I. & l'ac. ..09 Gil OSU 03", Del. & Hudson 108 10S',4 107'i 307 Dist. & C. F 14!4 14U 13;8 14U Gen. Electric 33ft 3G',6 33','j 35 Louis. & Nash 31?i 51 51 li 51 M. K, & Tex. Pr. ... 31i. 31?4 3U& 31 Man. Elevated isOi !K fUJa Hi) Mo. Pac 23 23 22'i. Nat. Lead 25 25 N. J. Central 1004 100?4 100-4 1W N. Y. Central 93?4 94 !W4 91 N. Y S. & W. Pr. .. 25M: 23V4 23'4 '-a'-i Nor. Pac 2SR. 3Sj'8 37Tfe !& Ont. & Western 15?; 15?:, 15?; 33s; Omaha 01 5194 51 51?s Phil. & Heading 261 27 2G4 2G34 Southern It. H 9H 9 9 Southern It. H. Pr. .. 29?i 29;& 29?; 29i Tenn. C. & Iron 30T SOT; 30',4 3D?; Texas Pacific 9?; 9?4 9H 9?4 Union Pacific 7 7 G?i G? Wabash Pr 1GV4 1G',(. 3GU 10?; wesiern union bh'.s am ai aivs W. L ' 2'i 2U 2U 2i', U. S. Leather 9 9 9 9 U. S. Leather Pr. . i!',i C2V 02 (12 U. S. Itubber 22'.-i 22',fe 22M- 22i-i CHICAGO BOAHD OF TRADE PIUCES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. 'est. est. Ing. Muy 744 74V1 73?; 74,i July 70?; 71U 70?; 71V4 OATS. May 17?'b 3S 37?; IS July lSVi lS?i 3SU 38?4 CORN. May 21 24U 23?a 2t'4 July 23 23'i 23 23?; LARD. Muy 3.93 3.97 3.92 3.92 Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange (iuotntions.--.-VII Quotation Based cnPnroriOO. STOCKS. Scranton Lace Curtain Co. .. National Boring & Drill's Co. First National Hunk Scranton Jar & Stopper Co. .. Elmhurst Boulevard Co. ...... Scranton Savings Bank Bonta Plato Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third Nntlonal Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axlo Works Traders National Bank Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replacer Co. . Scranton Bedding Co Dlmo Dep, & DIs. Bank Colliery Engineer Bid. Asked. 50 0 G30 100 200 10 93 150 350 ... 90 15 20 R0 115 120 250 100 103 145 110 ... 1MB Mlsi1 OUR SEMI-ANNUAL ONE All Goods Reduced One-Half, for CASH ONLY. Hats and Furnishings, Too. COLLINS m 220 Lackawanna Avenues TREATMENT THAT TIUmLOW HOMOEOPATHIC modi, clues reach, sooth and heal every diseased organ; curing Invariably ull forms of disease, no mutter what It may be. T The PHYSICIANS of the THUItLOW Institute, No. 303 and 303 Spruce street, are dally prescribing FllEE for hundreds or Blck people at their homes, and at tho Institute. Sufferers from Rhounintlsm, Catarrh, Asthma, Dyspcpnln, Kidney Disease, Piles, Lumbago, Neurulgln, Femide Dis eases, Coughs, Colds and Grippe are con stantly expressing their heartfelt grati tude Tor the miraculous cure of these ills, eases. THE FllEE DISTRIBUTION of Thurlow AO Dyspepsia Cure proved to bo u God-send to THOUSANDS of pain ful and long-standing cases. , ASVICK al' EXAMINATION ABSO LUTELY FREE either at the olllce or nt your homes. A POSTAL CAIID WILL UMNO ONE 2 !' 'THUHLOW'S SKILLED PHYSI CIANS to tho bedside of any sufferer, who will prescribe for you, und attend you until cured. The Physician's Services are FREE. Ine .MEDICINES aro mostly twenty flvp cents n bottle. This CHEAT INSTITUTE of TUUE HOMOEOPATHY, No. 303 nnd 303 Spruce . ! Scrn"ton. continues to bo crowded daily with a throng of allllcted people who come from miles around to avail them selves of tho FllEE- Doctor's services of fered at the THUHLOW MEDICAL IN STITUTE. Thousands ot TESTIMONI ALS could bo published If space would permit. BONDS. Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. Scranton Pass, ltullwny, first mortgage duo 1918 People's Street Railway, llrst mortgngo due 1918 Scranton & Plttston Trac, Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgago duo 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... Lncka. Township School 5.. City of Scranton St. Imp. tj. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, II. & P. Co.. 20 iiu ... 110 ... 90 110 ... 100 102 ... 102 S3 100 "... 93 100 IS'ow York Produce .Market. New York, Feb. 1. Flour Dull, barely steady. Winter wheat Low grades, 2.30a 3.30; do. fair to fancy, $; do. pat ents, J4.73a5; Minnesota clear, ?3.50at; do. straights, Jlal.13; do. patents, $4.23a5; city mills, $la5; do. patents, $5a5.23. Wheat- Dull, market easier; f. o. b., 93?ic; un graded, "GaUGc; No, 1 northern, S7',ic. ; op tions closed firm at Hie under Saturday; February, 82c: March, S3VSC.; May, S034c; July, 7S!;c Corn Dull, eusler; No. 2, 29',;c, elevator; 30y8c, alloat; options dull and firm; February, quiet, easier; Febru ary, 21c; May, 22c; spot prices, No, 2, 2l;e.; No. 2 white, 21c; No. 2 Chicago, c.j No. 3, 20'jc; NovemberntNYScht?s; 22U-C.; No. 2 white, 22c; mixed western, 22a2lc; white do. and white state, 23d 29Ue. Beef Steady, quiet; family, $9.2.i.i 1U.50; extra mess, $7aS. Beef hums Firm; $17.30alS. Tierccd beef Steady; city ex tra India mess, $13al4. Cut meats Steady; pickled hollies, 4?e.; do. shoulders, 414a nic: do. hums, S'.i.iOc Lard Quiet, eas ier; western steam, $I.12V&; city, J3.G0a3.G5; Mny, $1.23; refined, dull, lower; cohtlneiit, $4.35; South American, $I.GI; compound, 4i,4n4ac. Pork Dull, steady; new mess, $S.23a9. Butter Firm; state dairy, 10a 15c; do. creamery, 13al9e.; western cream ery, 13a20c; do. factory, 7al4e. ; Elglns, 20c; Imitation creamery, llalGc Cheese Strong, fair demand; state large, 8al2c. ; do. small, SMjal2c; part skims, 3a9'jc; full skims, 3a3'c Eggs Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 39c; lee house, case, $2. 10a 3.50; western fresh, lS'-ic; southern, 17'!a 3Sc; limed, 13allM:C Chicago Grain nnd Provision .Market. Chicago, Feb. 1. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat February. 71c, 72!4c; May, 73?;c, 74ic: July, 70?ic, 71;e. Corn February, 22c, 22',i,c; May, 24c, 21Uc; July, 23c, 25"(,c. Oats Febru ary, 10c, 35?4c; May, 17?;c, 17?;c; July, lSVie., lS?4c. Mess pork February, $3.S0, $3.80; Muy, $3.97i, $3.92'... Short ribs-February, $3.90, $3.90; Muy, $3.97',i, $3.922. Cash quotations were ns'foloHvs: Flour Dull, unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 71?;a73',4c ; No. 3 spring wheat, 71a7114c; No. 2 red. 82?;aSI,ic; No. 2 corn, 22V4a22?4c; No. 2 oats, l6!4a1GV4c; No. 2 rye, 34ic; No. 2 barley, 34a33c; No. 1 flaxseed, 73' '2a7G'jC. ; prime timothy seed, $2.S0; mess pork, $7.G7',a7.72i-v, lard, $3.S0.i3.S2'i; short ribs, sides, $3.77'jn4.02V3'. shoulders, $4.23a4.50; short clear sides, $1.12'a4.23; whiskey, $1.17; sugars, cut loaf, $5.14; granulated, $4.51; standard A. $1.20. Iliillnlo Live Stock. Buffalo, Feb. 1. Cattle Slow at 10al3c decline; heavy steers, good choice, $4.G3a 4.70; light butchers', $3.83a4.15; stockers and feeders, good stockers, $3.G5a3.90; veals, $4.00,17.23. Hogs Fairly active; Yorkers, $3.70a3.73; mixed packers, $3.C0a3.C3; medi ums, $3.00; heavy grades, $3.35a3.G0; pigs, $3.50a3.S2!i, Sheep and lambs Easy; best native lambs, ?5.15n5.20; good to choice, $4.90a5.10; common to fulr, $1.30a4.S0; mixed sheep, good to choice, $3.50a3.S0; common to fair, $2.90a3.40. Chicngn I,ivu Stock". Chicago, Feu. 1. Cattle Receipts. 13,000 head; market steady to lirm; common to extra steers, $3a3.40; stockers and feeders, S3.lRu4.15; cows and hulls, 1.70a3.70; calves, $3aC.2."i; Texans, J3.30al.10. IIoks Heeelpts, 42,000 head; market easy and 3c. lower; heavy packing and shlppl'Al lots, $3.3Tia3.D0; common to choice mlxed,,v?.30a3.G3; choice assorted, $3.loa3.53j, lleht, .$3,0a3.Ki; pips, fS.SOaS.jT'.i.. Sheep Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady to 10c. lower;. Inferior to choice, $2.50a3.90; lamps, 3.50aC10. Oil Market. OU City, Pa., Foh. 1. Credit balances, S7c. THE WAY TO CURK catarrh Is to purify the hlood, and the surest, safest, best way to purify the blood Is by tak ing Hood'B Sarsaparllla, the One True 131ood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are prompt, efflcient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. - HALF PRICE SALE OF nMWKT.Tr irufiMmiL u un THE KLIN OnWEAR A few pertinent remarks in connection with this display and sale: There is a price point below which quality cannot exist. With all the economy of close buying, close fig uring, find modern methods of manufacture, there are certain items of cost which qannot be eliminated. LOOK OUT FOR TRASH. --When you see Corset Covers advertised for 7c. or 9c. be assured it is trash. The Muslin LJuderwear on sale here at our special prices, is worthy of more than the usual amount of attention. Firm, evenly woven muslins of good weight; sewing that shows the hand of skilled work people; no missed stitches or uneven seams, good lengths, correct widths, generous hems and new trimmings. All this in our Muslin Underwear that comes to you with a modest margin of profit added for the maker and us. Fair Prices in Every Sense. Our Cloak Room is the scene of this display, and we ask you to come and look over the lines of CONNOLLY & $ STRAIGHT TIP. A Place your advertisements where the most people will read them, even if it docs cost a little more. Remetu- 4L her the cheapest is not as a rule the host. & Want "Ads" In The & Tribllliebrliig quick returns o because The Tribune is the jp favorite home newspaper of ($ the Lackawanna Valley. $ ONE CENT A WOKD, j In Advance' T o Loiters addressed to tbo following advertisers remain uncalled for ut our IniHiness olllce, WuoliiiiKtou iivennu: "II. O. , "I3., "A.." "X. Y" "J.," "U. H. L., "H. L. 13.," ."Quick" and "R." IIKLP WANTI2D MAI-US. Advs. Under This Mewl One Cent a Word. ' In central part of city, to loarn print ing buslnoss: ono with somo oxperlenco pro forrod. Apply, aftor 10, nt 321 lVnn avoime. WANTED-A GOOD BOLOGNA AND 'aausat'o mnkor nnd meat cotter; single mnn prcforrod. 10 N. Main avemio. W' ANTEDMEN TO LBaTiN THE BAIt hor tradouonty 8 weeks required: cat alogue mailed free. MOLElfS BAltltEK COLLEGE, Fourth nnd Central nvonues, Cin cinnati, O. WANTED-ANIDEA. WHO CAN THINK of somo simple thing to patent ? Pro tect vour ideas: thoy may bring you wealth. Writo JONH WKDDKKBURN & CO,. Dopt. C, -"3, Patent Attorney?, Washington. D. O., for thoir 518(10 prize GiTor and Hat of lOOl) Inven tions wnnted. WANTED-AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC tion to canvass: S4.C0 to SX0O a day mado ; Fells nt fight; also n mnn to sell Staplo Goods to dealers; best sido lino S75a month; salary or largo commission mado; ejeporienoo unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ovory town to solicit stock subscrip tions: a monopoly; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH & CO., Borden Block, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED-FEMALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent u Word. XXrANTEDAFlxi'TlItlENCED COOK, 1 1 with good rofornneos. Apply from 8 to On. in. and 7 to S p. in. MRS. H. WAT- KINS SJO Monroo avohue. LADIES1 MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleasant homo woik, nnd ulll gladly send full particulars to nil bending -' cent stamp. MISS M. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Micu. WANTEE-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to soil and introduci Snyder's eako king; experienced ratiMisser pruf erred: work permanent and very profitable. Wrlto for particulars at enco ni'd get lenefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati. O. W ANTED 1MMEDIATELY-TWOENER-gotlo fnleswomcn to represent us Guaranteed Sfl a day without Interferrlug with other duties. Henlthlul oocupntlou. Wrlto for particulars, oncloMng stamp, Msngo Chemical Ccuipany, No. 1! John Stiect, Now York. FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head On Cent a Word. 17011 SALE-OAK RoiX-TOPTYPEWRIT. X1 or desk, good ns now: separate, S'-'O: with machine, 5-W. D. B. REPLOULE, Moars Building. l?OR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN V double bell euphonium, likely engravod with tiombono l.oll. pold lined; ncnrlv now and cost JIK): will sell nt n bargain. Adilreps this weok to E. W. GAYI.OH, LaRaysvllle, Po. 170R SALE-HOUSE, AGED SIX YEARS, JL1 weight l.OCW jounds; can bu seen at 1(121 Prlio street. FOR RENT. Advs, Under This Mead One Cent a Word. OrHCES FOR RENT-SECOND FLOOR of Moars Building, Including nrivato olllcn and waiting room. Addrsi JOSEPH F, GILROY, Attomoy-at-Law. 10S Sprueo St. pOR RENT-UW SPRUCE STREET. J.' Boarding house or family; desirable, ln rpilro 153(1 Washington avenue. 17ORRENT-ELEVEN-ROO.M DWELLING V house, with nil niodorn Improvements; rent moderate. Apply 422 Madison nvenun. I70U HENT-THE THREE FLOORS OVER I No. 410 Sprueo Btroet, nqw occupied by tho Rowing Association: possession April 1st. Inquire of FRED. WAGNER, MI Lackawanna avenue, MONEY TO LOAN. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. Ql.tKXI TO LOAN ON CENTRAL CITY M' uronnrtv: also 31.000 and S50U: nnv sum on monthly Installments, BROWN, Attor ney, .Mears Building. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. ColtNlTlnTNKTNirAnTr nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consultation ond ndvleo given free. E. M, HETSEL. Chiropodist, W Lack, awamia avenue. Ladles attended at their, rcsldeneo It doslrrd. Charges moderate CITY SCAVENGER. All. BI1IGG8 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools: no odor; Improved pumps used. A. BRIGOS, Proprietor, Leavo ordors 1100 North Main aveuue, or Erckos' drug store, corner Ad urns nnd Mul berry. TulepJlono 0" IS IN FULL SWING. I WALLACE, AGKNTS WANTED. AUvs. Under ThU Mend One Cent a Word. WANTED-SOLlCITOUSl NO DKMVEU Ing. nocolloathw; position psrnrmont 1 pay wookly: Htnto nee. ULEN DltOTHEKS; I lloclicatur, N. Y. 1 7"ANTED-CIENEKAL AGENTS IN EV V orv county; also lady canv86ors;soaiB. I thing now; suro nellor; npply quick. J, C. I HII.IIKKT, 141 Adams nvonuo, Scranton. Pa. AOENT8-WHAT AKE YOU GOING TO do about Safo Cltlzonalilp price SI. Go I Inc bv thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Nnporvlllo, 111. AOENTS-TO BELL OUH PRACTICAL cold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro plusters; prices fiom S3 upwind: salary and expenses pnlil: outfit free. Address, with stomp, MIUH1GAN MKO CO., Chicago. A GENTSTOBELLGIGAUSTODEALEKS; .A. 525 weekly and exponos! osporlonco un neccssarj'. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 4J I Van Huron st., Chicago, TRUSTEES' NOTICE. "MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL -1A persons Indebted to tho firm of Chnpinan tt Boughton, miccossori of tho llrra of Bell & Chnpmnn, Intolv dolim business In tho bor ough of Blakoly, Lncknwnnim county. Pa., and to all portions holdlug property bolongiug to tlio said firm, to pay over nnd deliver nil sncli sums of nionoy and property duo and belonging to snid firms to tho undersigned, who liavo been duly appointed trnstoes for tho firm of Chapmnn & Boughton by tho Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna coun ty, undalso all ciodltoia of tho nbovo firm will prrsont their accounts or domands to tho uiidorslgnod. JOSEPH G. BELL, Pockvlllo, Pn. OEOnOE STEVENS. I'eckvllle, Pn. C. A. BATTENBKRG, Building, Scranton, Pa, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Advs. Under This lleud One Cent a Word, A"UNa'VNCAUACrau'AND somo businesi nblllty can buy n half in terest in an, established piyln? business in good location in Scranton, ,woik too hard for one. Advertiser Is younc man well known among buslnoss mun in Lackawanna comity during past ten yonrs, All communications strictly confidential. Address BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, caro Tribune. BUY KOJIE WHEAT IMMEDIATELY; write us for our dally information nnd book, "Good Advico;" wo can make vou soma money; loferoncos. A P. UOKST & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 0 Pino St., Now York, XTni.nv turp anMr Tfrxrc-v nv IV. J' WV U,W. A..4YJfc. IJV..U M.V..LJ, HA . 1 vtlni in anopltliitlnn linmmllatnlv! smifl for our booklet, "Good Advico" and dally in formation. A. P. BORST it CO., Pino St., Now York. LOST. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, OSTLADY'S "aOLD WATCH AND rhnln, yesterday, between Suninor ave nuo and Lindon street bridge; picture in back of watch. Kindor will bo rewarded by re turning to 3ft) North Sumner nvonuo. REAL ESTATE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. Hore'8a great bargain: 1721 Penu uvo nua, adjoining North Park, Groen Ridge: 0 rooms, lurnacc, hot and cold water; lnt&xlSl; cellar under whole house: ilno lnwn. stone walks; property worth P!,Wl: no reasonable offer refused; must Fell; part payment, bal ance on tluio to suit purehasar. Address TALL1E MORGAN, cam of V. L. Hnwloy 211 Wyoming avenue, Serautoii. SITUATIONS WANTED. OmTAToSrwEDBY AN EXPERI O oucoil gioccry clerk; Is strictly tampor ato nnd honest: will do auv honest work: would like to collect for n rollahlo firm: can furnish mforenco: also glvo bonds. AddrebS HONESTY, Tribune, oftico. SITUATION WA.N TED-AS SUPERIN tendent or foreman of brlokvard by ona of oxlonslvo exporienee. Apply D. J. J., 1U20 Washburn stro-jt. WANTED-SITUATION BY AN EXPERI 1 i euccil butcher capnblo ot managing bnslnejs. Address M. 1(., Tribune. QITUATION WANTED -BY A YOUNG IJ man. 20 yoars of nao. ns liroman: can glvo good rofot ences. Address S. W., 12.7 Sbort avenue. Park Place. Pa. M I DDLE-AGED LADY WISHES TO MAKE ongageraouts for nursing: torms, f-S per week: best ot refrunces given. Address NURSE, Tribune olllce. ir ANTED-BY AN AMERICAN WIDOW. V with ona child, position as working housekeeper: host roforoncos given. Address MRS. 11., 1203 Davis street. Philadelphia QITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG ij man willing to do anything: can give ror orences. if reiiulred: H 1'., 421) Oakford court, city. WANTEU-SUUATIONAS A STENOG rapher or otllco nssistnnt by .1 yniinoj mnn; can glvo loferpnces. Address J. J Tribuno otUce. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Snrucons. DR. MARTHA S. EVERITT, 30S WASH Ington ave. Olllce hours until 10 a. m., 2 to 4, 6 to S p. in. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D HOME oputhlst, No. 22S Adams uvenue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Discuses of Women, corner Wyoming avenue nnd Spruce street, Scranton. Of llcu hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to G p. in. DR. COMEGYS-OFFICK NO." 337 N. Washington ave. Houtb, 12 :n. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tel ephone No. 3232. DR. W. E. AILEN.DNORTH WASlTl lngton avenue. DR. ANNA LAW. 303 WYOMINO AVE. Olllce hours, 9-11 a. tn 1-3 p, m 7-S p, in. DR. L. M. GATES, 123 WASHINGTON uvenue. Olllce hours, S to 9 u, in., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to h p. m. Residence 309 .Madi son avenue. DR. C. L. FREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion, Rooms 200 und 207 Mears Hulldlng. Otllco telephone 13G3. Hours: 10 to 12, 2to 4, 7 to 9, DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic dlseaso of the heart, lunirn liver, kidney and genlto miliary or- KUUS. Will VKVUVf W1B UIUCU VI JJl', JL0OS aliace MOVEMENT I! 209Tc"SX 332 Adams avenue. Olllce hours, 1 to 5 . W. ar'p7oOK, VKTKHINAUY 3UH geon. Horses, Cattle nnd Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2G72. Lawyers. PRANK 13. BOYLE. ATOIINEY AND counscllor-nt-law. llurr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY, 221 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREYS & RUDDY', ATTORNEYS-at-law, Commonwealth Building. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors-at-law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSITP & JESSUpT ATTORNEYS AND and Counsellors at law. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. .IESSUP, W. H.JESSUPJR; PATTERSON & WILCOX, TIIADEHS' Natlonul Hank Building. ALFRED HAND, WILIAM ,J HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Jtoonia 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL,, Rqom D, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEYtAT Law, Rooms C3, Gl and Cj, Common wealth bulldliigj SAMUEL V EDGAIti, Ofllce, Wyoming avenue, Scranton. I,. A. W'ATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Hank nulldlng, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at u per cent. C. n. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEOYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. H. ItEPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Menrs buildings, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. II. F. KILLAM, ATTO RN E YVT-L A W, 120 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. II. HAMILTON.', 15 Commonwealth bldg., Scran ton. WATSON, DIEHL. IIALTj & KEMMER Elt Attorneys nnd Counsellors-at-Law; Traders' National Bank Building; rooms C, 7, 8, 9, and 10; third floor. Detectives. HARRINO & M'SWEENEY, COMMON wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCT1TECT. Rooms 24, 23 nnd 20, Commonwealth buUdliiB,Scrnnton. 13. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of GOfi Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 433 SpruceJSt,, cor. Wash, ave.. Scranton. BROWN AND MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. L.ACEY" Sf SON," ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. Aldei'intin. 7fT KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. . 7 M'GRAW, 305 SPRUCE street. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. I'. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming, ave. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave, Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to B. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL-OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER II. HUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten $10 per term. Seeds. G. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store 140 Washington ave. nue; green house, 1330 North Main ave nue; storo telephone. 7S2. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR Gil LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wlro Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK- llu avenue. Rates reasonable. KEIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. passonger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Miscellaneous. HAUEIfS ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, partlvH, receptions, wed dings und concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Hauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'3 muslo store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pn. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil, Cloth,720 West Liickawnnnuavc. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Hulldlng, opposlto postollico. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Printint;.. THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., North Washington Avenue Linotypo Composition of all kinds quickly done. Fucllltleu unsurpassed in this region.