' i. iinwn f ' i e,TT" -tjtj wr" ?m "WTwTfTO(rr Tni2 SCEANTON TRIBUNE-FTiTDAy MORNINCJr. JANUARY 2i. 185)7. I) i I West Side .r CLUB AGAIN THE WINNER ticfcnled the l'lncrs of the West Side Republican Lcngnc In Game of Clncli. Tho "West Sldo Centin.1 Itepulillenn club wan lti floconel gnme o clncli lrom tho jhciiiIjpm o thu West Side lle Diibllcnn le'iicue Inst nlslit when elRht U'lX-csentutlu's fiom li(5th fi.ituinltlud ntut In the club's loom and fought with' sunflc", club", etc. It was a nuo cinch mill tho I.ensiiQ wua binurob bumped. The Kiinie mi the whole wns much bet ler plniLil than the lliht. The pins el ? seemed to htue hud theli clgnH Mown" bettei nml the hands that mine out eil the dprlci weie at tlmei htrutlliiK. The lact that at no time duilm the samo woiV theie a zinnia eiy ot foul piny shows that both teams had become moio ladle since the lnbt contest liefnie the i;anio was toniineiiced a committee liom ea'-h oiK.inl.atlon ln apected the malts or caids in one deck thoiQ was found six "petit ns." AVlio put them there Is a nnstLi Mr. Daniels denies that ho did. Seveial hoks were found In all the plctuie cauls In one iletK, maihed "Moxoy ' At tho 111 st table weie the ' stai" Illin ois i e thosp who hnd made a toiu pkle -tudvrof llovlcAiid had n bg "hilt flees when the cauls In the pack ueie counted tittle weie i'heio should hae been but GJ Somebodj wanted u hand badb Counting It all up Piesldent Daniels dlsi.oeied that tho club had descended on the League's head at the late of 51 points out of the whole 1 iOO played It Is not llkelj that am moie games will be plajed, as the League ftels, sole that the club should paint a banner oei the. wall, "Welcome to the League," and then piocced to haminei the life out of their -illtoi3 The total was: League, 1.10S, Club, 1,101, lead loi tho Club, 5J SMDKnn AND DHHATi: St. Leo's battalion held Its Hi st de bate last evening In the piesence of a laige asoemblnge of oung men in the battalion quaiteis at St Dild's hall The subject was "ItesoUed, That a pm fesslon Is piefeiable to a tiade " On the alllimatUe side which won, weie Thomas Muipln Da Id tleese and Thomas Tltintj, negntHe 1'atilck I!tickle .lames Bolton and P J Clllroj The arguments weie all excellent and the siicalceis showed much skill In the debate. The judges were John r Dm- Mn, Thomas Mcllugh and J II Delne Aftei the debate clgms weie smoked while members of the battalion gave an liupiomptu entei talnment Piesldent Gallaghei was in the cliaii INSPECTION TOMOHltOW The public is linked to Mslt the "West Side huspltnl tomoirow afternoon bftween the houis of 2 and li o clock This Is the legulai day foi publie In spection Matiou Smith, the janltoi and the dliectoi'. will be piesent at that time and will escoit theli lskois tlnough the building Tlieie Is eei talnlj a gieat deal of public Intel est in the new Institution, and It Is hoped that a laige nunibei will aall thein Fehes of the oppni tunltj to see tho well equipped building KEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS Miss Ehha Hauls, of Ninth IIde Paik asenue, is ieeoeilng fiom an 111-nc-s David Thomas, aged IS eais, son of Mi and Mis John K Thomas, of WIS Washbuin stieet, was badl injuied fthlle spiagging a cai in the Continen tal mine Wednedaj Tin Indies of the Turn Veieln eon- ducted n bouquet soclnl at Turner hall WedniMlaj night The Canudian Jubilee slngeis and Impei Inl oichestia will glo a conceit on Mnndnj and TueMla evening'1, Tel) 22 and J1 Tickets aie J" cents The funeial of the late Wclinid T Ildvvaids will take place at 2 o'clock thu afternoon fiom his late home on Thliteonth stieet Uuiial will be made it Toioht Hill cemeteiy The Sundnv school class of the Jack son Sneet Unptlst chunh, taught b Miss Ida Lewis, held a social Wednes daj evinlng at hei home on Noith Ilvde Paik avenue Staff Captain Iluntei, of Wllkes Bane last evening addiessed a laige audience at the Salvation Aimy bai raeks The same speakei will be pies ent this evoniiiK , The funeral of the late Alexandei M. La Hue will take place at 1 o'clock this afternoon fiom the late lesldence on Noith Ilneoln avenue Tlie lemulns will be taken to Chinchilla, where In tel ment will be made A paity under the leadeiship of Lewis Wntojn wnb oiganlzed last evening at Jones' hall to compete In the Kobei t Mouls eisteddfod The Misses May and Noima Powell, of Swetland Htiect. gave a pleasant part Wednesday evening to the lad clerks of Lewis, Ttellly & Dav les' shoe stoie Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonalds, 544 Spruce. Most Suln llnstnt'ss Dircutoiv. HAItniJJiT J. DAVr3, PLOHIST. Cut (lovveiw and funeral designs a speclnltj , 301 South Main avenue, two doois from Jackson street. MOnUAN"6 PHARMACY, 101 N. MAIN avenue I'hjfelclins' piescilptlons caie fully prcpuied from uuitaiiteil putt (lruss inel chimiciiH A lino assoitment of tiur-"3, lino stationuj, blank books, vjinlnli stains, mixed paints oi fnnc Tvoik, aitiKtb' tmueiliil", wlnilovv glass, wall papei mirt plctuie moulding. Cli rlc at store all houis ot night SECOND HAXD runNlTUHE-Cash for aiivthlng ou havo to ell Pinnltuit, fatoves, Tools, etc. Cull anil seo tho stock of J C. Kliif, 701 to 703 West Lack awaimu uvenup. ;ki:i:n kidui:. The flas which was piescnted to No 27 sxhool las.t Monday of lei noon hung II" You If in c a ami That Tilled with Your v Order a AU III f Tl.Mlie Comiiuiis, Where a Will No Longer lor of An thlu. at half mast vosteidny on atcount ot the death ol Miss Inn Cmter, one of the joUiig pupil 4 of the school. She was 0 ears' of age and the ditughtei of Mi. and Mis. P. S. Cm tot, of Pmker stieet Tho funeral took place nt 'J o'clock jesterduy nfteinooii. lntei niont wns mndo at the Dunmoro eeino ttiy. The Misses Leafy Moishon and Stelln Hnlley, ot Waveilv, mo the guests ot the foimcr's slstei, Mis. Chmles H Piukoi, of Sandeison uvenue. Mi. nnd Mis. James Cochtane have l etui nod to their home on Uicaker stieet after spendlns seveial months In the west. lloni Smith, of Deacon stieet, Is suf fering fiom a dislocation ot his nnkle, which he sustained wjille skating Wed nesday afternoon, Mrs. S C. Doisey, of Delnvvaie stieet, Is leeoveilny fiom an uttnek of hi Sill'pe. OBITUARY. Mrs. Sallle, mother of Amos O Ml'tcliell, died at West Duinnscus, Wuvne eountj, on tho 21st, aged So jeais The death Is noted In llrooklv n. N . ot Hiv John Hhcilcltui, a elerBman who hid for several vents past spent his an nu tl vacations In Iluwlej. At South C'tnann, Jan 23, Mis Anna a , wife of End C. Nile" ot Wlchlti, Knn , died of eousiunptlon nt the ngi of SO e.us She was tho dunghill of John Lerc h. Mlehnol Whnleii a itsldcnt of the lowei poitlou of Luciuc eount Tji ovil foitv veais, Is dead nt (he nge or 7S lie was klcntidetl with the coal mining Industij nl Coleialne. -"-Heniy hnleii, ton of Daniel Whalen, of Tobvhnntm, died Inst Pi Ida in i'oi t land, Ore., fiom iheimiiitism of the heart Uhe uiniilns luive been shipped cast and aie expected to anlviat Tobjhanna Sat uidn. J W Deckel foi ninn j cms a resident nf Pit stun tuwnshlti. illed at his home In Preston Park, Jan JO, of pm umon'a, aged about 10 j ears. Ho was tux collector cf Puston at tin time ol his death, and had held neailj all of the town ollHes Hrmv Plovd, of Sngni Notch, while woiking in tho mines on Wodnesdi, suJ dcnlv diopped deid He was a native ot Cornwall, England, 57 seals old and i' gnided as an excellent woikman and citi zen A wife and live chlldien suivlve William "I Itapshei died on Jan -7 at Lchlghton, I'.i . nged 51 vi ns He was lcc ted to the leglslatute In 1S70, was dis till t attomej of Caibon lountv In ISSo and was an aitlve Domoeiat In local poli ties Ik seived ovei foui eais In the war of the rebellion Wllllam the lnrant von of Air and -Mis "Mlehnol 1 TIghe of HIS Thompson stieet, died Wcdiicsdi, aged 1 vui, 8 months nnd ! davs The funeinl will take plnce rridav iftetnoou at 2 20 o'clock Intn ment will be made hi 11 do Paik Catholic eeinetei Heni T Dolmetsch, a piomlnent vouug business m.m of Honesd lie, died at the home of his mothei. In Honesdale, Tues day evening He was boin In Scianton, Sept 4, 1S"7, nnd two enls Intel his pat ents ictuovcd to Honesdale When a oung man he learned photographing, be ginning with Chuiles Poedlseh, and was engigtd in the studio of Joseph Hodle loi nineteen ellIs in ISO! he established a studio of his own, which he continued un til his deith Apill 3, liSS, he mauled Miss .kssle Hall, a daughter ot the late Hcnrv Hall She, with one child, M ir gueiete Constance, nenrl S ve.us old, suivkeshlm Air Dolmetsch was a mom bei of the. Episcopal chuich The timet il se i vices will be held at his mothers home this (Pi Ida) afternoon at 3 o'clock M- Hem Asher, propiletoi of tho Lacki wuxen House, In that town, foi thlitj jeais, died Jan 21, of consumption, aged CS vears oais Mi Ashei was a native of Westphalia, Gel man, served n the Crime in w.u, came to Ameilea some time In the eailv sixties, foi n time was en gaged In the clothing business In New York cit and In J&07 puiehased the ho'el piopeit at Lieknwaxen, which bus since been Ills residence Thiee chlldien sui vlve him Mis John C l'lepei, of New Yoik, one unmauled son and datightci at home His lennlns weie taken to New Yoik last Satin da j, ami, In compliance with a clause' in his will and lequest to his children, wet e emulated and his ,is1kas bulled In the Cptess Hills ccmetei be side his wife COST OP TIIACK. In an old pamphlet which was dls coveied leeentl In the Astoi libini In New A'oik, aie some Inteiestlng llguies with lefeience to the e ost of a plee i- of tiack laid by the Ilaltlmoie and Ohio In lb ,0 and 1S11. I. L. SUUiv an, ev Ide nt lv a civil englneei, In a lepoit to It L Colt, estimates that the tiack laid with w eiod sleepeis, wood beaieis and plate i all, exclusive of giomul and giadua tlon, would cost $1,302 per mile, with stone blocks, wood benieis and plate mil, of which the cost of lion was $1,124, the cost would be $5,115 pel mile, with gianlte sills In line with plate in.ll, of which the lion was $J,017, the cost would be $6,500 per mile, divided us fol lows. Sills at $11.50 pel 100 $3,tTS0 liar iron 1,300 Ujoken stone 040 A'aiiotis Items SS0 This englneei speculated on two ton loads and one ton mis, and suld in his lepoit that tho Balthnoto und Ohio would be doing a veiy lash tiling If they went beyond this point He nlso says "the locomotive engine now opeiating successfully on the llnl tlirioie load, made liv Mi. Wlnans to tun on a filctlon eatrlage, though ot modeiate powei, has a gteat useful et fect." Mi. Winans wns appaienlly tlie fit sL to patent outside Journals und to i educe the leslstaneo fiom friction fiom 11 J4 to 1 pounds pci ton. On Jul 4th, 1S2S, Charles Can oil, of Cniiollton, tho celebiated signer of the Declaintion of Independeni e, laid the Hist stone on the Haltlmoie and Ohio inlliond iMitice, Tho following Is a list of display curds kept In stock at this office and for tale at ten cents each: Rooms foi icnt. For sale. This property for sale, ruinlshed rooms. ' Houso foi i out. House to let. etc. Want Suburban News In General PUOVlDLNCi;. Tho North End and St. John's bas ket bull teams played n elose and ex citing game Inst evening In Company II iiimory In the piesence of n fall -Hlsed ciowd The St. John bos In dulged in considerable rough pin lug nnd showed n disposition to bulldoze the olllclnls. lite lltst half ot the game ended with thu score standing t to 0 In favor of the Noith End In the sec ond half the home team succeeded In getting in moie of their team work, and by excellent passing added thiee moie points to their scene, making the llnal seoio 4 to 0 Next Tliutsduy evening the North End tenm w 111 phi the Pitts ton Kegimentnl team Toinonow evening the Oioen llidge Assembly Dancing clnss will meet In Hinwn's hnll on Eust Mmket stteet. Miss Annn Mulley, ot Noith Mnln Xivenue, Is visiting fi lends ut Miook lyn, N Y The funeial of John P Coleman, Into of Piiikiu stieet, took place yesterdny morning nt 10 o'clock. A huge nuin bei ol li lends and lelntlves of the de- ensed nttended the setvieeh in the Holy iloai ehuich, wheie a high muss of lcquletn wns celebiated by Hev AV P O'Donnell, who nlso pleached nn excellent Founnn fiom the text "Watch and pinv, ten vo know not the hour wheieln the Son of Mnn coinuth " Aftei the oi vices the le nialns weie taken to the Dunmoro Catholic cemetery wheie Intel ment was ninde The pall-beaieis weie Ituli ei t McOulie, jr, Kobert McGtllte, si , Michael McDonnlel, James Lynch, Thomas Me Clou an and Peter Lynch. Miss Mollle Hannon, ot Leggett's stieet, who has been 111 fen the past few weeks, Is rccoveilng Wllllnm, the 2-eni-old son of Mich ael Tlgue, of Thompson street, who died last AVednesdny, will bo bulled this afternoon nt 2 10 o'clock Inter ment will be made In 11 do Paik Catholic eemetei Petei Gei i It v, of rulton stieet, and Patrick Horun, of Stanton stieet, ale seriously 111 Mis Chat les Hiady, of Kelser ave nue, Is seilously 111 Miss Mnigaietta Williams, of Will iams stieet, Is convalescent A numbei of inembeis of Gailleld lodge Lonl Knights of Ameilcn, at tended the coiillunatlon of members of Emeka lodge, Loal Knights uf Amei lcn In Olvphnnt Inst evening T P. Itegan, of West Maiket stieet, Is homo liom a business tilp to Ulng hainton, N Y Meiehnnt A M Atheiton left foi rioiida. esteidav, whete he Intends spending a mouth Mis Benjnniln Day Is, of Noith Main avenue, Is sulfeilng with a badly In juied hand south sidi: m:vs." In the midst of the snow stotm vts teieln, a lagninn was slowl making his way to the eential clt nlong uppei Plttston avenue, Thu giound was c ov ei eel with Ice and the steadily falling snow had lendeied it obscuie On this dnngetous pnth the hoise slipped and fell Ueing content with a leclinlng po tion, the sngnclous animal lefused to ilsc Aftei nbout a half hom's llub blng the peddlei, with the assistance of a few passois-bv, succeeded in once moie laising his lny filend to its feet No damage lesulted aside fiom the bienklng of the huiness Wednesdn afternoon Tiank Held Millet, nf living avenue, was painfully injuied while at woik. He was em ployed In Hagen's pinning mill, whole lie accidentally got his hand caught In a machine, cutting oif two of his llng eis Di Mnnley attended him. The funeial of Michael O'Mallev, of South Washington avenue, who died at the Moses Tay loi hosnltal e-arly Wednesday morning will take place fiom his home Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemeteiy Hugh Moone, the motoimnn who was Injuied Tuesday moinlng by the stieet eai ne.ii Moosle, Is slowly Im piovlng nt the Lnekawannn hospital Choice cut flow ei s and flower de signs at Palmer iz McDdnalds, 544 Spruce. ' DUNalOKi:. IU5PPBLICAN CAND1DATHS. Hutgess Dan Powell Tic isiliei Louis Knule Ta collectot W. I: Con ell Counellmen C S W'ebei and William JlcCulloch School ellrictois Jerry McPeek and JIoscs K Kellum Stieet Commlsslonei Oeorge Jnckson. Audltois llaii Wlnteis and P. M. Mai shall Justice of tho I'ence A. A Kiotzei. A concert wns held In the Piesbto lian chuich last night in which the best of local talent took pait. The l ostium and nudltoiluni weie billllantly decoi ated undei the suoerv Ision ot rioilst Clai k w ith a pi of useness of ferns, palms and potted plants, which piesented u veiy pleasing and nttiactive appear ance The follow Ins me those w ho took pait In the piogiammo Selection foi theoignn, n V Southworth, pait song, ehoii lluto solo, Alfied Gable, loclta tlon, Jllss Edith Hiploy, solo, Mis. Geo Dull Dlmmlck, ehoius of llttlu maid ens, Misses Louise Smith, Ruth Hull, Beth Savage, Jean Vickei, Pessie Jlof fatt, Maigaiet Hi den and Fiances lie, tenoi solo, V, Damon, whistling solo, A J llaibei leading, Miss Ida Doty song. Misses Helen Fauei, Bes sie Ileal, Grace Jenkins, Marion Swaitz, Peail Matkel, Catlieilne Teetti and Floienco Shepheid, duet, Messis A J Umbei and V Bow en, pait song, choir The Young Men's Institute held their annual social last night In "Washing ton hall The hall was elaboiately ciec oiated, falily blading undei the numbet of eoloied lnnteins, with which, togeth er with ferns, palms and eveigieens, It was decoiated. It was the most In 111 lant boclety event of the year and greatly exceeded tho pievious ones. Tlie music was furnished by the Luw ltnce ot chest! a Tho Women's suild of St. Maik's chuich oived an oys'tei supper In the chuich pailois last ni'jht The supper was well attended anil was u decided Unanelnl success Tho many fi lends of Chniles Webber, of Blakely stieet, will bo pleased to hear if his linpioved condition Hairy Tiegeui, of South Blakely stieet, Is convalescing aftei his lecent Illness Hlehatd V "Wintorsteln, of Noith Blakely stieet, has resumed his employ ment after nn Illness of two weeks Miss Jane Hendeison and Mi. Lee GUI ara being entertained by Hev. and Mis i: J Haughtou. Tho executive committee of tho coun ty legions will meet In Boyle's hall this evening. Special business nppei tabl ing to the coming county convention will be discussed, J. J. McDonald, of the Dunmoie ho- tel, U Indisposed The Progress Of the World, It Is Artistically Symbolized In the Interior of the Remodeled Mouse oJ Representatives. Peiinsylvniilnns who can, should by all means examine the decorations on the interior ot the Pennsylvania house of lepiosentutlves. Those dieoratlons mo being loudly ciltlclsed; and It must bo admitted that they ate In some Instant es a ti Hie gny for tho quiet tastes ol the aveiago niral leglslatiue Hut as specimens of at t they command np pieclnllon, and icllect ciedltnbly upon the skill of Leon V Dabo, the attlst who gnve them blith. Thu following dcscilptlon Is tnken liom the Plttsbuig Times: The effect of the Intel lor Is one of stntedy l Ichncss, ' The toloi scheme us a whole Is led, gieen nnd gold The celling Is divided Into oblong panels, ilehly ornamented with modeled oinu meiits lu the lenalssaneo stylo. The walls have been toeied with felt and thu old wnliisc,oallng of Imitation mai ble leplaced by a hnndsome paneling of San Domingo inohogany. Ovci tho speaUei's chair Is a gioup ot slaluaiy, with flguies showing Law, Coinmi'ice and Agilctiltuie, Indicating tho highest human development This iila Is can led out thioiighout the mom In lact, the featuio whle li nttiacts most notice is a filee of allegen leal flguies painted upon a gold giound It was nt lltst pioposed to have Pennsylvania subjects, but Supeiintendent Delaney decided, aftei consideration, that capltol hill was alieuly gifted with much such mateilal, and that for the hall of tho house, tlie piogiess of the woilel should hu symbolized Tho ftleze Is five foot in height and extends all amund the loom The piob lem as n w hole Is, ".under the benellc enco of good laws, mankind piogiosnes from bai bulky to tho highest foi in of civilization, the line aits and sciences. follow lug " The composition ptoper be gins at the left of the speaker's dork. The two boys with fishing Implements lead the pioeesslon nnil aie Immediate ly followed by men of aims, a paitlcu lmly lobust, hnlf-nude man holds In cheek two lni go-looking dogs. P.ehltid, auothui llguie, whose ilothing fiom a moie bhcepskln lias alieady assumed the cut woin bv eaillei persons, sound" the battle ci v , the i ejolclng of v lctorlous aims A youth on one knee Is adjusting his sandal stinps and Is followed by two patticuluilv stiatmlng nude men beat ing in a polo can led en theli shouldeis a wild fowl, the pi meeds of the chaso 'litis Is followed by some women with llax thioatl, a paitlculaily fine old man is weaving a primitive caipet, Illustrat ing while pilmltlve man hunted toi a living his women folk nt homo made such Hide nitieles of attliu as they need, culminating, as Intelligence glow, in tho weaving of those wondeiful nigs of the Oilent, which ate to this clay our admliatlon The panel to the light of tho rosttum lepreuents what may bo teimed tho dawn of civilisation propoi. Tho pio cesslon is headed by a Gieek woman playing the double Hutu. Two men ges ticulatlng lentesenl commit ce Heie are Intioduced two stalwait cairleis le- eelvlng instiuctions tmm a superloi ns to the destination of a large bundle they aie ennylng. The aits aie lepresented by some women One, a sti ung, well painted 1111110, with uulllted hand, de clnmlng, represents dramatic ait This is followed by aichltectuie and paint ing Tho pioeesslon is brought to u elose by agilctiltuie. This Is lepiesent ed by a cait filled with pioduce ill awn by oxen, showing that man had alieady made the beast subset vlent to him The cait is accompanied by faim laboieis Pacing the lostrum and diieetly over the entiauce dooi, Is a panel lepusint Ing Justice, symboll7ed by a stiong handsome young woman clothul in white Slio holds in one hand a ball of ciystnl, symbolical of the pinky nnd pet faction of justice Her swoid Is loanlnir ngnlnst her tin one Beside her, seated on the seml-circulnr stone seat, aie the flguies of Law and Ilecnid. Two old men nm standing beside an open volume in a position of attention mil study. They nie followed by a senteel woman teaching her child obedience to the maternal law. On the left of this panel Is an nlle goty of education. The procession Is facing Justice nnd Is led by a man who, with a compass in his hand, Is moasui Ing a globe. A seated womnn is deeply engiossed In deciphering a scinll. Fol lowing hei Is nn Egyptian holding aloft a papyius scioll, lepiesentlve of the oldest sympathled learning. Two nude youths and a young woman aie leaning oyer a stone table with a cunefouu In scilptlon held by the eential flguie. Immediately' behind the youth are two oiienials lepiesentlng Astronomy and Astrolog, which had Its origin In the Oilent An Indian ogi, or adeot, Is nccompanled by a young gill with a How ei, lemesontlng Botany. This is followed by a monk with a skull The monk Is lepiesentlng the nitly Ohils tlnn.who fosteieel and letalnod what lit tle learning theie was at that time. The pi lest Is accompanied by a boy benilng a portfolio An older boy holds tin1 eniliert known foim of Indian lute The next llguio Is a beautifully diawn half- nude young woman, kneeling befoie a maible bust of Science, and with a stylus in hei hand she is tiaclng the woids "Sapient! i," "Phllosophln, ' Bo tanlao," "Astinnomla," "Aite" Net is n young womnn leading a nude boy, who seems to be veiy unwilling to be led to Science Anothei womnn fol lows ndvnnced by a gill A blind youth assisting a decrepit old man lepiesents the medlcul science A young woman with a Cloisonne vase completes this panel On the other side of Justice Is a lop losontation of tlie hnivost, and while Educutlon lepiesents the moial til umph of man, this Is the mateilal oi physical vlctoiy over the earth The opening gioup Is sheep sheaiing Tlie gathoilng of wool is followed by some splilted young gltls with lutes and othei slvnn Instiuments, while othoi women beni sheaves of giain Auout the centre of the panel Is a marble cat vatlde of Coies, goddess of plenty A nudo woman Is singing n by inn of pialso In thanksgiving to the dlety of tho haivest The woman lu blue Is holding alott a basket of fi ult foi w hit h tlie young gills aie holding up theli hands The last llguies, women with Jugs of wine closo this most Inteiestlng composition On the side walls the panels, owing to the windows, niu smallei Two eight foot panels aie on the light They iep lesent Llteiatuie. On the left, Build ing is displayed. The figure of Lltei atuie holds a mliroi, repiesontlng the rellectlon of the mind. The other flg uies hold lyies, lepresentlng poetiy, etc The panel following Is cei amies, the highest development of tho pottei's art. Textiles lollow with uppiopriate accessories The next panel Is Sculp ture, lopiesened by an Alithentau wo man holding nloft "lleunes" of Piexl tolo. The panel lepiesentlng Building Is followed by one lepiesentlng gold and sliver smithing. A slngulntly beau tiful maiden, attended by two outhn In minor, teptesonts the loiiiniitic per iod. Tho whole cyclus completes one of the most successful works of ilecmntlve tut nttemptel In this countiv With th exception of tho congiesslonnl llbiniy In Wnshlngton, it is the Inigest com mission which has bctn execute d foi any public building. iio.mi:oiaii: i,i,uiii)K;r.u. New , ork nutl Isceinsln the Only Htiites Thut Can t'omiictu with (iermitii). It Is one of the rtinngo fncts of com meiee. sa.s the New Voik Tilbune, that nemlv all tho llmbuigci cheese sold In this eounti is made hcae and not Itnpoited fiom Get many. Wiscon sin tuuis out a eonsldcinblo quantity but tho bulk of the finest Hmbuiger comes from Jelfcison county, on the shines of tho St Lawienee, and, shipp ed to New Yoik, Is eaten nb the genu ine Geiiuuu nttlcle even by seiious mlndcd Teutons, who aie gouimnnds v hen It comes to cheese. Though not a big lndusti, It Is n piofitable one, and a gooil many funn els up In that end of the state own halt a doon, oi oven moie, little llmbuigci facto! les, each employ inp seveial men and keeping busy all the yeai lound, Wisconsin is New Yolk's only compe titor in tills line, and by a mutual agieement the ninnufnetuieis have di vided the coutttiy, tho Wisconsin men taking nil the Av'est and the New Yoik eis tho entile Hast In tills wa each manages to sell at a good profit, Just low enough to compote with the Gei inaii cheese coming Into the countr In the markets of this city New Yoik llmbuigci sells at an nveiasje pilce of 12 cents a pound. The foielgn mnke-t cannot be bi ought ovei hcie foi less than 10 oi 17 cents, und so It follows that even the cheese of this yailetv seived In tho foielgn I03tnuianls and bought in the Geinimi shops comes from Amoiican cows. Just win theie me only tv. o legions In this country where llmbuigei car. be successfully pioduccd is something the lnimeis do not know, and no one has been able to find out. Hxpoilnionts have boon tiled In othei places, but they have all lesulted In failure. All thatjs eel tain is that theie Is some pe etillaily In the glass of Wisconsin and Noitliw ostein Nw Yoik that gives the milk pieeisely the light chenileal piopoitles foi Hmbuiger. In New Yoik the light soit of glazing giound doe not extend much beyond the bounduiles of Jeffeison county. Exactly the same cuilous fieak of untitle and vegetation is to bo noticed in Ohio Theie tlie fm met s can tutu out Swiss cheese equal In quality to any that the Con tinent of Em ope can pioduce. But the Ohiecows w ill not give llmbuigei milk any moie than the JelTeisqn county (N. Y.) cows will give Swiss cheese milk Each section thus has a com putable little tinde of Its own anil Is secuio against competition The miking of llmbuigei Is a com plicated niatlei, tho pioccss tnklng six weeks, t'nlike most cheeses, llmbuig ei is not piessed, and It Is only heated up to 90 devices or theieabouts. The good, old-fusliioiiPd Ameilcan cheese Is tnnde at a tompeiatuio of neatly 120 People who do not undo stand tho pio ccss of making llmbuigei, but who have eaten it, oi ut least been close to It, may be inteiesud in knowing that what causes the potent smell is the v.ney woiking out tlnough the coating of salt with which each cheese Is thick ly toveied SPECIAL PRICE OF $1.00 I OR A bMALl. LOT ONLY AT CONRAD'S, 305 Lacka. Avenue POULTRY- Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Frush Eveiy Day. Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. w. ii. pierce, ran i. in DUPONTS OHNING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured nt the Watmallopen Mills, Luzeino county, Pa and at Wll mlngton, Delaware. HERYBELIN, J p. General Agent (or tho Wyoming District lis WYOA1INO AVUNUU, Scranton, Pa. Third National Bank BullJlne. AGBNCIUSi THOB. rORD Plttston, Pa. JOHN n SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. B W. MULI-1GAN, Wllkes-Barro, Pa, Amenta (or tho Kepauuo Clierolcnl Com lauy'o Ulsh Uxplodlvea. . vVI'ul'unSE Z2f TiimMohJ&fA Scaled ljp l N flT Oi IftST H i n m f v o WpnnTFnTnR u il I u ii b i i;i y, i iiw m w" aja "S 1U outniar M (Vi lnopalrot ,9K EAC3VIE1T. S? MZEM KNITTING MILLS, AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY or? MUSIC, WHITE'S C01EDY COMPANY And Grand Orchestra. livery Attcrnoon at a o'clock. l! cry liven. U ot 8 o'clock. Matinee Price except Snt iinluy ioc. to any part ot the home. Evening P.icas, 10, 20 and 30 Cts Matlncu Saturday Reserved 5euU 30. THE I a ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'iTG, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING ER MADB AT MOOSIC AND HUH DALE WORKB. LAPLIN & RAND POWDER CO'B ORANGE QUN POWDER I-lectrio Ditterlos, Hlectrlo nxplodorj Tor 01 ploellug blasts, bilfety lust', mid Repauno Chemical Co, i; mail a nxPLosivns, iiSEvavo V$ rH RESTORES VITALITY. ijtrft fflJMV tJ ST It Made a istuay.f JJgWell Man icthl),,y.JM?' ofM(Ji Trifc QPEAT noth t)ny, jj?i,2F.EJiro2: 3E?.aui!ia:ariix3"sr pi oilucra the abavo results lii'SU tin yn. It seta lowcrfnllyandqulcU). Cures wlioiiallothoulill yoiuiffmnuwllliogoln tlielr lost maiilioenl, and olil men will retoitr their youthful vinor by tihinii K!.Vli). It iiulcklyauelsurclj rcitoreB Nervous nesa, Lost Vitality, Inipotincj, Mghtly KralBslone, Lottl'oncr tailing memory, Wiutlue DIneaniB, and oil cllects of self almso or eicdksnnd lncllncrotlon, lileliunntHoiiotorRtudy.biiflnoMinrtiiarrlaRu It .intonl) tnrciihys'jartlnijatthotat ot d.seaio.but iaameat ncriBlonlo aid blood bullelflr, hrlnn inif back tho pink glow to pain chocks asd re) btorina tho flm of jotith. It ward off Insanity and ConBiunption, Insist on having ltliVIVO.no other. It ean ho carrlod lu veht tociet, lly mtil, Wl.oo per Dacliae, or eIx tor 6,5.00, with a poul tlvo Milt ton (tuurintco to euro or rotund thotnouey. Ciaular f ree. Address ROYAL MFDICINE CO . B3 Rlvor St , CHICA0O, 11" lor aulo b AIAITlIHWb UKOa., UiUf Cist st-ranton, I'a. to 2,0009000 Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarcli 1, 1896, Total Product of Ml I o is i; i The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to St. Joint's, New Foundland, und in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in tli world. WHOLESALE AGENTS. HAVE YOUR HORSE SHOD WITH THJ Removable, Sel.-Slia.pjnin Neverslip T03 Cal'tt, Eiie GENERAL AGENTS, And a full line of iron and steel Blacksmiths' aud Wag onmakers' supplies. SCRANTON, PA. To PuS3lishers THEDSCKSONMAUFACTURINGCO GCRANTON AND WILKE8-BAF1RE, PA., Mnufacturora of Leooiolwes, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office; SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN Bomotlmea noeili a Tollable, monthly, Tczolttlnit meellclne. Onlr liarmltUAai) the jiutest drugs ehould be used, 11 you waut the beet, get rQt. InMlli,. I Y i SP4WJ f.ftt KP1 3sp Peal's 1 Thor am prnrapt, aale gpi certain In result. The cunulno (Dr. real's) oarer dlstp. 1 nolut. Beat nay where, $1.00, Aildieu I'l-iL MLSiciau Co., ClCTelaaei, O. For snlo by JOHN H. PHELPS, 1 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE FROTHINGHflM. VVngner &. Kcls, Managers, John I.. Kerr, Acting Manager. this AprnRNoos and hvkmno and rv. VMS AI'TKRNOON AND 13VI1NISO THIS NS !ii:K. The (lreaUnt Popular PrlceJ Attrnctlun In Uxtatencc, THE SUMMERS COMEDY CO. In the (lrunelest Repertoire ot Play evr rccntcJ uttlie prlcia, which are 10, so anil .in cents (or the evening performances anil at the matinee Ioc, to nil parti nl the) home THE" FROTHINGHflM. Wnnner.V Itcls, Mntlngcr. John 1.. Kerr, Actlnz Manager. ONI3 NICIIIT, TULSDAV, I'UB. a. Inltliil npponriinco of tho Kmlnont Comedian, DAN'L SULLY, in Hit DoMitlmi Pi rv, O'BRIEN. TOE CONTRACTOR A Trlbuto to tho Worth an J Dlstnlty of Irish Cliurui'tei. An Liitliratuiii! ilcarttitury, EUb ornto Costunuis Cluru'wius bonory, A New York ltocorel ef IfU Niisliti SUB The Driving of tho "Golden Spllie." Tho Uroat Unllroad Ilulldlnir Sceno. 'I ho Dins luitottlio Mountain Ilavlnet, nnd llimr tho riunoua liockv Qorito (ju.irtotto. Prlces-sc , 35c, 50c, anil 75c. you can save noo by buyinq NEW AND Lndics and Children's Wear. Seal anil Phmli Sucqims, Carpets and 1'cutlict- 15c da Troin L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave, CALL UP 3682i CO. OFFICB AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 131 MERIDIAN STREUT. M. W. COLWNS, Manager. BARRELS 6TE6I OEHTEREC If Your Horso Is Shod with "NEVERSUPS" He Positively Cannot Slip ime-tt CONNELL ift SELF ta Wm SHARPENINO. l.'Si HElS fl'Stm f. THE TRIBUNE is now prepared to fill or ders for composition on newspapers, books, pamphlets, or other publications at nioder ate rates, Amir. BUSINESS MANAGER. EPaffistrsBaS PfiBIs Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Aer.uo and