TTLB SORANTOxn TRITCTJWI3--FRIDAY MOTlTSriNtt, JANTJARY tin, ISOT. '1 , i i loll) ond Weekly. No Sunday Edition. Published nt Scrnnton, Pa., Iiy The Tribune PubllsliInK Company. lt Yoik ltcprpentiillvo- KltANK a nitY CO. Iloom II, Tribune nulldtng, New York City. ItlTIRID AT TUB rOSTOPNO AT EC1UNTON PA.. OIPOND CLA83 MAIL MATTrn. SCIIANTON, JANtMUY 29. 1897. Hy nil nccouiits there W one clement In Cubn n to whoso KettltiR the woist ot It there Is no possible doubt. We re fer to the Amotlcan owners or Cuban piopeity. L)r. Depew Tnlcen to Task. In Ills speech nt the I'lutt dinner Mr. Depew took n position ulth tefeience tn the cunency (ttestlon somewhat differ ent from that of the New Voik intt-tor-eleet. The lattei had defended the f-'ieenback and Intimated that when the tat iff had been piopeily le-adjusted, the "money question" would Cease to hoom foimlduble, but .Mi Dfpew, waimlni? to Ills perointlon, used these ttouts: "Let uts not font the cunency question, but take the novel anient out of the banking business and adopt a sstem so clastic-, that In cveiy com munity the national banks locally theie can, upon a Hbeial system, bo able to Issue currency us the needs or the community icqulre." Commenting upon this, the New York Commercial Adveitlser, although a htionR admirer of Dr. Depew, takes him thus to task: As, the executive bead of a Bleat iulln and one of the foremost oiatots ot the Ke publican pait Mr. Depew should weigh Ids wouls more carefulb. The ko em inent Is not in "the banking business,' In the loKitlnuitu meaning of that much abused term. Mr. Deoew s.o.s that he wants an "ulastle''syhtem which will en ablo local banks. In each community to epenil or contract unonc aCLOrdliiK to the needs of their custoinnis No such sybtcm has oei jet been dclscd by .the v. it of man. The wisest financiers of .ill the ages hac not been able to soho the problem of cicatlns a cunency w)iIl)i was ut once safe and "clastic" The proposi tion to take the credit and powei of tlie goxcinmiut fiom bohind oui cuireno and place the suardlanshlp of Its stability In the hands of a multitude ot banks scat tered all oci this country will never be Functioned b IUpubllmn statesmanship l)i. Depew should not allow himself to be Imposed upon by doctrlnalie nonsense. What this nation needs Is not a "local" currencj, but a currency eei dollai ol which is woith 100 cents from Maine to California. That is the kind of money which tho people voted for last November, when thev indorsed the cold stand ml. With lilcnty of levenue HowIiik Into the treasut under a sound tariff there will be no dilllcultj in maintaining cveiy loim of government notes at iai. Theie Is no doubt that the New Yoik newspaper more accurately than the New Yoili oiator states tho position of Itepubllcan sentiment on this subject It should not bo foigotten by any lie publican that the war for cuirency le foim vvns Instituted purely for political purposes by those w ho had made a fail ure of tatilf i of oi m and who thus Bought to dodge lesponslblllty. If our piescnt monetary system Is not Ideal, It has at least this one advantage It Is a national Institution, testing squarely on the honor and good faith of the gov ernment, and not dependent lor the safety of Its notes of Issue upon the fidelity to duty of bank dlrectots or cashiers. Befoie we dlscaul a system which under normal conditions has long served us well, let us be sure that we can put In its place something nt least equally as good. Tho (list thieo weeks In Januaiy, the new yeai's piesent to Uncle Sam Is a deficit of $S,000,000. It Is evident Mc Klnley was elected none too soon. The Wanton Slaughter of Birds. Dr. 15. H. "Warren, the state zoologist, strongly urges the legislature to take measuies to pi event the wanton killing of Insectlvoious birds, and In this con nection he presents some llguies that meill close attention. Says he: "Dining lecent jeais theie has been a eiy great inciease both In numbei and vltulenee of the pauisltlc fungi and Insect pests with which the faimer and hoitlcultuilst have to contend! Besides these enemies, the cultlvatot of tho soil has to combat cettaln species of blids and mammals which annually do much damage to his cultivated mops. The destruction of fotests, both by lumber men and devastating foiest (Ires es pecially the latter has caused many Insects to abandon their habitations in the forests and tnko up Jhelr abodes In the cultivated lands. Eminent ento mological authoiltles assuie us that at least one-tenth of all the cultivated ciops of this country nie annually de stroyed by Insects, and that the aggio gate amount of damage done Is tip vvatds of $,100,000,000 eveiy yeui In the United States. Of this Immense sum It Is a -very conseivatlve estimate to state that Pennsylvania's share tluough Insect lavages alone Is about $3,000,000 annually. "Some three eais ago the pine bark beetle committed depredations In the plno forests of southvv estem Pennsyl vania and In West Virginia amounting to fully $1,000,000, and dining fie pies ent ycai, accoullng to the estimate of our correspondents, the aimy woim damaged ciops, chiefly ceieals, to the extent of at leust $.100,000 In 1S93 'lose bugs' and English spanows caused, ac-, coidlng to the testimony of our Eile county con espondents, fully $i0,000 loss to vineyards in the famous Eile giape belt. In North Carolina, tho Insect hosts annually. It Is said, destioy over $1,500,000 vvotth of agilcultural mod-i nets. In 1593, the loss fiom gianaiy In sects to the coin ciop alone In the state of Alabama was claimed to bo $1,071,882, nnd in the Lone- Star stnto gialu weev ils, nccordlng to a well known writer, caused nn annual loss In store cereals ot over $1,000,000. In 1874 the western states were visited by grasshoppers, which played such havoc with tho ciops that their depiedatlons amounted to $45,000,000. Tho chinch bugs vveio so nu met ous In Illinois In 18C4 that tWy cost the people of that state over $73,000,000, and In Mlssomi In 1874 the same vo racious pests devout cd agiicultuial products to the amount of $18,000,000. In the cotton raising states tho annual ii.,"JouBh tho cotton woim tiom 1801 to ISist, ""Vis estimated at about $15,000, O00. "It Is manlfcut, therefore, that tho birds of prey should not be molested. Upon their existence dupends the com liax with tho insect ravages. There Is a strict law ncalnst the killing of In pectlvotous IiIkIh. However, no pio vlslon wns ever made for the enforit ment of the law. No cotjunlssloiier has had the matter In chaige utul the act has been violated. Fine plumnged birds nie killed litespectlvc of their species. Htititets send them to the east, wheto tho featheis tiro used In the large mllllneiy stoies for tho decoration of hats." The wanton slaughter of line plumnged bltds on the altar of feminine vanity has often been debated on the score of sentiment; bul seldom hns It lecelved so complete a castlgatlon from the standpoint of dol lai s and cents. "We hope to see the leg- Islatuto take prompt action In these ptemlfeos. It Is announced via Washington that Gieat Utltaln has no wish to build or to coutiol the Nlcaiagua canal. We should say not, not while the Momoe doctilne lasts. Common Council TaUes a Brace. Common council last night could not do otherwise than pass llnally tho or dinance cientlng n sewei dlstilct In the Eleventh. Twelfth and Nineteenth vvnuls. In the face of the weighty testimony of the ndmlttedly lepiesen tatlve citizen ot the thieo vvnuls In question, councils would have been open to a chaige of dereliction of duty If they had taken any action other than In the uflltmatlve. For yeais the localities contained in the now Seven teenth ".ewer dlstilct have torined a dlsease-bieedlng watershed which might bettei be dcscilbed as nasty, and It has been due onlv to good luck that that legion hns" not been visited by e tonslve and highly total epidemics of contagious disease. Scianton is too bioad and too piogicsslve to poimll any one section ol Its confines to re main In a state of coma. Theie Is Just ns much icasoii that the city should be cleanly us that It should be godlj ; lu fact, It cannot be wholly good unless It Is nt least icasonably clean Theie will be ten yeais In which to make pajment lot this evci. Should an gxtia session of congiess be called early In Match, the new tar iff law which It will pass might easily go Into effect on July 1. That would make July 4, 1S97, a day doubly com memorative of Ameilcan independence. ClooU Western Sense. The St. Louis Globe-Demociat does away In few words with the argument for the election of United States sena- tots by dliect popular vote. Aftei pointing out that this method would simply substitute nomination bv a state convention for nomination by a caucus of members of a state loglslatuie, it adds: "Governors uie furnished by the convention plan, Aio governors, tak ing the countiy as a whole, supeiloi In Intellect or character to the senatois9 Is Governor Leedy, of Kansas, a better man Intellectually or moinlly than Senator PclTer? In what lespect was Governor Stone, of Mlssouii, supeiloi to Senator Vest, or Goveinoi Hill, of New Yoik, to Senator Hill V" Our western contempoiaiy stiikes the eiy nub of the whole question when it calls attention to tho fact that "the cause of the election of Improper men foi senators lies deeper than the meth ods employed In choosing them. It Is In tho civic Indolence and Ineitia of men of educatlun and standing the lack among them of the public splilt which would show them thnt their ad vantages and position place them un der special obligations to tho commun ity to use their Iniluence in seeming clean and capable public olllclals, and tho absence of the political vhtue and courage which would Impel them to peifoim their duty eainestlj and In telligently. With this spiiit good olll clals can be chosen by any method, without this splilt no method which can be devised b human Ingenuity can secuie them." Theso leinaiks apply to a laigo num ber of lefoims which nie advocated by men who foiget that the right place to Institute effective leioim is in the Individual lather than in the system Tho bed of a stieatn may be changed many times In hope of facilitating the watei's How, but no change can cause the stieam to Use higher than It souice. The development of peisonal chaiacter Is the one suie and absolute remedy for abuses In public affalis. A logue In olllco under any system will lemnln a logue legaidless of the system, counting of the electoinl vote on the second Wednesdaj In l'Vbniaty and the Innugiuiitlon: but In that case the vice president-elect would veiv cleat ly suc ceed to the piesldpiicy Thus It will be seen that while theie Is no law on this subject theie Is no need whntovei tor confusion should any of those Imptob nble contingencies over nilse. Coiigiessman Dolllvcr, of Iowa, the originator of tho phrnse, "the advance ngent of prosperity," ns applied to Ma jor McKlnloy, vvns asked the other day by a Demociatlc constituent when the show Itself might be expected to nnlve. He replied: "Not until wo can find enough Republican dry giound to hold the main tent.". When n Democmt gets Impatient, he ought to ask himself which paity caused tho mischief. According to Judge White, of Alle gheny, the social club which sectnes a chartei foi athletic or other innocent purposes and then limits Its pastime to elbow eeiclse nt the sldeboaul Is a lit subject' for the Judicial lash. He is ,lBht" The bill of Hepiescntntlve Camp bell piovldlng a tav on employeis of foielgn-buin and unnatuiallzed mate woikmen over l!l yeais of age Is noth ing If not aggiesslve. The piesent ses sion at Hairlsbuig Is ceitalnly opening with a rush. STATE LEGISLATIVE TOPICS. n Ul I y '& 4JG5.b7 G5.E3. The fact that Gotham's Foui Hundied nie icdoubllng their preparations to make a swell function of tho Biadly Mai tin ball does not dlspiovo Di. Halnsford's aiguments; It simply con llims them. While Wejler leporls that Cuba Is now piactlcally pacified, Consul Gon eial Lee declares It Is almost destroyed. Hut, then, pacification In the Spanish vocabulaiy Is evidently a synoiijni foi destruction Jttsf a Word or TuJo of Castial Mention Theie is no more Indcf ttignble vvnrkPr In the interest of good loads in Ionnsyl vaiila than ex-Countj Survvoi A. II. Dun ning, of this citj. He Is one of tho tote most mcmbeis of tho highways committee of the Pennsylvania dlv Islon ot the I.-aguc of Ameilcan Wheelmen and Is taking an active intei est In tho effort to have i good loads bill passed by the prison, leg islature. He has made a practical stuU.v J It. rtr. Parr Is untie! stood to be nt work on n lnensuie requiring n comparison ot county and federal liquet licenses, with n view to tho squelching of the spenk-easlcs, -::-Tho pioposed bill tequlrlng the selec tion of mine Inspectois to be made by populnr voto ot 'ill coal vvoikers w curing a lamp In the production of an thracite coal, which bears the In doisement of the ITnltcd Mine Workoi", has not jet made Its nppeaninco at Har lisbnrg, but It Is expootul to do so soon. Two bills for the protection of trolley motoimen nie now before the house nt Ilnrrlsburg; ono Intioduced bv Mi. Orolh ers, of Philadelphia, which would Impose a lino of $!" a day for each "nr not en closed within live months nttnr the net goes Into elfect; nnd one bv Alc. T t'o'i uell mnklng the penalty $100 day. Instead of recommending a In sane pilson exclusively for the,tellef ot western I'ennsj lvnnlri, the tnte bonul of chat Itles will piobablj consider plans tot the establishment 0t an Institution that will berellt all the mUons of the state. The bond will piobablj consider this mattct ut Its meeting to be held next week. The new game law which l being con sldeied by the state gnme commission, with a view to Its enactment nt IIoiti.-;-buig. will nrovlde a uniform sennn tor hunting extending fiom Oct 13 to Dec 15. It Is believed thnt this, If strlctlv enfoiced, will give wild turkej, quail, partridges, pialile chickens, luliled giouse, pheasants, woodcocks, sqiiltrels and rabbits a chaneo to multiply in the land. At present they uie lapidlj becoming extinct. Tor the henellt or thcatei -goers, a bill has been Intioduced bv Upicsentitivc Pltcalrn, of Allegheny, which mnkes It un lawful foi nny ovvnei, lessee nr mnngrr of a theater, opcia house oi music hull or other plnee of amUM-ment, to peimtt nny person. to went during th" pprfoimiii"e nnv hat oi bonnet which will obstruct 1 tip view of othPis It makes it the duty of the mnnager of the tlu.itei to eject the pei son wealing the offending hat or bon net, if It Is not remov ed The m imger who i of uses to enfoice the pi o Mans ot the net Is made liable to a tine of 3 lor each ofleii'-e, or five dnjs'linpilsoument -l:- The "municipal league" bills now on tile at Hatilsbuig nie six In luimbei Thev l elate pilmatily to Philadelphia, but con tain suggestions of general Inteiest For Instance, It Is pioposed to limit city fran chises to SO-yeai peilods, nnd lequlie com. pensation foi the benefit of the city not exceeding 5 pel cent of the annual gross lerelpts, to prevent councllmen from holding any othei public olllce, city, coun ty, state oi fedcial; to Intioduco tho civil service pilnclple in municipal affairs ami give every city employe n fnlr public tilal when charged vvltbi vviong-dolng, nnd, llnally, to do away with the employment of the city's pay loll In politics. -.11 -A sensible nmendment to -lie ballot law has been piepaied by IlepiesentiitlW Ken. toi , of Philadelphia. Its piupo"e is to do away with the pi luting of cinaiuttif' n imps on columns headed with the politi cal titles It pi ov Ides that the evulUlntcs' names shnll be printed In gtoups undei 11 e title of the olllce they are liinnln? for. with the paity npiiellution alongside. If a enndidnte leceive moie than one nomi nation his mime can apoeai only once, but the titles of all the pn ties ivhlcn nom inated him shall be printed alongside ot his name The voter is lequlicd to place a cioss opposite the name of each candi date he deslies to vote foi except tor pies Identlul eleetois. 1 1 II III 01 Qrfri- tiji s ies, Tissue Erode ew 'ess An Inspection is earnestly solicited. igns that cannot be seen DUNNING, Senator Sheiman Is clenrly collect in his contention that if the United States government Is to have anything to do with the Nlcaiagua canal It ought to build and boss it outilght. If the Preshlent-EIect Should Die. Attention has lecently been newly called to what is pronounced a cuilous omission In out vvilttcu si heme of gov - eminent an omission stated In the lol lowlng question: "Suppose that the successful candidate foi the piesldency should die in the Interval between the geneial election and the meetings of the piesidentlal eleetois In their sev cial state capitals on the second Mon day In Januaiy, oi even after that, but befoie tho lesults of those meetings should be formally declined In the piesenei of congiess on the second Wednesday of Febiuaiy, who would b? the next piesldent of the United states?" This question was asked a few weeks ago In the Ihltlsh National Hqvlow and It has since lecelved very general cpn sldeiatlon In the Ameilcan piess. The contingency in question lias nevei ailsen not Is theie any special law to decide piocedme should arise; but on the whole we think the Chlcugo Tlmes Ilcrald coveis the subject veiy talily when It says that If the piesldent-elect weie to die pi lor to the meeting of the presidential electors In their seveial statu capitals on tho second Monday in Januaiy, the paity would havo to as semble In national convention untl designate some other peison to leceive tho party's vote; wheieas, if ho weio to die between the second Monday In Januaiy and the second Wednesday In Febiuaiy, the electoial voto would have to be counted Just the same and the lesult announced Then, on Match 4, the vice piesldent-elect would qualify as vice president, and no one appeal ing to take tho presidency, ho would succeed to thut plllcu. There Is, to bu suie, a thiid contin gency; that Is, the .possible death of the I president-elect between the formal of scientific toad mnklng and some of his Ideas nie found In the const! uelion ot that model of loads, the Klniliu' it boultviin Mi. Dunning has frequently lectin ed on the subject ot "Good lloads" befoie faim-ei-.' institutes and othei bodies. He tlea's the subject In a thoioughly pmLtieal but novel thelcis very Interesting way. 111 st numbei of The Foi um, a monthly mngalnc publishoJ by the stud ents of the Dickinson School of I,ivv l Cafllsle, Pa, has made its appeainnce. One of the editois Is Chat lei fi Daniels, of this city, whose cleveinets ns n wiltei nnd ability as a newsgatVuv won him much prominence in new "imp circles In this vicinity. The magualne cont..lii twenty -foui pages of Interesting, (ule tully edited inattei. A set toith lu its cdltoiial depnitmtnt, "The puipose of The Pot urn Is both general and dpecluc gen ual In the seue that thiougn Its medium well established pilnclples ot livv will be adduced and tieated In the lenoits ol most couit cases, and specific in that primarily. It will be devoted to the Dickin son School of Law. Fiom time to time, also, there will be discussions ol leial questions nnd contributions by vv oil-known w liters" The Foium Is no.itls pi luted, presents n handsome appeal inc", an I, nl togethei, tetleits credit on the young men who ate lesponslble for its appearance. -O Theie Is baldly a day passes but whit one oi mote candidates go up lot citizens' pnpets nnd theie Is baldly a candidate but what mukes some ludlcious or funny ic sponse to the judge's cnt-o'liislui,. The othei day ono would-be suffragean pro voked a veiy audible tlttet by an ingenious answer. "What kind of a government have we heie-'" quelled Judge Aichbald In a friend ly sort of tone. Jeil.Ing his head ovei his let: should l ut a ao-degieo nugle and putting out his chest with pilde ut the oiommed con fidence and consldetation In nl Judgment he ipplicd- "Oh, I like It veiy well, voir honor" -O- Sonatoi J. C. Vuughan distinguished himself nt Hurilsbuig Wednesduy night by extinguishing u fire In the .senate chain bei Some one thiew a match iimoiig a lot of looso papeis In one coinei of the loom and the flames had attacked the ihi pets and woodwoik . when Senator Vnughan lushed to the scene and extin guished the flnmes. In doing so his hands vveio slightly binned. Tho sonator his f6r yeais been n volunteer fireman mil has helped to light many a Hie. He Is u member of the Lagle Ilnglne company of Ilellevue. -O- The populailty of low-pikcl thPitilrnl pei foi malices with the people i f Scianton and Its vicinity hns been d monstuiteil duilng tho week by the large audleiiCLE that attend the afternoon and veiling peiformanees at the Academy of Mus'c and 'Frothlngham, wheio companies nro playing at populai piices. The el unor fol low pi Ices at thcatcis Is heard all over t'li. countiy, and munageis aie compelled to recognize It. UM'.M'IjAINKI). They tell you It's cream, when you go to the shop, Though It's thin and uncanny In flavor. Tlie eolfeo you buy seems devoid of a diop ur tnat wouurous uacuuouai uavoi. Hut tho mysteiy's worse than the taste, though that's bjd, And the things we aro now so afraid of Pei haps we'd endure with senbatlons less sad, If we only knew what they are mado or. And It Isn't alone In tho metchamllse line That these puzzles loom up, disconcert ing. Theie's many a title iuiprcsslvely fine, And n coat.of-aims most self-usjertlng, Which leavo you to guess how they came to exist. Theso bnubleB they make such paiade ot Seem good as tho best. Hut you mustn't insist On knowing Just what they aie mado of. Washington Star. Anothei anti-trust bill has mvle its np peninnce nt HaiiNbuig. It declares against public policy unlawful an 1 void, till combinations ti lists oi nmeunenls tending to IesSen full and free competition In any ti.ide ot business Violation of the nntl-tiust livv foi felts the chutnr of nny coiporntlon In the state md tho light is denied foielgn coiporatlons .o continue business within tho slate The bill pro vides foi the punishment of violators In fixing a line of not less than $10) nr mor" than r.0u0, with ImpilhonniPiit in the peni tential v of not less than one year or more than ten. It also pi ov Ides foi the Instruc tion of gland Jui ies to the piovlslons ot thn act by the various Judges ot the com monwealth. A committee of throe, conlsttng ot Leonnrd Rhone, Di. 13 II Wnnen and F. N. Mooie, met yesteidav nt Harilsbuig to consider how the constitutional defects in the piesent pm a foo'd law, us pointed out In a Kcent opinion by Judge Hemn hlll, of Chester county, may he temedled Judge Hemphill pointed out that the law was unconstitutional because the text eoveis subjects not expressed in the title. The title lofcis only to Impiup foods, while the text deals with adulterations nnd Impositions The committee will ice. ommend that the vvoids substitution and adulteiatlon be added to tho title and the law will be passed by the leglslatilie nt this session Xo opposition Is expected, ns It Is the mpst popular law lecently onmt ed. Two new bills will also be brought up for passage dealing with vlnegais. The present law is framed only to piotect elder vlnegais fiom ndulteiatlon, while the new laws will compel dealers to sell all vlnegais on their ipeilt, and all vine gars must stnnd a standanl test and con. tain nt lenst 4 pei cent, of ueldlty. The very 'onstble and timely lemnrks which follow uie fiom the Philadelphia Piesb: "The public school nppiopilntlun, being Intended to pioinote publli educa tion, ought to be dlstilbuled In a way best to secure this object. That will be ob tained by giving tlie laigest sum ot money to those who most need It. The numbei of children In a dlstilct Is one test ot Its needs nnd Its equitable claim on ih- siliool upproptlatlon The distribution of these chlldten as to whethei they cm be guth cied Into one school oi must have seveial Is anothei test. A dlstilct with thltly child! en all convenient to a single school building does not stund In tho sann r.ced of state aid as a kugei but mote spni.sely settled dlstilct with Its children so wllel scatteied that two school buildings mil two teachers are necessary The lower the tuvnbles nnd the less the value of property In piopoitlon to school popula tion the gientei is the need In that dlstilct of state assistance. Tho objt or what should be the object, of the st i o III up piopilatlug state money foi public educa tion Is not to ubollsh taxes but to abolish Illiteracy, and tho uld should bo In pio portlon to the need. Almost any rule ot distribution would be bettei than the pres ent one It seems to us that tho numbei of schools nnd school teacheis wluon tho lesldents of u dlstilct think they need nnd ptovu theli fulth by taxing them selves to maintain them olfis as con venient und Just u busls as can easily be devised foi the equitable distribution of the state school apptoptlutlou." A bulletin of decisions has been Issued by the daliy and food commissioner show ing what things may not be made oi soli! In Pennsylvania Among them It Is stated that: No ftuudulent oi woithlcss aitlcio cull be mixed with, ot substituted foi stunduid goods, and sold under tho label "Compound" or "Mixtuie" Only com pounds or mlxtutes known as "ordinal y articles oi Ingiedlents of ui ticks of food' can be so sold. In ull cases goods sold as puie, must be puie, and not a compound, as In the case of tlavoilng e.xtiacts, diy mustnid, etc. Vanilla extiacts must be mudo from vanilla beuns Mixed exttucts of vanilla and tonka should be lubeled "Mixtuie" or "Compound." Fther fla vors, It sold, should be labeled und sold as "Aitillr'al StU.nvbeiry," "Ailllclul Pine-Apple" llavois, etc, as the case may be. Nothing lujuilous to health should en ter any food iuoduct. Salicylic acid is ptohlbltcd as a pieseivatlve Coloiing of vuilous food pioducts Is not piohlblted, . piovlded the material used Is not Injuil ous, or Used for the puipose of deception, nnd Intei ioilty Is not concealed. Only v Illegal, which Is the legitimate pioduct ot pitie apple Juice, known us npple cldot, can be sold ns cldei vinegar. It must con tain not less than 2 pel cent, of solids anl I pel cent acidity Fueh head of the package must be branded with the name and address of the manufuotuiei, and dale ot manufacture, bail not wholly eleilved fiom the fnt of swine must be plainly branded "Compound Iaid." -The ad II tlon of coloiing matter oi pioseivutlves to milk, is piohlblted. Pteseives, jellies, c uished li lilts, fruit juices, and i- hole fruits sold ns puie, oi not mnikod com pound, must contain nothing but puie fiult and sug.u. Preseivcs, Jellies, nnd slmllai ai tides that contain stuieh, glu cose, etc., must be labeled "Compoun 1" or "Mixtuie" Spices do not admit ol the addition of any foreign niattei, and theie foie cannot be -old as "Comoounds, oi placed upon the maiket in an ndultei ited condition. When coloiing lnattei Is u-ed In canned vegetables, the package must bo dlstlnctlv nnd plainly maiked or labeled, "Aitlflcially colored." No substance la beled "Substitute foi Cieam of Taitu," or with any slmllai libel, can be lawiully solfl It Is piopo-ed to enfoice these ele ctions vlgoiously. .- MUltKl.V AN OVi:UMl!HT. i i fi(i & nrfl I If 1 1 H 1 M 4 1 I I I if D ? Q I IV it . D B ft L A bUHIlLLL 0 From the New York Adv either. In gunning atound foi cabinet mnteiMl President-elect McKlnley muv conclude to snap u cup oi two at Mi llalsteid himself. Fp to date Mi McKlnley Ins somewhat tailed to nvall bltnsplt of the journalistic talent which is lying uiound in vuilous uccesslble places We tiust thnt this Is nothing woise than an ov 21 sight. r. c TIJIT TO UKST. 1! NOVELTIES FOR THE HOUDflYS. Our Holiday Display of useful ani ornamental articles was never so large as this season's exhibit. The advantage of having so large and aried an assortment to select from will be apparent to all who contem plate ghitig piescnts ot a substantial and artistic character, or buying for their own use. Tiom the Washington Post. Having elected a t'nlted Stntes senator, boused his cattle, shaved the Wanumiliei coipse, and attended to other political chutes, Hi. Quay feels that he can will affoid to spend a few days with the FI01 Ida taion. ONI'. MOUTH NOTI.Vf.!. Fiom the Tlnies-Ileiuld. It seems that Queen Vlctotli still sees the necessity for a distinction betweiii "my loids and gentlemen" out or a j on. rrom the Tlmes-lleiald. Tlie man wtio knows all about money question Is still whittling crackei baricl at the coinei gioceiy. the the Writing Desks. Dr-esbing Tables, Chcval Glasses, Couches, Rockers, leecliniiig and Kiisy Cliaira, Music Cabinets, Parlor Cabinets and Tables, Work Tables, Curio Cases, Tea Tables, Vernis-iMartin Cabinets, Parlor and Fancy Inlaid Chairs, Gilt Reception Chairs, Parlor Suits, in Gilt, Pedestals, Jardinieres, Rook Cases, Shaving Stands nil marked at moderate piices in plain figures. T 1wssirt)VkwsSr '-"esimfsai BYRON WRITiNQ That 'hlicol" was paved with good intentions, probably realized the truth of the assertion. Don't let your good lesolution to buy only the best Blilllk Books, (Mice Supplies, Tjne- Writing: Supplies, etc., at our store be a paving stone. We keep the best in variety and quality. 'e also make a spccidit) of DraugliUng Supplies. eynolds TOS., Stationers and Engravars, liOTLL JURA1YN liUILDINa. hill mmi 131 & 133 Washington Ava, i LL'ii iiir a iiliriv W lUr w aHft r a a a k 1 a a f BAKAI1I Odds and Ends, we find while taking stock, are being sold at greatly reduced prices to make room for new spring- Is not more valuable or correct told by a high priced gold watch than bjr the celebrated ? f Y5 fl 5 i 5T h I Guaranteed for one year. Second gross just in. goods. Lodge and Corporation Seals, Rubber Stamp inks, All Colors, Daters, Pads, Pooket Cutlery, Scissors, Revolvers, Razors, Strops, Padlocks, Bicycles and Supplies, Umbrella Repairing Athletic and Gymnasium Goods, AT 222 WYOMING AVENUE Have some good Dinner Sets we are closing out very low. $15.00 Sets, with a few pieces' short, now $10.00. THE I FOOTEftSHEMCOi Lager ERCEREHI fi GnHELLl Beer B demons, Ferber, O'Malley Co. 423 Lackawanna Ave. FEBB J ART MAGAZINES. ', THE At Our New find Klugunt Storcfoom, 130 WYOMING AVENUE, Coal Uxcliange, Opp, Hotel Jcrmyn. 437 Spruce btrcet. Opposite The Commonwealth. "Okl (Inn in n;w hiiiTounii inss," like an old Stonc In new bettings," hliines more brllUuiit tlmn ever, iiiul 'nliines for ll." Diamonds, Fine Jewhry, ' WatcliQS, Silverware, Silver novelties, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, Flue Leather Goods, Opera Glasses. rewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated nn m When yon see our Net Prices you will ask for No Discount. All Are Welcome.' CAPACITYl 100,000 Barrels per Acnum WOLF & WENZEL, 531 Linden., Opp. Court Muus;, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUiiWS Solo Acents for Iilclmrdson Doyntou'n Furuacci and Roukos.