The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 27, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Headers will plenixs noti' tlmt ndvortlsp
mi'iil. order for Job woih. unci Items .for
publication left nt tlie establishment .or
Hlmnnon ft Co., mnvmlenlers, Nortli .Main
street, will rccolvu prompt ntteiitlon, or
llce open from S n. in. to 10 p. m.J
The Narrow llsenpo ol'Kimliitior l.ln
Ic.ltor and I'lrcinun lltirilicl.'.
A serious wreck occurred lust evunlns
fit r o'clock In the Delaware and lltid
snn yard In vvlilcli mi engineer and llro
inun narrowly escaped dcalli. They
were .Samuel MiiRfeHer, eiiKlneer, and
Arthur Hurdlck, ilreitmn. The i'IirIhc
wan piisdilnn seven cars of ennl up the
incline to the coal pockets when tho
Hi'cotid car from thu enslne left the
track and fell to the ground helow.
taking cars and engine with It. They
dropped ahottt ten foot. In Home mirac
ulous way both llreman and engineer
escaped death, and .stnuiRe to say, es
caped even veiious Injury, Hoth were
In thu cab when they went down. The
ciiKliie was not badly damaged, but the
cars wero smashed.
At onco men wore put at work with
rhovols and It was not long before the
wreck was cleared away.
District Deputy '. (J. linlnml Will
Conduct tliu llu.'i'clscs.
The now odlccrs of Fidelity conelavr,
No. ISO, will be Installed tonlnht by Dis
trict Deputy C. Ci. lioland. of Scranton.
The services will be In Watt's hull, cor
ner of .Main street and Halem avenue.
A good many Ileptnsophs will doubtl?ss
enjoy the eiitei tainmenl and smoker.
The following olllcers wll bo Installed:
Archon, L V. Ilehnes; Provost, l'.lch
ard Cornall: secretary, V. A. Kai;
llnancler, 1. D. Wolfe; treasurer, .loiin
1'. Campbell: Inspector, 11, M. Daker,
prelate, A. L. Gurney; warder, D.
Short; sentinel, Antonio llussari: trus
tees, D. W. Humphrey, Irving Davis
and Frank Smith.
A ISirthduy I'uity Given in Honor of
John .llavwcll.
A large number of friends assembled
on .Monday. evening at John Maxwell's
home to celebrate the thlity-nlnth an
niversary of his birth.
It was a masquerade social and his
many friends extended hearty congrat
ulations. In behalf of friends and
guests a handsome secretary was pre
sented by John Solomon, of Jermyn.
Common Council .Meeting.
The common council met for business
on Monday evening. Several reports
were received and bills approved. The
motion to advertise for a lit e alarm
was laid on the table. Motions that
South Main street, Flghth avenue. Sixth
avenue and 1'urk place bn paved were
adopted. After some general discussion
of various matter the council adjoin ned,
Politic in Simpson.
The Simpson citizens feel u deep In
terest In the coming election. It Is i e
ported that not less that seven candi
dates for the olllce of supervisor are al
ready In the Held. Doubtless others
will be named ere long. The office ot
school director Is much sought after,
some live or six candidates have it
celved a nomination.
Thu new Century club held an enter
taining meeting on .Monday evening,
when papers were read that had been
prepared for the occasion.
The Delaware ami Hudson collieries
in this city ate to work throe-quarters
time. Tho cold weather Is Increasing
the demand for coal.
A little child ol Mr., anil Mrs. Owen
Lol'tus Is 111 with an attack of mem
braneous croup.
Dr. W. .1. I.owry has been appointed
surgeon of the Jefferson division of the
Kiie railroad. He was formerly con
nected Willi the Lackawanna hospital
in Scranton, but has now an extensive
practice In this city.
Mrs. J. 1. Van Jtergen, who for some
two weeks has been III, is Improving.
Mrs. J. F. McCawley, of Helmunt
street, after a serious illness, is conval
escent. .Miss Hiidget Murray, of Dundaft:
street, Is convalescent after an attack of
catarrhal fever.
J. 15. McTighe is quite 111 at his home
on South Main street.
Thomas linan, of this city. Is. very
ill with typhoid fever at the home of
his sister, Mis. Michael Langan, of
The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank
Nlles will be attended at South Canaan
tomorrow afternoon at - o'clock.
The little son of Uev. and .Mrs. D.
A. Itoccu Is ill with bronchitis. Mrs.
Kocoa Is convalescent after severe Ill
ness. Gem-Re C, Colburn, for many years a
lesident of Forest City, died on Mon
day nt the residence of his son, In this
city, Hu was seventy-eight years of
A new sanctimry lamp, recently pur
chased In New Vork for St. Hose church
by Hov. T. F. Coffey, has been placed
in position.
Dr. D, .. Uniley was in Montrose yes
terday In order to visit three members
of his brothers' family, who are 111 with
scarlet fever. '
The funeral of George Morrison, the
littlu son of Mrs. Kll.aboth Morrison,
was attended at the homo on Monday
afternoon. The services were conduct
ed by Hey. E. J. Daisley, of Trinity
Miss Anna Wilcox, of Nineveh, N. Y
is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. l.ews
ley. Miss Irene llurns, of Dunmore, Is vis
iting Miss Mary Ferrell, of Wyoming
Mr. Charles C. Carpenter and son, of
Bliit'hamton, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. S. I. A. Tingley, on South Church
Annual Inventory Sale
"tt'c hnvo concluded our annual Inventory
ot stock, and find we have n great ninny
de?lrable lengths that we will close out at
much less than cost, to make room for
our spring goods that wo are receiving
dally, llrlns the size of your room along
with you If In need of a carpet and wo
will guarantee you a bargain, as this Is
no humbug sale. A woid as to our third
annual reinuuiit sale, we have some short
lengths that wo will close out at hulf.
price. See them, as this ualu lasts only
for ten days.
Carpets, Vall Papj- and Drap3rle3,
The HeMilt of Imperfect Digestion of
Kvery living thlnsr, tdnnt or animal,
contains within Itself the germs of cer
tain decay and death.
In the human body these germs of
disease and death (called by scientists
Ptomaines), are usually the result of
Imperfect digestion ot food; the result
of Indigestion or dyspepsia.
The stomach from abuse, weakness,
does not properly and thoroughly di
gest the food. The result Is a heavy,
sodden mass which ferments (the Hist
process of decay) poisoning the blood,
making It thin, weak and lacking In
red corpuscles; poisoning the brain,
causing headaches and nuln In the
Had digestion Irritates the heart,
causing palpitation and finally bring
ing on disease ot this very Important
Poor digestion poisons the kidneys,
causing llrlght's disease and diabetes.
And this Is so because every organ,
every nerve defends upon the stomach
alone for nourishment and renewal,
and weak digestion shows Itself In not
only loss of appetite and llesh, but In
weak nerves and muddy complexion.
The great English scientist, Huxley,
said the best start In life is a sound
stomach. Weak stomachs fall to di
gest food properly, because they lack
the proper quantity of digestive acids
(lactic and hydrochloric) and pepto
genlc products; the most sensible rem
edy In nil cases of indigestion, Is to
take after each meal one of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, because they sup
ply In a pleasant, harmless form nil the
elements that weak stomachs lack.
The tegular use of Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets will cure every form of
stomach trouble except cancer of the
They Increase llesh, Insure pure
lilood, strong nerves, a blight eye and
clear complexion, because all those re
sult only from wholesome food well di
gested. Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's
Dyspasia Tablets at CO cents full sized
package or by mall by enclosing price
to Stuurt Co., Marshall, -Mich., but
ask your druggist llrst.
A little book on stomach diseases
mailed free. Address Stuart Co.,
Marshall. Mich.
In the piesence of a largo number of
invited guests, the recently elected olli
ccrs of the Avoca conclave of Ileptn
sophs, were Installed on Monday even
ing in O'.Malley's hall. District Deputy
Instuller W. li. Hnndiick, of Scranton.
was present and in a few ivell chosen re
ntal Its addressed the members before
executing the duties of the othce repre
sented. C. G. lioland, of Scranton, was
speaker of the evening. Mr. Holand's
remarks were received with applause
for in the liberal thoughts expressed
by the speaker could be discerned the
noble character of the niun who dis
cussed thoroughly the meilts of the
organization and their duties as mem
beis, to each other. The united choli
was jjresenl and lvndeied a few choice
vocal selections. The following olllcers
were Installed: Past archon, Sam
Bloch; archon, M. D. Sanders; pro
ost, W. J. Sammon; secretary, TI. M.
Stevens; llnancler, Walter Anderson;
treasurer, U. W. Lower; prelate, A. P.
Holllster: inspector, P. F. Devers;
warden, Frank McDermott; sentinel,
.1. L. Harris. After the installation a
sumptuous repast was seived to the
isiting guests.
The Prohibition party has laced the
following ticket In the Held: Purgess,
K. J. Wildreck; justice of the peace.
Chailes AcKnian; scliool directors, Ja
cob Webster and D.J.Morton; council
men, G. S. Sanderson and James SIves;
tax collector, J. T. Uleace: judges, E. C.
Kellam, William Howe; inspectors, G.
W. Lower and William Hldgely; regis
ter assessors. W. J. Williams, John
Uidgely.; auditors. J. II. Christian, II.
W. Davis.
Miss Kate Gibbons lias returned home
after n few days visit with lrlends In
MIes Josephine Gllinaitln, of Dun
nioie, is visllina fi lends in town.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. it. George, of.l.ullln;
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. George, of Green
wood, and E. J. McDonnell, of Scranton,
attended the Heptasophs banquet on
Monday evening.
There will be a meeting of the Wo
men's Christian Temperance union on
Thursday afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. K. H. Campbell. A full attend
ance Is requested ns there will be an
election of delesates to the next year
convention, which will assemble iu
Wllkes-Uaire on February H and 1:'.
Mrs. Louise Rounds, of Illinois, and
Mrs. Olive Pond Amies, a state offi
cer, will be present at the convention.
Thomas Harris, an old resident of this
town, died at his home Monday even
ing about 9 o'clock after a brief Illness.
Deceased was G'J years of age and is
survived by a wife, four sons and one
daughter, lie was a miner by occupa
tion and one of the most respected citi
zens of the place. The funeral will lake
place Thursday afternoon at 11.30 o'clock
from his late home on Culm street. In
terment will be inude in Union ceme
tery. The nnlmatoscope will be seen at the
Blakely Daptlst church tomorrow even
ing Instead ot Tuesday evening as
stated in yesterday's Tribune.
The primary election of the Demo
crats of the Second ward will be held
this afternoon between the hours of I
and 7 o'clock at the regular polling
place, when they will nominate a school
director, councilman, judge of election
and inspector. Klehard J. Gallagher,
James D, Carbine, William Merrimack,
Miss Clara Maroney, of Susquehanna,
Is the guest of the Misses Jordan, of
Duinnore street."
Last night a general caucus of Re
publicans was held In .Million's hall.
John Iiennon was chairman of the meet
ing and th,e secretaries were S. J. Mat
thews and J, L. Davis. For the nomi
nation of bugress.John Lloyd, was elect
ed, the vote standing as follows: John
Lloyd, G7; W. J. Schubmehl, 37. For
tax collector, David D, Davis; for audi
tor, David A. Patten, The latter were
elected by acclamation. After the gen
eral caucus the Republicans of the Sec
ond ward put the following ticket In
the Held: For council, Thomas H,
Urown; for school director, John D.
Powell; Judge of election, Thomas Ma
hon; Inspector of election, James Pettl
grew. II the llaliy Is Cutting Teelh.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success, It
goothes tho child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold
by druggists In every part of tho world.
Be sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
The nnlmatoscope and phonograph
eiitei tnlunient to be given this evening
under the auspices of the Crystal Fire
company In Enterprise hull promises to
bo one of the most successful enter
tainments of the season. "The Sun" of
Danville recommends the entertainment
in the following;
"Prof. Lyman D. Howe gave u high
ly Interesting entertainment 111 the
Opera house last night, made "up of
I he lemarknble lLfo-iiiotlou plenties ot
the iinlmntoscopo and a large number
of very catchy selections from thu pho
nograph leproduced from distinguished
singers, orchestras, Impersonators, etc.,
perfcrmlng on the metropolitan stage.
Hy means of a funnel-shaped appliance
attached to .the phonograph every se
lection reproduced was. to lie heaul dis
tinctly In all paits of the house. The
audience derived much enjoyment from
the realistic sounds issuing from the
phonograph and expressed their appre
ciation by frequent applauses. It was
the anlinaloscope, however, that was
looked forwuid to with the greatest In
terest, as It was the first appearance
here of this new and novel Invention.
Nor was the audience disappointed. On
a large screen in the rear of the stage,
scene after scene ivas reproduced from
leal life, the objects going through with
their natural life-movements. There
were lire scenes, In which the smok"
was seen to suddenly escape In a volley
as the door of the burning building was
opened, while several horses one after
the ether cainc galloping out from the
Humes scenes In which tho fire engine
rattled by to the scene of the fire and
later of the lire ltyelf with firemen on
a ladder lecelvlng from an upper win
dow chlldicii in their night clothes who
In succession they passed to the ground.
There were a croat variety of scenes
maiij nf them amusing, the phonograph
reproducing the sounds suited to the
action In the plctuit. The performance
closed with a view of the ocean, the
swelling bleakcrs rolling in to the shore.
carrying with them all thu awe and
sublimity of the original."
Last evening at Windsor hall the
Democrats nominated the following of
ficers: Burgess. Graham Warring; tax
collector, William F. Sullivan; Justice
of the peace, T. O. Uoblnson; auditor,
S. E. Moyer; high constable, Timothy
Donovan. P. E. Timlin was chairman.
Mr. Charles L. Hell will open a gro
cery store next month. He will use the
store now rented by Thomas E. Grif
fiths. Where Mr. Grllllths will locate Is
not known.
Last evening at 7.P.0 a very quiet
wedding was solemnized at the home of
George Stone. The contracting parties
were Dr. Itoblnson. of Alleghany, N.
Y., and Miss Abide Taylor, of Jermyn.
Hev. W. H. Mrown. pastor of the Baptist
church, pronounced them man and wife.
It was not a pretentious event, ns no
one but the relatives were present.
Quite a romance Is connected with the
affair. Dining the time the doctor was
In college about twenty years ago he
met Miss Taylor and they became en
gaged. It was decided that the doctor
should finish his course before they
were married. Time passed, the doctor
finished his studies, had gained a lucra
tive practice, but on account of the
bride's parents being seriously 111, It
was again deferred, but at last It was
arranged and last night the words were
spoken which made them man and wife.
"Patience Is a virtue," and each have
shown they possess this virtue. The
many friends of the couple wish them
every success and feel exceedingly re
luctant at losing one, who, although
not being a resident of Jermyn very
long, as won a great many friends.
The borough council met in special
session last evening. No business! of
any importance was transacted.
The Hronson Literary society met last
night. All membeis weie present and
talked over the loss In the burning of
Parish hall. It was decided to meet
up stairs In the new church. The sac
risty of which will be fitted up for meet
ing purposes. Tho following programme
was piepared for the next meeting:
Piano solo, Mary Walker: select read
ing, Katie Mullen; vocal solo, John E.
Kelly; vocal solo, Sallie Thofnas.
Simpson & Watklns have now In
course of erection at Edgerton a wash
ery, which, when completed, will cost
about $10,000.
Mr. John F. Loughney is having
erected u house on South Main street.
Mr. John Kelly, of South Main street.
who had his hand poisoned some time
ago, is now much better. At first It
wus thought necessary to amputate one
of his lingers, but It will not now be
V. J. McDonald, of the East Side,
was In Scranton yesterday.
Miss Laura Hill, who has been visit
ing relatives In Philadelphia for the
past month, returned home last even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Solomon, of
Main street, attended a masquerade
party Monday evening at the home of
Mr. John Maxwell, of Carbondalo.
A delegation from the order of Sons
of Tempeiunce trom this town will
visit the Taylor lodge tonight.
Yesterday afternoon occurred the fu
neral of Thonius Parkins, who was
killed on Saturday morning. The Im
proved Order of Ited Men and Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, of which
societies he was a member, attended
In a body. The service was held in the
Methodist church. The following clei -gymen
helped to conduct the service
Itevs. Francis Gendnll, W. H. Drown,
Wllllum Surdlval. Mr. Williams, of Jer
myn, and Hev. Mr. Hall, of Hlakely.
The pall bearers were: .Messrs. Will
iam and Johnson Dennett. Henry Mor
coin, John Toman, William and Stephen
Murrain. Edwin Wuodworth, flower
Miss Anna Jopllng will on Friday
evening leave for Northampton, Eng.
The Democrats of the First ward held
a caucus last eveninc In Windsor hall.
The following were nominated: Council,
for three years, George Edmunds:
council, for one year, John Slegle;
school director, Jas. Shields; Inspector,
Peter Martin; Judge, S. H. Hills.
Station Agent DeGraw, of Mayfleld.
Is visiting friends at Washington, N. J.
The Scranton Electrical Construction
company, which has the contract for
extending the light In the borough of
Mayfleld. has a force of men at work
and It Is expected they will complete
the work In nhuut two weeks.
The Erie und Glenwood collieries will
work eight days and Keystone seven
days this month.
Kichard Friend, of Mayfleld, was vis
iting at Yandllng last evening.
An Independent caucus lias been
called for Friday evening at Maylleld
In the store formerly occupied by the
Maylleld pharmacy.
Mrs. James Donley, who has been
seriously 111 from erysipelas, Is much
On Friday evenintr of tills week the
Kpworth league have urruiiued for tin
Mrs. Joseph Welch, who has been 111
for the past mouth, la repdrted much
worse nnd her recovery may be doubt
ful. Dr. Guthrie, uf Wllkes-Hurre, has
been called In consultation with Dr.
Hardwell, who lias been attending her,
Hev. 11. N. VanDellseil, of Slullei
vllle, N. Y., formerly pastor of the Me
hoopnuy Methodist church. Is In town
s.s a witness on the Ames damage case.
Mr. VanDellseil sold thu horse to Mr,
Ames which backed off the approach
to the bridge.
Clinton Dewitt. of Exeter, father of
Mrs. Frank T. Knupp, died on Satur
day, aged 7 yeais. The funeral to.ik
place yesterday.
Charles Graham had a number of
fowls at the Scranton poultry show.
One of the most Important cases on
record In Wyoming county Is occupying
the attention of the court this "week.
About two years ago Frank D. Ames, of
Mehonpany, was driving to Forkston
with his wife, Near Forkston there Is a
high bridge and the approaches to th"
bridge were unguarded. In some way
the horse backed over the approach,
throwing- Mrs, Ames out and Injuilng
her In such a manner that she lived
only a short time. Mr. Ames has now
brought suit against the county for ten
thousand dollars damages on th"
ground that the county cominlsslone'S
hnd .been warned of the condition of f lie
bridge, but had neglected to make the
necessary repairs. Mrs. Ames was
about i"0 years of age and was a sister
to Dunning Sturdevant and Slnton J.
Sturdevnnt, residents of Wllkes-Hurre.
The Republican voters of the borough
assembled at the graded school build
ing Saturday evening for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the va
rious ofllces to be filled at the coming
election. Mr. N. T. Ruddy was elected
chairman and A. Hall, secretary. The
following named persons were nomin
ated: For burgess, Edward Miles;
Judge of election, W. II. Yon Storch;
Inspector of election. A. 1!. Davis;
council, James 1'. Dickson, E. G. Von
Storch; school directors, three years.
Mrs. O. P. Stoll; Mrs. W. A. Dean; two
years, George Ileckmnn; high con
stable, James Hoardmau; tax collector,
Andrew Terwllllger; auditor, C. V.
Purdy. Mrs. O. P. Stoll has declined to
serve if elected to the oflice of school di
rector. The committee have therefore
directed that a meeting of voters be
called for Wednesduy evening ut the
council rooms, to name a candidate to
fill the vacancy.
Mrs. Edward Miles and Mrs. Ball at
tended tho "Hen Iliir" matinee Satur
day. 11. Y. Decker has moved Into the
Carpenter house. Professor Thompson
will move Into tho one vacated by Mr.
Frankle. the (i-year-old son of Mr.
Wilcox living on the Tilpp farm, died
Thursday night after a short Illness.
The burial took place at West Nichol
son on Saturday.
W YOM I Nfl S KM 1 X A It V.
Next Thursday will be the day of
prayer for colleges-. Rev. Dr. J. R.
Day, chancellor of Syracuse University,
will preach In Nelson .Memorial hall,
at 10 a. m. Dr. Day Is an excellent
preacher, and many should try and
hear him. '
The stereoiitlcon used by Professor
Thurston of the Seminary depaitment,
Is very useful In other ways. Airs.
Beebe used It to a great advantage' In
her lecture on the"rSeven Hilled City,"
and also AIlss Jewett in her lecture on
"Florence." This Instrument was pur
chased by the seminary at a cost of
$000, and is one of whicn we may be
proud. i
AIlss Emma Coon spent Sunday at
her home In Clark's Green.
The Independent society spent a very
1 Infests the blood of liiiinanitv. It
I .11,1; tn -.! I'll,,) fninnj lmr 1c IVil'mifl I
to yield to Hood's Sarjajiurilla, which
purifies1 and vitalizes thu lilood and
cures all fetich diseases, lli-sul this:
" In September, 1891, 1 made a misstep nnd
injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards,
two inches across formed and in walking
to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore
became worse; I could not put my boot
on and I thought I should have to give up j
nt every step. I could not get any relief
nnd had to stop work. I read of a cure of i
a siniilnr ense by Hood's Sarsaparilln and
concluded to try it. lleforo I had taken I
all of two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down, My
Is now well nnd 1 hnvo been greatly bene
fited otherwise. I hnvo increased iu
weight and am in bettor hcnlth. 1 cannot
say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsnpn
rilla." JIks. II. ISI.AKK, So. Berwick, Mc,
This and other biinilnr cures prove that
Is the One True llloml Purifier. All druggists. SI.
l'lcp.irecl only hy ('. I. llmnl A. Co., Lowell, Musi.
u if - the best fanulycatliartlo
HOOdS PlIlS and ller stimulant. '-So-
If Kxpunsuils No Object Why Not
Have the Best?
For u Limited Purse Select
iWuiuifiicturcd hy
Price to All, $75. Fully
For Rubber Stamps Patronize tho
CHASE & FABRAR, Prop's,,
i 515 l.iiulen St.. Scranton. Pa.
pleasant evening with the Adelphlntts
last Friday. i
Tho Y. M. C A. are holding noonday
prayer meetings.
Robert Spencer preached at Ashley,
Pa., last Sunday.
The Literary societies will elect of
ficers 'next Saturday evening,
This evening the Emblem division.
Pons of Temperance, will conduct elab
orate nnnlwrsary services. The anni
versary will be conducted In Weber's
rink by the members of the above divi
sion, and their reputation In the past
for Ihe conducting of such afalis, In
dicates that this 'will be one of the
grandest, the division bus oor conduct
ed. The following programme has hi'en
in ranged: Solo, John F. Tubbs; selec
tion, Miss Ra Morgans; duett, Messrs.
Tubbs and Jones: solo, William Jones;
selection, double quartette; recitation,
(elected. Miss Mattle ilavard; solo,
descriptive, Thonns D. Edwnrds; reci
tation, selected, Evan G. Evans; selec
tion, double quartette; polo, John
Crocker; piano selection, Miss Lydla
Hosklns: solo, Olwcn llowells, reci
tation, comic, George Williams.
The Juvenile choir of the Calvary
Haptlst church are rehearsing the can
tata entitled "Salba," under the direc
tion of ProfeKTor John R. Francis, which
they propose to perform about the mid
dle of March.
Ex-Assistant District Attorney John At,.
Harris attended the banquet In honor
of Robert Burns at Scranton on Alon
duy night.
This evening the marriage of AIlss
Sadie Davis and Thomas Davis will be
solemnized nt the home of the brlde''t
parents. Dr 11. II. Harris will be the
oflhiatlng clergyman.
Alost torturing and disfiguring of itching,
burning, scaly skin anil sculp humors Is in.
stantly lclicveil by a warm bath with Ci n
ct ka Soai1, a single application of i tici u.v
(ointment), the great ckln cme.and a full (lno
of (VriCbllA ltl0l, LNT, pieatest of blood
purifiers uud huiuur cures, wheu all else tails.
mold tliroimhoutthe world. romRDitrn i sn Cnsit.
Coriv. l'ront., Boiton. " How lo Core salt Itteum, Tree.
(, liinyllleniunei,
Arcade Building,
213 Wyoming Avenue.
His Moved to lilt New Quarters.
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance, on aide next to First National
Back. Uo bus now In
1 L
Comprising ovorytlilnu requisite for Una
Ueroliunt Tailoring. And tho bumo cau
bo shown to nilv;mtnk'o iu liis splen
didly fntud up rooms.
Ei Extended to All Renders of The Trlb
one to Call on "OLD RULIAULE" in tils
Mew Business Homo
What Sarah Uernhard says.
A .
i w i
El &
I " ffG 1
421 Lackawanna Avenue.
Z. WEBNGART, Proprietor.
Our selections for the spriug trade are arriviug. We
must have space, and in order to make it will clear out the
patterns iu stock.
The greater part made iu anticipation ot the coming season,
at a price which will insure their speedy removal.
And we are confident of the result.
Opp. Aluln Entrance
to Wyoming llous.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended Accordinj
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
In! m mm-
llifll 8
li I Pill I I
ly';j plliB
A Revolving Ward
robe, 65 inches
high, 27 inches iu
diameter, antique
finish, iust the
r small 7l
offices.... 1J1M J
rooms or
More Javanese Wilton Rugs at $1.19
Our Removal
CSothins: Sale.
All previous nttempts nt bargains are,
InxlKnlllennt In compnrljsuu with tlda.
Iliivlnif bouKht up thu entire stock ot two
or the largest manufacturers In New
ork, we are now able to glva our custo
mers the Krentcst ImrKnlns tho world hns
ever seen. Coats that wo paid 12 nnd $13
for wholesale nnd wero considered elcitnnt
linrKiilns at that, urn now on snlo In our
ftote for $1 nnd $:. each.
The following may kIvo you a little Idea
or some of our bnrRnliis:
?'.R-,ilU' 1,rlec' t"'- ou" M QB
1'nicn vbliJO
Unci with sntln rluulame.
l'lurr "rlc' (J'"5i OUU $7 98
Ladlne jackets,"lii'ilVii"l,oVsl'iiii 'cloth, 'silk
lined; wholesale price, $7.50: fro QO
orrt piik'k ..."..... $0.9o
Kreneli caterpillar coats, lined thrbiiKhout
with chaiiKcahlo silk; whole- frQ QO
sale price, $10,00; OITU l'HlCl-3.. vpdivJO
ladles' line Imported Jackets, beautiful
erfectfl iu silk nstraehan, Kersey and In
hliiek, brown nnd Krcen, silk lined;
wholesale price, $11; OUU &C QO
Undies' seal plush cupes, handsomely em
broidered; wholesale price frt) QO
$7.73, IH'lt IM11CB O'OO
Ladles suits, skirts nnd silk waists In nil
the latest styles are nqWoli snlo, ut half
"""I nun mil! i. miiintr
wwua aiHB' wwai
Carpets and Draperies.
Ask for the Ben
11 ur" Rocker, an
tique finish, large
225-227 Wyoming Avenua.