The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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tHpuderst will plense note that ndvortho
mint, oulcrs for job work, mid Items for
publication left nt the establishment of
Shannon t Co, nevvMlrnlcrs, North Main
Htictt, will recdve ptompt nttuitlonj or
llco open from 8 n, in, to 10 p in
arKU Ntunlii'r ol (Jiii'Ms Kutur-
tiilncil at IltirlicN It it I Ul i 11 tr.
On Weiliimdny ovonlnE the llrst nn
ntinl banquet of Council 121, Youns
Jluli'n liiHtllutc, biouglit moiu than 200
Rtiests to Huiko'H liullillntr, and then to
Hotel Antlnaclte foi the conclusion of
the fustl Itlea
The Moznrt orchestia furnished mus
ic for the (lunceis ut the Hut Ice build
Inp The Rrnnd mulch w led by Sir.
and Mis I F McDonald at 12 o'clock
vv hen the quests adjoin ned to meet at
the dlnliiR loom of the hotel The loom
wis buuitlfull an aimed with coloicd
llfrlit", emblematic of the society. An
Illuminated motto of the oldei was dlw
latd "I'm Deo, lro Vatila"
The opening speech of welcome, fol
low Iiik the elaborate couisfs. was made
by J r. McDonald, who conRtatulnted
the membeis on their lit st Kiniul ban
quet Although appointed toasttnnstci
he gracefully pusseil Its duties, to his
filend, Hlcliuid J Huike, of Scranton.
Ml Iloin was first Intioduced and
spoke on "The Y. M 1 " He snoke of
tlu hlston of the orRanlratlon of the
sockU, and Its social, Intellectual anil
moial puipo-e. Aftei his Intel estlng
addiess P II Gilleian lesponded to
the motto of the oldei "Pio Deo, Pio
1'itila" Robot t Dmmet O'Uovle, of
Scianton, then spoke In a ei nRtee
able happy inunnti upon the subject of
' Fintornltv "
Maoi O'NcIl, who was to speak on
the subject of "A Catholic Citizen"
was unuble to be piesent. W. II. Gilles
pie, of Plttston, made a sliui t speech
th it was voiv Intel tabling and then
gave pluto to J A. liurke, who le
sp miltd to the toast "The Ladles "
P J Hudd, esi , of Minn's Mills,
spoke of "The Law," and ieceled a
heait welcome James Mitchell, city
editor of the Scianton Tilbune, ie
sponded In a happy manner to "The
Pi ess," and spoke of the nntuie of
journalism and Its itqulienients His
spetch was aptl illustiated with two
well told stoiks The addnsi was
excellent and ieceicd heaity applause
W J. MuDoiiohrIi anil .tli'.s Kate A.
Scott United in .lliirruiRe.
On AVednesdaj evening In St Hose
chinch Ke W A Nealon joined Jllss
Kate A. Scott and William J. McDon
ourIi In mauiaRe A laieo numbei of
fi lends witnessed the iinpiesshe ei
vlce. The bilde was beautiful! v
dies'.ed, and was accompanied b her
sister, Miss Lile Scott ns bildes
niald. A cousin of the groom, James
McDonouRh, was best man. The jouiir
people are well known and popular
among a laiRe clicle of fiiends A te
eept'.on was given them at the home of
the bride's paients, Mr. and Mis J. J.
Scott, and a laiee numbei of fi lends
roi Riatulated them and passed a plea
ant evening. Man beautiful gifts were
reolvcd as tokens of loe and fiiend
bhip. Mi and Mis. McDonough will make
theli liome in this city, wlieie he Is
known as a successful man ol business
the lnunajrei of the CiysUU Lake lee
Miss rio Allen, ol Foiest City, is vis
iting Miss Cliailotte Gilts on Lincoln
Michael Boland, of Chicago, Is In the
city, called heie by the death of Ills
brother, James.
F P Coates Is now engaged In busl
ntss in s-ciaiiton
The tiamps who entered K D Lath
rope's house Tuesday night madt at
tempts to entei the houses of Mi.
Maiy L Crane on Lincoln aenue and
C G Aeiy on Gaitleld aenue
Dr Alexantlei r Glllis was In Foi
est City ycsteiday
The Ladies' Aid society, or Little
Gleaneis, of the Baptist chinch, held a
social In the lettine loom of the chinch
Wednesdav evening. Mis J. O Con
noi, of Jeimyn, sang seveial selections
dining the evening and light ltfitsh
ments weteseived. The tithes foi the
yeai amounted to ovei four bundled
dollars, which will be upulled on the
debt on the chinch piopeity
Miss Lizzie McAndiew, of Cottage
stieet, Is enteitiinlng Miss Mamie
Bresnehan, of Plttston
The membeis of the Gei mania Sing
ing society held a social at theii hall
In the McTlghe building Wednesday
Miss Cairle Davis and Miss Nettie
Boist, who have been the guests of
fiiends in Scranton the past week, have
returned home.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Sec
ond Presbyteilan chuuh will hold a
basket social this evening.
Miss Maiy Cogglns, who has been the
gust of her slstei, Mrs P r Fox, on
Dundaff stieet, has i etui ned to hei
home in Oly pliant.
The annual masquerade ball of the
Shield ot Honor took place In the Watt
building last evening.
Miss Maiy A. Buike, of Biooklyn
stieet, Is entertaining Miss Jennie Mai
tln, of Moscow.
The general caucus of the Democrats
will be held tonight by older of tho
lgllunts, First wind, Thomas Gan
non, Dominic Howard, Hdwnnl How
aid, Second wnid, P. W. Feeley, Thos
Paddon, Patiick Murphy, Thiid wind,
J J Fly nn, A F Gilllsple, J A. Len
non; Fouith waid, John O'Nell, John
McLaughlin, James C, McAndrew.
Wnid caucus will be held In the Fiist
and Thiid wards tomonow night.
The Republican boiough caucus will
be held In Mahon's hall next Tuesday
evening ut 7 o'clock. The Second waid
caucus will be held Immediately uftei
Annual Inventory Sule
Wo have concluded our annuil Inventory
of stock, and tlnd we have a great many
ileslrablo lengths that we will close out at
much less than cost, to make room for
our spring goods that we are receiving
dally. Bring the sUo of your room along
with you If 111 need of a carpet and we
will guarantee you a bargain, as this Is
no humbug sale. A word as to our third
annual remnant sale, wo have some short
lengths that we will closo out at half
price. See them, as this sale lasts only
for tun duys.
Carpets, Wall Papen and Draperies,
In the sanio place, John Penman, J. 13.
Urown, committee.
The Jolly llachelors Club will be Riv
en a compllmentaiy social In the rooms
of the club of B." this o onlntj- The
grand march will commence at 8 JO
o'clock. All are cordially Invited,
Hev. J. A. ISvtins has leslgncd the
pastorate of the Susquehanna Stiect
Hiptlst church. The resignation will
take erfect on March .11. Mr. IJwins
caino to this place fioin Shaion, Pa.,
and has had the pastorate of the Bap
tist chinch about tlnee yeais.
The pupils of St. Pattlck's paiochlnl
school gave a lecltal In the Convent
hall jesteidaj afternoon. The follow
ing musical progtum was well lender
ed: "Chant till Herget," Oiace Pettl
Rienv; "Manonetts," IMward O'Hallol
nnj "Alphlne Olow," Jennie McAndiew ;
"Oussle Waltz," Esther Ileaills, "i:t
maln," James and Maltha Uienimn;
"Day Lilly," Mollle Hannlck; "Alice,"
Nellie Gallagher; "Jack and the Bean
stalk," Alary Best; "Old Folks at
Home," Belva Taylot ; "Little Clom
Walt?," Katie Hogan; "A Happy
Though," Llzle Dempsej , "Shoe
makei's Song," Alice Williams; "Onlden
Wedding," Jacob Hosenfeld, "Hippie of
the Alabama," Sadie Hogan; "Sky Link
Polka," Mai leCummlngs; "Polka," May
Kennedy; "Luc!, dl Lammei moot, "Net
tle McDonald; "Dance of the Hay
makers," Nellie Fan ell.
Madge Tuckei with a lopeitolie of
fine plas will appear at the V. M
Opera House for three nights, com
mencing January 2S.
The Harvest of Hie Chilly Crop Fur-
nislics Employment for a Large
Number of Laborers.
Special to the Scunte-i Tribune
Poyntelle, Jan 21 The Ice harvest
ing season Is now on In full blast In
this locality, and many residents who
would otheiwlse be Idle at this time of
the year aie illulliiR employment at the
lakes assisting in the woik of gathering
the chilly ciop which is placed upon
tais and shipped away or packed In the
store houses on the shoies Lake
Poyntelle, which Is the laigest and fin
est of the bodies of wntei In this vi
cinity; Is the scene of gieatest activity.
The work of lining the Immense stoie
houses, just completed, heie by Messis
Stevens and Sllsbee, of Scranton, has
been commenced and will furnish em
ployment foi fiom sixty to seventy men
and many teams w hlle the season lasts.
1J the aid of appioved machlneiy ice
can be stoied In the Stevens and Slls
bee houses ut the late of tlnee tons a
minute The Ice at piesent Is about
twelve Inches thick, lemaikably cleai
and entliely flee fiom snow ivatei or
sediment. As Lake Poyntelle Is fed en
tlielv by spilngs and Is situated In a
mannei that pi events the wntei fiom
being polluted by di (linage, it is easy
to undei stand that the Ice cut fiom Its
suiface Is unexcelled.
Stevens and Sllsbee, of Scianton, and
Mr. Kiamer, of WIlkes-Bane, have con -tiol
of the Ice crop on Lake Poyntelle,
whlje the Consumers company and
seveial smaller concerns haivest ice
fiom other lakes In the locality. Ml.
Kiamer ships all of his Ice fiom the
lake as soon as It Is cut, sending It oel
the Ontailo and Western railroad to his
Ice houses In Luzeine county. Ml.
Kiamer's men shipped 40 cai loads yes
tetday over the Ontailo and Western
While cutting Ice at fom o'clock this
moinlng one of the hoises used at
Kiamer's plot, went though the Ice A
young man was on the back of the
hoise at the time and botli came veiy
near being dl owned The man was
easily pulled out of his petllous posi
tion, but consldeiable dlflltulty was ex
pel leneed In getting the hoise out,
which was finally lescued by the aid' of
anothei steed
A party of Sciantonlans Including ex--Sheiiff
A B Stevens, Fled i: Stevens,
Division Passenger Agent T Fllttioft,
of the Ontailo untl Western, and W. S
Pulmei, visited the lake today and In
spected the w oi kings of the Stevens
and Sllsbee plant which has been
elected under supei vision of Mi Slls
bee and gieatly admit ed the pel feet
uiiangements foi lapidly hnivestlng
the Ice They took dinnei with mine
host Simons at the Poyntelle hotel and
l etui ned on the afternoon tialn
Options have been eciued on the Ice
upon seveial of the smallei lakes heie
about by othei pintles and fiom pies
ent indications the Ice business will
soon be one of the booming Industiles
of Poyntelle.
The funeial seivlces ovei tho lemalns
of the late Heniy Funnel occuned yes
teiday atteinoon at the Get man Luth
eian church and was attended by a
laige concouise of sympathising friends
and nelghbois. Kev. Dr. H H Hauls,
Hev. A. Webei, and Kev Mi Lang
tough, of Scianton, olllclated and eath
dellveied a touching and appiopilate
address In which the inuny littles of
the deceased were appiopi lately set
foi tli. Time weie a number of beautl
tul lloial offerings lecelved. At the
close of the seivlces the lemalns weie
borne to the Foiest Home cemeteiy for
Intel ment The Knights of Py thlas, Im
pioved Oldei of Red Men, and the Ger
man Lutheinn lodge of which the de
i eased was a membei attended In a
body .
John Powell, of Plymouth, visited
fiiends in this town yestei day
Mis T L Jones visited lelatlves in
Scianton on Monday
The funeial seivltos over the lemalns
of the late Michael Ryan occulted yes
tei day morning at 9 o'clock from his
late home on Oak stree't and wus laige
ly attended. Impiesslve seivlces weie
held at the house Inteiment was made
ut the Hyde Paik Catholic cemeteiy
Mis. Blackburn, of Plttston, visited
fiiends In this town on Tuesday
Dr r. W Sanboin, of Gieen Ridge,
was heie on business yestei duy.
Miss Ina Caipentei entei tallied a
number of fiiends at her home, fin
Noith Main stieet, Wednesduy even
ing. Games of all kinds weie Indulged
In Uui Ing the evening, and lefieshments
seived, after which the meriy gatlieiiug
dispel bed.
A citizens' general caucus was held
in Smith's hall last evening.
Tlie Pilceburg soilul and dancing
eluss will hold its regului meeting In
Fadden's hull this evening. Messis
Kane und McLuughlln huve urinngeil
to have u duneing master fiom Scmnton
piesent und to teach many of the new
George Mumford was a visltoi In Oly
phant yeBtetday.
S C Hodson, the new- aspliant for the
postofllce, has retlied fiom the confec
tionery business. Mis. William Pioud
louck has pmchased the stock und will
continue to do business In the old stand,
Professor J, Haydn Couzens wus a
caller In town today,
James McGettilck has accepted a po
sition as cleik in W. C. Griltln's store.
The many clerks In town are begin
ning to look forvvtiicl with pleiisuie and
iue counting the weeks, when the clos
ing of the stoies at an euily bout will
allow them the evenings to themselves.
The niei chants of Jenny u aie veiy con
sider nte In lelutlou to the needs of their
employes, afid do not believe In having
them woik din Ing the swelteilng heat
of Hiunmei evenings.
John V Qulnn, pioptletor of the
Tint linn house, ut May Held, was lobbed
bv some unknown pel son a few nights
ngo They knew that It w us p ly -day In
thut vicinity and that they would be
likely to Ret a haul The lobbent
gained entrnnte by foiclng u window In
the bai room, and did It so quletlv thai
the piopiletot fulled to heat them. Af
tei they weie Inside thev went tluough
the till and pocketed the contents vhlc h
consisted of small change They tit ted
us If acquainted with the plate, as they
roiitlnued theli stuich Into Mi Qulnn's
sleeping loom, vvheie they spcuied his
potketbook fiom his ti onsets Time
was consldeiable money In It. It 1b bin -mlsed
about one bundled dolluis Af
ter helping themselves to good eigais
and a couple of bottles of whisky they
A shooting match nt clay pigeons
was held on the Hast Side Wednesday
afternoon W G McDetmott and Wil
lie McDeimott each shot seven out of
ten blids William Cunningham and
Hdwnid Feiuy each shot sl out of nine
Albeit Moon shot font and missed the
Thomas Long shot tlnee and missed
M Michael MulliPiln shot tlnee and
missed seven. Matthew Leslie took the
take by shooting one and missing night.
For the fouith time within two weeks
Mi and Mis Aleandei Biuee weie
called upon yestei day moinlng to
moiu n the loss of anothei child, this
time the pet of the family and the onlv
dallghtei and sister. There weie eight
boys and one gill, now theli i cumins
but live boys The funeial will take
pluto this afternoon
Miss Josle Gllllgan, of the South Side,
entei tallied n numbei of hei fiiends at
hei home last evening and u veiy pleas
ant time was enjoyed The following
wne In attendance: Misses Mame Ken
neth, Mamie Walkei, Muiv Luvelle and
Llsvle Collins, Messis T II Qulnn,
Thomas Mot guns, J. W Hunophv and
W. J MucDonald, of Caibondnle
Miss Llsvle Glanvllle, of Mount Pleas
ant, N visiting at the home of Mis Jo
seph Jay, Jr
Mr Chailes Stone, of Blnghamton,
was a callei upon fiiends In town yes
t( ldny.
A wldcsptend tumor Is afloat that
Contiactor L Hoffeckei will shoitlv
sucteed Ml Chniles L Bell In the man
agement of the Jenni-n planing mill
Mi Ilofftcker is a practical caipentei,
and undoubtedly will make a success
In the new enteipilso
Mr Heniy Collins, of South Main
stieet. Is visiting lilends in Stianton
Mr Thomas Solomon is aspiiing to
inspectoi of election at the Republican
caucus of the Second waid this evening
Attoinev P. H Timlin attended the
lavvyeis' banquet at Ilottl Jeimyn in
Scianton, last evening
The Citizens eaueus will be held In
Edmunds' hall on Satin day evening
The Second waid Republican taucus
will be held this, evening at Enteipiise
Mi. Geoige Meilltt spent last evening
In Peckvllle
Mi William Tennis and Misses Doia
Tennis and Mabel Davis spent last
evening in Scianton
Last evening C E Helmes Justice of
the peace, at the Instance of Hei belt
Smith, issued a wan ant foi the an est
of Geoige Btlsh, Until the Hist ot
Septembei, 1SUG, Ml Smith, claims he
mid Mi Belsh woiked In the Delavvaie
and Hudson collleiy on shuns, and
used the same numbei tickets on the
cais which they loaded When they
dissolved pat tnei ship, each one then
had tickets, with n numbei foi each
At the time of the dissolution, theie
weie tlnee cais on the swltth, which
had been loaded by the two men, and
which boie the foimei ticket Ml
Smith fuithei states that Mi Belsh
took the regulai ticket and placed one
of his own numbeis on the nil theieby
pieventlng Mi. Smith liotn getting his
pay on the tlnee cms Mi Belsh waived
a healing and gave ball foi his ap
peal. nice to couit.
Casswallon Lodge, No Ifi, Title Ivoi
Ites ot Ameilcn elected and Installed
the following otllceis at theli last meet
ing: Past president, Heniy Williams;
piesldent, J W Giltllths. vice piesi
dent, J W Williams, secietaiv, Rlch
aul Owens, tieasuiei, Hdwaid D
Geoige; conductoi, Thomas Williams,
stew aid, J T Williams; guaidluns,
Jas Owens and Edwnid Willi tins, sup
ports s of the piesldent, light, Dnv Id
Phillips, left WUllum L Jenkins: sup
poiteis of the vice uiosldent, light
William Williams left, James Lewis,
tiustee foi tlnee yeais, Thomas M
John McGunv, of May Held, states
that his son, Michael who left heie a
few tiys ago has a position in n clc,ai
tacto.y In New Yoik
Tho"ias MeGouldilck of May Held
announces that he ,s an aspliant foi tax
colleetoi Time are a numbei of can
didates in the boiough ot May Held who
hnve announced theli names toi tlu
callous olllees who would like to know
when and wheie the i uncus w 111 be luld
1 wish to state th'it I have not tli
slightest suspicion ot paity oi patties
who participated In the lobbeiy of last
Satuulav night Nelthei have I made
etloits to bilng any patties to justice
at pic ent as has been stated John E
On Wednesday evening about II m
o'clock Hie wus dlscoveied in the shoe
store ovvutd by John Matey It was
Hist dlscoveied by the voting ladles who
lived in looms ovei tlie store They
suvv the smoke making its wuy Into
tlieir upaitmetits tluough the Hoot and
Immediately gave the ulnim The En
tei pi Ise Hose toinpany quickly lesponiL
ed and in a few minutes extinguished
the blaze The stock In the stole was
badly damaged by the watei Mutey 's
lepulllng tools weie completely tle
stioyed They weie In the real of th
building vvheie the Hie oilglnuted Tht
Hie Is supposed to have been caused by
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Aro features peeulhr to Hood's Pills Small In
size, tasteless, ifllileut, thorouglr As out) man
Raid: "You never know you
h nn tilnniL I, 111 fill If I1 nil
over." 2ic. 0. 1. Hood &. Co , S
the only pills to take with Hood's harsapaillb.
live coals falling from the stove In the
rem, Veiy little dntnnge wus done to
the building.
Theie weie no new nppllcnntii for
llquni licenses this yeat. All the old
places hud their licenses lenewed.
On Sutuiday evening the Demociats
of the First waid will hold theli caucus
In McDonnld'.s hull. The nun us In the
Strand wind will be held !n the vacant
Btote i ooin In the Manning building on
the sumo evening.
John Mutey and Philip Malloy will
go to Monti ose on Jnnuniy "' Thev
mi nn the list of linveise jmoiH druwn
to seive dining the week commencing
on the 2"th hint.
The Ladles' Aid rocletv of the piesby
tciluii chinch held a veiy successful
suppei and eutoi tnlnment on Wednes
day evening. The entei tnlnment wus
furnished by the Junliii Chilstluu En
deavor society.
The Ciystal Lnke c oi lespondent of
the Km est City News Is engnged In u
contioveisy with the nottd S5uquehnii
na nn respondent, Whitney The News
coi lespondent had bettei lookoitt foi
On Monday afternoon Joseph Hall
was sttuek by an engine on the Jelfei
son brunch of the Eile He lesldes
nein the old Delawuieund Hudson mill
net oss the ilvei, und wus going to this
plnte v lu the l.illioud when he was
stunk It w as dining the heavy snow
sqtiull on Monday that the accident oc
cuned Hull did not see an appi cach
ing tialn until It was too late to get
out of the way He attempted to do
ho but wus unable to avoid being struck
He was knocked acioss the Foiest Cltv
bieakei switch, sttlklng ills head on
n lall Ills Injinles weie not of a seri
ous nntuie and at piesent he Is able to
walk aiound again.
School Dlurtoi Heinv Mvets, of
Main stieet, had his leg bioken by a full
while on h's way to work yestei duy
morning Mi. Myeis had just left the
powdei house of the Delavvaie and
Hudson company ut No " with a keg
of powdei and as he was going down
the Incline neat the house he slipped
and fell with the lesult above stated
He was taken to his home in the ambu
lance -Mi. and Mis M J Koainey visited
fiiends In Scianton yestei day.
As piedicted In this column yestei day
F. J ORouike wus nominated foi
st hool dlieetoi and 1. F Loftus for
council fiom the Thiid waid ut a Dem
on utlc caucus held In Newcomb's hall
Last evening also the Republicans of
that wind held theli caucus In Piobst's
hall John Sthllllei was the nominee
foi school dliector and Thomus Cnf
fiey foi council As time will be no
othti candldutes in Hint waid the stiug
gle between the Deinociatic und Repub
lican candidates will be veiy Inteiest
Ing John E Jones Is making nn active
canvass toi the ollke of councilman
fiom tlie Flist waid Ml Jones is
young, eneigetlc and entei pi lslng und
would undoubtedly lepiesent the waul
with ciedlt to himself and his constit
uents. As yet theie Is no one named In
opposition to him
Aichbnld conlave, Impioved Oulei of
HcptaMiphs instnllid the following of
llctis last evening. Past .nt lion, W
II Muiphv, aichon, Max Klopfei , pio
vost, John V. Boland, pi elate. Fled
Klnback, flnaneiei, W. 11 Phllblu;
tiensuiei. Flunk Cnwley: secietaiy, P
J Coollean: waiden, Cluls Mullet, and
sentinel, John Blake The installallor
was conducted bv Dlstilct Deputy
Wolfe of Caibondale 1
The many fiiends of Miss Sal all
O Council, of Pine stieet, will be glad to
know that she Is lei ovei Ing tiom her
lecent severe sickness
Rev. Dr McLeod, pastoi of the Flut
Piesbvteilan chinch, of Scianton, will
lee tine In the Piesbyteiiin chinch on
Ft ldny evening next week
Woik on the new bildge is iiogies
ing so fast that the bildge will be leadv
for use tomonow Contiaotoi Splllone
has done stiong and duiable woik on It
The death of Waltei Fltslmmons, a
populai voung man of this town, oc
cuned ut the fnmlly lesldence on Wed
nesdav evening at ! o'clock uftei n
few days' illness of pneumonia De
ceased was about 2"j yenis of uge and
possessed a wide clicle of fiiends who
will be shocked to leain of his nuly
demise lie was a son of Waltei Flt
slmnions. Si . and a In othei to pot
irastti Fitslininons, of this jdnce The
othei numbeis of the fumily aie Maiy,
Apnle, Agnes, Kate, and Patiick The will take jilaie tomoirow (Sat
uiday) moinlng at 'i 30 o'clock A le
qulem mass will be eelebi ited 111 St,
Maiy's ehuich Inteiment will be lu
Muiket stieet cemetny, Plttston.
II S Jamitsou, ot Alton, N V, has
pm chased William O'Dell's b'aibei shop
on Main stutt
Mi Waltei E Bin ton and Miss Jen
nie Kln', two of oui nio'-t populai
young ocople, weie united in mail luge
in tin Biotlst chinch last Wednesday
evening v Rev John Davis
Mi and Mis Dilbut Heiklniei and
Mi and Mis Clias Cuniei v. j 11 have
Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of itching, burnt.).;, bleeding, scaly skin
and scilp liumorj is instantly relieved
by a warm bith .villi Cuticlua Sou1,
a hlngli! application of Cuticuua (oint
ment), the great skin cure, and a full doso
of Cimcui: v Ui'sor.VKXT, greatest of Wood
punlicrs and humor cities.
Ilr.Mi'uiES speedily, perni'ineiitly, and
economic illy cure, w hen all clao f tils.
I'ittku Pbco Avncneu Coup Snlel'ropi I!nion.
OJ-'-llowlolurel very Skin una UlooJ Humor," free.
l'utlfl'l nnl llcaullfirj til
luuitav soai'.
Canadian nun- r
are located the finest flahlng and huntliK
errounds In the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tlckots to an points in
l Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis' St. Paul, Canadian and
United 8tate3 Northwest, Vancouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Poitland, Ore,, Sun
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
carB fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be had with second-class tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further lnformatlctn, time tables, etc,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
. gsc uiuautYaj-,fibir lum
" I wnnt to tell yon vrhnt Lydia T3,
Plnkliiun's Vojjetnblo Compound line
dono for mo. For tvv imty J ears 1 litttl
Mificreil with loss of npfiotitc, ntiusea,
constipation, palpi V. tntlou of
tins lieuit, henil- ,,jjjii( r nehu mid
pulns In ut'iiily wk(?i?(Wl alt paits
of my body.
mediuiuo did
i.V was only
- Wltffl but hi i
help mutiny. I
begun tho
use of tho
Lydlu 13. l'inlc
Vegutiilno Compound 1 Imivo tuken
four bottles, and now those troubles
mo cm cd.
" I cannot piuiso It enough, and our
dnifgist says the medicine, is doing a
world of good among his customers."
llr.LLK : 'JL'uoiivsox, New Bedford.
on Fildny foi a visit with fiiends In
New Yoik, Biooklyn und Jeisey City
Rev J 11 Sweet, of Scianton, cleliv
eied Jin excellent lectuie In the Meth
odist c lunch Tuesdny evening to a laig
and appu clathe audience
Edwaid OBiIen hnd nn arm quite
badly lnjuied while at woik In the
louiid house on Wednesduy
William Hainahan tiled at his home
on Rnilioad stieet on Thuisday moin
lng uftei a long illness The funeial
seivlces will be conducted fiom St
Law i ente chinch In Gieat Bend next
Sutuiday moinlng at 10 ,'0 o'clock,
'The pupils of the high school have
established a paper In the school to be
known ns "The High School Curette,'
with Piofessoi 1! W. Pease as edltoi
It will be issued bi-monthly. The Hist
Issue will appear Febiuaiy 1.
Miss Blanche Olmstead, of Apalachln
Is visiting the Misses Sue and Bessie
Py le
Mis Adam Kiotssei, of Mndlsonvllle
was the guest of Mi und ills Clint lis
Noick on Monday
All and Mis William Monnhan nnd
chlldien, of Tobyhunnu, spent Sunday
with Mis Monuhaii's mother. Mis.
Mi. and Mis C II. Tiavls returned
home Sunday afternoon ftoin Nichol
son, while they weie visiting their
daughtei, Mis Veidain Smith.
Mis Mmguiet Waidell spent Monday
In Scianton
Juvenile Curiosity.
"Ml. Dlggles," said the little boy with
big l utiles on his shoulders, "I wish you
would let me come nnd see where you live
I want to look at youi loom "
"Vhv, ceitutnly. But what made you
think of that'
"My sUiti said It was bettei than your
company, so I thought It must be some
thing line "Washington Stui.
Inlluiiimiitorj ltheiimiitism Clued in
:: Days.
Morton L Hill, of Lebanon, Ind ,
says: "My wife bad inllamutory
llieumntism In every muscle and Joint
her suffeiinj was tenlble and her
body and face were swollen almost be
yond lecognition; had been in bed foi
six weeks and, bad eight physicians but
lecelved no benefit until she tried the
Mystic Cure lor Rheumatism It gave
immediate lelief and she was able to
walk about In tlnee days I am sure
It saved her life." Sold by Carl Loien.
druggist, Scianton, 418 Lackawannu
See our windows for vvonJi ousl)
low prices in Iron serines. io
is the time to enjo) the Iitui)
of a pcifect fit and perfect .otk
ni.insliip nt tlie pi ice of toad)
made ;;oods.
One door from our old stand to
the left of Tlie Arcade instead of
tlie right. Our iticteasiti" busi
ness leipttied more room, which
shows that the people appteiiate
low prices, good woiUtuanship
and honest dealiti1'
OrUhntors cf
Mockrn Methods In
AlcrUu.itlallorln j
213 Wyoming Avenue.
Manufactured at the Wnpw.illopen Mills,
Luzeni" county, Pa , and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 WYOAllMJ AVLP.UI!. icranton, Vs.
Third Nntloinl Iiank HulUlng.
THOS FORD Plttston. Pa.
JOHN n SMITH t SON. I'lynouth Pa,
E W MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Ddno. Pa,
Agents for tho Itepauno Chemical Com.
(anv'e Illsh Uplotlvcc.
What Sarah Ucrnliard says
,3- 'Wk uot
AZlMi. - - ilX?WflX-t'J
TV Mlr J
isaHia ' i
- ' '! carina iiuui
i j. - 1
-i w ,i zte ft
it twmm m prices
421 Lackawanna Avenue.
Z. WEINGART, Proprietor.
Our selections for tlie spring trade are arriving. We
must have space, and in order to make it will clear out tlie
patterns in stock.
The greater part made in anticipation ot the coming season,
at a price which will insure their speedy removal,
And we are confident of the result.
Carpets and
Opp Alain Entrance
to Wyoming lions.;.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
Un UK I UK! 1 1
4W gether. It will be more con.
euient. Tt will lessen our expenses and. give you Clothing
at lower prices than ever before. It will give our Clothing
department better light and more room. In order to do
this we want to lessen our Clothing stock as much as possi
ble, so that we will uot lose money by damaged goods dur
ing the removal of the stock, or for drayage expenses. We
are, therefore, offering everything in our Clothing depart
ment at gieatly reduced prices. The style and fit and wear
of our Clothes you well know. Thej' are proverbial in and.
a: omul Scranton. The prices just at present are remarkable.
Just the same during this sale J$
as during our ordinary busi-
7,m nn.. - l.f.4-
1UU Willi gut ucucci
Clothes at far cheaper pricds,
and you needn't pay for them
now. What more could you
have ?
C -nMY
All prevloun atlompts at bargains aro
Inolgnlflcnnt lu comparison with tliH.
llav Ing bought up the entlro stotlc of two
of the laigest manufacturers In New
lork, we are now able to give our custo
mer the gientcst biignlliB thu world has
ever Been Coats Hint wo paid $12 und $15
roi wholesnle und were consldeied elegant
bargains at that, aie now on salo In our
stoie foi J4 and $5 ench.
Tho following mny give you a little Idea
of some of our bargains:
fiput, half lined, rolling collar,
wholesale price. '$17 OUU fo gg
lined w'th Hiitlti rhadnme,
wholesale price, $0 75, OUH &t) QO
Lidlis" Jackets, in line I'erslin cloth, slllc
llntd, wholesale price, $7.60; frn no
ouit phr'i: . ... . . Sa.lJo
l'lench tuteiplUiii coats, lined throughout
with thaiigeablo silk, whole- o QO
sale pike, $10,00. OUH PHICH. $0,30
Ladles' tine Impoited Jackets, beautiful
effects lu silk ustracluui, Keisey and In
black, brown and gieen, silk lined;
wholesale price, $11; OUH vtC QO
Ladles' seal plush capes, handsomely em.
bio'dered, wholesale price itO QO
Ladles' suits, skirts and silk waists In all
the latest styles ale now on salo ut halt
special store it now occupies
just at present, to our main
store, We want it under the
same roof with our Furniture
and Carpet Departments. We
want our business all to-
vp &
wm i
f flOD jjT PRFfilT
X Mh fl ! W""11 !
Wyoming- Ave.