TUB SCT? ANTON TTttBTJtfE WEDNESDAY INlOTlNINa. JAN U All Y 20, 1807. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BATCH OF GOSSIP Parmer John Rccgan Saved by Ills Faith ful Dog. A WISn MINK SECURED THE FISH iindull Acitntcd liv Anothor I'liitl. Strn) llltiurXcus loi the Uiitlromt l.o)s--Au Absolute N'eci!sU i" SiisciiiuliiiiinifTlio IIiiiiiiikc "f JUtiiciitl Mittui Pointed Oiit--Mve Topics oI'Ttiun mill County. Speelnl Col iepondcnce ot The Tribune. Susquehanna, .Ian. 1U Fanner John lteegni, of Cliilf Summit, X. Y, uius IiIh llfu to his dot'. On Saturday last lleeguti vent out uiion a hill to full trees. The. dog followed him. Reegnn cut down a tall oak. It fell and lodged against anotlier tieu. Roegun stiuek the butt of the fallen tieo a few Fluup blows with the n, and It slipped on" the stump and pinioned hlni to the giound. Theie was a depiesslon In the mound under Hcenan's bodv, else he would have been killed iiistnntl. lie shouted, the doe appealed and, seeing; the predicament of his master, began to bail; fuilously. Kupplementlnp it with attempts to pull his master fiom under the tlee. Plnellng that useless the doir l.m home. Ai living thete he sat down In the doorway and howled The men In the home paid little at tention. The ilog then dashed back to his master. In a few minutes the howl ing of the doir was again heaul at the door of the faim hou-e. When the door was opened, the dog was ".eon with one of his mantels boots In his mouth. The men at once saw that something was wiong, and followed the dog, which still can led the boot. When the tieu was leached Heeg.tn explained that the dog had aflei haul woik, succeeded In pulling off his boot and taking It away. Reeguu was -woii etileatud ftom his perilous poIMon. CATS IN PHIUL The Tilbune's Fnctoiyvlllo col res pondent deslies Susquehanna people to teach their cats to drink Fnxtoiyville mlneial water. In other woids, "Tlnow phsc to the dogs;" dose the cats with mlneial watei. Our people love their four-legged sololbts, and they would be loth to give them such a stiango con coction as Factoiyville mlneial watei One dose and the cat would neer come back. It would die with tatalepty. TOWN TOPICS. Patilck Itynn, an old and o -teemed resident, died on Monday moinlng at his home on Ciohs stieet. aged 04 eais. The funeial will occur fiom St John's Catholic chuich on Wednesday nioin IriF. Messrs. Woodln & Smith, of llonus dale, will undoubtedly open a blanch shlit lactoiy In Susctuehanna. the boaid of tiadu having liilscd a fund ot $2,fi',0 foi that pui pose. The 111 m agiees to lihe at least llfty people for live t,us In this plate, on Fi Ida eenlng, De tective Stephenson, of Ulnghainton, as sisted by Susquehanna olllceis, took In custody Timothv Hldne, one of the fnui men who assaulted Ollkeis Abel and Mooie. In lilngliainton, Jan. It. Chief of Police McMahon on Satin da took Kidney to Monti use jail, to await n lequlsltlon Horn Cioveinui Black, of New Yoik The Flist National bank on Monday iemoed to its new building, one of the finest In Noitheiu Pennsylvania. Siibquehaniia has the llnest public llbmi In Susquehanna county. The beuiil of tiade Is taking nitlon to gle the boiough a public fountain 01 wateiing tiough. AN APSOLUTH NKCRSSITY. Can it be possible that the twonty two places foi which liquor licenses hae been applied, aie a nubile neces slt In the boiough of Susquehanna? Montiose Republican. A WISE MINK. While fishing, with "tip ups," for plckeiel on Satuiday afternoon on the liver at Lnnesboio, W. W. llasdnbiook, of this place, caught a piko-peich, weighing nine and thiee-fouiths pounds. It was the largest pike ever caught in this vlelnit While Messis. L'astubiook and , Pel son weie fishing they saw a mink come out of the water on the opposite side oi the stieani, just below them. It had a big plckeiel In its mouth. AVhen It drew itself out on the shoie the llshei men began shouting at It. This filchtened the mink and It tliopped the ilsh on the ice and dlsap poaied. The llshei men seemed thu fish It was still alhe and unlnjuied by the mink's teeth. It was twenty inches long and weighed thiee pounds. The men went on shore to build a bonllte, when the mink 1 attuned, giabbed the pickerel and can led It awa In tilumph. IN Tim COUNTY. Mis. Coiy risk, lesldlng near Fish's mills, was on Fiidav piobably fatally burned by 'sparks fiom a stove which ignited her clothing. Miss J.lolbe Jayne, of Gieat Bend, aged 17, died on Thiusday of diphtheria Wallace "Wllrnot, of Gieat Uend, who was lecently stabbed by a companion at Smoky Hollow, Is in a critical condition Veiy natuially, two Hawks (bioth eis)stole some ducks fiom a Gieat Bend man. The Hawks have a watm nest In the Montiose jail. The Past Sachem's association, I. O. adway's Rills rf Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD, BUT EFFECTIVE. Purely vegetable, act without pain, ole gatitly coated, tasteless, Binall and easy to tako. Radwny's Pills assist nature, stimulat ing to healthful activity the llvot, bowols and other digestive organs, leaving tuo bowels in a natural condition without any alter ofTocis. CURE Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles -AND- All Liver Disorders. KADWAY'S PILLS are purely vegetable mild and reliable. Causa Perfect Dlgestlop, complete ali8ort.tion.ntid healthfulregularlty. 2i cents a box. At Druggists, or by mall, 'Book of Advice" f reo by mall. RADWAY 8t CO., No. 55 Kim Street, New York. Ued Men., held a meeting In Susque hanna on Monday evening. Six ttlbes weie lepiesented. llallstead Prohibitionists will hold a caucus to nominate borough olllceis. The Crystal Lake coucspondeiit of the Foi est City News Is uggiluved be cause the wilier hetc takes Utile stock In the Dundaff gold mine. Too many gold mines in this section aie pioduc Ing no gold, and all the silver mines 10 fuse to glu up any silver The pi oof of the pudding Is chew lug the sit lug. See ing Is belle liic L,"'t the Dundaffltcs commoncu woik In their mine, and, If the Illmson faun pioduccs "pay dirt" all Pennsylvania will jubilate and bo exceeding glad. ANOTHER DUNDAFF FIND. The farmeis In the klnlty of Crystal Lake nru not a little nnxlous concein Ing blood-cuidllng jells, which have been heard theie lately. Thov aie ap pioheiislvo of wildcats in ml ten-tailed teitois of the deep. An Austinllan gold mlnei. entuilng fiom the gold Holds i of Dundaff, lecently saw a huge nnlmnl with the head of a sea lion, the body of a poi poise, and the tall of a ciocodlle, come up out of the lake, swallow a peilgllnntlng Catbondale goot and le tuin to the seething depths The Aus 'tiallan lied In tenor, and Is said to be l riming yet ON TUD RAILROAD. The Montrose lallwnylast eai netted $311". not much, but better than an as sessment on the shareholder. A testing enr Is being manufactuied In the Susquehanna shop, to bo used In testing the ginde of tracks, The Blotheihood of Locomotive 13 n glnceis hne paid Mis. Aithur It. Cod dlngton, of llallstead, $l,f,00 Foity new 'Class 1 " bolleis will be placed In Susquehanna division locomo tives of the JJlle. In IS'15 the nunibei of cais in ser vice in the mllwujs of the United States was 1,270,201, being an lneiease of 7,517 as eompaied with the pievlous jeai. In June, 1S93, the total number of lo coinothes In the employ of the lallioads of the United States was .15,077, being an lncieaso of 1,207 ovei the pielous J ear. The uvoiaue annual Inciease since 1870 has been 1,112. Joseph Biavo, fotmeily load foie man ot engines, Is now tunning tinlns :i and 12 o er the Susquehanna division of the Erie. OT1II3H COUNTY CHIPS. County Tieasuier Chailes Ho den, of this pliue, has appointed e-Tieasmer Bums as his deputy In Monti ose. In the eount. point last week a hotel license was lefused John Q Smith, of Thomson Thoni'-oi' will be "div" foi tweKe calendar months to come The meetings ot the Susquehanna Count Fanneis' Alliance foi the com ing j ear will be held In New Miltotd Dining ISM, 215 mmilage licenses weie Issutd "lij the cleik ol the oi pilaus' couit of this count;,, among which weie lour past the ages ol 7i! jeais, two of the age of 15 e.tis, the gieatest dllleieiue between thu ages of a couple being :r jeais. At the lecent meeting of the Republi can county conimlttee, Chaliman V. D. B. Alnevnnd Sen etui y W. B. Stoddaid weie unanimousb le-elected. In opr county couit two tactions In the r3vengelle.il ihuichat West Cllffoid aie win line for the possesslbn ot the chili ch prupeity. And of such is the kingdom ot henen? FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Caibondale aitlst, who doesn't eut, would be just the chap for some boaidlng houses. Oui own (iiilushn Glow mav not get a cabinet poitfnllu, but he Is pieytutel to mutch letteis of conimendatlon and olllclal table of majoiitles with all cornels Mutthew Stanley Quav, the select llshei man, knocked out would-be Sena tor John Wanamnker In imu lound. Science counts, even against dolluis. Two Jackson juveniles lecently oper ated on u hen alllleted with a in oti tid ing ci op. Making an Incision they le moed a laige wad of gialns, applied soothing oils, and then sewed up the cut. Blddv Is lecoveiing A lady adeitlses In a Montiose pa pei : "Any one having diseased hens will do well to wilto to Chaiges leasonnble." IN A LINH OU TWO. Miss Sax has ai ranged with our business men to give a carnival, illus tiatlng their nilous tiades as an ad el tlslng medium. South Glb'-on will piobably have a Woman's Belief ooips. The Cosmopolitan Building and Loan association of Syiacuse has oiganUed a blanch In this place. Theie wete seenty-tluee applica tions lor license In this county last week. All weie gi anted except one. Susquehanna fuinlshed one-thlid of them. The Kile Is filling Its Ice houses with Ice from the Delawaio llvei, at Nar lowsbiiig Hxtia senlees aie being hold in the .Methodist chuich, and a levlval is an ticipated. AYELL FULL OF SIIEDP. Those who know anything of the na tuie and habits of sheep, are aw aie of the singular tenacity with which thej follow their leader and each othei, "thiough evil as well as good "enoit.!! AVherever one sheep goes the lest aie suie to follow. The other day, Fanner Dan MoutU's Hock, In Gieat Bend township, took It into theli head to have a winter clicus. One of them jumped over the bainyaid fence Into a Held Sheep-like, the others followed On stat ting then fiom the Held they chose to jump over a wall, on the oth er side of which was a deep well. The flist one leaped the wall and bi ought up at the bottom of the well, and the remainder ot the (lock followed, of course, until eighteen of them weie snugly laid away In the bottom of the well. "With much dllllculty they weio taken out, but not until eight of them weie dead. Whitney. BIG STEEL CONTRACT. It Will (.'ho Kiuplo) ment for Si 'I lioiihund .Men. Iloaton, Jan. 19 The conttact Mas av arded to the Pennsylvania Steel com pany today for fuinlsh!n(- the steel for the new Southern Union stutlon. It amounts to between $300,000 and $400, 000 and Is 0110 of the Inmost contiacts of ltB kind ever placed, Involving tho furnishing of 7,000 tons of steel, It will give employment to many thou sands of men for the next sl months. The Pennsylvania Steel company also fuinlshed the steel for the Noitheiu Union station. If tho liuliy Is Cultinc Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over llfty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It Eoothcs the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Sirs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a. bottle. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE. Tho influence of women upon tlio sivillalion of thu world, coitld uuver bo measured. liccatiso of her, thrones havo becii established and destroyed. Tho Hash of hor cyo, the touch of lior hand, and wo havo ' tho marvellous power of women, glorious in the possession of perfect physical health, IiyiUa Vj. Plnkhum, by her wonder ful discovery of tho " Vegetable Com pound," has dono much to pwco this great power in tho hands of women, Slio lias lifted thousands anil thousands out of the misery brought by of tho womb, and all the evils that follow diseases of tho uterus The " Vege table Com pound" re stores natural cheei fulness, de stroys despondency, cures backache, strengthens the muscles, restores tho womb to its normal condition, and you aio changed from a physical wreck to the joy of your home and fi lends. By tho way the lending druggista tell us that the demand for Lydla 13. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound U simply beyond their power of under standing, and what is best of nil, it does the work mid cures nhcic the best physicianu utterly fail. MARKETS AND STOCKS Mall MitM't Huucxv. New Yoik, Jan. 19.-Advances In tho stock nuiiket weie quite Kentral todaj. Tin leactlonaij tenduu on estoidm, due to eUnshe itulls'itlons and ulcs foi the shin t account endul nbiuptly with the opening of business this 11101 11I11K. Ueloie the eplintlou of the (list half lioin of biiblnLsi Sugar lan oil a point on the an uoumeinel of uicductlon of l-10a"9 cent In tho pi lets of lellued sukuis and the Ktntial list Ielded 'i.il'i pti cent, bill the dtcllne w is snon lecoveied and as tile da woienlonK mateilai ndiiiees on the tlO'-liiK IIkuhs of MSteidii wtio lecoid id Consolidated leil the upwaid iuo mtnt llshiB !'.! 1" ti'i't SiiK.u moved up f 1 0111 111, to HS'f, The advance othti vvlse was equal to "ial'4 pel cent, bid of Manhattan, which Jumped two points Chicago (Ins lose Pj to 7'UJ:, the lilt-lust point In .1 I0111- time. Speculation elosd llim In tone. Net thuUKts show niUnucts ol'&.il".. pel ttnt Totul Halts wtie 221, '173 shaii s. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL L11N ,Vi CO. stock biokeis, Jleais build ing, looms, 703-7O0 Open- IIIi;h- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lm? Am. lonacco 10. ... n'j n'j iu'- n't Am Siumi Kef Co. 1(," 11S'S 110 117'i At., To. S. Pe .... ll-i 15 IP, ip. At , To iS; H IVl'i,..'! 2V 2P(, 211; Canada Southern ... 10 401; 10 4(, CIilh .t Ohio IS IS IS IS Chic fias 7S4 7U'4 7SH 1W Chic. ,s N. W 101 103'i 10l 103'B Chlo , li &. Q 7.1.i 7U 73?8 7'i) C C. C. .V. St L ... 20 20 2b?i 2S), Chic, Mil -v. St P... iliVi 77's 7ui 77 Chle , It I . I'ac . 0S"i OO ns33 (,0V Dlst .S- C P 1VI, 14s U's IP, (Jen Clectilc SKk 33 l's '' L'tke Shore 15P4 I'Oi T'Hi I'd i Louis & Nush r.1'4 321. Iia- Wl, SI. K. & Te. Pi. ... Si Sli .11 ,11V. Sinn P.levated Ol't S'a 001i 0JU Mo Pac -M'C. 2J-'8 2Ai 212 Nut. Lead 20JS 20 20 N. .1. Cential 102 10J 102 H23, N. Y Cential 03 03 OH, 03 N. Y.. S K W 1513 13's 15'6 Pi's. N Y , S Sr W. Pi. . 23"t 23, 23V, 23'4 N01 Pac Pi ill P4',4 ?. JPt Omaha M'4 51 "B T,l f Pac .Mall .. 20'4 20', 1 20V4 2U'v Phil A: Kentllng -i-U - -' x -"1 Southern It It !'"& 0's 0? li Southern It 11 Pr. .. 20"h 21' 2J, 20 Tenn. C & Iron Su's !',, 30 ',0'. Tens I'aelllc 10'j, 10'8 10i's 10'b Pnion P.iolllc 7's 7'i 7 7 aWb.tsh ' 7'i 7's 71 , Wabash Pr 17 17 17 17 Wtstein Union SV'i S"iii S3'4 83 4 W '-'4 2 2s 2', P. S. Lenthei 95k 0"a 0 ') s IT S. Leathei Pr. ... 03 CI 13 'i U. S. Hllbbei 23'4 23is -''s 2'Vi (MTTCAfin llOAim OT TRADE PUICPS Open- Illgh- Low- Clos- WIIHAT. ing. esi, ei. in. May 70', S0 79'2 79' July 731i 70 73 731 OATS. Slav lSV't ISVi IS IS July lS?i lS"i 1S'S 1S cnnv. May 2114 215j 2m 2" Jul 234 23, 23' 1 23 T.ATtn. Jla 4 10 110 4 02 I u.' 1'OP.K. , , SLt S03 S.03 7.00 7 02 Scranton Hoard of Trade I.cliiiii;i' Qiiotutions--All Quotation Hnsuil 011 Iui oflOO. STOCKS Bid Asked. Scinnton Laco Cuitaln Co 50 National Hoi Ing & Dilll'g Co. ... 30 Flist National Uank C30 . . Stranton Jar A. Stopper Co 23 PlmhuiHt Poulevaid Co 100 Scianton SaviiiKs Hank 500 Iionta Plate Glats Co 10 Scianton Packing Co 03 Lnckawannu lion & Steel Co. ... 130 Thiid National Hank 230 Thioop Novelt Sl'f'g Co 01 Scranton Ti action Co 15 20 Scianton Axle Woiks 80 Tiaders National Pank 113 120 riade of Heavy, Serviceable Woolen material. WINDPROOF, WARM AND WATERPROOF. LONG STYLE For Motormen, Farmers, Watchmen, Drivers, Railroad Men, and all whose business exposes them to inclem ent weather. Buy a "DANCO" and dodge the doctor. rZL KvPlreW v-vSVi fir' ttvjiii s,m feji W t m 3 UV Weston Jllll Co 230 Alexander Car Heplncer Co loo Scrutiton Ilcddlng Co 105 Dime Dip. & Uls. Dunk 145 BONDS. Scrnnton .1 Plttston True. Co, ... 20 Stinnton Pns. Hallway, Ilrst inoi tgngo due I91S 110 ... People's Street llnllwny, Ilrst lnortgnge due 11118 110 ... Scinntoti & Plttston Tiac. Co. .,. 00 Pioplo's Street Hallway, Sec ond mortgage due HUG 110 ... Dickson Miinufnctitrlng Co 100 Lncka. Township School 5 . ... 10J City of Scinnton St. Imp. C. ... 10J Mt. Vcinon Coal Co bi Scranton Axle Works 100 Scranton Traction Co IT, Economy Steam, II. &. P. Co 100 Vow Vorli I'loducu .Muilict, New Vork, Jan. 19 Flour Dull, steady, unchanged. Wheat Dull, caslci , No. 2 red f o b , 07c ; unginded led, 77a97c i No 1 northern, 92c , options wenkei; Jnn iinij wonkti, Jnnuiii j. , SS'ic; Maich, S'lc , Mn, Slit- , July, fcJV. Coin Dull, 111 in. No .', 2Sii:.i2!ir'c., eloiutoi i 2J'sn29'8c , iillont, options weak; Jiinuan, 23'it.; Mav, 30c , Julv, 31c ; September, J-'ic Ofits Dull, Bteud , options dull, easlei ; Janu aij nnd Peljriuuj, JJc; .May, 2J'4c ; spot pi Ices No ", "2'ic i No 2 white, Jll'.c. , No, -' Chicago, 234c : No. 3, 20i,c ; No 3 w hlte, 22c, mixed western, 2Ji2lc; white do, 23n30e., white stute, 23i30c. Plolslons Quiet, steud, unchanged. Lard Quiet, oiisj. Buttei Klmi; state dulij, 10al5'c ; do cieamei, ISal'ic , western cieniner, 13a20c , do. factor, 7al4e ; Elglns, 20c , imitation cuaniei, UnlCc ; Cheep Stcudj, linn, unchiingtd Eggs Steads , state and P nns Uunlii, lOllC'bo. ; lie liolle, l.'alSc , western flesh, 13c, do. ia-e, $1 73a3, southern, ll.illc. Philadelphia Provision aliukot. Philadelphia, Jan. 10 Piovlslons wee Jobbing falih at well-aistnlntd pilccs We quote lleef ham $lSalS 30, as to line and bland, polls, f-imll 1o30ill, hams, S P clued, In tleuts, baOc, do Hinokod 0'iallc , us lo nveintfc and bland, sides, libbed, 111 suit, J'iale . do do smoked, 51 iiiu'&c. ; shouldeis, pUkle tilled, 3'iii3Vi.( , do. do smoked. C'&aCV , picnic hums, P. cuicd, 5"ia334C , do do Hmolced, (,'ii C2iC , belles, In pickle, itccoidlng to nvcr age, loose, uiu'ic , bienkfnst baton, fi's 1 7'fec , ns to binnd and aveinge, Hrd, pute clt refined, lu tlertes, 4a5o ; do do , in tubs, finite. ; do butcheis', loode, Jale. , clt tallow. In hcishiuds, 3'iC, countrj do . 2"a3'sc, as, to quality, and takes, 3'.i 3c. Chicago (Jraiii and Provision .liiul.cl Chicago, Jan. 10 The leading futures ranged as follow s heat Jaluiai , 77'c , 77'nC , Slit, 70'iC , 70'.c ; Jul, 731,c , 75v. Coin Januniv, 22',c , 22'4c , Shi, 21V, 21V., July, 23'4c, 23V Oats lanu.iiv, ll,V., 13t , Sla, 1SV , ISc , Julv, 1S1iC , 1S'8C Ales polk Januuv, $7.70, $7 70, Slav. $S03, $7 S2Vj Liul Januar.v, $103 $J0U, Sin, $110, $4 03 Short lllis J.inii 111 , $1 02(., $1 02'i; Slny, $1 17';:, $1 07'ii Ca-ili quotations weie as follows- Plom, tiulet and stead , No 2 spilng wheat, 77'u77'i No ,i do, 71a74c , No 2 ltd, M,'(.aSSi,i No 2 com, 22'Ba22'.e , No 2 oats, n,i(1 , No 2 !e, JC".a!7e , No 2 lmle, 33c No 1 flaxseed, 74a77c . pi line tlmoth vced, $21,3; mess poik $7 72". t7 77'ij, laid, $l'"ii !02'i,, short lilcs, sides, $!02'.nl)21j shoiildeis $123,1130, slioit sides, $il2i 123, vvhlske and sugns, unchanged. ' Itiitlalo Livo Stock. Hulfulo, N. Y,.lnn. 10 -Cattle I'll m, good stotkei-,, $! 23a 130 Veals I'll m, $0 t 030, cvtia, $07317. Hogs Plimei , Voik ei, $!70, pigs, $373a!i0, mixed plcku $)53i3li0, niedlums, $3 .30 ill", loughs, ?U 3 20, slug's, $2 23a.'73 Shttp and lamb' Shade stiongei , good to choice native sheep, $3 (,3a! 73, culls to fib, $2u3f,0; good to extia native laiiih-, $1 b0a5 Id; talis to fall, $J 70a 180, txpoit ewes, $IOOa1S3. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan 1'1 Cattle Receipts, '! 3ii head, maikels film foi tholce, othci stead , common to extia s,tetis, $3 30a3 30 stockeis and fcedtis $110i413, cows and bullfe, SI 7313 73 c dvc s, $! 3IU0, Texas, J3 M 4 23 Hogs P.itelpt-, 33 1110 head; maik. Ktetdv, heav jiuMiig ana snipping iocs $.!'23al30, tommou to choice mixed, $i1in 3 30, choice usoittd, $3 4013 30, light, $3 ! ,a 3 30, pigs, $3 13 tJ 30 Sheep Ret elpts, 13,000 hcul, inniket Htm. Inttilui to choke $2D0al, lambs, $ 1,30a". 23 LEI1101I VALLEY AFFAIRS. Business at the Annual Meeting Stocl.lioltleis nt Philadelphia. Philadelphia Jan 19 The annual meeting ot the stockholder of the Le high Vallev Uallioad company was held today in Musical Fund hall. It was one ot the biiefest meetings In the corn pain's hlstoiy, lasting but twenty minutes Pi evident l.llslin P. AVIlbui and the old boaid of dliettois weie le elected and the annual leocnt, which has been published, was appiovod "William I. Lockwood. who Is a piom Inent llguie at all uillioad meetings in Philadelphia, geneially In the lole of objectoi, offeied seveial lc-olutlon which weie leteued to the Incoming management. Put foi Sir. Lockw ood'.s paitlclpatlon In the haimonlous pio ceedlngs, the meeting would piobably not have lasted ovei flvo minutes. One of the 1 evolutions intioduced by him piovlded for the oiganlzation of an ex ecutive committee ol eithei iheoi seven membeih and of which the piesldent of the company should be chaliman. He detlaied that lailioad men of talent weie getting bcnicei evety day In fact they weie ding at a tiemendous rate ami all because thev weie being woiked too haul Uy oiganlzlng the executive committee the icsponslbillt would be divided. Anothei tesolution authoilzed the newl elected olllceis to erect., if they thought piopei, a loco motive testing plant ESTKAYED. 17 strayed rnoai sunscRinr.ii, , Ii 1 eel tow with 0110 brass knob on horn Will lovraid flnJor A SIARX, J15 Claj avenue, Duninoio .MONEY TO LOAN. $15 000. s;.,01J, 1,000 AND frbOO TO LOAN on first mortzaue, city loal estate THOb, F, WELLS, Attorney, Cominoiiwoulth Dldg FOR SALE BY CO 220 Lack. Ave, mm ConnoS R Oul?, ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS SALE IS NOW ON. This season va propose to make it "an event" in the Dry Goods business. Muslins, Sheet ings, Crashes, Ready Hade Sheets and Pillow Cases, White Quilts, Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, etc., are included in this Great Sale. Note Thuho Prices Atlnntlo bleached Pillow Cases and Sheets, hemmed and lendy foi use: Pillow Cases. Sheets Sizes, 13-30 50-31 GL3G 81-00 90-00 Pi lees, lie. lji(,c. lie. 13c. 00c. I.ockwood SheetlUKs by tho jnrd: Uto 7c. Su. Oc. 10c. lie. UVisC He. 103. ln. 43-ln CO-ln, Sl-ln 7-4 S-l 0-1 10-4 Blch.Sc. 9c. 10c. lie. 1214c lie. 10c ISc. Utlca Pleaded Sheetings: fi-1 50-ln. 0-1. S-t 9-t 10-1 lie. 12c. He. 10c. ISc. 20c Clarendon White Quilts, Only 'We. Our legular $. 30 Marseilles Quilt. Tor .',00 each. This is not a Cleaving Sale of old, impaired stock, that you hear so much of thesi clays. It is our ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS SALE, which has gotten to bt a looked-for event a money-saving event for the people. CONNOLLY & A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WII11N A JJOOIC ACCOUNT IS MADU NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 23 CENTS. THIS ItULD AP PLIES TO SSIALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Hi:!.!' WANTKD. rpHOUbANDS OP GOOD PLACES UNDLU i. tho MrKinluy iiiliniiilstriitlon in ovory tmrt of tho countr Do vou want onov Tho Mid- Winter edition of tho NATIONAL HF- COltDKIt will tell lion togctn imsltion Solid flvo cents in st-unps to tho NATIONAL lit- t OIIDEH, Washington, D. C iii:m avanti:d iMAi.i:s. Ii:S AND WOMEN OUT OP EMI'LOY l'l ineiit icnd vi ling to work can loiun ot a permanent situation nt tioo 1 wages b witting at ouco to P. V. 11., liox 2s 1, Aiigustn, Slulno. TTANTED-AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK H of Ronio simplo thing to pitent Pro tect vom ideas, thev may lnlnc von wealth Wilto JONII WIIDDF.UIIUItN ,t CO,, Dept. (', 21, Patent Attorncvf, Washington. D, C, for thch S1WK) piiro offer and list ot 200 inven tions wanted WANTED -AS AC.ENT IN EVERY SEC- tion to c-invugs: S4 HI to S300 a day niado ; Etlis nt eight, 11U0 a man to (ell Staple Hoods to dealers, litht side lino 475 1 mouth, alaiy or l.ugo tommidsiou mjilo. experienco linm-cnssarv. Clifton boat) and Manufactur ng Co , Cluclnniti, O U "ANTED - WELL-KNOWN SIAN IN ovciy town tct tolicit stock subsfi lp tionB, a inonopolv ; big money foi agents, no cqiltal nquirtd. EDWARD C. rihH .v. CO, Eorclen Hlock, Chicago 111 111:1.1- wan rnn F12.M ali:s. 7AlTlESlrAlTEiT!0U W AoilS briLV Li iliMsmt homo woik, nnd will gluill) s n full pnrttLiilRis to nil Eundlng 2 lentstj'n tllSb SI A. blEL'UIN'6, Lawrence, Mich 7"ANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRA" ton to mil and mtlodncw Snvdor'H e 1!, icing; cxpeiicnced tanv.itscr profoired: win jitmnnent and veiv profitable Wilto fc, p.aiticulaiH nt ouco ai d let 1 eneflt of lmlldii tiade. T. 11 SNYDER & CO. Cincinnati, O AGENTS WANTED. WANTED -5 000 AOENT.S FOR RL" hell's autliorizod "LIVES OP McKIN LEY AND HOUARiV KnO raos, ukgnut lllustratod prlco onlv si OH: tno Post nnci tn lUStralOtl prlCO OUIV -St iai; iciu oust u m lietpost, and outsdltitll otheis: 30 lmi ccn' r n'.ints and iho fro'ght 1 aid. JtyHoo ovr reidy; suvo time In u-ndln? 3o rents i- cite to it.ur dm fee nil outfit at oneo Addiuss A, D V OR1IIINOTON&CO., II rtfoid. Conn -ANTED- GENERAL AHENTb IN EV civ county; also ltd cjuivas.sers,sonn tlilngiiovv, smu selloi, apply epiick J ( 1II1.UERT, 141 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa GENTS-SVIIAT ARE YOU GOIS'G Tt 1 do about snt citizenshlp-prico Si U hi" by thousands. Address, MCHOL Napoi v Ilia, III. OLNTb-TO SrLL OUR PRAC1ICAI i" Rold, silver, nlcKel aim conpoi ilfctto plastors, purrs fiom SJ upward saluyatit expenses iinid culflt flee, address, vvitl Unmp, SIlLUIOAN MFG CO., Chicago. A.G GENTS TO SELLOlGARSTODEAI.ERb 1 vvclKIv anu oienos: oipurionco u-i necessary CONhOI.lU.VIJ.u ill ti uv . i Van liuren st , Chicago, CALESMAN 'IO CARRY SIDE LINE. 2., O pet cent rcirmif-sioif scniplo huok inailecl fieo. Addict L N CO, station L, New Yoik. FOR SALE. I?OR SALE-A SILVER PLATED CONN l1 doublet bell Litiihouiutn nirel ensiavul with trombonu bell gold lined neat Iv now and ctbt i'M will till ut .1 baigain Addles' this week to P. W GAY LOU, L.ii:nsvtlle Pa . I70U SALE-HOUSE, AOLD SIX YEAUb I1 weight l.COU jciiids, tnn bu tocu at 1021 Piito strtot WANTED IO RENT. W NTDAHOUn WITH 10 OR 1 looms modem convenlonets; from April 1 Addross GRIF1 1TI1, Tribuno ollico TOR KENT. T.iOR REN'T-IIOU.SE CONTAIN1NO blX V looms on ItocL stioet, Ve6t Sido Appl at 1121 Rock street T7OR RENT-ELEVEN-ROOM DWELLING I1 honso, with nil modern improvements, ront modulate Apply 422 Sladisou nvouuo lORRENT-blNGLE HOUSE, I) ROOMS J' furua-'o. ho: nnd lold watei. 1 etutifiil location, 1721 l'onn avonue, Giuon Rldg1; 520 a month C L IIAWLE.21i Wj, oinlu- nvo. I70U RENT-TI1E THREE FLOORS OVER V No 4t0 Sprtico Btroet, now neenpiod by tho Rowing Association; pos.esiinn April 1st Incpiiro of PHED WAUNER, 11 Lackawnuua avontio HOARD WANTED. OR SIAN AND WIFE, NEAR PUBLIC Library, Address A Tribune oilliu. CITY SCAVENGER. A 11. HltlGGfa CLEANS PRIVY VAULT and cess uools: no odor: improved pumps used A.HHKIOS, Piopriotor Leavo oidors 1100 North Slain avenue, or Ercltus diugstoro, t-orntr Admit nndSiul. berry, 'lelepliono 4U5 CHIROPODIST AND .MANICURE. CXNCd7NTnn7lONHXAl nails cured without tho least pain or tlrnwlng blood Consultation icml advlco glvuu free. E. SI HETSKL. Chiropodist, 3 Lack, awauna avoiiuo. Ludles ntttudud at their rtsidouco If dcsiiid. Charges tuodoratc, WANTI D IMSIEDIA'1 ELY-TWO ENEtf t,otic saleswomen to repicsont lis (lunrnnteud So a dij without iuturfuirin vith other duties. Healthful ocenpatio V rito fot lnitirulars. enclosing stamp, Sinn.' ' hemlctd Ccmpuii), No. 71 John bunt, Nt York yu-lnch .Muslins Proiui. Atlantic A 0c. Hlnck Hock ,, Be. Cnmoron U ... IVic. Atlantic I' 5c. Crashes Pleached. 11111 r.c. l.onsdnlo 0c Prult of Loom... Cc. Dwliiht Anchor.. Cc. rildo ot West. ...10c Pest twilled cotton crash, bleached and brown, at 3'4c. 18-Inch. I.lnen twilled crash, worth 10c, at 7c Glass crash, nil linen, only Gc. And our cntlro stock Of Linen Crnshes at Cut Pilccs. WALLACE, I STOCKHOLDERS' iMLIiTlNC. PIIE ANNUAL JIEETINO OP THE J- ntoclclioltlors of 'llio liolos Steel Whool Company will bo hold at t licit ollica in tno ity ot Hcruutou. Pouu'a, on 'tliursda, J uiintry -Bill, 1807, tit It o'clock n in,, Tor thu put posu of olucting directors for thu ensuing ear and transacting such other busiuos as may como tioforothum. No transfer of stocK wilt 1)0 inado foi ten dicjs next preceding thu day ot thoolpctlon. JOHN D. SHEItER, Socretnry 'pilU ANNUAL JIEETINO OP THE X stockholders of Tho Lnckawnnua Tiual and Safo Duposit Coinpanv, of Scranton, will be held In tuo Dlroctoio' room ot the bank building, on Slonlnj, i'ohrnary 1, 1S07, bt twocn tho hours nt 3 and 4 p m HENRY 11ELIN, Jit, Sccrotniy. 'PHE "annual sieetino" OF TIIE 1 stockholders of Tho Entorpriso Powder Manufacturing Company, for tho election of diltctoii and the trHiisuctloti of Hitch otlioi biisinoss is may proporiv coins before it, will t no ncin on wouncsnnv, aanuary ..mi, ibiir, nt tho ollico of tho company lu bcrauton, l'n,, at 2,0o'cloclt p in Notinnsfoi of stock will bo niado for ten dns next piocedlng the dato of tho ubovn meetinf. i: P. KINGbRURY, Socrotary. rpiIE ANNUAL SIEETINO (JF THE J stockholdois of Tho St Clair Coal Coin panv, for tho election of directors and tho tiHusactloit of Biiclt other business ai may pioperly comoboforoit, will ho hold on Sinn da, Jauuai 23, 1S0T at tho ollico of tho com puny in bcrauton. l'a., nt 2 o'clock p m. No transfer of stock will bo madu fot tcu days noxt procudlngtho dato of ahovo maoting, E P KlNObBURY, Seciotarj nXECUTOKS' NOTICE. INSTATE OP EDWARD T. JOHN, DE Jli ceased. Into of tho city of Scranton, Lack awaniui county Poiinsj 1 viml 1 Lutttrstestnmontniyupontlfe abovenamed estate liavlug boon crmtoil to tho undor sigucd, a 1 iui ons hav inif claims or domands aifninst tno snld estate will prcsunt tliuni for pamunt. and these iuduhted thcioto will please uialtu immocuato paymoui to ANN T JOHN, I JOHN E. JOHN 1 Executors. CHAS. E. OLVEIt Scianton, Pa. Attornoy for Fstnto NOTICE HOCK CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED TO 1 January 23, I8'l7, ntnoon, foi drlvincfa uunel .it btdriick Crook Colliery, Pockvillo. 1. tunned to I10 diivou fiom thu Clark or oss vein to thu bottom splb of tho Dttumoro 1 Keel Ash vein, slzotobo" foet by 12 feet ltd 1 400 loot long more 01 less; conttactoi 1 st flit nisli all pciwoi and tools Ihocomnniiy lesorves thu light to rejos 1 y or nil bids. spotlllcntious foi same may bo seen on np llration to JOHN It URYDEN, Sttpt Puckville, Pa, Jan. C, le'17 REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME Hero's a gieat bargain: 17-1 Pennave uu, adjoining North Park, Groon Ridije; i oras, tin mice, hot and cold water; lotSSilSl 11 tr under wholu liousj. ftno lawn, stone .idks, pioperty wortlt 51,'M), no leasonable ffn lufnsed; must sell part pninunt bid into em timu to suit nurchasur Address VLL1ESIOROAN, tare of C. L Hawia 211 V omlng avenue, Scranton HL'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 11UY POSIE WHEAT LMSIEDIATELY. 1J vvrltct in for our dall Information nnd cook, 'Good Advice," we Lan inako vou icino 1110, ie , lofoiencus. A P. llORbl CO. l.ml.ois and liroktis, 0 Pino bt , Now Y'ork, VOU CAN SIAKE bOSIE MONEY BY IN- I vesting in speculation immodlatoly: send "01 our booklet, ' Good Advlco" and daily In 'ji uiation A r. UOIlbT CO., 0 Pinu bt , ow York SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O man, 20 oars of aire astlioinan: can give tood lufot uncos Address b. W, 1227 blioit cvenuo, Park Place, P.a. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES TOMAKE uiiRiigoincints for musing; tonus, Ss iei veek, host of lefetoncos given. Addiess -JURSE, Tribuno oftlco. 1A7AN TED-RYAN ASIERICAN WIDOW, It with onu child, position as woikillK no uokeopoi ; host loforouces kIvbii Address MRS 11., 1200 Davis strout. l'hiladelphii. SITUATION WANTED-UY A YOUNG i ' man w HIIuk to do nnv thing: can glvo rof i elites, If luquiiod. 11 P, 420 OaUfoid court, fit. 17"ANTno-SI I CATION Ah A STENOG i laphcroi ollico assistant by it oung man, can glvo lofoieucts. Address J. J riibuno ollice. X7ANTED-ESIPLOYSIENT OF ANY kind by mauled mn Understands ctro of horses nnd cattlo Well ncqualnted in all parts of cit . F. S . caro T ribtino. HARRIED SIAN WANTS WORK AS V tcmster 01 nnv kind of work Can give or work good lecommondatlons, Address, C. H. L. lrluuno ollico CITUATION WANTED-bOHKR INDUS O trious miin dolrus lnsiclu work of any kind Waitos 110 object. Good refcromos. Address, J H , 827 Plttston avenue. SITUATION WANTED-NU'tSE, EXPE llenced confinements, deslrts ontiugo. tnont, hlcthest lefeieueo SI. LbTERHELD, Lieneral Dehvurv bcrauton' Pa, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. lMiVhiciuns and Snrceons. drTsiartha s everitt. SOS VasiT. lngtou nvc Ollice houis until 10 a. m , 2 to 4, 0 to S p. m. .MARY A. SHEPHERD, SI. D, HOME opathlst, No. 22S Adams avenue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST JN Diseases of Womon, corner Wyoming uvenue and Spruce street, Scianton. Of tlco hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 3 a m. to G p. m DR. COSIEOYS-OFPICE NO. 337 N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to i p. m. Dlbeases of women a. specialty. Tele phone No 3232 DR. W. E. ALLEN, B12 NORTH WASH lngton avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, 30S WYOSIINO AVE. Ollico hours, 9-11 a. m. 1-3 p, m 7-S j. m. DR. L. SI GATES, 123 WASHINGTON avenue Ottlce hours. 8 to 3 a. m 130 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence; 300 Sladi Eon aevnue. 5r"c. L. FREAS, SPECIALIST IN $$ .3 1 1 2& tiT & VP.W me! irmM h M (fTB f ra , Table Liumm Impossible to bo Into the details of quo liiK inlc.es here, but we wnnt to sny th . we uro KohiR to make this Linen Sale Hi terestlnt? for you We met an unusli i oiiportunlt In the way of 11 "Linen Put chase." and weip quick eiioush lo snap I up That was i?ood buy Ins. lively nn of thu lot Jind also our ctitlto reRUlnr sto hinrs ted Ink pilccs for this occasion which means that this Is to.be good sclllni ami quick selllnt-. Uuy join Table Linen hero and now. Napkins The some story of the tnble linens n lilies to the napkins. Hundreds of dozen of Rood napkins worth from $1.00 to $3.00 cloven, will bo sold at greatly redticei pi lets. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. 3 Ruoturo. Truss nttlnir nnd Fat Redua tion. Rooms 203 and 207 Slcara Uulldlna Ofllce telcuhono 1303. Hours: 10 to 12. to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. XV. LASIEREAUX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic diseases of the heart lungs, liver, kidney and genllo urinap. organs, will occupy tho ofllce of Di Roos, 232 Adams aevnuo. Ofllce hour) 1 to B p. m. XV. Q, ROOK, VETERINARY SUll geon Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scrantot Telephone, 2G72. - , La.wvcr. FRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AN! counselior-nt-law. Burr building, room! 13 and 14. Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTYATLAYV 211 Womlng avenue. JEFFREY'S & RUDDY, ATTORNEY-at-law. Com monwenlth building. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEyl and Counsellors at Law, Republic building, Washington avenue, Scrantot Pa. , JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEY'S AN1 Counsellors at Law, Commonwealtl building, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSUP. W. II. JESSUP. JR; PATTERSON et WILCOX, TRADER'I National Hank Hulldlng. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND Attorneys and Counsollois, Common wcalthJ)Ullding. Rooms 19, 0 and21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT Law, Room E, Coal Exchange, Scranton Pn. JASIES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY at-Law, rooms C3. 01 and 65, Commoq wealth building. SASIUEL W EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT Law. Office, 317 Spruce st., Scranton, PI L A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-423 Lacknvvanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-ATI Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranto Money to loan In largo sums at S pa cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AU law, Commonwealth building, Scranton Pa. C. COSIEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B REPLOQLE. ATTORNEY'-LOAN' negotiated on real estate securltj Sloars building, coiner Washington ava nue and Spruce street. R. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVJ 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HASIILTON, ATTORNEY-AT? law,45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton WATSON. DIEHL, HALL &"kESISIER ER Attornes and Counsellors-at-Lavv Tradtrs National Hank Building; room 0, 7, S, 9 and 10, third iloor. 1 Detective-;. BARRINO & SI'SWEENEY, COMSION wealth building. Interstate Secret Sea vlco Agency. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITEC1 TEC? wealti Rooms 24. 23 and 23, Commonwealtl Dulldlng, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICI rear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR , ARCHITECT 433 Spruco st , cor. Wash, ave., Scranton BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS Prlco building, 125 Washington avenu Scranton. T. I. LACEY SON. Trader's Bank Building. ARCHITECTS Aldcrimui. G. T. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists, DR. F. L. street. SI'GRAW, 303 SPRUC1 DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. SIAIN AVE DR CC. LAUBACII. 115 Wyoming avej R. SI. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL E.i change. WELCOSIE C. SNOVER, 421 ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to B. LACKA Dressmaker. SIRS. M E DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and glrli for college or business; thoroughli trains 0ung children. Catalogue at it quest, REV THOStAS SI. CANN. WALTER II BUELL. SUSS WORCESTER'S KINDERQARTES and School, 412 Adams avenue. Sprint term April 13. Kindergarten $10 per term Seeds, Q R. CLARK CO., SEEDSIEN ANI1 Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Slain ave. nue; store telephone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL REAR BU LACKA. wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufao turer of Wire Screens Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CArE, 125 and 127 TRANK. lin avenue. Rates reasonable, P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D . li. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop, Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, paitles, receptions, wed. dings and concert work furnished Po: terms address R J, Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberl'j muslo store S1EGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' bupplles, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Wurehoue, 130 Washington ae Scian. ton. Pa. PRANK P BROWN CO . WHOLE, snlo dealers In Woodware, Cordago an I Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOSIAB AUBREY'. EXPERT XC. countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofllce. Agent for thu Rex Flro Extinguisher. .. Mt 2 -. fr