The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 20, 1897, Image 1

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    O "
j J si II i in -siiiea:
would ln appropilate nt tills season;
but, tiutli to tell, we have not got :i
big stock that wc'iu Dai tlculurly
anxious to dispose of.
The new tin Iff tnonsiiies now
pending makes a giout advance !u
the pi Ice of everything woolen mi
assuied fact, consequently It will
pu) bettei to cany o el such stutile
goods us all wool blankets to net
season, than to dispose of them
now at a suoilllee. However, as It
has been out custom to tun a
Blamket Sale
at this season oveiy year, we have
decided not to deviate lloin the
rule, and It the nuantltles and liuiii
beis oiteied aie less than usual, you
know the leason why,
We Would Say
take advantage of this sale by sot
ting in eaily, as we posltivel) will
not olfer one etia pair mole than
specilled at these denies.
Sale Lasts
One Week,
have lower iiualltler,
quoted below, it you
1 case 11-4 Cotton Blankets, were 75c
now &9e.
1 case 11-1 Cotton
$1 00. now "Be.
1 case 12-4 Cotton
$1 50, now $1.12'i.
1 case 11-4 White
Blankets, weie
Blankets, weie
Wool Blankets,
were $3.50, now $J 75.
1 case 11-4 100 per cent
White Wool
Blankets, weie $.'..00, now $1.2."..
The last number is extia full size and
heav y.
The two numbers which follow
are very slightly bulled, but othei
wlse pei feet:
10 pairs extia heavy 11-4 White Wool
Blankets, that bold for $S.C0.
Sale Price, $5.75
10 pairs full 11-4 finest all wool White
Blankets, the befet value we ever offeied
at $S.D0.
Sale Price, $6.00
L '
,1P JLiiiIl 1iL
1 case 11-4 Oioy Cotton Blankets,
weie 75u., now We.
1 case 11-4 a ley Cotton Blankets,
weie $1.00, now 7uc.
1 case 12-4 tiiey Cotton Blankets,
weie $1.50. now $1.12Vj
23 pahs 11-4 a ley Wool Blankets,
Weie $3X0, now $2.2."i
1 case New England Scailet Blankets,
All Wool, and full 11-4 size, weie $5.00
Sale Price, $4.25
35 pahs 11-4 all Wool Blankets, (Scar
let) the best quality ever at $4.00.
Sale Price, $3.25
1 case Crib Blankets.
25c, a Pair
Receives Almost an Unanimous Vote in
Senate and House.
A .Number ol Clerkships Are Assigned
in the Si!iiuti!--.Ur. .Ilctluouii Intio
diiees a Hill Duliniiii; I.ibcl ami the
runisliiiii'iit 'l'heieloi--'riie Vote
toi lliiitetl Status Senator in Detail.
Ilntilsbuig, Jan. 19. The lieutenant
gmernor called the .senate to older at
11 o'clock this lnoinlng. Theie was a
good showing of senatoi s In seals
when the guv el fell.
The following bills weie lead In place
at the conclusion of the leading of the
11 -Mr. Hiow n Authoilzliig Judges and
Inspectors ot the geneial election
to hold piimui elections, to up
pi opi lute mono to aid the counties
In hnpiovlng and maintaining public
loads, to piovlde loi the eoiisttuctlon, lm
pioveinriit anil maintenance of public
loads, assessment and collection ot load
tiiNes; the election of and to dellno the
poucis und duties of township supeivls
ois. Uy Mi. Sthieman All act to validate
conveyances and other liistiiiinents which
liue hceli delcctlvely acknowledged.
B Ml. McQiiown Dellniiig libel and the
punishment theicfoi.
H .Mis Ciawfonl Itecpililng the icvo"l
ei of deeds of the seveiul i mimic of the
coinniuawialth to asicitalti and tccoid
the nanus, icsldeiices and addiess ot
moitgaigtes or uslgnces ot mortgagi ,
and li pealing all nets oi paits of acts In
consistent thciewlth.
15 Mi. Kaiiltnum To piovlde foi th"
payineiit of Intel est on state funds de
posited III IiiiiKs The bill leiiuiie- all
banks holding state funds to pay 2 per
cent. Intel est to the stale and give bond
to coinpl with the law; inteiest must he
paid until till) ; the amount deposited on
application ol a hunk must not he less
than 5 inn moie than 2," pel cent, ol t lie
paid up and unlnipalicd capital and sui
plus of the bank, the state tieasuiei inuv
designate two hanks In ilaiilshiiig in
which he may deposit at his own ilsk
mone) to an amount not exceeding the
paid up capital and suiplus ol such hanks,
and such amounts shall not he leipilieil to
pa) all) Intetest.
H) Ml. Giadv An act amending an net
entitled an act to exempt fimii tn itloii
public piopiit) u-ed for puhllc pill piues
and places of it Unions woiship. places of not used in held foi pilvute or
coipoiale piolit, and Institutions of puh
llc chai It).
1!) Mi. Ciawfonl Ucqulilng pioMiono
tnilps to mtci tain and leioid the names
and lesldenics of holdeis or judgments.
Senatoi Biown's load bills piovlde
for an appiopt latlon of $1,000.1100 an
nually, to be based on the number of
miles of load in each count v. Each
township Is to have one supei visor, to
seivo tluee yeais, nnd to icceive $2 per
day lor his sei vices Each township
Is to icceive of the slate appiopi latlon
accoidlng to the nuniber of miles of
load In It
Mr. Thomas, In behnlf of the senate
slate committee, made a lonoit iiiini-
Ing Levi .M. Kclty, of Montgomeiy, for
leading cleik; John M. Ithey, of Ciim
heiland, for jouinal cleik, and T. H.
Ciaegow. of Clteeno. for message cleik.
The lepoit was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Ciouse the senate
at 11.20 took u tecess until 12 o'clock.
Upon le-eonv ening Pilvnte Secietaiy
Beltler picsented fioni the goveinoi the
following nominations:
John A. Wiley, of Franklin, to be
biigadler goneial of the Second bilg
aiH': I.eonaid Hhone to be a menibei of
tl state boatd of agilcultute; Samuel
W. Latta. of I'hlladelphia: Ileniy
Battes. ol Philadelphia, and Joseph M.
Weaer, of Noiiistown, toi state medi
cal examlneis; John P. Sweenev, of
Plttslung; Miss Edith P. Oaiwood, of
Pittsburg; V A. Applegate, of lie
Keespoit; Edwaid C. Uegn, Jin lis D.
Jones, A. Oliver Winchester, Homy O.
Halt. W 11 H Oliver. Gooigo P.
Knight, Edwin Steine, P. M. Brow el
and Chillies II. Dougheitv, of Phila
delphia to be notailes public
The appointments weie conflimed.
On mutlon of Mi. Ciousp the senate
took a lecess until 3 o'clock, at which
time It balloted for United States sena
When the .senate met at 3 o'clock to
cast its vote for United States senator
the galleiieS welo ciowded and oveiy
member of the upper binnch was in
his seat, with the exception of Senatoi
Penioce and Senator Mitchell, the lat
ter of whom Is 111 at his home at Tiny,
Bindtoid county. Alter Mie call to ol
der Lieutenant Hovel r Eyon ob
seived the loimallty of announcing the
names of the two canilldntes, whlcli
had been piesentPil to the sennte on
Jan. C. This dune the loll call ol senn
tois was oi deied, Hon. Boles Pom use
lecelving the votes of the foity-two
Hepubllcaus ptcseiit, und Hon. Cliauu
cey P. Blai k the Mites of the six Uein
oc nits. The ote was as follows:
Pemose lcssis Andiews, lle'kor.
Blown (Lawn me count)), Iliowu (Phila
delphia count)), liiowu ('4..tmnrel uul
intuit)), Chl-uilm. ('o)le. Ciuwloiil,
(-litchliild, 1'iouse, Ehy, Pllnn, Gibson,
Oobln, Uiiol), lluideilheig, llellei, lleit.
lei, Hunimel, Kiiuflmaii, Kenned)', l.ouli,
.McCnilell, .McQllown. .Mngio, .Meltdlth,
Mr n lik, Mlllelsen. .Ml ti hell. JelleiMin,
Mo)er, Usboin, Sayloi, Seott, Shoit, Sli
der. Spiuiil. dtlncinan, Thomus, Vaie
Ynuglian Walton, White -I!
Black JlexsiH. Coihian, llalnes, Hyde,
Mlllei, Bow land, Stll---il.
When the lesult had been announced
by the lieutenant goveinoi the senate
adjoin ned until totnoiiow moinliie; al
11 o'clock, an hour define the two bodies
meet in Joint .session to conclude the
election ot a United States senatoi.
The ollleeiH lepoi ted by the statu com
mittee at the morning session weie
sworn In by Piesldeiit Pio Tem. .Me
Speaker Buyer called the house to oi
dei ut 11.20 this mot nlng and uftei a 1'ci
ent piu)er by Chaplain Sangiee, an
attempt was madi by Air. Spat:, of
Beikn, to Intiodiice a bill. Speaker
Buyer stated that the committees weie
not yet appointed, and he would de
cline to lecelve bills.
The committee on lules lepoi ted with
an amendment the Coni.ide lesolutloii
pro Idlng thut no bill shall be lepoited
negatively by a eonunlttee ot the house
until the member who piesented the bill
(Continued on Page 8.J
n' Legislative Ballots
ViiiIoiis Status.
Balelgh, N. C, Jan. 19 The legisla
ture voted for United Stntes senator
today. Piltchaid, Bepubllcan, le
celvetl SC; Thoinpson, Populist, 42;
Daughton, Uemociat, .11.
Piltehaid's ote Is exactly a major
ity of both branches ot the legislature.
One member of the senate and seven
of the house Weie ubsent or not vot
ing. Tomoiiow at noon the leglsla
t,uie will meet In Joint session to ballot
for senator, when. If the vote Is cast as
it was today, Pi Helmut will be elected
Bismaick, N. D, Jim. 19. II. C
llanshrotigh was today to-elected
United States senator.
Deliver, Col., Jan. 19 Henry M. Tel
ler wus today elected United States
senator In both houses of the aeneial
Jeffeison City, Mo., Jan. 19 Senatoi
Vest lecelved a mnjoiit) of the votes
In both blanches of the leglslatuie to
day Little Book, Aik Jan. 19.-Senator
James K. Jones was te-elected United
States .senator today by an overwhelm
ing inajoiity.
Coiicoul, N.
II.. Jan. 19 Jacob It.
Oalllnger was
elected United States
senatoi toibi).
Sprlnglleld. Ill, Jan. 19 At the cau
cus of the Cook (utility memheis this
evening Loi liner wlthdiew fiom the
contest In tavor of Mason for United
States senator
Spilnsfield. Ills, Jan 19. William E.
Masun was tonight nominated by a cau
cus lor the United Stales senate to suc
ceed John M Palmer at the joint Re
publican caucus, all other candidates
w Ithdiawlng when it became apparent
that imtliiii!; could keen the Chicago
man honi lecelving enough votes to
make him Ihe nominee.
Topeka, Kan, Jan. 20 The Populist
liienibeis of the Kansas leglslatuie aie
caucusing for a United States senntoi.
At 1 o'clock twelve ballots had been
taken without a choice Theie uie ten
candidates. The chances are against
Smatoi William A. Peller.
Fred Flcitz and James Mcfiinnis, of
Lacluiwiinna, Arc Remembered in
the Distribution of Favors.
Haiilslnng, Pa.. Jan. 19 The sdato
committees ol the senate and house will
lepoi t loiuol low and the leglslatuie w 111
then adjoin n until next Monda) night
Most ol the chief appointments have
been announced, notwithstanding the
seciecy ot the committees legauling
theii woik. It Is undci stood, ot coilisu,
In addition to the senate cleikshlps an
nounced today that T. Eyie, of
Uelawaie, will be seigent-at-auns, and
John Coke, of I'hlladelphia, assistant
sel gen nt-at-.H ills. E-Hepi cell tally
Adolph Uoeilein. of Philadelphia, will
be a inesseiigei, and Potest Nichols-, ot
Ctnwfoid, executive cleik. Kx-Kepro-sentative
Samuel On Inane, of Aun
stiong will In cleik to the piesldeiit pro
tem. James McC.innis, of Lackawanna,
will be sunelintolldellt of the pasting
and folding loom, and (!eoip,e C Baker,
ol Philadelphia, assistant dooi keeper.
In the house, in addition to the cleik
shlps pievlously announced, theie will
be anpointid: Joseph Wyatt, Schuv 1
klll, seigeant-at-aitus; Pied Pleitz,
Sdanton. leading cleik.
It is stated tonight, on the highest au
thoilty, that there will be no letnlla
tlon by the majoiily on the minoiity in
the senatoi lal contest either in the ap
pointments In the senate and house or
In the making up of the committees.
All will be Heated faiily. Next week
the Hood of bills will loll over the cap
llol and lor the next ten days the state
pi Inter will have bis hands lull.
Smato- will quallf) as a Uni
ted States senator on Mai eh 1.
Coveiuor ISiishuell Mill Take No Ac
tion in Seiintoiuil f'n-c lit I'lc-cut.
New Yoik. Jan. 19 Governor Bush
nell, of Ohio, In an Intel view with a
lepoi ter of the United Associated
Pi esses today, snld he would take no
action one way or the other tow aid the
selection ot a successor foi senatoiial
Illinois In place ot Senatoi Sherman
until the lesignntlon of the latter was
in his hands.
He denied a published statement Hint
because of the huge opense attached
to the culling the leglslatuie togethei
in special session to elect a Unlftl
States senator he would ieoit to his
appointing power. He deelaied that
the epelise would be compailltlV tly
small, as the meinbeis of the leglsla
tuie aie paid by the ear.
Ciiiiilniii Sinn Coiiipauv.
Phllndilphln, Jim 19 The s'-oikhoUlers
of the Caiiilnlii li on compaii), held tlieli
annual mietlng lodii) In the olllee of the
conipaii) and elected the tullowlng boaid
of diieitois: .loslah M liaeuii, ltoheil 1'.
Kenned), Cliailm S. Pi ice, liavtd Beeves,
Powell Stuckhouse, IMwaid T. Stotes
biii). John . Tow nsfiid, John Lowlier
VtiUli and It. Kiuiieta Wood. The book
value of the stod: is about $75.
Olnc) t'oiigiatiili'.tes His Siicccssiu.
Waahlniitoii, Jan. 19 Societal) Olne)
waiuil) coiiyintulated Jit eventual siii
eeasor In the state depaitment when Sen
ator Shei man called upon him toda). The
bLiiitar Invited the secietaiy to appear
befoie the foielmi relations committee to-
moirow la legaid lo the geneial aihltia
tlon tieaty and seemed the secietai)'a
piomisu to attend.
.steamship Annals,
Nivv York. Jan. 19 Ai lived: Spaindnm,
f i oin llotteidnm; Moluwk, lioin London
Haihdi Lahli, foi Bieniea. Anlved out:
'uuudam, at Aiasteidam. Balled for New
Voik: Shledaiii, fiom Amsteidnm. Sight
ed. Spue, t om New Voik foi Hienieli,
liasstd Sell!) , .MujistU, fiom New Yoik
toi Liveipool, paiMil Buw Head.
insane Woman's Suicide.
Plttsbuig, Pa, Jan 19 Mrs. Mai tin
Heltci, an Insane patient, who foi tight' lias been iindei medical tieatiueiit ill
St. FiuiicIh hospital, committed suicide
la that institution eail) this uioiiilug by
hanging heiself with a stilp of tied cloth
ing. - .
Tim llciald's W cathei roiccasl.
New Voik, Jan. 20. In the Middle states
todiy, tail to pal tly iloudy vveathei will
pieviill, with slowly lislng teniperutme,
liesh and brisk noi tlieus'eily to sonth
easteily winds, .followed tOi.'ght by snow
On Thuisday, cloudy, stoiiuy weather will
pievull, with higher temperature and
The Nicaragua Bill Before the
Tliu Wliolo Dili's I'locrediug De
voted to Coiisldci.itioii of l'livntc
Pension Ilills--Striigglc for llccog
nitiou liccomcs I'.arncsl and Noisy
mid Is .Alaikcd hv .Much Coiil'iisiun.
.Ilr. Steele Spiiugs u Sensation.
Washington, Jan 19 The Nlcaingua
canal bill was undei consldeiatlon lie
fore the senate for two houis today.
At least that length of time was occu
pied b) Mi. Tuiple, ot Indiana, In an
attack tiuoii the nieasuie and In de
n.unclatloii of the Muiltlme Canal com
pany, ol Nlcaiagtlu, which he ch.nac
teilzed as a beggai and a pailah In
any uitlonal llnaiiclnl s)stem. as an
outcast and lugltive fiom the llnnnclal
w oi Id, and as totally disci edited In
this und eveiy other countiy. He Is to
continue ills speech tomoiiow. when
the hill will come up as the uulliiished
The legislative npprnpi latlon bill was
taken up after the Nlcaraguan nieas
uie had been laid aside and vvs com
pleted with the exception ol the pio
v Islons In l elation lo the lilnarv of
congies, which went ovel without no
tion till tomoiiowi
Eniller in the day's inoceedlngs Mr.
Hill, of New Yoik, .spoke for an hour
and a half on a Joint lesolutloii lela
tlve to eleclilc sub-ways in the Dls
tilct of Columbia. While it apneaied
to he a matter of puielv local lllteiest,
Mr. Hill's (ontentlon was that It was a
light between the UlilUd States Elee
tilc Light company, whlidi he lefened
to as the "old moiiouolv ," and the Po
tomac Elect! 1c Light company, owned
chlelly In New Yoik, whose money, and
piopeity, legall) Invested In the dis
1 1 1ft. the joint lesolutloii would con
fiscate. Mr Hill occupied the lloor un
til the close nf tin- morning honi, when
the lnattei went over without action.
The lesolutloii oflered by Mr. Moi
gan, of Alabama, last week us to de
fault la the Paclllc commutes
and the one olfeied .vesteida) by Mr.
Pettlgiew, of South Dakota, as to the
Venezuelan and Clulan.i boundaiy
agieemeut, was laid befoie the senate,
but went over, the filst Indollultely
and the other till tomoiiow
Semite bill uiipiopi luting $123,000 for
a public building at Altoona, Pa., was
The huuse spent the whole of today's
seslson In eonunlttee of the whole, con
sidering pilvute. in nslon bills. Pavoi-
al-ie action was taken upon llfty-two of
them, one being the senate bill to In
ciease to $100 a month the pension of
Major Geneial Julius 11. Stall. An
amusing scene occulted In the effoits
of memheis to tet their bills thiough.
The steps leading to the speakei's
chair sw aimed with memheis uiging
Chad man Uendeison to lavor them.
The stiuggle was earnest and noisy,
and the few memheis lemalning on the
lloor laughed nnd applauded their moie
energetic associates. The hub-bub was
so gieat that pioceedings had to lie sus
pended until something like Older was
lestoied. Por tlnee-quai teis of an
hour the house pioceeded amid much
confusion, when something of a sensa
tion occtitied. Mr. Steele, of Indiana,
stated that while he leeognlzeil that
many bills weie lepoi ted fiom the com
mittee on invalid pensions pinposlng
legislation In behalf of soldieis or their
dependents who weie entitled to special
legislation, it was Hue that fully ninety
per cent, of the bills weie for pel sons
no moie entitled to It than weie thou
sands for w horn It was not asked, or if
asked died In the committee loom.
Mr. Wood, ot Illinois, lesented the le
Ilectlons cast upon the committee on
Invalid pensions by the gentleman fiom
Indiana, sa.vlng that the house had In
ci eased the pensions ot many claimants
over the amount lecommended b) the
Mr. Steele responded that he meant
to make no lellectlon uuoii the toni
niittee, but helievlmv that "ticli pio
ceedings weie not light he should vote
against Pilday nbrht sessions in th"
futuie If this method of obtaining lec
ognitlon was to be continued.
Chuliman Ileudeihon explained that
in his loeoijnltlun of memheis he was
endeavoilng to lollow the suggestions
of the committee on Invalid pensions,
so as to i each some eases that demand
ed Immediate action and at the same
time to do what he conceived to be laii
to the Deinociatlc side of the house.
Mr. Steele Well the bill I wanted to
call up wus foi the benefit of a wlduw
entliely helpless and destitute.
Sovcial nieinlieis O, jolt don't be
lieve In such legislation, why do , oil
want lo call It up.
Mr. Steele moved that the commit
tee Use, but the motion was lost. How
ever, on motion of Mr. Pavne, of Now
Yoik, the committee voted to take up
hills In their ouler on the calendar. This
lestoied lelntive quiet and a lew other
bills weie acted on, making a total of
lift) -two for the utteuioon.
( W. Stone, of Pennsylvania, fiom
tilt! committee on coinage, weights and
measures, lepoited to the house today
ills lesolutloii nuthmlzing piclluiluuiy
proceedings, looking to the adoption of
an International coin. He levlews the
attempts at legislation In this dliectlou
and bii)s that the one thing to bo
sought Is one intei national unit, a
common denomination of value so fully
leeogiiiised and accepted by all coin
meiclal nations that all vulues In In
ternational tiuusnctlons, nil statistical
statements and inuiket quotation
shall be expressed In Its teuns.
ltepubliiiui lii'iiguu ol ('Inhs Is (o
Honoi the New Senatoi.
Hanisbuig, Pa , Jan 19 The execu
tive committee of the Bepublicaii
League of Clubs will be held heie
Thin sday when the time and place of
the annual convention will be llxed.
Wllkes-Bane, Willlumspoi t and llur
lisbuig aie mentioned as the place.
Piesldeiit lEadoie Sobel savs the
league will tender Senator Penrose u
Revolting Testimony Brought Out at the
Trial in Brussels Main Facts
Arc Admitted.
Biussels. Jan. 19. The Buissels coi -lespondont
ol the Cential News tele
graphs the following dispatch pill poll
ing to be an account of what took place
at the healing of tile Chiinay divot ce
inse which began at Chaileioi tocla).
Pi luce Chimay's counsel In ought to
the lOgnUunco of the colli t twenty
thiee facts showing acts of adultery on
the oait ot the pilneess, with seveial
pel sons, hut piinclpally with Bigo, her
pit-sent p.ii.imour, whose lclations with
Princess of Chiinay weie open and no
toilous In the neighboihood of Chimiij',
the place of the lesldence of the pi luce,
and cnused an abominable scandal.
Maltie Allain, counsel for the prin
cess, admitted the pilnclpal facts
hi ought to the notice of the court, hut
denied some the details legauling the
cj nlcism of the piincess, who, he said,
had a good heait. but had been spoiled
by bad education. Counsel on behalf
of the Ii luce of Chimay, uiged the
couit to pionotince n decree of abso
lute divorce without going further with
an inquliy which had been lendeied
useless hj the notoilcty of the facts in
the case.
The couit then adjourned for a foit
nlght and In the meantime the public
pioctor will decide the point raised by
the pi luce's counsel
Counsel for the piincess deelaied on
behalf of his client that she would
leave to her husband the settlement
of the question of alimony. It'has also
liansplied that the piincess once made
a confession of her lclations with oth
er men to hei husband, and olleied to
letlie to a convent as an act of atone
Drops Dead in it Sherill's Anus, as
His Doctoi l'icdietcd.
flaiiett, Ind., Jan. 19. Anest nt his
home heie today Instantly killed I lei -
man Cotilnbeny, piesldeiit ot the bank
of Ganett and late tieasuiei ol De
Kalb county, whose embezzlements
and defalcations wete lecenly exposed.
Colllnbeiry was a victim ot heait dis
ease and his physician had swoin that
ai lest mlslit kill him, hut two other
doclois had made allldav Its to the ell'ect
that he was shamming.
The sheilfi this moinlng went to Cof
llnbeiiy's home and plnced him undei
attest, when the accused banker sud
denly tell into the sheriffs urnis and
instnntl) explied.
k'uitliquuko in t'eisia.
London, Jan 19 A dispatch fiom Te
Iipiuii, the capital of l'eisla, suys that a
sevel cuitliqiiake ocelli led Jan. 11 on
Kith in Island, the luigest Island In the
Persian gulf, and that the loss of life vas
enormous. Klshm Island is about lll'l-ai
miles fiom the entiaiue to the i'eislaii
gulf. It Is seveiit) miles long and Its uv
eiage hieudth Is twelve miles. Tim popu
lation is cstimuted at J.UDO, most of whom
aie Arabs,
The .llcCnu Cnso.
Notilstown, P-i., Jan. 111. The tnislocs
of the Noiilstowa Hospital foi the In
sane, at u special meeting today, Hied la
bolve the UDStil) siiuoimdhig the deith
of Convict Wtllluni Mi Cue, but the is
spansibillty lur the crime wus not llxi a.
Weather Indications TocJj):
I'ulr; Warmeri Wcsterlj Winds.
1 State l.tgisliiluit) Casts Its Vote toi
Ponioue foi the 1'nlted States Sen
ate. National Lawmal.eis at Work.
2 Whittle) 'a W'cokly Now a. Budget.
Pluanclal and Coinnieielal.
3 (Local) Bepubllcan Caucus at Dun-
Doings hi Our Couits,
1 Editorial.
Casual .Mention,
G (Local) Annual Meeting nnll Election
of Qllliers of tlio Homo for the
SuecesHful Poutry EMilhlt.
0 (Story)-"Tho Man Who Looked Like
the Kins:."
7 News and (loaslp of the West Hide.
Subuibuii Happenings.
I S Up and Down the Valley,
The Settlement of the Venezuelan Ques
tion Is Received by Alany Eprcs
sionsof Good Will in England.
London, Jan. 19 In the house of
commons today Sli William Hai court
in lefeiilng to the queen's speech, said
the most satlslactoi) statement con
tained In It was the iefeience made to
the leliltions between Cleat Biitaln
and the United SUitcs. He heai tlly
congiatuhited the government upon
the conclusion ot the dlftotences le
gauling Venezuela, and gave them un
stinted pialse for the geneial aibitia
tlon tieaty, which was lecently signed
by tlie Biltlsh ambassador at Washing
ton and the Ameiiciin secretary ot
Theie could be no better ce'ehiatlon
of the sixtieth year of her majesty's
lelgn thnn that her government should
he among the Hist of the nations to sel
the example of settling difleiences by
aibltiatlon He denounced the Nile
campaign and asked the government
to justify their Egyptian policy. In
legale! to Ainienia, he wus glad to heai
that the government had abandoned
hostility to Bussla in the matter.
Halted States Ambassador Bayaid
and Mis. Bayaid occupied seats In the
house of lot ds.
After the loul chancellor, Loul Salis
bury, had tend the queen's speech
li om the tin one, the customaiy nd
diess In leply to the speech was moved
by tile Muiqllls of Bath, who was at
tlted In the unlfoim of an olllcer of
the Yoemen of the Cluauls. The mo
tion was seconded by Loul Kenyon
The Kail ot Klnibei ley, who was )es
teuluy chosen us the leadei ol the Lib
erals In the house of louls, In the place
ol Loul Bosebery, leslgned, snld he
deeply legietted that Loul Bosbeiy was
no longer the leader of the Lllieinl
p.uty. Speaking on the matteis he tou
gi.itulated Loul Sallsbtny upon the
success ot his negotiations with the
I'nlteil States. In legal d to Tuikey he
said he lelt Impelled to ask If the tteat)
ol Bellln was dead.
Pi line Minlstei Salisbury also legiet
ted Loul Bosebeiy's letilement He
then pioceeded to defend the consistent
policy of the Consei vatlves. The gov
ernment, he dc fluted, hud not initiated
the antl-Busslan policy of 1S7S. It was
the Cilincan war that initiated It, but
the Boeis weie now genelully aglecd
that If ufoinis weie not gi anted In
Aimoula a material piessuie would be
applied to the Sultan hj the of Ku
Uipe. Theie weie but slightly dlffeiellt
windings, he said, In the communica
tions ot the poweis In legard to lite way
it should be done, hut all of them weie
convlnied that unless the Sultan should
In t induce genuine and otfei the lefoims,
the vvoist must tollow.
In legal (1 to the tieaty of ai bltiatlon
just concluded with the I'nited States,
he said, he could not yet speak fully
on the subject because the agieeinent
hud not been i milled. Still, he would
suv that the people must not think that
they weie living in the mlllenlal dispen
sation. He hoped, however, that something
would be done lo diminish the ihk of
war. He would nut su that the tieut)
would lemove the gieatest i isks of win,
or lesluilu n Napoleon or a Bismaick,
but tlie policy with the United States
wan full and definite in ease of aniall
dlffei elites, which sometimes eMiggei
ated, caused enmity. The lorniatlon of
a tillniiial of aibltiatlon would settle
these difleiences, which would prevent
such, and stop the two nutluns wliu un
deislood e.u h olliei so well that unless
they aie ti leads the) aie almost eeit.iln
to be enemies.
S. li, Caiolliei's Dead Hod) round
in u .Shallow U ell.
McKeesport, Pa , Jan. 19. S P.. Ca
i other, piupiietoi of the National hotel,
was louiid dead eaily this moinlng,
ill owned In a shallow well in tlie base
ment of the hotel bulldinu Ml. Ca
lothets closed the house at 2,30 o'clock
tills mumiug uud It wus thought he hud
ictlied. Uiant Boss, the bai-keeper,
discoveied his einplojei's body when
he went to ttie basement this morning
for bar supplies Vailous opinions uie
expie.ssed as to how the accident eould
have happened, uud among them sui
cide Is suggested, but not ei edited.
Mr. Caiotlieis was 52 yeais of age,
and one of the city's most m eminent
and piospeious citizens. He leaves a
widow, but no chlldien.
TT lii Y T7 TT TT Y 0 fvl
2i A M 114 ILd IX s
We -will open the season
o? 1897 by a Muslin Un
derwear 5aJe,
At prkes so attractive as
to make It an object -for
you to purchase now.
Gowis, Skirts,
Clemise, Drawers,
Corset Cyers, Etc,
Child's Short White
Dresses and Kilt 51drts.
510 AND 512
Always BMsyc
1897 Btmsiefo
to dance In perfect fitting
shoes or slippers,
Ours are perrect -fitting,
On all onr rloliday Qoods,
CaJl and Jet as proye it tq
you in
Watclies from $4,50 up.
Byery one warranted at
408 Spruce St,
Victim Hud His Wound IMesscd nnd
Thou Disappeared.
A man whose name is unknown wnj
shot, but not seilously, at Uuryen JIun.
day evening.
Sl men emerged fiom Knschufa'i
saloon about 11 u'clm k and mot out
side a man whom they attacked. TI14
victim was giving an account of him
self in tlie sciliiimage when ono of tin
six Hied upon hliu. The nien then 11111
acioss the Lackawanna und nioqins-.
buig tracks and disappeared.
The victim, who was shot In the arm,
was assisted to liiliiisliaw'H diug stoic,
vvheie ills wound was diesHed by Dr.
liuillngtoii. lie then disappeared. Iq
It thought he belonged with the paity ot
men fiom umuui; whom the sliut wai
WW VSsv "rVl?