9 adway's Rills ' ?)Oww&oovowvvvuvwoy?K TIIE SCItASTTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MOKNT2TGr, JAjStTAIlY 0. 1S97. liiiilidiiHilliiliilililiilliiiiiiiiimiiiiiil 'iiiiiiiiiililiii.Miiiilil'i iulhlii W ii him i l!iil Mm iKtriiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii iiillliiliilliiflliiji liMiiliM'i.iiJniiiliil'fimiiMiiiiiiiHiili;!! liiiiviiiiiiiililiuiliiiilll'lilli Rtflllllllll llllllllllll h'HlltllilllllilM i ilillllllliiiltfinnMfflMM lillllllllllll flW PS5H1 Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable MILD, BUT EFFECTIVE. Purely vegetable, net without pain, ole. K.ititly contcd, tasteless, small niiti onsr to take, ltiulwny's I'ills assist nature, stimulat ing to lioaltliful activity thollvor, liowcfs and other dlRcstlvo orgntiB, tonrluit ttiu bowels in a natural condition without any niter effects. cure; Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles wT i ' hi - - ii i ' - i i 1 1 . i i ttr-i i DESIGNED FOR A FRIEZE HEARTS TO BE EXECUTED IN HARBLE. Life. copyright. n by miicoh & Mi. HYPNGTS MADE EASY. Arthmr Lo Weblb9 In the Hyp miotic Magazine, Tells How to Practice It. Confidence that you can do what you try Is necessary to success. It you haven't absolute confidence, assume as much as you can, when trying your first subject. Get you a person.somoono who Is willing, and toll him you will, If he does what you tell him, put him to sleep. Impress upon him the Idea, that you can do whut you say you will. Be fore .beRlnnlns operations, tell him that you will clve him a bright object to loo): at, and that ho will, after looking at It awhile, become drowsy, then more and more drowsy, until finally he will be compelled to close his eyes and to sleep. Be sure you tell him that he will notice nothing unusual about the drow siness; tell him that It will be just as natural as anv sleep that he has ever enjoyed. Let him not expect anything unusual to occur; for such will distract his attention ,and make him to some extent less passive than ho should be. If the subject happen to be a friend who knows your purpose, It may be necessary, In order to gain his consent, to say that you will let him sleep only a few minutes, and that you will not make him do anything ridiculous while under your Influence. Of course, you Intend to make him sleep a long time, and you mean to make him do a great many funny, If not ridiculous things excusing yourself by the reflection that you are guilty of the fiction for the sake and benefit of science. You will after awhile become so Interested In making experiments, that you will feel no stirring, much less pricking, of con science" for a deceutlon which Injures n(j one. After assuring your subject that no harm can come to him, you will place him In an easy position, bring his .hand about four Inches from his eyes, having placed In It some bright ob ject. I usually take n bottle-stopper of cork and cover It with tinfoil; though a coin, or even an object not bright, will do as well. Tell him to look right at It; and to never, under any circum stances, look away from it, but to con tinue, no matter who comes Into the room or around him to look straight at It, Say such words as these: "Keep on now looking right at It, and direct ly you will become drowsy, your eye lids will get heavy, and then heavier, and heavier; then you will close your eyes and sleep. Now keep on looking, and do everything I tell you to, but nothing else." Pause a moment or two and let him have time; for you will fall If you try to hurry too much at first. He will think It more natural If you give him a moment to get sleepy. No wide-awake person can become sleepy In a single moment. Again repeat: ''Now your eyes are getting heavier Btlll you are getting more and more sleepy directly you will sleep but do not close your eves until I tell you. Now you can scarcely hold them open; but keep looking at It. I will tell you Mien, to close them." Keep making such suggestions, and be deliberate and positive In making them. Make them as If you knew them. Give him no time to think after he really begins to get sleepy. Let him only listen. As soon us you observe his eyelids really grow ing heavy, say: "Your eyes are al most closed now," making your words long' drawn out, and spoken in a tone which will not arouse him, but will, in stead, Indicate that you are yourself sleepy and almost gone. Continue as lollovs: "Directly your eyes will just have to close you Just cannot keep them open see, they are closing now they are almost ready to close now they will close and you will sleep. Close them." Pause a moment, then say: '.'Sleep." Give the comand to sleep In a cjulet, yet firm and masterful, way. MAKE SUGGESTIONS. . 5fou will see that the eyelids may qulfer for a few seconds, sometimes .for a minute; but very soon the subject "will settle back In his chair, freiiuent ly with a sigh, und the Cyes will be come quiet, and his limbs show perfect relaxation. Let him remain so for some minutes, saying nothing to him atoll. When you are ready to operate, it Is well for you us a beginner, especial ly If you have a new subject, to con stantly make suggestions. For In stance, you say, "Nothing will wake you, and nothing will hurt you. You can open your eyes, but you will stay asleep. Now I am about to raise your arm, but you won't wake up. Nothing will wake you." Hub the arm n few .times and say, "Now you can't take It down see, you can't. You are sound asleep and you will do everything tell you to do; but you' will not wake up you can't wake up till I tell you." The arm will remain In the position In which it Is placed, and, if you tell him that no one can take it down or bend it, you will find It true that no one can. I almost always begin operations in that way, placing both arms In up lifted position, with both legs out stretched in same manner. "When you are' ready to take them down, rub them Gently but firmly (though In a differ ent manner from the way you stroked them in making them rigid), and say, "Now you can take them down see, you can you will do everything r tell yqu. You will have to do so. No One can wake you except myself." Some people say that the eyes must be opened or a shock must be given, before the subject will became cataleptic; but they are entirely mis taken. I have, with the subject's eyes insult uiusi-u, aaneu people to try ti uend a rigid arm, and even though! they exerted their whole strength in the effort, they have invariably failed. Again, I have had a subect, while In the cataleptic state, tempted by an offer of reward to move his hand or other part of his body; but in every instance the arm has failed to be moved. For ex ample, I have, amusing my friends by giving a private exhibition, taken a new subject provided by them, and, having hypnotized him, asked in n whisper someone to offer him money If he would only take it. Often the sub ject a fingers would move very, very slightly at the tips, but never haB' one succeeded In taking the money. Again, after I have suggested to the subject that he may hear others talk but that he Will not understand them, because SM he will listen to me alone, I have found it always to bo the' case that he really could not understand others. For In stance, I once had a boy hypnotized who was dreadfully afraid of his fatti er. This fact was known to a friend of mine who happened to come Into my olllce at the time; and knowing that I had told the boy he could not wake unless I commanded him, and that I had told him he could not understand anyone except me, he shook him and told him that his father was right there with us. The boy did not move, even when my friend shook him ns hard as he could, nor would bo make an effort to take a five-dollar coin when placed In his open palm; though he was told that he might have it for his own if he would only take it. Not oven his finger tips twlched. This proved to my friend, who had been prior to that time somewhat skeptical, that there was more in hypnotism than he had be lieved. I tried an experiment once with this same subject, the result of which has since been verified by numerous other experiments, to see If a person hypnotized at one time can remember, at a subsequent time when he Is hypno tized, what he did when he was under the Influence at the first time. I once told him that a stick, holding It before him, was a snake: and when I moved the stick toward him, ho exhibited signs of alarm. I told him that he would always know, whenever he might see It, that It was a snane. After I had aroused him, in a manner to be re lated hereafter, he did not remember a. single thing which he had done while hypnotized; and when the stick was shown him and he was asked what It was, he at once said It was a stick. Some time afterward, I think about two weeks after, I had another chance at him; and when he was thoroughly hypnotized, I held the stick up before him; ho at once Jumped quickly back and asked me not to let It bite him. I moved It toward him and he cried aloud, begging me all the while to take It away. When I asked him what It was, he at once said: "It's a snake, it's a snake." Yet, when he was aroused after this trial, he know the stick only as a stick. This suggests an experi ment which I will be glad to try, or have tried, and show him a stick. I do not know myself what would be the result, but I take It that if ho remem bers one thing while hypnotized, that he has done at another time while In the same condition, lie will also remem ber everything. To further prove the fact that one remembers In this way what he has previously done, I will give another Illustration. I once told a young lady while hypnotized, to count after me thus, "one, two, four, five, .six," etc., being careful that I should leave out the number three. Then I told her to count In the same way by herself, and she left out that number. After arousing her she count ed properly, much to my surprise, as will hereafter appear. She was not told that she had counted wrong, or that she had been made to count at all, while asleep. Some weeks afterward I hyp notized her azain and, after trying a number of other experiments, said: "Count." She, without the slightest hesitation, counted as follows: "One, two, four, live, six," etc. 1 had, fre quently, before that, told p person un der the influence to count, leaving out a certain number always suggesting to him that ho was counting right. For Instance, I would say: "Count, one, two, four, five, six," etc. Then I would say: "There is no sucli thing as three you will always remember that there is no three, and when you are waked you will count one, two, lour, live, six, etc. Now, count again." Invariably, until my experience with the young lady before mentioned, the subjects have counted wrong after being waked. The strange part about It is the fact that they will not remember a single other thing that they have done. I have told them to count off on their fingers; and they will, to the amusement of the spec tators, skip one linger of the hand, or will put two lingers together and count them as one. I am not sure why the lady counted properly after being wak ed, but I have reached the conclusion that I failed to make the suggestion that she would, after belnr, waked, count as she had while hypnotized. Sly mind Is not, however, altogether clear on this point. Somewhat similar to this experiment is nnother which, when you practice It, will astonish you. For' In stance, you say to the subject that ho will not know you when ho wakes, but that he will think you are some other person. Invariably (I have never known it to fall) he will, after being waked, think you are that other per son. I have had subjects to ask me where I had gone, even though I was In plain evidence before them. This Is true of new subjects as well as old ones. I have told a subject that her sister, who was sitting beside her, was some other person (naming the other), and that when she waked she would know her sister as that other person, Sure enough, she would declare, even Insist Indignantly, that her own sister was someone else. The effect of this would necessarily wear off after a time; but to avoid any possible harm that might result to the mind of one left In such confusion, I always re-hypnotize the subject und remove the false impression by proper surgestloh. It I happen to be the one who disappeared, I simply say: "I have come back now, and when you wake up you will know me." TO nE-IIYPNOTIZE. To re-hypnotlze I do not use any bright object, but simply tell the sub ject that I am going to put him asleep again. I leave no time for argument, but proceed, often over their objections, to make a few rapid passes with my hand, touching their face, forehead and eyes, always making the proper sug gestions, such as "you are getting sleepy ycu will sleep very soon oh, you ure so tired you want to rest to sleep to sleep and you will sleep you aro about to sleep now you are almost, almost, almost asleep." Pause a mom ent and then say: "Now you are asleep; sleep till I wake you." If a subject ever becomes hysterical, ho can at once bo quieted by simply suggesting that ,he will sleep quietly and wltjiout dreaming. What 1 have said proves that a cer- tain kind of Influence can continue to bo exerted upon one by the operator af ter his subject has been waked; no, not by the operator (for I believe his Influ enceas a hypnotist ceases ns soon as his subject Is aroused), but that the op eration Itself may exert Its Influence over subsequent notions. Uninformed persons protend that a hypnotist can compel a man to commit a crime nftcr being awakened from his trance. I say, emphatically, and I nm Sure every prac tical hypnotist will bear me out In the assertion, that a hypnotist cannot make a good man act, after he has been arous ed, contrary to what his conscience dic tates. Whether or not a good man will do wrong, by suggestion while In the "trance," I regard as still being open for discussion. I have made many sub jects steal und hide things away In their pockets, and after being waked and having their pllferings discovered, their confusion and chagrin have been pain ful to behold. These persons have borne good reputations and are ap parently good men; but who can say with absolute certalnlty that they were as good as they seemed. From the very nature of the thins, the question will remain always somewhat unsettled. I do believe, however, that a good subsequent Influence can be exerted, mid that those morally bad can be made to reform to some extent. In fact, by making this kind of jtn experiment several times on the same person, I have been successful In curing a subject of bad hublts. A FALSE IMPRESSION. It Is also true, when you have a per son hypnotized, you can make him have a false Impression of something that has happened before ho wa3 put asleep. For Instance, I have made agreements with now subjects who re fused to be hypnotized without re muneration, to pay them some certain amount; and while they were asleep I have told them that they would not remember what I had promised to pay them. In such case they would not remember, and I could afterward pay them just whatever I pleased. I have also told them that they would remem ber what I had promised to give them, and I would then name a much smaller amount, and tell them that, when they waked, they would know that the smaller amount Was what I had prom ised to pay them. Invariably, they would name this smaller amount. I have seen no mention made anywhere of an experiment of this kind, and I know of no beter one to try when an operator wants to convince his friends that hypnotism Is no fraud. Let your friends make a contract with some person to be used ns a subject; and, when he Is hypnotized, change the amount by suggestion. If he Is a sub ject with whom you have had no con versation, and whom you have not previously known, there can be no room for doubt In the minds of your audience, when the subject demands, and Is contented with, a much smaller amount, than they hud agreed to pay him. I always pay such subjects, as have been deceived In this way, enough to raise their renumeratlon to what I had really agreed to pay; but I always do It as a gratutloua contribution. A person who would take advantage of such a situation and rob a man in this condition would be the very meanest und most degraded in the whole cate gory of mean and degraded thieves. Once I made the mistake of telling a boy, whom I had frequotly deceived in this way, the real reason why I had given him more, as he supposed, than I had agreed. Afterward, whenever I wanted to hypnotize him, he would refuse to allow me to do so until he had written down the amount on a piece of paper and had carlred It down the street to some particular friend. He would always tell his friend to give It to him whenever he should see him again. I sometimes would tell him to write the amount on the paper and put It in his pocket; but he would say that I could make him tear It up and forget having done so, which, of course, I could have done. Another subject, a friend of this one, thought he would be safe In hiding the paper on which he had written the amount I had agreed to give him; so, before being hypno tized, he carried It down from my olllce and hid It very safely away. The most of you who hour me by reading this, have really hidden them from yaur which you wanted to keep very, very secuie; and sometimes you have suc ceded so well In hiding them that you have really hlden them from your selves. Just eo with this bov; he hid his paper so well that he has never found It since In fact, he has never thought of finding It. It is needless to say that he was Paid oven more than I had promised to pay him. I mention the circumstance merely to show the wonderful possibilities of this strange Influence. In this connection, I must tell a joke on myself. I once told a subject that he would remember a much larger amount than the one I had really agreed to pay. When he waked he stoutly declared that I owed him the larger amount; and he was honest In his contention. I was sorry the rule worked both ways, though 1 should have known It would; nevrtheless, I paid him the advanced rate, because I knew he would otherwise always be lieve that I had cheated him. A FRUITFUL FIELD. Such experiments suggest a fruitful field to scientific investigation. Query: Can an event that took place a month or more before be, by hypnotism, so changed that It will appear to be a dif ferent thing, or to be forgotten alto gether? Suppose a man sign a note for $100 and, afterward, while hypnotized be made to sign one of the same date as the first but for a larger amount. Supposet hen, the first note Is desroyed and the man is made to believe that he gave a note for the Increased amount. Will this belief be permanent? I know such false Impression of some thing happened Immediately before will be uedmnnent; for I have proven such to be the case In a great many harm less experiments. A few evenings since, I gave an ex hibition for the pleasure of my friends, and I expected, in order that I might be perfectly successful and they might not be disappointed, to use a subject whom I have hypnotized before. As has been often said, a subject works better af ter having been hypnotized a few' times. Thoughtlessly I had told a friend of this subject a few of the pranks we had been playing on him at various times while we had him asleep. Well, the friend let the cat out of the hag. It waB the subject's first Information upon the real nature of the affair, as I had always told him that I wuld only make him go to sleep and that I would not make him perform ut all. The consequence was, being afraid that I would make him do some tricks to amuse the company, that he did not appear, Someono vol unteered to get another person; und one whom I had never seen was brought In. I was entirely successful, and his antics amused those present very much, For instance, I would open his mouth and tell him that ho could not close It; nor could he. Then I would toll him that bees .were gglng into It. He would not close his .outh, but ho used his hands with rap.u und repeat ed motions at the imaginary bees. I told him his nose was made of India rubber, and, tnklng hold of It, made pretence of pulling It out as I would a rubber band. When I told him I would let It go, ho begged me not to do so, and cried uloUd when I did let go. And It was the same way with his car; he would feel It and rub It, and his ex pression showed very clearly his sur prise at finding It made of India-rubber. I made him assume the ridiculous positions of a man fishing with a broom stick, which Is a very common experi ment. 1 took his hand and forced a needle completely through It, and he did not move a muscle or show any sign whatever of discomfort. After I had told him that ho could not feel anything, 1 rubbed his eyeballs with my linger; yet he did not make a mo tion. As physicians say, "reflex action of the nerve was not present," and a surgical operation could then have been performed without pain to the patient. To continue: I made his limbs rigid, nnd no one could bend them. I put u chair somewhat removed from the one on which he was seated and told him he was getting stiff all over; and he did at once become cataleptic and lay stretched out, with his head (not his head and neck but his head) on one chair and his heels on the other. In this position I placed a heavy nlano- stool on him, and he bore the weight easily, and would have borne much more. I am sure the editor will say that ho does not approve of such fool ish experiments; and I agree with him. EXPERIMENTS IN CATALEPSY. A much better experiment Is to make a subject become cataleptic, by sugges tion, while lying full length upon the floor. Then you can take him by his feet and raise them, without his body bending in the least, until he Is stand ing directly upon his head, To continue, I told the subject that the chair on which ho sat was getting hot and that, as soon as I counted three, it would be red-hot. When I said three, he bounced up and rubbed the seat of his trousers In a very nat ural maimer; and no one could force him by main strength to touch the chair again. As soon as I counted two and said, "Now It is cold," he sat down again with evident relief. The company was very much amused by his descrip tion of heaven. I asked him if he wanted to go there with me nnd he declared that he did. Perhaps It may not be sacrilegious for me to say that I was desirous of obtaining the credit of being the means of at least one person reaching heaven; so I touched his shoulders with my hand and told him that I had given him wings. Be ing unaccustomed to flying, he pro ceeded to use his pinions in a very un graceful manner, in the Imaginary flight through space. Soon I told him that wo had reached the place, and he looked all around him with eyes wider open than any I have ever seen. His delight made his face almost shine. He was, there is no doubt of it, really happy. He saw angels, heard music, Joined himself (at my suggestion) In the chorus, danced and shouted. The cows browsed upon grass that was puro gold; the stars also were of pure gold, except, as he expressed It, their "points," which were made of dia monds as largo and brilliant as the sun In the sky. It seems to you, doesn't It, a shame to carry a person from so beautiful a place to condemn him to the horrors of the world or condition called hell? I think so myself; but wait till you are yourself making those experiments and you will also be, un der the excitement and Interest of the moment, unnaturally cruel. I told him we would leave, that we were sinking, falling falling faster and fnster, and on that we had passed our own world and that wo would soon be In hell. I then said, "Now, when I count three, open vour eyes and you will be there." I then counted three and he was, to judge from his express ion and his movements, really there. His expression was one of alarm, ac companied with the utmost horror. I told him the devils were after him, and he struck at them frantically every where around him. I myself personat ed the devil (and some tender-hearted and good person who reads this will think the substitution could easily have been made without loss of character to myself) and told him I would throw fire on him. As soon ns I made a movement of doing so, he begged mo not to do It, crying aloud and knocking at his clothes as If they were burning. I then took a broom and, telling him It was a fiery serpent, chased him around the room. I told him then that if he' was wicked he would come to live In that jilace forever; and he was very ready to assure me that he would always be poor. I tried to atone for my cruelty to him by teaching him in this way a lesson In good, moral conduct. All this occurred at the home of a prominent nttorney, all of whose sons are also attorneys. It so happened that one of them, an able practitioner, had defended this particular subject In a case where he had been charged with committing a criminal offense. I was asked to learn If be really com mitted the offense. Placing my hand on his head, I told him he would tell me the truth about whatever I asked him that he would have to do so. I then asked him If ho had committed the crime, and ho told me yes. I made him tell me then In circumstantial de tail all about It, omitting nothing at all. He had been acquitted of the charge, a jury having declared him to bo not guilty; yet he made n complete con feslon, without hesitation or shame, before the whole company. I assured him he would forget telling us about it, and when he was waked he denied that he had committed the offense. He said that people had accused him of It, but that he had not done; and he per sisted, and vet persists, in declaring that he Is innocent. UNCONSCIOUS CONFESSION. While speaking of compelling sub jects to tell things which their good common sense would prompt them to preserve secret, I am reminded of one occurrence that shows how particular a person should be In pursuing this line of Investigation. One day, upon his own suggestion. I hypnotized a young man who defied mo to make him tell any thing while I had him asleep. He thought he had too much sense to say anything that ought to be kept secret. Having his consent, I made him tell mo who was his sweetheart anil to tell me their secrets. Had the name he disclosed been that of one whom I knew, or wus likely to know, I would have allowed him to go no further. To my astonishment, a man who had ac companied him to my office was about to strike him. and would have done so had I not prevented him. He said It was ,hls cousin tliat. the boy was talk ing about. As a consequence, though the boy knew nothing at all about It after waking up, they had a quarrel, and do not speak as they pass, To continue the recital of the partic ular case which I have been discuss ing, I will say that there was absolute ly nothing suggested which he did not at once readily do, I told him that a spider waa in his coat mid ho quickly threw. It off; then I told him It was in his vest and he threw that off. The spider stopped In the vest to the great relief of the subject and, doubtless, also, to that of the company. I then made him put his coat under a rug upon the floor, and told him that when he waked he would remember that he had put It behind the piano, which was In a different part of the room. I took also a quarter of a dollar and told him that It was u five-dollar gold piece (to which he assented), und made him put It, with his eyes open, Into the shoe of his left foot. I told him that ho would remember when he wakened that ho had put a live-dollar gold coin In the right-hand pocket of his pants. I then told him that he would remem ber absolutely nothing else except these two things. When I aroused him from his slumber he was much mortified to find himself stretched upon the parlor floor without his coat, In the presence of so many ladles. To the amusement of the company, he went nt once around behind the piano to find his coat. Not finding it ho thought some one had tak en It away. A few moments afterward, when a reward was offered him if he could find tho coat, he went again to the plAno to search more closely for it. He never did find It, and declares until this day that he put it be hind tho piano. When asked If anyone had given him anything while ho was asleep, he answered that someone had' given him a five-dollar gold piece, but when told that he might have It If he could find It, ho at once ran his hand Into the right-hand pocket of his trtints. Yet this man was made to forgot every single thing that he had done and said', except these two thliies. which he re membered, but In a wrong and different way from that In uhlch they occurred. It Is very strange; yet It Is true! I have tried the same experiment In as many as twenty-live cases, and the re sult has always been the same they may be made to forget somo things and to remember others and those others, If you wish them so, wrong. I have detailed our work with the foregoing particular subject, because ycu can, If you try, do the very same things; and what you do with one you can do with all. I have In as many as thirty cases done the very things de tailed In tho foregoing Instance. Many things will suggest themselves to you as interesting experiments, and you will make many wonderful discoveries as you proceed. AROUSING THE SUBJECT. I have not yet told my method of arousing the subject, and I will now do so. Whenever you are ready to arouse him, merely tell him that you are go ing to wake him very soon. This gives his mind preparation for the chnnge not that he would not at once awake if you should simply command him, but I have decided that It is best to give this notice. I usually say: "Now, I am about to wake you; you will feel perfectly well; you will feel even bet ter than you did before you became asleep; you will not have any headache at all. Now, when I count three, you will open your eyes and wake up, and you will be wide-awake. Now pay at tention to me. Do you understand me? All right. One. two, three open your eyes wake up." Tho lust words should be spoken in a quick, clear, decisive way. Do not be alarmed if occasionally a subject who has been long In a profound lethargy seems to be drowsy and only half awake. Talk of him and ho will very soon be all right. There Is abso lutely no danger of fulling to wake a subject. I have read somewhere that you have to snap your fingers before them, or blow In their face. These methods, accompanied by tho proper suggestion, will certainly work, but I think a gradual transition Is always best for the subject. He is not then so bewildered. Some people have wondered at my uniform success in making my subjects completely forget what they have done while under my lnlluei.ee. 1 do not know how it happens, unless It be for this reason, viz., I always make them, just before waking, slumber very pro foundly. I say, "Now, 1 am going to let you sleep soundly for awhile, and you will forget every single thing you have done while you were asleep." If I want to make some exceptions I name them again to the subject and tell him to be sure that he will remember those things, but that he will forcet every single thins else. 1 then let him sleep for a few seconds, or a minute, being careful to not make him perform any more afterward. Then, before I pro ceed to wake him, I tell him he has forgotten those things. Sure enough, when he wakes he has no recollection of them. This has been true of every sin gle case which I have tried. I have never had a case In which the subject was only partially hypnotized. Again, I have seen it written that a pei-son can wake of his own volition whenever he wishes. This is not so, if you impress the subject with the sug gestion that he cannot wake until you tell him to do so; and that no one ex cept you can possibly wake him. 1 have several times had persons to beg with persuasive pleading that I wake them. Yet these same persons would continue to be responsive to my sug gestions, and, after being waked, would have forgotten everything that occurred during the sleep sometimes contending that they had not been asleep at all, and denying that they had done any of the ridiculous things of which we told them. I once told a sub ject tiiat no one could wake him except mvself; and after I had Impressed him with the suggestion I left him lying prostrate upon the floor. Ton or fifteen minutes afterward, nt one time an hour after, I had sent some men, one after another, to tr to wake him; and every single one had failed, een though all had shaken him vigorously. I was cruel enough once to mako n youth, without waking him, walk Into a lake of water to the depth of his throat. 1 wunted fur my own benefit to see It it would wake him; so I told him it would not. I did, however, tell him that the water was a cornfield, and that he would go A ffl 13 a? K3 aii uieai pIS out Into It and gather mo some corn, it was at night and I made tho experi ment In opposition, I am sorry to say, to the wishes of some ladles who were present. Tim iom,.... ....... ...., ...i t - .... ..kmuvi ihvo t.tiiiu nun J Kenw no harm could result. At the sug gestion, the subject at once walked out into the water without tho slightest hesitation, nnd did not stop until I told lllm. I do llOt ImrlU' U'lmtlim. ,,. ttnt In, would have gone ueyond his depth; for I would mnke no such experiment, and I advise ull who rend this to make none such. It Is always criminal to trifle with human life, even If crime may not result from the trlllllng. At another time 1 mndo a boy sit down ou a hot stove without seeming discomfort, and with no apparent dam age beyond tho scorching through of two pairs of pants which ho was wear ing, and which I replaced by two pairs of new ones. It was a very cold day, and he did not wake. Such foolish ex periments as those were made only dur ing the first days of my experlence.when I was testing the phenomena of hypno tism. I had read no hooks upon the sub ject and none were. In fact, available. I was anxious to learn what one could do with hypnotism. NOT SUPERNATURAL. I am almost through,' but I must, be fore closing, take Issue with those who claim that the hypnotist is a person of supernatural possibilities. Anyone who will practice with patience the rules hero laid down can successfully typno tlze; but you need not expect, even If you should so desire, to hypnotize a per son against his will, at least not In the first instance. I have, after hynotlzing one subject quite a number of times, say fifteen or twenty times, succeeded repeatedly In mesmerizing him In op position to his will and against his phy sical resistance; but I believe such cases are rare. Nor can you possess the mystical and mythical power of Svengall! If a per son has not music In her soul, she can neither sing nor play (oven though hyp notized) at the dictation of a Svengnll the lamented Du Marnier and many sentimentalists to the contrary not withstanding! You may have a person hypnotized ever so thoroughly and that person cannot read your mind nor the mind of anyone else; nor can the per son hypnotized foretell events, nor tell what Is happening In another part of this or any other country, though spir itualists and charlatans think other wise. Hypnotism Is not something unreal; It Is not something now. It Is only a mental phenomenon, long discovered, though not yet understood, being now put to practical use. In the hands of physicians the good to mankind of this force, this phenomenon, this mental condition (or whatever It may be called), Is Inestimable. I myself have quit practicing It; and-to me many of Its mysteries will bo mysteries forever. I have never studied the philosophy of the subject, and I shall not. I have learned what I know from practical ex perience, and I want no more know ledge and no more experience. Not that I know all about the subject, for I do not, nor does anyone; but my deci sion has been made fioin the firm be lief that It Is not well for a layman to practice hypnotism. sincerely believe that It should be used for tho benefit of humanity, and not ieroly to gratify the- curiosity of the operutor and for the amusement of his friends. I know how to hypnotize, but I do not know how to apply Its use to the benefit of mankind; therefore, with this treatise (if It may be dignified by the name) t leave the subject and Its practice for ever. IIOltKKI.USS SLEIGHS. Will I5c Kun by Shatp Pointed Wheels Ilctwecn the Itunncrs. Tho first heavy snowfall in New York and Paris this winter will see the arrival of a most novel Invention for tho sleighing season a horselesi slriyh Heretofore the horseless wagon has a monouolv of transportation sensa tions, but French Ingenuity has sub stituted rumiPis for wheels s-nJ devel oped tho "two-and - a - half-seated sleigh" two - and - a - half-seated be cause there Is a little seut for the driv er In front und room for four persons at the rear. Perhaps It may seem a little out of place to talk about diving a horseless sleigh, but If un engineer drives an en gine, why Is It not possible for a pretty girl to drive a sleigh propelled by a gasoline motor? That Is just what Is going to happen, anyway. In general appearance tho horseless sleigh does not differ from the regu lation sleigh that wo see every winter. Heneath the body of the vehicle Is the mechanism that mover the runners. A sharp-toothed wheel there situated digs into the frozen earth and pushes the sleigh along, us side wheels propel a stenmboat. The testh of this wheel are very strong. A paving stone has no terrors for them, and as for asphalt pavement, the wheel makes merry with it. ' Pos sibly this may be considered an argu ment against the horseless sleigh, but what's the use of borrowing trouble? Just back of the wheel Is the motor. It Is under the Inst seat, and the gaso ollno which moves It Is contained In a little tank. The steering apparatus re minds one of that of a hook and ladder truck or a cable car. To guide the sleigh It Is only necessary to turn a wheel. There Is no danger of tho sleigh run ning away. There is nothing about the steering nparatus or the motor Itself which the simplest mind cannot com prehend. AVhether or not New York takes to tho horseless sleigh remains to bo seen. A well known carriage manufacturer has the American lights and Is going to find out. It Is to be hoped that tho winter will be kinder to us In the matter of snow than usual tor New Yorkers like novelties quite as much ns do the gay Parisians. ling about the house, paint, floors, pots and pans, dishes and glassware, silver and tinvare, can be done better, quicker 'and cheaper with f than with any other cleausing compound, largest package greatest economy. THE If. K. FAIRBAITK C0MPATIY, Clilcasv.tit, Louis, I'ev YvrU, Uostuu, l'litUnlelp&U. sTXrtra cTffk M3Y sCJsuffV -AND- , Ail Liver Disorders. RADWAY'S PILLS aro puroly voEotablo mild and reliable. Cauio Perfect Digestion, comploto absorption nnd healthful regularity. SJ cunts a box. At Druggists, or by mail. "Book of Advico" f roo by mall. RADWAY St CO., No. ss Ulm Street, New York. YUANIA KAILttOAP COMPANY. Personally-Conducted Tours MATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE, CALIFORNIA Three tours to CALIFORNIA nnd tho PACIFIC COAST will leave New York nnd Philadelphia Jan. 27, Feb. 21, and March 27, 1807. Flvo weeks In California on tho first tour, nnd four weeks on tho second. Passengers on tho third tour may return on regular trains within nlno months. Stop will bo made at New Or leans for MarUI-Qrus festivities on the second tour. Kates from Now York, Philadelphia and points east of Pittsburg: First tour. $310.00; second tour, $3M.00; third tour, $210.00 round trip, and $150.00 ono way. FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In Florida, will leave Now York nnd Phil adelphia Jnn. 20. Feb. 9 and 23, nnd March 9, 1S97. Hate, covering expenses en routo in both directions, $j0,00 from New York, and J1S.00 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of threo days, will leave New l'ork nnd Philadel phia Dec. 29, 1S9G, Jnn. 21, Feb. It, March 11, April 1 nnd 22, and Mny 13, 1S97. Hate, Including transportation nnd two iiuys' accommodation nt tho best TI'ashlnKtoni hotels. $14. SO from New York, and $11.50 from Philadelphia OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS' Returning Direct ur Via RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON will lenve New York nnd Philadelphia Dec. 2G, ISM, Jan. 25, Feb. 20, March IS. nnd April 15, 1S97. For detniled itineraries nnd other in formation, npply nt ticket nprencles, or, address Oeorgo W. Boyd, assistant gen eral passenger agent, Droad Street Bta. tlon, Philadelphia. ASKFMraE&mQLON GiVBSTfflL And !5AB9Lyray SAFE FOR SALE BY THE ifilTiC REFINING CO SCRANTON STATION. THE ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH Bl'lTG, SCRANTON, PA. FINING AND BLASTING MADE AT MOOSIC AND HUGH DALE WORKS. LAFL1N & RAND POWDER CO'3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, nioctrio Exploclors, for ex ploding blasts, bufety Fuss, and Repauno Chemical Co. 's BxiI!osivBs. ; a HOTELS, '- M 7, v THHT V "WXHtmWA Wm. M. BATES. rffil WfC a&sras WS?n7 p"r7gr An established hotel under new mnnncnmpnt CtjJSk lil PBWDER CO., nnd thorouehly ubrenst if tho times. Visitors to New Yoik will nndthellvercttln tho very heart of tho shopping district, convenient to places of amusement and readily accessible from all part -t the city. EUHOI'iUN PLAN. The St. Denis Broadway and I;lcentli St., New York, Opp, Grace Church, -Huropcan Plan. Rooms $i.oo n Day and Upwards. In n modest and unobtrnslvo way thoro aro few butter conducted hotels in the metropolis than tho St. Denis. Tho great popularity It his pcquirod can readily bu traced to its unlouo location, its homellko atmosphere, tho peculiar excollonco of its culsiuo ana service, and its vary moder sito prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOIL i