The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Kvcr took place in .Men's and
at almost half their value. Come
early and get the best selections.
Norn & ioor
U20 Wyoming Ave.
jlj THE
30S Penn Aenue. A. U. WARMAN.
Here is a chauce for you
if you are in need of a carpet.
A Few
Patterns of
Closing at
45c. Per Yard.
Carpels, Draperies and Wall Papar.
crry isotes.
Dornatd Manley, of Cedar avenue, had
a foot ciushud at thu South Mill on
M. H JnckEon, In Jail on a surety charge.
was leleused jestetduy on $300 ball fut
nlshed by M. 12. Juckson.
J Myles Gibbons, son of Dr. ltlchard II.
Gibbons, has been elected manager of the
Unlveislty of PtnnsjlvunUi hockey team
In the estate- of Isabella F. Fordham,
late of Scianton, lettets of admlnlsttatlon
were gtanted to the daughter, Maty r.
Kav s.
The postponed annual meeting of the
Home for the Friendless will be held Tues
day at i p. m at the Young Women's
Chilstlan association.
The Sctanton Turneis and the South
Scianton Uusket Hall teams, will plav at
Tut tier hall Monday evening. A social
will be given aftui the game. Ladles will
be admitted fiee.
Thlt tj-thiee' citizens of Mooslc jestei
day filed in coutt a petition to have the
polling placo of tho West dlstriet of Lack
awanna township moved to the house of
the Mooslc Hose companj.
Tiamps broke Into the Delawaio and
Hudson depot at Jermjn Thuisdaj night
and stole a number of tickets which they
stamped befoto leaving tho olllce. The
ticket numbets are known.
Assessors teturns to the county com
mlbsloneis weiu made e&teiday b Hen
iv Beck, Arehbald, V. H. Stevens,, North
Ablngton, Hdwaid Grave", Jermyn, First
ward, and John A. Woodbrldge, Daltott.
Seventeenth waid Ilepublleans will cau
cus In Aldeunan Howe's olllce this even
ing between 7 and 3 o'clock. The candi
dates for common council are the piesent
Incumbent, Luther Kellet, and Y. S.
The current number of tho
School News contains half-tone pot tt alts
of the members ot thu l'ennsvlvnnla Com
mission of tho Soldiers.' Oiplmns' Schools,
among them being an exeellent llkeneJs
of Colonel 1J. II. Hippie.
The members of tho board of managers
for the Homo of the Friendless and the
Young Women's Christian association are
asked to meet ul the home of ilts Fiank
Watts, 417 Qulncy avenue, this morning at
s o cjock to attend ttio runeial of Mrs. J.
L. Stelle.
The Wlnton school board case w 111 come
up again today, when an effort will be
made by Wart en & Knapp attorneys for
the McAndtew board to have Judge Atch
bald giant a rehearing. Should tho ex
teptlons be dismissed the ease will. It is
likely, bo appealed to tho Supteme couit.
Manager Frank Glett, ot the Nantlcoke
Basket Ball team, and Nelson Teets, man
ager of tho Scranton Tut tier team, made
arrangements Thursday evening aftei tho
Sctimton-Nanticoke game for the Turner
and 'Nantlcoke teams to play. The game
will be played in this city on Thuisday
evening, Jan. 28, at Turner hall.
Abbott Bucto, of Lloyd street. Provi
dence, was ai rested yesterday afternoon
nt 4 o'clock on a vvairant sworn out befoio
Alderman Millar at tho lnstanco of Dom
inic Stilgar. Tho charge against Bucto Is
the larceny of bottles. Ho was given a
hearing by Aldeunan Millar last evening
and was released on ?3u0 ball to appear
at .cout U
Dr. I. Y. Iteed, father of Mrs. J. D.
Clarke, of Madison avenue, died jester
day morning at Leesburg, Pa. Dr Heed
was foimerly a resident of this city and
married a 'daughter or tho well-known
Trueman Knott, a polncer retsldont of this
city. Death was prececded by ayhreo
weeks' selgo of sickness. Mrs. Clarke left
yesterday for Leesbuig.
A public installation ot officers will bo
held by Geojgo Fell post, Grand Army of
tho Republic, of Wavorly, this afternoon
In conjunction with Ladles' cltcle. No, 67.
In tho evening Hon. N. C. Mackey will
present a memorial volumo to tho post
which will receive It through Itev. A, B.
Brown. II. L Paine, of this city, will
make a ptesontatlon address.
John Johnson Is languishing In the
county jnll with a decidedly unenviable
chaw ngalnst him. .Mary r. Gallagher
U tho complalnnnt nnd she nlliKP l'1 lt
JohnHon has refused to kceji IiIn jiromlfo
nml.mnrry hot. Hho wants hct child to bo
able to call him "papa" and theiefoie had
lilm nrnilgucd before thu aldeunan vea
terday. Ho pi cf erred the county jail to
the cndeuimcnts of .Alary, and he's thcio
II. 15. ltnud, attorney for tho Traction
company, yentcid.iy tiled a domuuer to
the suit bi ought by Catliorlno Sweeney to
recover $1,000 damages for Injuries alleged
to luivo been sustained by being mn down
by a car on Lackawanna avenue, July IS,
ISOj. In tho demuner It Is aened that
thero was nothing In the plaintiffs ela
claiatlon alleging that tho Injuiy wan
received without negligence on tho part
of the plaintiff.
The Young Women's Christian nssoeli
tlon looms weiu ciowded last Tuesday ev
ening to hour the pupils of Miss Caioltic
V. Doisoj sing and teelte. This was olio
of tho llnest recltnls given In Sci anion In
some time, and merited the lavishly be
stow td praise glvon both to pupils and
teacher. The progmmme was nn excel
lent one and so vailed In chatacter as to
please all fTho vvoilt of tho pupils showed
much ability and caicful ttalnlng.
A charge against Ml. and Mis. John C3.
Burke, of 1'lttston avenue, lesulted In
their nnest yesterday .afternoon by Con
stable Colo, of Piovtdence. The complaint
Is that thej cold llipior without a license.
They vvoie nualgned before Aldeimnn
Howe, of tho Seventeenth ward, who,
after hearing tho testimony, set ball nt
$300 each foi their appearance at quaitci
sessions court D W. Vaughan entered
ball for the defendants and they weie released,
Children'", Dresses.
A lnise assoitmont of leinnants of
Fine Diess Goods for sale at half ptlco
Monday. Moats & Hugen.
Kintsuel; Selected a Very Diiiicrous
i'lncu to Itepose.
Anthony Klntsnek, a young man of
Duivea, -went to sleep on IlallsHuul
colliery dump, TluiiMlnj night, and
when discovered jcbterday morning1 he
was unconscious and almost dead fiom
Inhaling the aulphuious fumes emitted
by the bunting culm.
Klntanok was found at 8.30 o'clock
by Hotel Pioprletor Paul Uiban, vhee
place is just opposite tho culm bank.
Ho was cat lied into tho hotel and aftet
a couple of bouts vvotk by physicians
he revived sufficiently to be- lemoved to
his boarding house. Ills condition Inst
night vas ciitlcal nnd tlteie was feat
that it would be impossible to save his
Klntbnek attended a political mept
ing nt Ui ban's hotel Thuisday night.
He left for home late In tho evening
and that vvat the last seen of him until
his unconscious foitn wan espied on
the tulm dump by Uiban in the mom
Ins. He is 2G jenis of age and came to
this eountiy fiom Germany only a few
j ear3 ago. He boai ded w Ith John Shaf
fer, whoso home is near the Lehigh
Valley cut-oft.
Officers Chosen and Constitution nnd
IJ-J,avvs Adopted.
Thero was a meeting of the Yale
Alumni association of Scianton in the
office of Colonel H. M. Boles last even
ing. Tho committee on constitution
and by-laws and dlnnei, appointed at
the last meeting presented Its tepott
thiougli II. W. Boles. The constitu
tion nnd by-laws vvete adopted as lead,
and Apt II 20 selected as the date for
the dinner. The place has not boon
definitely decided upon, but it will ptob
ably boin thenevv board oftr.ido looms.
Much Intel est nnd enthusiasm
shown In the association by those who
attended last night's meeting. The as
sociation has a membeiship of about
fifty, which includes Judges Alfred
Hand, W. H. Jessup, H. W. Aichbald
and V' N. AVIlIaid.
The officers elected weie: Piesident,
Judge W. II. Jessup; vice-piesldent,
Hemy Helln, ji.; secietaiy and tieas
utci, J. M. Boles. These of licet s, with
Judge It. W. Aichbald and James W
Oakford, will constitute tho executive
Tht constitution does not restilct the
memlAiishlp to alumni. Undetgiadu
ates' applications will also be lecelved.
Chnnges ISuing Kliulo and Others Con
templated About Court House.
Woikmen ate engaged In the main
court loom lowering the ehandelieis and
stilngliig fine wires aciots the loom,
midway between the Hoof and celling
with a view to helping the aceoustles,
which ate not as good as the atchltect
hoped for when he planned the new In
tel loi uiiangement.
The countv commissloneis aie con
templating the lemovnl of the lecord
ei's offices to the rooms now used by
the leglster and the aibltiatlon loom
The iegister will have his quaiteis in
the pie-ent office of the recoider and a
loom will be fitted up on the thiid floor
for an aibltiatlon loom.
Students loulsteicd this week from
Wateivllle, N. Y., and Cresco, Dundaff,
Oveiton, Hmpoilum, Moscov,-, Mlnooha,
Ctaig, Olyphant and Taylor, Ponna.
Pilnclpal Dinke, of the Jersey City
Business collece, visited out looms a
few days since and pionounced the
business depaitment one of the llnest he
had ever seen.
We cordially Invite patents to visit us
and see If there is not n wholesome
moi al and educational atmosphere In
our school.
No better place in which to spend
your evenings than our night school,
bookkeeping, shoithand, penmanship
and English bianehefc, Including alge
bu, geometiy, etc.
Giegoiy, McClosky & Trainer.
V New York Tribune (Jan. 14) sas:
O "Long Island Hggs, SGc. per dozen. '
Q We sell same class! fancy J rse-y's,
2oc quite a dllleience e havo .1
very laige business on this slnglo
item, but want inoie. Have YOU
tried them. Much cheapter than
meats. H. O. COUHSCN.
Wholesalo and Hetall.
We have added to our muslin under
wear sale 23 dozen Ladles' Muslin
Draweis, embroldeiy tilmmed, at 19
and 21 cents a pair, 10 dozen ChildienB"
Muslin Diawers nt 13, 17 and 21 cents.
There will be no more at these pi Ices.
Tliis islinportnnt to You,
And to your wife, son nnd daughter.
You want a home. Think about It.
Buy one of our choice lots In the cen
tral and select part of Scianton at a
handy and convenient walking dis
tance fiom business, theaters, hotels,
churches, stoies and depots, on Adams,
Jefferson, Madison or Momoo avenues.
At most of tho lots flue walks and
curbs aie laid, also seweis, gas and
water mains and steam heat, and in
front of some tho asphalt pave. These
nro sites for superior homes. Pi Ices
1 I.-,,,. 'P,ria .nar Olflnf Hfln friinvnu-
' teed. CalUar circular. Jones,3U Spiuce.
It b Snpponed That She Wns Playing
with a Match.
It Was Taken from thu Smol.o-rillcil
ltooni by Heroic .Mrs. ilIoiilu--i:dnii
Died In tho Anns ot John Whlttu-iiiorc-C'uruuor
Iiongslrout Km
paiiolleit a Jurv Which Mill .licet
Monduj Nlerltt.
EdiM, tho 4-year-old daughter of Mr.
nnd Mis D. 13. Hull, of the Hill block,
on New Yoik street, was fatally buined
yesterday morning by n blaze which
for a time tlueatened tho structure In
which tho boieaved family lesldes.
The giey of ently morning was Just
beginning to dissipate yeslei day 'morn
ing as Mr. and Mrs. Hull atoso from
their sluinbets, leaving In a cilb, dl
lectly In fiont of their beil.the l-yoni-old
dnughtei, Hdna. In the bed was
their voiingei child, a chubby little
lnlto of about 2 yeats.
The father piepaied himself for the
day's labot; he Is n steam flttei, and
the mother busied heiself with the pie
pnintlon of bieakfast, which, being
seived, the husband depaited for the
scene of his day's vvotk.
At a few minutes past 8 o'clock Mrs.
Hull thought she detected the odor of
burning cloth. It was a vague, un-
ft torn
? ff
Gt-t or
Sfcovo rdo ot or rMf
X Crib In Which Little Hndna Lay.
A Bed In Which the Body Slept.
coitaln smell, which, how ever, soon de
v eloped Into a positive, offensive and
ominous odor. She seal died about the
house in a desultoiy manner, when
piesently she heaid a faint ciy fiom
the loom on the upper lloor, whole her
childt en lay.
She hastened up the stalls, pushed
open the door, but was repelled fiom
entering the room by a dense olume
of smoke, which stifled her at flist,
and, as he paused a moment, lendeted
her faint. Overcome by the sense of an
Impending cntastiophe, she could do
nothing but lush to tho front poich of
the Hist floor and call frantically foi
help. Her ciies brought neighbois to
her dooi, who were not long in ascer
taining the cause of the alarm.
Mis. James Monle was the Hist to
anive and with heroism that would
'have done credit to an old volunteer
fliemen, the made her way through the
hallway, up the steps, and groped her
way along the daik passage to the loom
wheie she know the childien lay. The
cut tains of the window weie still diawn
leaving the loom in darkness, save
w here tiny tongues of flame were seen
to eat hungiily at the tabrlcs which
constituted the coveilots of the cilb in
which the gill, Edna, lay. Mis. Monle
(-patched the toot of the cilb and felt
about foi its occupant.
She felt the child's body, nnd her
hands touched the flesh which felt cilsp
und ciaeked under her touch. To all
Indications the child was dead. She
laid it down at the foot of the bed and
turned her attention to the younger
child, which she eairled in safety to the
outer air. At this moment John Whlt
tenioie, a next door neighbor, appealed,
llo went up to the loom and picked up
the ubhoned lemalns of the untoitu
nate Edna.
As ho picked her up she heaved a last
sigh and was dead. He cnined tho le
lnaius to the floor below, giving oiders
that the fi antic mothei was not to see
the lemalns.
An alnim of (lie was sent In and sev
eral companies lesponded Their sei
vlces were not, however, needed.
Late in the day Coioner LoiiRstieet
viewed tho remains and empanelled a
juty composed ol the following: Joseph
Woelkeis, J. T. Flannelly, James Wil
son, Fiedeiick Cavlll, M. Custaid and
T. A. Donohoe. The Jury will meet
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mis. Bull have resided In tho
Hill block but a shoit time. The fum
ilv moved to this city from Wllkes
Barie. The funeinl will occur tomorrow af
tei noon at 2 o'clock from the residence
of the family. Rev. Mr. Dunn, of the
Second Pie.byteilan mission, will con
duct the funeral services and intennent
will be mude In the Dunmoie cemetery.
The most plausable theory of the file
Is that the dead till leached over the
side of the cilb, to the sill of a nearby
window, on which lay some matches.
It is probable that she bcratched a
match which ignited the clothing of her
Mayor's Advisors iu tho If niblcy Case
l'ail to Appear.
There was no conference last night
between Mayor Bailey and his ndvlsois
In the Kinsley investigation owing to
the absence of Mr. Snndeison, Mr.
Grler and Mr. Loftus.
Mr. Chittenden leached the mayor's
office at 7.45 o'clock, nnd the two sat
for an hour in the reception room wait
ing for the others. The Kinsley mat
ter was not discussed until a few min
utes before they left the city hall.
Mayor Bailey has all ulong declined
to discuss the case with reporters, und
when questioned last itleM declined to
be Interviewed concerning his decision
or any other partlculais. He lemurked
that there lintl been n thorough under
standing between hlmtelf and his as
sociates that thoy would give no In
fot matlon concerning tnclr delibera
tions, Any lepoit as te how the live
composing the commission viewed tho
mnttei, was, he icmaikcd, due to guess
No time has been set for n fuither
John J. .Mttllci, of Diinmorc, Arrested
for That Ollcniu.
The Subuiban Hleetilc Light company
jestetday catthed the Issuance of a vutr
lnnt for tho nnest of John J. Mullen,
of Dunuioie, whom they chaige with
cheating and dcfr.uidliii; the company
1 tampeilng with the electilc wires
and motels about and in front of Ills
place ol business.
The wanant was Issued yesteiday af
ternoon by Aldeimnn Howe and Con-
kf&aAsru) tf'LKSFARftl
stable Cole captured tho man. "When
an algned later In the af tin noon he was
released on ball of $."00 which was fui
nlshed by Michael Gibbons.
Verdict Supposes Fraud in tho Knp
Inn V- Co. Dealings.
The Jury In the tiesnass case of M.
Kaplan & Co., against Constable J. S.
Miller came Into couit yesteiday morn
ing at 0 o'clock and letuinud a verdict
in favor of the defendant. The main
contention of the defense was that theie
had been fraudulent collusion between
Kaplan & Co. and Seldman & Co. to de
lent the ci editors In whoso Interest the
constable was acting when he bioke in
the door of Kaplan & Co.'s store.
This concluded the vvotk of the week
nnd couit was adjourned until Mon
day by Judge Edwaids.
Among the oideis handed down yes
teiday was one conditionally confirming
the lenort of the auditor In tho case
of C. J. Wilbur against T. W. Han
klns, and another IKliifr Feb. 4 as the
time for healing arguments In the mat
ter ot the Insolvency of B. S. Sutton.
One of .Scrnnton's Laud Murks Soon
to Disappear.
The old Handley pioperty at the cor
ner of Spiucestieet and Wyoming ave
nue, which has long been one of the
landmarks of Scranton, has been placed
In the hands of Ileal Estate Agent C.
P. Jndwln for sale by the executor of
the estate.
The e.xact manner In which the prop
el ty is to be disposed of could not bo
learned, but It Is understood that the
plot will be re-mapped Into, lots and
sold In sections. Two locatpattles and
one New York city concern have under
consideration the purchase of the great
er poitlon of the piopoity, and the
probabilities nie that within a shoit
time this site will be occupied by mod
em business blocks.
Arguments in the Old forge School
District Injunction. '
Arguments weie heaid by Judge Gun
ster in chambers yesteiday on the in
junction against the school district of
Old Foi go played toi by the Delnwaie,
Lncl-awnnna nnd Western Railroad
company. The plaintiff seeks to re
sliain the pciiool board from bonding
the township as pioposed to the extent
of $15,000 for the election of a high
school, aliening that such an action is
illegal dm lug the pendency of pioceed
lugs to divide tho township.
Major Wanen appealed for the com
pany and H. M. Hannah foi the school
rinnl Arrangement of tho Tonst List
to Ilu .Undo Todav.
Another meeting of the banquet
committee of the Bar association will
bo held today, when final aiiangements
will be made jegardlng the matter of
Ex-Chief Justice Paxson, Judge Or
lady, Judge McPheison, Major Everett
Wnnen and Colonel Frank J. Fltzslm
mons aie among those who have ac
cepted Invitations to respond to toasts.
Judge Edwards, it Is expected, will be
toastmaster, and City Solicitor James
H, Toirey chaliman.
Willium Meb.uckn's Fall at Tripp's
Crossing Proved Futul.
William Meszucka, who was injured
a month ago by fulling into a ravine
near Tripp's ciossing, died yesteiday
at the Lackawanna hospital. His coun
trymen in the North End are now en
gaged In rulslng sufficient funds to
have the lemaiiib piopeily Intel red.
Meszucka has a wife and two chil
dien In Poland.
Theie will be a joint caucus of the
Seventeenth waid Republicans ut Al
deunan Howe's office, B02 Lackawanna
avenue, Satutduy, Jan. 10, 1897, between
tho hours of 7 and 9 p, m. for the pur
pose of placing in nomination one per
son for tho common council and dis
trict election officers. By order of
Vigilance Committee,
George Barnard,
C. U. Penman,
M. J, Andrews.
Elm Park Church Will lie the Scene of
a Great Gathering.
l'inver MuotiugN in All the Chinches
on That i:cuing W ill lie Chen Up
to Unable' Chtircli-tiocrs to Attend
the Union Scrviccs--Olijeet lor
Which thu fleeting Is Ileld--It Is in
Chargu oftlic Pastors' Union.
In accordance with the nppcnl which
has been sent out by the leprcsentn
tlves of twenty-seven of the great mls
slonaiy societies of North America, the
chuiches of Scranton, In nccoi dance
with the action taken at the last meet
ing of the Pastors' union, have decided
to unite on Wednesday evening In nn
immense tnnss meeting which Is to be
held In the Elm Paik Methodist church.
The piayei meeting in ull the
chinches for that evening will be giv
en up for the union seivice.
The ptogiammo committee is in cor
respondence with some of the most
piomlnent mlsslpnnty leaders In the
eountiy, and hopes to sccuie a definite
answer fiom one or mote of them in
time for the Sunday morning an
nouncement In the chuiches.
D. L. Moodv has been Invited, and
also Rev. Afthur T. Plerson, D. D.,
the well known rdltor of tho famous
MIsslonarj Review of the World.
It Is deslied by the committee on nr
langements, of which Dt. James Mc
Leod Is chairman, that all the pastors
in the city will unite in giving special
emphasis to the announcements con
cerning this meeting at tomoi low's ser
v Ices.
The circular which has been sent out
by these boards and societies states
that although the twenleth centuiy of
the Christian eia is dawning, yet mil
lions have never heard the name of
Chi 1st, and that the darkness of heath
enism Mill enwraps nenily two-thirds
of the population of the globe.
The statement Is also made that tho
oppoitunlty for world-wide evangelism
was nevw so great as at piesent; that
the Chilstlan chinch has the men and
the money, and that her responsibility
has theiefore pioportlonately inci eased,
and yet, on fields long occupied and
white unto harvest the supply of la
boieis Is utteily inadequate; that es
tablished woik is crippled; that rein
forcements aie needed, and that ad
vnnce is Impossible until lenewed In
tel est Is moused and gifts to mission
ary enterpilses gieatly enlarged.
This service is one of the many ser
vices which are being held In all tho
principal towns nnd cities In the United
States and Canada, the object being
not only to arouse the Chilstlan, but to
present to the woild the essential unity
of the great Piotestant evangelical de
uomlniJtloiis which, though dlffeilng In
name and In forms of church govern
ment, aie novel theless one In their ob
ject. In their piofcsslon of faith In
Chi 1st and in their loyalty to the Bible
as the wotd ot God and the only lule
of faith and action.
A Cooling Drink in I'overs.
Use Horsford's Acid IMiospuntc.
Dr. C. II. S. Davis, Merlden, Conn.,
sajs: "I have used It as a pleasant and
cooling drink In feveis, and have been
veiy much pleased."
Miss Carolyne "V. Dorsey, teacher of
elocution, oiatoiy and delsarte, 610 Ad
ams avenue.
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 5
p. m.
To Cure a Cold in One Dny.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2a cents.
Nothing reserved. Every article In the
store will bo offered from one-fourth to
one-half Its actual value.
Tilmmed hats fiom 07c. to SI 07.
Untilmmed Hats fiom 5c. to C9c.
Tilmmed Sallois at 4Sc.
Tarn O'Shnnters fiom 19c. to DOc.
Hoses Silk and Velvet at lie. 19c, 25c ,
30c. and 35c, a Lunch.
Violets Latest cieatlons at 10c, 15c, Me
25c and JOc. a bunch.
Ribbons All silk glace taffeta, No. 40,
at 15c. a yard, 1 Inches wide at 25c
Don't let this muttei diop aftet i wading
this advertisement, but visit the stote and
convince jourself tho goods aie sold as
Hats trimmed while you wait.
A. R. SAWYER, 02 Wyoming Avenue
Including tho painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely now process.
5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
331 Spruce St , Opp. Hotel Jermyn,
CB Will Buy a
Worth 90 cents. We want to close them out and clean up
our stock. Borders to match some of them. Call and see
them. They are great values.
nil i WATKINS,
It Attracted the Largest Houso ol tho
Hcaiun at tho Aendeiuy.
It was the largest house of the season
Hint greeted William- Uniry and his
company at tin? Academy of Music
last evening and It wan olso probably
one of the must enthusiastic.
Fully one-halt of those In the nudl
ence had scon the "Rising Clenclnlloll,
once or twice bofoie, yet they laughed
ns henitlly and enjoyed Unity's ehai
neteilzatlot) of Mai tin McShnno as
much as they did the Hist time they
saw it,
Unny sang a song, "The HoyB That
Came Over fiom li eland;' which made
a gtcnt hit, His daughter. Miss Lydla
Baity, sang seveial selections among
them one tomposed by heiself, "My
Love for Y'ou Is True."
The company supporting Mr. Harry
was a very competent one. He will
bo seen heie In Maicli In his new com
edy, "John Biadley's Money."
The I on n Mutual Lifo Insurance
Company, of Philadelphia, and thu
Iititn Ilyron I.. Kichards, ol'this City.
A Prompt and Characteristic Set
tlement. The Penn Mutual Life Insurnnee
Company of Philadelphia paid today
thiough Mc'ssis. Bourne A: Dm hum,
geneial mtinageis for Northeastern nnd
Central Pennsylvania, the umount of
their policy $10,000.00 on the life of
the late Bryon L. Rlehaids, of this city,
the company's check foi the lull amount
having been sent to Me3sis. Bourne &
Dm ham Immediately upon lecelpt of
the pi oofs of 'loss and within thiee days
of the date upon which they weie noti
fied of the loss. ,
The business of the Penn for the past
year was of an unusually satisfactory
chatacter and the foithcomlng annual
statement will show substantial gains
and maiked piogiess in all impoitant
The company's business In this sec
tion was the lnigest in the history of
the agency and the outlook for the cur
tent year Is all that could be desired
or expected.
Business men appreciate the fact that
tho policies of the Penn give them in
stil ance that positively Insures without
quibble or dispute, and that tliey ate
far ahead of all other's fn the substan
tial guarantees which they offer to In
suiers in the way of solid protection..
Young pig stuffed lunch today at St.
Cloud hotel.
As we are going to make a
number of changes in several
of our departments we have
decided to hold a mammoth
Clearing Sale, to start
, JAM. 11
You cannot afford to miss
it, as it will be the greatest
opportunity this year to buy
goods at prices never heard
of before.
Sohmer Piano Stands at the Head
AM) J. W. GUERNSEY Stands nt the Mead
In the Muslo tr.ick. You can nlwnjs get a
better barRnln at Lis beautiful warciooras
than nt any other placo In tho city.
Call and eeo for yourself beforo buying,
205 Washington Avenue,
406 Lackawanna Ave.
Opp. Wyoming House.
lBf Sw!iinMnMwnMnBm
1 fi EfcATSlMKftU
423 Lackawanna Av3nu3.
Clocks, Jewelry,
Sterling Silver
And Cut Glass.
Great Reductions iu All
These Goods.
Watches and Clocks Re
paired on short notice.
SILVER . . ,
Is a new addition to out stock
at Bottom Prices. Opened un
other new line of
White China
For Decorating
l'rlccs and styles talk, as we
are belling lots of it. Will
keep open evenings after tho
first of December.
JMcars Bids, Cor. Wash, and Spruce St.
lib llfij
Builders' Hardware,
Gas, Plumbing and
Electric Fixtures,
Electric Light Wiring.
Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens,
Fresh Every Day.
Prairie Chickens,
Wild Ducks.
If. E PICE, m It III
CALL UP 3682i
M. W. C0LLLS, Manager.
Come to
mn fsoLoiors
roit ALU
Newspapers, Magazines,
and Story Papers,
Alain Stand,
103' Wjomlne Avenue
Coal of the best quality for domestic us
and ot all sizes. Including Buckwheat ana
DIrdBeye, delivered in any part of the cltjr)
at tho lowest price
Orders received at the Olllce, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. '53
telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele
phone No. 27 will be promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied at the mine.
' tea