i - . 1X112 SCKAJNTOK' 'J'JUJiUJNJi-WA'l'LrKDAY MOltMING, JANUAEY 16, 1S97. 3 New Year Cards Pocket Diaries, lb7, ruloubcPs Notes on tlic Sunday School Lessons, 1SD7. Deep cut in prices all this week on all Holiday Articles Toys, Games, Blackboards, Desks, Toilet Cases and Fancy Articles, Holiday Books and Fancy Stationery, at very larRC reductions, to clear out balances. Bargains for New Year presents. NORTON'S, 323 Lackawanna Ae. Shavings The ut-e of Shavings for budding loi horses or cows Is not New But put up liko straw lu Small Bales Is something now. Cheaper Than Straw, Cleaner Than Straw, Belter Than Straw. We keep It. The Weslon N SCRANTON, OLYPHANT, CAnBOmUZ. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN EXTRACTION OP TEETH WITH ANAESTHENE." FINEST DEN- TAL. WORK IN THE C1TV. DRS. HENWOOD & WARDELL 316 LACKAWANNA ML COLLIERY ENGINEER STOCK. The Capitalization Wns Yesterdnj Increased to 750,000. Action on the pioposetl inetease of the capital stock of the Colliery .Engi neer company Horn $J50,000 to $7."1 000 was taken at a special meeting or the btockholdeis In the company olllces yes teiday afternoon. The proposed In eiease was unanimously can led. Among those piesent at the meeting veie J. K. Orllllth, superintendent of the Latiobe Steel woiks, Latiobe, Pa.; Isiael 1. Paidee, T. D. Jones and I. O. i:meilck, of Hazleton, Pa.; Thomas Klsher, of the Herwind-Whtte Coal Mining company, of Philadelphia; V. II. Rood, of the JeanesNllle lion oik, Jeanesville, Pa, and T. M. Williams, superintendent of the Lykens Valley Coal company, Lykens, Pa. The Increase was made In view of the laige expansions In the business. The new tluee-stoiy printing plant on Foi esl court is neatly completed and will be installed w 1th machlnei y Ithln four weeks. About Feb. 15 the Center stteet plant will be abandoned and possession taken of the new place. The original plans of the office sttuc ture on Wyoming avenue have been changed. The building will extend the eutlte depth of the lot to the coutt and will be four Instead of thiee staties In height. INotlcc. The following Is a list of display cards Kept In stock at this ofllca and for eale at ten cents each: .Rooms for rent. For sale. This property for sale. Furnished rooms. House for rent. House to let. etc. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tho fo- ilmllt Isca slgtttnrt CI -, A Happy Man Is he whose fe t rest our """- eoinfortabl' n rect-niade shoes. The most atti active of Bull' Dogs if you waut any other hape toe if you wish. There's no othe Win ter Shoe like O tr Tan "College" Boot. $3.50 The Pair. oooooooooocooo 410 Spruce Street. f z r y7 '' "VvC(.i I& MANY APPLICANTS FOR RELIEF HEARD Mrs. Boscliino Asked the Poor Board (or Assistance. HER HUSBAND IN PENITENTIARY HurCnsu M'ns Hefcrrud to Director Murnliy with Power to Aet--Hoiutl Tnl.cs Action on tlio disc of it Young tiirl Who 11ns ltuil Surrouiul-iiips-C'ommlttco Appointed to Kn denvor to Secure Legislation. The poor bonnl hold a session yes teiday afternoon In Its loom In the city hall. W. S. l.uiiKStuff pieslded Directum Teippe, Muiphy. Paine nuu Fuller wulu ptescnt ntul Shotten and Mrs. Swan ueic absent. The usual batch of applicants was waiting In the coiililois udJolnliiK the boaid's looms, anil the tiansuctlotis of the afternoon weie of a luutlne nn tuie. AmoiiK' the applicants for aid which came borate the bonid was that of the wife of Doschlno, the muideier, who a - a 89 f ak - t. , ff, s " Via seen X r-Tz. 7 'I ?aO, . WJ - ' X tnterr- 0 ItS h rSOHtcJn few months ago went to the Dpnlfn tl.u to setve life lmpi Isoninent foi his cilme Mis. Hostlilno lles on Smith stleet, Dunmoie, and Is a woman witn many claims to beauty She almost realizes the Idoaf pinp.igated by poets in theli treatment of the Italian peus anti. She Is In a eiy destitute condi tion, and net case was tefetied to Dl lectot .Muiphy. Maty Gllioskl, a veiy bright gill of about 15 eais, appealed befoie the boatd In behalf of her father, who Is at piesent sick. Dr Paine stated that the flrl' mother is dead and that hei fa tliei and his associates, for whom the gill keeps house, nie not fit people for the gltl to live with The boatd lefeued the application to Mr. Paine, with Institutions, to tend the gill to the Hill side home it lie deemed It nd Isable. Mis Htldget U'Houike appealed be- fote the boatd with an lntiint about 2 1 n, , ,11 Ul,. wilil tlifit lin, lillulm ml had dcseited her some time ago, when thu mied heie from Illinois. She was allowed ?1 a mouth loi thiee mur.ths. Mrs Geoige Kadlambeskl had a woe ful tale Her huslunu sent ovei to Poland foi her seeial months ago, and Joytulb she statttd foi this cuiiit tty. When she at lived in Sctauton she was unable to llnd hei husb.i'ul Accompanied by two ehlldieii she Is In destitute cltcumstances. She will be taken cute ot while effoits aie being made to find hot evasive spouse. Nu meious otlier applicants weie heaul by the boaul. Aftet the leading of communications to the boatd, a motion was passed au thoilzlng the clialunnn to appoint a committee- to take action In tegatd to secutlng legislation at Hanisburg for an addition to the Insane buildings at the Hillside home. Dr. Paine, Mr. Muiphy, Cletk of the Boutd Ljnott and Mr. Teippe were constituted the committee. The ac commodations of the Insane waid at the Hillside faim are heavily taxed, and the need of additional loom Is Impei uthe. WARREN & KNAPP GET IT. Opting Drook It ml way Knocked Down Vestcrtluy ut 110,000. The bidding for tlio Sptlng Ptook Railway company was teopened yestei -day moinlng at the shetlff s sale In the aiblttation tooin ot the court house. The wulous blddeis who weie after the piopeit foi speculative put poses diopped o". when It was seen that Wanen & Knupp'.s clients weie detei mlned to have it and the piopetty was knocked down to Judge Knapp at $10', 000. The old lion In the toad, It Is said, is alone wot tit $11,000. Other ptopettles weie disposed of as follows: Piopeity of Aiamlnta Safloid In the city or Scianton, to C. S. Woodiulf for 'll, Piopeity of Heniy .Mead In Dalton bor ough to A. D. Dean, foi $33. Seven pieces of piopeity of C. L. ikll In Jermyn, as follows: Luther Keller, $1,705; J. L. Ciawford, $3,400; J. L. Craw ford, $1,200, Luther Keller, $500, Luther Keller, $1,000, C. D. Winter, $4,755; S. C. Whlttnoie, SSOC. Piopeity of Betty Goodman, In Old Toibo township, to G. M. Smith, tor $17. Propel ty of George Sabanas, In Fell township, to Watious, attorney for $48 Propel ty of Anthon Lynch and Maty Ljtich, In the Twentieth waid, Sciunton, to P. W Stokes, for $GS. Propel ty of B. F. Battel Hold In Lhn huist, to C. II. Welles, for $02. Piopertj of George D. Blown In Thir teenth watd, Scianton, to C. 11. Welles for $105. Piopeity of Albert Battel man In bor ough of Duntnore, to V. J, Tiaeey foi $111. Property of Gu A. Itoblnson, lu Boating biook township, to A. T. Searle, for $1,124.50. Piopeity of Joseph Glencross In boi ough of Duntnore to II. C Bejnolds, lor $9C. Propel ty of Harriet Is' Biumlage In township to Scott to W. S. Dlehl. fot $1,250. HOPES IT WON'T BE APPEALED. HcgiHtcr of Wtll)j Hopkins' I'cc ot t$U,V!17.17 Jiangs in the llnliincc. Attorney Atnertnan declined to dis cuss the opinion of Judge Atehhald In the Ilandlej estate upptalbetnent caso yesteiday or to Intimate whether or not thete Is any likelihood of the City of Winchester or the executois taking an nppcal from Judge Atchhald's Had ing, It was the general opinion how over about the coutt house that no ap peal will be taken. Judge Aiehbald's lludlng cuts the appialhctnent fiom $1,371,0G9.'J1 to JSWJ.SCU.LM, Which 1 educes the tax $'J3,3'J0. It Is nrgued that the exeeutoiH will be satisfied with this rather than ntn the cnauce of having the supreme coutt fix the appialseineiit at the oilulnal (Ikuio, which Is Just ns liable to happen as nn tiling elfeu If It should Jlstutb Judge Aiehbald's ileciee at all. Theiu Is one man about the court house who Mlnceielv hopes that no ap peal will be taken. That man Is liesls ter of Wills Hopkins. He gets ft per cent, of the la oi $J,J17.1" If It Is paid duiliiK his tuiin of olllce. If the case Is nppcalod It can not until 1SSIS and his teim explies bcfoie the oomt sits. PRISONER'S THUMB CRUSHED. Amputation Followed an Accident nt Iho Central Police Station. A leslstlnff pilsonei's thumb was ac cidentally caught In the cinck of the Iron door to one of the cells at the cen tial police station yesteiday afteinooh and was mashed so badly that an am putation nt the llrst Joint was nece? saty. He gave the name of Hlntou and said he was fiom Stioudsbutg lllnton was dtunk and In dnnger of being inn over nt the Delawaie, Lack awanna and Western station when oi tested by Special Olllcer Williams, who dellveied him to 1'atiolinnii Kutlus on Lackawanna aenuc. Help was need ed to get him to the station hoube and l'atiolmun Block came to Kutlus' as sistance. lllnton teslsted the two olllceis when they put him In the cell. It was only A.o ri- m Ad shi WiTOv JA M$r huS6cn was it cujrf,atii aha f)ro"iiCtf c c "N after laboied effort that thev could push him thtough the naitow dooiwny Wlitn Inside he wheeled about with the evident Intention of numbing hi way out The heavy lion-bailed door wus slammed "hut, the action being ac companied b an exclamation of pain ft urn the piisouer On opening the doot It was found that Hlnton's left thumb had lusted on the linage between the hinged side of the door and the lion .sill. The gieat lever age had cut the member so seeiely that It hung bj a slued at u point neat the base ot the null. Hlnton was taken to the Lacknwunnu hospital and an uinpututlon was peifoimed at the Joint He submitted to the opei.ition with as little concet ii as though he weie hav ing his nails manulcuied When scat cited at the police station a check for $50, diawn by a Scianton flim in lav or of "Anna O Stelej," and so endoised, was tound In Hlnton's pocketbook, along with a sum of monej His appeal mice indicates that he might be a iLspectable mechanic His case will be heaid In this morn ing's police couit. MULARKEY ARRESTED AGAIN. He Is Cliatgcil with Having Robbed John Stanton. Patilck Mulatkey is a young man whosu piojiensitles have sevet.il times landed hlin lu jail. He Is a sllppety youth of about 2J yeais and bus madj himself known to the police by a seiies ol thefts. Wednesday afternoon at about 3.30 o'clock Mulaikey was opeiatlng in n saloon on Luckuwnnna avenue. His PAT HU victim was John Stanton who appeared at police headquoitets yetteiday aftet -noon, alleging that Mulatkey had tobbed him of petboual effects and money aggiegatlng $75 value. Pattolmun Molr tepalred to the White house on Penn avenue and theie found Mulaikey and placed him under attest He will be given a heating this morn ing The complainant saw the ptlKon er weatlng a pult of eat laps which at c Stanton's pi opei t j . When the pi Is oncr teached the station house he was searched with but little success. Tsvo bootblacks bavv the theft committed but as their names and addi esses weie not taken the police have been unable to find the boys. Mulaikey has been attested several times but he has alwajs beta al)lt to avoid conviction. Voiy Special ltui'iiins. Wo ofter today ten liluces All Wool Tiluots (blown only), 54 Indies wide, ut 39 cents a yard, fanner in lee $1.00. PINLKV'S. Wc lanndty stlif collars with button holes Ciystal Laundiy, ROft EXAMINED FR Yqil can save money by buying specta cles of Sllverstone, tho eye specialist, ut 303 Lackawanna avenue, onely one lllsht over the LehlKh Valley ticket ofh'-e. The following prices will Batlsfy you t - 'hey are the cheapest In the city; Solid gid rimmed spoctacles at $3 60 per pair; Ullel botts at J2; nlckle bows from SOo. to $1,50; aluminum bows from 75c. to $2 00; colored glasses from 23e. to $1.25. We have a large lino of reading glasses, the best In th market, at 23c. per pair. Opera and mag nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of fice hours, 8 a. m. to12t. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Remember that your eyes will be exam. Ined freo and satisfaction Is guaranteed. l3 t ,-V--C r r?v. y i. ,..rs Ul ?(. J ." T.. . A I ?l ( . .-.: W O -s X " I K .l I .1' RALLY OF BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE Held in the Welsh Baptist Church on West Market Street. PINE BANNER WAS PRESENTED It Went to the Socictj of tlio Church lu Which the .lleetiiig Took Place. J. .11. i:dwanln .llndu tlio Presenta tion Speech--Those H ho .Hade Ad dresses -- Delegates Were Enter tained After the .Hooting. A rally of Baptist Young People's so cieties was held yesteiday afteinoou and evening In the Welsh it.itnlut chut clt on West Market stteet. Dele gates ft out neaily evcty socletj lu the noitheastein pat t of the stute weie piesent. The afternoon session commenced at 3 o'clock and was pieslded ovei by John Twining, piesldent of the Noit'h Knd society. Nothing ot liupoi tance was ttansacted duilng this session. The evening session, which com menced at 7 o'clock, was pieslded over b the Rev. W. F. Dav les, ot the Notth Dud. Repiesontntlves weie piesent it om Plymouth, Nantlcoke, South Wllkes-Maire, Patsons, Plttston, Tny loi, Hyde Paik, Ol.v pliant and other places. Addt esses weie dellveied by the lollowlng pastots: Revs. J. M. Llo.vd, Taylor; W. D. Thomas, Pitts tin.J T Lloyd, Wilkes-Banc, Chut lea June- Nantlcoke; N. H. Jones, Par- itft. W. H Jones, Hyde Paik; J. M. Ldwuid , piesldent of the united so cliths I lolessor J. R. Hughes, lljdu link. W. N'. Hvuns. Plymouth, Will iam Roberts. Wilkes-Dune, D. B. Gtlf 11 tli". ol the Not tit Dnd, II O. Thomas, Wllloi-liaite, Miss Lauia Howells. Ptiibons, Miss Christina Maitln, Pltts ton, also dellveied addt esses. The leatute ot the evening session was the pies-entution ot a silk banner to the socle t connected with the Welsh Baptlbt chut ill, ot the Noi Hi Dud. The pie. enti.tlcn spued! u.is made by J. M. Lih.atiL', 1 Hjde Puik, John Twining ittudu the l-spurae In a betlttlng speech. Kolloulng tht pte elitatlon a shoit pto gt.itnnie was mulcted. Recitations weie given l Allies Coia Robei ts, of the Ninth Lnd i:il.,ibeth Jones, Hyde Paik; Com Dil winds, Wllkes-Uaite, and ulwen Jones. Nantlcoke. Sidos weie s-utir bv Miss Jenkins, Wllkes Duiie, Julin Dvaiu, C'.wvl.vm Ddwaids and Allitd DiivN, .ol this place. Geo. Davis, and Miss Maty A. Davis acted us choi Istcr and iiganist tespectlvely. Af ter Hie evenli'i' session the delegates lepalied to tlu pallets of the chuich, whete tin: weie leiuleied a teceptlon by the soclet.v of the Ninth Dnd. Re tt eshments weie seived and an enjoy able time spent. MICHAEL RYAN INJURED. Ho Was a Minn anil Winked in the Archbalil. Michael, R; nn, a miner, who lesides at Ta:loi, was seilously Injuied yes tei da of til noon In the Atchbald mine. A poition of the tool of the mine be came detached over the spot whete he was woiklntr. The mass of eat th and stones fell upun Ryan and ctushed him badly His lett leg Was frightfully btutscd He was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital. The plijslclans have little hope that he will suivlve his lnjuiies. SUPERB DECORATIONS. And Great Music at the Wilkos-Uarrc Pros Clali Hall. A huge delegation of Scrantonlans NTAL WQB If you have any Dontal Work you want dono you will bavo money by seeing mo boforo go ing elaowliere. When I say I am insetting GOLD AND SILVER FILLINGS Guaranteod to save tlio teeth from futthcr decay, I mean It. lam doing the very brat dontal work at lowor prices tliau others and can pi ovo it by calling at my oftico. Exami nation costs you nothing. If you want a gold ct on 11 or TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE Cullod Crown and Bridge Work. Itomembor, I mako only 0110 grado tlio very best "JK. gold and yood weight and tlia prico Is right. 316 Sprnce Street, Next Door to Hotel Jermn. AT HALF PRICE. AT HALF PRICE. I OOOOOOOO REMNANTS PIT ..ii Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Linings, Dress Trimmings, Linens, Sheetings, P. C riuslin, Ginghams, Calicoes. MEA will attend the annual ball of the Wllkes-Hatio I'less club , at the Ninth teglment attuoiy, Wllkes-Uaiie, on Wednesday nest. A special ttaln has been piovlded on which they can te tuin home after the ball. Hvetythlng has been ariantrcd for their comfot t. The music by Uauei's band, of this city, and Alexanders of Wllkes-H.it te, will be supetb, In both the conceit and dance. Decotntor Kuhunan, of this city, has a luice cot ps of dccoiatois at woik and the aimoiy will bo tinnsfoitmd. No Imitations have been Issued to Scranhmlans, but tickets can be hud on implication to Mr. T. J. Walker, with lteese & Long, 312 Linden stteet. "BILLY" FERGUSON DEAD. .Scranton Tpo Aspltlutcd in a New Vork City Hotel. "Billy" Fetguson, secietnry of Hie "lllg six" Tpogiuphlcal union, of New Yolk city, and once a Scianton typo, was asphyxiated by gas lu a New Yolk hotel Wednesduj night. He left hoie lu lbSl and has been In New Yoik i Ity ever since w 1th tit" exception of a shoit piplmi about nine je.trs ugo. Suffocated with Fetguson v.np a man untiled Jumes MiKeiina, ot lliuoklyu. Two sas jets vete found open and a thlid was lighted. Feiguson's wile le cently Itegnu a suit for dlvotce. l.d VMiul retguson, a biothei, who l;peps a saloon at One Hundred and Twinty llfth stieet and Seventh avenue, took charge ot the bodj. COLLEGE OP C0MA1ERCE NOTES. Between thlity and foity new stu dents have leglsteied and will cntet next Monday. The new system of teaching bookkeep ing makes the student enthusiastic, gives lit til a moic puctk.ll idea of' how such woik Is uetuallv done than any other system and saves mouths of the students' time. Special tales lu oilr evening classes. Visit our looms, cot net of Lackawan na and Peiin avenues. Finest In Amei lea. Classes lu elocution and delsaite will be lot tiled veiy soon. Olhie open today and this evening. Why not examine our new, up-to-date budgit sjstem and tepoits. Call and we will explain. To Cure a Cold in Otto Dny. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It ftxils to cure. 25 cents. dh:i). GALLAGIILR-In Noith Scranton, Pa, Jan 14, 1697, William Qallughei, the l-ear-and-j-months-old son of Mr and .mis. i'airiLii uaiiugnei i uneiui baiui- 1 da at -' p 111 fiom bis patents residence on I'diker stleet. 0iIAI.LI2Y In Scranton, l'a., .Inn 1". U'J7, Owen O'.Mallev, at his home, 922 South Washington avenue. Kuneial an- nouneciueut will he made latei. January Lamp Two hundred aud sixty-eight lamps are to be sold at a loss. The new year found us with one hundred more lamps than shades. Our buj'er bought the sample and left-over stock of a large New York shade manufacturer, August Findeville & Co., West Broadway and Park Place. True, some of the shades are soiled. That is why we got them for less than the silk in them cost. Now stock taking time is coming. More lamps than we want. So away they go. Prices insignificant ; waut a lamp ? PARLOR LAMPS, BINQOET LAMPS, READING LAMPS, $35 lamp and hhade, $21. S28 lamp and shade, ti6. $23 lamp and shade, 'I2. $18 lairip and shade, $10. $ 1 5 lamp and globe, $8. 39 lamp and globe, 5.30. OOOOOOOO ODDS AND ENDS. $1.00 H. & 5. Corsets at 59 Cents $1.00 C. C. Corsets at 59 Cents Napkins, Towetls, Rosthor Boas Hosiery, Underwear. OOOOOOOO This will be a genuine Clearing-Up-Sale of broken assortments. BARGA5NS T 15 ABOUT TIHE this adv. was changed. Fact is we have been so busy with inventory and customers we have not had time. We will soon be in shape to have our When you can get bar gains if you want them. Odd pieces of Decorated Diinierware, Glassware, in facts odds of all kinds, that will accumulate in a store where a large stock is carried. Will give date later. MILLAR & PECK, m Wyoming Avenue. Walk in and look around. THIELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Siugmg. Ernest Thiele, Violin, l'u 10, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at . Icbrnted Schurwcnka Conscrvatoty, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late HERR KOPFF. LEY GO Why lot our home and business bo destroy. I td throuiilntroni; drink or morphine when rou can bs cured tn tour woeics at tno j&Miey Inotltuto, 71U .vindl3on avanuo Hcranton, f , The Cur Will Bear lcvttgatlon. LIBRARY LAMPS, . NIGAT LAMPS, AALL LAMPS, $5 lamp and shade, 3. Si lamp and shade, 59c. Onyx Tables. Perlupb twenty-five have also had to toe the mark and have prU.es clipped S3. 35 tqSiG. 'S, 303 Lackawanna Avenue 20c Best lin I El H fin om moB U1E WtZ Selling. The Paris 400-402 Lackawanna Ave,, Opp, Wyoming House. T Cloaks and Trimmed fiats. ol JACKDTS, CAPP.S. SLl'AUATH SKIUTi) AND TIH.M.MLD HATS, and In older la dispose of them In time nut to entry them over, wo will not wait until March, a others do befoie they teully i educe thell pikes to au extent. We have nlieittly put the knlfo Into ou IuIcps and cut them right Into half. Not u single garment can you llnd In out liniHlsoine, cheerful ntul well lighted stor that does not eome up to the full stiind. aid In teKnid to STYLE and QUALITY. Out stoic Is lighted not by gas, oi anj other light that makes your garment looij one wh In the stoio and another vvliu i..u.Jr.et "ome. Our stole Is lighted bj PM'NTY L DAY LIGHT and vvltll We handle NO TRASH, If you vvnnl trash, tlien go elsewhtro and you'll nnJ plenty of It thete We handle PINI3 goouj 'ii. ." wuuiu noi Keep in our slot anything th.it Is not FINL IN QUALIT and UP-TO-DATH In atv le, even If w could never sell u gurment. Reliable Goods. Reliable Treatment, Is Our Hotto. It Is onlv six weeks slnco wo hav opened out store, and we can confident)! say that wo have, dining that time, mudl more fi lends than all other cloak store! during so inanj yeais. Goods Cheernillj Exchanged, rcrii'ct Tit Guaranteed. No Extra Charge. You save from 2" to r,0 cents on tho dol. lar as to price by buying your Cloaks and Tiimmed Hats of us besides being suri that ou aie getting good goods of thi latest stjlo and best woikinaushlp. THE PARIS, 400.402 LACKA, AVE,, OPP. WYOMING MOUSn. Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Avca Scranton, Pa. WE HAVE THE BEST To Be Found In the City. Tailor-Made, Tailor Fit And Finish And About Half Tailor Prices. B 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Full I DOMESTICS. ONE MORE OPPORTUNITY. UNBLEACHED. 5c Good Drown .Muslin for !5; 7c Atlantic A short lcn;;tlis for 5c 7c Jonoh illc, vcrv huuy, for 5c 7c lludlcy, very line for .... 5Jc 1 1c Best "l.ockwood, 5-1- P.C. muslin for Sc 13c Host Lockvood,J.'I,lC. .Mu.slin for 10c Kic Dest Lockwood S-4, Sheeting Mils lin for . 12c ISc Best Lockwood, I). 'I, blieetin Mus lin for ... .14c Lock wood, 10.4,Slieetinn Mtts- for Kic . 3Jc . :lJc . :?c . lie . 5c 5e . njc . 5Jc . lie lie .1()C I '1C .Uic Atic 5c Good Apron Ginluiiu for , 5c Good Prints for .. . Best Indigo Blue Prints for BLEACHED. lie Good Muslin for (Uc Finest Muslin for . 7c Hill Muslin for 7c Lonesdale .Muslin for. 7c Fruit .Muslin for. , 12c Lockwood, 5-4 1. C. Muslin for.... 14c Luckwood, (i-4 1 C. Mu.slin for... li?c Lockwood, 50-inch Muslin for 17c Lockwood, H-'l Sheeting for 20c Lockwood, !). H Shouting for- 22c Lockwood. 10.1 Slicetina for J