THE SCRANTOlsr TRXBHaiS-SATtrilDAY MORNING. JANUATtY 1, 1897. DOOMED TO WEAR OTAINSJFOR LIFE Horrors of the Spanish Inquisition Re vived in Cuba. AMERICAN CITIZEN THE VICTIM llurtmioiis Sentence Which Cnn Only Result In the Prolonged Tor ture ol'thu Hapless Hoing Accused of Cohsnlrne--Knllrouded 1 hroiigh Without Privilege; of l)cl'elice--A Sample ofSpiuilsli Justice. Havana, Jan. 15. Luis Somelllan, tho naturalized American citizen, who was hi rested on a chiugo "E consult acy against the Spanish government, und who was found guilty by the tilbunal beluru which he was tiled, wus tu inlgneHl ycJteiduy lor the put pose of he-lug sentenced. The colltt Imposed upon the unfoitutiatc man the awful penalty of being Impilsoned for life in chains. Counsel for the pilsoner gave notice of an appeal to the suptt'iue cotut at Mudt Id against the decision of the tilbimul which declaied Somelllan guilty. Not, probablj, since tho dark days of the Spanish Ituiulsltlon has any sen tence apptoachlng In honor that of the Havana tilbunal In tho case of Somell lan been equaled inntioclty 1 a nation claiming to be civilized. The death penaltj would have been regaided by the lrlends of the condemned man as light lu comparison with the baibaious sentence that dooms the victim to the most awful toittne until death shall Intel pose to end his suffcilngs. The aim Is, of course, to kill the pi 1s onei by indies. The chains are so m langed that the condemned man can only move a. few Inches In either di rection, and the weight of the manacles Is so adjusted that life may be piotiact ed for a long time befoio It vlelds to the awlul buiden. Nothing mole hotil blensa method of punishment was ever piaetlced In the duikest days of the middle ages. ONE OF THE COUNTS AGAINST THE PRISONER. Among the vailous conclusions of tho Tilbunal, based on the chaiges against the pilsoner, the following was tho most Impottant: Wheieas, Public rumoi, In attributing to Somelllan disaffection to the Spanish caute, was not mifcgulded, since his i hange of nationality foi an unjustllled and unexplained leason suggests a la tlonal suspicion that whoever bieaks in such a wa his tiadltlons and history Is actuated by hatred or, 01, at least, In dirtuienco to, Ids ancient counti, and changes his nationality In older to, while rontlmilng to enjov the advantages ot Spanish legislation and the customs of Spanish society, carry in the bottom of his soul the feiment of separations, of which Somelllan Is a living and personal example. The tilbunnl also discarded all the evidence fnvorable to the pilsoner, sav ing that there was e-paite evidence of a complot to misguide the tribunal. FACTORYVILLE. Solomon Revnolds is building an ad dition to his planing mill, to be used as an olllce, etc. Miss Nellie Mack, of Nicholson, has been spending a few days with Mis. F. L Foster. Mllo Tiavis and family, of West Nicholson, aie nt tanging to move to this town In the? near futuie. Cupid has a wedding on his pro gramme to come off next Sunday after noon at a ptomlnent tesidence on Main stieet. We will tell you mote about It In our next communication. Even cats ate taught to Imbibe In toxicating bevei ages up at Susquehan na. Is it to be wondeted at that we see so many "w lid cat" and "snake" stoiles Issuing fiom the nens of some vetsatlle sctlbes up In that patt of the woods? Better teach them to dilnk ' Faetoijvllle Mlneial Watot " AVe noticed James Haipe and Spen cer Heed weie up from the "mouth of the creek" Wednesday Dr Spencer, of Dallas, Pa., was a Isltor In town Wednesday. The doc tor had a landlord's w at rant Issued against Rhodes Btos. for rent home time ago, and It has giown somewhat complicated, and the doctor Is ttylng to stialghten mntteis out Our spltltuallstlc giant must have lost his nerve, as he has not made his appeal ance as yet this week. The tevival set vices at the Methodist Episcopal chuich tho past week have been characterized by earnestness on the patt of the chuich and the mani fest power of God. Souls have sought the Loid, and many chuich membets have been gieatly. stiengthened Mis. Canle Ruffer, of Hinghaniton, has been present thiee evenings and lendeied ef ficient sii vice. Tile set vices at the Methodist Episcopal chuich will con tinue all of next week and Mis. Ruffer will be present. The pastoi's theme next Sabbath morning will be, "Fol lowing Chi 1st Afar Off," evening theme, "The Bildgeless Gulf" FOREST CITY. Ilattle, aged 27 yents, wife of Mr. Alfied Wateis, died at her homo on Thut.sday motnlng. The funeral will he hold on Sunduy at 12.30 p. in. Services will he held In the Methodist Episcopal chuich at Jeimyn. Rev. P. I J, Ken nedy, of the Foiest City Piesbytoilan chuich, will oillclate, assisted by Rev. Finncls Gendall, pastor of the Metho dist Episcopal chinch at Jeimyn. The lenialns will be Intel red In the Jeimyn cemetery. Rev. P. B. Kennedy, of the Piesby tetlan chinch, will exchange pulpits with the Pieshytetlan minister at Peck vlllo 011 Sunday nioinlug. Mr. A. E. Wheeler, of Jackson, Is visiting telatlves and f lends, Mr. W. J. Davis, of Sctanton, Is spending a few days with ft lends here. The Hillside Coal and lion company paid theh employes on Thursday, The employes of the Delawaio and Hudson company wete paid on that date also. Mrs. J. R. Davles visited Scrnnton telatlves on Thuisday, On Wednesday evening 'next tho Ladles' Aid society of the Presbytetlan chuich will hold a supper In the lecture room. The supper will he 20 cents. On account of the Htnall amount of money In cltculatlon, the January pay day drunk was somewhat milder than usual. No seilous cases of drunken (juatiels wete reported. I'ECKVILLE. Tho Younrr People's Society ot tho Methodist Episcopal church met at the home of Mr, C, C. White last Wednes day evening nnd elected the following olllcein: President, Mis, Heihert Mc Cotmlclii llrst vice president, H. C. Lln tern; second vice president, MIsn Ilettha Peck; third vice ptesldent, Har ty Peck; recoidlug Heeretnry, A, W. Thompson; assistant, Miss Sophie Slmpklns; treasurer, C. C. White. They vvll hold a valentine social at the church pailois on Monday evening, Feb. 13, Mrs. Qeoige IJoilcher, of Forest City, Is' vlsltlnir at the home of her slstei, Mrs, John Snooks. II. L. Hush, of Montrose, visited at tho homo of his nephew, Dnnlel Untiovv, on Walnut stieet, lust Thursday. James Cowans wns veiy pleasantly sui prised at his home on Hickory Httoet last Wednesday evening by his Sunday school class and their friends. Games and music woie the featuies of the evening. Rcfieshnients wore also solved. Sei vices as usual In the Methodist Episcopal chinch tomorrow. 1M cach ing by tho pastor, Itov. S. C. Slmpklns, nt 10.30 n. m. and 7 p. m Theme for morning, "The Ulessodness of Helping Chi 1st," evening, "The World's Ques tion." Sunday school at 2 30, Epvvoith leuguo at C p. in. A cordial Invitation to all. The evangelistic meetings which arc being conducted In the Methodist Epis copal chut eh aie gi owing in Interest and will be continued eveiy evening next w nek. A young child of Mr Klildge, of Win ton, died of dlphtlieila und was but led In Ptospect cemeteiy yestetday after noon, Ruv. S. C. Slmpklns olllclutlng. GOOD TIMKS ARE HERE. Hopeful View of the Financial and Bus). ncss Situation Indicated by Dun's Review of Trade. Now Yotk, Jan, 1G. R. a. Dun & Co, will say tomoitow In their weekly ie- View of Undo: The ttieulost growth and ptospeilty tho eountiy hud ovei soon came sud denly in lb79 aftei beveial mouths of disappointment because specie lesump tlon had not yet hi ought the benellts expected It takes time for now conll denco to teach thiough easy money maikets, lnicer oidei, resuming mills, expanding emplojmenl, and linger dls ttlbutlon, to the tesults which mnku still gi eater and lasting gain possible Such giadual and steady linpiovement has been In piogioss for moie than two months. The output of pig lion has gained per cent, since October 1. The output of coke has Inci eased 8.1.7 per cent, since Octobei 1. Sales of wool liuve again become huge. Money mar kets feel a steady lnciense In demand for commercial and manufactuilng loans. Additional woiks have gone into opeiatlon each week In Januaiy, and tile walking fotce Is largei than at any other time for six months. The gain may beilscilbed to the deliberate judgment of the ablest and most piu dent men in business. It Is not a time of high pi Ices. Many who aie anx ious to get eaily hold on the maiket aie making for the moment lower pi ices, than they could affotd to main tain. Tho pi ice of pig it on Is a shade lower at the east and Chicago, but heavy put chases nliciyly advance bes somer a shade at Plttsbuig Steel bats have been l educed to one cent and some other finished pioducts one dollar per ton, but the demand is on the whole steadily gx owing. Tho coke output has llsen fiom G0.00O to 94,000 tons weekly, and minor metals aie a shade stionger. Textile manufactuies aie not encour aged by the demand for goods, though mote pilnt clothes weie sold than tor many weeks. Lower pi ices aie ex pected In goods, and slow buying Is not unnatuial, since cotton has fallen 17.8 per cent, fiom Sept. 11; pilnt cloths 7 per cent.; bleached goods, 3'i to "i, and blown goods 2fc, " and 4 per cent. Though woolen goods do not Impiove, theie have been pui chases by laige mills which cover for two weeks of Januaty 11,000,000 pounds at the thtee chief maikets, ugalnst 11.S17.500 last yeai. Some laige purennses oi icainer Indicate that some shoo manufactuiois ate seeing their way to mote active vvoik, and shipments fiom the east In Januaiy thus far ate 20 per cent, huger than last year. Cleailng house ex changes for tho month thus far aie less than 1 per cent, below last yeat's, though 25 2 per cent smaller than the year 1S92, the yeai of gieatost piosper lty, Rallioad earnings and tonnage lor Januaiy thus far are light owing to western stoipis. Tiadeis begin to teal ize that cnoi mous expotts of com ate taking the place' of w heat In foreign consumption The wheat market has vailed but slightly, closing quaiter of a cent lower Mote was done In commercial paper, though offetlngs Inci eased but model -ately, Exports continue to exceed last yeat's for the week S per cent , while impotts fell 10 per cent, below last yeat's. Falluies for the week have been 455 In the United States against 395 last year, and 71 in Canada against 81 lust year. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. L. Wngner, wholesale diugglst, Rich mond, Va , sas "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate enough to get Mystic Cure for Rheuma tism. This cured me after doctor's ptescrlptlons had failed to have any effect. I have alto heaid of fine results fiom othets who have used It." IIONESDALE. A delegation of Odd Fellows of Ftee dom lodge will visit Oldenvllle lodge Satuulay evening and exempllty the de- gtee wotk. On Sunday Evangelist Shellhoine will assist Rev. C A. Heiijamln In tevival work at the Methodist chuich. The students of Honesdale high hehool have oignnlzed a. debuting so ciety with the following olllceis: John Jenkins, ptesldent; Judson Yeikes, vice ptesldent; William Heft, secietuiy; Gall Jenkins, tteasuter. Moses Itobeits, ot Leonatdsville, 15 yeats of age, was committed to the county jail on complaint of Hatvey Miller, of the above place, for ussault upon Ills 13-yeui-old daughter. Young Roberts confessed his guilt. Clmtles II. Guckenbetger, aged 20 eats, died of pneumonia at his home hem on Tuesday, He was a member of the lire company, Heptasophs, Lled eiktanz and Muenneichur. The fu neial was latgely attended Ftlday ut 2 p. 111. It Is Dr. S. A. Kelley, of Honesdale, that Is under $1,500 hall for his appear anee at court to answer the chat go of etlmlnal malpractice which caused the death of Mis. Thomas J. Ham, nnd not the Dr. Kelley who figured in the Lackawanna courts recently. Mr. Fred H. Whitney, w ho has for the past thiee months been at the Dans vllle, N. Y.. sanltatlum, letutned to his home Tuesday evening. He Is teported as being in a ci It leal condition. If tho Hnby Is rutting Tooth. MrB. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup haa been used for over fifty yenrs by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect succesg It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world, Be suro und call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. MARKETS AND STOCKS Willi Struct ltevlevv. New York, Jan, IB. Tho feeling In stock circles today was more confident than for some time past, mainly owing to tho ie inaikablo favorite statement of tho for eign commeico of tho country for tho month of December and the year 1S9C, the stendy lncreaso In tho treasury gold le seivo and the superabundance of money, both horo and In London. Tho market was stiong fiom the opening to the close of tho session. Tho upward movement In Sugar gained additional force ftom the announcement of a further advance In prices of rellncd. The commission houses lepotted more numerous ordeis for stocks for outside account, although It Is admit ted that the bdslncss Is tljl to a lurgo ex tent piofeRslonal The tionsactlons ng giegated 215,000 Bharc3 and tho advance In prices was equal to 'in2i pel cent,, the latter In Wheeling and Lake Eilo pre ferred, which sold up to 11 . Sugar, the Grangers, Louisville and Nashville, Man hattan, Tennessee Coal and Western Union and Chicago Gas weie conspicuous both In point of actlvltj and advance, 'lhu muiket closed stiong at the top prices of the duv. Net changes show advances of Ka! nei cent.. Manhattan leading. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LIEN & CO, stock btokeis, Meuts build lug, looms, TUi-iUi , Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est est. ing Am Tobacco Co .. .70 77'ii 70 77i Am. Sug. Kef Co 113J 115 Hi, 114'i, At, Ao. .v. 3 To .. ll"s lfa 14's "Js At , To , S Ke I'l .2!', 2P, 23?, U Canada Southern ... 4l'i II1.' ' j 'l1-' Ches. A. Ohio 175,, 18 17 " PS Chicago Gas . .. . 77M- 7SH 77' i j Chic .V- N. W . ... 10JJa 10s 10 IK, l; i Chic, Ii. & O 72V- 74'A 72', 7ld Chic, Mil ,vSt P. .. 74', 78 71 Chic. It I ,t Pac. . 07'i 6Sh B74 OS , Del .v.- Hudson Ill llHi 111 11H Dlst. &C.F 134 13T W- "'A Gen. Electtlc 33' 31'i 33Jh Jl's LakoShoie llJ'ft 152', 152's lo2;i, Louis. Nush .... HI'S, B0"-i 4U 00- M. K. ft Tex. Pr. ... 30' i 31 WW 31 Man. Elevated .. . H'tVi HI , bi'i 9J, .Mo. P.ic 208 218 2fa 21? Nut Lead 24 VI 25'.. 1 S-'i N. J Cential 101 102 10 1 . N. Y. Cential SV' 93Ta Ill's 93-s N. Y .LEA. W. ... 15 15 1. 1 N. Y., S ft W. Pr ... 21'i 2P. 2I'4 24i2 Nor Pac Pr 31W 24 i 3U 31 Ontiulo A. West. ... 14', 14J8 14; llvf, Omaha 19 00 i, M P.u Mull 21 25i 2P6 21 Phil Heading 2C, 274 2l;; JiVj Southern R R 1"i 9 'b ''?i. Southein H R. Pr. . 27 2S,, 27 KH Tellii C ft lion .... 2') 30 29 30 Texas PaciHc i 9 9 9 Union PaelHc 7's 7 . W Wabash ( C Ci (.- Wabash Pi 10 ICh 10 1C Western Union &3 SV S3 i 81" Y. 1 2 3a 2'6 3 U. S Leathei Pr Cl CHi OPh Cl? U. S Rubber 21 2P. 21 21'i CHICAGO HOARD OP TRADE PRICES Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing est. est. ing. Muv ,... 80'., 81 7f, in. Jul "i 77 "u'i 75'a OATS. Mav 19 19 IS", lSri CORN. Ma .:.: 21 25 21j 21!, July 25"8 20 25 2o Jlnj ' 4.15 4 17 4.10 4.12 Ma!',' 8 12 8 20 S02 S 02 Now York Produce Market. New Yotk. Jan. 15. Plour Dull, steady, unchanged Wheat E.islet, steady. No. 2 led f. o. b, 9Sc; ungraded led, iS'ia HSVic; No. 1 northern, 923Bc ; options closed weak, Januntv, is9c : Match, 90c; MdV, SGc , Juh, S3c Coin Dull, easier, No. 2, 29'4c, elevator. 30')C, alloat, steamei, mixed, JSe.; No. 3. 27c; options dull and wenk Januntv, 29V&C; Mav, 30V.. June, 31c; July. 31'ic. Oats-Quiet, steady; options dull, steady: Januaiy, 22'(,c.; leb luaty, 22"c: Mav, 22"4c.j spot pi Ices, No 2, 22Le.. No 2 white. 21'ic: No. 2 Chicago. 23i4c; No 3, 20'-c; No 3 white, 22c; mixed western, 22a24c; white do. and white state, 21a30c PiovHolns Plrm, quiet, un changed. I.ntd Quiet, baielv steady, un changed. Huttei Steady. unchanged. Cheese Plim; state laige; 7',iaimc; do small, SUIP4C, pait klms, 4a8c ; full skims, 2,fcn3c. Eggs Quiet, cas ; state and Pennsj lvanla, lG'aUc ; icu house, 13al4c , western flesh, Ibc: do case, $1.73a 3, southern, 15al5Hc ; limed, 13al3:c. ('hicngo tJiuiii nnd Provision Market Chicago, Jan. 13 The loading futuies i.inged as follows. Wheat January, 7bc , 77'c; May, i0c , SOc; July, 7534c, 75?8e. Corn Januni. 22r-4c .'Wjc; May, 24sic; 246c. July, 25'8c, 2514c. Oats Januaiy, lG38c , ICc; Muj, 19c. 18vaC; July, 19c , 1938c Mes )ork January, $7.b0, $7.S0, Jlaj, $S 12"., $S02'i Laid Januarj, $1 02'., $3 97"., Ma. $113, $1 12'i. Shoi t 1 lbs Januaij, $4 20, $107'..; May. $4.20. $4 U4 Cash quotaltous were as fololws: Floui Quiet, unchanged; No 2 spiing wheat, 77.a7S"c, No. 3 do, 73i77e ; No 2 red, SG'saS9c; No. 2 coin, 22iia223ic , No 2 oats, lGMal7c ; No. 2 re, 3Sc ; No 2 bailey, 33a 30e , 0. 1 llaxseed, 73a7sc.: timothy "eed, $2 03, messpoik, t7.S2i.a$7.S74. lard, $3 97'.a $1; shoit libs sides, $3 97'.a$l. 22..; shoulders $l23a!30, short clear sides, $4 12'.a4 23 whlskev. $1,18, sugais, cut loaf. $3 20, giau ulated. $1C3, standaiu A., $4.20. Philadelphia 1'iovisiuti .Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Provisions were steads and In fuir lobbing demand. We tpiote: Beef hums, $lSalS50, as to age and biand; poik, family, $10al0 30; hams, S P. cuied, In tleices, Sn9c; do smoked, 9'ia lie., as to average and brand; sides, ilbbed, In salt, I'ialiC. , do. do. smoked, 51ja51.c. , shouldets? plcklo cuied, 5'ia5'.e. , do do. smoked, ty jCmc . picnic hams, S. P. cuied, 5Via5:4C.; do. do smoked, d"tu.lfltc ; bellies, in pickle, accoidlng to average, loo-e, Ea r,io bacon. (iHa71lc. as to bfand and avetage, lard, puie, city re- tlned, in tleices, mn5c; do. do, 111 tuns, 5a5'4C.; do huteheis', loose, 3alc ; city tallow, In hogsheads, 3'ic; country do, 21 a3'Bc , ns to uqalltj, and cakes, 3'ia3e Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan 15 Cuttle Receipts, 30,000 held, nmilcet Him, common to eita steels, ?3 50a5 DO, .stoekets and feedet. $3 10a! 15, cows and bulls, $1 75aJ7l cnivee $3 suae; lexans, j iuat -j nogs iieeeipi-., 3000 head, maiket linn and 5c higher; heav y packing and shipping lots, $3 30 13 55, common to choice mKed, $J35a3Sf; choice assorted, $3 13i3 1,0; light. $3 33a3 55; pigs, $3.20aJ55 Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head, maiket film; Infeiloi to choice, $250a3 90, lambs, $3 50a0 15. Ittltlnlo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. Y.. Jan. 15 Cattle Firm: light to medium steets, $JS5a4 25: choice euls, $0 75 i7 23, eomnioii to good $4 73aG 50. Hogs Stiongei , Yotkets, $3G3aJ75; pigs, $3 75, mixed packets, $3 35a3 00, mediums, $3 50a3 55, louglib, $3a3 10, stags, $2 2312 75 Shi ep and lumbs Stronget foi lambs easier foi sheep, best native lambs, $5 2ua 5 23, good to choice, $4.90a0.15, common 10 tail, $4 43 it bO. mixed sheep, good to choice, $3.73al, common to full, $123a3.05, culls, $2nJ, choice jcnllngs and wetlieis, $1 15a 4 20, oxpott ewes, $3 C3a3.73. riade of Heavy, Serviceable Woolen riaterlal. WjNDPROOF, WARM AND WATERPROOF. LONG STYLE For Motormen, Farmers, Watchmen, Drivers, Railroad Men, and all whose business exposes them to inclem ent weather. Buy a "DANCO" and dodge the doctor. Fcrnnton Ilonrd of Trndo Kxchntiftc Quotntions--AU (luotutlon ilusud on Purol 1UO. Name. Did. Asked, Scrnnton Luce Curtain JZo CO Nntlonnl llorlng ft Drlll'g Co. ... 80 First Natlonnl Hnnk 050 Scianton Jar ft Stopper Co 23 Elmhurst Houlevnrd Co 100 Scranton SuvIurs llnnk 200 ... Roiita Plato Glass Co 10 Scinnton Packing Co 93 Lacknvvanna Iron ft Steel Co. ... 150 Third National Bank 330 Throop Novelty M'fg. Co 90 Scrnnton Traction Co 15 20 Scranton Axlo Works s Tradeis National Hank US 120 Weston Mill eo ii Alexand6r Car Replacer Co loo Colliery Eng. ft Metal Miner. 110 Scranton Redding Co 105 Dime Dep ft DIs, Hank 145 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage duo 1913 110 ... People's Street Railway, Urst mortgage due 191S 110 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Laeka. Township School 5 102 City of Sctanton St. Imp C. ... 102 Mt. Veinon Coal Co S3 Scinnton Axle Works 1W Sctanton Traction Co 93 Economy Steam, II ft P. Co . ... 100 A WORD. WANTS OP ALI. KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID TOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LKS3 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED TREE. HELP WANTED WALKS. WANTKD-MLK WISHING TO TAKE examinations, which occur soon In Scrnnton, for various government positions, to write us for valuable Information (free); no enrollment fee: you iiroparo youtsolf. U. S. Uuroau of Infot mntlon, Cincinnati. O. Q ALESMAN-SCHOOL StJPPLir.S; COUN yJ try work; Slim salary monthly, with lib eral additional commissions It. O. EVANS 4: CO , Chicago 1 VANTED-AN IDHA. WHO CAN THINK of somo simple thing to pntent Pro tect your Ideas: thov may bring vou we ilth Wrlto .TONII WKDDKRBUH.N .V: CO,, Ilept. C, 23, Patent Attornej 8, WnxhiiiRton. D. O , for their ?1SI prize offer and list ot 'JOOinvon tlons wanted. WANTED-AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC tlon to canvass: 4 90 to S5.00 a day mado ; sells at piglit; also a man to (.oil Staplo Goods to dcnlcrs; best sldo lino $75 n month; enlaiy or largo commission mado: eiperionco unuecossarj-. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co , Cincinnati, O WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FIbH A: CO, Borden Block, Chieaco, 111. II ELI' WANTED FEMALES. WAg ANTED - LADIES - 8100 IN GOLD This ad. may not appear ngnln Who can form tho greatest number of words from the letters lu ENDLAVOItf. ' You can mnko twonty or nioro words, w 0 feol suro, and if you do you will teeolvo n good reward. Use no lottor unless found In tho word. Usouo laneuago except English. Uso any dictionary Pronoun, nouns, vet b?, adverbs prefixes, suftlxes, adjectives, ptopir nouns, plurals allowed. Anything that is a legitimate word. Work it out in this manner' Endeavors, on, end, ends, near, nod, nods, dear, deer, ear, ears, and. or, oro, oar, oars, etc. Uso these words In your list. Iho publisher of Woman's YVoni.11 and Jenness, Montiiia will pay 520 00 In gold to tho poison ablo to miko tho lugost list of words from tho letteis In tho word EN DEAVOllS: S10 01 for tho second: S5.00 for tho third; fc3 00 for tho fourth, and 82 00 each for thn thirty next laruest lists. Tho above ronardBaro given freo and without consid eration, for tho purpose of attracting at tention to our handsome woman's maga zine, thirty-six pages, one hundred and foitv foui long columns, finely illustrutod, 'tud nit original matter, long and short stories by tho best authors; price SI. 00 tier year. It is necessary lor vou, to entoi the contest, to send 12 tv cent stamps for a threo months' trial snbsciintijn with vtiur list of wolds and ovciv Person sondingtlio 24 cents and a list fit twenty word or moio is guaranteed an ox ra present by return m ill fin addition to tho magazine), of a 170 page hook, "Hoyon 1 Ho call," by Adolino Soigomt a poweiful lovo romance, Satisfaction gu irant od in overy case or money refunded. Lists should bo sent at onco nnd not lator than Maich 15 Tho names and addiesses of successful contestants will be printed in April isiue. published In Match. Our publication has been estab libhod nine ye vis Wo refer vou to nny 11101 cautilo itconey foi our stindiutr. Mnkn yonr list now. Address JAMEb H. PLUMMEK, Publisher, 225.0 7 Totnplo Court Building. Dept. -M C, Now York City t"ADIES -1 MAKE BIO WAGES DOING Xu pleasant home vork, and will gladly send full particulais to all sending 2 out stump MISS M A. SlEfiBINS, Lawrence Mich -TT7-ANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN- ton to sell and introduce Snvder's c.iko Icing: expotlenced ennvasset proferrf d: woik ermanont and very profitable VV rlto fov paitlculars at onco and get benefit tiflmlidiy trade. T. B SNYDER A; CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED 1MMEDIATELY-TWO ENER getio faleswomcn to repiosent us Gunrnnteod d a i'ay without Interferring with other duties. Hinlthlul oreupntioii. VVtlto foi pat tloulnrs, enclosing stnmp, Mango Chemical Ccmp.ul)VNo. 72 John t-tieet. Now York. r HOARD WANTED. Y?oi manand" 'v,;nv. NTTuTiiLic l1 Library. Address A . Tribune olllco. F-ROFITAHLE SPECULATION. TN GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND ST( J. fcend for out "Looklot" explnlnln 'OCKS. ;nc our plnn; now Is jour oppoi tunltv ns mnrUots aro low, woumku tnonev for our customets; denl viith u responsiblo firm, buik toforonoeH A F. BORST & CO., Bankers nnd Brokeis, 9 Pluo atroot. Now York. FOR SALE BY II! 220 Lack. Ave. "4 t M c onnosly (VR ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPING G00D5 SALE IS NOW ON. This season we propose to make it "an event" in the Dry Goods business. Muslins, Sheet ings, Crashes, Ready Hade Sheets and Pillow Cases, White Quilts, Towels, Napkins, Table Linens, etc., are included in this Great Sale. Note Tliese Prices Atlnntlc bleached Pillow Cases Sheets, hemmed and lendy for use: and Pillow Caes. 43-30 50-35 Cl-3li lie. 1.P4C 14c. Sheets. 81-90 90-00 43c. GOC. Sizes, Prices, Lockwood Sheetings by the yard: Hto. 7c. Sc 9c 10c. lie. IJMiC He. 10c. 42-ln. n-in. GO-ln. 51-ln. 7-4 8-1 9-4 10-4 Hlch.bc. 9c. 10c. lie. 12'ic lie. ICc. ISc. Utlca Hleacred Sheetings: G-l GO-ln. 0-1 8.4 9-1 10-4 lie. 12c. 14c. ICc. ISc. 20c Clarendon White Quilts, Only 9Sc. Our legulai ?2 DO Maisellles Cjullt, Por l 00 each. This is not a Clearing Sale of old, impaired stock, that you hear so much of these clays. It is our ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS SALE, which has gotten to be a looked-for event a money-saving event for the people. CONNOLLY & AGENTS WANTED. AWANnliTnsN''D joung and old, to work for us In tholt own lioinns in spnro tlnio, day 01 uvonliiR. Wo piy S10 to 315 por wook. ,o canvassing Any phild can do thn work. Send address today. Wosundwoikat onco. THE VAIL AltT CO, Dopt. 277. Vttll, Pa. WE DON'T WANT BOYS ()Tt LOArCHS, but men of nbillty; S301 to f.30i) a month to hustlers: state and gonoral agents; snlii y and rnimiilislon. RACINE FIUK ENGINE CO., Hnelue, Wis. WANTED- GENEItAL AGENTS IN EV erv county; also lady cnuvawors;iotno thing now; sure aolloi ; apply quick J. C HILHHUT, 111 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa. A QENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Citlzenshln nrlco 31. Go ing by thousands. Addross, NICHOLS, Napci v 111c. 111. 1 nrma Tn nn t nnn miinTlCAT. A GLNTS-TO BELL OUR I HACTIOAU kuiu, Biner. mono! mm eupijai iu plastors; pliees lrom S3 upward: salary and . expenses tiaui: outnt tiee. Auurcss, vviiu stamp, MILHIGAN MFG CO,, Chicago AGENTS TO SELLGIGARSTO DEALERS; ?25 weekly and nxiionses: experience un nocossary CONhOHDA'IED MFG CO.. IS Van Buren st , Chicago, SALEfaMAN TO CAltHY SIDE LINE; 23 per cent ommission: satnplo book mailed free, Addios L. N. CO, Station L, Nuw York. FOR SALE. J70H SALE-A LOT OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, as. good as uuw, 822 Monroe T70R SALE A SILVER PLATED CONN J uoublo boll euti doublo boll euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell gold lined; neatlvnow and cost $90: w ill sell at a baign'ln Addioss ' this week to E. W. GAYLOH, LaRHisvillo, l'a. 17011 SALE-IIOHSE, AGED SIX YEAHS. J weight 1,000 pounds; cau be seen at 1021 l'rlco street WANTED TO RENT. WANTED A HOUSE WITH 10 OR li rooms' modern conveniences; from Aptil 1 Address. GUIFI'lTH, Tribune olllco. FOR RENT. I ?OR RENT-ELEVEN-ROOM DWELLING . houso, with all modorn imptovoments; ront moderate. Apply 422 Madison avonuo "I7OU RKNT-STOUB BUILDING, WYO J.1 nvenuo, four tloais; ariangod to suit ten ant; olovatorit deslied TIIOS. T. WELLS, Commonwealth Building. I?OIt RENT-SINGLE HOUSE, U ROOMS. ' furnsee. hot nnd cold water, beautiful location, 172i Penn avenue, Green Ridg; S20 a month V L HAWLE. 211 VVyomhia nvo. I70R RENT-TUB THREE FLOORS OY'ER I No. 4i0 8pruro streot, now occuplod by tho Rowing Associitioti: possession Apiil 1st. Inipiiro of TRED WAGNER, oil Lackawanna avenue FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 7iTH ouvi6u ' lloor float; stoimhcnt 527 Adams nv o REAL ESTATE. DOOu'NTTtTUY'TTlCnTE 1 Hero's a grent bugaln: 1721 Penn avo nuo, adjoining North Park. Groon Ridge; 9 rooms, fuinaee, hot and cold water; lnt3Uxlt)l: eellar undir wholo lions1.: fino liwn, stone walks: jiropetty wottli J,'0O, no reasnnablo oiler refused; must soil; part pavmunt bal nnco on tlnio to suit timthisji Addiess TALLIE MORGAN, enroot u L Hnwloy 211 W joining avenue, Scrnnton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. E'jyoe'wh eXtlmmeimYtely: writo us for oni dally information mid book, "Good Advlco;" wo can innko jou Homo money; tefereneos A F. 1!0RS1'&U0., Batikeia nnd Brokeu, 9 Pino tit , Now York, YOU CAN MAKE SOME JtONEY F)Y IN J vostlnglnspeeulitlon immodlatoly: send for our booklet, ' Oood Advice" and dilly In foiuntion A r. BORbT i: CO., 0 Pino St , Now Yolk tTFaNTED-CAPABLE MAN WITH S1.00II, to 1 any stoek nf goods and manage brancii ror fiuci.'o nous" niary M-ipit month nnd nil oxponsos; n 8") ottra poicont ae; poimaneut position with good futuio prospects Address JAMES BARTON, 125 Fiauklin stroot, Chicigo. CHIROPODIST AND .MAMCURH. 7oTtNbTlnjN?0lT'LNmf v.' nails cured without tho leu-it piin or dinvilug blood Consultation and iidvb 0 given tree. E. 51 111 TS1.L. Cluropi fhst, 3U) L.iek uwnnna avenue. Ladies attended nt their residence If desired C'hnicos lurdernte. CITY SCAVENGER. AB BRIGG'j CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . nud cess joola: 10 cdor: improved pumps used. A. PRIGOS, Propuetor I.o.ivo otdois 110O North Jl.'iin avenue, or Erckos' druj store, coiner Auains nnuMul beris 'If iHphono 41.15 LOST. i osr-rox terrier pup. with two Xj brown snots 011 sides rindoi plensolio turn to J00 Jotleison nveuuo and receive te wuid. T OST-UErWEEN RIVER SPRELT AND 1J No. 4 pond, n small sliuil lail's gold watch, lilnln L.iso. edgo ongrnved; row aid JOHN NALLIN, 402 I'lttstou 11 venue. ESTRAYED. ITlbTRAYED-WlHTE SETTER DOa WITH Hi btowu cars, brown spot 011 butt of tsil and on tall; nickel collir. leather lined; ro wan! for bib return. 1118 VI110 utreot. ITiSTRAYED-ritOM SUBSCRIBER, A lit red eow with 0110 brass knob on horn. Will reward (in lor A. MARX, 315 Clay avenue, Dunmoio. FINANCIAL, Particulars Free on Application. SAM KELLER & CO., Bankers and Brokers 44 Uroatlvva) and 45M7 New Street, New York Agencies In all large Cities of tho U. S, Nearly 70 par cent profit on our "Holldnv Combination," covorinir over twenty-seven days' transactions: OVER EIGHT PER CE.NT weekly on tho investment for the past Six Yrara. No Losses Ever Rocordod. Tho safest nnd most nrontablo svsteiu of Investment knowu. ;?(! inch MttsltiH Drown. Atlnntlc A.. .. Hlack Rock . Camel on D ., Atlantic P .... I Blenched. (!c. ' TTI11 He. 5c. LotiRdnlo Cc. lVic, Fruit of Loom .. re. Gc. Dwlght Anchor.. 0c. I Pride of West.... 10c. Crashes Rest twilled cotton crash, bleached and brown, nt 3i4c. lS-lnch Linen twilled crash, worth 10c, at 7c. Glass crash, all linen, only 5c. And our entire stock of Linen Crashes at Cut Prices. WALLACE, STOGKIIOLDKKS' MEETING. '"pilE ANNUAL MELTING OP THE A stockholders of The Lackawanna 'I rust and 'afo Deposit Company, of bcranton, will on hold In the Dlieotors' room ot the bank building, on Monday, Pobruaiyl, 1MJ7, bo tweon tho hours or J and 4 p in HENRY H1:LIN. Jll, Secretary. 'pin: annual" meetino or the X stockholders of The West ItidRo Coal Compauy will bu held at tho offlco of tho com pany, lu tlio city of 'cratiton. Pa , on Mon day. January 23, 197, botweou tho hours of 2 and 1 p. m for the put poo of alerting 11 board of dli outfits toser for tho ensuing yoar, and tinusiietlngsuch other buslnois as may eotno befoio sain luoutlng. K. A. CLARK, Secrotary. qiHE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE HtockhnldnrH fif Tim KntnrnrUn Pmvili.r Manufacturim? Couidiiiv. for tli nlnntlnn nf uuiraanii 1110 uuusuciion 01 sucn oumr businoss ns may proporly como beforo it, will .it. . ,T,. .r .. ... .... bo hold on Wodnusd IV. Jauu iry 27th. 1SU7. at the olllco of thu company in bcianton, l'a., at 30 o'clock 11 in No tvanqfrti of stonk will bo made for ton dajs next piccedlug tho datoof thoabovo meeting. E. P KINGSBURY. Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders ot Tho St Clnlr Coal Com Win,, for tho election of dlreoto.s and tho transaction of Euch other business as may properly como beforo it, will bo hold on Men- nronerlv day. Januarv25. 1E07. at tho olllco of tho com pany In bcrnnton, Pa., at 2 o'clock p 111. No transfor of stoek will bo mado for ten days noxt preceding the dato of above mooting, E. P. KINGbBUHY, becrotary. "VTOTICE IS HEP.EBY GIVEN THAT THE X annual meeting of Tho Spring BrooW Wntor Supply Company for the cloctlon of dit ectors and tho transaction nf such other buslno-,3 as may ptoperlv come befoio it will ho held on Wednesday, January iOtlt, 197, nt mo nour or lu o ciock n m , at tno ouico or tno eoinpitiy lu facrnnton, Pa In necordanco with tho bv-laws of tho como mv L A. WATItES. President. Attosf-T, H, W ATKINS, Secretary. NOTICE TO COAL MINERS. VVANTED-OUDEHS FOR FLAT MINE ' ties, direct from wood, chostnut. etc Addicss II T Loci: BoxO. Mt. Pocono. Pa. NOTICE-ROCK CONTR AC 1'ORS. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED TO J- January 25, lb97, at noon, for drlv hiif a tunnol at Sttirriek Cieak Collleiv, Poekvlllo. Pa. ; tunnel to ho drlvon fiom thn CInrk or Ross vein to tho bottom split of tho Dunmore or Hod Ash vein; size to bo 7 feet b7 12 foot, and 1,400 feet long more or loss; contractor must fui nisli all power and tools 'Iho company lesorvos the right to reject any 01 nil bids. Specifications forsnmj miy bn seon on np pllrntiou to JOHN R URYDEN, Supt. Poekvlllo, Pn , Jan. f, 1897 SEALED PROPOSALS. y BALE D 'pROPOsTlS WILlTBE TtE J ceived nt the olllco of the Socretnry of tho Sctanton Boatd of Contiol until 7.J0 o'clock, Eilday ovonlug, Jan 22, 1SU7 foi tho hunting and ventilation of tho proposed eight room public school building, to bo known as N'o, 10, in nut 01 dance with plans nud specifications lu the hands of John A. Dutkworth, architect, Scinnton. Pa. 'llio sum of SIM In cash or cer tified check shall bo enclosed with etch bid, which sum shall ba forfeited to tho school dis trict, in case of refusal or omission on thonirt of tho bidder to whom tho contract shall bo nwardod tooxec itwcontiact within tendavs nttor tho awnrdln,of tho same 'opnrate bids will nlso bo received nt tho same time for tlio snnitaiy Hjstom of said building. In arcordnnce witli plans and speci fications in the hands of sitd urohitact; 51 in casli or oortliled check shall be enclosed with etch bid, uudor simo conditous as nbovo stated stipulated 1m Bond resaivcs tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of tho Scrnnton Boird of Control, EUGENE D. 1'ELLOWs. Secretin y, SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTEU-SIIUATIONAS A STENOG rapheror olllca assistant by .1 jouny man; can givo lofetences. Addiess J J Tiibmiootlice. SITUATION WANTED BY A NICE 5 coloiel dil as cook or gen oral hou"owork lu nice family in town. Call nt 411 Quiucy aiouuo today and '1 huisdny und Friday WANTEH-EMPLOYMENT OP ANY kind by nmrrled mini Understands ciro of hoiscs and eattlo Will nciunlnted hi ull parts of city. i b enro Tnbuuo, TnDUTRIOUS YOUNG MAN WlbHES J honorable einplovinont of any kind. Ad dress. It. W 11.. cam Tilbuno olllce 'ANTEf)-feIluatlon of nnv Mud; otporl V ? enced as elerk lu ' lotliinP', boots nnd nnd shoes, croeeij or ehlnnwnre; referenees given Address, D J PRICE, 150 South Hydi) Paik avenue, city. A MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK AS minister or nnv klud of work Cau give good leCJinmindatious Address, C. II. L. 'I rlouuo oiiico SITUATION WANTED-SOBER INDUS O trlous man dosires Insldo woik of nny kind VV ages no object. Good references. Address, J II , b27 Pittston ,iv ouue. SITUATION WANTED-NUHSE, EXPE lienced conilnouionts, desiron ongago. inotlt; hlHhest roferenee M. EbTERPlELD, Oenei nl Duhvoi V bernnton' Pn, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. lMiysiclsiits and Stirscons. DR, MARTHA S EVERITT. SOS WAdlT Ington nve. Olllce houts until 10 a m ; 2 to 4 0 to 8 p. m. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., HOME opathlst, No 22SAdatns avenue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases ot Womon, corner Wyoming avenuo and Spruce street, Scrnnton. Of. tlce hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a, in. to 6 p. m. DR. COMEGYS-OPFICE NO. 337 N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phone No. 3232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, B12NORTH WASH, ington avenue DR ANNA LAW, 303 WYOMING AVE. Office hours, 9-11 a. m., 1-3 p. m., 7-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue Olllco hours. 8 to 9 a. m., 1 30 to 3 and 7 to E p, m. Residence 303 Midi son aevnue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 20i and 207 Hears Building. Office telephone 12C3. Hours; 10 to 12, 2 ' to 4, 7 to a. DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL- lace Table Uncus Impossible to go Into tho details Of quot ing pi Ices here, hut we want to gny th it we aio going to innke this Linen Snlo In teresting for vou. Wo mot nn ununual opportunity In tho way of a "Linen Pur chase," and were ipilck enough to snap It up. That was good buying. Every yald of the lot nnd also our entire regular stock bears red Ink prices for this occasion, which means that this Is to be good soiling ami quick selling. Huy jour Table Linen here and now. Napkins The same story of the table linens up piles to the napkins. Hundreds of dozens of good napkins ninth fiom $1.00 to $3.00 a doeu, will be sold at gieatly teduced prices. 209 ToZnue 1st on chronic diseases of tho henrt, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary organs, will occupy tho olllco of Dr. Roos, 232 Adams aevnuo. Olllce hours, 1 to 0 p. m. W. G. ROOlC VETERINARY BUR gcon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scranton, Telephone, 2G72. Lnwvcr. FRANK D. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND counsellor-at-law. Burr building, room 13 and 14. Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTYATLAW. 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S & RUDDY, ATTORNEYS-at-law. Commonwealth building. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEV3 and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth tulldlng, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, W. IL JEB3UP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADER'3 National Bank Building. AV V " and l ' Counsellors Common: n2 f.iMini. nn.i si n??i w5althuyine55?jns19L 20 and 21. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room D, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. i JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms 03, CI and Co, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Offlcc, 317 Spruce St., Scrnnton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna rivcScrnnton, Pa. URID TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 5 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-Inw, Commonwealth building, Scranton. Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate Becurlty. Mcars building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruco street. 5. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming aye., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scrnnton. WATSON. DIEHL. HALL & KEMMER ER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law; Traders' National Bank Building; rooms 0. 7, S, 9 nnd 10: third floor. Detectives. BARRING & M'SWEENEY. COMMON. wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Architects EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 21, 25 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scrantoiu E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OrPICE rear of COO Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR , ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash. nve.. Scrantoji. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, 125 Washington avenue, Sc ra nton. T. I. LACEY & SON, ARCHITECTS, Trader's Bank Building. Alderman. G. T. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. M'GRAW, 305 SPRUCH DR. H. T. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. DR, C. C LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming avo. R. M. STRATTON, OPFICE COAL EX change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA, ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 6. Dressmaker, MRS.M.E.DAVIS,430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, I'n., prepares boys and glrli for collego or business; thoroughly trains oung children. Catalogue at re. quest. 1 REV. THOMAS M. CANN. . WALTER H BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Sprlni) term April 13. Kindergarten J10 per term. Seeds. G R, CLARK & CO, SEEDMEN ANU Nurserjmcn; store 140 Washington ave. nue; gieen house, 1350 North Main ave. nue; store telephone, 782. Wire Screens, JOS KUETTEL. REAR BU LACKA. wanna avenuo. Scranton, Pa , manufac. turet of Wire Screens Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRANK, lln avenue. Rates reasonable, P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. & W, passenger depot. Conductod on tht European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St and Irving Place. New York Rates. $3 50 per day and upwards (Amerl can plan.) Ge6. MURRAY. Propiletor .Miscellaneous BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOB balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed. dings and concert work furnished Foi terms address R. J, Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'i music store MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran, ton. Pa. FRANK P BROWN & CO., WHOLEi sale dealers In Woodwnre, Cordage anj OH Clothu720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERTTaC countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postolllce, Aeent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher. ualMtMMMMMM. tMMlWMM MteMMiAte