T- - -V 2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MOBNTNG JANUARY 1G, 1897. r(pwTi MUNYON CURES BY MAIL vThousauds Ilavo Been Cured Through Prof. ' Munyon's Free Medical Advice. Munyon" Medical Institution, loOi Arch St., Philadelphia, li tho best pno of 1W Kind In the world It implojB i lnrife stun" of skilled specialists to diagnose the cases not only of people upplyliiB peisonally for tiontment. but those In nil pints of the country who send In personal titters, ask Inn the best methods of ljelntf clued or arlous diseases. Thousands of these let. ttrs me let el veil eveiy week, and a slut! of roin ten to fifteen doctois uro dullj em plovid In dictating rei)lles throimh the me dium of us many stenoginphers. 'llieso ltttus are received In tho strictest ton lldence and piomptly nnswtied with the best medical advice obtainable. No effoi it Mill bo spared to see that each case is thoroimhlv dlamiosid and tlie proper rem idks to effect a cuio ure piescrlbtd. I or these services no fee Is expected. A sepaiate cute foi each disease. At all diUKKlsts, mostl S3 tents u vial Addtess l'rofessor Munvon, 130j Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. GARBQNDALE, pteadori will pleaso note that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and Items for publication left at tho establishment or Shannon & Co, newsdealers. North Main street, will rccelvo prompt attention; ol llcu open from S a. in. to 10 p. m.J re : PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENT. A Second Thimlili! Tea Is (Jiicn l 3Iis. I,. A. Hnssut. Mrs L A Bassett again entertained a laiRe mmibei of quests on Thuisday iifteinoon. Mis. Bassett und her motliei leeelved the guests. Mrs. Eva Smith, Mis. N. H. Hlller and Mrs. Lucy Westlake usslsted at the tefiesh nielit tables. The house and the tubles weie decorated In a charming manner with cai nations, billllant led cactus How eis and a -variety ol choice plants. The hours passed pleasantly in social conversation, and as on tne day previ ous, so this thimble tea was a most eri Joable occasion. Among the friends present weie Mes daines Mary Ci.ine. Harriet Lathiope, L D. Lathrop, J. L Hun, V. Hstu brook, F. V. Mills, Charles Burr, N II Hlller, P. G. Smith, C. F. Meckel A. V,'. Rev nolds, Y. P. GieBOiv, W. L Filsble, Raiiiond Reynolds, GeoiRe Patterson, A. L Patterson, V. A Blown, S. S Shields, Osc.n Mooie, J. W. Dlmock. D. W. Humphrey, Chailes E. Lathrop, L C. Iluthuway, H. B Hathavvav, D. L. Bailey, C. O Mellen, Hany Ilaiilson, John S. Nlle. C. 12 Kpencei, A. T. Law, of Scianton, and the Misses Pascoe, Jennie Butlei and Miss Hose Strickland. Dcntli ol'Ouon I'huinelli. Yosteiday the fi lends of Owen Flan nelly lecelved tho sad Intelligence of Ills death, after a week's illness fioni pneumonia. Mi. Flanntlly was boin In this tlty thirty-two jears ago and lias been a lifelong- lesident. He was well Known and tsteemed by a laige elide ot ti lends. His mother, Mrs. Petei Flannelly, survives; also thiee broth el s, Michael, Patrick and Peter; also thiee slsteis, Mis. Petei Munay, Mis. Michael How aid and Mlbs Kate Flan nelly. Changes m the freight Trains. Some changes in the Delawaie and Hudson freight tiains will be made ne.t Monday. Two ciews aie to be put on to iuii to Oneonta, and the same number from Oneonta to tills city. Thiee round trips will be made each week, the dlhtance being ISC miles At piesent two freight ciews mil to Nine veh, where a tiansfei Is made to the Suseiuthauna division and so to One onta, Accident to Janitor lleov. "While William Wilcox, janitor of schools No. I and 2, on Salem avenue, was passing along Spiing street, he slipped on the sidewalk, vvheie the boys had been sliding, and suffeied from the sudden shock. He Is now confined to his home and Klchaid Udy Is on duty at the schools in his place. The Ice Harvest. A large number of men uie now en Raged in getting ice from ponds No. 4 and No 7 und many tiains are passing over the giavlty toad loaded with the lesult of their elYoi ts. The Ice is about eight Inches think and promises to be of tho best eiuallty. Uutli lloyt Is Improving. Hopes are entertained that little RUth, daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. B. Hoyt, of River stieet, may recover. She is doing well after the opeiatlon for appendicitis, which was performed one week ago. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Florence Harnden is 111 at her home on Salem avenue. Dr. M. J. Shields and family, of Jer rnjn, nie expected home from Texas the twentieth. Trank P. Coates, of Pateison, N, J., Is making a Hying lslt In town. Miss Maine Sheehan, of Blnghamton, r. Y was the guest of friends In town this week. James O'Malley, of the South Side, is ill with pneumonia. Pierce Butler was called to Wilkes Barro by the sickness of his only sister. Miss Lucy Connor, a graduate of Emergency hospital, is sick at the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Evans are enter taining Mrs. James Hlckel, or Scianton, and Mrs. Wood, of California, at their home on Seventh avenue. The little gianddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Speil, of Drunimond ave nue, Is sick with diphtheria. Thomas Levlson, who lecentlj retired from business, will leave for the South Annual Inventory Sale or CARPETS. V e have concluded our annual Inventory jf Btoclr, and find we have a gieat many aeslrablo lengths that we will close out at much less than cost, to make room for mil spiing goods that we ure lecelvlng dully. Hilng the size of your room along With you If In need of u carpet and we will guaiunteu )ou a baiguln, as this Is no humbug sale, A woid us to oui thlitl annual remnant sale, we huve some short lengths that we will close out at half price, hee them, us this sale lasts only for ten duys. ' GOTT INCUS Carpets, Wall Papers and Drapsrles, 49 LACKA. AVENUE. early In the spring. He ronteniplates a bicycle tour to California und Teas. Misses Maggie and Llda NlceJ attend ed the Youinr Men's Institute banquet In Scranton last evening. Mrs. W. 12. Watt was the uuest of fi lends In Wllkes-Barre ycHteulay. Hussell Shepherd, who has been 111 with typhoid fever for the past three weeks, Is Impiovlng. Miss Julln Morley, of Aichlmld, spent Thursday with fi lends In tills city. Frederick Wall, of Factoryville, Is the guest ot fi lends In town. William Wilcox, Janitor of tho Salem avenue schools, fell and Injured his ankle Thursday evening. Clarence and Thoinns Moigan spent Thursduy ut White Oak pond fishing. They repoi ted good success. The Biooklyn Dium corps will r?lve a social In the Burke hall next Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitfield, of Washington street, entertained n num ber of friends at a venison supper a few evenings ago. Miss Kntie Agnes Scott, daughter of Mi. and Mis. J. J. Scott, will be mai rled to V. J. McDonough, Wednesday afternoon, Jun. 20, at C o'clock. A ten-cent supper was given at the home of Mis. Louis Walters, on Church street, last eenlng, by the Ladles Auxiliary to the Biotherhood of Rail road Tialnmen. AKCHHALD. The first gun In the skirmish for borough olilces was Hied Thursday night when a "snap" caucus was held In Father Mathew opera house. It was published and generally believed that the general caucus of Democrats would be held next Monday evening, and the notices posted some time Wednesday night, calling a caucus for the next evening, came, theiefoie, In the natuie of a surprise. Nevertheless the hull was crowded to the doors at the time fixed for the opening of the caucus. There uppeared to be no sponsois In the caucus and after some salutation P. J. Lully consented to call It to ordei. James P. McAndiew, T. J. Klelty, Thomas P. Mourn and Mr. Lally him self weie named for peimanent chali inan, but neither would accept. Mr. P. F. Klelty, one of the candidates for tux collector, then asked leave to speak and on being granted permission he questioned the legality of the proceed ing that lesulted In the call for the cau cus and stated that he had no desiie to allow his name to go before It. The other candidates also seemed to be un willing to allow their names to be used. Mi. McDonnell, another of the candi dates for tax collector, Mr. Timlin, a. candidate loi buigess, and Thomas J. Klelty, also addiessed the assemblage and foi some minutes the candidates and the audience were at sea. Mi. Klelty brought order out of the chaos by offering a resolution to the effect thut each of the candidates foi geneial otllces sign an agieement that the gen eial caucus be held on Mondav even ing. This was assented to by all and the meeting dispel sed. It Is rather unfoitunate that theie aie no lules governing the holding of Demociatic caucuses in thlB town. Each j ear there is a wi angle as to the light of the candidates for olllce or the vlgllants to Issue the call and the trou ble is no neai er settlement today than it was live years ago. Heretofore the candidates huve usuull exeiclsed the privilege and although their conduct has always been open to question it has never been tested. It would save much talk and trouble and be faliei for every one If theie could be a set of rules fiamed for the puipose Indicated. P. J. Boland, who has been spending the holidays at his home here, returned to St. Bonaventure's seminary at Al legany, N. Y yesteiday. The paients of the children attend ing the kindergarten assembled at the building yesteiday morning and met the founder, Mrs. C. B. Hackley, who addressed them on the vvoik of the In stitution. The attendance is increasing dally and the child! en uie becoming moie lnteiested in the routine of the school. Miss Maty Philbln, of South Scian ton, called on fi lends heie Thursday. The Citizens band, of Jeimyn, will give a ijiand concert at St. Thomas' fair this evening. This is one of the best bands in this pait of the state and the pi ogi amine they will Interpiet will be well w oi th listening to. Thuisday evening the gold watch was disposed of. It was won by Nellie Uglow, of Hill street. The door pilze, $5, was won by Miss Maiy Kearney, of Salem stieet. The Second ward Demociatic caucus was held In Father Mathew Opeia house last evening. It was largely at tended and a very heavy vote was polled. Chairman John J. Banett called the meeting to older, and James r. McAndrevv was elected peimanent chairman; T. W. Loftus, secretary, and Thomas Moran, P. J. Munley, James Coughlln and Mart Mahady tellets The candidates for council were Kd waid F. Munley and Michael Dean and vote was so very close that it was nec esaiy to take a second ballot. Mr Mun ley was nominated by a majority of one, his vote being HI to to 140 foi Mi Dean. For school director John J Bai lett and W. F. Cumings weie candi dates for the nomination Mr. Cum mlngs was successful, the vote being Cummlngs 147, Banett 142. Theie was no opposition to the nomination of Patilck Mahon for judge and James Maily for Inspector of election, nnd they weie nominated by acclamation. Mr. Mahon called attention to the need of a change In the manner of making party nominations and suggested that the Crawford county system be adopt ed. The chairman also favored It and A. F. McNulty was called upon to ex plain ltB operation. He did so nnd It was decided to bring the matter up for further consldeiatlon at the general caucus to be held on Monday evening The caucus was very ordetly and not the slightest friction occuired. AVOCA. All the collieries of the Pennsylvania Coal company In the vicinity will re. Kiime work on Monday The Hillside Coal and Iron companjy w ill pay Its employes today. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the St. Aloyl sius society, will meet on Monday even ing. The 'Ancient Order of HlbeinlAns, Board of America, will meet on Suiiday alter noon, , A Democratic caucus will be hId in Herbert's hall on Monday evening to nominate hoiough ollicers foi th ensu ing yeai. It Is to be hoped thot every adherent to the patty will be p'esent. The mairlage of James Walslj, of this place, and Maigaiet Raj, of OJd Forge, Is announced to take place inthe near future. ( A class In physical cultun' will be organized at the high school ils after noon. Piofessor Klace, of Plosion, w 111 confer with the members awl complete arrangements. j Richard T. O'Mallev left ester day to spend a few mouths In Ke,!isas City. John Whalen, accompanied by his guest, Henry MeGraw, of Newpoit, R. I., left on Thuisday evening to resume their studies In St. MWhael's college, Toronto. Adolphus Ludvvlg.ageJ about 15 years, nn employe at the Lnngcllffe colliery, was neilously Injured on Wednesday afternoon by being kicked with ti mule In the abdomen. He was removed to his home In Duriea. Mis. II. Brooks, of Lallln, was a visitor in town on Thuisday. The following ofllcois of the Ladles' Catholic Beneficial association weie Installed at a itcent meeting: Presi dent, MIsh Mary A. Qulnn; first vice president, Miss Kate Gibbons; second ice president, Mis. Mary Mead; record er, Miss Kate Dempsey; financial sec retary, Mrs. M. Whalen; treasure!, Mrs. Annie Osborne; mnishnl, Mrs. Clara A. Barrett, guard, Mrs Mary A. Barrett, trustees. Mis. Winnie McDonald, Mrs. Kate Hogan, Mis. B. Clark, Mrs. Bi Id get Can oil, Miss Nellie L Callahan. On Wednesday evening Joseph Code, of the West Side, sustained a fractured limb by falling on the Ice He was removed to his homo and Dr. Plei sum moned who succeeded In alleviating his sufferings and setting the broken patts Mi. and Mrs. L'dwurd Reynolds, ot York avenue, are entertaining a daugh ter. M. F. Whalen has returned homo from Mahanoy City, vvheie ho uttended the funeial of a lelatlve. Mia. C. Stegmaiei, of Wllkes-Bane, vas a visitor in town yesteiday. The Canle Stanley Bums Comedy company will appear In O'Mullov's. op eia house In u four nights' engagement. The company eonus well lecoiiimended. On Monda, evening they will pioduce the sensational comedy entitled "After Dark " A musical contest and supper will take place at the Primitive Methodist church orr Tuesday ev erring, Jan. 21!, when the following pi eductions will be competed foi : Solo, "A Beam of Sun shine," foi i hlldien from 10 to it jears of age; "In the Seciet of His Piesence, ' tor" adults. Both selections aie found In Gospel Hvmiis, Nos. 5 and G Recita tion, "The Diama of Thiee" from Stand aid Recitations, No. 9. Gold tiophles will be presented to the winners Tick ets to supper and contest, 25c. OLYPIIANT, The lesult of the Republican caucus held In the Second waid of Blakely last night was as follows: For judge of election, James Nichols, 119 (no oppo sition), Inspector of election, Uwjljm Evans, 108, Evan Davis, 5C; school dl iectoi, Maclay, 17J (no opposition), council. Wiliuirr V. Davis, 123, George W. Williams, C! Misses Anna Blown and Mary Cai -bine attended the entertainment of the Christian Doctilne society ut Piov Idence Thursday evening The Vltascope company will appeal at the Father Mathew opeia house next Wednesday evening Tho vltascope Is an electrical apparatus with lights to throw figuies noon a canvns on the stage, which Is ti allied to lesemble a pictuie. When the theatei is daikened life size pictures aie projected upon the canvas, and aie so leal and the motions aie so natural that It Is haul to leallze that they aie not actuallj alive. The vltascope will be seen at the Academy of Mulc In Scianton Monday and Tuesday evenings of net week. Edwaid Feiguson and John Dough el ty i etui ned to St. Bonaventure's col lege, Allegany, N. Y, Thuisdav morn ing. A child of Thomas O'Hara, of Dun tnore stieet. Is 111 with diphtheria. Regulai seivleesofSt George's mis sion will be held In Edwuids" hall to- President Isaac Lewis of Subinn, Ohio, is liiglilv l expected all tliiouyli Unit section, lie- lias lived in Clinton Co. 7.5 veaix, and hub been picsidenf of tho'Subina liairk 20 joaii. Ie gladly testifres to the niuiit of Hood's btuvn puiillu, and what lie savs is worthy attention. All biain woikeis find Hood's Saisiipuiillu peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pine, lich, led blood, and tioni this comes nerve, mental, bodilv and digestive tienfth. "I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several jears I suffered greatly with paiiiB ot Neuralgia in one eje and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured moot rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has prov ed itself a true friend. I also tako Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaao Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Isthe One Truu Hlood Purifier. AlldrugglsH $1. l'repireilonl h C I Hood Co, I owell.Muss. u i rn are prorupt, etlicieut and nOOUS FlIlS eus In effect. Scents Every shoe mentioned it cost either the jobber or the Hen's Shoes. "",0 pair .Men's Stucy, Adams & Co,s niu Mioes, loRiilai pike tiin voild over $5.00 to $0 00, CUT TO 'IMI SG0 pair Men'b Calf Shoos, calf lined, vv 01 th i CO, CUT TO st.tii "J pall Men's Wlntei flusHet Shoes, vvoith $J50, CUT TO $1.9S 350 pair Men's Call Shoes, all toes, worth $J.C0, CUT TO $1.3 CG0 Men's Diesa Shoes, vvoith $1 50, CUT TO !)Sc. ESUil IC IB i Esq lP$ ffizt E myjJM& The above is but a faint idea of the many bargains. before buying elsewhere aud you will surely save mouey by MYER 0AVI00W S N. H, Look for nti-ric aud morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Rogets Israel, of Scranton, wlllv con duct he set vice. Sunday school at l o'clock. All ate coidlally Invited. Miss Maggie Fltzpatilck, who has been seriously III for the past tew weeks, Is slowly Impiovlng, The Heptosophs' annual banquet will he given on Washington's birthday, Fein tint y 22. The ladles of the Congiegntlonal church will hold a "Match" social and entertainment on Tuesday and Wed nesday evening, rebiuaiy 9 and 10. Tickets are out for sale. Miss Jeunette Williamson, of Pitts ton, who has been the guest of Mr. nnd Mis. D. Hairis, has returned home. TAVLOlt. This afternoon the polls of each ward will be open. from 4 to 7 o'clock to elect tax collector, buigess, auditor and high constable. For the olllce of tax collector a. hot fight Is being made. The candidates are the present tax collec tor, John D. Jones, Alonzo Hendeishot, James Moirls and David J Harris. For buigess the candidates are making things hum. Attorney James IS Wat kins, William G How ells, C. H. Van Horn and Druggist John W. Reese, nre tho candidates. Foi auditor theie arc William Nelger, Thomas J. Hughes and George Marsh. For high constable, Mortis Davis wants a re-election. Ills opponent Is Thomas J. Powell. Set vices at tho Calvary Baptist church tomorrow will be held nt the usual hours Dr. H. II. Hants will of ficiate at both services. Morning ser mon at 10 SO a. m. Subject, "The Ones of the Creation." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Evening sermon at C p. in. Subject, "The Hundred Fold." Every body Is coidlullv Invited Thomas H. Davis, of Old Forge, wishes to announce himself as a candi date for the olllce of tax collector for Old Forge township, subject to the Re publican ticket. Michael Ryan, of Oak street, was seilously Injured yesteiday while at his vvoik In the Aichbald mine, by fall ing roof. The funeral of Mrs. John Welsenlluh, wife of John Welsenlluh, took pluce yesteiduy afternoon and was Iaigely attended Services were conducted at the house. Rev. A. Weber officiated. Whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple scrofulous, or heredltarj.fromlnfanc to age, speedily cured bj warm baths wlthCirricuiiA Soai, gentle anolntim;'! with Cuticuka (oint ment), tho great skin cure, and mild doses of CcTicuitA KcsoLVENT, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures. Ii oM thronghont the world. PonuDiroiiDCnia. Cohp , Sole Propn . Un.ton ajp-" llow to Caret" verjr Dloal Humor," free. CAPC UIIMnDC FHins Ilnlr and Dullj Diem rflllt tlUlYlUna libra cured bj Cuilcum Boip. DUPONTS HltllNG, BLASTING AND SPORTING Vonufactured at the Wapwallopen Mill Luzernw county. Pa , and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMINQ AVENUE, Scranton, Pa. Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD. Plttston, Pa. JOHN 13 SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. Agents for tho Repauno Chemical Com. Oany's Ulsh Explosives. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC H oxo located the finest fishlns and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Fiunclsco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining: Cars ' dttnphM tn nil frirmiErht Irrilna TniiHa. cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. in our advertisement today maufacturer. n H yl llli Ess fc mm i-vv ex V J err; i .r.. fgJJS ' 11 iiiwr HOE HOUS uuuibur aud make uo mistake with ROYAl H fiS.i,vit--,isj POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celolnatod for Its gloat lo.wonlnp strength and licAlthfuliios.. Assure tho fool nKnluat iilum and all forms ot adulteration common to tho cheap brands IIOVAI, 1IAK1NO I'OVtrJl'rt CO , NI'.V, 10UK. Interment vvni made In the Foi est Home cemetery. Don't foi get to attend the perform ance entitled "The Midnight Chaige," this evening ut Weber's rink. Admis sion, 'ih cents. OLD FORGE. Daniel Jenkins, of liar her town, will be u candidate for supervisor. T. J. Stevvutt visited Scranton on Fi Iday. The Delawaie, Lnckvvanna and West ern Halhoad conipanj has a gang of men lepalrlng the Lckavvanna station r'tre"ij'C. i Cheapest, Because the Best , GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Rend for that little book, "Infant IlLnlth:" LTLflt valuu tn mnhh.rv Sunr rBt" N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. y 11 Hndson Street, Hew York (j itrts,otJ'CMifM'tr,ir9 Trousers And Suits See our windows for vvotidrously low prices in Trouserings. Now is the time to enjo) the luxury of a perfect fit and pctfect work manship at the price of teady madc goods. WE HAVE REMOVED One door from our old stand to the left of The Arcade instead of the right. Our increasing busi neis required more room, which shows that the people appreciate low prices, good workmanship and honest dealing. Wi J. DAVIS. ModernMUIiods In Ui u. "nriu, MercliontTallorlriE 213 Wyoming Avenue. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AYE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOT'RS from 7 20 a. m. to 9 p. m. (1 hour Intermission for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention divert to Collection. Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. our Bust. nes Ik Respectfully Solicited, telephone 134. will be sold at about half what Ladies' Shoes. 375 pair Ladles' Fine Handtuined Shoes, Gray Hiotlieis,' make. reRUlar fcellllis pi Ice $5.00 to $3 00, A, 13, P and D vs Idths, CUT TO 2 OS r.75 pair Ladles' Fine Shoos, ranging In pi ices f 1 0111 U 00 to $4 0U, CUT TO $1 9S jJ7 pair Ladles' $2.00 shoes, CUT TO $1 3fl 1,100 pall Ladies' Tine Diess Shoes, heel and spiing: heel, worth $1 50, CUT TO OSc. 200 palis Uos' shoes, CUT TO $1.25 AND 9Sp Misses and Children's Shots cut to al most not hint?. SUes 11 to 2 at 4'Je , 5 to S at .'19c. Call aud examine our goods it. 307 Lack. Avenue other houses same name. wPBBBHBBM2B38fflr?OTfmiH"iiiHlffiM E w 1 . wnai saran oernnaru aiiy.- j baSss I tJ'BeH fl EH We Lead ibe March And All the Fashionable Ladies Fall in Z. WEINGART. PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS DF CLOAKS AND SUITS 421 Lackawanna Avenue. KETDD E-rlrl GOODS 10 BE SALES FOR CASH ONLY. Axmiiistcrs, fonnerlj $1. j.s, Now $1.00 Body Btussels, fotmcily, 1.25, Now 0c Velvets, formeily 05c, NOW ?5c Tap Brussels, formeily 85c, Now i5c Brussels, formerly 75c, NOW 00C Brussels, At 40c tUKl 50C All wool Ingrains, fotmcily 65c, Now 50c Ingrains, formerly 50c, NOW 10C Ingrains, formerly 40c, NOW 23c Carpets and iEallB? 0pW!!!W, 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. I Clothing n Cre T Than to pay cash. Just If a niau has plenty of pay cash when he buys. men have not the ready money. & DUE TO I SLOW WEATHER I 0000000 WE SELL At These Reductions : $ 8.00 10.00 15.00 17.75 20.00 23.00 Ulster it $ 5.90 4 6.90 $ 10.90 11.90 4 13.90 I6.00 ESB rent aav v EkS Line. We make no clearance sale announce rnents In order to get rid of a lot of unde sirably stock. It seems somewhat strango that so many of our neighbor merchunta come out with (laming announcements of remarkable reductions In all their line of goods about this season of tho jear. Do ou not think those cleat nnco sales some what deceptive? Not that our merchants would do It intentionally, but they nro simply resorting to a custom that has become popular and catches the eye. Wo havo an extiuordlnary advuntage In that We at all times sell oui goods at the low est possible llgures, and us a result com mand a big trade, winter, summer, spring and autumn, dull seasons and brisk sea sons. The Immense business that wo do enables ns to sell the newest articles lit the market. We do not wait until an ar ticle Is shop-worn before wo reduce our pi Ices. We Fix Our Prices on a Right Basis at the Start. consequently we require no clearance sale or other deceptive means of bringing tho people In to be hoodwinked. Cull and sea It the above assertion Is not true In eviiry dctull. And oblige, yours truly, CLEARING SALE OF CARPETS, Ill NO DISCOUNTS ALLOWED ALL WOOL ART SQUARES 3 yards 3 jards, $0 75, NOW $3.00 3 ards x 3 i-2 yards, ?7.88, Now $5.90 3 jards 4 yards, 9.00, NOW $0.75 Stair Cat pet in 2-4, 58 and 3.4 widths at 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50C. Also a full line of Three Ply and Agu Carpets at equally low prices. 2 12 aids 3 yards, 5.03, Now $4.25 N & CO. Draperies. THERE m HUT THINGS In this world. One of the strangest of all is 'that some men think it costs more to buy why this is so nobody will ever cash it's all right for him to But the trouble is that many Here in this store we sell Clothing both on credit and for cash. The price is the same, whichever way you buy. The important thing to remember is that our garments are up-to-date, reliable and good in every way. Come in auy time and see the stock. -t-H-H 4 225-227 Wyoming Avenue, & c& r