The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 16, 1897, Image 1

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    " T""Fflff-"V W v -v - f
f 4 il" i$fSS isfefs: f3'
Dee Week's
thnt will bring down stocks to the
point t dcshe.
There's No Use
attempting to hide tlic fart: the sea
son has been against cold weather
gaiinent selling, and we've got left
with more than wo emu to cany over.
We have maiked down the entire stock
to n point wheie busing for iicct sea
son's use even will prove a ptolltable
Investment, us In most eases,
irk New
SlaMglter Prices
Do not represent the cost of the nn
terlals. Another point' The garments
ofleied aie not of ancient date; each
and all aie of piesent season's manu
factuie and the highest grade of cus
tom tnlloilng can do no moie foi them
than is leptesented In these goods,.
Ladles' Double Capes, medium weight.
In a seivleeable lilaek Cheviot. Thfy
ought to bring J.G0.
Clearing Price, 59c
Ladles fur-trimmed Double Capes.
Full length and sv,eep. A bargain at
$3 00.
Clearing Price, $1,39
Ladleb' and Misses' stylish Cheviot
Jackets. Box fiont, loll collar, rip
ple back, pei feet tailoring, etc. .Made
to bring ti.CO.
Clearing Price, $2.69
Child) en's Reefers. Heavy winter
weight with bigstoim collars. Stylish
little gannents with quality to back
them. We've said $J U0 right along.
Clearing Price, $1,29
Misses' Roucle Jackets; they're Just
such us well posted mothers would like
for well-dressed daughters. Ueen $3 M
all through the season.
Clearing Price: $3,59
Ladles' fine Roucle .Jackets, storm or
notched collars, right to a trivet in
every detail, Actual value $0 50 and
$7 00.
Clearing Price, $4,29
Ladles' fine Roucle Jackets, Franklin
paits, new stoun collars and all that'
style can give them. A No. 1 value at
Clearing Price, $4.98
Ladles' extra fine Kersey Jackets, In
laid 'velvet collais and the nnest tail
oring that money cun buy. Cheap at
'Clearing Price, $6.29
Genuine. tmportnJ Caterpillar Cloth
Jackets, line all silk linings, latest
styles, and the best $13 00 gannents wo
kiiow of.
; Clearing Price, $7.50
Ladles' Jackets, mixed qualities and
styles, all extta fine goods, ranging in
value fiom $15.00 to $25.00. Mostly high
er numbers.
Clearing Price, $12.50
Tbc Stale Revenues Arc Nol Adequate
tu Requirmcnts.
Why the Stntc's Income Will Not Ho
as (irunt This Vein ns l,nst--Somu
of thu Appiopilutions Thnt llnvo
(rowii lluci!iitly--rifsL'iit Liabili
ties .Much Above the ltulmiee on
I!und--Attorne General's Keiioit.
Han Isbuig.Jau in. It Is in Ident that
President pio tem McCatrell of the sen
ute bus no easy Job on his hands in find
ing uiough chalimunslilps of commit
tees to go iouiuI the forty-four Repub
lican senatois. Theie aie thitty-thiee-standing
committees, but It Is pi unable
thut sevetal new ones will be cieuted.
Mr. McCanell thinks that there should
be committees on Intel state commute,
stieet railways and peverul other sub
Jeets. The rule committee, composed
of Lieutenant dovoinor Walter Lyon,
Senators McCauell, White, Cliady and
Thomas, w 111 meet here Tuesday and
veiy likely cteate these new bodies.
Piesldent McCarrell will hold his ap
pointments until that time.
An effoit Is to be made to seeuie leg
islation this winter taxing unthiacite
coal ii cents a ton at the mines, the tax
to be paid by the mine owneis when
shipped to the inatkets. If this
pioposltioii Is can led out the payments
would be made to the state monthly or
semi-monthly, mid would affoid Imme
diate relict to the tiemiuty. This scheme
was tiled In Pennsylvania riming the
war and continued eaily In the seven
ties. An effoit will also be made to In
cieaso the tax on the actual value of the
capital stock of domestic- Insurance
companies They now pay Ii mills on
theli capital and S mills on their gross
piemlums. It Is pioposed to make the
tate unifoim by lKing it at S mills on
The total pioductlon of anthiaeite
coal in Pennsylvania for 1S0G was 13,
'Jl'.i SPC tons, in 1S93, 4C292.443 tons; in
ISI'4. 41,231, ID!) tons. It w ill be seen that
a 5 cent pei ton tax on the pioduct
would pioduce a lnrgp and Juicy lev
Ifnless state expenses aie gieatly
cm tailed Pennsylvania will llnd heiself
with an empty ttcasmy. Reductions
will have to be made In all the appio
pilations and new somces of levenue
hae to be found. The annual nppro
piiatlon of $3,000,000 Is likely to be
chopped down a million or two. If It
Is not some of the state piivate chari
ties will be left without a penny. Those
Institutions entiiely dependent upon
state aid will find that their icquests
will be shaved constdeiably. The re
port of State Tieasurer Haywood at
the close of December showed a bal
ance In the geneinl fund of $3,7J4,&29.
Afainst this the moneys owing the
school distilcts, hospital", peniten
tial ies and the salai Ies of state olllceis
must be paid when they come due.
Then? Is still $.1,000,000 of the school
nppropiiutlon unpaid, while $1,500,000
must be leturned to the counties in
peisonai ptopeity tax, these two items
alone making $1,300,000, neuily $1,000,000
In excess of the balance In the geneial
The bl-ennlal leport ol Altoine Gen
eral McCotmlck is leadi for the' legls
latuie. It Is an Intel estlng public doc
ument. Pilot- to ISS7 the opinions of
tlie attorney geneial were not pie
seived in any peinmnent foim. These
opinions, some or them of gieat 1m
poitnnce, exist only in manuscilpt on
tile in the dlffeient depai tinents of the
state. The attorney geneial has thought
wise to collect them and publish them
as pait of this lepoit, Including all the
opinions of geneial Inteiest of his pie
decessois in ofllce. He has also added
the geneial lules of practice, not only
In his deportment but betore the boaid
of public accounts, boaid of ptoperty,
boaid of pardons and the ptactlce as to
commonwealth cases In the couit of
common pleas of Dauphin county. He
has also, by the couitesy ot the heads
of the lespectlve departments, given
such rules and suggestions as may be
useful to those having business theiein.
Owing to the increasing business of
the department the attorney geneinl
recommends that the leglslatuie pro
vide foi an additional deputy attorney
The amount of collections mnrie
tlnough this department duilng the
past two yeais was $S45,'J11.1C, of which
sum $21,73S.S'J weie commissions paid
by the defendants, all of which has been
paid Into the state tieasmy, as requited
by law.
Philadelphia, Jan. 15. With Repie
sentatlve Lytle, of Huntingdon, pre
siding, the slate committee of the house
met here today and held a session last
ing until late tonight, nnd then ad
join ned until tomonow, when another
session will be held. The committee
discussed the applicants names for the
inlnoi olllces of the house and those
mote Important ones not already filled
It was stated that the result of the
committee' dellbetattons will not be
made public until the house meets at
Iliirlsburg, but from tellable somces
it was learned that thete was no wish
nn nig the vlctoiious Quay men to
pi'iilsh their factional opponents by
cutting them off from all pattonage.
The sentiment of the committee
seems to be In favor of recognizing the
claims of Wamimnker men In the
Wanamaker localities nnd giving them
a fair share of the olllces. The slate
committee) of the senate will not hold
Its session until that body meets.
laito .Indue (miner's Strong lio
Pintle Hunk Depositors Happy.
Ilollldnysbuig, Pa., Jan, IB. The
credltots of the usslgned banking house
of Qatdner, Monow & Co. weie tteated.
to a pleasant am prise today, when the
strong box, containing bonds, notes,
stocks and other papets of alue be
longing to the late Judge James Gard
ner, the senior pattner in the bank,
was opened by Judge John M. Bailey
In the presence of the parties.
This box hnd been Impounded by the
couit sevetal dnys ago tu help pay the
claims of the depositors.
The propel ty Inventoiled at $00,000
The court hous.e was ctow'ded with peo
ple, many coming from distant pnits of
the county to learn the amount of the
tieasure tiove.
Two .Husked .lluii Attempt to Appro
priate a Team.
PhoenKvllle.Pu., .Inn. 13. While Joint
Shoppuer, a launei and his IS-yoar-old
son weie doing stable woik at their
faim. near Klmbeiton, last evening,
two masked men came to the bam and
demanded a hoise and cnttlage. Shop
puer letused to comply wheieupon they
said they would take a team on their
own lesponslbllitj.
The farmet hastened to a nelghbots
for help, leaving his son. The men
he.iul the fanner and his nelghbois
(.(lining 'ind lied, making their escape.
When Shoppner entered the stable he
found his son bound, gagged and lying
unconscious, and he Is In a ptecailous
Hundreds of Innocent and Peaceable
Citizens of Cuba Are Driven
from Tbcir Homes.
Key West, Jan. 15. Advices from
Havana state that the effect of Wey
ler's famous Bnyate edict ol the Hist
Instant Is being felt with moie Intensity
In the piovinces of Havana and Matuu
zas than that of Plnar Del Rio, since
these piovinces, being mote thickly
populated and with mote farms and
estutes than the fotmer, the wholesale
abandonment ot the piopeitles and the
couceutt ation of the people in the tow ns
will not only augment the misery al
leadv prevailing, but also piesent the
serious Inconvenience of lodging so
many people in towns alieady full to
oei flowing.
Without discussing Wey lei's unhii
man measuie In dpiling peaceful and
unoflendlng citizens of their tlghtful
means of existence, and huddling them
in alieady ciowded spaces, exposed to
all the ilgois of hunger and disease,
simply for the sake of dealing the coun
tiy of so-called lebel sympalhieis, a
legal point has been spiling by the for
eign piopeity ownets, especially the
Amei leans, who own large piopeitles In
the provinces of Havana and Matanzas,
which will surely lead to complication:,
and claims on the Spanish government.
Weyler distinctly states In his decree
that those who wish to remain on their
piopeitles must exhibit the last tax
bill paid. As taxes aie only levied on
pioduttlve Industiies, and thee plant
el s have not been able to woik on ac
count of the abnoimal conditions! in the
piovinces since Gomez's Invasion In De
cember, 18U3, no taxes have been col
lected since that time, the government
admitting such unusual ciicumstances
or being poweiless to collect them be
cause the lebels weie In possession of
the country, did not pi ess their collec
tion, consequently no taxes have been
paid in the countiy since the date men
tioned. Resides that, Wey let has un
officially otdeted that no sugai ciop
should be made and now he wants the
sugar planleis to pay taxes on an In
dustry which they have not been able
to pioduce. One tesult was that the
managei of the sugnr estate "San An
tonio" near Madi'ig,, Havnnn, owned
by Mr. Antonio Teiiy, an Amei lean
citizen lesldlng In Pails, piesented him
self to Consul Lee, demanding piotec
tion, because the mllltaiy commandei
of Mldtuga otdeted him to abandon the
placp, one ot the most valued estates
lu the pioince, and woith at least half
a million dollais, because he did not
piesent the tequlied tax bill. Consul
Lee at once took the case In hand and
simultaneously piesonted the same to
the captain-genoinl and the state de
pai tinent at Washington. No leplles
have been terelved yet, either from
Weyler or from Secietniy Olney.
To depict tlie situation in Plnar Del
Rio, nothing can be better said than
to translate the lepoit of a tilp made
to the city of that name by a cone
spondent of La Lucha.
All the way travel sed by the rallioad
from Artemlsa to Consolaclon Del Sur,
is, without exaggeiatlon, the most
chastised and undoubtedly has suffeied
most from the i Igors of wnr.
The fields wasted and abandoned, the
bushes and tiees burnt, and the yellow
arid decayed leaves stiewn by the wind,
the huts destioyed, the stone houses, in
other times happy homes, converted by
the hands of lebels and Spaniards alike
into heaps of ruins, the black and fal
len walls of which only serve as a
refuge of the lis-airis and owls, the
cane Helds dtled up and coveted with
bushes, by the lavages of fire, the
towns, the uuthoiities of which aie
making great eflotts to tcniedy the ne
cessities ot the tesldents, full of people,
of poor families, who dally tioops down
from the hills, extenuated by hunger
nnd emaciated by the revet s In such a
way that they resemble skeletons ilon
out of their tombs to appear before the
final judgment; to the light and left of
the toad, as much as the ttaln winds Its
rapid mutch, the tiaveler obsetves with
painful anguish the desolation and lulu
wlUiln the Inextinguishable poetry of
their exuberant ileitis, always gieen
with the eternal 'otdllie or apt lug, as
if God, with His eloquence would point
us that the onlv thing we men can do
Is to desttoy the beauties which surged
from His bounteous will.
Is Awarded $(l,'i!o Damages in a
.Suit Against the World.
Btooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 13. The juiy In
the suit of Joseph A. Tiapp against the
New Yotk World for libel In which
damages were laid at $100,000, today
tendeted u etdlet for JC.L'tiO.
The case was tried befote Judge
Keogh in tlie supiemo court Trapp
was a juior In the case of John Y.
McKane, the fotmer chief of the Coney
Island police when the lultei was con
victed of election frauds. After Me
Kane's conviction the paper chatged
Trapp with haitig tried to biibe the
other Jin oi s.
I'ell Fioui a Cupola.
Lancaster, Pa., Jan, ID.-Rdwatd M. (Jul
laghor, was killed in Columbia, last eeti
lug by falling from a cupola. Ho was n
Pennsylvania lallioad cu.-oenter, and
while at work on u roundhouse slipped
and fell. He leaves a widow and two children.
Mentioned by Washington Papers as
Candidate for Qoernor.
Tlie Hours Spent by llio llouso of
Itcprcscntiitinis in Disposing of
tlio Routine llttsincss--Secietniy
Ilcrbcit AppioM's of tho ItcWbCd
Steel Specilications--Nev Tests for
Aruioi Plate.
Washington, Jan. 15 A morning pa
per says:
"Reptesentatlve-elect Connell, of the
Eleventh Ponnsyhanln dlstilct, was
introduced to many inenibei.s of con
giess at the capital yesterday." The pa
per has a veiy compllmuntaiy notice ot
Mr.Connellund lefeis to his uupiecednt
ed majoilty, his popularity, owing to his
charitable Inclinations and business ln
tegtlty, and his working up from mine
boy to wealth. It says he Is the leader
of the Quay foices In Noitheastein
Pennsylvania and is mentioned for the
governorship next year.
Five hours weie spent by the house
today In disposing of routine business,
principally pension bills. A number of
them were passed. A senate bill giant
rng an Inoiense of pension to the widow
of Geneial John Gibbon, met with op
position, but It went tlnough In its or
iginal shape, which, with the piesl
dent's appioval, will give Mis. Gibbon
$100 a month. Tonight the house held
a session for the consideration of pii
vate pension bills.
Secietniy Heibeit has appioved the
revised steel specifications devised by
tile newly leoiganlzed steel boaid, ot
which Commander Collin, Constructor
Dashlell nnd Engineer Fieeman sue
membeis, and in making them public
this afternoon, he snvs the chlot ot
constiuctlon and steam englneeiing,
the piesent 'Steel boaid and theMcCoi
mlclc boaid ate unanimously agieed on
the changes which also give complete
satisfaction to the contiactois. Tlie
secretniy is conildent that under him
steel of a moie satlstactoiy quality will
be seemed loi thenay In l'utuie.
Thotepoit of the boaid after an elab
oiate technical examination of new
tests which ate not mote seveie but
moie piactical than those hltheito in
use, proposes that If unv plate for the
battleship Keaisage and Illinois falls
In wot king, the cold bending test Is to
be applied entlielv and the plates ac
cepted nnd used or rejected in accotd
nnce with theli behavior, tlie mate
llal that has alieudy been satlslac
toilly woikcd Into each essel to be
accepted. . ,
The Iliiilo of Patrick Donohiiu Dies
Under Suspicious Circumstances.
1 liiladelphla, Jan., 15. Patiick Dono
hue, aged 23 yeais, was attested today
on suspicion of having caused the death
ol his wife, Mary, thiee yeais his junloi,
and to whom he wns mailieri yesteiday
atteinoon. After the mairiage the
couple held a celebiatlon In their home.
No. 211!) Datieti stieet, and they are
both said to have imbibed freely. This
mottling the husband says he found the
body of his wife at the foot of a stalls
and in cany lug hei to an upstairs loom
he teceKed bloodspols on Ills clothing
The police lent tied of the case w hen
Donohue summoned his telativcs and
tht an est followed.
The woman was black In the face
and thete weie m.uks ot discoloration
about the neck, but notwithstanding
this the authorities believe that her
death was caused by an accidental fall
down the stalls while piobably intoxi
cated. The husband w 111 be held pend
ing an Investigation.
Try to Obtain the Supposed Hiding
l'lncu of IIci Father's .lloncj.
Cleveland, O., Jan. 15. Last night
three masked lobbeis wet.t to tho home
of David Culbeitson, a wealthy farmei,
75 yeais old, living near Wudswoith, O,
One leveled a levolver at the heads of
the ten Hied fanner and his wife and
daughter nnd demanded money. Mi.
Culbeitson gave them $23, all he had In
the house, and a check for $50.
The lobbeis had an idea that a laige
sum wns concealed In the house, and
they pioceeded to pull off Miss Cul
heitson's clothes, nnd with lions heated
at the stove they but ned and toituied
her in a tenlhle manner In the hope of
drawing fiom her the supposed hiding
place of the money. She finally fainted
and the lobbeis left.
Sarah Kcllc), Aged HI, Shoots Her
self in th( Temple.
Pottsvllle, Pn Jan. 15 Saiah Kelly,
aged 1C, committed suicide eiuly last
evening at Jhoad Mountain by shoot
ing heiself In the light temple, fiom
the. effects of which she died twenty
minutes later. The utifoitunate glil
wns an oiphan.
She spent a portion of time in one of
the chailtable Institutions in Philadel
phia utter her patents died, until a
cleigyman, who became Interested In
her, seemed a home tor her in the
family of Hotel Piopiletor James Wil
son, ut Hioad Mountain, this county.
She was always cheeiful and none can
assign a leuson for hei self-muider.
Presents Kutgcis College with I'iic
Thousand Dollais,
New Brunswick, N. J Jan. 15 The
announcement was made In the Chapel
of Rutgeis college this tnoiniag that
Vice Piesldent-elect Hohait ha J made
a gift to the college of $5,000 to signal
ize his election to the vice piesldency.
The gift Is made unconditionally atid
the money will piobably be used to en
dow a scholaishlp. Mr. Hobait giadu
ated fiom Rutgers college In the diss
of 'C3.
aal Cadets Will Attend.
Washington, Jan. 15. Hecictaiy Hetbert
has otdeted tho naval cadets from Anna
polis to attend thu (nauguratlon and
inarch In the parude. They will not stay
away fiom thu uavul ataUemv over nlKftt,
Who Will Appoint the Third member of Arbitration Committees In Case
of Disagreement.
Will Be Secretary of Stale for Prcsi-
dent McKinlcy.-Alger and Long
Among the Possibilities
Canton, Ohio, Jan. 15. Senator Sher
man, who tills atteinoon authoilzed the
Unltid Associated Pi esses to positively
announce that he has accepted the poit
follo ol state, and ex-Goveinot John D.
Long, ot Massachusetts, who will In
nil pi (inability lie in Major Melvlnley's
caninet, sat down at table with the
piesident-elect today. The othei guest
at luncheon was Senator Ruttows, of
Michigan. Sliennali at lived at the
house about an hour and a (fiiniter be
fote noon and left foi Washington at
2 o clock. He had a long talk w Ith Ma
joi McKlnley and they discussed many
men and measmes The toimation of
tne cabinet was the main topic ot con
veisatlon. Senatot Shet man's appoint
ment and the oiganlatlon of the woik
In his dopaitment would not be cousld
eied till alter the Inaugmatlon of Major
Mdvlnley. It is undeistood that the
appointment of a Hist assistant .secie
taty of state was not discussed today,
but the gossips have It that John Rus
sell Young, ot Philadelphia, W undei
consideiatlon. Senator Sheiman was
in excellent spliits and seemed lull of
Senator Ruriows came to see the pies
ldent elect in the Intel ests of Geneial
Algei, whom he hopes will be appointed
sectetaty of war Senatot Hui lows said
the Republicans of Michigan had count
ed upon General Alger and that he had
the heaity endorsement of the two sen
atois. Gcnetal Alger Is also being tug
ed by the old soldleis ol the t uion
aimies. The (inference that existed be
twetn Senatot Sheiman and Geneial
Alger have been happily adjusted and
toim no obstacle w hatsoevei to the ap
pointment of Geneial -Algei to the cab
inet. This .s stated upon high uuthoi
Ity. Repiesentntlve R. R. Mnhnney, of
Ruftnlo, and John Mllholland, of New
Yotk city, who Is said to be a candidate
foi collectoi of the pot t, weie among
Major McKinley's calleis today.
(Ilass llanel foi a Iltiosicr's C.nue, to
He Refilled Twice a eai.
English, Ind., Jan. 15 Tho will of J
C. T. Sloan, an eccenti Ic character,
was offeied for piobate today.
One of his queet bequests wns $2,000
to be so Invested that tlie Inteiest
should pay tor a glass ban el, lu which
his name Is to be blown, the ban el to
be filled with the best apple hiandy
and stt upon his ginve as his only
gravestone. ,
It Is to be tilled twice a year, on
the Tout th of July and on Chilstinas.
Cnlifoiiiiu'tj Ilolidii).
Saciamento. Cal , Jan. 15. (;oeiuoi
Rudd today Issued a piockiinutlou declar
ing tomonow a legal holiday to celebuite
the detiat of the P.n lllc Rallioad funding
bill In the house of repiesetitatlves.
Sill, .linkers Assign.
Patiison, N J Jan. 13-aiimshaw
Rio-i , silk manulactuieis of this city and
Reading, P.i , today made a geneinl as.
slgnuient of thill business lu both places.
Weuther Indications ludu;
Light, Local Siiu; Slightly Warmer.
i compliments tor Out Congiessiuun
Rltct. Pioposed Tax on Anthiaeite.
2 Revival of Spanish Horrots In Cuba.
Dun's Weekly Trado Relew.
Financial and t'ommeiclal.
3 (Local) Many Applicants for Relief
Hefore the Pool Hoaid,
R-ttly of Haptlst Young People.
4 IMitoilal
Lamplight Musings,
5 (Local) Little Child 'llurned to Death.
.Mass Meeting In Rim Put It Chinch.
0 (Local) Social and Personal.
Religious and Chailtable.
Musical Mattcis.
7 News and Gossip of tho West Side.
Subiiiban Happenings.
S Glassing the Ago of Civilization.
Dramatic Gossip.
1) Hypnotism Mude Rnsy,
10 (Stoiy) "At the Cannon's Mouth."
11 A Peep at Guy Havana,
Penusyiwmlu In thu United States
J3 Uu and Dow u Uio Valluv,
An Organization of Wanamaker's Foi
lowers That Threatens to Obstruct
Certain Legislation,
Philadelphia, Jan. 13 Senator C. C.
Kauffman, of Lancaster county, who
was one of tho pilnclpal suppoiteis of
John Wanamaker for United States
senator, was in this city today and ex
plained tlie call ho had issued for a
cont'd ence of anti-Quay leadeis In
Haiilsbmg net Monday nfteinoon.
David Mai tin does not Intend to be
theie, Mr. Knuffinan said, hut Senator
Magee and Senntor FUnn, of Pittsburg,
hae piomlsed to attend the meeting.
Among otlieis who have been Invited
are the seventy-live legislators who
oted foi Mr. Wanamaker.
"Monday's meeting," said Senator
Kauffman, "may begin the consideia
tlon of plans for or against ceitain pro
posed legislation, hut probably the
main business on that day will be
action on a pioject to organize an as
sociation which may be called 'the 7fi,'
the wotds being suggestive of lnde
pcr dence. The Idea Is to take Into the
membeishlp all the seventy-six repre
sentatives and senators who stood by
Mr Wannmakei. Nobody else will be
admitted. So far the plan Is nieiely
In geneial outline, tlie objects being
mainly social, although no doubt such
an oiganlzatlon could he effectively
used In legislation If neecssnty.
"It is pioposed to innuguiate our
movement with a banquet lu Hiuils
bmg within the net two weeks, at
tended by the seventy -six and the men
who managed Mr. W.inamakei's cam
paign, Tlie seventy-six will luuo
headquaiteis in Hanlsbuig"
Senator Kaultman said thut he did
no; know what attitude the antl-Quny
leglslatois would take towaid the Quay
lercim hills Speaking for himself, he
said he would not luvor any bill which
dl'ected Its lefoims at only one faction.
He intimated that thete was a haul
load nliead of the bill to deft ay the
expenses of the senatoilal Investigating
con mlttee.
Then the oting Parmer Dented
Her and Causes Hot Arrest.
riemington, N J., Jan. 13 Postmas
ter Rhuton Iluith, of Gtover, this
county, caused tlie an est yestetday of
William Hope, a voting fanner, on a
clinige ot Intimacy with Mis. Heath.
Refoie Justice A. C. llulslser the post
mastei swoie that he had come upon
the couple In his house. Hope dtclaied
that Mis. Heath had called him in
simply to talk with him. He denied
tlie chaige.
Mis. Heath Is 22 yeais old, six yeais
her husband's junior, and Is as pietty
as a pli tine. Hope added to the sensa
tion which his attest cteated by caus
ing the anest today ot Mis. Heath on
the same clinige.
Chicago Imposes a 1'ino of !:j Iach
on Dlilliuei) llvliihits.
Chicago, Jan. 15, Het cartel It will
co.t $3 to obstiuct the view of the stage
duilng a tlieatilcul peifotuiance in tills
city with a Iloial or zoological exhibit
or the "sweetest" inllllnely confection
that evet got awav fiom Pnils.
Mayor Swift lust night vetoed Aldei
mtin Plotke's oidlnance tabooing nil
kinds of hats during tlieatilcul pel
foi malices, and suggested the $3 substi
tute which Coipuiatlon Counsel Heal
uud the vailous tlieatilcul managers
of the city agreed upon. The oidlnance
was passed by an almost unanimous
vote In the city cumuli.
Loudon Chambei ol'Comincice Sends
(icctiiigs to iew oil. llod.
New Yoik, Jan 15. The following de
spatch was lecelved today:
London, Jan. n,
Chambei s of Coiimieiee, New Yotk.
London chamber of eomnietee desires to
expiess conviction that the titaty Just
signed will tend to Ineiease fiUmlly feel
lug between two gieat L'ngllsh-speaklng
nations and promotu extension and secu-l-ty
of tilth commtiLial und material lela
t Ions.
(Signed) Convention, London.
Ilig .Strike Threatened.
Newatk, N. J., Jan, 15. A big stilko is
threatened In the IMison Kivetilc wotks
at llartlson. Poity git Is left the sealing.
In depai tinent today und It Is expected
that otheis will follow, A system of lima
has been eufoiced which caused the
strike. Two departments muy bo closed
tomotrow by the wlthdtuwul of 2W hands.
11 1 A
TTS TTY a fs
"We wj open the season
o? 38P7 by a MusTm Un
derwear 5aJe,
At prices so attract! ye as
to make 3t an object :fcr
you to purchase now.
Gowns, Skssls,
mise, Drawers,
Corset Covers, Etc,
Child's Short White
Dresses and Kilt Skirts,
510 AND 512
Always Bunsjc
E097 omsiier
'VV lU"&U.lii
to dance In perfect -fitting
shoes or slippers,
Ours are perfect fittJng
On all our Holiday Goods.
Call and let us prove it to
you in
?inr tnnir
Watches from 34,50 up.
Eyery one warranted at
408 Spruce St.
lteliirms WillAlno He Introduced in
Culm on King's Tele Dnj.
London, Jan. 15. A U'spaeh fjom
Jladtld suys that ut u cabinet couni 11,
over Which theQueeilHegetit in
liab been decided to Immediately lntto
duce lefotnib lu Cuba find a deciee put
ting the iefoimn Intu effcet will bej
published on the Klm.'H fete day.
The despatch also imyn It Is piobable
that Jullii Smngullly, the nutuiullssed
Anietlcnn eitien teently sentenced lu
Havana to liupil.soument for eonspl-'
mey uguinst the Spanish government,
will be gianted a free puidoti.
Stimrt in Ctilil'nrniii.
DallaH. Tex., Jan 15. Dan A, Stuart de
liatted on u night train for San Francisco,
und Iteno. Ne , to look after his pugilis
tic catuUnl bcheduled for the 17th ot
Mat eh and leinaln here till March 1, and
then his mall will be addiessod to Keuo too
the succeeding twenty duys.