The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 13, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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The Strange Somnambulistic Feat of
Peter Aicdulrk.
Mrs. Wcsuntt's Wonderful Tliomnt
Cllt--A .11 OM! Ill l! lit AgllltlNt Cig-
ureittu Dealers -- Thomson ,1111k
I'rotluccru Ori;niiic-f.Soad Timet
l'ri'ilieleil Tor Itiiilrontl Shop .11 en.
l'ursuiiul .Mention,
Special Correspondence to The Tribune.
SUMilii-huiinn, Jan. 12. Peter Mc
Gulrk, of I'lensnnt Valley, a few dnys
since lcfilsteied at a Susquehanna
hotel Duiliifr tlu evening he fell asleep
on a sofa In the sitting loom. His sleep
U13 so deep that seeial trains pulled
Into tlie station, liLar by, with much
noise, but failed in nnj way to distill b
hlin. When ewrj thliiR had become
unlet hi lnlsed himself fiom the sofa,
walked to the tud of the eiandu, and
asked In u keen falKetto: "Whine's my
mtileaV" The othei men about the
hoUSM- dlscoeied that he wns fast
asleep, but told him that his mules
Wile ut the station. Immediately he
walked ncios the lnterenliif? space to
tile station, and Imagined a ttuek full
of ti links to be his mules He was
liandid a bucket of water and told to
water them, which he did, holding the
wntei to the tiuck handles. Then he
was handed some straw and being told
to feed the mules, placed It undoi theli
Imagined heads. Bj this lime Home one
had seemed a glass of watei, which,
bilng dnslud Into MeGulik's face, Im
mediately awoke him He was quite
angiy, hut the situation bting evpluln
td t6 him he boon rocoeied his good
hutnoi, and said that If some one" hud
onl touched him w Ith the hand ln
would hno been Instontb awake He
sus he Is the champion somnambulist
o' the uunti, and that his delusion Is
ulns the same being In quest of
iunaa multh. The peculiar pait of
the mnttei lb, that he neu owned a
i pair of mules in his life.
Fie loeomothes hae just been com
pleted In the l"2tie shops heie, and live
otheis, of a d Iff Lien t class, will be con
stituted at once.
Theie Is a new ft eight run on the
Delawnie and Hudson load, between
Carbondale and Oneontn, 9G miles. It
Is a two das' tilp Theie aie two
crews, each lealng Oneonta. and Car
bondale eei othei daj.
The Baldwin Locomothe works re
cently shipped foi t -four loeomothes
of lmpioed design to Japan.
Piesldont r, p Thomas, of the Eiie,
sas; "While business Is dull for the
moment, we look foiwaul to a better
condition of affaiis. If the legislatures,
state and national, would only adjoin n
and go home, we would hae a iehal
of business next day.
I4 the contiact made between the
Kile and the state, Susquehanna coun
t has In the last foi tj jeais lost $400,
000 The ralhoad piesldents of the coun
tt j aie sanguine of the good times com
ing. All speak hopefully of the future,
and the most of them expect consider
able lmpioement In the spilng.
The Susquehanna Bi othei hood of
Railioad Tialnmen aie piepailng foi
their annual ball
The funewil of Chailes T. Baitiam,
si , a piomlnent and highly esteemed
resident, ocelli led fiom the family
residence on Saturday afternoon and
ins laigelj attended.
The Honesdale sklit faotoiy Is nego
tiating with the boaid of tiade, with a
M(w to locating a blanch foctoiy in
The Past Sachems' association, Im
pioed Order of Red Men, or Susque
hanna, county, will hold a convention
In Susquehanna on Monday evening,
Jan IS
The Hacks of a laigo animal, sup
posed to be a panther, weie seen neai
Heai Swamp, Thomson township, on
An Uncle Tomwar tioupe Is edging
on Tun jnrrnRSON branch.
Thomson milk pioduceis have organ
ized an association for material pio-
tectlon and benLllt.
The chair fnctoiy at Brandt has re
sumed opeiatlons, aftei a bilef shut
down John Wnnamaker, of Philadelphia,
nns presented the new Methodist
chinch at Stevens' Point with a Bible,
hvninal, etc.
The oldest mercantile firm In Thom
son Is but two yeuib old.
.The faimeis of Susquehanna county
"W 111 next season iecele moie than a
cent a quart for their milk or know
the icason why.
The County Historical association
'hold a meeting in Monti ose on Satui
dn The dlstilct council of the Impioved
filler of Rtd Men was held In Gieat
Bend on Monday evening
Ux-Sheriff Leonaid has removed to
Dealeis In cigarettes In Hallstead are
te be pioseouted.
The Parmeis' alliance of the county
held a Lonventlon in Monttose on
Gieat Bend has a now association,
the "Brotheihood of Andrew und
A Scranton v liter, in describing an
niddent to a Poiest Citj man, said:
"A .scantling inn Into his thtoat "
What a tin oat I
The Middlehurgh News man has this
to say of their lallioad: "If the pas
sengeis tiaveled the same speed to the
othei woild as the tiain takes in going
to and fiom Schohaiie and the Junc
tion, they will need a hail cut and
shave when they get theie. Tialns aie
now tunning on their own time, and
the cow -catcher continues to eat snow
all the way."
A Susquehanna county correspondent
is rites to his paper that "Uncle Peter
Larkln on Monday lecelved the pleas
ing Intelligence that an uncle In the
west has died, leaving him $200 in cash.
Another pnragrupher wiites that
"Mis. Samuels, of Tuscaroia, has en
duit'd religion for sixty-seven sears;'
Mr. AVestoott, n suburban farmer,
has a iLinaikable Thomas cat. The cat
came to Mr. Westcott's home a year
ago, It looked so forlorn and me-owed
su feelingly that the fanner's heart
was touched, and he took it in. The
tat proved so affectionate in Ills man
jeis that he was adopted. After a
shlle it betrajed an exceeding fond
ness for the smoke that Westcott
puffed from his ct;ms. It became so
noticeable that Thomas' foster father
regularly shared his after-dinner cl
gais with the cat, giving him the
smoke half, As n Joke, a clgai was put
Into the cat's mouth one day, and, to
his owner's astonishment, the cat sat
up on his hind legs nnd puffed awny
w Ith the most complacent equanimity.
There was only one drawback to his
complete success his teeth were so
sharp that they bit flff the ends of the
cigars continually, and It required too
much attention to keep living It for
him. To remedy the deficiency, Mr.
Westcott had a wooden clgai -holder
made for Thomas, and now he Is able
to Indulge his taste for the weed by
smoking a Havana every day after
dlnnei. Another accomplishment of
the cat is his ability to dilnk beer
without dlsagieeable effects. When
milk hnppcns to be scarce, Mr. West
cott easily compromises by giving
Thomas lager. The foaming lluld oft
en forms one or the chief m tides of
the cat's dally diet.
The Republicans and a good many
otheis of old Susquehanna county
would be delighted to have an oppoi
tunlty of voting for William Connell
foi goveinoi. 'lie would make a model
Railway conductoi, repiesentatlve,
state senator, candidate for uudltor
geneinl! our state enator, Haiden
beigh, Is "getting theie" with neat
ness and dispatch.
The Januaty teim of county court Is
In session In Monti ose.
Captain L M. Bunnell, of Scianton,
will deliver the addiess at the camp
lire ot Mjion Fretuh post, of Jackson,
on Filday evening, Jan 22.
TIil Flist National bank is lemovlng
to Its splendid new building one of the
llnest In this section of the state.
A Susquehanna bilde spent the flist
week of the new etu in bed and all on
niLount of hei obliging neighbors.
They told her that kerosene would bum
bettei It It was boiled befoie
using, and she was fool enough to try
the lccipe-to her sorrow. The jokets
who HiiggestLd the thing should have
been auedted. Sundry exLhanges
The Republican county committee
will meet today In Montiose.
In Oakland, on Satuiday, Button T.
Hall, of New Mllford. and Miss Dora
E. Mead, of Hallstead, weie united In
The wood ucld manufacturer of this
section aie anxiously waiting to see
what congiess will do about the tailtf.
Tiee alcohol means death to the wood
alcohol Industiy.
The tenth annual ball of Monroe
Cuitls lodge, No 1SI, Brotherhood of
Ralhoad Tialnmen, will occut on Til
dav evening, April 30.
Hownrd Evans, an eistwhlle popular
Eiie ralhoad man, now of the Albany
and Susquehanna road, Is a candidate
foi New Yoik state ralhoad commis
sioner. A big delegation of Montiose people
waltzed down to Hainsbuig to help
ileLt a United States senator. The ma
joilty of them weie Waiuimakeiites.
Wol Is thelis! The Pentose above the
Susquehanna county vv ill now settl"
down to the work of having passed the
Eiie bonus bill. It is the paramount
Issue. It is a Just bill and should be
come a law.
Buy a goat. A scientist has discov
ered that a serum made from a nannv
goat's milk will cute the geims of
They thought they had a haunted
house, about live miles fiom here. The
cioss-ioad people were nearlj wild
until a haid-heaiW old fellow dlscov
eied that the grating, uncanny sounds
weie made by the limb of a tree rub
bing against a loose shuttei. 'TIs
ever thus! Whitney.
About this time every year many per
sons who tlnd the bracing w Intel all of
this latitude a little too mde and pne
tiating, piepaie for a sojouin in balmy
Florlua, wheie the tempeiature Is
lately less than thlity to forty degrees
above the fieezlng point at times when
the feuy boats heie aie churning the
lee'. Florida has its manifold chaims,
even though a little sand pervades the
landscape; and to the four tjpes of
her winter visltois the great state Is a
delightful haven of lefuge and lest.
Not a few whose lungs aie pietced as
with a knife by out energetic gales
fiom the noithwest Inhale a genial and
healing air in the more elevated pait
of Floiida, midway between the coasts.
The east shore of the peninsula, with
all Its sand and lugoons, has a tonic
effect upon those who ate ailllcted
with netves; nnJ stalwart ons and
daughtets of the Noith who have meie
ly an unieasonlng antipathy to Jack
Frost lepalr to Flotlda to avoid his
Then there is the large and grow Ing
class of pleasure seekers w ho find
agreeable vatlety in ttie winter hotels,
In shooting and llshlng, and In the
compaiatlvely new diversion of house,
boating. There Is pleasant news this
season foi the house boat colony, foi
a channel has been di edged to connect
the arms of the long lagoon between
the east coast and the. ledge that keeps
out the sea. House boats and nnptha
launches may statt fiom St. Augustine
this winter, thioutrh lines of cane nnd
pineapple fields und scenes of beml
tioplLal veiduie, and bteam thiough
leaches of. lagoon, liver, cieek and
canal to Bay BIscayne, near the south
end of Floiida, 400 miles fiom the btait
ing point. What is house boating on
England's little llveis compaied with
sucli a journey as tills, on one hand
the summer seas and on the othei a
shoie that Is vivid with magnolia and
honeysuckle, cvpress, nnd palmetto, to
say nothing of alllgatois and other
lnleipstlng ptoducts peculiar to oui
sunny South?
It Is giatlfying to leain that the
oiange gloves, though most shamefully
Heated by Jack Fiost when he got out
of his pioper sphere, have declined to
be suppiessed. About sixty per cent
of the blighted tiees have giown again
fiom the roots and some of them ate
healing tills season, The last crop be
foie the fiost, the largest Floiida ever
lalsed was 5,500,000 "boxes, and It, Is
estimated that tlnee yeais fiom now
the revived gioves will leld at least
four-tlftlis of thut enprmous output
But Floiida has learned a lesson. It
Is not wise to cany all our eggs In one
basket. Oiunge glowing was too long
her chief concern. Now she Is giving
attention to pineapples and othei
fiults and vegetables, which ate ilpen
lng for maiket when our fauns and
gaideiiH are In the grasp of winter.
On the whole, we all have leason to
he proud about her. South of the Big
Cypress Swamp and In the Evei glades
a large pait n the Interim Is almost
unknown. Exploration theie. Is no
child's play, hut we ought some day
to have at least as accurate Infoima
tion of the southern pait of our gieat
peninsula as we have now of Cential
1 Africa.
Concluded fiom l'age 5
help needed; by giving tcnipointy icllet
in cases of emeigency; by u Laicfut study
of the cnusis of poveily mid the best
methods of dealing with destitution and
Along these lines the woik hns been
pushed with cvei Increasing success Tho
record of this third year shows a most
remarkable lncicnso In the number of ap
plications, nnd In the number of chlldien
lescued from povertv, vice and crime,
Owing, no doubt, to the continuation of
tho hard times and co ujemutit lack of
woik, the applications lnigely outnumber
any piecedlng car. The flist car but 'js3
wile recoided, The second yeai 1,500 weie
elite! ed upon our books. In the p ist vcar
2,101 .scpnatc applications for usMstnnee
In one way or another luivo been lecelved
It Is interesting and Instructive to note
tho Increasing value of the Associated
Charities In other wajs than at Hist
might have been supposed ptobable. Out
of the 2,101 applications this jeai 510 weie
foi work only (as compaied with 381 last
jeai), of which nuinbei only 154 could be
supplied, )J uppllcnnts (against 272 last
jeai) came for Infoiniatlon, counsel and
advice on almost eer conceivable sub
ject connected with theli phvsleal welfuie
In ver many cases those upplj Ing for
llimnclil aid were found to be onlj in
need of sensible counsel; SU2 cases weiu
thoioiighlj Investigated by the agent,
who found 02S woithv and 214 unworthv or
not In need, 25 pel lent appeals a large
piopoitlou foi Impostois, but none too
lame as expel lence teaches and house
holdeis who give at the root- could piove.
Dm Ing the past cat the good woik be
gun In tin1 last two jeais his been prose
cuted with encigy until chlldien are now
i in ill oi never seen In otllce buildings cr
on the sheet, nnd the iilimbet of adults
who beg publlclv has been reduced to a
minimum Sldtwalk mendicants with
signs oi organs oi deformities have been
Investigated and othei means seemed lor
their support
The low conceit hall, museum, or other
questionable elitertalnniei t, but another
foi in of mendlcnncv, bus been Invailabh
Lloed bv oui agent where chlldien weie
foieed to appeal upon tlooi oi stage.
c appeal to all hoii'-eholdeis lo sup
poit us In suppi easing stieet bigglng a
gu.u antee care and assistance foi all who
aie tiulj In need, and lequcst thit all ap
plicants be icfettid to out agent.
No pait of the woik has been of more
Impuitanie than that of child saving. It
Is Impossible to disci Ibe with any fulness
heie the woik accomplished. Its l elation
might casllv 1111 a volume. Tho agent's
report will show the bare statistic', but
what Imagination Is vivid enough to 1111
in the bad and In some Instances the tei
llble hlstot of each of f..e 183 cases Fiom
biothel nnd fiom dance nail, fiom lliu
hovels of poveitv, diimkenne"s and lillh,
fiom shameful abuse nnd moie shameful
slaverj, from street and place and coait
have tho been levelled Our agent has
been unweaijlng, and were theie nothing
else upon which to base the association's
claim foi existence this would be enough.
Hut nelthel Investigation noi child sav
ing Is all that has bien accomplished.
Shorth aftei the beginning of the ycai we
leallzed oui hope evpiessed In oui last
repoit und seemed the sei vices of a dls
tilct nuise
The need was ill gent and the results
have moie than met out expectation i
The muse has been incessuutlv engaged
mliilsteilng to the Ignoiant sick, not 011I5
nursing, but educating manj In cleu.illnevs
and moialltv. rift -nine cases, divided
among nineteen diseases, some of them
of the most malignant character, have
bien undei hei peisonal caie, extending
onl fiom a day In some cases to live
weeks In others In order to accomplish
so much It has been necessai foi hei to
be on dut both da and night, slmpl re
turning home to chunge hei clothing. Such
devotion has had ItH reward in the sav
ing of man lives lu this connection wo
should mt ntlon the kindness of the v ai lolls
physicians who have so fieel tendered
service, and of C. M. Han Is, the dtugglst,
who has tilled all presumptions piesented.
Through the kindness of the ma or and
ptik commissioners a vacant room In the
clt hall has been adapted foi the use of
men and women who, having bean ariest
ed or found noon the stieet and biought
to the station house, thiough Illness of
various kinds aie In no conditions to be
left In the cells No less than foi tv -one
of such cases have been found during
the veai, wheie It mlgnt hive been death
to conllne them In cells In this connec
tion we aie glad to be able to announce
the completion in tho station house of
separate cells foi women.
Tho tramp question Is et to be solved
b the clt of Scranton We believe much
could be done to oftset the nuisance bv
the lodging house with woodard in con
nection. Here eveiy one could be sent
who applied for lodging and could be com
pelled elthei to pa In cash 01 lu woik tor
Its comfotts. The Associated Chailtles
would gludlv Imuguiate such a place ut
small cost, but o far oui funds have
only sutllced to cair on onl the abo
lutcl neeessaiv woik. it Is to be hoped
that another eii will -ot pass without
0111 having an oppoi tunlty of making a
piactlcal application of oui theoi vvliiih
has proved so elllclent in othei cities.
In our ntti mpts at educating the poor
of our clt we consldei it espeelall. liu
poituut that the subject of 1111111 savings
should be most eamestl liupiessed upon
the people. In all the laigei cities this
subject has been espeel ill impiessed
upon the associations. We hope that a
committee may be appointed for the con
sldei utlon of the subjict und the opening
soonei 01 latei of u Savings soclet in
which the smallest deposits ma be le
celved. 1. Applicants cards, in packages of twen-t-llve
foi lead use, may be had of the
agent 01 seciotni. These cards should be
given to all who nppl foi aid, and If pie
sented to the agent as dlieeted on the
caid the applicant vv 111 iocele Immediate
1 Eaige cauls suitable -01 hanging en
the doots 01 lu the windows of stoics and
olllces stating that the llrm IS a membei
of the Asosclited Chailtles, and 11 felling
all applicants for aid to '.'s odlce ma bo
had upon application to the secietai
3 Our olllee in the boiul of health
rooms, clt hall, Is open dall, except
Sunda, fiom S a m to 12 m , and fiom 1
p. m, to C p. m , and ma also be leached
by telephone Inquiries will be answeieil
and applicants leetlvn attention at an
time within these houis
4 Ever Investigation Is ipcouled and
these recouls fiom u valuable and worth
icfeiiiieo foi over 2,000 cases It would be
well foi evei one befoie taking up a
stiangei applicant for charlt to get our
acint oi cleik to refei to these lecoids
As the olt Is now cared foi, theie need
be 110 sufteilng fiom the lack of the nec
essai les of life Oui benevolent woik U
not the "machine cliailt" so often ciltl
elzed b touder-heuiud people E co
applicant l called upon, and If leall) In
need Is lefeiied at once to his 01 her
pilest 01 ministci. If not connected with
an litigious bod the me assisted bj
the poor boaid 01 b agont hei self in
cases of Immediate need
Theie Is no unnecrssur at anv
time. Out Hile Is for the vvoith pool
onl tho tendeiest caie and coiibldeiatlon
foi the lmpostoi tin; sevtiuHt penalt the
law I'llows
It onl lemalus'to xpiess oil" thanks
for the generous suppoit wo have received
fiom the public We hope some time to
have a piitial endowment fiom legirles
and gifts, but at piesint our work Is en
tlrel dependent upon flee will offeilngs
We leferall Intel ested In the cause of true
charity to the leport of out agent It is
the most poweiful plea for support that
we can make, We cannot hope to elimi
nate povert and vice, but wo can and do
lessen their evils arid save man in the
present from sinking Into the mud nnd
mlie of pauperism and legiadatlon. And
what is still more Important, by the edu
cation and training of the chlldien
amid pure and healthy surroundings wo
nro prcervlng future generations from
We appreciate mosf heartily the co
operation In our work of tho uuthoiltles
both or the rlty and if the court and of
the chin liable associations. V supple
ment, but do not Inteireie In nny wn
with othei organizations. We ask both
moral anil llnauelal suppoit of nil men
and women.
Membcishlp In this association, which
Is a sure mentis of definite und practical
assistance to us, may be had on the an
nual pit) mint of $1, or life membership
may bo obtained on the pnyment of ViO
at any one time, if evoiy householder
wero but an anuinl member we should
have all the meaiiM nccoAary to press our
work to Its bist results.
(Jrniid .Iiirj Completed Its Worli nnd
Submitted Its Findings to Court.
The gland Jury jesteiday made Its
final lepoit, letuining twenty-five tiue
bills nnd 111 Ignoiod. All told during
the picsent session 110 true and 1SG Ig
noied bills have bein passed upon
Sevent -eight cases weie llled, making
in? cases In all for tho Febiuai teim
ot cilmlnnl court. The tiue bills re
turned yesteiday weie;
Embezzlement W. H. Coons, Alfred T.
Bildgmnn, mos
False pretences R. E. Escott, alias H.
H. Howard, Selena Kingdom, prox.; R.
E Escott, ullas 11, 11, How aid, Albert
11 ill, in OS
Ti.alllelng, ite , In reglsteud bottles
Oeorge Piokopovlch, A. M. Morse, pros.;
assault anil battel Charles Heiz, Will
lam M Millet, pios.; Edward F Keating,
Thomas F. Meagher, pros., Joseph Pll
kolskl, Joseph Tooiofskl, pros , Patrlek
McPeak, jr , Janus Fold, pios ; Frank
Cobb, Hlllaii Kaslofskl, pios.; Domlnick
Youkoboskl, Joseph Matullvz, pios ,
Dominie k Youkoboskl, Joseph Matullvz,
Felonious wounding John Moigan, ltobllng, ji , pios
Attimpt at tape loseph Boltromls; Jo
m ph Keiwlelils, pios
Statutoiy bin gluiy Charles Burke, T.
Fellows Mason, pros
Aggiavated assault nnd battery
Michael Coelchuck, John Sekelsk, pios.;
Mlchuil Coelchuck, John Sekelsky, pios.
Malicious mischief I. Stienk, Michael
Stienk, John Pcncash, Persach Mellla
vlt, pios
l.neenv b bailee Michael Matlowlcz,
Flank Kowaloskl. pros.
Selling liquor without license Jane
Ioce, Mar Shaw, pi ox.; Mamie Smith,
Thomas I.cshon, pios.
Selling llquoi on Sunda P. J. Mc
Laughlin, Maiv Shaw, prox.
Selling liquor to Illinois P. J. Mc
Laughlin, Mar Shaw, pro-r
Keeping a bnvvdv house Mamie Smith,
Thomas I,eshon, pios
Wilful! cutting timber tiees Luke
Walsh, HiiMi Gllmote, Martin Cawle,
Patilek Roland; John Coslett, pios.
Theio weio thirty-three cases of as
sault and battel y Ignoied, and In each
of them the jnosecutoi was called upon
to pay the costs. Twenty-eight of the
Ignoied bills weie for lniceny and te
celvlng. Among other bills ignoied was
the chnige of lobbeiy piefened against
Patiick Mullaikey by Beit Slsco
In a lengthy geneial icport the jury
exptessed Itself ns well pleased with
the changes that had been made about
the couit house; complimented Con
tiactoi Schioeder and Aichltects T. I.
Laiey A Son; commended the county
eommlssloneis for their zealous intet
est in the public welfnre; expressed
satisfaction at the manner In which the
affaiis of the county pilsnn are con
ducted and thanked Dlstilct Attorney
John R Jones for his able and impar
tial piesentntlon of the cases that came
befoie the grand Inquest.
The juiy disclaimed collectively and
individually that It was iestonsible for
the H'stilt of the Keeley-Burke case
being known on the stteets before It
went to the couit, nnd suggested that
it wns most likely the infoimatlon was
gleaned thiough an eavesdroppei.
The jury was dlschaiged with the
thanks of the couit by Judge Edwards,
w ho took occasion to say that he be
lleved the solution the offeted in the
mattel above referted to was the only
couect one.
IIi'ciiuso His Parents Were Prisoners
in the Count) Jml.
Willie Gibbons, a 12- ear-old boy
whose stepfather, Geoige Fanning, of
Theodore stieet, and mother weie com
mitted to the county jail last week, was
picked ill) by the police Monday night.
He was taken by Mis. Duggnn of the
Associated Chailtles jesteiday to St.
Patilck's Oiphan asjlum.
The boy had been cated for hy hib
bi other, John Gibbons, 20 jeais old,
who Is sobei and lndusttious and has
steady emploment. The little fellow
dlsappeaied aftei eating dinner Mon
day noon. The Associated Chailtles
will aid the elder brother In being ap
pointed the oungstei's legal guatdlan.
Scintiu Rheumatism Cured.
Li Wagner, wholesale druggist, Rich
mond, Va , says: "I had a fearful
attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid
up almost two months; was fortunate
enough to get Mstlc Cure for Rheuma
tism. This cuied me after doctor's
Piescrlptlons had failed to have any
effect. I have also heard of fine results
from otheis who have used it."
Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens,
Fresh Every Day.
Prairie Chickens,
Wild Ducks.
if. H. MERGE PEll ML
1 U 'J Made a
W-Vk- '
1st Day. mim 5TxtWe" 1Vlan
INfc UPeAT 30th 1)UJ.
pi odui ea the nbov 11 1 usults In no daj s. It arti
powerfully audoulckl) Luus wliru all otticru full
louuuincnwiuiikuiu their lnt manhood, and old
meu will recover their jomutul vUor bj uuinii
1U.V1VO. It iiulckl ami biuclyreatoreultervous
iicss, Lost Vltalitj, Impound. Msbtly Kmlmionf
f.oit I'Qutr, lailllii; Mimotj, Watluir Diseases aiiU
all 1 nuts ot telf abubu or rxruMiaiul ludUcntioii
which limits one (or bmii)) , biiklnesa or uiarriaiw. It
lotonlj iiircab tiartlnuat tlienrat o(d.3eac,biii
isnureat 111 rv timici and blood builder, briUK
hitf back tho pink glow to imlo liccUsaidns
itorhnt the lire of youth. It ward oil Juwinlf
md Conkumptlon, InbUt on uaiui;'
Hlier. It can bo carried in vekt rocket Dy mil
v 1 .00 per packaco, or blx tor bfi.oo, w It h a po
w written giimuntcu to euro or rohir
'ornouej, Circularfroe. AddntB
Tor Solo by MATTHEWS DUOS., Drus
gist seruiiton, Pu.
v "gSJE?
Wjrij iw ?&?!
,WMte K i
WW? vr V-A
1 I .N' tHI 1 j
tVa-WiW' of Me.
Concluded from I'ago 3
latlni; depaitment (308 tlnjs) number 159,174
volumes; dnlly av erase, bit). This dally
average was exceeded bv that of live fllr
feient months; the hlshest belnn that
of Tebrunry, G20.
LirRest Issuo of any one dny was 1,0 jo,
on Hatuidny, April 4; smallest dally Issue,
271, on Wednesday, Dec. 2J Smallest
weekly Issue, 2,3.!.', June S-13; I irRcst week
ly Issue, 4, 1C0, Teb. 21-2'J. Smallest dally
number of volutins In the hands of rend
ers was 2,roi on Wulncsdjv, Juno 17; and
the lnrfiost llko number out of tho library
at any one date was 3,731, on Thursday,
March 19
The total home lsues number u 937 more
than In the previous enr, and hence cou
th in tho opinion epresed hi the report of
1S93 that, "accordlns to usuil experience,
a reasonable, but sieatlj Ineiiuse may be
expected, commensiiinto with tho nat
uial Brovvth of the city."
A like condition appears In regard to
the total of books drawn from the circu
lating depaitment for icferenco use In the
building, numbei C54 volumes more than lu
lS'ij, and 1.4J7 moie than In 1S9I.
1'itcentages ot circulation In the sevetnl
general classes of books, shown in the
accompinvlng tables, exhibit no veiy
maikcd changes fiom those of the two
or three enrs preceding.
The moderate number of extra books
drawn upon the .'10 student's earils has
had no veiy appieclable effect in the In
cieae of home eh dilation hueln report
ed; theie inav, howevei, tic more definite
lesults shown fiom that cause In lutuio
Anv attempt nt a statistical record of
the use of the neaily 5,000 volumes, placed
on tho open shelves for free public access,
would necessarllv Inteifere with and ic
stilct such use. The same li tiue ns to
the ctiuent peiloillenls In the leading
The constant, and oftentimes ciowded,
nttendame of Dtisonrf making avail of
those parts of the llbiary has been a mat
tei of gre it sitlsfactiou; although, to Just
1 serve them, has fieipientlv taxed both
the room and the limited assistance at oui
command foi those purposes.
Tho regulai Issues of 31 weekly, 71
monthlj and 2 ciuaiterlv periodicals weie
lecelved during the jear Slight Incteiso
In the sets of bound periodicals was possi
ble, owing to want of means from appro
ptlitlons. Siveral hundred volumes of
such matetlal await binding and the lack
of them Is becoming felt to a consldeiablo
At the close of last veai theie wete 23 291
volumes In the llbiary. Accessions of lb90
numbeied 1,137 volumes, of which i were
bv gift and exchange, 2.1C3 bv purchase,
and 509 of United States documents depos
Dm Ing the eni, 4S2 volumes were dls
cauled because of wear and tear, 19 on ac
count of other damage 01 loss, and 7 othei s
canceled or wltlulinwn foi various causes;
a total of 508 deductions, linlance on hand
at the end of tho jear being 27,913 volumes.
(See table appended foi details )
Additions bv direct put chases were not
quite -'00 volumes moie than In 1S93, and
but a limited number thereof weie In the
nature of leplacements of books vvoin out.
rot the coming jeui It will be desirable to
uso a considerable portion of the book
funds In that dlieotlon, since it is the most
popular books (and in some senses the
most useful one), that flist wear out and
need icplaelng.
Howevei gratlfjlng It may be to lepoit
a liige and incieaslng clicul.itlon, it il
malns to be boine In mind, no less, that
such facts carri with them the cone
spondlng necessity of additional expendl
tuies for maintenance
The binding account for 1S1C Includes 12
volumes newly bound nnd 1.9S0 volumes ie
bound. In addition 39S volumes were re
palied at the llbiaiy, so fai as possible
to do so In lieu of actual reblmltng.
Bulletins No G and C, in form similar to
these preceding, weie pilnted and Issued
foi fiee dlstilbutlon Rach one Included
the additions to the library foi a period of
six months, and they were eontlned. to
that puipose. Press of othet work pre.
vented the Inclusion of ceitaln special
class lists, that were planned, but It Is
hoped to do so with the bulletins of the
coming eai.
Tho appended list of gifts and library
exchanges ticelvid In 189b numbers some
700 volumes and 1,000 pamphlets and cur
lent number.
Chief In point of quantity among the In
dlvidual favors weie the following Items:
Krom Ileniy Uelln, jr., 2CG panlphlets and
numbers; Chailes II. Welles, esq, S74
numbers; William A. Wllco, esq , and
I'ntteison & Wilcox, 47 volumes and 63
pamphlets and numbejs, of documents,
leports, etc.; Colonel Ileniy M. Roles, 23
volumes of documents, George A. Tullei,
113 volumes .of documents; Delavv lie,
I.aikawanna and Western coal depart
ment, 133 volumes of state and othei docu
Tiles of the curient dally Issues of the
Republican, Times, Tilbune and Truth,
have been lecelved by favoi of theli le-
spective publlsheis; the llbraij undertak
ing to bind and pieserve them fot hlstoil
cal iefeienee as usual. Also, as like gifts
fiom their publishers, tho Collloij Rngl
neer, mouthlv, and Diocesan Recoid,
In Septembei the llbiarlan as a delegate
and lepresentlng this library as In pre
vious jears, attended the annual meet.
Ing of the American Llbiary association,
held at Clevelmd, O Before and after
that date, also, he was able to be present
nt some meetings of tho Pennslvnn!a
Idbrarj club and othei loeal library asso
ciations and occasions to which specially
Inv Ited.
The only change among the working
force of tho llbiaiy for the jear lS9u was
occaslont'd by tho leslgnatlon of Ill's
Lula James (owing to hei maulago), and
the advancement of Jllss Ilardenbeig
fiom substitute to assistant In succes
sion to Mi-s James.
The llbraiy staff at tho clo'e of the
jear consisted of Misses Cora jr. Deckei,
Jessie O Keefei, Josephine Haw lev, Anna
Rdwaids, JIvraR Millet. Bessie Hal den
berg and Rmma A Thompson, all on full
time, Jllss Jlaud Rstell as substitute, and
Samuel Numnn as Janitor.
I feel that naught but words of com
menditlon aro lallid foi, legaullng those
emplojes in theli several positions; and
take pleasure, theiefore. In hero express
ing sineeie appreciation of theli faithful
and conscientious wotk tluoughout the
jeai now Just ended
Elcctrlo Hattorlos, niectrlo Explolars. for ox
plodtiij; blasti, bafety Fuas, and
Repauno Chemical Co. "s expLomVus.
S3i Linden., Opp. Court lloutr,
Sole Aeoiits for Richardson Boynton'a
Turuaces and ltangcs.
124-126 Wyoming Ava.
This Is the
Bargain Week
Our Annual
Clearance Sale.
The values we have been oHcr'ng
since January 3, arc proof" to the fact
that we have reached the cUtcme In
bargain ollcrlngs and this coming week
Avlll cap the climav. 'I he enormous
reductions we have made do not only
allect the departments given below,
but our entire business, and mouej
saving people will do well to investi
C2 pieces double fold plaid dress goods,
vvoith 8e.
Clearance Sale Price, 5c
73 pieces fine wool diess goods, 45c. and
50c. kind.
Clearance Sale Price, 29c
73 pieces black and coloied silks, C3c.
Clearance Sale Price, U'Jc
60 pieces blailc and colored silks, 7c.
Clearance Sale Price, 40c
White Goods and House Furnishings
50 pieces jard-wlde printed cambric, 10c.
Clearance Sale Price, 5c
20 pieces extia quality Canton flannel,
worth Sc.
Cleartmce Sale Price, 4Jc
100 dozen pure linen towels, regular 12Vsc
qualltj .
Clearance Sale Price. 9c
500 pair white and colored blankets from
79c. up
23 bales bed comforts from
S9c. up
Special sale of two doren extra qualltv
down comfoits, worth $5 00
Clearance Sale Price,
!t2.9S and $3.49
Has Moved t Hit New Quarters,
402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Entrance on side next to First National
Bank. He has now in
Comprising everything reqnlalte for flno
Merohant Tailoring And the same can
be shown to advantage in bis splen
didly fitted up rooms-
Is Extended to All Readers of The Trib
une to Csll on "OLD RELIABLE" In His
New Business Home
Builders' Hardware
Gas, Plumbing and
Electric Light Wiring.
bchcdule in Elfect fo ember 15, 85
Trains Leavo Wilkes-Barre as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburi;, Philatlolphla, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West,
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
Baltlmoro, WnshlnRton and Pitts.
burR and tho West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburp
and the West.
3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun
. bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
and PittsburRand the West.
G.00 p. m., week days, for Hazlelon
and Pottsvllle.
J. U. WOOD, (len'l Pan, Ascent.
S. M. PRCVOST, General Munuicer.
Del,, Lack, anil Western.
Effect Monday, October 19, 1896.
Trains loavo Scranton as follows: Ex
press for Now York and all points Bast.
140, 2 50, D.1S, 8 00 and 9.U a. in.; 1.10 and
3 31 p. m.
HxprcsB for Easton, Trenton, PhlUdet-pl.-a
and tho South, 6 IS, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.:
1.10 and 3 33 p. tn.
Washington nnd way stations, 3 45 p. m.
Tobyhauna accommodation, CIO p. m.
Express for Blngliamton, Oswego, El
mliu, Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12 20, 2 35 a. nt., nnd 1 6j
p. m., mnklng closo connections at Buffalo
to all points In tho West, Northwest ami
Hath accommodation, 9 15 a. m.
Blnghamton and way stations. 1.03 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 6.16 p. m.
p. m.
Blnghamton and Elmlra express, ESI
p. m.
Express formica and nichnold Bprlngs,
2 35 a. m., and 1 55 p. m.
Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9.11 a. m. and l.SS
p. m,
ror Northumberland, nttston, "Wilkes
Barro, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
ville, making close connections at North
umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburs,
Baltimore. Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, C 00, 9 65 a m. nnd 1 55 nnd 6 00 p. m.
Nnntlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 03
nnd 11 20 n m. Plymouth nnd Intermediate
stntlons, 3 40 nnd 8 47 p. m
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
Tor dotnllcd Information, pocket tlma
tables, etc , npply to M. V Smith, cltr
ticket otnee, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or
depot ticket office.
Central Hailroad of New Jersey.
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur
lng cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkes-narre, etc , at 8 20, 9.15, 11 30 a. m .
12 45, 2 00, 3 05, 5 00, 7.10 p. in. Sundays 9 00.
a. m , 1.00. 2.15, 7 10 p. m.
For Atlantic City, 8 20 a. m.
Tor New York, Newark and Elizabeth,
8,20 (express) a. m., 12 45 (express with Iluf
fct parlor car), 3 05 (express) p m. Sun
day, 2 10 p. m. Train leaving 12 45 p. m.
arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term
inal, 5 22 p. m. and Now York 0 00 p m.
Fur Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethle
hcmi Easton nnd Philadelphia, 8 20 a, m.
12 45, 3 05, 5 00 (except Philadelphia) p. in.
SnnHnv. 2 15 n. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
8 20 a. m. and 12 45 p. m.
For Heading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg.
la Allentown, 8 20 a. m 12 45, 5 00 p. m.
Sunday, 2 15 p. m
For Pottsvllle. 8 20 a. m. 12 45 p m.
Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib
erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express)
a. m . 1 10, 1 30, 4 15 (express with BurTeC
parlor car) p m. Sunday, 4 30 a m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal,
9 00 a. m , 2.00 and 4 30 p. m. Sunday, 0 25
a. m.
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may bo had on application In ad
vance to tho ticket agent at the station.
Ocn. Pass. Aft.
J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
TEM. Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively Insur
lng Cleanliness and Comfort.
in nrrccr nov. is. iS90.
. Tor Philadelphia and New York via D.
& II. R R. at b 43. 7.45 a. m , 12 05, 1 20. 3 33
(Black Diamond Express) and 11 30 p. m.
. Tor Plttston and Wilkes-Barre via D.
L & W. R R . 6 00, 8 08, 11 20 a. m , 1.55.
3 40. 0 00 and 8 47 p. m
For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvllla
and principal points In the coil region
via D & H. R. R 0 45 a, m , 12 05 and 4 41
P. m.
Tor Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
rlhburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions ila D Ac H. R R , 6 43, 7 45 a. m .
12 Oj. 120. 3 33 (Black Diamond Express),
4 11 and 11 30 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D , L & W. R. 11, COO. 8 0S.
9 5s), a m , 12 20 and 3 40 p m
For Geneva, Ruchester, Buffalo, Niagara
I alls, Chicago and all points nest via D.
& II. R It , 7.43 a m , 12 05, 3 33 (Black Dia
mond Express), 9 50 and 11 30 p. m.
Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehlg
Valley chair cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Barre and Now York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CHAS. S LEE. Gen. Pass Agt .Phlla, Pa.
Pass Agt , South Bethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Otllce. 309 Lackawanna avenue.
On Jlonday, Nov. 23,
trains will leave Scran
ton as follows:
wITlVfaa or e-aruonuaie 5 45.
M.M m If 7 55, 8 K, iu li, a. m ;
WW 3 m 12 00 noon: 1 21, 2 20, 3 52,
fir ' 6 25 6 25. 7 57, 910, 10 30,
It' 11 55 p. m.
Tor Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc. 5 15 a. m ;
n 0 n in
" For Honesdalo-3 45, 8 55, 10 15 a. m.; 12 08
n ror Wl'lkes-Barre-! 45, 7.43, 8 45, 9 33.
10 45 am ; 12 05. 120, 2 28, 3 33, 4 41, COO.
7 50 9 30. 11 30 v m.
Tor New York, Philadelphia, etc., vU
Lehlch Valle Railroad 43, 7 43 a. in.;
V 03 120, 3 33 (with Black Diamond Ex.
m e'-'s) 11 30 P m.
For Pennsvlvanla Railroad points 45,
9 38 a m.: 2 30, 4 41 p. m.
For western points, via Lehigh Valley
Rallroad-7 45 a m ; 12 05. 3 33 (with Blavfc
Diamond Express) 9 50 11 30 p m.
Trains will arrlvo at Scranton as fol-
rrom Carbondalo and the north 6 40,
7 40 8 40. 9 31, 10 40 a. m : 12 00 noon; 103.
""4 3 25. '4 37, 5 45. 7.43, 9 45 and 11 25 p. m
From Wilkes-Barre and the south 5 40,
7 50 8 50, 1010, 1155 a. m.; 1.15, 214, 3 48.
5 22. C 21, 7 53. 9 03, 9 45, 11 52 p. m.
J. W BURDICK. G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y.
H. W. Cross. D. P. A . Scranton. Pa.
Erie and Wyoming Valley.
Effective Jan. 4, 1E97.
Trains Scranton for New York,
Newbuigh anil Intermediate points on
Eric, also foi Haw ley and local points, at
7 03 a. in and .'-'8 p m., and an he from
nbou points at 10 33 a m. and 9 3S.
In Effect October Itli, 181)1!.
SrulTlIM" m 'II I H SB'S
North Hound. Month Hound.
ih stations P x
S?U C. ou"a LJ.1.M
& g 3 (Trains Dally, Ex.g2
3 v. I cept Sunday ) 12 IS a
p up Mirrlve EeaTe x u
7 21N Y Franklin ht .... 7 4') ....
7 10 West 4.'nd street .... jb ..
700 Weehawkeii .... 8 to ....
p iArrlo Li'inex ii
lis Hancock .Junction To, ...
l iyi HaDCoek i u ....
!. UBii starlight J ail ...
U4ii Preston Park sail....
12 40 como . 2 41 ....
Ui" I'oyntelle .. 260....
U14 lleliuont . 2 58 ....
uoj rieosant Mt. . are ....
1I15 Unlondalo 309 . ..
1149 Forest city 3 1' ....
.... 001134 carbandulo 704' 334,' ....
.... fMOfllso hitenrldge f707J83f) ...
....(iHStlUi Vnjflfld i; 12113 43,.,,.
.... C41,11J.1 Jermn 714 3 45....
.... oailllisi Archibald 7!W 3 51 ....
.... 0 321115 Vinton 7 S3 3M1 ...
.... 0.81111 I'eekvlllo 7.7 8 59, ..
.... 6i311U7 Olijihant 73i40l' .
... IG.'OUCM Prlceburgr 7S4 4oft....
.... 6 111 0J Throop 7JU4 101...
... 61B110), ProMdence T 39 4 lil ....
... 6l.'1fl067 Park Place 17 411117 ...
... 6101055 bcraiilon 74143J,...
r m'a m leavo Arrive a Mr nl
All trains run dally exeenl Sunday.
f signifies that ti nlns f top ou Blgnal (or pas.
M'curo rates via Ontario a Western bofnr
piirchiislng tlckots and savo money. Day and
Sight Kipresa to the West,
J.C. Anderson, den. rasa Act.
T, Flltcrott, JJU Pass, Agt Hcrantoa, ra
Houses for Sale and for Rent,
If on contemplate purchasing ur leas
ing u house, or want to Invest In a lot,
sec the lists of desirable property on
page 3 of I he Tribune,