The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Cntnrrh Positively Cuhed-Aie jou n
surferor with cntnrrh? Huvo jou token
all sorts of drtiKS ami patent noftninnf
Ale ou tltcd or pmlnK bin doctor bills
without lichiK cured? Aio you vvlllliiK to
Mienil SO rents for n cine that pcimnneiitlv
ouris cutiinh by lumovltiK the caiwe of
the illscnsof If 10, ask our diUBltlst for
n :.ccnl bottle of Muiivoii'b Catairh Cure
and u Xi-cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets.
The Catarrh Curo will eradicate the dls
iinse from the sttem and the Tablets will
cleanse and heal the allllcted parts and
restore them to a natural and healthful
A separate euro for rnch disease. At nil
druggists, mostly J." cents a lal
Personal lettcs to Piof. Munyon, 1M3
Atch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medl-al advice for any disease,
header will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., 'newsdealers. North Main
fetreet, will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from b a, m. to 10 p. m.
, Installation ofOllk'ers.
The follow IliK olllcors weie Installed
foi lount'll 03.!. Junior Older United
Aiiietltan Mechanks, on riklay even
ing: Past couuclloi, Henty Pleice;
tounclloi, Y II Gillllths, lce coun
cilor, Charles Alexander, lecoidhiB sec
letary, i Huidlck, assistant secietaiy,
("icoige Heiiv , llnanclal seuietaij, John
States; tieasuiei, John Finch, war
den, LI. Stow ait; conductor, Geoio
Kellow ; Inside sentinel, Chailes 13uok,
outsldi' sentinel, V. J. Finch, chaplain,
W. II. Hounds, lepiesontathe to the
Funeial lionellt association, I. A. liui
dlok. V. J. Finch has leceived the ap
pointment ol deputy stute councilor
foi 9JJ and council 703, of Jermyn.
Dentil ol iIr. .Ilnrv .llc.Vvoj.
At her home, In Heirick Centie, Mis.
Maiy McAoy depaited this life on
Sundn evening. Two ehlldien aie well
known losldents of this dtv, Thomas
MtAoy, station utrent of the Ontutlo
railroad, and Mis James Hinett, of
Thoin atnue. Her son, John, is the
station agent of the Ontaiio at Tlnoop
Mis McAvoy is sui vlv oil by hei hus
band and lx ohildien She had suffoied
fi mil Illness for seveial months fiom
heait disease, but her death was unex
pected at Inst. She was CI yeais of ago
nnd well known in the locality wheie
she hail leslded foi thlity-one yeuis.
Funetal seivices will be held on Wed
nesday liioining at D o'clock.
I'll iicral ol .llrs. 1). .1. Itoland.
A laige congregation assembled at St
Hose chin ch vesteulay nioinlng, when
a loquiein mass was said b Hev. rath
oi Nealon. A seimon comiiieinoiatlve
of Mis IJoland was pleached, aftei
which the lemalns weie laid nt test in
St. Itose ceineteiy. The pall-beaieis
weie John Gilioy, M. F. Neary, D. I'.
Byine, V. A. Dully, John Clune and
John Hegan. Among those who at
tended the Impiesslve set vices fiom
out of town weie: M. Xj. Bauett and
Thomns Claik, of Scmnton; John Mc
03ee, of Pittston; John Median, Michael
McCaity, Jlis Cathatine Noni.v, May
fleld, and Mat tin Neniy, of Kingston.
niiss Fouler llnteitniii.
Miss 33dlth Fowler entei tallied a
number of her friends at her pleahant
home on Canaan stieet Satuiday even
ing. Dancing and games weie in
dulged in and at 10 30 lefieshments
weie served, and at midnight the patty
luoke up. Among those piesent weie
Misses Eleanor Jones, Florence Jad
wln, Lulu Isgnr, Giace Atkinson,
I3mnm Kahl, May Giegoiy, Mabel Da
is, Helen Pateison and Ilaniot Rein
sen, of llonesdalo, living and Geoige
Aveiy, Maui Ice Heynolds, Gem go Ret
tew, Clunles Huniphie, Albeit Ester
biook, -Will Shields.
Second I'ri'bjtcrinii Church Service.
At the Sunday .eveniiiff set vice of the
Second Piesbytei inn chinch in this
city a large congiegatlon witnessed
the Installation of Joseph AVIlce, an el
der, and Thomas AValte a deacon of the
cliuich. The pastor, the Rev. W. A
Beecher, held the seivlce, ineachlng nn
apjiiopilate seimon. A deep Intel est
was manifested In the Impiessive sei -v
Edwatd Ruir, i-on of Attorney and
Mis. J. 13. Uuir, entei tallied seventeen
of Ills young fi lends Satuiday even
ing in honor of his lilithday. A pleas
ant time was enjojed by all and the
host leceived a number of mementoes
fiom Ills fi lends.
A sui prise paity was given to Leon
aid Hndglns Satuiday afternoon at the
house of his patents, Mr. and Mis. D,
F. JJadglns, New Cemeteiy stioet
Games of vaiious kinds weie played,
after which lefieshments weie seivej
Among the Elie.sts weie. John Willis,
Giace and Anna Cannon, Mai la Mln
ilck, Florence Wamnn, Barbara Ilad
fdns, Maile Willis.Lucy Duggan, Finnk
and Fied Bailey, Ollie MInnltk, Eu
gene Mannlon and Henry Duggan
Messrs. II P. Austin and F. W Wil
liams, of Scianton, weie guosts at
the house of Mr. and Mis J S. Basett,
on Thome avenue, Sunday
Woid has been received fiom Dr. and
Mis. Ileniy Van Beigen announcing
their safe nriival in California.
Emmons L. Peck returned to Buck
noll college jestoiday moinlng.
The condition of little Ruth Itovt,
who was opeiated upon foi appendic
itis Fiida, Is unchanged.
Supeilntendtnt and -Mis Geoige "W.
Dowe spout Sunday In Poit Jeivls.
Mrs. John Sullivan, of South Main
Hocking Chairs, Centre Tallies,
Stands, Screens, Picture-?, lias
socks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and
.Math, anil the largest and
assortment ol Carpets in the city,
PRICKS always the lowest.
Carpels, Wall Papjn and Drapsrles,
4:9 LflCKfl. AVENUE.
Rtroel, li pntet tiilnlnt: her Hlstet, Miss
Mm Billet imtlei, or Mooslc.
Jolin Mny, of liuitinoif, Bpent Sun
day Willi tiietulH In this city.
Nicholas lU'ttnn Called on fi lends In
Wllkes-Ulrtre yesterday ufteiiioon.
Mis. AVIlllain Hanklns, of Dultith,
Mlnnf, has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mis. W.Wat t, on Notth Church
C. D. Hetzol Is feuffcilnt; ftom u
spi allied tinkle.
John riemmlnp, of St. l?onavontitro'rt
college, Allegenj, N. Y visited Jnmos
Monlson, on llelinont street, last week.
V. 13. Klihy Is out iiKaln lifter an
Illness of several dnys.
Miss Kiniim Dunlonvy, of Scianton,
Is enjoying the hospitality of filenJn
In this ail.
Mis. W. U. Seuny Is confined to her
homo b Illness.
Horn- Huml.iy mornlnpr, to Mr. and
Mis. Finnic Oiohaid, of Hlvor stieet
a son.
J, .T. McAndi cvv, of Olyphant, spent
Sunday with fi lends In this, city.
Mis. Hr. W. Kletchoi and son, Walter,
who havu henn visiting ft lends In Sus
quehanna, have letuincd homo.
Misses Ilcisi and Alice Mot nil, of Al
tleiiville, are the uuests of relatives In
this city.
Miss Ollin spent yesteiday in Scian
ton. Miss Maltha Thomas, of Olyphant,
spent Sunday with fi lends In this city.
Miss Bauia Mlldied, of Gieen Ridge,
MIsS Kittle llenwood, of Piovldence,
and Miss Grace Wall, of Suttee, Pa.,
me vloitlns at Mis. A. B. Roughts.
Mrs. Mat j A. Glbbs last Friday dis
posed of ti plot of giound in the lent
ol her Mnln stieet piopetty, consisting
of about one-half acre, to Photogiapher
Walter N Manchester, consldeiatlon
about one thousand tlollnis per acie.
Geoiee Wainel, esq., and Miss Olecta
Capwoll, of Nicholson, weie In town
Red Jacket lodge. No. 521. Indepen
dent Order of Odd Fellows, confened
tjiu lnltiatoiy degiee on two candidates
last Satuiday night. The degree team
has been ltorgunhed and ate down to
diligent ptaetlce anu haid woik. They
have some now work that they nie
piactlclug and the woik last Satuiday
evening was far tuipei loi to the woik
pioviously done.
The handbills aie out foi the Rebekah
entei tainmont nnd diawlng v.hl"li
comes off next Filday night, and they
piomlse a llist-elass eiitertalniiient ell
foi the small sum of in cynts. To llml
out Just how well they will keep their
piomlse, I suppose we will be obliged
to go to their entei talnnient and t-fe.
Out town has got a genuine building
boom on, and It forges light ahead
vv Intel and summer Just th saint,
theie being no time when there is not
tiom thioe lo sl new lesldencos under
jiiocp'-s of constiuctlon, langing In
pi Ice lium two to seven thousand dol
Kiis each.
C. Matthew son has the contiaotois
at woik taking down and lemodellng
the building nt present occupied by
Fied L. Foster as a store, and one of
the oldest landmaiks In our town. Mr
Mattnewson intends remodeling It into
a Hi st class business place, and a
ciedll to Main stieet.
Services still continue all this week
at both chinches eveiy evening except
Saturday evening.
Don't foi get the eaily closing of our
stoios. Make jour pui chases betoie
S o'clock In the evening, or you will
have to wait till the next day.
Mrs. D. D. Gaidner and Mr. C. "vV.
Wiigley aie 111 at their homes In the
north end of town.
Com t convenes next Monday, Jan.
IS. The juiors fiom this town axe P.
B. "Walteis and Charles Gardner.
Walter Tilpp, a student nt Keystone
academy, is at his home In Gicen
Ridge HI w 1th the mumps,
Mis. Benton Coleman Is lepoited n."
convalescing again utter a seveie ill
ness. The change In the time of holding
the countj couits went Into eTect Jan.
1, 1S&7, and Instead of holding the leg
ulur tenn of August court, It will be
abandoned until civ, end a Juno tenr.
of couit held. Januaij tei in, Instead 'of
openlnfj the second Monday in the
month, now convenes on the lSth, or
the thiid Monda. .
Mis. Nelson Ball, llvlni a shoit dis
tance out of town, met with a veiy
exciting and painful expenence last
Sunday. She went Into the bain Sun
day moinlnc to milk one of the cows.
The dog kept by the Ball family came
In and f lightened the cow (which had
a call by its side). The cow attacked
Mis. Ball and tossed her Into the air
evoial times befoie help came. Mis.
Ball's husband happened to be near
and (amo to her leseue and succeeded
In biating the cow off and estiicatln
his wife from her perilous position.
Di. Heller was hastily summoned, and
upon Investigation tound that Mis.
Ball was not seiiously In juted, aside
fiom seveial seveie biuHes and a
severe shaking up.
Most eveiy town in existence has
had a "Woman in black" but it lias
temulned these oars foi Factoivllle
to pioduce u genuine "Man In black."
Such seems to be the case here at pies
ent. This mysterious appuiltioiv Is io
poited to he about six feet six inches
In height, with a veiy long Jet black
beaid and hall and weais a black suit
of clothes, and a slouch hat pulled well
down over his eje. Tills walking
"IIoGdoo" It seems, mstti!ously and
suddenly appeals in the lomotesl paits
of town, and on dimly lighted streets,
lilghteniiirf; women and ehlldien neatly
Into convulsions, although he has made
no attacks on anyone jet so tin .h
lean.ed. There nie all soits of Illinois
about town as to who it might be,
and what his object Is, but no one
seems to have had the courage vet to
appioaeh him and Investigate his na
tionality. Thestot.v Is going the lounds
that It is one of our young mauled
men, and that If he catches the object
of his search his mission In disguise
w 111 soon bo ended.
Ice men aio filling tholt
now with nice, clean U
ice houses
ten inches
A majotity of the students letutned
fiom the holiday vacation lust Mon
duj and aie utiuln pursuing their "In the even tenor of theli
The flist number of the rhetoilcals
weie held In chapel last Filday after
noon. They icllected ciedlt on the
iluss of '07 and their Instiuctor, Miss
Molly Tiauey Weston,
The Cuban question Is causing loss
of sleep In the cases of seveial embiyo
statesmen heieabouts.
The Kellogg Blid Carnival and Con
ceit company will open the regular lec
tuie com so, seuson '97, next Tuesday
Two moie lectuies will complete the
historical sei les so ably bundled by
Charles Elliot Fitch. These will be
one on William H. Seward: the Conflict
of Debate, and on Abiuham Lincoln,
the Rejuvenated Republic. Last Fil
day evening Mr. Fitch lectuied on Dun
lel Webster. He seemed to catch the
spirit of the great orator and at times
chaimed and thrilled his audience.
On Friday evening last the, (list shot
f.oni the political cannon Wart llred, and
fiom now on, piesumubly, they will
come thick and fast, both In Maylleld
and Jeimyn. Fiom the Inlet est which
the cltUeiiB nie taking In the co-ntm;
election It may be deiiended Hint tiusl'
woithy and i citable men will be elect
ed to the seveial olllces, and that Is
what Is needed.
An eisteddfod will be held In Oly
phant on the evening of Mnuii 17 under
the nilsplces of the Older of Ivnrltcs of
that own. From all Indications Jeimyn
ought to be nblo to win some of the
pilzes, Some yeais 1120 a sloe club ot
about fotty voices was oigunls'.ed nnd
kept tosethei for some little time, but
In time the niembois lost lnteioFt. Dut
Ing the time the choir wos In existence
they weie consldeied ono of the foie
most In the vnllev If some one would
take an active part In the organization
of another und entei 113 competitors at
Ob pliant on Maicli 17, and luiined
falthtully until then, in choli und solo
woik, theie Is not a doubt but that on
that evening their ttoubl' and expense
would be amply lepald. Thete Is plenty
of talent in this little tow 11, It carefully
selected nnd bound together, to entei
any contest and do ciedlt to the town
ftom which they came
Miss Claia Wlllnms, of the mllllneiy
lit 111 of Reese A: Williams, Is visiting In
Mcs-ms Mai tin GUI andWm. E. Da
vis snent Hundny with ft lends in Cllf
Mis II. A Wlllams rpent yosteiday
In Scranton.
The leceptlon of the IIolj Name so
ciety will be held In Sacied Ileait
chuieh next Sunday evening Rev. P.
J Muiphv, ot 01 pliant, will pi oath
the seimon on the occasion
Mr. David Kennedj, a foi met employe
of the Caibondale Ti action company,
intends applying for a hotel lkense. If
lie Is successful he will 11111 the Cali
fornia hotel, as he has an option on
on Sunday the Rev. Mr. Stone
pleached to the Sons of St. Geoige at
the Methodist Episcopal chuieh, Foiest
Cit. Those attending the seivlce fiom
heie weie. Samuel Wateis, William
Blown, Edwnid Waters, John Wateis,
Thomas Smith, Homy and John Reeves,
Meniy Smith. William and Ilenty
Smallicombe, Clunles Lee and John
Miss Haggeitv, of Scianton, Is visit
ing lie! biothei. Michael Haggeity.
Miss Maggie La Rue, of Caibondale,
spent Sunday with Miss Llbble Hen
w ood on Second street.
Mis Walter Maker called on filends
in Scianton yosteiday
Mi II. A. Williams is In the lace lot
hill gess as also Is W. G. McCloskey for
councilman liom his waul.
The loss on the building of Dr. S. D
Davis, which was binned on Cluist
mas moinlng, has been adjusted. The
amount can led was M00. He leceived
$ i2.!.
Mr. Thomas Ronnie hns declined pos
itiveli to tun tor council.
Di. S. D. Davis was In Scianton
yesterday afternoon, calling on his
cousin. Attorney Davis, who left last
evening foi Savannah.
An efloit is being made to unite the
Ancient Oldei of Hibernians, Boaid of
A men lea, and Boaid of Erin of the
county. A monster paiade will be held
on St. Pan h K s da at Scranton, and
Catholic societies fiom both this and
Luzune county will be invited to pai
tlclp'tte. Count Chaiiman Allies Mc
Andrew, and a committee of nineteen,
compiised of one membei fiom each
division in the county, have been in-
stiucted to take charge of the paiade.
The spiing election will be on Feb
niaiv 1G, U'.p7. Jan. 2", 1S97, Is the las:
day foi filing nomination eei tlilcates,
or eighteen days befoie election. Feb
1, 1S97, Is the Inst day foi filing nomi
nation papeis, being fifteen days be
foie election. The time foi filing objec
tions in the case of boiough elections
is Feb -1 Candidates may withdiaw
on Feb. -1. All papeis aie to be filed
in the county coinmlssioncis' olUce.
Tho Second waid Republican caucus
will be held at Lnteiptlse hall, Fildav
evening next.
Dlstiict Deputy Philip .1. Vetter, of
Sctanto'i, wns piesent last evening at
Rushbtook encampment, and expound
ed the unwiltten woik of the older.
Boin To Mr. and Mis. Anthony
Xeai v. of Mayfleld, a son, Jan. 11.
A child was hot 11 to Mr. and Mis.
Albeit Boni.u on Jan. 11.
At the meeting of Rose of Lacka
wanna loiUe, No. ::ij, Loyal Knights
of Ameilca, last eviiilug, the following
olllceis weie dub Installed by Nitlnual
Giand Mast"i Thomas P. Campbell, of
No, ",J, Caibondale. Worthy master,
William 'Williams; woithv deputy
mastei, John Filend. assistant secie
tutj, Joseph Tlnliv; conduct or, David
Jenkins; assistant conductor, Rkhaid
Owens; chaplain, D P. Mnigan; inside
tylei. William 1'ilond; outside tylei,
John Wat"!s; trustee, Pilco Davis
Hairy Reeves has announced him
self as a candidate for the office of poor j
dnector. ,
Mis Michael Roberts and her daugh
tei Mary, weie visiting in Scianton on
Satuiday last.
Mi John Fiitnd, of Mayfield. was 1
visiting In Piloebing Sunda.v
'Mr Samuel GUff.ths of Mayfleld, was
visiting relatives at Philadelphia last
Miss Jlaiguict Jones was visiting rel-
attvis at P.'iUvlllo last Satin da
Rev. William Suidlvnl exchanged
pulpit villi the Rev. Newman 'Mat- j
thews, of Piovldence, last Sundav '
ov oning. Mr Matthew pi cached un
oloqi.ent soimon to ,1 laige longl ega- '
tlon, Uiklm; hn text fiom tlj- Hist tpis
tie of Peter, lv.10
W'jlllam E Davies and Mm tin Gill,
two of our piominent young men s,p"iil
last Sunday at Cllffotd with ftlends.
Quite a comedy was enacted In
'fequlio Helineh olllce last evening A
man giving Ills name iti W. J. Coleman
of Scianton and occupation as salrs
nian 101 Hull At Co , ot the same place,
1 amo in tho ofhee lequeMlii.g that n
waunnt be issued lot the nrtest of
Charles II Bakei on a cliatge of as
sault and battel Mi Coleman, who
nppaicntlv was undoi a stionner stim
ulant than tea oi coeo, walked into
Mi Bokei's storo feeling decidedly at
holm, begnn toiun the business Baker
denionstiated with him but to no avail,
Causes fully half the sickness hi the world. It
ret iliii the digested food too long in tho bowels
ami produces biliousness, torpid liver, ludl-
gcitioii, bad taste, coated
tongue, bid; ht-jdaclie, in
somnia, etc. Hood's l'tlls
cure constipation and nil its
results, easily and thorough!). t,c. All druggists.
I'repaied by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
1 ho oulj l'lll j to take wtu Hood's bur sapai Ilia.
and ut Inst wos compelled lo put the
cnllei out, anil In doing so, gave hltn a
black eye. After the u an ant had been
wiltltn Coleman refiiMri to pay the
tustoinniy fee. clalniing thnt ull tin
money he hud belonged to the 111 in.
A VO(. A.
Mr. and Mis. Hei'-ert Langdon, ot
Heiilckvillo, have letutned home nfter
a few days' visit at he lesldence of
their son, Robei t.
Mr. John Campbell, of the West Side,
Is seriously 111 of Inllanimntoiy lheti
uiattsm. The mnnlngo of MIsb Lizzie Mitchell,
an esteemed lady of this town, nnd
Jnmcs Walsh, a nontilar young man,
of Mooslc, Is announced to take place
this month.
Star of tho Valley Social club meets
in Odd Felows' hall this evening.
Mlses Ella O'Malloy and Kute
Dougher spent Sunday with ti lends In
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist Episcopal chuieh will meet at
the homo of Mia Rose Nelln tumor
low ufteinoon,
Mine Foiemnn Ro'-eit McMillan Is
.setlotisly 111 of gilppe.
Mls Lena Kelfler, of Wllkes-Baiie,
Is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Jennie
New lip.
The Saislleld Diamatlc company Is
reheaislng'-The Spy of Atlanta," which
they expect to piesent In u lew months
The cantata entitled "Shlloh," under
tho lendeishlp ot John R. Geoige, will
be tepioduced In the Langciiffe chuicl.
on Januniy 2.'. Admission will be flee,
but a silvei uffeilns will be taken up
and contilbuted to the Chtistlan En
deavor union.
Mis. Lawrence Haiti ho and daugh
ter, Miss Kathleen, of Wnymalt, were
guosts of Mi, Peter Hojlun vesteidav.
Mi and Mis Samuel Decker, of Nich
olson, spent Sunday al the lesldence of
Mi nnd Mis Michael Lawler, of the
West Side
Mi. Fiank Faddeli has letutned to
Nowpoit News alter spending a few
weeks at he losldoni 0 of his parents.
Mr. Homy McGiaw, of Nowpoit, R.
I , Is the guest of John AVhalen.
Mr. Charles Johnson Is suffeilng fiom
a sei ions tin oat affection.
The funeial of tho 8-yeai-old daugh
tei of Rev. and Mis Ball, of Ol pliant,
took place on Filday afternoon. The
lemalns weie conveyed over the Dela
wate and Hudson lallioad to Avoca,
whole Intoimont was made In Lang
ciiffe cemeteiy. Mr. Ball was fotmerly
a lesldent of this place and dining his
pustoiate, two ot his childten weie
intet ted whole the thitd now 1 eposes.
The funeial of Mts Chailos Monioe
took place on Sunday ufteinoon und
was laigely attended Seivices weie
conducted in the Pilmitlve Methodist
chuieh, whole Rev. J Jones pleached
an eloquent and touching seimon. In
tel ment was made in Pittston ceme
teiy. David M. Cinnston, eldest son of Mr
and Mis Robeit Cianston, of Notth
Main stieet, died at 5 15 o'clock yetet
day moinins after an illness of only
eight dnys, eiyslpelas and heait fulluie
being the cause of death. Tho deceased
was 1!) yeais of age and enjovod the
confidence and iespect of all who knew
him. His demise so eaily in life with
the blight piospects of life befoie him,
fall heavily upon his paients and othet
membets of the family. The funeral will
take place tomouow (Wednesday) af
tei noon. The lemalns will bo viewed
at the family lesldence. Seivices will
be conducted In the Laneclllfe Piesby
tei Ian chinch. Interment will be made
In Langciiffe cemeteiy.
Past Giand Dictator Geoige A. Du
biec, of Pennsvlvania. will deliver a
public addiess on the new assessment
plan and the aim and objects of the
01 del In geneial on tomouow (Wednes
day) evening, Jan 1,1. at 7.30 o'clock.
Eveiybody will be made welcome.
The seivices Sunday evening at tho
Pifsijj tetian chinch, which weie con
ducted by Secietaiy Peaisall, of tho
Railtoad "ioung Men's Chtistlan asso
ciation of Scianton, weie veiy Inteiest
ing. The seivices at the Methodist
chui ch weie postponed in older that
the people of that chinch might attend
this seivlce. The body ot the chuieh
and galleiy w.ts packed, and seats weie
hi ought in and placed in tho aisles
until this space was filled.
Conductor C. M. Nichols, of tho Del
awaie, Lackawanna and Western 1 ail
way, is quite a poultiy fancier and
keeps some fine blids. Last week he
attended the Poultiv exhibit at Hlng
haniton, and captuiod several pilzes.
Mr. and .Mis. J. M. Catpenter 1 etui ti
ed Satutdny evening and weie con
veyed to tin home of the btlde's pat
ents, Mi and Mis. Chailes Spencer.
Rol 01 1 Blakeslce, the piopiletoi of
Most torturing and aisllgiulns or iicnuiB,
burning, scal skin and uilp humors ir la
stamlv iche ed bj a warm bath wnh Cm
ei ka bo vi', .1 siivle npi 1U atlon of c 1 ni 1 it v
(oltituiLiit .thug 1 at skin cure, and .1 full 1I1110
of ti nei uv lli.stu.MNr, ercateit of bluml
put liters and humor cures, wheu all eUo flls.
Ii nld tin i-E'io itihe wot! 1 Tott tr Prrn Atp Cntii
Co-r , ITo?. llJltnn II w " Ture Suit Ufceum," frco
rimnly Hf Niln UlcmMiti
XX it Vy tuvnn wi.
And Suits
Fee- our windows for wonJiously
low prices in rro.iiuriii'js. Now
K the time to enjoy the luxury
ol a pitfect fit diiJ pirfect work
inanship at the piiee of lead)-made-
One door ft 0111 our old stand to
the left of l'hc Arcade instead of
the right Our increabliif; busl- '
nets ieiiurc.l more room, which
shows that the people appreciate
low prices, good woikmanship
and honest dealing. I
W. J DAVIS, flluUernMethods In
Hi u. unilU) Merchant Tallorlns
213 Wyoming Avenue.
yn KM'-1 UT 1
Absolutely Pure.
' Celoluato) for its groit luaviulng Btri'lidtti
iiml lu'idthttilmm. Assures tho fool 1 uutiitt
nliitn nnil nil fo'ins of lulultoiatloii coiiiiuO 1
lo the olioiqi bi mils
the Opera he use, gac a inrnpllintn
taiy danoo Satutduy evening lo hl
many fi lends, bolb young and thos"
tuoie iidvnnoid in veins. Theio woie
botwoon sevonty-llvo and one bundled
gnosis piesent, who passed about two
and one-half bonis In a jollv mannei.
At halt-past eleven, they all bade tin
genial pioprietor good nlghl with many
l hank l for the evenl.-isrn Measuii.
If the llubv Is tiitlini; Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslovv s Soothing Syrup lias
been used for over fifty yeais by mil
lions of motlieis for theli ehlldien
while teething, with perfect success It
soothes the child, softens tho gums,
allays all pain, cuies wind colic and Is
the bcut lomedy for dlairhocsi. Scld
by dltigglht.s In eveiy part of the world.
Be sine and call for "Mis. Wlnslow'a
Soothing Sytup," nnd take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave,,
Opp, Wyoming Mouse.
Trimmed Hats.
Wo have 10 OuO Dollais woith of
AND TRIMMED HATS, and In oldei to
dispose of them in time not to c.ui them
over, we will not wait until Maich, us
others do befoie they 1 eaily 1 educe their
ptlces to anj extent
We have alreadj put the knlfo Into 0111
pi Ices and cut them light into half.
Not n single gaimcnt can von llml In 0111
h indsome, cheeiful and well lighted stole
that does not come up to tho full st md
aid in legaid to STYLE and QUALITY.
Our stole Is lighted not bj gas, 01 any
othei light that makes your gaimcnt look
one wa In the store and another when
ou get home Out stole Is lighted b
We handle NO TRASH If von unnt
tiash, then go Usewheio and ouil llnd
plenty of It there. We handle TINE goous
only, and would not keep In oui store
any thing that Is not PINE IN QUALITY
und UP-TO-DATE In style, even if we
couiu nevei sell a gat ment.
Reliable Goods.
Reliable Treatment,
Is Our flotto.
It Is only six weeks since we have
opened 0111 stoie, and we can confidently
say that we have, duilng thut time, made
more fi lends than all other cloak stoles
duilng so ninny jeais.
Goods Cheerful! Exchanged,
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
No Extra Charge.
You save from 2 to Sil cents on tho dol
lnr as to pi ice bj busing your Cloaks and
Tllmmed Hats of us besUles being sure
that ou aie getting good goods of the
latest stvle und best workmanship.
400-402 LACKA. AVE,,
Cor. Lackawanna an J Wyoming Aves
Scranton, lJa.
are located tho flnost fishing and huntlm;
btoiinds In the world. Desinpilve booitH
on explication 'iicke'.f. to il points In
J' nine Cinnua and Jlarlt.nie Provlncrs,
1 Minneapoli St. Paul Canadian nnd
I t'nitod States Nert'iw' t Vanvouver,
Be.ittlo, Ticoma, Pot Hand, Ore., San
I Firsi-Glass Sleeping avJ Dinin? Gsrs
I attached to nil irilns Touilst
cam fully lltted with bidding, curtu'ns
and fcpe-cial adapted to wants of families
may be had with tecond-"lTRs tickets.
Hates always less than via other lln3.
1'or furthei infoniatlon, time tables, etc..
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
353 Broadway, New York.
- w u:
v& .iUs"
-f SVC' 12 - fe
tfrtftl. 4AUifr'
-s?'r,?' .di 0,
What 5arah Bernhard say&
Gil mm oiic
oliiiHot W
Cloaks and
Hi! pacific n
s. t m
y- tv
Jui &
1 A-
" e
ai'TiS .TiiiJZLAui,
And All, the Fashionable Ladies
Fall in
5.lfr- it . '.'OKiiXff '.!
421 Lackawanna Avenue.
Of Our Entire Stock of
piiolster Ooods, Window Shades,
Li!ie!niiis,OilciQ!lis, Carpet Sweepers
Also the Balance of Holiday Goods, Including
Carpets and
Opp. Main Entrance
to W) omlng House.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
S t
5-rf pi fa
Is Jiuule prettier still by being well furnished.
We can fit your home up so that you will be very proud
Lo brine? people to it, and at a small cost. We sell the
b2st furniture, using woods which are well known
for durability and strength and for the amount of finish
X you can put on them. W
X everything to promote the
which we buy insisting
? want to see what we ca'i
j? for your parlor. Take a
'2 ft yv yxz-wvOws.
$e24 so$o oeoo
ir y n-i-
ri f?T-Ti
axa u
Let your books
around any longer.
Standing or hanging.
Can be used for bric-a
blue and other things.
sui I
It's so easy to buy here ON CREDIT that
X we wonder why anybody goes without what they
y? really want.
0000000000000000 00000000000000000
j. s. o
Wo Soil
Clothing On
Wc mnltc no clearance sale announce
ments In older to get rid of a lot of unde
sirable stock. It e,ems somewhat strange
that so many of our neighbor merchants
come out with lliming announcements of
icniatknble 1 eductions In all their line of
goods about this boiison of the ycat. Do
you not think thosb cle.uanco sales sbmo
wlittt deceptive? Not that our merchants
would do it intentionally, but they aro
simply lesortlng to a custom that has
become populai and catches tho eye. Wo
have an xtraordlnury advantago In that
we at all times sell our goods at the low
est possible (Inures, and ns a result com
mand a big tiade, winter, summer, spiing
und autumn, dull seas6ns and brisk sea
sons The- Immense business that we do
enables ns to sell tho newest articles In
the maiket. Wo do not wait until on ar
ticle Is shop-worn befoie wo reduce our
We Fix Our Prices on
a Right Basis at
the Start.
consequently we require no clearance salo
or other deceptive means of bringing tho
people In to bo hoodwinked, Call and see
if the abovu assertion Is not true In every
And oblige, yours truly,
Bugs, Draperies,
sell good designs and we do
e betterment of the furniture
on the best making.
do for you, get a chai
If you
air or two
spot in the parlor which needs
fcv furniture the most and se-
f lect a chair for it fro our
0 You will be surprised
at the improvement.
rr'trt nlrtoti iti rr tut
much of our Furniture,
Carpets, Heating Stoves,
Comforts, Blankets, etc.,
etc.. at
$, Good Prices
Card Tables,
Birch Finish,
Wyoming Avenue.