The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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Loll and Weekly. No Sunday Edition
Publllicil nt Scranton, Pn., bj The Tribune
PublUtilnjr Company.
iw lort Ofllce Ttllmno IMIMInr.
Gni), Manager.
rranlc 8.
The ftlumls of Mr. Clionto la New
' Yen It ate clniinhiK that ho slll Bet 4
otes In Thuisdny benatorlnl caucus
fit Albany, ngulnt 147 otes for the
Hon Thomas C l'latt. Thlf Is not
rjultc so Intso a. showing as was nnulo
leccntly by mother "WananiaUer tit
Hanislnirtr, but Mi. Choatc, on the
otliur linnil. has not expended so much
Tito Poxy Spaniards.
Vtc illtcct attention to the statements
copied elsewheie on tills jiage from the
Washington correspondence of Walter
Wcllman. They dot he thelt Import
une? not n little fiom the man who
communicates thorn. Mr Wellman Is
uirely deceived into publishing false
ntws. His geneial leputation as a
journalist Is a sulllcient assuuuieo that
he has pt luted this stoty of Spain's
duplicity In, good faith and upon au
thority which commands his lespect
It has In a general way long been the
public Impression that In artifices of
strategic diplomacy Spain lias enjoyed
throughout the Cuban contioversy a
decided advantage over the United
States. Her minister at Washington,
Renor Depuy de Lome, has appaiently
handled this ndmlnlstiatlon as he
pleased. The one bunch of our gov
ernment with whom he at Hist seemed
unable to cope congicss be lendeiud
fcr the time powiulass by a dexterous
substitution of issues, tehlecel over
Se.cie.ttuy Olnoj's head. If the Cubans
had had one-thlul the htiategy em
ployed in thelt behalf thut lias been
put fotth to enable the executive
blanch of the American lepubllc to
evade the wishes of the peo
ple in this niattei, Cuba would today
be an independent statt. One is leally
forced to bow homage to the magnifi
cence of the Spanish ministers adioit
ness at lntilgues
The puipose of it all, of comse, has
been to gain delay This has been
achieved so fat as Piesldent Cleveland
is concerned Will It also be title with
lefeience to 1'iesldent McKlnley? In
other woids, Is the cause of Cuba to
be peimunently sactlflced thiough
Ameilcan ingenuousness?
At last serious effoit is to be made
In Ltueine county to abolish the toll
bildges We congiatulate tho Indefat
igable editoi of the Pittston Gazette,
to whom this lefoim when it comes
will be chlellj due.
The Failures of I896
A classified iccoul of the commeiclal
failures of lS'JG has been piepaied by
Dun's ngency. It enables some Intel -estlng
compailsons to be made- The
fulluies of 1S numbered lo.OSS with
liabilities of $22G 0UG.S34, exceeding those
ot any othei year except 1SU3 when
theie weie 15,242 commeicial failures
witli liabilities of $34G,779,SSS'). The
banking falluies of 1S9G were 19S with
liabilities of $50,71S,915 In 1S93 the com
mercial falluies were 13,197 und the
liabilities $173,19G,0G0
The commeiclal falluies of 189G avei
aged $14,992 apiece; the banking fall
uies, $261,106. I3y means of a system
ot classification It nppeais that the
nianufactuiing failures of last jeai
avciaged $2S,S0G, against $2S,0J3 in 1893,
vvliile In tiadlng the aveiage was $9,
COb agulnst JS.'JJl in 1S93 and in biok
eis' and otliei commeiclal falluies not
included In the foiegolng geneial heads
the aveiage was $3S, US against $30,
296 in 1S93 The aveiage banking fail
ure in 1S93 was only $15G,'I00.
Thus it appeals that the pilnclpul lea
son of lS9G's bad showing was because
of inci eased speculation, that causing
by fai the gt eater pait of the'banking
und biokeiage mishaps. The fact that
1S9G was a ptesidentlal year with an
issue that gieatly menaced business
stability must be taken into laige ac
count. In this connection the Hallway Age's
statistics of lallway lecelveislilps and
foteclosuies have Intel est. They aie
conveniently tabulated us follows:
Stocks and
Year. Xo Mll'ge. llonds
1SS4 37 11,03$ $ 71!,7.m,000
1S83 44 S,3S'J 3S3,4GO,000
1880 J 1,799 70,310 000
1S87 9 1,010 90,318,000
188S 22 3,270 ISO.Sll.OOO
1889 22 3.S03 99,Oo4,0U0
1S90 20 2 903 103.007,000
1891 ,..., 20 2,131 81.479,000
1512 LG 10.50S 337.CS2.000
ISta 74 29.140 1,781.010,000
1S1 3S 7.023 1,791,000
1S93 31 4.0S9 309,075,000
1890 34 0,411 273,397.000
Total for 13 y is. 412 90.S70 $4,910,014,000
Stocks and
Year. No. MH'ge Honds
1SS4 13 710 $ 23,301000
1S83 22 3.13G 278,491000
18S0 ... 43 7,057 374,109 001)
1SS7 31 G.478 J2S.1S1.000
3SSS 19 1.390 OIG'3,000
1SS9 23 2,930 137,813,000
1890 29 2.823 182,193,000
1891 21 3 223 108,00)000
1592 2S 1,922 93,8 000
1893 2") 1,013 79,924 000
18'U 42 Don 318 99.000
189". 62 12S31 71.1,791.00)
1S9G GS 1,373 1,130,377.000
Total for 13 yis. 112 G1.9S7 $J,'iO4,211,0OO
It will be noticed that liabilities of
defaulting rallioada have been laiger
In the past foui yeais than in the pre
ceding nine yeais. Rallioad dofaults
alone in 189G slightly exceeded commei -clal
und banking togethei. The foie
closute sales In 1SMG covered one-llfth
of tho defaulted stocks and hands tor
tho past twenty-tino years. It Is tho
geneial belief, howevei, that business,
having now been pietty well ridden of
Its deudwood, will undergo steady and
substantial growtli fiom this time foi
wuid, Panics are like puigatlves; they
huit while they last, but they lay the
foundations for healthy convalescence.
It Is suggested that If the piesent li
cense law weie amended to lead, "Tho
couits shall grant or withhold liquor
licenses In accoi dance with the number
of slgnero for or against," this would
lellevo the judiciary of Its chief ob
jections to exetcislng the licensing
power. It might, in some localities;
but It would not remove the people'))
objection to the turning of the courts
Into a kind of liquor centum bureau.
The fact is that the whole license busi
ness Is a business unlit for the courts.
One year ngo Senator Shot man was
the most determined foo that Spain
had In the sennto. Today ho nppears as
virtually Its friend. It would be Inter
esting to know what has caused him to
change his mind.
lnordlnnte Court Costs.
The Luzerne county giand Jury last
week leturned to coutt the following
In legal d to the enormous amount of
Justices' and constables' costs, collected
fiom the couiltv, tho Btunel JuiV behoves
that much of this oufint to be saved If the
committing miiKlstiates weio lenulied to
exert mole effort to memo pujment of
costs hi petty caj-cs, befoie lemming them
to court. They recommend Hint this
subject be utged befoie the logHlu
ture so that the laws may be amended In
this respect mid also that better means bo
provided foi cutting down unieaonnble
chnrgcH thiough multipoint; the causes
of actions.
This recommendation was in t espouse
to the leecnt lemaiks of Judge Lynch
who dliocted the gtand July's attention
to the fact that the auditors' lepoit for
1893 shows pajments of over $CG,O00 In
that one year In Luzerne county fo: jus
tices' and constables' fees. It deserv es
to be said that the flguies for Lacka
wanna, while much smaller, aio jet fai
bejond reason and add emphasis to the
call for l ef orm.
It has been sugested that the quickest
way to boho tills pioblem Is to pass a
law authorizing the placing on the com
mitting maclstiatu of nil costs In Ig
nored eases. This Is of couise not pro
posed seilously, but It Is evident that
if seilous effort W not soon made to
checkmate the legal harpies who lattcn
on the Ignoiance of the foielgn ele
ment In these counties and inoidlnately
expand the county expense accounts,
the public will one day ilso In wiath
and apply drastic lemedles.
In Kentucky pilnuuy elections are
conducted under the same sttlngent
laws that govern geneial elections and
use is made of the seciet ballot. The
method is coullally lndoised by tho
leudets of both paitles If Scnatoi
Hi own, of AVestmoi eland county, is sin
cere In his wish to letoim the pilmai
les in Pennsylvania, the Kentucky pie
cedent would appeal to be w 01 thy of
It Is the Public's Fault.
The lecent chaiacteilzatlon by Jus
tice Mitchell, rf the Pennsylvania Su
pieme couit of one of the giave evils
of the day wanants lepetitlon. In ills
opinion in the Smith-McCluie libel suit
lie said:
The llcenso which the press assumes to
it'-elf In the luthless hunt foi sen
sntlonal news, and In the unspailng In
vasion ot private uttahs with which the
public has 110 ilghtful concern, Is tho
disgrace of modem Journalism, and one
of the giuatest nun ices to flee Institu
tions It may well dispose Jiules in a
piopei ense to give laige damages both
eoinpensatoiy and punitive.
In line with tills opinion are the re
niaiks made upon the same subject by
John P. Altgeld in his fai ew ell message
as governor of Illinois. The latter
Tho legislatute owes It to the people of
this stute to dev lso -.01110 reasonable pro
tection against the outiugeous uewtpapei
license on the part of gitat journals, of
which the people aio now victims. Ncvvs
papei abuse teiroilzis the people and ile
teis ninny of out best cltls-eils fiom tnk
Ing pait In public nffahs. No mtasuie
can be considered which will In any way
interfere with the lullest publication of
the news or with full comment on current
events, and there must be teasonable al
lowance for mistakes honestly made.
What should bu aimed at Is to do away
with the anonymous and daik-alley lia-
tuies of modem newspapeiism This Is
vvheio cow aids 100s: and where sneaks
take refuge. As yet there aie but lew
gieat Journals In the United States that
meet the definition of a newspaper. Many
of them aie peional and paitlsan 01
gans, often used maliciously, and instead
of publishing the news fairly they mako
It theli dally business to gaiblo and mis
state It. This in itself Is pei hips not a
pioper subject for legislation, but when
men who aie ashamed to Klve theli names
hide behind a newspaper hedge and tluow
mud at people who are walking on tho
highway, then the public has a right to
complain, and has .1 right to lublst that
this be stopped, or, If It Is Impossible to
stop It, that then It should be known to
the world who are tho oftendeis.
Theie Is a pilnclple Involved here, and
that Is, that no man can be pei mined to
jet himself up as a public eensoi and pio
eeed to wiong those whom, for any
reason, he does not like The mere fact
that a ninn Is able to buy presses and hlio
a lot ot men who must do his will does
not give him any more rights than aio
possessed bv othei people.
The pionouncement of Justice Mitch
ell, it will bo obseived, is dispassionate
and general, as befits the bench, while
that of the lecent governor of Illinois
exhibits peisonal feeling, not pel haps
wholly unjustllled; but in both delivet
ances theie Is much of truth and jus
tice. No one will moie loudlly admit
tills than tho fair-minded newspaper
editor himself Wo have yet to meet
a Journalist of mental bieadth and in
telligence who docs not deploie the
fact that a laige majority of the 1 cad
ets of newspapers appear to piefei to
give their business support to
papeis which aie filvolous,
llippant, Impudent or sensational In
stead of to papeis conducted with ac
knowledgement of their moral icspon
sibility. The fact Is nowheie moie
earnc-Hy legretted than among such
journalists that publications pattern
ed aftei the New Yoik Woild and
Journal can almost in evciy city gnln
largu cliculutions and ptolltaule ad
vcitlslug putic-nage while papeis like
the New Yoik livening Post and the
Philadelphia Public Ledge: appaiently
cannot hope to make both ends meet
outside of the special and unique con
ditions which lender those two iidmti
nble eiiterpilses self-suppoi ting
Tho point we wish to emphasize In
simply this that Ameilcan journalism
on the whole is a faithful icllex of the
pieduininunt tone of Ameilcan society
It could not oxlbt In Hngland, because
It would not receive pecuuluiv sup
poit theie, Nellhei could the Imper
sonal and heavy Iiiltlsh typo of news
paper, despite its supeiloi cleanliness
and punctiliousness, llnd readeis In
Ameiica sulllcient to aveit n visitation
fiom the sheilff. We concui fully In
the 1 email: of Colonel McCluic that
"reputable Join nallsni w ill heat tily co
opeuito with tho Judlclaiy in main
taining thut solf-iesj ectlng attitude of
newspapeis which protects public and
private chaiacter and which denounces
and punishes tecklc-s license in any
nnd eveiy channel;" but neither tho
Judiciary nor tho executive depart-
montn of Ameilcan government should
overlook the fact that the readets of
Ametlca can themselves voiy uipldly
elevate the tone of.Amorlcan journal
ism whenevet the shall see lit to ills
continue thelt pationugeof new simpers
that tegularly und as a mattet of
com so uflcud the ptopilctlrs.
Governor Hastings' objections to tak
ing the National Ounrd of Pennsyl
vania to Washington to attend the In
auguration cciemonlea at state expense
aio cettalnly well founded. So Is his de
cision that "the guard will not uttend
the Inaugtuatlon unless there Is a piac
tlcnlly unanlmotiH sentiment among
them favorable to It, and unless the
troops aie willing to subslBt themselves,
nud to put up with the quarters which
may be assigned them by the Inauguial
committee, and unless the lallroadsaie
willing to pay them the compliment
of trnnspoitlng them to Washington
and i etui n ftee of charge." Theie Is
getting to be entltely too much red
tape about the Installation into olllce of
oui successive piehldcnts It is time to
call a halt.
Moio Important Hum civil serMeo te
foim oi anj other political leform at this
time Is the icfoiin Hint shall tnke the boo
dle element out of politics On this re
form depend tho safeti and peipetulty
of llepubllcnn institutions, Syracuse
Let the legislatute of Pennsylvania
pass and the couits of Pennsylvania
feailessly cnfoice the Pennsylvania
Civil Set vice Kef oim association's
draft of a conupt piactlces uct.
On Wednesday, Januaiy 20, the orig
innfpiomoters of the Republican party,
which was oiganlzed in Lafayette hall,
Plttsbuig, February 22, 1S3G, will hold
a reunion in old city hall, Plttsbuig
Times have chanced slnco Fiemunt's
day, but the Republican paity has
pioved Itself equal to each new emei
gency. Wllkes-Barie's piesent new -hot"!
pioject is to cover the Music hall pi op
en ty plus the Judge Wells lot with a
seven-story structuie costing in all
$150,000 and containing 170 guests'
looms. It should be added that this
pietty pioject consists as yet wholly of
Cioveinor Leody of Kansas, has been
asked to champion an unli-coiset law.
That would probably do less haim
than some other ineasuies which it
has become the custom foi the govern
01s ot Kansas to bawl for.
Waltei Wellman, In the Times-Herald
Seml-olllclal advices from Cuba present
a btuitllng picture of tliu condition of af
fairs In that unhappy Island The facts
which 1 shall leelto In this dispatch aie
I'lven, not upon the utithoilty of elthei
the Spanish 01 the Insui gents, 1101 yet
upon newspapei ieports, but aie gathered
fiom piivatu lettcis lecently lecleved in
In this city fiom a man who Is In the
lnteiloi of tho island, and In an admirable
position to know what Is going on. "It
has now become a war of extci initiation,"
says this gentleman 'The wai will go
011 foi about unothei yeai, and then
Sp iln will be compelled to give up the
Island. Hut theie will not bu much lett.
The- population Is nil eady lapldly deceas
ing, and death and mlgiatlon will clean
out one-third of the lemalnder during the
next twelve months Thero Is no possibil
ity of peace negotiations being successful.
The Spanish will not offer the Insurgents
anv thing which they can accept, and the
Insui gents will not accept anv thing which
Spain can oftei. It Is a deadlock, an ab
solute de ulloek Meanwhile the Spanish
troops are butchering peaceable ptople
and icpoitlng theli bloody deeds to Mad
ild as victories over the rebels,"
Tho Spanish government, through Gen
eral Weyler Is perpetrating a huge fiaud
upon the peopli of Spain and upon the
wot Id, especially upon the United States
Geneial Wey lei has already repotted his
success In "pacifying" the province of
Plnnt del Rio Now he is leady to "p 1
cify " Havana and .Mantanzas provinces
Hut how has he pacllled PInai del Rio''
These aie the facts He found In tint
piovlnce nbout 5 0 JO Insurgents loamlng
about in small bands. Duilng his alleged
campaign Weyler has killed less thun 200
of the Insui gent Hoops, and has not t iken
a single prlsonci He has not had an en
gagement woith speaking about. He has
made no sciIqus eftott to follow the in
surgent bands Into the hills und to meet
them face to face He has done practical
ly nothing of which any military com
mandei could be pioud Hut this is what
he has done. He has killed all the way
fiom 1,200 to 2,000 "paeillcos" 01 noneom
batants, fanners and theli employ e
Against these poor people he has waged
a brutal wat of extoimlnatlon, and all
these achievements have been heralded
to Madild as Spanish victories. Having
matched his tioous up and down a few
times, killing mnny Innocents and taiely
getting even a shot at the aimed iebel.
Weyler letunis to Havana and lepoits
PInai del Rio pacllled. Yet all the 5 OuO
aimed Insui gents ate still In that province
This Is a fab sample of the Spanish pio
giamme of trlckeiy and brutality Hav
ing "pacified PInai dl Rio, Weyler now
says he Is going to "pacify" Havana pro.
vlnie and Matansns "Heaven help the
unarmed Cubans In those dlstilcts," wiote
n plantei to a filend in this city a. few
days ago It Is easy to seo what all this
means It Is all part of a dellbeiately
planned programme to deceive the people
of Spain, to deceive the people of the
United States and to Influence the Ameil
can congiebs It Is all done to prepaie
the way foi the bogus leform scheme
which tho Madrid mlnlstiy is ready to
spilng. The plan Is that as soon as Wey
ler ieports he has "pacllled" the western
part of the Island Spain Is to say to the
lnsuigents. "You see, we have sup
pt eased the rebellion In tho west end of
the Island VIetoty petehes upon out ban
ners. We ate now leady to offei home
rule to the Island If you will lay down
your arms As conqueiois wo can afford
to be magnanltmlus " Then tho United
States Is expected to step In and help
open up negotiations with the Imminent
chiefs Spain's pioposed lefotms aie as
gauzy as her "pacification' of the west
ern piov hires n is nn a trick to tide
over the winter without Interfetence from
the United States and without revolutlo-i
lu Spain The Cnnovas mlnlstiy Is light.
Ing for Its life. Something must be done,
and be done quickly, to mako the people
believe pi ogress Is being made In Cuba
Wevler's fan leal maneuvers In PInai del
RIo, and his proposed tlmllai performanc
es In tho othei pi o luces, aie the means
employed for lulling public opinion to
I would not make such serious charges
as these against the Spanish government
nnd the captain general of Cubi upon the
authoilty of tho Cuban Junta in this
country not upon th it of any of Its agents
or sympathisers. My infoi mutlon comes
fiom wholly tiustworthy sources, and I
believe It accurately rtpitsents the sltua
tin as It Is In Cuba today. Theio U gen
oral regret here that tho Cleveland ad
ministration has been hoodwinked by this
nick, this combination of alleged military
suects'-es with proposed rotoims which
are a mere nioikeiy, Into giving the Span.
Ish government Its moral support. Tor
theio Is no question, and has not been
foi gome time, thnt the moinl suppoit of
tho president of the Unhvd States Is be
hind Spain In hoi effotts 'o foice homo
rule 01 something which It pleases tho
Spanish ministers to call home rule upon
the people of Cuba. I am also able to
sit that efforts are being made, thioUrh
vnrlous channel", commercial, political
and othei, to Induce tho McKlttleV ad
mlnlstiatlon to follow precisely lit the
footsteps of the Cleveland administration
In this mnttpt. A deliberate plan Is on
foot to commit tho United Stntcs just fnr
enough In SJp iln's scheme to make It dif
ficult for President McKlnley to withdraw
his support theicfrom.
JfosI a Word or Tu)o
of Castial Mention
The bonid of law exanilneifl of this
county will meet soon for teorginlrntlju
and the adoption of n course ot stu ly
which will bo the bnsls of tho examina
tions of candidates fnt admission to the
bat nnd for pel mission to study law It s
thought thnt a com so will be mapped out
more nraily apptonehlng the standaid
In New' Yoik and New Jeisey than the
present one doesTheie Is belief In legal
elides that It Is too easy to become a
lawvci In l'ennsy lvrula nnd there hns
been foi seveinl yens a tendency all ovet
the state on the pait of the moie piotnl
nent membeis of the various bais to en
deavoi to change the of study
with a view to lequlilng more thotougli
piepaiatlon on the part of those who seek
to ptactise law In sympathy with that
puipose It Is piobable thnt the Lackawan
na examiners will map out u radically dlf-'
ferent course ot study.
Tho deep, sonoious, bnso prof undo
voice of Uncle Jacob Snydei was mlss:d
when the Supcilor court opened yestei-
dny morning. "Juke" hns n style pectl
llaily his own In opening coutt and so
flimly has It become llxcd In the puhll'
mind as the only proper and dignified
mannei of setting couits of Justice in mo
tion thnt he his become the model for
nil of the cilcrs of this pait ot tho state
The method of the Superior couit crlei
Is a radical dcpaiture He Is a small
man physically, and he makes his little
speech In a cuit, business-like way thut
wus vety distressing to those accustomed
to .Mr. Snyder's dellbeiato mannei and
well-iounded pel Joels.
The Luzerne county bar was well rep
lesented at the meeting of the Superloi
coutt In the Ueder il building vestctday
Among those present were. District At
torney Daniel 1V1I, John T. Li nahan, i.
Hutlei 'VSoodwnid, G. L Hnlsey, Isaac
H Hand, I G Rutin, Joseph Moore, C.
O Stroh, A C Campbell, C U Hohnn, D
L O'Neill, Gustav Halm, Edward A.
Lynch, U. W. heaton, Thomas Datllng,
M W. Donnelly, Geoige S l'eilis and
John Shea
Uiank J. MeAndtews and P U Timlin
were yesterday udmltted to the bar on
motion of thelt pieceptots, O Hrlen S. Kel
ly, Mi Rtttn luting as sponsoi foi Mr.
MeAndtews and Ml Kelly foi Ml Timlin
They have elite ted Into pat tnet ship and
opened an olllce on the llfth lloor of the
Mears building Mi llmlin, who Is a
lesident of Jeimyn, will also have an of
llce there
The Impending change of admlnlstintlon
has had the effeit of swelling the list of
entiles foi the local civil seivlee examina
tion to foui times Its usual size. There
nie over 100 applicants all told, lepre
sentlng eveiy pait of the county and ev
eiv shade of political belief, even Includ
ing Flee Sllvei Demoemts Thelt ate five
ladles and four coloted men on the list.
The examination takes place 1'eb. 2
sugci:stivi: ricui:i:s.
Urom tho Chicago Tribune.
Man Is the slave of his heredity,
prisoner of his environments. The
nual consumption of alcohol in this coun
tiv amounts to $1,200 009,000, of clgats und
tobacco In other tonus, $C00 000,000, a total
of $1,800,0110,000 Theie ale 7,000 saloons In
Chicago Averaging their iceelpts at $3,000
each, It shows a total of $21,000,000, "13 pel
cent, of which Is paid by those who toll
with their hands. The wage-woikors
spend about $000,000 000 a year on Intoxi
cating liquors, and $300 000,000 on nicotine.
This deadly drain on earnings Is only pan
of the harm done The lest consists of
moral deteiloiatlon, physical and mental
degeneracy, lault-llndlng, discontent, de
struction of lndustilous Inclinations, and
general good-for-no thingness.
Daily Horoscope Drawn by Ajncchiu
The Tiihiiuc Astrologer,
Astrolabe cast 111 a m for Tuesday,
Jan 12, 1S97.
It will be appaient to a child born on
this day that a man who could without
a moment's warning tuin a half hundred
Impecunious employes Into the stteet on
a day like yestctday must have blood like
stiawbeiry ice eieam
Now that the electotal colleges have
cast their ballots It Is piolnble that even
Mr. Hryan will concede the election of
McKlnley and Hobait.
Luzerne's missing Jail bird, Shafei, evi
dently sat foi his newspnpei pot traits In
a patent medicine ait gullet y.
Wllkcs-Hane Is getting so dull that
people do not even care to stay In Jail
down there.
Ajncchtis' Advice.
Do not become d'sconsolate over the
idea that you may have been forgotten
When all others have foisaken thee, the
collectot will still lemnln faithful
There Is Something Lucking
In tho foist that provldo foi tho Innoi
ninn alone tho eyo should bo pleated, too
Dainty Glass nud Beautiful China nro half
the dinner, a cracknel plats 01 clilppod or mi d
dy class 1ms a depressing eftect Out stock
of China nnd Glasswuro glvo iiiilllult.'d scopo
for the exerclco of gool tasts Tlio quality in
of tho most superior oidur and tho cost Is
very low. f
434 Lackawanna Av:
Begin the New Year
Buying Your
Books of
Beidleman, the
.(37 Spruce Street
Opposite The Cummonuealth.
x-" k"'A kV
f W,r
T P?H1
I J I p 1 i hnffi
Clearing Sale-Today-Bulletin
Lots Once Sold Out Cannot Be Replaced.
5-cent Apron Ginghams, staple patterns, sale price, 3c
O.cent Apron Ginghams, best quality, sale price, 4c
6-cent Calicoes, best styles, sale price, - - 4c
5-cent Yard Wide Muslin, sale price, - - zS-
Genuine Fruit of Loom Bleached Muslin, sale price, 6c
Unadilla 4-4 Bleached Cotton Straight, sale priced 5c
5-cent Cream Domet Flannel, sale price, - 32c
5-cent Bleached Twilled Toweling, sale price, 3c
10-cent Fancy Dress Plaids, sale price, - 5c
ousekeepers Aill
C-srtaiinly Be Interested
Lockwood Pillow Cases, 45x36, sale price, 9 cents
Lockwood Cases, Hemstitched, sale price, 11 cents
And all of the better grade of Sheets and Pillow cases in
the same proportion. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins at Unheard-of Prices,
ft L-0K-- liTv-TAH
That 'bheol'' paved with good
intentions, probabl realized the tttith
ot the asset lion. Don't let j on i good
resolution to bit) only the best IMillliv
Hooks, Olllce Supplies, type
writing Supplies, etc., at out store
be .1 paving stone. We keep the best
in vaitcty and qualit). 'e also make
a speciaitj of Draughting Supplies.
eynoias mros.,
Stationers and Engravars,
Our Great Offer. Prices Re
duced on All Geods. Sttita and
Overcoats to order
I'ants to Measure
atl?hi 319 Laoka Ave. r"
'c t
515 Linden Straah
The, Cnl Manufnetuiois eif
Rubber $$ Stamps
lu the City. Scranton Rubber
Stamp Works.
510LinJei Stresl.
Ladles' anil Children's Wear.
Seal and I'liith Saccules,
Carpets and Feather Heds.
L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave.
Out Holida Display of useful and
ornamental articles va neer sa
large as this season's cvhibit. The
adatitnge of having so large and
aiied an nssoituient to select from
will be apparent to all who contem
plate ghing presents of a substantial
and artistic character, or buying for
their own use.
Writing Desks.
pressing Tables,
Cheval Glasses,
Reclining nnd Easy Clutlrs,
Music Cabinets,
Parlor Cabinets and Tables,
Work Tables,
Curio Casea,
Tea Tables,
Vernis-Martin Cabinets,
Parlor and Fancy Inlaid Chairs,
Gilt Reception Chairs,
Parlor Suits in Gilt,
Book Cases.
Shaving Stands
all mat Led at moderate prices in plain
131 & 133 Washington Ave,
Cents I
At Our New and
Lletm; btorcroom,
Coal I.xchange, Opp, llutel Jermyn.
"Old firm in niw Mirrouud
Inis," like an old 'Stone hi new
sutliuKi," shine i more brilliant
than ccr, and "hhlncs for all."
Diamond;, Fiue Jewlery,
Watches, SilyorYare,
Silver Novelties,
Rich Cut Glass, Clocks,
Fine Leather Goods,
Opera Glasses.
When you bee our Net Prices
you will able for No Discount. All
Are Welcome.
HILL & hUmhhL
Jewelry Store,
l'iS3t- "! .' n
Look at our SlO Gold Watches,
Warranted 15 Years.
213 Lackawanna Avenm.
PRICE for oue week,
3 beginning Saturday
Horning, January 9.
We will sell our Skates at
about one-lialf price.
.......... . .
lioou, ah 51681 Mates, at z&c
-Nickel-Plated, at 70
Other Grades in Proportion.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Aianum
Ulectrlcal Treatment u Specialty Offices,
607, 60S anil 6ou IHcurJ HullJInj,
Tlio most compltfta ceiulpmont of Electrical
machines anil appliances for medical us'a to b
lojnellun pl)!an'3 olllco outtldo ot Kuw
erk, Medical and deirtrlcal ttoutment for
nil cases umenablu to cither or both
U07. COdand COOMeais llulldlnu', Scranton.
Hours !) n,ui, to i p.ui.toS; 7 SO toV
f -tfe-'rt-- v:.nw ui-" . r. curt
Ob u