The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 08, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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tReadcr will plenso noto that advertise
ment!!, orders for Job work, and Items lor
publication left nt tho establishment or
tilmnnon & Co , newsdealers. North Main
fcticet, will receive prompt attention; or
lieu open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J
J. Dlinocl; mill Uuorcc Kellow Are
Nitiiiuil lor School Directors.
S. A, McMullen, clmlimaii of the city
committee, called the Republican con
vention to older on Wednesday even
In jr. Secictaiy Hutlor being absent, J.
V uir lead the cull for the .onen
tlon. Frank Smith and John Copeland
wore appointed assistant secretailes.
After the list of delegates had been
announced nominations for school dl
lector were In order fiom the First,
Sec.oml, Fifth and Sixth watds, and J.
"W. Dlmock was nutneil for that posi
tion. George Kellow then iccelved the
nomination for the Thtid and Fouith
Kdwln Moon was named for poor dl
lector In the Second wind. F. W. Mills
and II. G. Baker were named without
opposition us common councllmen for
the First waul, and Vincent Swingle
and Chailes Sontag for the Fifth ward.
Aftei a close vote Fiank Colwell was
nominated as councilman tor the Third
waid. William 1'assinore, after some
discussion, lecehed the nomination for
aldeimun for the riflh ward.
Siiluc) rroul.i'i Kui!Cici n Uift from
His, I'oiiucr Associates.
Mr. and Mrs Sidney V Ciockerwcie
agieeably bin prised on "Wednesday
eening, when a delegation leprebent
Ing those employed at he Powdeily
mine came to their house biinglng a
handsome oak l oil top desk and ieolv
Ing chair to match. The piesentatlon
was a complete surpilse. Fiank Wills
In an appiopiiate address spoke of the
coidial lelatlons which had so long ex
isted among the employes and Mr.
Ciockei, who has been ptomoted to a
position at the Clinton colliery, and
the desiie to testify by the gift their
Mr. Crocker, though overcome by his
feelings, lesponded In a few woids of
giateful thanks. A pleasant eenlng
was then enjojed. Among those pies
ent as lepresentathes were Fiank
Wills, J. J. Costello, si., Hany Hock
ing, James Diekln, J. S Walker, Den
nis Gllhool, jr, Matthew Brown and J.
J. Costello, ji.
Finnic 11. D. jllorclauil nml Grace
Hnscltiuc Alexander Arc United.
The Rev. K. J. Rarsley, lector of
Tilnlty church, united Miss Giace
Ilas'eltlne Alexander, of this city, In
maulage to Frank It. D. Moreland, of
I'ontiac, Mich , j esteixlay noon, at the
home of the biide's aunt, on Noith
Main street.
Only the Immediate iclatives and a
few fi lends wltnosbed the ceremony.
The house was decorated with plants
and carnations. The- wedding maich
was played by J. F. Crow oil as the
biide and groom enteied the pallor.
After the ceremony the company en
Jojed the elaborate dinner which was
provided, and Mr. and Mi". Moieland
left for their home In Pontlac.
Mr. Moieland Is engaged In business
In that clt, and tho best wishes of
many friends, will follow them to their
new home.
Profesor Rumsby is arranging for a
seiies of socials to be given duilng
the net six weeks. The dances will
be select, admission being by caid.
Mr and Mis. James Hoban, who were
mauled at St. Ro'-e chuieh "Wednes
day, lett for theli home in I'lttston
yesteiday momlng.
Tho AVoman's Kellef coips puipose
giving a suppei in Watt's hall Feb L'2.
Miss Mume Ruddy, w ho has been vis
iting hei cousin, M. J. Ruddj, on Pros
pect aenue, Scianton, has returned
Mr. Fannei, of Haitfoid, was the guest
of Di. W. W. Fletcher AVednesdaj.
C. P. Jadwin, of Scianton, called on
friends in town this week.
Attorney 11. O. Watious Is in New
Yoik city.
Mi. James Thompson, tf Church
Btieet, was In Wilkes-Haiie yesteiday.
Miss Minnie Kyte, of West Pittston,
Is visiting at the home ot Miss Floia
Hairlson on Washington stieet.
Miss B. Fee, of Tan lew street, Is en
teitalnlng Miss Rosella Peel, of Poyn-
Mis. John Chollls, of Scott street, Is
seiiously 111 with Uphold fever.
Mr. Ruel Hampton, of Scianton, Is
visiting f i lends In town.
John Chilton, of Eighth avenue, who
has been veiy 111 with pleuiisy and
bionchitis, Is improving.
Mis. G, B. Samson Is enteitalnlng
her sister, Mrs. B. S. Emoiy, and son,
Lanbfoid, of West Pittston.
Miss Newell, of Elmlia, a lecturer on
labor subjects, Is visiting tilends in
Miss Mary Finan and "William Will
iams, of this city, weie mauled at St.
Rose lectoiy yesterday morning by
Rev. Thomas Coffey.
Mis. C. R. Munn and daughtei are
Visiting fi lends In Nineveh.
Miss Kate Gllhool leturned yesterday
to Kensington hospital, Philadelphia,
after a two weeks' visit with filends In
this city.
A. W. Kent, of Biooklyn, Pa , visited
Alderman L. I. Bunnell this week.
Mrs. Ellen Qulnn, of Fallbiook street,
Is enteitalnlng her slstei, Miss Maiy
Holmes, of Ney York city.
Mrs. Ott and son, Harrv, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mts. Hlttlnger,
have leturned to their home In Poit
T. H. Elner and sons, Theodoie and
111 ten
Rocking Cluiirs, Centre Tables,
Stands, Screens, Pictures, Has
bocks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and
Mats, and the largest and finest
assortment of Carpets In the city,
PltlCF.S always the lowest.
Carpets, Wall Papcrj and Draperies,
Mallory, who have been tho guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Werkhelsei, of Hao
ton, for the past two weeks, have io
turned home.
Edwin L. Weeks, of Ulnghamton, N,
y Was In town on business Wednesday.
William MuDonough, a young man of
sixteen, had his leg broken estcrday
at the Wilson Creek mine. Dr. A. F.
Qlllls Is attending him.
A surprise paity of friends enjoyed
the evening at the home of William
Whitfield, on Wednesday. A handsome
silver cup was piesented in remem
brance of his llfty-slxth birthday.
The Installation of olilceis of the
Women's Kellef corps took place Wed
nesday. Mts. Adallne Esterbrook be
ing the piesldlng olllcer of tho occasion.
Members of the Factoryvllle Lodges
Enjoy an Evening of Plensure-.-Tlic
Features of the Entertainment.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Factoryllle, Pa., Jan. 7. Factory
vllle lodge, No. 341, Fiee and Accepted
Masons, and Factoryvllle chapter, No.
205, Royal Aich Masons, held their litst
annual boclal and banquet at the Slsk
House Wednesduy oenlng, which was
one of the leading boclety events of tho
season. About one bundled Masons
and their whes and lady friends as
sembled to enjoy the foatutes of the
occasion. The menu, while not so elab
oiate, was veiy caiefully piepaied, and
was as follows:
Oysteis on Half Shell.
Roabt Turkey. Biscuit.
Cranbeny Sauce. Escalloped Potatoes,
. Boiled Ham. Boiled Tongue.
Potato Salad. Stewed Onions.
Escalloped Tomatoes.
Potato Croquettes.
Pickles. Celery.
Nuts. Candy.
Ice Cream.
Tea. Coffee.
The committee on the banquet con
sisted of Past Master Chailes B Rey
nolds, who had as his assistant W. W.
Batd. They aie both desei vlng of much
ci edit foi untiling work and good taste,
ns they were responsible foi the greatei
part of the evening's enjoyment. Miss
I,dla Sullei, of Scranton, sang veiy
pleasantly some ocal selections and
nsltiumental music was also a pait of
the evening's entertainment, which w as
pionounced by all present a giand so
cial success. Those that paitook of
the eenlng's entertainment and ban
quet were as follows: Mr. and Mis.
Edeilck Fiear, Mr. and Mis C. S. Wil
son, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Gardner, Mr.
and Mis. M. P. Gardner, Mr. and Mis
Heniy Pike, Mr. and Mis. J. A. Gaid
ner, Mr. and Mrs John Tajlor, Mr. and
Mis N. H. Fieeman, Ml. and Mis. II.
J. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Gllmoie,
Mr. and Mis. E. S. Hinds, Mr. and Mis
Chailes Haag, Mr. and Mis. James
Smith, Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Slsk, Ml.
and Mrs N. A. Gaidner, Mi. and Mis.
C. D. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wall,
Mr. and Mis. L. S. Chase, Mr. and Mis
A. N. Freeman, Mr. and Mis. A. D.
Gardner, Mi. and Mis. Benjamin Good
win, Mi. and Mis. F. M. Osteihout, Mr.
and Mis W. W. Bald, Piofessor and
Mrs. Btomley Smith, Dr. and Mis. J.
A. Heller, Di. and Mis. A. B. Fitch,
Chailes Klinefelter and ladv, Fiank
Hanlngton, Fiank Smiley, Miss Dellla
Matthewson, Miss Coia Wilson, Chailes
B. Reynolds, J. S. Reed and lady. Mis.
Maiion Touipee, all of Factory Hie;
Mr. and Mis. O. W. Mason, Ml. and
Mis. W. A. Dean, Mi. and Mis. Harry
Dean, Mi. and Mis. F. M. Tiancis, Mr.
and Mis. Jack Swartz, Mi. and Mis
Rhoades Tiske, Ml. and Mis. E E
Rice, of Dalton; Ml. and Mis. A. b.
Collum, of Lake Winola; Mr and Mis
A B. Woodward, ji., of Glenbuin, Di.
and Mis Kiess and Mr. and Mis. D
S Vosbuig, of Mill City; Miss L,jdla
Sailer and S L Gallen, of Scranton:
Mr. and Mis. M W. Anthony, of Walls
ville, Pa.
The funeial of the late Thomas
Reuels, w ho was killed on Wednesday
eenlng, will take place this afternoon.
The remains will be taken to St.
Thomas' chuieh at 3 o'clock and Inter
ment will be In the Catholic cemeteiy.
The Knights of Father Mathew and the
Angles' sodality will attend the funeial
In a body.
The borough council met last even
ing to reconsider the bids submitted
for the erection of the foot bridge over
the Lackawanna liver at the end of
Salem street. The bid of Thomas Splll
ane who agreed to do the work for
$117, was the lowest, his neatest com
petltoi, Mr. O'Rouike's bid inning
been $133.
M. J. Kearney, of Laurel stieet, was
In Scianton jesterday.
A number of the fi lends of Miss
Sarah Mai ley, of Pine stieet, assem
bled at her homo on Wednesday e en
ing to do honor to her guest, Miss
Dilscoll, of Catbondale. The tnenlng
was pleasantly spent In social Intel -couise.
Theie was music foi dancing
and lefieshments were seied.
Misses Jordan and Haggei ty, of
Pittston, who has been lsltlng fi lends
here, leturned home yesteiday.
As the time foi holding the caucuses
draws near the ilvaly for the dlfleient
boiough offices Inci eases and the can
didates continue to show" a laudable
desire to get the dignities within the
gift of the people. For the office of
tax colelctor theie Is eveiy Indication
of a lively fight. The latest to enter
tho Held Is A. J. Cawiej, of Pine stieet.
Mr. Cawiey's name had been men
tioned In connection with the office for
some time, but only within a day or
two could It be stated with authoilty
that he would lie a candidate In de
ference to the wishes of his fi lends
he has decided to stand, until the cau
cus at least. Being young, popular and
aggressive, Mr, Caw ley Is capable of
making things lively for his opponent.
His principal iials are P. T. Kelltey,
the active and enteipilslng rep
lesentatlve of the Piudentlal In
suiance company in this distilct,
and Patilck J, McDonnell, one
of the solldest citizens of tho Sec
ond ward. Both Mr. Kelltey and Mr.
McDonnell have been making an active
caucus and are backed bysome of the
most Influential woikeis in the town
Either of these named for the office
would do honor to It, because they
aie men of expeiience, honesty and
business capacity.
If the llnliy Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. "Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has
been UBed for over flfty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is
the best temedy for dlarihoea. Sold
by druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslovv's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Mr. James Shields, a staunch Repub
lican, has niinounced himself ns a can
didate foi school dltector In the First
ward. Mr. Michael Robeits will, tiy
to secure the nomination for Justice of
the peace.
The lion-Ton dancing class will leoi
gnnle on Mondny evening next at En
terprise hall. Piofessor McGrall, of
Atchbald, will be the Instiuctor.
Tho public Installation of olilceis of
Sons of Vcteians by Past Captain Wal
ter H. Snjdei took place on, Wednesday
evening. The following were those In
stalled: Captain, Giant Bell; Hist lieu
tenant, Frank Bell; second lieutenant,
living Elmoie; camp council, Walter
Snyder, J. II. Nicholson and Patilck
Daley, captain's staff, chaplain, Chas.
L Bell; Hi st stigeant, Thomas Bu
chanan, quaiteimastoi, II. E. Van
Kleek; color ergeant, Patilck Daley,
chief musician, Jacob Van Sickle; ser
geant at guaid, Waller Snydet ; cot
l)oi al at guai d, Heniy Dusenbeig;
camp guard, R. B. Matthews; picket
guard, Howard Elmore.
Mi II. J. Blglln, of Mount Pleasant,
spent Wednesday in town.
R. T Stewait, esq,, of Carbondnle,
wasacallei in town on Wednesday.
Miss Edith Vaeste, called on filends
In Catbondale yesterday afternoon.
Mis. A. L. McLaughlin, tluouh her
attorney, Geoige D. Taylor, of Scran
ton, has commenced pioceedlngs In
ticspass against the Rushbrook Water
companj to recover damages, caused
by the oei Mowing of Halt lake, the
watei (lowing on her land.
Mr. C. E. Helmes was at Scianton
The officers of Division No. GC, Sons
of Tempeiance, weie on Tuesday even
ing Installed by Distilct Deputy Sam
uel Lancman as follows: Past patil
aich, William Dawe; wot thy patii
aich, H. E. Polley; associate pattl
arch, Fied Dawe, lecoidlng sccietary,
Satah Boundj , asslbtant lecoidlng sec-
tetaty, Jennie L. Gteenslade; ilnanclal
secretary, Wallace Gaidnei; chaplain,
Mrs S. S. Penny, conductot, Mts. E. A.
Dawe; assistant conductor, William
Cudllp; Inside sentinel, William Ttot
tei , outside sentinel, William Gaidner;
ttustees, Samuel Timby, Luther Kellar,
Etta Jay. Aftei the Installation cete
mony was concluded tefieshtnents weie
seied and a pleasant social season
was spent.
James Han Is and Andrew Rlchatds
hae been aw aided the conttact on
the new slope In the Delaware and
Hudson collleiy.
Mis F. S. Ft lend, of Main street, is
confined to hei home with sickness.
Miss Emily Fessendon, daughter of
the lcctoi of St. James' chinch, lb ill
at her home on Cemeteiy stieet.
The Biownson Llteiniy society held
its legular meeting on Wednesday
night. An excellent piogramme was
lendeted as follows: Vocal solo. Miss
Katie McGovein; -vocal duet, Misses
Maggie Loughnoy and LUs-le Collins;
select leading, Miss Nellie Mulholland;
vocal solo, Matthew Giant. The fol
lowing piogramme has been ptepared
for the ncKt mpetlng: Piano solo, Maiy
Walkei; ocal solo, J. E Kelley, dec
lamation, Geoige Gannon; essay, Katie
Mullen, ocal solo, Sallle J. Thomas.
Mr. Claieneo S. Weiss, an advance
roptesentathe, Is in town, endeavoiing
to make attangements with the Hie
company to unite and have an evening
with the anlmatiscope. This is an ini
piovement on the vltascope, the quali
ties of which eveiy one is well aw aie of.
Mr. Homer DavlsoiD, of EUenton,
Lycoming county, wasr a visitor In
town this week. Mr. Davison was
cleik for C D Helmes & Son, about
seven jeais ago. He Is also a brother
of Doctoi Davison, of Fleetvllle, Pa.
Mr. Thomas Pi y nil Ik asplilng to the
office of school ditectot In the Second
Mt. and Mis Thomas Buchanan, of
Cemetetv stieet, snent last evening In
Mts O'Dell, of Scianton, Is visiting
her daughtet, Mts. Theodoie K. Rhoda.
Mr. Waltei Biay, of Beilin, Centie
Wajne county, is visiting In town
Mr. J. J. Place spent estelday In
The Boston Shoe company, of Gar
bondale, has opened n blanch stole in
the Hatt buliling, fotineily occupied
by the Jetmyn Steam laundiy.
Today the sale ofC. L Bell's lenl es
tate will take place at the coutt house
in Scianton. Rumois ate afloat that
anangements will be made wheieby
Mi. Bell will have management of the
planing mill again. This Is hoped foi,
as he 9 well known, and liked In the
boiough, and customets know they
will be dealt falily with It Is expect
ed that the mill will be lunnlnu toll
time again In a few das.
Mr. Samuel Wntet.s, a staunch Re
publican, Is asplilng toi school dliectoi
Levi Chuskuskj, of Maylleld, who
was attested on n chaige of assault
and battel y prefened by Joseph Ko
met, appeared befoio Justice of the
Peace John McCafleity jesteida Kil
mer chaisrcd the defendant with com
ing to his home on the 31st of Decem
ber and theie committed the assault,
by sti Inking him on the head with a
billet of wood, inflicting two scalp
wounds Several witnesses testifl-ti
and after heating the case the defend-
Every Shoe, no matter how cheaply marked,
is guaranteed.
ant was committed to the county Jail
In default of $1,000 ball.
Mr. Hugh Mnrley, of Mnyflold, has
announced his name as a Republican
uspliant of the nomination of councilman.
Mr. George Shollhase, Mls-s Annie
Rchellhnse, and Anna Jenkins, nil of
Scianton, weie the guests of Miss Lot
tie Carr New Yeni' day.
Miss n. J. Dunklce, D. D. Hannon
and L. Fasssett left yesteiday to le
aunio their studies at Hamilton theolo
gical seminary.
Miss Mra Sptngue leturned Tuesday
to Bucknell unlvetslty.
From Jnnttaiy 1st, ISO", the stoics
will close for the lemnltider of the win
ter months, piomptly nt 8 o'clock p.
m , Satuiday nights excepted. This Is
a good system, as It gives the clerks
and met chants a chance to pass a
part of the evening to their families,
or to attend divine wot ship Tho peo
ple will soon become educated to the
eaily closing and mnke,lt a point to do
their shopping befote that time, which
can be done heie as well as In the
cities where they close nt G and 1
Chailes; Slsk, W. W. Bard, D. II.
Howell, John Reed and Fled Chnso
i epi evented our town nt the county
seat last Saturday and helped to elect
Hon E J. Jordan to the office of coun
ty chnltman of the Republican patty,
Tied L Foster was In the electlic
city Tuesday.
Adjutant J. W. Reynolds has on ex
hibition at his stole a ety laie and
lnteiestlng picture of the exteilor and
Intel lor of Andeisonv lllo prison, show
ing the dlffetent modes of punishment
inflicted by the Rebel olilceis on the
unfoitunate heroes who weie cast Into
that vile den.
Our townsman and county commis
sioner, Fled Chase, took the oath of
that office, anil entered upon his du
ties Inst Mondny. We tiust, and think
that ill. Chase will make a good coun
ty officer, and that his political caieer
will not end with the office of county
The "East Mountain Mlnetal vvatet"
is fast gaining a icputatlon for Its
medicinal quulltles, not only at home,
but as fai AVest as Chicago and East
to New" York and Philadelphia. Al
though In Its Infancy, the company Is
enjojlng a tiade already neaily as
latge as some of the oldest mineral
wateis on the matket. The- company
alieady has many testimonials of the
healing qualities of the water, and the
demnnd for It Is now gi eater than the
facilities for putting it up One letnll
duiggist alone In Ulnghamton has sold
a bundled gallons of It in twenty days.
C A. Slsk wa.s in Hanlsburg this
The town council met Inst night and
ground out the small grist of business
that had accumulated on their table
felnce the last meeting.
Rev. Abel Wiigley was in town tho
foie part of this week, and occupied
the pulpit nt the M. E. chuieh Monday
The "Ladles' O A. R. Circle," of
Sarah Rice Post, No 104, held a very
enjojable social and suppei at their
hall last Satuiday evening. The even
ing was very pleasantly spent In both
vocal and Instrumental music, and all
present enjojed a genet al good time.
Red Jacket lodge. Independent Older
of Odd Fellows, has two candidates for
the initiating degiee, net Satuiday
night. Don't forget to come out.
Rebnkah Degiee lodge has fout can
didates to Initiate next meeting night,
and Frlda evening, Jnnuaiy 16th,
they will give a Hist class enteitaln
ment at the hall The quilt will be
disposed of that evening An admisison
fee of ten cents will be chaiged, at
the door, and eveiybody Is welcome to
come to this entei talnment, whether
they aie ineinbeis oi not. Come out
and see w hat they can do
At the home of the biide's patents,
Mr and Mis Chailes Spencet, Wednes
day altetnoon at 130 o'clock, oecutied
the maniage of their accomplished
daughtei, Cattle, to Jospph M. Catpen-
ter, of Nicholson. Both young people
ate veiy popular in society elides, the
gioom, being the well known furniture
dealer of Nicholson Rev. Dw Iglit
Watei bin y peifoimed the maniage
ceremony, after which a bountiful sup
per was pat taken of Ml. and Mis.
Caipenter left this place on the 7 31
Main foi New Yoik and other points of
Intetest. Mr Caipenter spent Ills boy
hood days In this tows where he has
manv warm friends, and we join In
wishing Mi and Mts Caipenter a pros
perous and happy life.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Aie features peculiar to Nona's 1111-. Small In
size, t uteli'ss, efllcient, tlioiouyli As one man
said: " Younevei know jou
hive taken a pill till it is .ill
owr"!!Se C I Iluud&Co,
l'loiiiletin-) I.ov.ell, JI.iss
The onl pills tu uke vWtli llocil's hai saparilla.
$5 Shoes for $2.98
$4 Shoes for $2.00
$3 Shoes for $1.50
$1 Shoes for 69c.
75c. 5hoes for 49c.
Bpcalis of Her Melancholy Condition
Aftur tbu Ulrth nl" Her Child.
"I fool as if I was doing an in
justice to my suiTeilng bisters if I
did not tell what Lydia 11 riukhr.m'8
Vcgotublo Com
pound Iuib done
for me, and its
wortli to the world,
" L'romtho
ho was
four years
old, I was
iu poor
hut feel
ing con
vinced that
half of the
jilments of
women weie
imagined or
else culti
I fought
my had feel
ings, until I wns
obliged to give up. My
disease Twilled the bcbt doctors
" 1 was nervous, hysterical; my hend
ached with such a terrible burning
sensation on the top, and felt as if a
Tiand was di awn tightly above my
brow; inflammation of the stomach, no
nppetite, nausea at the sight of food,
indigestion, constipation, bladder and
kidney tioubles, palpitation of tho
heart, attacks of melancholia would
occur without any piovocation -whatever,
numbness of the limbs, threaten
ing paralysis, mid loss of memory to
such nn extent that I feared aberration
of the mind.
"A friend advised Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and spoke in
glowing teims of what it hud done for
" I began its use and gained rapidly.
Now 1 am a living advcitisementof its
merits. 1 had not used it a year vv lien
I was the envy of the whole town,
for my rosy, dimpled, girlish looks and
perfect health.
" I recommend it to all women. I find
a great advantage iu being able to say,
it is by a woman's hands this gtcat
boon is gi en to women. All honor to
the name of Ljdia E. I'inkham ; wide
success to the Vegetable Compound.
"Vouis in Health, Miw. 1. E llitrs
Biu, Ilerculaueum, JofEersou Co., Mo.
See our "windows for wondrousl)
low prices iu Trouserings. Now
is the time to enjo) the luuti
of a perfect fit and perfect work
manship at the pi ice of lead)
made goods.
One door fiom our old stand to
the left of 'I he Arc.ide Instead of
the tight. Our inct casing busi
ness requited mote room, which
shows that the people apptcciate
low prices, good woikuunsuip
and honest dealing.
W. J DA Via. AU)JearnrAethoJs In
II, U. UnUU, Merchant-Tailoring
213 Wyoming Avenue.
ivro located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds In the world. Descilptlvo boons
on application. Tickets to all points In
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and
United States Northwest. Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
Tranclsco. .
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trilns. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of fnmilleJ
may bo had with second-class tickets.
Rate! always less than via other Une3.
For furthei Infoimatlon, time tables, etc.,
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
3S3 Broadway, New York.
Mderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE IIOT'nS from 7 SO a. m. to 9 p.
tn. (1 hour intermission for dinner and
Particular Attention Cllven to Collections.
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your llus!.
ness U Respectfully boiiclted. I tlephcne 134.
What Sarah Bernhard say
7B) ))
if M
i?if I Hsl
NXl yrfV.K- - - -f-
agnificent Display.
r5 linnrlsnmn T.Wprlnn nltish Pnnfq. 30-lnnh
lengths, full sweep, Thibet and Mnrten
trimming, some cmbroldotcil in cut Jets
nrttl iu applique styles. The like never
wns oiu in tins riiv lor less no no
than $15, our reduction pilcb .
DRKSS SKIRTS 500 Hondo skirts, lined
and interlined, full width in brown,
green, umcK ana uiuo; regular
price $3 1)3, now
Z, WEINQART; Proprietor,
Of Our Entire Stock of
Carpets, m
er Ooods,
euiDs;OilGloths,Oarpet Sweepers
Also the Balance of
l, 01
Carpets and
Opp Main Entrance
to Wyoming House.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
! S Nil Olill
Had enabled us to profit by the blun
der of an overloaded jobber, by relieving him of a splen
did sample line of last season's office chairs at prices
that bear no resemblance to the original values. The
line embraces the choicest designs of several leading fac
tories, and affords a variety to choose from that is sel
dom shown by the retailer. They are all equipped with
the swivel and spring attachment and many have pat
ented devices for regulating.
A highly polished saddle seat, leather back,
chair, formerly sold for $15, can be bought for
A very strong, comfortable arm chair, with
swivel and spring fixture,
Same proportionate reductioti prevails throughout
the line.
Regular Weekly Bargain Sale.
Just think of it ! A solid Oak Center Ta
ble, top 24 inches squai-e, with lai-ge shelf under
neath and very strongly made, for
Now is the time to buy Clothing. We must make
room for Spring Styles, and Low Prices must aid xis.
s o
Given. l
"Wo have Just purchased 23,000 dollars
Tvoith of stoolc of CAPi:S, COATS,
SKtHTS, and WAISTS only. Ouf enor
mous irado tolls tho story of wonderful
saving or spot cash biijiiiif and Bpot cash
selling;. Our preparations for the holiday,
trade were made by reduclnc prices be
fore Chrlstmns In order to give our pat
I0.n,s 9" Llltl-'o to havo thulr Biirraents for
midwinter wear. It Is not necessary to
vv nit until tho season Is over. You will
nntl It a benellt to romn and examino our
stock boforu pin chasing elsewhere.
300 Pouclo Conts hnlf silk lined J0 00
foimerly rS3; now $iijO
COO line Persian Astrnchun coats, lined with
the finest Ithadnmo slllt, trimmed with
little ptarl buttons, former A QO , I
pilep $00S now T". UO
300 extra fine French caterpillar coats, halt
silk lined, mndo up In tho newts 7 QO
effects, formei price $1093; now liOO
275 all wool Kersey Conts, lined with lino
Tarfeta silk, handsomely tilmmed, sold
In New York city for $1G each. Owltu:
to our fortunate purchase can C QQ
sell them to you for 0,00
100 fine crushed Astrachan Capes, silk
lined, full sweep, Thibet fur trlmmlnif,
sold In this city at $11.00; re- A QO
duction price TiOO
300 beautiful figured mohair skirts, 4 yarda
wide, lined and interlined, velvet bind
ing; a bargain at $3 00; our 1 Q
prlco 1 1 TO
If wo bought up tho whole spneo of this"
paper wo would not be nble to give jou a
correct Idea of tho bargains wo have. Con
sequently we save expenses In every way
In older to glvo you tho full benefit In
I bargains.
Rugs, Draperies,
Window Shades,
Holiday Coods, Including:
SON & CO.,
Office Chairs.
usually sold for $4.75
Wyoming Avenue,