The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 07, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Kept Right Up
Keeping Prices
Right Down....
Te have decided upon immense re
ductions In cery department. Now
Is your opportunity to secure
Men's, Boys' and
Children's Wearing Apparel
At unheard-of prices. Cnll and sat
isfy ) ib in store for you at
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Avenue. A. 15. WARM AN.
Here is a chance for you
if 3'oti are m need of a carpet.
A Few
Patterns of
Closing at
45c. Per Yard.
Carpels, Draperies and Wall Paps;
The teachers committee oC the board of
control will meet tonight
Tin Woman's Keelej league will meet
this 1 t nlnif at 7Cu o'clock.
The Hebievv Indies' Hellef society will
meet this afternoon at .' uU o'docK.
Pinjei meeting- will be held thU even
ing In the Second 1'iesbj ttiian dirndl All
ate rordlallj Invited to attend
rianlc liarfirt, of Covington township,
collided U bountv on u wild cat fiom the
countj commissioners jest.iday.
On Wednesday ivinhisr, Jan .'0, about
llftcen inembiis ot loial comnumdeiles of
Knight:. Templaii. will go to Wllkea
U irre,
An oilglnal pension has been gi anted
Seneca ltace, of Uiem Giove, and u
widow's yeimlon to Caiollnu. Hoseii, ot
this cltj.
Woik on the chemical laboratoij at the
Seianton high school has piogies'-ed so
far that Piofesoi Wells announces that
It will be opened next wtek.
I.acltawannu. lodge, No !", Hiotheihood
of Kallioad Tialnmen, will hold their
Kleventh annual ball la Music Hall
Wednesdaj evening, Jan. 13
The well known i:eiett House, New
York citj , on Union Squaie nov doing a
lare and pt oil table ti.ide, has no con
nection with the Hotel Everett In Wash
ington Maiket, recently closed
At last night's special pnjcr meeting
service of the Tlist I'resbyteilan rhuich,
llev. Dr. James McLeod gave a bilef ad
dress preparatory to the holy communion
which will be ndmlnlstcied on Sundaj.
The Delaware and Hudson company paid
jenterdaj at the Oljphant und IMdj Oieek
mines at Olj pliant Todaj the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western compunj will
pav its emplojes on tho Southern division
and at the stations
A X Gallaghei, a teamster, emplojed
b r V Pi Ice, Is lecoverlng fiom an acci
dent that nanowly missed destiojlng the
sight of one eje. While hunglng a har
ness he slipped from a bench and a vvlie
hook pletced his tjelld and eyebiovv
Attorney W. J Hand jesteuluj made
nppllcatlou foi a chirter for the Illch
mondalo Accidental association of Hlch
mondale, an organisation for the tellef of
members who muj become disabled by
accident. The tiustees are David Morris,
Morgan Davis and Jainis Itedmoml.
Thomas Mm raj, of I'eckvllle, formerly
ot Mlnooka, sued the Seianton Traction
company yesterdaj for $500, thtough his
attoinejs., il J Donahoo and I H Hums,
In Jauuai;, 1SS6, as ho was driving along
1'lttston avenue, near Palm street, In his
butcher wagon, a car sttuck tho rear of
the wagon, demolishing It and Injuring
hoi e and driver
Evangelist J Shelhorne, who held a sue
cessful revival at Green Hldge two years
ago, Is In Scranton for a few dajs .Mr.
Shelhorn, as home readus of The Tiib
une remember, was shot at thiee times In
Ailzona and reported dead last Vebruurj,
Ho is holding a successful melting at
piesent In Moscow lor Di David, Ilu be
gins ut Honesdale, Pa, Jan. II
John P. Jones, a bartendei In n Penn
avenue hotel, was arrested jesterday
afternoon on the charge of Jumping a
boaid bill .Mib Jane Canouse, of" Pitts-
ton, was tho complainant and tho vviii
rant wu Issued by Aldiiman I.oftus, cf
the same place The mattei was satisfac
tory arranged between the two partlch
and Jones was glvin his liberty.
At a regular meeting of tho Horse
Shoeis' National Piotectlve association of
thU eltj held Tuesdaj night the following
olllcors vveie elected for tho coming yeai .
Piesldpnt, A J Schnellj Hist vlce-picsl-tent,
M. T Ivellei second vlce-presldtut,
William II, Gordon; secietaiy, Hobert T,
flould: treasurer, Jlarwood Jordan; trus
t. es, V, a. St John, Geoigo W. Dunn and
J, Neulons,
The number 13 has not been a fatal one
I fhaileH i:, Hopkins, the Hecord press
i un, contrJ-i to the general aupeihtltlon.
When Mi, Hopkins started to cam jour
nej man's wages his pay was $11! a week.
He came to Wlllus-Uarre from 13 West
Third htteet, Wllllnmspor;, on tho 13th of
August, 1S91, to work at 13 Noith Main
street. His wife camp to Wllkes-Uarro
Oct. 13, 1S91, and they leslde In the Thlt
teentli ward When he got the llrst testi
monials for pnttnt plate cutter lie had 11.
His (list sale vvns 13 of the machines. After
the Issue of his second circular ho sold 13
machines In Pennsylvania, 13 In Ohio,
and n In New York state, and ho at
piesent has it daughter 13 jenra old and
works at the Ilecoid ofllcc, 13 South Main
street. Scranton Truth.
Albert Prlco and his wife, Mntnlo, fig
ured In police court, where they are not
strange! s, esteiday morning. It appears
that Mrs Pilte was walking nboilt town
on the nlgliK. before with anothei man,
nnd their nctlons wore such that when
the husband of the woman espied them he
took decided action Ho tote n cape wont
by his wife fiom her shouldeis and threw
It una) He was about to ill Ike her
when Olllcer Dn Interfeied, nnd, together
with Patiolman Kaltns, placed the man
nnd wife it mil t an est. lloth were Intovl
tated The man with whom Mis. 1'ilce
had hi en walking escaped. In police court
jesterduj morning Mrs Price paid a line
of $1 ami was leleasid llei less fortun
ate husband vvns lined and was unable
to pnj the amount, In defuult of which he
will have to languish in the Jill for twen
tv ilajq Last night his wife was hus
tling about to lalse the amount of tho
line, but at the time of going to press had
not paid the amount.
Ill Our Clonic Department.
We luit n. nrlety of Children's
CoatH, Ladles' Coats, and Capes which
nte not only stjllsh and of good inu
tcilal, but nlbo lit perfectly, Riving a
stjle. to lutlles vveuiliiK them not found
In nil cjaimentH. We have; made tills
lenmiknble Mark Down:
All $:,00 Oarments for $ 3 f.0
All $7 50 to $S7r. Garments foi ... GOO
All $9 CO to $11.50 Gaiments for.. 7 50
All $12 50 to $15 00 Uninionts foi.. 10 00
All $5 50 'Hlnck Silk Waists for... 'i.CO
All $4 r,0 Hlntk Silk Waists foi ... 2 93
All $1 00 Flunnclett Waists for. .. 7se
All $l.f9 Best All Wool Wulsti for 1.50
A l.ltr line of Sateens und Moteen
Skills at cut pikes.
Hupid Crow th of the lliislnoss ofCol
liur llncinoei Complin).
In consequence of the inatvelous
Blow th of the International School of
Mines of the Collleij L"nglneei cura
pan It ha:) been found necessary to
sceuie additional loom pending the
completion of the eoinpanj'b WjomltiK
aenue buildliur. Since tho lit e In the
Coal Kxcli.inKe lust August the olllces
und school of Hie company have been
lotnted In the Meais' building.
The giowth of the cuiicspondenco
ilcpaitnieiit has beon po rapid that it
lias been found neeessaij to naln ui e looms In the Coal nch,tnp;e and
next week the edltoilal nnd subscilp
tlon dep ii tmeiits Of the papeis Issued
by the company will be moved Into
tlu m, Rlvlnn the space In the Miui-.'
IjullilliiK to the vuilous depattmeiits
of the bchool.
Men Mho Will Conduct Allairs of
llonrins KrooK Iiodc.
The beinl-aniuial Installation of ofll
ceis of KoailiiB Urook lodge, 401,
Knights of P.vthlas, was held last even
ing In the lodge's loonib In Hllllbuit
hall Dlstiict Deputy Giand Chancel
lor William Shlllle acted as liibtallatlon
The follow Inir olllcers weie Installed:
Chnncelloi commandei, Waltui II,
Shopland, lce-chuncelloi, Joseph
Tietheway; pielute, Chailes De Wight,
mnstei-at-aiiiis, H. J. Williams; Inner
gtiutd, Ilei bolt Joneb; outer guuid, H,
C. Htown, mastei of woik, J. A. Frlt
chel. ooooooooooooooooo
V Philadelphia Flint Butter. ...2Sc.
v Jeisey lggs 25c.
0 Tllple Blend Coffee 34c.
h "Woith :;sc.
Tho Kiiuitiiblo Life Assurance Socictj
of New Yotk, has paid to Policy Hold
ers and Benellclatles in the Coal dls
tiict of Pennsylvania neaily one mil
lion dollait.. All piollts of theli busi
ness are dlstilbuted to Pollcj Holders.
Bj sendlne; our addiess and age to
C L Hlco, Gen. Agent, No. 4 Coal
Uxchange, Seianton, a specimen of the
new Guainntee Cash Vulue 1'ollcy
which is non-lot fltable nnd Intontest
ible, will be mailed to jou. These
policies protect the family or estate
and j etui n an Income to the lnsuied
in 15 or 20 jenrs. "Take Time by the
Foi clock" ami act now. The "Equit
able' Is the. latgest company and has
tho Incest surplus from which to pa
dl Idends.
The late Charles Panish was one of
a larje number of men In the United
States who cany fiom $r.0,000 to $100,
000 In the Equitable. No policies is
sued foi less than tl.OOO.
r.vcrj tiling nt YonrOwn Price.
Watches, jeweliy, silvervvaie, dia
monds, etc., being disposed of at auc
tion sale at Davlelow Biotheis,' 217
Lackawanna avenue.
I'oi Went. omen,
llorsfoid's Acid l'liospliale.
It soothes and feeds the neives, helps
digestion und linpai ts stieugth.
HllV till! ItCSt.
Jetsey eggs 25c, Coursen's Phil, print
butter 28c. Best good for least money
Tilple blend coffee 34c. lb, (woitli 38)
12. U. Couisen.
Musical Instruments
of every Uescilptlon nt your own prlco
at Duvldo.v Biotheis' gieat auction
sale, now going on.
Don't l'nil to Attend
the gieat auction sale, now going on
at Davldovv Biotheis. Clocks, watches
and Jeweliy at your own price,
Defeated Philadelphia Debaters In St.
Thomas College Hall.
Tho You nc .lien from thci (Junker Citv
Maintained That tho United States
Should Grunt Belligerent Wights to
Cubit--I.oi.ul Debaters Salil That
Tills Would He tho Wrong Coursu
Tor Our Uov eminent to Take.
St. Brenden council, Young Men's In
stitute ot the West Side, won a splen
did victory last night In tho debate at
St. Thomas' college hull with the
Fatlier Oeiald Couglilln council, of
Philadelphia. The subject was "Re
solved, Thut the United States should
grant belllgeient rights to Culm."
The afllrmatlve was taken by the Phil
adelphia council whose leptesentatlves
weie. Di P. Chailes Gieen, piesldent
of the Couglilln council, II. AgUbtlm
O'Callahaii, a piomlnent 'voting attor
ney, and Hlchiml A. Foley, of the
Philadelphia Iteeoul and iluilrman of
the entertainment committee of the
famous Philadelphia enteitalneis, the
Pen und Pencil club The West Side
debatei s were: Attorney Mathew P.
Caw lev, John F. Duikln and Hany C.
The Judges weie Hon. II. M. (Hd
waids, John II. Jot dan, city editor of
the Truth and Attorney It. J. Bouikc
Thoie was full a thousand people
piesent including lit. Rev. Bishop
O'Hura and a number of the clcigv,
and also John Bo lu O Rellly council
of the cential city which attended in
a body.
James Shea, of St Btenden council,
pieulded, and aftei muking an uppio
pilute uddiess Intiodueed the debateis
In tin n
Di. Gieen, who opened for the allli
muthe argued to piove that Cuba Is
ilpe for the gi anting of belllgeient
rights fallowing that a Cuban govern
ment exists, that a wai Is unquestion
ably in progress, that tlieie nie Innu
merable precedents for giantlng bel
ligerent lights and that the United
Slates Is the country that should make
the move. He Is an easy gracelul talk
ei w 1th a splendid command of langu
age nnd a llnlshed delivery.
M. P. Caw ley, the leadtr on the nega
tive side of the question, spoke on the
injustice nnd unconstitutionality of our
lecognUing Cuba as looked at Horn
the standpoint of Intel national law.
He dellered his aiguments with ease
and foi co, sticking closely to his sub
ject, und mnisjhallng his rcasoiib Horn
oveiy uuaiter In a mannei which
showed that he had Hilly mnsteied
the salient points of hlbtoi as well
us of thi law of nations appeitalning
to the cube in point He said In pait
"We cannot say to Spain how she
shall tieat her lebols If we do so, we
must Justify our action by a ictouise
to international law. We must not
let out sympathies run away with our
discretion, and our better Judgment.
When bj the civil wnr thc South re
belled, theie was no talk ot lecognMng
the South. We treated them as rebels
and did not appeal to humnnltj's law
as we now want Spain to do. A coun
ty has u ilsht to exteimlnate Its leb
ils without interfeience or dictation
on the pait of outsldeis."
Mi. Caw ley at the same time that he
udvaiuwl Ids own opinions and Ideas
with foicible erfeet, quoted libeiallv
fiom wilteis on international law, from
Ameilcan lilstoij and fiom the speech
es of out best and mobt enlightened
Mt. O'Oallahnn, the second afllima
the, called attention to tho fact that
Fiance and Spain lecognlzed the Unit
ed States In 177C, when s-cnicely a
semblance of government existed heie.
Fiance, England and Spain lecognled
the Confederate state of Ameilca two
months after Sumter was Hied upon.
Theie was no ciy then of a violation of
the lights of nations. In isJJ Monroe
lecognlzed the South Ameilcan i (-nub-lies,
against tho piotests of the allied
toieign poweis and at a time when the
lepubllcs had no established govern
ment, Mr O'Cnllnhan was vvaimly ap
plauded foi his telling polnt3 and oia
toilcal ability.
Mr Durkln contended that the In
formation on which the utllimatho
base their urguments was deilved for
the most pait fiom misleading state
ments Ibsued bj the Cuban junta to
piejudlce the minds of the American
people In favor of the Insui gents, that
pi ess tepoits as to the condition of
affalis In Cuba were conttadlctoij,
thciefore unreliable; that but a meie
contingent of the island aie tebelllous,
that tho political patties composing a
vast majoilty of the tuxpajcis deciy
the effoits of the Insui gents; that Go
mez was a leckless and hellish udven
tuiei; that 40,000 native Cubans have
oluntailly em oiled themselves on the
side of Spain; that unlike the Ameil
can colonists at the outbieak of the
i evolutional y wai, Cubans cannot com
plain of taxation without representa
tion, as sl)it-fou! lepiesentutlves fiom
the Island aie In the Spanish Coites and
that they actually hold tho balance of
powei between the putties In thnt pai
llament, thut the condition of affaire
in Cuba lb not such us to excite oi
justify the sjmpathy of commlseiutlon
of the people of the United States, and
that the- cause dois not demand the
sacrifice of the lives ot out people Mr
Durkln's earnestness and graceful gts
tuien distinguished him fiom the lest
of the speakeis, Ho had a pioper con
ception of the pin pose ot a debate and
followed closely In ptactlco the Ideas
he hud foimed,
Mr. Foley, the last usbater for the
utllimatlve, spoke extempoianeously
fiom notes taken dining the progiess
M.I..HT M.pwlr-r" - .... I..I...I.I iimimmmb MmMW'iwiirrr it
,x i , w!jzm&jAmfmfati,f uo-
of the debate, and, as Judce Hdvvatds
said In his ciltlclsin, was more than
any of the others a debatei. He has a
easy aigumentntlve- style, goes dliect
ut his subject and bundles It without
lfs or amis or any Hilpetlluous words
or aiguments or conclusions. His time
was almost entliely given to a tefuta
tlon of the aiguments of the pieccdlng
speakers of the negative. He contend
ed that the two conditions necessary to
the granting of belllgeient rights, as
mentioned bv Mr. Caw ley, do now ov
ist In Cuba, citing Just enough facts
and flguies to sutllclently coi robot ato
his statement. He also added that the
law lefeired to nlso conipiehends Hint
in ense a country Is canlng on a wnr
which heems likely to be Indefinitely
continued with uiinecessniy effusion of
blood, It Is the dut of the most powei
ful of the contiguous coutitiles oi all
such countries to Intel fete to the end
that the stilfc may be stopped.
All. Gallaghei, In closing for the
negative. In an oideily, logical way,
nnd with much oiatoilcal elfict, diew
many strong conclusions fiom tho ut
guments of his piedecessors and coni-
1 ?J&'tJteC;2'A-lMrs,tt"ZiP KW?M - 'j
Ti3rmmpiBif'mie'i v"""' --vw - - ' - --V-
batted others made bv his opponents.
Ho dectled hasty and piemntuie action
and held that leuson and prudence
should alone swuj us In out dealings
with Cuba It Is to be admitted, he
said, that Spain was meditating le
f oiint and that It lb u fall, peace-lov Ing
and intloiial government He denial
that theie was any lompaiison be
tween the United States In '70 and
Cuba In ', and closed with the stiong
est point of the- evtnlng, that Cuba de
seives no attention, politically speak
ing, fiom a neutinl power until Its peo
ple unite their scatteied desires and all
oi a vast majoilty of them evidence
theli leaning one wu or the other
Aftei a hhoit deliberation the ad
judicators returned and Judge Edwauls
wits Intiodueed to make the announce
ment. The applause which gieeted
him was the heaitlest of the evening.
He said till hud done exeellentl well.
The pilnilpal ciltlclsm he had to olfcr
was that all but Mi Fole appaientl
had piepaied nihil esses, which sue not
In line with the tine Idea of a debate,
the put pose of w hlch Is to make a man
think on Ills feet.
The lespectlvo moilts of the debates
and the debatei s, he said, hud been
viewed b the adjudicators fiom four
standpoints: Aiguments, hlstotlcnl ac
cuincj, ihetoilc and earnestness All
tlnee judges weie unanimous In the
opinion that In these points St. Bren
dan's debaters excelled.
In addition to the speaking there
wus a eiy enteitalnlng ptogiamme
in which Miss Hun let V. Ward, io
llnlst; Thomas Lai kin, reader; Miss
Florence Schilling, bopiano soloist;
Edward Walsh, tenoi, and Ml. Cougli
lln, of Philadelphia, leadei, paiticl
pated. Theie were loud and continued calls
foi Rev Fiank P. McNall, llteiaiy
pieceptor of the St. Btenden's, when
the lctotj had been announced but
lie could not icspond owing to the fact
that he was made a ciitable pilsoner
by the hundreds who ciowded uiound
to congntulate him, to whom belongs
no small shaie of the credit tor St.
Bionden's bos' achievement.
Kinsley Investigation Committee Met
Lust Night in the Mayor's Ofiice
.to Frame Its Report.
Mayor Ballej and his advlsois In the
Kinsley Investigation met last night lu
the former's pthate ofllce In the city
hall toi the put pose of an King at some
conclusion conceinlni; the chaiges
made- by the Sunduj World against the
bttcet commlbslonei. The weie closet
ed fiom 8 until 10 o'clock and no one of
them would make any statement foi
With Major Bailey alone lests the
decision His advlsois aie Piesldent
George Sandeison and President Jumes
Giler, of the select and common
blanches of council; Chaitman C, E.
Chittenden and Chaliman John J
Loftus, of the streets and bridges com
mittees of the select and common coun
cil respectlvelj To guaad against ln
tenuptlon and dlstui banco, Chief of
Pollco Robllng, whose office adjoins
that of the raujiir, had been leuested
to halt any cwesdioppeis oi visitors.
The commission was not united In
theli opinions and Mujoi- Bailey can
not olce a unanimous .sentiment in ie
poitlng to councils As foi reporting
his finding, he was not, as a mattei of
fact, so authorised In the resolutions
undei which he acted.
The llibt lesolutlon passed by coun
cils was as follows.
Resolved b the common council of the
city of Snanton, tho select council con
cil eoiuuriing, That the major be' and
he is lieiebj dliected to luvestlgnto the
affairs of tho strt et commissioner's de
paitment and loport to ilt councils
wholl ei the business theieof Is conducted
On tecclpt of this tneasuie the mayor
communicated with councils by lettei
which stated thut no specific chaige
against Stieet Commissioner Kinsley
was mentioned. Ho lequlied a specific
chaige befoie he could uct, he wiote,
und in i espouse- councils passed tho
Resolved, That it Is the siiiso of the
select council that the charges made b
the Sunday Woild against Street Coni
mlsslonei Kinsley should bo Investigated
bj the majoi
The foiegolng, while speclfjlng that
the ihuiges of the Sunduj Woi Id
should be Invebtlgated, does not le
quest any leport, Teehnlcallj' the
major Is undei no obligations to do
so He declined lust night to Indicate
what his coutse would be.
Select council meets tonight. Tho
mayor has an oppoitunlty to icpoit his
findings If last night's conteience und
the evidence wai ranted such a couise.
Miss Carolyne V. Dorsey, teacher of
elocution, oiutory and dilsaite, 510 Ad
ams avenue.
Hun Down Ii) it Train on Oninrio und
W I'stcrn Hoiul.
Thomns Hevels, the 18-yeni-old son
of Heuiy Hevels, of Auhbnld, the
well known conti actor and bulldei, wns
killed on the Ontailo and Western
tnlliond about 200 j,nrds north of the
depot at that plnce at 5 o'clock
last ceiling. Tho boy was employed
ns a teamster for his father, and had
been engnged In hauling lumbei fiom
a f i eight car during the nfteinoon
AVhllo the fielght engine was switch
ing a car he todo to a point on the
tnlliond dlicctly opposite St Thomas'
church When the tialn stopped he
attempted to cioss the Hack between
the cat he hud left and the cai stand
ing on the blanch, nnd while doing so
the engine and ttaln hacked and caught
him between the huinpeis, ctushlng
him ho seveiely that ho died within
llftcen minutes.
Immediately after the accident Di.
Kelly was summoned, hut
do little to lellove the InJuied
boy He nevei icgulned consciousness
nnd died before the nnlval of any of
his famllj The deceased was blight
and industtlous and was a gieat favor
ite among his assoclaties He was a
member of the Knights of rather
Mathew and the Angels' sodalltj of
St Thomns' chinch The funcial ai
rniigeinents have not jet been com
Ho Tried to Cioss the Thin leu uud
Pell In.
A giandson of John Tialnot, u boj
about i old, was di owned in
Walkei & Spencei's mill pond, ut Nich
olson, jesterday afternoon. The boy
was on his .aj fiom school to his
giandfatheis, when- he was making
his home, nt the uppei end of the pond
Instead of going theie bj waj of the
load, he attempted to go up on the Ice,
win n he bioke thiough The bodj has
not been iccovend up to this wilting
Tins is Iinpotiiiut to on,
And to your wife, son and diughter
You want a home Think about It.
Buy one of oui choice lots In the cen
tral and select part of Seianton nt a
handy and convenient walking dis
tance fiom business, theaters, hotels,
churches, stoies and depots, on Adams,
Jtffeison, Madison oi Monioe avenues.
At niost of the lots flag walks and
curbs nie laid, also sewers, gas und
water mains and steam heat, and In
front of some the asphalt pave. These
aie bites for supeiloi homes Pi Ices
low. Terms easj. Cleat title guaran
teed. Call foi clicular, Jones,3U Spiuce.
We laundij stiff eollais with soft
button holes Cijstal Laundij
To Cure a Cold in One Da.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggl3ts icfund the money If It
falls to cute. 23c.
Closing Out
Entlie stock of diamonds, watches,
jewelry, clocks, Uc . at auction sale
on account ol letlilng fiom business,
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Han is' diug btoie. Hours 9 a. m., 5
p. m.
We open todaj- new stock of Scotch
Ginghams. Tinlej's
Reduced in
Including tho painless eutracting of
tcotli by un entiruly now proccas
C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
3H Spruce St , Opp. Hotel Jermj n.
?vlti.t.Z-Vr 1
423 Lackawanna Avenus.
Clocks, Jewelry,
Sterling Silver
And Cut Glass.
Great Reductions in All
These Goods.
Watches and Clocks
paired on short notice.
Start the new j'cat with a new
jacket We will stuit the jeat with a
new Special Cloak Sale. All will be
bold nt bargain pi ices We will not
huo enough to go aiound so the lucky
customeis will be those who call early.
Ladles' cloaks, chlldien's jackets sep
niate skill" and winter suits all cue In
cluded In the sale.
Sohmer Piano Stands at th3 Head
AND J. V. (ilir.RNSr.Y Stands nt the Head
in tho Music tiack. You can nlvvajs S'ot n
bettor birculn nt his beautiful wnieiooms
than nt nny utlici place in the eitj.
Call and seo foi i oursolf beforo buj Iii(,
205 Washington Avenue,
51nj bo out of Rlclit, but if it Isn't
comfortnble, ho Ins very little pcico. .Sjlilit
miuiniii-) n scicncL' ovorjbody can't miko
good bliiita nny mom thai overyboib can
wilton book Wo h ivo nhvnjs pilcled om
solv o-i on the supoi ioi itj of our b'iIi ts and Its
niopututtou wo liopo to mniiitnin until tho
end of ilui ulinptr. Cotio to ua foi tjcuuiuo
1UD. ill
Lack Av.
See that it is closely woven
that the colors are firm and
true. If you are not versed
we shall be more than pleased
to give you any information
you wish. We are alwaj'S
glad tq have visitors the
more you know about our
stock the better it will be for
ns. Don't think yon must
buy just because you lock at
the goods.
406 Lackawanna Ave.
Opp. Wyoming House,
fff flTUI 3D DAYS.
( Hl-) the sale will becin
. if II HI
AA I Jff At 9 A. M.
f A
l&lf . '- rr. rr5M-rrfiV tiMix
Wmn y
Worth of
188 Wjoinlng Avenue.
ILVER . . .
Is tt new nil clit ion to our stock
at liottoni Prices. Opened an
other new line of
White China
For Decorating
Prices ami styles talk, as we
arc selling lots of it. Will
Keep open evenings after the
first of December.
IMcnrs Hldg, Cur. Wash, and Spruce St.
Of our entire stock of
On Account of
Hetiriii" from liusiness.
. .
205 Lacka. Ave.
Come to
Newspapers, Magazines,
and Story Papers,
Main Stand, - - 103 Wjomlnu Avenus
Coal of tho best quality for domostlo us
mid of all sizes, Including Buckwheat and
Ulrdseye, delivered la any part of tho city)
at the lowest price.
Orders received at tho Ofllce, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No. 4j
telephone No. 'J824 or at the mint, tele
phone No. 272, will be promptly attended
to.Dcalors ruppllod at the mine.
fi'JY v J' X
4-12 -Spruce &