The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 04, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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Clje kwmfon r(8une
Ucllj (ill J Wcokl).
No Buiulay IMIlloti
I'ubllslicJ at Serantai. IM., I'J' Th
Publishing Company.
lo ioik Ofllco- Trltmnp llulMlnx, Trunk fi
cl raj, Mamger
Thu coiiim! ot JIi J U. Stuifics unci
other uwneis In icfuslniT to allow the
opening oC the riothlnulmtn thonter to
Hiinduv evoiiltiK cunrorU will doubtless
be Kcnoinlly nppiovecl In this city. As
a rule thu theatrical "sacieil roncutt" is
not nil Improvement upon the oitlioelox
Ulisui value of the H ibbatli, unci It Is not
lelleveil that then,' Is piessliiK clelimml
foi this soit of enteitalntneiit In Scinn
lon. At Albany This Week.
Albany will boon tlMde honois with
llaiihburK as n ten tot of Intel est. In
Its tonstiuetlon the Now "iork legisla
ture, which assembles tomonow, is
fnteiestlntf. Tlieie nie. In the senate,
tJ Kcpubllcans to II Deniocints; and In
lite house, 115 Itepubllmnn to J3 Donio
tiats .1 Kepublluin pluialltv on joint
(allot ot mole' than twice as mnnv
otcs as the Demociats lino luembcis.
trills Is n dhlslon cntituU without pie
ledent In New Yolk state politics.
Among the measutes whlcli will
come up at Albany foi consldeiatlon
rite soernl of Inleicst
Chief of thoc, In imiioitance, Is the
Ci cater New Yoik chattel bill, u bill
to establish a basis of government foi
u new municipal empire which hah been
iteeted by the bringing togethot of
New Yoik cltv Biooklvn and the piin
clpal othei populous centeis within a
ladius of 50 miles. Upon this iiucstlon
of n propel chaitor for what will be the
pecond oi tlilttl lntgest eitv In the w oild
the ablest minds ot both hemisphetes
hae been foi some time at woik and
It temalns to be seen how falily and
thoicniRhly the lcntslntuie will utilize
theli suggestion'!.
The -ccoml subject in tank of Inteiest
w 111 undoubtedly be the Haines bill, to
Which a Hood of amendments is tlueat
eneil. It is undetstood that only tlnee
modiflcitions have the nppionl of
Thomas C Piatt, the nuthoi of the
oilglnal law. One aims to dispose of
the numctous fake hotels which hae
Bpiung into existence since the law
went Into effect, the second gives in
creased povvei to the enf oiclng uuthotl
tlcs and makes heaIor the penalties,
and the thlid endeiois to teach the
llciuot-dt Inking clubs The debates
upon these amendments and the leg
islatute's goneial ttcatmont of the
diinkptoblem ought to be lntetestlng.
Some new legislation against tiusts
Is among the possibilities, but fiom
what Is known of the dominating Inllu
ences at Albany It Is liaidlj to be ex
pected that ladlcal measuies will pio
vail The senatoiial pioblem seems to
be settled upon the basis that Mr. Piatt
can succeed JIi. Hill If he wants to or
delegate that honoi to anothet, who
will not be Mi. Choate. It is the gen
eral opinion, notwithstanding Mi
Piatt's tecent statement of qualified
denial, that he will be the nest sona
tot himself But his attitude nt Saia
toga last summei teaches that he may
possibly mean to keep 'out of olllce In
person. Thu one weak pot in Mi.
Piatt's lecoul ns a politician, consld
tied fiom the standpoint of politicians,
Is his fear of submitting a candidacy
of his own to the people As has been
said befoie, he lacks Senatoi Quaj's
coinage at critical times ' But a sena
toi ship of coutse Is dlffeient.
At least one- thing may be said in fa
vor of o-c-QucM n Illly ot Hawaii. Sho
has made no conttacts with the leetuto
The Passing of fir. Brynn
The Spilngfleld Union thus tevlows
the closing scenes of the cnieer of
William Jennings Hi) an, who Is pass
ing into ohscuilty almost as lapidly as
lie came into piomlnence-
"It te(iulied almost a week for Will
iam Jennings Bt)an to admit that he
had been defeated for the piesldenc) .
He coupled that admission with a
statement that he had consecrated
himself anew to the cause of fice sll
vei and that In the coming four )eais
ho would be active In the Inteiest of
the gieat cause. Within a few dajs
theroaftoi Mi. ilijan signed a contract
fot fifty lectutos at one thousand dol
lais each It looked then ns If pios
petlty would come to him and thcie
wore fears that he might develop Into
n plutocrat. Naturally there was some
sad icllectlon at the evil Influence a de
slio for money had on the people's nd
ocato, but the blow was hot no with
Mr, Bi)nn's consecration to the lcc
tuio field nngeted some of his suppott
ets, who wanted him to talk foi noth
ing, and there v.eio oniu ciiticlsms of
his grasping tendencies Finally the
time came for Mi. Bi)nn to give his
flrt leetuto. He selected Atlantn,
whole his friends woie numeious. Ho
had a good audience and evet) thing
lequired foi a successful lectuie, but
tho ahlllt) to dellvei It Hven his best
friends In Geotgla leluctantly admit
that his lecture was not up to his lepu
tutlon and he hlni'-elf felt that lectin -ing
was not his foite. As a lesult he
decided to leetuto no mote, nnd tho
newspapets of Gcoigla criticised nun,
with some seveilt). It was a sad busi
ness, but Mi. Bt)iin was undone by thu
teputntlon fot eloquent o which the
speech that nominated him nnd given
him He could not live up to It.
In the midst of this disappointment
comes the announcement that already
schemes are being laid to prevent his
rcnomlnatlon. Silver loaders aie not
altogether satisfied with him. They
fool that had he been more amenable
to discipline dutlng the late canvass ho
would have had a better chance for
election. Dev oted though these silver
leaders may be to tho silver cause, they
want a man to lead them who will not
bo so self-willed. Consequently tho
path to the next nomination Is ob
structed, Tho most recently anno-unced
candidate for the nomination In 11)00 Is
Aithur Puo Gorman, of Mar) land,
whose conversion to silver follow 6d tho
Chicago convention. The plan of
some of tlo silver leadcis Is to nomi
nate Mr. (Jormnli and to shelve Mi.
lltjiui, It may succeed, and jet It Is
n long way until 1000, but dm man
would bo n eiy weak candidate, Mean
while Mr. Bryan will devote himself
to Ills new book, dicnm of the future
and tiy to tocoer gtound lost. He will
piobably bo unable to do so for the
people nio beginning to foi got him al
ready. Well may ho eluugc them with
'I he Dead of 18o6.
The list of distinguished persons who
passed to the gloat he) end dutlng the
)ear tS'JG Is an extensive one, and neai
1) all piofeslons hae been nlfectod
by the hand of the gtlm destto)oi.
In the Held of lotteis thole weio many
notable deaths, both in this eountr)
and Bui ope Aineilca lost Kate Held,
Hairlet Beechet 9towe, HdgarAV N)e,
dail Hamilton, Colonel T. V. Knox,
Joseph V. Haipor, Hugene Field nnd
Heni) C. Howell Bngland mouins the
death of (Jeoige du Mnurlei, Thomas
Hughes, Sir John Mlllals and William
A met form art has lost Olllam and
Grimm, the noted cailcatuilsts, Will
iam Hamilton Gibson and Alfred Will
iam Hunt.
A list of men conspicuous In political
life includes ex-Speaker Cilsp, of
(leoiglu; ex-Goetnor Husscll, of Mas
sachusetts, and Governor Gteenhnlge,
of the same state, ex-Secictai) Benja
niln 1 Btlstou and ex-Senatois Ionian
Ttumbull, ot Illinois, IVtiy, of Michi
gan, and Scott of Pennsylvania, e
Coiigiessman Hon, ot Michigan, Bng
llsh of Indlnna; Hatch, of Michigan,
Pellows, of New Yoik, and 11 Clay
Bnsconi, the Pilhlbltlonlst leadei
The diamatlc and musical stage has
lost Louis Ambiose Thomas Mis Scott
Slddons, Katherino Klafsk), Homy H
Abbe), Italo Campanlnl, Alexnndei
Salvlnl, Alexander Heiimnnn, Tiank
Mno, James Lewis and otheis of lesser
Among the moie pi eminent cletgy
who have died this ear nte Bishop
Coxe, e-Aichblshop Kondilck, Bishop
H)nnand Bishop Hn)Wood The busi
ness world has lost Austin Corbin, Kob
eit Gniiett, William Steinwny, Enoch
Pratt and Homy I. Pletce, all of whom
made a most conspicuous mark In life.
The list of distinguished foi eigne! s
who have passed away Includes the
Shah of Pei sin, who lost his life 1)
assassination, the Sultan of Zanzibar
and Piesldent Hlpnol)te of Ha)ti.
Russia lost an able diplomat In the per
son of Pilnce Lobanoff, and Tiance lost
a numbet of most distinguished states
men, including Leon Say, Jules Simon
and ex-Piemloi rilquet.
Amung othei pi eminent persons who
passed away in Hut ope wete Baton
Hiisch, Colonel Noith, the nltiate king,
the Atchblshon of Canteibury, and
Ileniy Pilnce of Battenboig.
The suggestion that the Congies
"lonal Itecoid be abolished will not
commend Itself to man) people. What
the Itecoid teally needs Is a coloted
supplement embellished with plenties
ot the chntactet of the Hogan's alley
Yellow Kid "
Our Fertile Forests.
The Inevitable result of the destruc
tion of Ametlcan foiests seems to be
plain to evei) one except those engaged
in this species of vandalism and tne
law-mnkois of vnilous stntes who ate
dilatoiy In enacting measuies for the
pioteetlon of out woodlands The Syra
cuse Journal In a tlmel) article calls
attention to the feitillty of the fotests
that ate fast dlsappeailng undet the
axe of the grasping lumbeimnn.
"Theto is mote feitillty and possible
wealth In out foiests," -n)s the Joui
nnl, "than we can account foi without
stopping to consider and flguilng a lit
tle In tho Hist place we have an end
less vniloty of delicious nuts which
make up one of the most utti active
side dishes foi the holldajs. Theie aie
the squlu els which aie leated on the
sime food and w hen brought to the
table give us the nutty llavoi of the
woods. The wild gnmo of the foi est
piesetve Is all that Is left us now as fat
as the open limkots aie concerned and
its extravagant in Ice Is sulllcicnt evi
dence of the demand which niles nt
this season of the jeal Huffed giouse
would be a luxuiy of the past weio it
not for the cate exeicised l game con
stables and loiest cominlssloneis The
state fish and game association which
assembles In this cltv this month will
ptoduce some statistics on the Inttet
subject which should engnge the atten
tion of evet) man who knows how to
use n fowllng-ploco nnd Is fund of tak
ing a bltd-dog Into the woods. What
would become of the spoit If the foi
ests weio not pi oteeted and, by that
same token, what will lumpen to the
vanishing birds if the eatth is not lid
of the pot-huntei One of these wi -cals
has Killed a thousand giouse with
in tin eo months most ol which went
straight to the metropolis in lots of two
and tluee bundled How long aie we
likely to have luffed giouse If that Is
allowed to continue It Is bad enough
to have the game picseives pass Into
piivato eonttol, but It Is a thousand
times lettet than allowing the foiests
to bo destio)ed oi given Up to such
slaughter hunting as this. Oui fot
estr) s)stem Is still In Its Infancy, but
sufllcleut attention has been given to
the subject to w nit ant the asset tlon
that within nnotliet decade we shall be
compelled to extend tho Held of opera
tions In otdei to furnish an adequate
supply of watci to the canal Actual
experiment has demonstrated thoaet
thnt foiests aie Indlspenslble adjuncts
of high level sptlngs, and If the eannl
system Is to be Impiovod with nn idea
of making It pinctleally beneficial to
the consumei, foiestry must, be looked
nftei all along the lines of Intel lor
"Hellbionn foiests nto cut eveiy
twent) )ears with tho Inevitable lesult
that denudation dtles up the sptlngs
nnd watei couisos, hut us soon us tho
tieos become luxuriant again tho
spilngs bubble up nnow nnd tho water
couisos lesumo their music and fettl
llzlng boneHcence. Inland navigation
plays nn Important patt In this econ
omy of nature, not only by cheapening
transportation, but ulso by sending lit
tle ilvulets of wafer through the low
lands, here and theie, adjoining the
canals wheie trees start spontaneously
and are usually allowed t,o stand In oi-
dor to prevent any washing away of
the noli, After awhile these trees will
ho found to have Induced a genotnl
molstuie of the soil nnd grass glow si
wjth tank luxtlilance even where bate
pastilles nie baked with diouth. Hn
glneeis easily demonstiale the fact
"that eight pounds or tt action aie 10
qultcd to move n ton b) lull, and that
less than one-fouith of thnt amount of
tt action Is necessaiy to move a ton
nlloat, In still water.' Of coutse It can
he Hunted mole cheaply on water wnja
In which cut t cuts llow in the dcslied
dliectlou. The Susquehanna nnd other
once abundant tlvcts can bo made In
expensive natutal canals foi Hunting
nigosles more valuable than those of
ntitlqulty, cnpable, Indeed of hearing
to niaikot all of the fi eight thnt tii
tutall) seeks the consuinei In the dl
loetlon of tltclt seveial cnutses Hug
lnnd has p s)Btem of Inland, ot slack
wntei, navigation almost ( qual In
length to hoi lines of rnllwtiy."
Tito ndvance of the aftel -dinner
dnncei over the nttei-dinnoi otatot In
Gotham would ltinko It seem advisable
foi Hon. Chnuncey Depuw to prac
tice a few steps.
If Maceo Is lesutteeted a few moie
titties in the press dispatches the av
erage leader will begin to doubt that
the Cubnn General evet existed.
Hnrron In the Tlmes-lleinld.
Mi Iii)nrd's stitioosoi will have a trv
Ing position to occup) There nie mmv
tit tic nt Amoi leans, no doubt, who think
It ticii)ii foi nn Amcrlc in to nioik oi
vwlte ot Mi. I't)ard In ollur teinis than
those of excel ntlon It !, neveithclcs, a
fait that no ttpresi ntathe of the United
States In Btiglnml has ever done mote to
cieate a sentiment of ( steim foi Anierlci
In the minds of lutelllRint IhiBllshmi n
than oui first nmbn8idoi to the coutt of
St, Juiii' Sli Prnncls Lockwood, In a
locont speech, snld he was told In Ameri
ca that It was due to the calm nnd Jndl
clnl attltudo of the English press that
theto was so pacific a settlement oTtho
tecent dlffeienees between tin United
States nnd England. While this Is un
doubted!) true. It Is pqunll) certain that
the dlspiiRsIon lie, unpirtlsan but serene
1) pitrlotlc attitude of "Ii B.i)iud had a
gtcat dull to do with the mode ration ot
English edltoilils and gave the cue for a
discii''!lon of the question In a n) to pro
voke the least antagonism and piomoto
the lnigest hiuinonv When it Is roracra
beicil how often hot-headed, unintelligent
?t"il on tho part of peoplo who Imagine
themselves to be the onl) patriots has
Impel lied the welfare of nations it mij
hei regnided ns an Inestimable blessing
that a government has a fair-minded,
cool-headed, wlci leiuesentaUve at a
foiclgn court wheie lie is thoroughly ic
spected o
Mi Ilnvard has stood fot Ameilca upon
the polished platform of the highest and
most dignified dlplomnc), and he has
pit allele d tho achievement of Lowell In
winning esteem fot himself while steaellh
cnhincltiR and broadening the icspect lor
his counti) Now that his mission Is
pmctlcnll) ended thee things may bo
salel for him Not a few Americans who
weie disappointed In theli efforts to use
Mi Iiavaid, anil weio made to undei
stand tli it an ambus" idol is not the
lnckev of his tout 1st eountr) men, feel a
peisonil hostlllt) to Ml. Hi).ud whlcli
the) would gladl) explain as nn honest In
dignation bocaiKe of his "damnable and
unpntiiotle toadvlng to English pieju
dlee," the one tiling pierlsely that Mi
Ha).ard has never done The simple fact
Is that Ml Ba)nrd Is a learned, seholai
1 mm, i skilled law) or, a commanding
oiatoi, and sagacious, with i
sulllcicnt powei of mental detachment
to examine and determine the tispectivo
meilts of a case and the courage to .if
llim his judgment These aie the esen
tlal dualities of a gre it diplomat, and
theie is no place In the world wheie Amei
lca so needs the ablest possible repiesen
tative diplomat as here in London, tho
gatheilng point of the eatth's greutne.
It behooves President-elect "VIcKlnlo) to
choose well If he would have milntalned
the standard set before the English mind
b) our Hist ambassador, foi the Iiinid
stamp Is even deeper than the LoWcll im
pression I was In Gel main when Low
ell died, and when 1 got the English pa
peis of the following moinlng theie was
it two-column editoiial In the Times and
the Dnil) Telegraph had stopped its
incises to pi Int ,1 half-page, excellent
wood cut of the poet-statesman I ai
rlved In London the next evening, and
upon all sides heaul things that made an
Ameilean heatt throb with a gt iteful
sense thnt huge-mludedncss ov el leaps na
tional burlers and Iliuls affection nnd ad
miration even wheie We all know how
Amu lea mom ned the loss of her gifted
son, but who does not lemembei how
censorleiusl) Minister Lowell w is ciltl
clsed b) some of his eountr) men because
he felt that It was the business of a mln
Istei to piomote nnd establish national
filcmlshlps, to tin doing ivwi) with those
pett) piejudlces and unwoith) enmities
th it should have nothing to do with the
grand movement of human destlii) Mr
linvaid his held this view Just a little
moie fe.iikbsl), tint Is all It seems a
thousand pities that Amcrlen's foieign
eoips of diplomats and upiisentatlvcs
should ho nt the men) of the mutations
ol domestic politics et aftet all It ma)
he one of the bastions of lepublle mlsni
l"iom the Tlmes-Henld
One section of the diaft of the "Gieator
New oik" hill will atttact attention not
in New Voik alone but 111 eveij tit) in
Ameilta as will It urns a-. folluw
"Ilereaftei no fnnchlse oi light to ust
the sliects, uv emits pirkwava oi hUh
va)s of the elt) shall he gi mttd h) the
municipal nsemhlv to on) fieison oi oi
poiatiou fot a longti peiloel thin tvMli'v
live )cais, but such giant in i) glv i to
the gi tntee the light, on a fall itvalui
tlon, to not moie thin one rent will tot i
furthei pcilod of not txeeeillng twiiit)
tive iiir L'lion the tei intuition of tht
franchise oi right gi.inttd b) the mu
nielpil assenjbl) the plant ot pi opt it) of
the grantee in the stieeu, avenues puic
wa)soi hlghwn)s, with Its appuittuanets,
Fhall heiome the piupeit) of the
tit) without fuithet oi eitlui compensa
tion to the gi intee, and the t't) ma) hy
oi din line piovlde foi the opeiatlou theie-
of b) itself ot by lefcsets
T lils Is h) fat the most impoitant step
towaid munltlpil ownership of stieet
iailwa)s and gaswoiKs and othet Im
pioveinents that has been taken In Ameil
ca The Olasgow, Hlimlngluim and Man
chestei oitilments aie famllln leading
to Amcrleans, but although the) hive
been ofttitd fot out emulation b mo't
Insistent icfoimois the) have not been
viewed with veiy gieat enthiiolaHm b
the Ameilein liublle Tho feai of evci)
thlng nulullstle or lnttaklug of the nu
tmo of sochil'sm Is so stiong among
Anieileius of all cl isses that It has been
almost Impossible to gain a heniing for
the government ownership of iailwa)S
and telegraidis, vhlle tho goveinment
ovvitcrblilps jjf postollieoB is tegaided as
essential or to convince a clt) whkh
owns Its wnterwotks that It might prollt
nbl) own Its gaswoikx In Unglaud no
suth supoistltlon iienlls, Mi Cham
berlain Is tho patron of municipal ownei
ghlp, and as stiong In the faith now that
ho has become the torlest of toiles as ho
waa when he led the ladlcals, while no
statesman, whatever his connections may
he, takes any shnme tc Ii'mself foi ad.
ministering en Incomo tu
Whether oven the growing discontent
of the peoplo with the unoganco of ni-
vnto owners of public franchises can ever
overcome the Inherent Individualism of
American l'fo It a doubtful qmstlon.
The Now York experiment will go n long
vva) (nvvnnl prov'tig oi disproving the nc
ci,)lnl)lllt) of mutilclpil ownorshlp, for
It Ir not the project of "wild-eyed social
tpfonneis" but of sober business men,
mid It Is untainted by socialism, ot wluit
the nvouige unit tnkes for jocliillsm,
Itcsf ot Ilcci'Ueel,
Wllkes-Hat re Now s-I)e ilcr.
Of the ninny nlmniincn thnt lnvo cumo
to tills olllee tho best that has yet put III
nppc.iiunre Is that of tho Scianton Tilb
tine It Is u regular inc)c!opcUla ami dis
counts an) thing Issued by the metropoli
tan liress
Handsomest of' Annuals.
Wllltcs-Hitro Li uler.
Tlio Sei.iiilon Tilhuno's atinu il for 1ET7
is Issued umlti tlic title of Political Hand
book and UnusihoU! Ene)(lopeella ami l
all that Its mime Implied it is a book
eit ov n JW pages nnd contains a good del!
of genu il us well is local infoimation,
with a liumliei of loeul lllustr itiuns It Is
one of Hie hiibcst and h indsomest an
nuals Unit come to tile Leudit olllce
rincst of Its Kind.
Elmh i Telegram
'I ho Ti Hume's political handbook Is tho
line st of the kind published In this elt
It Is ,i compilation nnd publication that
le fleets ticdlt upon the Scmntolt Tilb
unc. Crcciitiililr Work.
Harleton Plnln-Speaker.
The Plplu-bpo iket arkltovvledgcs tlio le
celpt of will complltil almanacs fiom the
Wlllus-Uuie Heeoid and the Scianton
Tiibune. Both nie valuable compendium!)
of evil) dn) litfoim Ulun, the woik being
vei) ciedltublc lor two nt Ienns)haula's
foiemoat Interloi newsiiaiieiS.
Piom tho New York Tilbunc
Spain hns shown her uiiwoithlnos?
eontiol colonies since she be'gan to posjesq
tin m One by one the) have revolted
agnliist hei oppiesslon xind thiovvn ofl hoi
1 ule old) a handbieadth besides hei C i
llbbenn possessions and the l'hllllplnos
lennilnllig to hei Hei lulde Is Intiiested
In the retention ot these', but so it has
biM'ii, without avail, in the e ise of othei
possessions, and so It Is slue oonet or
litei to be with these She will llnd
enough to do at home If she sets elill
geiitl) about It. Onl) about half hei peo
ple can lead nnd vwitc, nnd It would be
the wist st possible stioke of nolle) to
teach these aits tei the temalnlng half
She would thus be battel qu illlled foi
homo inlo, but foi authorlt) abioad she
h is had neail) four contuiu s of tilal and
his been found a fliluie She will have
to give It up altogether Europe is of that
mind and polltel) (Ucllnes to take up her
cause against u which indeed, she could
not do with effect without nn eftoit much
too fostb foi the occasion Sp iln will
reall) feel a gteat deal better when she Is
dlsihaiged ot all responslblllt) foi Cubi
She will then, but not before have a lit
tle leisure foi l'ee nation, and perhaps a
little mone) to Bpend on herself
no r.vrrii in i:cki:ls.
Trom the Salt Lake Tiibune.
Wo hope that Comptroller Eckels is
right In feeling that tho bank falhues
.lie not evidence ot a gener il weakness
ammg the banks, but onl) show local
bad management. Ceitaluly the banks
of the east ought to be ver) stiong, loi
the) have had .iver) thing theli own way
foi low these man) vcais At the same
tin., we cannot forget Eckel's genet al
uniellnbllit) and bad judgment on llnan
eial iiiatteis, and would feel easier if It
hid been some bettei man and hUhti au
thorlt) that had slid it.
Syracuso Courier.
Don Cameron's anxiety to have the
I'nited States take possession of Cuba Is
said to be bied upon the fnct that the
Pemis)lvanla senitoi Is a luge ovvnet
of Cub in lion ore mines The dlslnteiest
edness of some of these Pcnns)lvinla pa
tilots Is ttul) touching
Dnil) Horoscope Dinvvn h) Ajncciiu
Tho Tiibune Astrologer.
Astiolabe cast 1 S3 a m , loi MonJii),
Jan 1, lt.'J7.
A child boin on this day will notice tint
a kooel elcal of the lnpdness of the New
Ys.ii has ahead) ooped out
It Is Intimated tint the Monti ose Demo
ent I nois the enndldac) of Wan im ikoi
This certainl) ouht to put Uncle John's
se-iitorlnl boom Into i citaleptlc state
In polities it Is often bettei to bo able
to cover one's tincks than to dlspla) un
usual aglllt) as a sprinter
Scranton does not seem to be piogiesslve
enough to uppted.tte up-to-date "Sacred'
conceit inter;iilscs
The coolest mm will geneinlly "thaw
out" when he has an axe to grind
And theie will be no veal potple foi Dr
Aincc hits' AiHic'C.
if tired of llfi lo not commit suicide In
an untld)'nnl hast) in unit t Smoke ci
There Is Something l.ackiii);
lu thu foist that provide for tho inner
mill nlono tho t)OBhoulil bo ilensetl, too
Unliit) ainss and lieuutlftil China nro half
thodlnnoi, a clicked plute oi cbippjd or med
dy bIims hus n detnesaUiir effect Om stojc
of Clillin nnd alisswnni give uidlniltJil Bsopo
for tlioexoiclroof u-ooj tust Tbo ipmlit) Is
of tho most superior oidui and tho cost Is
very Ion.
434 Lackawanna Ave.
437 Spruce Street.
Opposite The Comrnonvveultli.
!inipiM"iMiiulMlitnJj p
r r0
Which means two dollars' worth for one dollar, or, in other words, we have started
a half price Cloak Clearance Sale. We are getting ready to take inventory, there
fore have cut the prices on every garment in our store abdut in two. Every induc
tion is exactly as represented and we shall make this the greatest Cloak Trading
event in years. One consolation is, that our customers will get. the benefit.
"It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." .
$5.00 Garments Reduced to $2.49
$7.00 Garments Reduced to $3.98
$9.00 Garments Reduced to $4.98 . ' '
$10.00 Garments Reduced to $5.98
$12.00 Garments Reduced to $6.98
$15.00 Garments Reduced to $7.98
111 all cases the raw material could not be purchased for what we ask you for the
garment already made up.
Our stock is not overly large, but very choice. Every Jacket and Cape is of this
year's production and strictly Upto-Bate.
Our determination is not to carry a single garment over until next season, there
foie, these irresistibly tempting prices have been placed upon them.
On Our Entire Stock of
Handsome Bound Books.
evnolds oros.,
Stationers and Engrayaf j,
U VL il
Our Great Oiler. Price-. Ke
chiceil on All (iooils. Suits anil
Overcoats to order
P.ints to Pleasure
n--l. W -k ;m f m.
"r"2t"s 4 H nnVa Uua &
0 w. uuuau nio, 0
515 Linilan Strait.
Tho Only Manufacturers of
Rubber & Stamps
In the City. Scranton Rubb2r
Stamp Works.
015 LiiidG.1 Street.
Ladies' and Children's Wear.
Seal and l'ltisli Sncqiics,
Carpets anil ruathcr llctls
Pro at
L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave.
Willi everj pair of Skates
we will she a ticket . .
v liieln ill entitle the yur
chaser to one ....
Chance on a Spalding
Bicycle, 1897fiodel.
We liave a full line of in
door Games tor the Holidays.
Y. M. C. A. BulLDim
Out Holidaj Display- of useful and
ornamental at tides was never so
lar;;e a- this season's exhibit. The
advantage of having so large and
aiicd an assortment lo select from
will be apparent to all who contem
plate giving piescnts of a substantial
and artistic clutacter, or buying for
llie'n own use
Writing Desks,
Dressing Tables,
Chevdl Glasses,
declining and I'asy Chairs,
Altisic Cjibinets,
Parlor Cabinets and Tables,
Work Tfiblcs,
Curio Cases,
Tea Tables,
A'ernis' Martin Cabinets,
Parlor and Taney Inlaid Chair.-;,
(lilt.Kcccntlnn Chairs,
Parlor Suits in Gilt,
Hook Cases,
Shaving Stands
dl m.ii kcil nt modcidtc jn ices in plain
h 'ines
131 & 133 Wa3lilngfo.i Ave.
At Our Now iiml
Klcant Storeroom,
Coal Lxclianc:. TP. Hotel Jcrmjn.
"Old lirtn in n;w siirroiind
InKs," HUc an old ""stonu in new
settings," shines more brilliant
than ever, and 'Shines for all."
Diamonds, Fine Jewlcry,
Watches, Silverware,
Silver Novel ties,
Rich Cut Glass, Clocks,
rine Leather Goods,
Opera Glasses.
When S'oh see our Net Prices
you will ask for No Discount. All
Are Welcome.
Tc have nearly completed our
Holula) Stock and aie now piepared
to offer as fine an assoitmeut of
as can be found anvwliere.
Look at our $10.00 Gold
Watches, warranted 15
Ueaiitlful Banquet Lamp and Large
S'lk Shade,
At N 1. 15
Rogers' Triple Plated
Porks are Hue,
Knives and
At :).oo
213 Lackawanna Avenue,
Neail all titles are lnoKen sooner
oi later Here is one tliat we pi opus:
to Lecp with our customers.
(Jive tiie best sci icu and attention
possible and the largest values for the
least amount of monc).
Foote & Shear Co.
1 10 Washington Avenue.
Llectrlcal Treatment u hrccialty Officer,
(107, 60S unel 6og Mcurs lluililini;,
Tlio most eomfiloto cifulptnont of Eloctrlcil
machines auel aiipllniicua for moelionl uso to b
ojml in n piijalclnn'a ofllco mitsiilo of Now
ork, Medtenl and oloctrlcil truntmint for
nil casei nmuunblo to citlici ui both
to. COS an 1 WJ Menra Hulldlni;, Scranton
U'ourti-V a in. to U. 1 iMU.toS; 7 30 to
Jewelrv Store
pt SASfm
I fi ml I U 111 MK?
''St (I 'SflJ
ii I Wessss1"-