"fiir irswMjf " - v TITE SCTCiiKTCTN TItroUlSE-SATURDAY MOTtNING, JANtJATlY 'J, 180T. '- M-P vV7-, WHAT THE OLD YEAR HAS DONE FOR US New Things in Science and Inuiilion Discovered in 1896. THE X-RAY HEADS THE CATALOGUE Photography Almost t'lttliom tho In nermost Sucrcls o( tho Soul-Oluns-uring .linn's llrnin lowor--Suti, mo (in tl Comiirossoil Air Humus sud to Turn tliu Wheels orimliistr), illolo Hills to 11 u Soon in tlio .Moon. U J Groat, In Pittsburg Dispatch. Were nil the itoJuct! now poifected which tliu bintti of limn lias conceived duilt.g tlie past 12 months, tlio uiipavcd air vould be out hlglnwos; iiliusiilioi tscenee would Illumine our homes with a mellow glow llkc duj light; all our heavy vvotjs would bo done by wind, tide find cumin ussed alt , wo would talk b wlie wfili friends In tliu Antipodes and see them face to face; would sohe tho most lnlilcate pioblems instunrlj b the applkatlon of electilclty to oui 1 lalns, and would photogiaph not onl colois, but bus lellefs, voices, ill cams and emotions Such ailments as pneu monia, epilepsy, lockjaw, blinko bite and insanity would bo us easily cuicd as tho most ordinary cold, and the body Itself would be made pi oof against disease by the -injection of mlciobe hlll cis into this si stem. To bail to the North Pole by balloon would be an oidinaiy Situiduy evening pleasuie trip, and to communicate with the in habitants of distant planets would bo an eoiday occuirence. No doubt, some Of these projects ate Islonaij, but most of them aie in tliu lunge ot piobablllty, for impel feet ap pliances ulieady exist to uchlee such l exults They will not llnd their way into oidlnuiy use, of couise, until they are so fat lmptoed hat it will be tcon omj to dlscatU ptesent methods for them. TIIH CHIEF ACHIEVEMENT. The Kteatost achievement of the jear was at its, thteshold It was eatly in Januaij when 1'iofessor Roentgen, of AVuizbuig unlveisltv, astonished tho world b .showing tliat such substances as wood, leather, aluminum nnd human llesh ate not opaque, but as tianspar ent as glass, and that there is anothei and more powerful medium of Islon than oidinaiy light a msteiious me dium which is itself Invisible This discovery was the mote suipiising bo- cause it was never hinted or guessed at before, but was entiiely new. It was found that few things wete abso lutely opunue when Roentgen or "X" lajs weio tinned upon them, and that common glass Is hauler for these beams to penetiate than thick boatds No booner was tills dlscooiy an nounced than the whole civilised wot Id bicamo interested in it, our own coun tt most of all. Theie was scatcely an inventor or a college laboratoiy that did not begin expetlmentlng, and al most daily fiesh capabilities of the new jnjs levcalcd themselves At llrst only shadow giaphs wore taken by camel a and Ciookes tubes. Later both those instruments wcie dispensed with, and bj means of the ias, the naked ee pierced wood and tissue, even pone tiating Klines to the mat tow, and gazed upon the Inner structuie of sjlel llaU EXPERIMENTS WITH X-RAYS Piofessor Elmer Gates, of Washing ton, has utlli7ed the ias in searching the heavens for vvondets in asttonomy Hi Dawson Tucker, of England, has taken shadow giaphs by using a glow woim's liglit 1'iofessor Salvonl has invented tho crj ptoscope, which en ables one to see thtough opaque ob jects with tlie new iajs. lioth. Edison and Tesla have latgely added to our .stodi of knowledge in the bame dltec ticm 13ut though science has found out much that the Roentgen tay can do, It is still ignoiant of what It is. Some suimlse it Is a fotm of radiant heat; borne opine that It is a true lay of light, invisible in itself because it Is cither lower than ultia-red or higher than supei -violet, tlie two extiemts of the speettum, otlieis believe It to be an altogether dlfTeient and hltlnto un known foim of eneigj. Tesla sajs the iajs mo tound waves., claiming tho best of pioofb that he has actually lieaul tliein Whatever they aie, they dlfter fiom ordinal y light in that they can neither be lellected nor i of l acted. AIR TRAVEL. It has long "been th dteam of inven tois to find some method of navigating the air as easily as we now navlgati the sea Some ol the best bialns of the sclentlllc world wete tinned In that direction duiinu IbUG, and while some piogtess was made, have-not jet suc c(eded, unless it lb tine that Ptolessor Lungley's uetodiome has teached the goal Tlie foiemost of them all, Ptofessor Llllenthal, of Geiinanv, jiekled up his life for the cause, and aftet his tutal fall like tho heio ho was, ho only la mented that he had not other lives to give to science As tlie nmjotity of alt ship lnventois have done, he took tlie boating bild for ills model He 1ms sailed tluuugli the air for shoi t dis tances, but ills pci foi induce could bald ly bo called lljlng it was lather an c.tHy method of falling, for his plan was to leap fiom nn eminence und sustain a giadual dow nw aid lllglit until he ic aihcd the giound The two otlict best known experimen ter uie Maxim, the Ametlcan-born En m MiaiaBEJIJgg'' "ifel Opposite Wyoming House. l4.i 'real ifViS&yMay glishman, with his motor airship, nnd Professor Langley, of Washington, with his aerodtome, tho secret ot which un til recently he has carefully Riiaidcil. Uesldcs these thi'cc, theiente lnventois of less note: Chanute nnd Paul, who made unsuccessful tilals of a winged boat near Chicago; Crow den, ot Vlr glnlo, with a triple-cylinder affair pto pelled like a llsh: Captain Kern, ot Oregon, with a paddle-wheel machine modeled after a salmon. Dr. Wolfert, of Hetlln, und Mr. Bustnrd, of Eng land, with cono-Shnped balloons. Besides Professor Langley's, the only lenlly successful ex-pet Iments In air navigation tint Ins tho jenr were made on the old-fashioned kite ptlnclple by Chailes II Lninson, of Pot Hand, Me., and William A Eddy, of liuionne, N. J., who have consttucted kites sttong enougli to lift men Into the air. With these the government weather bureau Is now exploilng the cloud legions In staich of data for making more pei fect weather fotecusts rilOTOORAPHIC NOVELTIES. Dlscoveiles in photography duilng 1&U6 have been sulllolent to stagger one who has not thought of the collective tesult. The Roentgen dlscoveiy may be consider etl under this bend. Ptofes sor dates has photographed In a datk loom with invisible ias of light. The photochionograph made duilng the yeal for the use of the at my, plctuies tlie (light of ptojectlles. Photos In bas telluf, like ciimeos, have been tnken ruither ndvances in coloi photography have been made, though the dllllculty of pi luting orf the colois from the negatives lias not been temoved. Dr. Pucker, of 'England, has caught the cotona of the sun thtough a metal lllm Tlie human voice- has been photo graphed in Columbia college. M. Ra del, ot Etance, claims ho has taken iin piuslons of dteams, eacli vision of tho sleeper making a different shndow on the sensitive plate, and even ilgutes of pet sons appear which the di earner, when awakes, recognises as tho Indi viduals he saw In his sleep. Equally btattling Is the asset Hon of M. Nnr-kletrlco-Jodko, of Russia, that ho has photogiaphcd ttue love; or tathor that he has caught tho electtlc disoluuges exchanged when the lovers clasp hands which dischatges uro not found in the bund clnsp of mete friends. TO TAKE THE PLACE OF STEAM. Of more practical benefit to mankind will be the invention of new motois to take the place of steam. One substan tial advance has been the harnessing of Nlagaia Falls, after years of toll on tunnels and masonry. It was duilng the New Yotk Electilcal exhibition that Chauncey Dopew, with a cut tent ft out the fails, ilabhed a message mound the woild In four minutes The same power is now tinning the wheels of fuctotles of JJuffalo. Two new 1 -invented motors have been in opeiation on the sticot car sys tems of New York for some time compiessed air, and a combination of stoingo nnd thlid-iall systems. A new stylo of electtlc locomotive has been ptoduced Jointlj by the Baldwin Locomotive w oiks, of Philadelphia, and the Wcstinghouse Eleittleal wotks, or Pittsbutg. Dr. Jacques, of Boston, has dlscov et ed a method of extt acting electilcal onetgy ditect from coal, without the aid of a steam engine. Pett oleum mo tots fot blcjeles und hotseless mall wagons have been products of the jeat. Anticipating tlie time when fuel will be bcatce and expensive, Einest Gelaich lias been at woik on a wave motor on the coast of California, to utilize the vast powet of the tides Nowadajs nearly all piofessional ln ventois ate electtlclans, for tlie possi bilities of tho mjbteiious fotco beeni to be gi eater than even jet di earned bj' science Edlbon has ptoduced a w w electtlc light, which he calls a ilitoi cscOnt lamp, that glv es an intetibe w hlte light. The most staitllng innovation in tills lino, though, is that of D. Muc railane Mobie, who dispenses with wlies altogether and pipes Ills elertilc itjF, like gas Thtough glass tubes ar tanged mound a loom he dlsttlbutes evenly a soft, phosphoiescent glow, the best countetfelt of dajllght jet de vlsed. PEDDLING ELECTRICITY. Even now, electiicltj- for domestic use Is peddled from house to house in New Yoik city, like milk In cans Edl- 'bon lias imptoved the telautogtaph, In- entert the ptevlous jear, in a still better device fot transmitting plctuies bj wlie, callins ills Invention the au togiaphlc telegia'jh. Ptofessor Row -land, of Johns Hopkins unlvetsltj-, has devised the multiplex pilntlng tele giaph, capable ot sending ten sepaiute messages at once over a slnjrle wiie. M. Klldlschewskj' has been expetiment Ing vith long-distance telephoning un der watet. He has aheady talked tlitough beveral bundled mileas of wiie uudi tlie Don tlver, and now asplns to make his voice heatd bj' cable ucioss tho Atlantic Alexundet Giaham Bell hat Invented a tudlophone, bj' which lie ttansmlts a bttnbeam over tho telephone foi long distances. James P Pembciton, a Tennesseean, has tlie most wondeiful ptoject of nil for using the wire His Idea Is to opet ate linotype machines fiom cential news agencies, putting the dispatches dlic-ctlv Into tv pe, wlies being attached to the kej s of machines all ov er the count! ' and woiked fiom the cential agency bj a single oprratoi. Among other 1M)G Inventions mado possible by electilclty ate tliu eophone, for detecting the exact dliectlon of bounds at sea du;lng a log, Edison's vltascope, foi tepioducliig plujs; Lu mieie's clneiuatogiaphe, which, like the klnetobcope, aheaely out of date, ptoduces ilgutes In action, but in addi tion piojects them In magnified foim so that whole audiences may bee them; m323"" EXCLUSIVELY. First in Styles, First in Quality. Lowest in Prices. A Smliig ot; from 25 to 50 Cents on tliu Dollar. THE PARIS, Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Ayes Scranton, Va. Dr. Frank Close's telectroscopc, en abling tnlkeis to peo each other face to fnee, though sepitated by hundteds of miles; and tho Italian phonendo scopo, to detect tho presence of dis ease by sound. This last Is of such ex ceeding delicacy that it makes a wink as audible as a cannon shot. INVENTIONS FOR SLAUGHTER. Those piping times of peace are pro line In Inventions for wholesale slaugh ter In time of war. During the' j car, In tho struggle for supiemucy between big guns and minor pinto, the tide of vlctotj' has once moio turned toward the guns, through Increased power and Improved projectiles. Mot cover, two tjpes of submutlne totpedo boats, which are now being peifected, the Gathmunn and tho Holland, tin eaten to make the most powetful battleship as defenseless us a tub. It would lengthen tho attlcle too much to even mention all of the Inven tions of the J our, but It wouldn't do to slight a few of tho most Impoitant, such as the Hawkins method of mak ing steel, a substitute for the Besse mer piocess, the Invention of a saw lnanulnctuier ol Suglnnw, Mich. A bl cjcle pabscnget cat, which inny be pro pelled by Its own occupants, or else attached to h, liain, and a bubmailue blejclo foi the use of deep sea dlveis, me new vailatlons for .the benellt of wheelmen. Then tlioie is th attempt of Mr, Emmens, of Emmenslte explo sive fame, to lev he alchemj1, claiming his ability to tiansinuto silver Into gold. 'J ho pi ogress of th" healing nit has kept pace with the mnrcli of invention. The biggest sttlde In advance, if It succeeds, Is tho supposed dlscoveiy bj Dr. Edson, of New Yotk, who thinks lie has found a method of killing In the blood nil disease germs. This lie seeks to accomplish by hypodeimlo injection of asepsin, relieving tlie stomach of tho task of assimilating drugs. The immensity of such uu innovation w 111 bo leallzed if It can be ptoved that, exclud ing violence and accident from the cal culation, the new remedy would wind off any but a putely natural death, at the end of man's allotted time on eaith. That Is, no inttuslve diseases, like pneu monia or fever, which cut off Its victim in tho prime of life, could withstand tho attack of the getm klllei. PRINCIPLES OF INOCULATION EX TENDED. Duilng the jear tlie pilnclple of In oculation, which had already pioved eflectlve against smallpox, hj'dtophobia now awaiting a more propitious bea and diphtheila, lias been extended to the cute of lockjaw, snake-bite and in sanity. Pneumonia is treated by Dr. Mot an, of Elj ria, O , who draws off the poNonous matter by ptoduclng m Un cial abscesses whcie thej' can easily bo temoved by the knife. The first epileptic sanitarium in tho woild has been established at Mt. Mol lis, N. Y under the name, the "Ctaig Epileptic Colony." The sphj-gniogtaph. an instrument to measure heait beats, is an 1S9C inven tion Massage by water power, which has been Intioduccd Into the New Yoik Otthopedlc hospital, is also an achieve ment of the yeat. The eftect of vaiious foods upon the human si stem lias been the subject of expeilment In the Wesleyan unlveisity of Connecticut. In a specially ptepared alt-ti,lit loom, pmtltioned off by glass, and Into which air is pumped, several students have voluntmllj' caged them selves, one at a time, subsisting upon diets scientifically prepated for them. Attempts have been mado duilng the jeai to exploie the shadow j' boidei land which lies between body and spit It. The unheal d of thlnss which photo graphj" has essayed in this line I have alieadj- mentioned; but there mo two mechanical inventions which ttench closely upon psjchologj. The pendu- lent chtonobiope now in use in tlie Uni-veisltj- of Now Yoik Is designed to meaaute the btaln of a living man, to detetmine ills mental capnclty. Julius Einmer, Inventor of tlie long-distance telephone, has contrived what ho calls a ' thought machine." You can think in the presence of a dellcatelj" con sttucted cjllndet, and the appaiatus bj' means of chemical and electilcal fot cos, will bottle your Ideas, as it wete, just as Edison's phonograph stores awaj' one's voice and words. MAKING A DUNCE QUICKWITTED. In the city of Washington there are two laboiatotles where scientists are devoting their lives to experimenting upon the shadow land I have mentioned Piotessor Elmer Gates Is the leading splilt of one He Is studjlng the phyl c.il side of mental action, and his aim is to build up the brain, just as by caie ful dieting the body of an Invalid may be built up. One ftult of his rescauhes Is tlie electrostat, which, bj1 dltectlng a stteam of electilclty upon the bialn, will enable the owner of the oignn to concentrate ills mental po,ets upon a problem as lie could not do without attlficial aid By using the electiostat the stupidest dunce maj become quick witted so claims Pi of l-nsui Gates. The othei Institution Is a patt of Undo Satti s owit buieau of education and has founded the wiw science of pujcho-nfuiology " Ei. MacDonald, Its chlel, is making a studj of the phjMtal emotions how love and hate, foi instance, ariect the blood, bialn and neives. His appaiatus Is said to test the power ot the will and lueiuute the (itikMiess and quality of an Idea Theie lemalns vetj- lew spots on tho eat tli jet to be expiated, though oui Lknov. ledge of geogiapliy has lectlvul some additions dutlnt: the jent The poles leinnln undlscovetcd, In spite of sevir.il utteupits In Ib'nl to find them. Lieutenant Peaij, United States Navy, tailed because he lost a cache of pio vlslnns. Nansen, tlie Swede, who un dcttonk to lloat on dilftlnir ice to the Notth Pole, didn't, succeed, though he coud a hisher notch In altitude than any picdccessoi Andiee, tho Belgian balloonist, couldn't even get ills elab oiately ptepared nitslilp to stutt, and is sou, PROSPECTS OF TINAL SUCCESS. The expedition which beems most llke b to ct theie is that known us the Jackton-Haimswoi th, fiom England. Its guiding splilt Mi. Jackson, ptob nblj saved Nnnsen's life by on ueeldcn tal meetlnir with that exploiei. The Iiiitlsli ventute seems to be better on celvcd and equipped limn its competi tois. it lias a bube.of supplies on diy laud, which can be leoluilshed fiom time to time b ships fiom home It is tints pupated to spend a numbet of sensuns in tho Aictlcs without losing valuable time by letutnlng to civilisa tion, It Is established on the vast, lit tle known legion called Fiana Josef Land and Is woikln Its way noitlt w at el If land extends noi th fat enough, the polo will almost cettalnly bo found. It not, the island will nnjhow bo well oxploied and mapped for tho benefit ol future ndventuiets. The large Arctic Island of Spltzbetgcn has been ctossed fot tho llrst tlmo by Sir W. Mm tin Conwaj, of England. In Alaska and Btltish Columbia, Dr. Trail. Boz lias found a hlthetto un known ttlbeof Indians (Tsutsowt), who liavu perhaps tho most peculiar langu age in tho world, It tesemblea tlie chir ruping of bltds tntlier than human speech. Delving Into tho mighty ruins of an cient Egypt has yielded further results. For the nist tlmo a traoo lias been found ther of the ptesenco of tho Is laolltps. It is in tho foim ot a hlero gljphlc itiPciiption, Piofossoi; Flinders Pettlu being the discoverer. Antiquarians have also been busj' in tho Now Wot Id. On the Flotlda Kejs, Flank Hamilton dishing, of the Unl Vltslty of Pennsylvania, lias found relics ot the people of the shell nge possibly nn offshoot of tho tacu who were supposed to Inhabit the now sub met gen continent of Atlantis. EXPLORATIONS IN VENEZUELA. Ptofessor Mail: IIenij of London, has explored the Interior of the Otln oco legion In Venezuela, btlnglng to light hletogljphlcs which seem to point to a Phoenician oilgln. In Mexi co lulus of a nieat city nave been found lit the state of Guotteto. If we httetch the woid "geogiaphg' to Include nstionomj', which Is simply the geoginphj of the unlveise, we tnuy note several steps taken In advance. The coiona of the sun that Is, Us fluiy envelope bos been photoginphed and found to be of electilcal natuio. The stie.imeis which Issue fiom It have a close connection with sun spots, and the vaiious changes of both, It Is be lieved, have gieat InlliKiice over our tenestrlal climate. It Is hoped that tho study of tliebe solar agitations will enable future meteiologlsts to exactly fotecast the weather In advance. Owing to a clouded sky the various expeditions which sailed to notthetn latitudes to obseive the eclipse of Aug, 9 wete almost complete failures. On Feb. 10 a lemarkable aerolite sped acioss Spain, being visible In thtee quarters of the peninsula. When it exploded, not far fiom Madrid, everj building In the city was shaken and light stiuctuies weto leveled. The dust which was showoted ftom the mys teilous visitor covered tho country, even setting lire to two houses In the town of Logionl. The entlte visible flight of the meteor consumed not less than half a minute. RETURN OF PERRINE'S COMET. Pcirlne's come levislted tho visible heavens In Match. For a time It seemed to bo headed ditectlj- for out woild, but it vanished before tho naked eje could discern it The most disquieting dlscoveiy made In astionomy of late jeais is that the motion of the eaith mound its axis is not uniform; that It wobbles like a top which has neailj spent its force. This conclusion was fotced upon scientists by tho otherwise unaccountable vaila tlons of latitudes, and they ate now busj- in sixteen obseivatoiies studjlng the diiectlon of distant stars to llnd out all they can about tho ciankj be havior of this planet. Tlie completion of the Yetkes tele scope, the greatest in the world, makes a now epoch in astronomy, an gieat things aie expected fiom it when com petent obseivcts get behind the ejo plece. It will biing the moon as near the cat tli as Baltimoie Is to Washing ton. Professor Hastings, of Yale, has invented an lmpiovcd lens which will inctoase bj" 100 per cent, the power of any size of telescope. Piofessor Elmer Gates, of Washington, has invented a lens of oxjgen, said to be far better than glass, and having the additional advantnge that there is no limit to the sUe Into which It can be made. Contemplating all those new things, which aie only a few of the contilbu tlons of the past twelve montliB, who can say that the year 1S91 lias not done its duty by civilization? UNIONDALC. Mrs. Samuel White, of Peckvllle, was a guest of Mis. John Bais Thuisday. Iia Rldei depaited this life on Wod-nesdaj- moinlng. He had been ailing for some time, but was not coiibidcted setlously 111 until last Saturdaj-. Dr. Shields, of Sctanton, was called and pronounced his case a hopeless one, It being iieai t ttouble. His funeral will take place on Satuidaj-. The Rev. Aithur Osburn, of Wateiing Spilngs, Yoik state, ofllclattng Deceased leaves a wife and a twin slstei, Mrs Ellas Westgato and other relatives in tills place. Mr. Rjder has been postmaster dating the piesnt adminlsttation and kept groceiy stole In connection with his olllce. Mr. an Mrs. Sherman, of Blngham ton, nics stopping with their son, Elmer. Air. and Mis Elmer Rounds, of For est City, spent sevetal dujs with their parents in this place, How aid Ctane and Miss Carile Bronson ate at home from Kej stone academj-. Mi. and Mis. Johnson, of Scranton, spent Clulstmas and patt of tills week with ft lends here. MKs Kittle Aitken, of Monti ose, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edwin Coiey Miss Geitle Tuckei, of Scranton, Is spending the liolldaj- vacation at home Mis. Isaac Morgan, of Clifford, Is passing the winter with hei daughter, Mis Walter Cmpenter The Rev. H J Ciane attended tho C, E Co. convention at mislead Wed-nesdaj-. Today ho has a wedding nt Aiatat. Miss Agnes Tinker Is taking a llttlp hollay tiip visiting at Townnda and othei places of one her fi lends Revival seivlies me btlll in progress In the Methodist chinch We undci.stand that Chailes Wade man will succeed Iia Rjder as poot master. The Rev. D. D Jenkins Is spending New Years daj with filends In Wllkes Bane. HONESDALE I'rom ptesent appe.it nnces nil the voteis in tho county will have an op poitunity to iecoul their piefeience lot (Jnlted States benatoi. L. O. Oiambs and T A. Llghthii-er, of Honesdale, will open a wholesale shoe store In Scinntclii. Miss Com Seats and father are visit ing ft lend 4 In Su anton. A. Q. Scainmoiis comedj', "Side Tiucked," will be ptesented at the opeta house Januaiy (J. Dlagiam opens at Badet & Kt.intz's Sututduy moin lng. A ciowrted hnttso witnessed tho can tata entitled "A Search for Santa Claus," given bysKtj little scholats of Gtaco Sunday school In tlie opeia house Tuesday evening. Tlie enteitalnmeiit was excellent. Landloid Iitechtlle, of the Coyne house, is confined to his bed by Illness, The Honesdalo Lledcikianz held their annual ball in their hall New Year's night. Mr. and Mis. R. D. Snyre, of Mllford, Pike county, ato New Yeai's dinner with a. W. Decker. Tuosdnj night ilto was dlscoveted In the building on Seventh stieet, next door to the Herald ofllce, occupied by "Jim's" lunch loom, nndGiaves' sewing machine agency. Tlie (lro was soon ex tinguished. Dninago was by water mnlnlj'. Loss covered by lnsutanco on goods. Building uninsured, CLOJLl A Substantia! markdown in prices Si as taken place in our Cloak Room. CONNOLLY & A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN TAID TOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHAROE WILL BE LESS THAN 23 CENTS. TIII3 RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED TREE. HELP WANTED 31 ALES. W ANTnDJIEN WISHING TO TAKE Civil Sot vice Examinations, soon to oc cur In Scntiton for postotuco clerks nnd car llois to wrlto for vnbmblo Infoimntion (fioo), U S HUULAU Or INFORMATION, Cincin nati Ohio. VTTANTKD-AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK V of somo slmplo thing to pttont ' Pro tect v our iilpia- tln mm bring jou wealth VVrito JONH WUDDLIJISUUN Sc CO,, l)opt. C, ffl. Patent Attomoj s, V.'n9hliiRton, D, O , for theit S1WW nrizo offer and list ot 1M0 inven tions wanted WANTKD-AS AGHNT IN KVnilY SHC tlon to ennvabs- S4 00 to f"00 n day mndo ; etll at eight; alo u rami to hell btiplo Goods to dealers, best slelo lino S75amonth; salaiy or largo commission mado; exporienco uuncceesatj. Clifton Soap and .Manufactur ing Co , Cincinnati, O. w ANTKD - WKLL-KNOWN MAN IN overr town to solicit stock subscrip tlons; amonopolv ; big money for agents: 110 capital required EDWARD C. Tlbll tc CO , Borden Block, Chic ico, 111 HELP WANTED VLM ALES. T ADIUS-l MAKE DIG WAGES DOING XJ pleasant liomo work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to all sending '- enitstimp MISb M A. S1EUBINS, Livvionto, Midi -ITTANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN- ton to soil and intrcduco Snv dor's cico iclnp:; cxpeticnrcd canvasser pioforrod; woik poimanent and veiy ptofitablo Writo for particulars at onro and pet benefit of holiday trade. T. B bNYDER & CO , Cinoinnitl, O. anted immi:diateTa-two ENnil- gotlo Falcswomen to represent us Gunrantcotl JO a daj without iiitorforring with other duties. Henlthtul occupation., Vtrito for pniticul-irs, cncloslni; stamp, Mango Cliomlcal Ccmpanj, No. 7' John bttcot. Now York. 1JOAHD WANTED. 7?Ou'MAirANDnE,"NTr I Library, Artilresa A . Trlbuno olllco TOR SALE. I?OIt SALE-A bILA'ER PLATED CONN V doublo bell fnnhoiiium, nicelj engraved with ttombouo bell (.old lined, noarlv new nnd ccst J'JO v ill se'll ut a Inrijaln Addrcs this week to E. W. GAYLOR, LaRaj sville, Pa . 1?OR bALE-HORSF, AGED blX YEARS V v eight 1, C00 1 oui da, can be seen at lC.'l Prico street tor iiExr. J70R HENT-TIir, THREE TLOORS OVER J1 No 4iU Spruro sttoot, now occupied by tho Rowing Assoclition: possL6iion April 1st. Inqniro ot PRED WAGNER, 511 Laekawauna avenue I 7OR RKNT-NICr. U'-ROOM HOUbE, 73.' piovements, by Tt-bmary 1 OR HENT-HALr OP DOUBLE HOUSE; 1 modern impiDvemuiits, rent 11 isonible, corner ot I'niii 111 d llhikoly fctnots Dunmoio FINANCIAL. 1 10 Coitified check foi ten times tlio PER amount will bo civ on to any 0110 CENT who cnti truthfully s iv ho Inn PAID lust am monej tluou,;li invest bINCE vesting m oui bjudieites Uii'cliH OCT oil, mailed ovoij Mturdaj. Highcbt ISO'J bitik iff uncos Writo for iihi tinulara. SAM KPLLLU .V. CO , Pan! oib and Riokois 11 Hroidwa N w York PROFITABLE SPECULATION. TnTTrkTPRovTsTons AND SlOUKs 1 '-ond for our ' Imokiut" expl ilniu' 0111 plan; uuwisjoui opportuuitv as in uituts sin low: womako 1110 lev toi oui custumeis, de d with a responsible fir u bmk idforouci's A P. IIORST iV ( O . BauUors and Biokots, U Piuo stroot. Now York CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. riORNS, BUNIONS AND IN'GROWINO V. nails (Uied without tho bust pain ui di awing blood ConsultHtion nnd ndvho Khun free. E M HI TS1 L. ChlropcUlst, J30 Laek awauna avenue. Ladles attrndid nt their I'csidtncB If desired. Chin (,es model itu CITY SCvVVLNCER, AH, BRIGGb CLEANS PRIVY YAULl'h . and ccts loots in odor; impioved pumps used A. UK 1(1 (IS), Pio)rletor Laavo oiders 1100 Nortli Main uvonuv, or Ei cites' drug htore comer Adams nnUMul berri 'leli phono 4J-I5. HOTELS. .V v?, r . 1. j V. II. M. DATES. D. L. II. BATJ.S. v xir i An esttblUlied hotel under new management and thoroujlily abreast of the times. Visitors to New York will find the Lvorett in the very heart ot the eboppltiL' district, convenient to places ot Buiuwnient ana roadlly accessible (rum ull parts of tne city. EUROPEAN PLAN. j6 11 DEPARTHENT. WALLACE, AGENTS WANTED. AAA. WANTED MEN AVD WOMEN, V ouiifr and old, to work torus in thoii own homos In sparo time, dify or ovuiilnt; Wo piy S10 to 31" pel vveok. 2o canvassinK Anj child can do tho work, bend address todav. Wo send 01k nt onco. THE VAII, ART CO, Dopt. 2T7. Vail, I'a. WANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY COUN- ty tosell patont btuca boring maililje nnd otlior useful tools combined, sells cheap; ovory fatmei nnd mechanic can afford one. AddiossA. b. HOGE, 44JU Chestnut btroet, PhiWdolphla. Pa, WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOArERB, uutimu of abilltj; SJOntofMiln mouth tohustleis stato and (.'enernl acrints; sal irv nnd commission. RACINE TIRK ENGINE CO, Racine, Wis. WANTED-GKNERAL AGENTS IN EV erv county; nlsolady ran vassors; some thine nou; smo sellor; npply quick J C HIEBERT, 141 Adams avonue, Scranton, Pa AGENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Sato Citizonslilp-prlco SI. Go in tr by thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Napoivillo. 111. AGENTS-TO BELL OUR PRACIICAL Bold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro plnstors, piices flora JJ upwnur salaryand expenses paid: outfit free. Addriss, with Uamp, MICHIGAN JlfG CO.. aiicago AGENTS TO SELL G1GARS TO DEALERS; JJ3 woeklv nnd oxpenios: oxpprioneo un neccBsary CONbOLIDATED MKG CO. to Van Bun n st , Chicago, SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 25 per cent commission1 samplo book mailed free. Addrevs L. N. CO, btatlou L, Now York. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. THLTEAlNl?UATbTOClTiTo inc of Tho VVeHton Mill Company will bo hold at tho riist National Hank, of bcrauton, Satutday oveulng, Jan 0th, at 8 o'clock. A. W. DICKSON, Sociotary. THE ANNUAL MEETING or THE stockholders of tho Third National Rank of Scrintou will bo held in tho Directors' room of tho bank buildlnif, on Tnesdiy, Janu aty lJ, 16117. botween tliohouis of .land I p m HENRY DELIN, .In, Secretin". TOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN annual meetinsr of Tho Spring Broo Watoi Supply Company for tho elootlon of directors and tho transaction ot such other business as mav pioporlv eomo beforo it will bo held on W(duosd ij", January '.Oth, lb'J7, at tho hour of 10 o clock a m , at tho olllco of tho comp iny in Scrinton, Ta , in accordanco vIth tlio bv-laws of tho comnsny L A WATRES, President. Attcst'-T, H, WATKINS, Secretary. VIEWERS' NOTICE. TNTHEMAT1LROPTHK PLTITION OP J. tho city of spi-mton for tho appointment of Vloweis to nsciitntu tho costs, daranges and expenses, ami assess tho bxnellts tor tho constiurtlon of sower of Robiusou Btreot, L01101 n Hi place. Chestnut avouuo and Prico streot. InthoCoutt of Common l'loaa, No. 41, Novombai term 1SD0 Notlco is herohy glv on to tho following par ties in interest that tho undf rslfned viowers, dulj nppoltitsd by tho court in tho foregoing mittoi, have pioparod a schedule, showin' tho damaurs, costs and osp,,n'os nscertiinou nnd allowed, and tho honellts osspfsed foi tho foroKOing impiovoment, nud fiat saldvinn. ors will moot and ovhlbit tho simo at No 2J1 Lackawanna avenue Scranton, Pa . on tho tltli day ot Janu 115 , A D PJJ7, .it 9 o clock a m, and will then and tUoroupon hear all excep tions thoreto and ovidenco thereon Philip 1 Loi erjan Patrick O'Connoll, Mai tin Dou nolly, Mis P. MeUarry, L Goodman, Mis James Howaith, Marv Albro J, ELLIOT ROSS, D E. .TOHNbOV, MORGAN LAKE, Viewers LOST. T OST -A V H1TE BULL PUP; PINDER XJ will lio Miltablv rowaidod upon loturu toVM HAVLEY, Jn I U M mroe av enue. SI'I UATIONS WANTED. CiriMTlON WANTED -BY EXPERI 1 eneo 1 liusii oss man ns nccnuntaut. prl vato SBcrot uy or qollectoi cood refoicnccs Addiess QUICK, Tribuuu ottlcj CUTUA'lION VVAN'IED-BY AN EXPERI ii oneed ongluo3t ns enginooi, fireiunn or watchman, ( umIj lepahs an 1 bo gonoinlly useful; muitlud nun und anxious foi woik; gool icfeicucos, Addru&s E C , 31J Linden btioot CITUATION WANTED - TO GO OUT J wnahiug and it oiling, w ifcliing ami liuulnsr taken homo also. Call or address L. K , 51S 1 do com t SITUATION WA.NTLD-BY A MIDDLE- 0 aged man us driver m teimstui, undci xt.mdscato of hoisea. W. II., -17 Jvtleison avenue DRUG CI.KItK WAS'Ts POSITION-REG-istoridtj A , btBt 1 etirunces. Address LRNESTGROSb, Wjomlas, P.i AlFlLD 11 V MARRIED MAN, SIl'UA- t Ion Hsonuiiiuer, tiiemauor watchinuu; rill do own lep.iiriug mid muku liimsalt gun- 01 ilh useful, 1,0 id rvtax om.es furuistiod, E. e. , J I J Linden btlcut, Qll VA I IO.N W AN TED-TO DO WAblUXO O and ltouincr at honu or k'o out by the day at inythlng cleaning ofilces, will gha perfect mtlafii tiou at uuy plico ('ill or addiess A. II , .511 Nuitn Muiinir avouuu PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PlijMciuus and but-coiis. DR. MARTHA S E ERITT, 30S WASlT lugtuu uvc Olllco liuuis until 10 u 111 , J to 4, b to S p in. MARY A SHEPHERD, M, D, NO. 233 Adarns aevnuo. DR A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Dlseuscs of Womon, coiner Womlng iiveuuo nud Spiuco street, Sctanlon Of. Ilea hours, 'ihursday and Satuiduys, 9 a. m to 0 p. m DR. COMEGYS-Ol'FICE NO. 337 N. Washington ave, Hours, 12 m. to i p. m. DIscises of women a specialty. Tele phono No 3232 DR W. H ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH Ington nvenuo. DR ANNA LAW, SOS WYOMING AVE. Oiflce hours, 9-11 a in . 1-3 p m . 7-S p. m. DR. L. M. OATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue Olllco hours. S to 9 a, m , 1 SO to 3 and 7 to S p, m. Residence 303 Madi son aevnuo. dr! c. l treas, specFalist IN Rupture, Truss rutins and Kat Reduc tion. Rooms 20G and 207 Mears Building O.'Jlco telephone 1303. llouis; 10 to 12, 2 to 7 to 9. DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX. A. SPECIAL- dC6 Has had a trifle the worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down has been found necessary $&"' 1st on chronic diseases of tho hoart, lungs, liver, kidney and genito urinary organs, will occupy tho office of Dr. Roob. 232 Adams aevnuo. Olllco hours, i to 5 p. m. W. G. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street. Scranton. Telophone, 2G72. Lavvvcrs. FRANK E BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND counscllor-nt-lnw. Burr building, rooms 18 and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTYATLAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S & RUDDY', ATTORNEYS-at-la-vv, Commonwealth building. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scianton, Pa. JESSUP Sz JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. II. JESSUP. W II. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON &. WILCOX, ATTOH nejs and Counsollors at Law; offices 8 and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX ALrRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counselloro, Common wcalthJbuIldlngRooms 19, 20 and 2L TRANIC T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT- I.aw, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKrORD, ATTORNEY-nt-Law, rooms 63, 01 and Co, Common wealth building, SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Olllce, 317 Spruce st , Scranton, Pa. L A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423Lachawunna ave , Sctanton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dlmo Bank Building, Scranton. Monej to loan in largo sums at D per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton. Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY' LOANS negotiated on reil estate saourlty. Mears building, corner Washington avo nue and Spruco streot. B P. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave . Scranton, Pa JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 4 Commonwealth bld'c. Soronton. WATSON, DIEHL, HALL & KEMMER ER Attolnes and Counsellois-at-Law; Traders' Nntiona Bank Building; rooms C, 7, S, a and 10, third floot. Detectives. BARRING & M'SWEENEY, COMMON. wealth building. Interstate Socrot Ser vice Agoncj-. Architects EDWARD H DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 23 and "6. Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OITICn rear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR , ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce st, cor. Wash, ave . Scranton. BROWN . MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price building, 12s Washington avonue, Scranton. T I. LACEY & SON, ARCHITECTS. Trader's Bink Building. Alderiiiiiu. G. T. KELLOW, 1001 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. F. L. M'QRAW, 203 SPRUCH street. DR. II. T. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E Y. HARRISONjJ13MAINAVE. PR C. C, LAUBACH.llj Wyoming ave. R M. STRATTON, OPFICE COAL EX change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Uouis, 9 to 1 and 1 to 5. Drcbsmiiker. MRS M E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avonue. Sclioulb. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains joung chtldien. Catalogue ut 10 quest. REV. THOMAS M CANN, WALTER H BUCLh, MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams nvenuo. Spring term April 13 Kindergarten J10 per term. SeciU. G R. CLARK H CO , SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen; storo 148 Washington avo nuo; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; storo telephone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOS KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wlro Screens Hotels and Restaurant:;. THE ELK CAPE, 125 and 127 FRANK. Un avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , L. & W. passenger depot Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor blxteeuth St. and Irving Place, Now York. Rates, $3 50 per day and upwards (Ameri can plan.) GEO. MURRAY, Pioprletor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR bills, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished, For terms address R. J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's muslo store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave,, Scran, ton, Pa; rRANK P. BROWN & CO. WHOLE salo dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil ClothjiO West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY-. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postoltlce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. rHE OLOAK TRADE