8" TIIE SCKANTTON TrMI5tJNJ!3-3ritlDA.Y tOUNING. JANUARY 1, 1897. tReadcrn will plensa note that naver-Msi"-mente, orders for Job work, and Items for publication left nt the establishment of Shannon & Co., nowBdenleis, North Main struct, will receive prompt nttentlonj or lice open from 8 a, in, to 10 p. in. AN AFFLICTED FAMILY. Mr. nnil .1lr. T. .1. SMiiiiit .Mourn the Death il Two Children. Two weeks B.RO Lucy, the eldest (laughter of Mr unil Mia. Thomas J. Skliinur, of South Tennca strct suf fered ft oin an attack of nu'liiliraiieoui (roup. She lliiReied until hint Wednes day, and was then eulled suwiy. After ti few hunts' Illness the younf,est child, Mnitha, nine months old, died veiy sud denly ypstenlaj fiom Inllamniation of the luniri. And now the uilllcted pur uits feat that theii little son, Andrew, three jents. of age, Miffetinir tiom dlpli thiTln, u lit also bo taken, as his death seems llkel to ocelli The luneial services of llttli? Lucy, aped lcui yeais and four months, weie held In prhatc yestuiday afternoon. The jouiiKi-st will be bulled tills aCUr ncoii, the funeral being private. PLEASANT EVENING. .Simdii) School (Mass Ihitortniii nt the Iti'Miloiiuo ol .1. II. Itllll. Mrs. .lames Thompson's Sunday school class were pleasantly elitei talli ed on AVednesday evening by Mrs. J. 12. Hun at liPt liome on Lincoln ave nue The eseiiliiK was passed with much pleasure, and the uclal enter tainment was piijujod by tin- quests. ltefreshinent weie seied by the hos tess. Anions the RUests were: Mis. Oscar Morgan, Mrs. Homer Ultchlns, Mis. Fluiente Puupor. Mis. JlngK'le Haln int,' Mis Itobert Vatinan, Mis. Hlsted, Mis. Person. Mis. Claidner, Misses Sarah Oenond. I'miieles Kase, Anna Moihs, fane Benedict, and Mis. James '1 humpsson. GRAND RECEPTION. .Misses Cdith and Ituth lluiley r.ntcr tnin Two Hundred I'rieuiN. Xearly two hundred young people weie entertained on Wednesday tveii IiiK at the "Watt hulldliiB by Misses L'dith and Huth Ualley. The leceptlon loom vas beautifully dtioiated with plants and feins, and the tables weie tastefully auanged foi the lame nuinbei of Riiests. 1'iofessor Filth pieslded at the piano and dHiKinur was enjojed until the quests depaited for home The follow ing ladles (insisted In the dining loom In seilng lelieshments- Misses Jessie AVatt, Jessie Mooie, Flora Hnnlson, Utile Vannan, Maiy Watt, Oram Hath away and Lillian linker. TRUSTY OFFICIAL RESIGNS. William Uowpis Jlutircs fiom the hen ice ol tlio I). A. II. Co. Afier thlity ;. eais' service In the coal depaitment of the Delawaie and Hud son fumpany, William How era has re tlietl on account of 111 health. His po sition will be lllled, It Is thought, by the appointment of Kobei t Cuter. Mr. Lioweis is well known all Unough the region as a man en-r-getle and attentive to his duties. Much regtet Is expitssed that Ill-health com pels lilm to leliie from active service. f LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Justice and ills Uljiin, of Simpson, were In Scranton yesterday, where they went to attend the luntial of l'hlllp Dui kln Miss Elizabeth Abbott, of the Wilkes fiane city hospital, is spuidlng the auy in town. Mi. and Mis. William Allllei and grand on, Wllllu Wis, ate visiting in Jere L'ny. Mis. John Kelly Is visiting filends In I'ituton. Miss Jennie Butler entertained her Sun. day school class at liei home, on Canaan stieet, AVednesday evening:. The Delawato and Iludton shops arw the gialty ioad shut down labt evening until Jan. I. AIis. Frank Oatney, of Kingston, is vis iting her patents in this city. Conductor Kenwoith expects to leave the hospital today and return to his home. AIis Marion Ciniio and Miss Florence Hanlsou spent esteula In Moosle. Mls Katlnju I'ace is visiting ftiends in l'lttston. Alls. J. B. A'an Bergan was called to Clieen Ridge this week by the lllue.s of bet slstei, Mrs. Fotdham. Miss Alary Pwwderlj Is visiting filends in Sciaulon and l'lttston. .Mis. .1. K. Burr entettalned the mem bers of AIis. James Thompson's Sunday si hool elass Wednusduy evenl.-ir. Re fieshments were served and a very pleas ant time was enjoved by all preset!. Alios Angela Bits, of Washington street, is visiting In New Yutk city. Aliss May Kilpatrlck, of Darte ave nue, Is enteitalmng Miss LlUa Oobotne, of Jeimyn, who is a. student at Allllers Mlle. Air. and AInr. John Tax and family will remove from Garfield avenue some time during this month to the Andrew house, coiner of Washington stieet and Washing ton place. Hew Marshall, of Forest City, otilciated at Trinity chJt-oh last evening and will alo olllciate at the communion sei vice at 10 b'cloek this inoimng. Rev. 12. J. Balsley is in New York city Fied Moon Ins been trans'erred from Alill Cieek, whti) he has been Ul"graph opeiator for the Delaware and Hudson for tlio past three years. Air Moon s new position is at tlio Union station In C'jf bondale. MOSCOW. Miss Minnie Campbell, of Long Isl and City, Is the guest of tlio Misses Jennie and Flotance Cannon. William rinch, of Sctunton, visited relatives here on Christmas. Mr. and Mis. 12. J. Kennedy and daughter, Lou, of Stroudsbuig, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Posten. Miss Blanche Andrews, of Scranton, OUR fiS Hocking Chairs, Centra Tables, Stands, Screens, J'lctures, Has socks, Carpet Svvcepera, Rugs and .Mats, and the largest and finest assortment of Carpet.-, In the city, 1'UlCliS always the lowest, COTT INCUS Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies, 419 LACKA. AVENUE. ! m stent Christinas with MIsa Mollle Nonck, , Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Brltton and sons, Hal mid Newton, of Tobylianna, apent Christmas with friends In town, O. J. Gaige, of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mm. S. 11. Whltlock, of Baltlmoie, and Mis. 9. Simons, of San Antonio, ate Visiting their parents, Mr. and Mis. H. C. Onlge. H. Loren Clements left for New Yoik Wednesday after spending n few days with his parents, Mr. and Airs. W. F. Clements. 11. L. Cage Dalrymple, who Is at tending a schol of phatmacy In Balll niote, la spundlng his vacation with his uncle and uunt, Air. and Alts. II. L. Oalge. Air. and Alr. 11. r. Post and daugh ters, Belle and Alary, and Miss Floia Sayre, of Scranton, spent n few days last week with their parents, Air. and Mis. J. F. Sayie. TAYLOR. The Tilbune wishes its many sub set Ibers In Taylor and Old Forge a Happy New Year. Last evening the martlagu of Miss Mary Jan, the accomplished dnughter of Air. and Airs. Lewis M. Reese, of Union street, and David Beecham, was solemnized at the homo of the bilde's parents, Rev. J. M. Lloyd, pet funned the ceremony. Aliss Delia Weber, of Pltston, Is vis iting at the home of John Weber on Main stieet. The Young Alen's Dramatic club will produce the drama of four acts enti tled, "The Midnight Chaige," with all the scenic effects, at Weber's link on Januuiy 15 and 1C. It Is one of the best ui eductions, and must be seen to be appreciated. Today u shooting match will take place In the noith end of the boiough for $10 a side between Reese Pi Ice, of Kendham, and Alfred Williams of the First waid. Mrs. Huntzlnger, of this place, has been spending the past lew days with her mother, Mts. Reese, In Hyde Paik. The entertainment given on Wednes day evening at the fair under the aus pices of the St. Joseph's society at Alln ooka was an excellent one and was gieatly enjoyed by tlio gieat number who were ptesent. The Moosle band were pte?vnt and discoursed some ex cellent music during the forepart of the evening, and the remainder of the piogramme was taken care of by the Anthiaclte Glee club of this town. Th'y rendered the lollovving selections dining the evening: "On the Sea," "Comtades In Arms," and "Johnny Smoker." The Scranton Tilbune unnual ap peals this morning with our faithful newsboys who will have them for sale. gli:nbukn. Arthur J. Moore, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, Is spending the holidays with Ills patents. Miss Gerttude Noithup is ill at her home with the giip. The Christmas exer.M&es were cele brated at No. 1 school house last Wed nesday evening. Presents weie given to all the young meinbets of the Sun day school. - -- TREASURY DEBT STATEMENT, I2ci)S! of r.vpciutitures fur .luiiiiuo Will Ho l.',UOO,(M0. Washington, Dec. 31. The treasury debt statement which will be Issued Satuiday will show that the deficit for the Ilrst six months of the cut tent fis cal year, is in lound figures $39,000,000. For the month -of December, in round numbers the receipts weie $!.,g00,000, and the expenditures $2",200,000, mak ing an excess of receipts over expendl tutes of $600,000. On aecotint of the lieav y interest chaises and unusual expenditures Inci dent to January, the excess of expendl-tutr-s over lecelpts for Junuary Is es timated at $15,000,000. A A SPECIAL ALE The SPECIAL EFFORT TO Extra Cast. Extra iday Trade Prosperity H B F 03 Bra Watm lt W II -ti ?S m vn v I mM I f k f W BSMkfcgS IW3a am. JERI1YN $ AXD MAYF2ELD G. II. Yost made a business tilp to Vnndllng yesteiday. All. lost Is push ing the insurance business In a com mendable milliner. William Stephens called on filends In Pilcobetg yesteiday. Justice of the Peace C. V. Helmet made a business tilp to Hoi union jes tet day. Webb Hamlin, of Client Bend, Is vis iting in town. Alessts. Jumes and Joseph Connois, of the Kast Side, aie veiy 111. John Hogarth assisted in a concert nt Hancock on Tuesday. All. lfogaith's ability as a eotnetlst, is of no low Older. Harvey A'ankleek was victimised by two sttangeis on Wednisday. Tlio men weie dtlvlng a hoise and wjjron. beat ing the named of Freedinan ic Co., Exeter Boiough, thtougli town, and while ascending the hill below tiro idd Jeimyn lesidence, one of the wheels of the wagon collapsed. The men ought a blacksmith and weie directed to Air. VanKleek'.s shop. Thev pur chased a whed and hollowed a wt elicit to put It on with. They promised to pay foi the wheel when thev l etui tied the wietuh, piobably they will but they forgnt to do so then After leualilng the wagon they diove wipldl.v In the dliectlon of Aichbald without fulfilling the piomlse they had made. Air. Van Kleek appealed befoie Sqttlie llelmes and svvoio out a warrant for the an est of the men. Par ah, the two-year-old child of Air. and Alts Glllmolv, of the 12ast Side, died earl.v ester day morning of dlph thnia. The funeial will take place this afternoon. Interment will bo made in Calvary cemetoiy, Mayfield. Another child of the family was taken 111 yes teiday with the same disease. On Satuiday Hon. John F Reynolds, the tepiesentatlve l'tom this dlsttict, will go to Haiilsburg, and leinaln thete until after the oiganlsuiitiun of the house and senate on Tuesday. Joseph Tennis, si'., spent Tuesday in Carbondale. On Wednesday evening a suit wns held befoio 'Sqitlte llelmes between Mrs. AVallaoe Oakley, prosecutor, and Allihael Camev. defendant. Attorney II. 1. Carey eaied tor the Interests ot the ptubt'iMitoi. Alls. Oakley tbatg-d Cainey Willi stealing a chicken belong ing to her husband, which lit valued at five dolluis. Ah. Whltbeek vva.s the main witness. When put on the stand he slated that he lived near the proe iilloi and on the same evening he heatd u noise among the chickens, and upon Investigation lie saw a man tunning with a chicken He ran after the man, who dinpped the chicken, nnd caught him. Cainey was committed to jail, but In soiiie unaccountable manner the constable released the man at Atehbald, nnd Is now accountable for the man's appeaiancc at coin t. Air William H, Tennis spent last evening in Oaibondnle. The giand ball held last evening by the Cijstal File company, No. 1, was hugely attended and a decided ucces-, both financially and socially The hall was dece.ated with Hags and bunting. On the stage was the image of a bold Hi email diessed as though at duty and vaikui" other places- In the iial1 weie placed emblems of the fire iltrhteis fjilrov's oichostta furnished the music in l heir usual ci editable manner, while Pioiessor AltGial! attended to those on the door. AVOCA. Happy New Year to all. Masses In St. Alaiy's chuich today will be at S.30 and 10 30 o'clock. Ah. C. II. iJiulfner and son, Geoige, ate visiting filends In Danville. Air. T. AIcGieil and son, Glen, accom panied by her guest, Aliss Alatgatet By- New AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS, IS THE Special New ! SPECIAL LAGER ! Attention of the Public Is Directed to FURNISH THEIR PATRONS WITH THE FINEST QUALITY OF Fine Quality. Will and Much Pleasure and a TELEPHONE 5272. ers, will leave today for Wllllamspoi t, vvheto they will spend seveial days. Rev. Mr. AltCollum, of Auburn sem Innrj, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyteilan chinch on Sunday. Rev N G. Alakely, of Btooklyn, Is vlsltlnj filends in town. Miss Alary Calvey, of Newaik, N. .1., Is the guest of her uncle, Allchael Cal vey, of this place. Air. J. J. Muiahan will leave on .Mon day morning for Hattlsbing, vvheto he will act as representative of the Fifth legislative dlsttict. Aliss Alaiy Kearney has retuttud home utter a few days' visit with fileinlii In Schuylkill. She wns accom panied home by her hiolher, Allchael. who has been a. resident of that place foi seVcial mouths. Alts. L. 12. o'llilen, sr., Is visiting ti lends In .leimyn. Miss Saiah Taylor Is the guest of her sister, Mis. Shea, of Peekville. Air, and Mts. Charles Alkmarr and family aie spending the day with filends in Allnet's Mills. Alls Jennie Henley, of Grove stieet, Is setlously 111. Tile Daughlets of St. Geoige conduct ed an excellent entet talnment In O'Alal ley's hall last evening. A suinpUiuus lepust was sei veil at midnight. Aliss Alalia Baitett, of Glove stieet, Is seriously 111 of grip. AIis. Thomas Keennn, of Pleasant Hill, Is s.-ilously 111. Aliss Hi ssie Webber Is visiting filends in Wllkes-Barie. The Langcllfie choir tendeicd their leadei, John II. Geoige, a pleasant sur mise at his lesidence In Greenwood last evening Although not ptepaied lor tlio event, Air and Alts Geoige proved themselves ptjunl to the task of enter taining the guests and a veiy enjojable evening was spent. The inembets of the choir lendtied several choice vocal and Instrumental selections befoie leaving for home at a late bout In a chai let ed car over the tiolley line. No Crip When jou take IlooU'! 1'iIU. 1 lie big, old fasli loneil, sugar-coated pills, which tear von all to pieces, are not la It with Hood's. 1'asv totaUo amt cas to opei.ite, is tiuu of Hood's I'llls, which aro upto elite 111 cioij respect. Safe, cei tain and sure. All druggists '.",. t 1 Houd & Co., Lowell, Alius. Tim onl) I'llls to take with Hood's S.irsapjrllla. WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establish ment in Scran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at prices. We make low good garments at low prices, and we are the only par ties in Scranton that have the facilities for so doing. Wl HAVK aS Wyoming Ave. . J. Urt V 13, Arcade UulldliiK. Y WISH OF THE CASEY & KELLY CO. Year Brewing SPECIAL PORTER For the New Year's Business. guarantee to Our Patrons a Splendid Hoi. to the Consumers of Our Popular Happy N?u) Year. GREAT I TOMORROW, SATURDAY, We prefer to count dollars rather than shoes, regardless of what the loss may be. We quote figures to make record-breaking sale. Never were such money-saving chances offered to the public. Now is the time and here is the place for unparalleled economy. Men's Shoes. 7fi0 pair Alen's lliiamel und Ficnch Patent Leather Shoes, legulnt pi Ice the woild over $5 to !, out out pi Ice onlj $.' 9S, nil stjJes and widths. I,(i15 pair Alen's Hand-sewer Calf Shoes, c.ilf-llned, regular pi Ice the wot Id ovei $3 to $J DO, our cut pi Ice only Jl.DS. 1.I3G pah Alen's Calf Hand-sewer Shoes, wot th $.'.50 to $'), foi $1.75. 1 fiTi'i pair Alen's Utess and Street Shoes, Congies and Lace, $I.6U, for US. 1,,-jUO pair Boys' School Shoos, sizes 2l,4 to ;,u,, worth .1.r)0, Tor 73e. l.OUU pali Boys Pine Dioss shoes at U3c. 7JU pair Youth's Shoes ut pi Ices 0'Jc, 7'c, D3c. nnd $1.::. Ladies' Shoes. C7r pair Lnilles' Fine Flench Kid hand turned Shoes, Gray Bios.' make, the BI2ST Ladles' Shoe In the wotld, worth front J5 to ji pair, cut down to J.8S. SoU pair Ladles' Fine Shoes, Johnson und other well-known makes, liand-tuuied, wotth $3.50 to $1, for $1.9S. C8 pair Ladles' Iland-Sewed Shoes, sizes onl 3 and 3'a, 12 width, worth $3, for $l..'- 1.5,iG pair Ladles' Diess and Stteet Shoes, wotth $1.00, for 08c. t 730 pair Allsses' Fine Shoes, P. Cot's make, the finest and best Allsses Shoe In the world, woitli $.'.50, cut to $1,411. 1,'JOii pair Allsses' Fine Shoes, worth $1.50, foi Uic. 2 300 pair Allsses' Dongola Button Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, woith $1, for 19c. 133 pair Child's Shoes, woith $2 00, cut to $1.29 2 500 Chllds' Dongola Button Shoes, woi th 73c, foi 39c. We invite you to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere, and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trou ble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. 'S SHOE HOUSE 307 LACKA. AVE. N. B.-Look fornumo and number and mako no mistake with other houses of same naina CALL UP 3682i OFFICB AND WAREHOUSE, M TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET. 51. W. COLLINS, Manager. the MAHY0IL1QMHMB CO. OfeiiHiit to AS! nn 7v PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS Magnificent Display. 10 handsome Mzerlnt- pluh Capes leiiRths full sweep, Thlliet and trltnmlliir. onio embtoldi'inil In 3fl-lnoh Mnrten cut Jets p never $8.98 All ATH ts, lined biown, 2,98 nnd In applliitie stjles. The Ilk imis sold in thli city ror less tlinn Jluj our reduction price . SPKCIAIi HAHOAINS IN SCP DKUSS SK1HTS-500 liollcle skit and Intel lined, full width In Eieen, blnck and blue; tejjulat price $3.V3 ; now Z. WE1NGART, Proprietor, NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS EDO' RR CLEARING SALE OF Holiday Qoods At a sweeping reduction in prices in order to close them out before our stock-taking January ist, 1S97. Screens, Easels, Umbrella Stands, Bric-a-Brac, Tabourettes, Onyx Top Tables and Cabinets, Tea Tables, Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Carpet Sweepers, Blacking Cases, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc. Rug Department. Turkish Dagestan, Wilton, Hoquette, Sheepskin, Goatskin and Smyrna Rugs, Baby Carriage Robes and a Full Line of Cocoa. Rubber and Wire Door Mats, all sizes. I. KM, SON & CO., Carpets and Draperies. o''nSsc. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. 4 est Wishes Por The clositiGf days of 1VT T T JNew Y T lively doings in our various departments, and we wel X come the new j'ear with the happy anticipation of even X brighter times. But while business in general has been X very gratifying some few departments have suffered. Y The following is one of them: $ Comforts and X The stock is complete, quality ranges from the verj' a best to the cheapest, pattern coverings and color effects X leaves nothing to be desired. And the price to you is X positively the cost to us. Eiderdown (guilts $!2.!)9 llcst Sateen 1 l-'l Comforts, wliite cotton lilk'd und beau tifully quilted . . . $2.40 A t'ood heavy 11-4 Com fort SI.05 The regular $1.75 kind $1.10 Thoie that were $1.25.... 00c Also a few of the cheap kind '17c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALL $15 SUITS IN OUR CLOTHING DEPT. REDUCED TO $10 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxoo 0, 0 Cash or $ Credit, 225-227 r We have Just purchased 2",0W doll.im worth of stock of CAP12S, COATS, SK1HT9, nnd WAISTS only. Our enor rtioiis trnile tolls tlio story of wonderful sav MR of spot cash hulnK nnd spot cnah i 1 B llr "reparations for the holiday iwt 'V'e.re 'nnili hy roducliiK pi Ices bo i?.f, Ln,;lHtnnB In order to give our pat ,?i 1 ? clmitce to hnvo their ctirmehts for !!i.. ."Tm oar- u ls "ol necessary to n.?i i.1""!1 lho senson Is over. You will Lf;t! 1" ,,,enel" to corno nnd i-xninlne our stock before piirchaslnir olsewheie. SCO Hondo Conti half silk lined 6t) QO formerly $j.S9, now tfr&iOO 6CUII11P Persian Astrnchan coati, lined with the llnest Uliadatne silk, trimmed with little pearl buttons, former A 00 price JOUS now ..... riUo 300,P,xtra f!no rrench catorplllar coats, half silk 1 tied, made up In the now ts 7 QO elTi-cts, former prlco J10 03; now 1,00 "m",!! wuo1 Kersey Coatq, lined ulth lino ralTcta silk, handsomely trlmiiied, sold In New York city for $15 each. Oivimi to pur foitunnte piuchoso cun C 00 sell them to you for UiuO 10O lino ciushed Asttachan Capes, slllc lined, full swicp, Thibet fur trlinniliur. buiu in mis city nt 5Ji.uu; re- A no dtictloit pi Ice TlUU 300 beautiful llBiircd mohair skirts, 4 yai-da wine, linen anil interlined, velvet bind Iiik, n b.irfealn at $J00; our 1 AQ Mice Iit0 If wo bought up the whole Bpaco of this paper we would not be ablo to gle you a correct Idea of tlio bargains wo have. Con sequently we save expenses In every way In order to give jolt the full benefit In bargains. 421 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Established 23 Years 4 tlno ear the old year have witnessed Blankets at Cost, Here are a few quotations: Heat San Marco California all wool Blankets, 72.S2..$5.25 A first-rate 11-1 picklock wool Blanket, with silk binding $2.05 The ordinary 10-4 Blanket, white or gray, at OOo Wyoming Avenue aB$ h O 3 , A