I HE fcCilAiNTCXNT TU1 HUtfE FRIDAY MOKM1NG, JANUARY 1, 1.S97. New Year Cards PocKet Diaries, ISM, Pcloulict's Notes on tlic Suiulaj School Lessons, 1SU7. Deep cut in prices all tliN week on all Ilolidii) Articles, 'Ios, Games, Uluckboatds, Desks, 'lollet Cases and linc Articles, Hnlldaj Books and Fancy Stationery, at very laigc reductions, to clear out balances. Uargains for New Year picsents. NORTON'S, 322 Lackawanna Ate. Shavings The ut-e of Sliuvings for bedding lor horses or cows is not New But put up like straw In Small Bales Js fcomethlnj,' new. Cheaper Than Straw, Cleaner Than Straw, Better Than Straw. Wo keep It. The Weston Mill Go SCRANTON, OLYPHANT, CARBONDALE. ABSOLUrELY WITHOUT PAIN EXTRACTION Or TEETH WITH "ANAESTIIENE." riNEST DEN TAL WORK IN THE CITY. DRS, HENWOOD & WARD ELL 3'6 LftCKAWANM AVE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Tonight Is the niht of the llachelois' ball Sci uuton's most pleasantl antici pated annual soclil ncut and one which Just now seems ikstlned to ovci shadow even the gleat successes of, Its piedeces feois Thert ate In the clt, or coming todu, u laige numbei of people fiom out of town which, with the man guests tioin the elt, will s.ell the attendance up to COO at bast. The tea given b Mia N Y. I-eet yoster da afteinoon foi hei guests, the Misses Ukkeison, of Hiookln, X. V was at tended b ne.til SOOcalleis who thoiough 1 eiiJoed the maiked tood taste and iJlc ivaut hospltnlltj that featnio all of Mrs l.cet s elitcitalnmcnU She lecilvcd unassisted with tin. two joung ladles The hours were from 3 to l. An Iinpiomptu and much appi eclated event was the mil sli finulbhed b Eis Jackson and Otto Erilcton, of Jefferson Medical college, and who mo quests of I i. and Mis Leet Di Jackson lias a line tenoi olce and dls plajed It to nnn.li advantage yesteulay, Di Eirlcbon plalng the piano accompani ments Mrs A D Blackington, Mis CJ 3J JernoJi, Mis r. II. Jeimvn, Mis E L ruller. the Misses Jermn and Mrs S H Steven, assisted In cutei tabling the guests Mis r J Piatt and Mis. II P Simpson served In the dining loom ami weie assisted b Miss Alice Matthews, Miss Augusta Aichbild, Miss Clmuneei Itejnolds and Miss Nettie Coleman Thele was a geneious use of hol! In t'le decor ation of the looms Itoses wete used In the dlnltiB' loom, wheie the coloi effect v. is seal let. Hev Dr C. M. Gitlln, pastoi of i:im I'aik Methodist chuich, and Mis Glllln weie pleasantlj suipilsed aftei ictuiu lng fiom a call Tuesday ev tiling to Ilnd theli home In the possession of a small paitvof ptilshloneis The had piovld ed a dulntj suppci and before leaving at u late houi picse lted Mis Gitlln with a handsome eutglass Vi'-e. In the tomp-iny weie.Mi and Mrs C II, Zehnder, Mi and Mis. c II Siott Mr. and Mis R G IJiooks, Di und Mrs. G E Hill, Mi's T II Dale. Ml. und Mis L c Hesski, Ml and Mrs J. L fiawfoid und .Mi. Mc Cluie. Ml. antl Mrs J S MoAtmlty gave n New At,u's eve chlldien's dancing paity Inst night at theli home, coinei of Claj aenueand Vine btreet, foi their daughter Anna. Music was furnished by Hnuer. Theie were piesent: Maxwell Hesstll, Taul Welles, l.amott liclin, Maigerettd Helln. Ruth Alchlnld, Klttj Pratt, Elolse Phelps, Mamie Gcaihart, Anna Russ, Pes tle Hlali, Ruth Hanlej, George Russ, liar rv Williams, Eelgai Conpell, Willie Dim mklt, Jessie Dimmlclc, Gordon Talr, Ha. met ltlce, Gaidner Plumky, JIuj Ulanch nid, David Holes, Helen Holes, Katie Steele, Lela Steele. Lois Schlager, Mar ger Waticn, Aithtir Phillips, John Hlnlr, Hugh Archbald, Lawrence Connell, Gil beit Edgar, Doiothy Hessell, Ra San derson, Alice Knapp, Susie Itipplt. The members of the. Symphony orches tra and a few Invited friends enjojed a social hour or two together Wednesdaj evening at the looms of the organization Those piesent weie Professor Theodore HembeigPi, D E J. Pleice, Hobert C. AdnniB, J. Willis Conant, Ilk-hard Welsen Ilue, Hnivey Hlackwood, Walter KIpIe, Lambert Maellenry, and .Messrs. Noithup, Wldmajer, Hughes, Thomas, Ilralnard, Jones, Neubauer, Ered Bmerlch, Will Em. erlch, Wutner and Plank J O'Hara. He freshments and music varied the pio Branime. A large party of young people danced the old j ear out last night at Excelsior hall, on Wvomlng avenue, where a s-u-clal was conducted by the, menibeia of the Enterprise dancing clas. A social will bo conducted tonUht Jn Excelsior hall by the Jefferson dancing class, Tho members of the Uieen Hloge council nf the Young .Men's Institute 'will have open hoube today In their recently (itU.l up cpuatters at Capouse avenue and Uicen Itldge stieet. The Active Tumers of the Sf ronton Turn Veieln will hold theli anniul New Year's hop at tho Tumor hull this even ing. The committee In chaige has ipared no expense to tnnke the affair n km nil succtss. rine music has been fiigaged, and the hall will be beautifully deioiuted. About 200 ptople dallied the old UJr out and the n vv viai In at the Herutitoi Ilkjcle club house, where a subscription tlunre was kHiii undei the pitronngi' of Mi P. P Smith, Airs It E I.eonuiil nn-1 Mrs John Htiinelt Tim benutj of Wa llow tluticlm; and banquet halls and tin Hinodilled pnilors wns helghtoncd bj some of Clatk'H most task fill work. T'io music was b Lavvieiici and tin uiUiin by Hanks Oi. John Huinett, lion lohn P Killj. Hon M V Sando, i M ltrcdy and John A Collins composed the commltteee, which had the ui range mint In ehiilge. Tln weio assisted In the ile. atll wotk b Messrs. T 11 Currull, It J Deamlsh, Leo Cosnc, V ,1 McC'aiin ind T, J. Leonard. It was u most suoiesf.il nffalr In cver resinct and will be n peiteil at Inti l vnls during the w Intel. Among those presuit were Mi and Mis James A. Mi lion, John J. Murphj Miss Kitty Hrown Clnrk Mrown, 1 Joidm, J A Joiditi, Martin Walsh, aim MIfs Margaiet Walsh, of Pairons, Miss 11 .loidan, Miss Anna Clalk of Plttfton, T J Egnn, Miss A Kenncds, William T She in, Mat Cavvlej, Miss Malonej, of PittBton, A. T Walsh and Miss M Uomp se, or Plttston; Miss .Mollle Calilll, John Gotdon, -Miss Waul, John A Nallln, Miss ICatle V Donahou M J. Don ihoe, MWs Annie ntlnnrj, John V Gllei, Miss Ma mie Nallln, Misses Claia and Mamie Gilei, J Miles Gibbons, James OOonnoi, li and Mrs Hugh P. Gillnghei, Miss Anin Purke, P J Morris, James C lictmlsh, James V Mitchell, T. J ulT, John J Lortuo, H C latcis, John Gllgallon, "Piank McDonald. M J Heakv, P. A 'llmlln, Piank P Hi own, '1 P Duffy. Maicus Uuffj and MKs Maiv A Duffv of Caibondale; Prank Muiiti. C'lniks H Lcnihan, A V Dulf , Mr and Alls M P Wjrnbs, John I' Connollj J C Hi own, Di William II McGrath, MUtiii Aalsh, A J McClwluv, P A PllllUln, Di P II Keainej EdwiidMfUIn V Al Knight, William kell, Stanle Smith, Miss Thompson and i C E 'Ilmmp'on, Allss Corbet t ami John M Corbett Miss Casc, Miss Ciossln, .Allss Motile UMallej, Ml. and Ml Nell McT.mue Miss Noi i DonnelI and M Doniicllv, of Plttston, M. I O Malley, II Saltij, Ml and Mis. ! J. Cabej, Ml and Mk, William II Col llns, Mls Alar.v J DulT, A V Iiulfv, or UIiiKhiimtoi., Miss Jennie Cluik Miss Mai Heap, of Plttston, Di P L Me Giaw, Mi and Mis. H AI O'UiIen, lames A Keninej of Atchbakl, George W Claik, Ui J J. IBanett, All anil Mis Tlmothv Buike and Miss Huike AV I) rtoche-. r J McAndiew, .Allss Anna Wal ker, Ed Hoian and Allss Hoi an, of Dun mote, Allss Clalllgv, AIl-s Kearn", Miss 11 Hoone of lilnghamton, J E Welsh Miss H Lnoh, Anthon Curi in, Miss rannv Mellon, John J. Maghran, Miss Nellie Magln in, Miss Genevieve Mcfalin. P J AlcCatlli, H J Neville, Allss A .McGulv .Mi and Mis Joseph Keogh, Miss Katie Htnnon, Miss M Ciossin, W Al Ciossln, Mis John P t'ou, Miss Annie Connell John triads. Miss Anni Goiiiian, Al. T Glnn Miss He an, E J Alulone M T AkAndiew, Miss McAndrews, Junes W AkDonald, Miss Ella McDonald Prink Ponl, Miss Jennie Keiinej, Thomas A Uuddv, Miss Alice Mullov, Plttston, T J Duggan, Mr. and Mis Itlch ud Kells, It I Bui ke, John lteed, P O'Mallev, Mi and Alls 1'. J Mori is, Miss Gljnti, John Lillln, Allss Mai Maiks, JINs 1. Jen nings, Ml-s K .Along m, the Misses Toid, Thomas Plaunaj,an, Allss IJudilj , Miss Nellie O'Mallev, of Wllkes-Uai re, Ml ami Mis John P Kellv, Mls Alullln, William Tonl, AH and Mrs H C Wills, Miss E and Miss A Uialtntid, P J McCavvks, Miss K Walsh, Alias H Walsh, of Hlng hamton. Miss Uouder, of Hlngli initun, Piank Muiphv, P. J Muiplu.M T How le, Miss Ida Mutphv, Alisses Maigaiot and Kitti Mitchell, Miss Anin liatictt, Pitilck Cuslck, Miss A Collins Miss Mniv A Collins, M. A Duffs, 1" Al Clttk, Isibella Clark, Mi and Mis M II Hlg glns, Mr. and Mis M J AA'ulsh, Miss Gi ice O'Mullcj, of Plttston, I" L Eigei, .Miss Anna A Haitett, of W ilkes-Hane, .Allss Ll?ile Coleman, Mi and Mrs Will lam Kell, Air. and Mts P. O Knight Mt and .Mis John O'Malley, A J Cnscv, Miss Kate MeCawlev, J E McUawlcj.Mi and Mrs M P Sando, John E. Roche, Miss Eliza O' Mallej. " Monda evening Hlchaid Wien, outside supeilntendent of the Seianton Coal com pany at Peckvilk and his -vvlte enter tained the following peisons. H 0 Will iams, Rlchaul J Hees, Mls Mattle Pick ering, of Peckvllle, Miss Alnigairt Will iams, of Alouut Caimel, Willie Pans, of Oh phant Willie J Williams, of Kings ton, Allss Minnie Williams Miss M 11 Williams, of Plv mouth, William James, mining- engineer of the Porest Coil com pmj, and William John Williams, apothe ear of the United States steamei Mai bleheael, who n turned a few weeks ago liom the east, where he spent thiee jeais A smoket was eonducted In Cuifii's hall on New street last night b the members of the Ciescent Social club. A. J Bosle of this cits, Avas miirled to Allss M mletta Hoce, of Heikshlie, N A , at the home of the bilde's motlui. Mis Amelia Itovce, on Tuesda. The ccte monv was peifouncd b Hev. I J, Smith, of Wjaluslng, Htadfotd countj, an un cle of the gioom. assisteel b Hev. Mi Hough, of Heikshlre Mr anil Alia PiederlckS Godfrey gave a elanclng pait last night at tin Hotel Jeimvii In celebtatlon of the second an- nlveisaij ot theli wedding. A pail or the cotildoi and one of the looms neat Mr and Mis Godfiej's suite of up la ments on the Thlid Uooi weie 1 lid with eiasli and the suiioimdlngs decotatcel with hollj und Chilsttnas gieens. A dulntj Hiippei was setved In the hotel btoakfast loom. PERSONAL MENTION Attoinej W. P. Sheehan Is visiting at Cat lisle Dr C. C. Laubaeh Is still conllned to his bed with ihcutuatlsm Edlloi John H. Hlackwood, of the Sun das Wot Id, Is In Easton Miss ElUvbeth I Runnell, of Prlio stieet, Is the guest of fi lends In Lock Hu en ( .ules E Horn, of Mulbeny stuet, left S stcrdus fot Elnilru to peiid New A'eais theie Mark A Replogle, or Akron, O, Is vis Itlng his In other, Attotnes D II. Heplo(,le ot this cits Dr Heed Rums, of AVsomlng avenue, was In Hotiesdalo on ptofesslonal busi ness esteidas. AI J. Cos tie, Inggago mastei at tlie Dnl aware aiul Hudson station, on Lacknwan na uveuue. Is 111 of throat tiouble. Mts. Bernstein, wlfo of Dr A. II Rein stein, of Ash stieet, Is enteitalnlng het bis ter, Miss Madge Rowland, of Ito.vland, Pa Rt Rev Hlshop Hoban and Rev J. J 1! Tteley leturned jesteiday fiom Ht Jo seph's church, Matamotas, Plko county, vvheto the bishop blessed tho new bell of that church. Tlio Scrnnton Iliibinos CollDge. Will aftei the holiday vacation, ieopen on Monday, Januaiy 4, with a linger entollment ot pupils than eer. While the ambition of the piopiletois, Huck, ANhltmote & Co , has been to make this college the best, It seems to mutually follow that the best becomes tho luig est The Januaty Issue of theli Col lege Journal shows a huge list of Kind uates Avho have secured good positions and the highest endoisemcnt fiom the business men. It Is now the Huslness College of Seianton. ' Auction Hiilc ol Jewedr) commences next Monda", Jan, 4, at Duvldovv Hros,', 217 Lackawanna uve nue. Hver thing will be put under the hammer, and sold to the highest blddei. SPECIAL TERM OF COURT AT AN END Criminal Calendar Cleared of the Petty Cases. TWO SUKETV COURTS IN SESSION Vi'itlk't in tho lilojel Mlrt'Pt Ciisi1. 1'iiricll Cunvietecl il Sullltm I.iiinir llltitlU--Attempt to Acquit Hint on 'I'l'i'liule nl tUoiinds I'alls-.)c-scrl i ntr liilsliiunls Culled Upon to Help Suppoit 'I'lielrM ivus--l)lslri't Attiuuov Join's Ctiinpliiiiuiitctl. Judge R AV. AlchbuM. who wns to have liciud the- suietj eases VPHtoidus illel not nnlve- In the- city until iicuib ti(,nin, owing to his hnv Injr been ilu tnlned In I'hllndelphlit, vvliote he anil Judge Gunstei attiniled the judicial convention Dlstilct Attotnev John 11 Jones was anxious to clou up the cuhcs on tli list, that the least possible numbet might have to he untied oven to the New Year mid to nld him In his commendable Intention JudKe- Al- litlKlit agiieil to hold suii't couit us soon us the jui eaves weie dispeised of. Just about the time this wink wns com pleted Judge Auhbald anlved and in a fow hums with two com ts worklns the whole list was Kone oei. Judge Alehbiild sat In the United States ivmishul s loom Assistant District Attouioj W. Gasloul Thomas lopie sented the eomtnonnealth In this cotttt. It was his Hist appeal jneu In active piactlce since his enttanco hrto liis new utile e The Juts in the1 Llojd stieet ease came In at 5 o'clock with the follow ing veidlct: fiance's Dominsky, not gulltv, inoseciitor to pay the cnbts, Pell Yonalouls and Mil liael Llba not, not guilt, piosecutois to pay costs, Powell Yatciuan, RillltS. bm tenced to thltt das In the count jull antl lined $'), Powell Dotnlnsky, gull t , Hat lies Roblsks, Ailum Yonalouls and Joseph I'iuttjsli guilt, each sen tenced to thlit dass in the count jail and lined $5 In two cases TECHNICALITIES AWAITED NOT James Panell was found guilty of selling lliiuot without a license at his place neai Leggctt's creelc, Piov ldence. Constable Seth Smith was the piose e utoi A laige number of witnesses liieludliic; women unel ehllelieti testllled against him and ptoved nulte conclus ive! that he was guilty. Hlsattotnes eilleted no defense exce'pt that the Com monwenlth hnd falleil to show that Pan ell did not have license Judge Al biight held that It tested with the de fense to show that he had a license and the Jtuy ptomptl convicted aim. Ills attoine, Mi Wedemun, moved fot u suspension of sentence, on the point noted ubove and also because the Dls tilct Attoine1 had failed to show that the offense was committed In this coun ty The motion was ovenuled and ruricll was sentenced to a line of $500, costs ol piosccutlon and thiee months In the counts jail Juelge Albilght slid that If Mi Wedeman could show any uuthorlt to bolstei up his contention that the mnttei woulil be leopened Heiu y II Ht-ddes wns chaiEed vvltli laiceny and lecelvlng by Alice Robcits, who alleged that Heddes stole her watch and biacelets. When l was shown that the ai tides weie left with lleeldcs to secuie a boaril 1)111, coui t dliected a veidlct of not guilts and tho costs weie placed on the the piose eutiK IN THE" SURETY COURTS. Desertion cases weie disposed of as follows: Anthony Lance wub dliected to pas his vvlte, Emma E Lame, $C a. month. Thomas Jobephs pass Annie Josephs $! pel week. Annie llannn gets $23 a month for lout months and $lo a month theieaftei liom John Ilnnna Mrs Petei Thomas Is to lccelve $C a mouth fiom hei husband In the cases ot Maggie Rldgeway against Hdwaid RIdgeway, Maggie Kdwnids iiKalnst Nlmiod Edvvuids Caiollne Motgun against Edwnid Morgan and Muty Smith against Geotge Smith ptoceed ings weie dlsmlsseel Pioceedings weie dismtssed and eases put on the piosecutor In the following cases James Mclask against Ptitilck Tobln, Alexiindia 01s?snskl asalust Andtew Haivvln, John Geilsha afrnlnst Annie Hiuvvln, Antonena XubSeh against Maiy Slkofskl, Mai Daniels against Evan Daniels, Theisome Com nullla against Michael Chii thimtis, O, M Reeel against Hail Lodei, William McNichols against Wultei T .AIcNich- ols, Thomas Mulchtone against Patilck McNult, Ida Qulnn against Patilck Qulnn, Andievv Glblli. against John Lee, Lewis Meieno against Cilmindeia Kunibaugh Pioceeillngs vvei e dismissed and e-osts put on these count In the cases J 11 Hlttlnghuin against Heni Rlttlng linin, Mrs fleoige Kallack iiRuuibt l-i Itz Pllgei, William Smith iiRuIust James Heinahnn, Patilck Connoll against Alice and John Ruane THE HURK HUILDTNG RUMPUS Andtew Haivvln was uqulied to fm nlsii $100 ball to keep the place tow aid Michael OH!nskl anil John Gei IsKu A Kites Huntei of the Hurt bulldlnjr was iceiulied to fuinlsli $50 security to keep AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A Happy Is he whose feet rest comfortably in our correct-made shoes. The most attractive of Bull Dogs if 3'ou want anj' other shape toe if you wish. There's no other Win ter Shoe like Our Tan "College" Boot. oooooooooooooo i 470 Spruce Sties, the place tovvnids the otliei tenants and pui tleuhuly Mis William Heiidei son Hall wus foifelted and a caulas for the tlelondaiit Issuoel In each of the fol lowing case Victor Sleav Ins against Jacob r.be'i Iv. secuiltv, T E ' Holanel agulnst Patilck Ituiiue, secuietv ; John Geilskii against Matgaiet Louh, sine 1 i Joseph llesiiuiillge against Jullil Unlock, milet Costs wile ellvtdeel In the t ise of An thniis Olovolilskl against Pete i lobel r.vkl Coin t ndjouined until Monda niiiin Ing nt ') o'elotk when the gland Jul v.lll usai'inble and lie e lunged hv Judge Otllister. Al the uoncluslotl eif e-eilllt, Judge Albilght complimented Dlstilct Attoine' JouiH on the elenpatch tine iiipl tliotougliness he had exoiclscd In disposing of the week's business and eongi titillated him em getting over so much hi omul, with so many Incon veniences to contend against ATTORNEY REQAN DEAD. He Mns Well Known mid lluel mi i'.M'lltllll liiruer. Jeienilnh D Hegan died at his home, 3JI laickavvunna avenue, at 30 o'clock yestetday atteinoon. He was well known not onl In Sciauton, but in mans units of the cotintr and had a most eventful life. He was bom on Mas I, 1SJS, In Waymait, Wujne coun ty, anil us a boy attended Piofesbot Sttidilaid's sehool In Pinnipton. Aftei leavlnu this school Mi. Regan became piofessoi of mathematics in St. Joseph's college. Susquehanna counts, and after soveinl seats In that position, he look up the study of law, and upon being admitted to the but, he funned a pai tntishlp with his biuthet and for thiee oi fotu seats the had a llouilshlng piactke In Wllkts-Hniie, heloie the count was dlvlekd. Net he went west and engaged in taking e'ontiacts foi building lullioiuls He built scMiial miles ot the Melcau I'acillc tallioad, anil coining back to this section he stalled n weekls papei ealled The Eainlnei In 1S07, of which he was edltoi and piopiktot for foui Seats He went to South Anieilca and had the contnict of building scvoial miles ot the Tians-contlnental tailwus In Petti. Coming buck to Sciunlon In 1S71 he becume ptlnclpul of the public schools of Olv pliant, and afteivvaiel ptinclpal of one ol the Hvde Pink schools. Lc i lug hei again he went west and launched In the ralhoad eon tiuctlim business Thiee se'.us ago he leturtieel and had been since engaged In the piactke ot law He h.iel been skk only a few dass He Is suivlveel 1 a famll of thiee, Misses Ella unel Muy Regun, of this cits, and Pioiessoi V J Regan, bttpei V Ibing piinclral of the pilblli bchoeds ol Mine townshli The funeial ui -tangements have not et been made. FELTS BRINGS A TRESPASS SUIT. Duluumc, liiiekiiw iiiina and Western Ciniipiiiiv Is the Deiciieliiiit. Anothei bult was estei day instituted against the Deluvvuie, Ltckawanna and Weslein H.Ulioad iiompan b Isaac B Pelts This time he alleges tiespass He holds an undivided half Inteiest In an eleven aeie plot of coal lam! in Lackawanna township Without seem ing Ills coiibeiit the compaii, In the stiength of a deal with the othei pntv to the holding, ptoccedcil to mine the coal on the piopeity thiough the Dodge collei. The company tendered hlin half the losalts but he Is not sutlstied and pro ceeds on tiespass against the corn pans. 1- MenIIleld and A. Rlckellb, of Wilkes-Hai le aie his uttoitiess. AMUSEMENTS. This afteinoon and evening Oliver Hyton and Kate Hi ion will be seen ut the Academy of Music in the ' Tuin ot the 'llde " The elements in this dinma aie '-o mixed us to suit the taste of the u'tetitei pai t of the thoutei -gons, the lunkei, the biokei, the tiadesman, etc. Love phis havoc with all the chuncteis The sweet and simple love ot the Italian gill toi A'andeleui cap tivates All the wiiild loves a lovei, and he Is much In ev hie nee In the ' Tut u ot the Tide" That elianiu will also be piodiueil at the niutlnee on Satin dav and Satuulai night 'The Ups and Downs ot Life" will be the atti action. Monda evening "A Romance ot Coon Hollow" will bo pi milked ut the Ae adeins of Music The stot told Is sttong and piett, dealing with Inci dents In the lives of tiplcal Southern (is. 'Iliu stiength ot 'Coon Hollow" Iks In Its huniunltv. Geoigla, Clde Hanod and Leal SteH.kvve.il aie people one often meets In a du's tiuvel in that p.ut of the counti, while all of the othei chulacteis ate llesh and blood beings The dtamatlc cliinues which cleise the Hist two acts ute Intense! stiong, and the e omed Is ilch and amusing; A cotton eompiess at wotk gives a Hensatlonnl etlect, and the acme ui stage lealisin Is i cached In the tace between the steamboats Hobeit E Lee and Natchez, on the Mississippi llvci Resides a complete metiopolltati corn pan, 'Coon Hollow" caules a planta tion bius'i band, two eiuaitettes, and a tioupo of male and female coloied buck anil wing dunceis The engagement of the Itossow Rtotli cis, the famous llllputlan comedinns und lnleliret athletes, will be one of the most pi omlne nt novelties on the long bill at the riothlngham Monduy and Tuesi'uy net, and doubtless the eutl oslty ot the Seianton public will be tullklentls moused not to miss this gieatebt hit of the season Thes have just concluded a maivel ous i tin ot ten months as the chief at traction at Kostei & lllal's bi'aullful tlieatct in New A'oik clt This ici'eud lias ncvei been e'liialhd oven by Cai menclta. Call Kossow Is is seals of age, and Ills w eight is lCVj pounds w idle his bintliei, I'lanz, is 20 veals old anel Ills weight '.i. pouudb, niaUlng them the smallest men In the wen Id Their fathoi, Mi Rossow, who lefeiees all tlieh contests In wiestllng and light ing, Is s,l feet four inclus In height anil welulis 30" pounds The following aitists mo included on the piogiamine of this t ompan . Almont and Dumont, muskal aitists, Liich and Jewell, ie lined sketch, Coutuie Pieies, dlieet fiom Pails (ueiobats), Tom Plynn, tlie oilgllial celtlt entei talnei , Huillngton Slsteis, the dashing biiiueis and tl.inc eib. and the fcieat Juggleis Leavitt and Nevello -- Will Closu Out. Davldovv Hi os wlli close out their entile utock of dluinonds, watches, jew ell y, sllvetwaie, bilc-a-btac, etc, at auction sale-, beginning Monday, Jan. 4th Ev et thing must go at some pi Ice as Duvldovv lit os. will letlie fiom busi ness. Urlng your card plate to The Tribune for printing. OLD MAN STRUGGLES WITH HIS JWO SONS They Intended to Injure Him but the Tables Turned. TIIKY TUMBLED TWENTY-FIVU FEET And in the Palling and tin' Crash ol (ilnss tlio Aged rntliur Mas Not the alost llur(--'riii) Three Struggled in it Kooiii and All 1'cll Out ol aW Ineleivi John Kofrltiskl, of living avenue had an exciting epeileiice with twu of his sons Weelnesday evening Thes have not lived with him for some time on account of n second untitle In made upon the matilmoiilnl sea aftei his lit st wife, their inothei, died and the culled upon him Wednesday night foi the put pose of "dotng him " When the i cached the house he was In bed upstulis They went up to the loom to vent theli spleen, nnd as soon as they enteied, he divined theli Inten tion and made toad to defend himself Without waiting fot any fen nullities both uiipiouthcd and laid hold of him, and for fotu ot live minutes theie was a tops -till V scttille in the loom The only window In the loom comes down to n level with the flout, and thiough this the tiled to foice him so that the full to the giound, "D feet below, would end his caieet or come closed to It. Hut the old man was not daunted DESPERATE STRUGGLE. He fought and snuggled with the stiength of a lion The weie too much foi 111 til. howevei, and lltiall succeed ed In fot e Int; lilm thiough the window. He made sine in going down that ho would not go nloue, and down the two sons went with lilm The thiee wete beveiels btulsed and cut 1S the fall and laid theie foi seveial minutes betoie the could get up He wus the III fat to regain stiength enough to move and be ambled Into the house on his hands and knee's The sons had much difficult In pull ing themselves togethei and aftei an houi oi so they weie enabled to start foi home mm h saddei but vvlsci Di Monies , of Plttston avenue, attended ICeifchlnskl Thete wete seveial pain fill cuts on his head, but he had coin pans In his misers. A ONE-SIDED GAME. bcrinitoii Hnskct Hull Team Eusil) Di'le'ats tlie South Sido lirovvnius. A game of basket ball was plavcel nt tlie Thliteenth lcglinent aimoiy last night between the Seianton b isket ball team and the "Hiovvnlts" of the Seian ton Athletic club, of the South Side. The levult was a vlctoiy foi the foi met team bs the scoie of i't to 3 The- plailng of Piank Miilott, of the vlctois, wus the fentute of the game Chalks Gelbeit ot the Unlvetslty of Pemisslvania, unel licit McEachen, weie tlie lefeiees lie Lost His Speech. Ered Kell, tho oung mnn who lost his speech at the til and Cential hotel Tucsdny night hits not Impioved Di P H. Kennies, the attending phsslcian, has not entliels abandoned hope of luipiovlng the nlllicted young man's condition. New I'ennsj Director. Philadelphia, Dee 31. The dliectois of the Peinisslvanla lalhoad compiny at a special meeting this afteinoon elected Ef llngh mi li Mollis, of this cits, us a mein bei of the boaid to succeed Ilenrj D Welsh, deceased Mi MoiiIh Is pusldent ot the Gliaid Life lusuiance, Annuits un 1 Ti list comp eny and Is w ell knov. n In llnan clal elides Mill Co to rievcliiiid. Canton, O, Dec 31. Mujoi and Mis AIcKlnk will l,o to Cleveland Situidai moi ning to lemaln foui oi live dass Thes will Hist visit All und Mis Hannu and latci All and Mis Msiou T Ilenkk. Diiiiiionds at Auction. The great auction sale of diamonds, watches, etc, will stait next Monday, January 4th, at Davldovv Bios, .217 Lickawnnna avenue. Tho Of '97 Another year is before us, A year that promises renewed prosperity. We shall strive to mike it a 3'ear of bargain-giving even better than that just closed. Why not start by buying a watch that will correctly mark the fleetiug minutes ? HOW IS THIS? Gold Filled Case, Warranted 15 Years, Elgin Movement Warranted for Time. $11.90, Worth $15.00 REXFORD'S, 303 Lacka. Ave. IK 8 Knows that the decorations or her di ti net tabic will lie ic",anlcil as tellectliig Iter good taste- and juilsMiicut. An attlstlc iintl hand sonic Dinner Set will udri much to the elicit. How much hcttei )oui New Year's dinner win taste A Itli white table linen and dainty dishes. We can furnish the dishes at any pi ice jou want to pay. Come In and look them over. MPS, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILVERWARE, ETC. HIHA HILL, MILLAR & PECK, 131 Wyoming Au'iine. Walk in and look around. THE LAST AUCTION SALE 500-502 LucKa Ave , Cur. Wash Wednes. da) and Thursilu", I Ills Week, ut 2 30 He foi e movlnit back to our store on Washington avenue und packing put of out stoek to send uvvas, we would like to get lkl of .1 tew lnoie nigs, and nil ot out Japanese goods Connolsseuis of Ol I intal ait having seen out collection, have pionouneed this the tlnest ever exhibited heie. Eeibodv Is welcome to 0111 mag nlllcent exhibition and baigaln sales MICHAELIAN BROS, & CO JAMES MOIR, 1 Has Moved to HU New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on aide next to Firpt National Hank Ho has now in a fl Comprising everything roqtlslto for floo Merobnnt Tailoring And tho same can be shown to ndv anttiRO In his Bplen- dialy fitted up room SPECIAL INVITATION I Extended to All Readers al The Trlb. une to Call on "OLD RL.LIABL.li" In Mil New Business Home I ION'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated rllsif ho CAPACITY) 100,000 Barrels per Annum th: KIC POWDER CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COfiVLTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAPLIN & RANl POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Klcctiio Hatteiios, Klectlio Cxplodo for ux plodlug blasts, bufcty I use, und Repauno Chemical Co. 's cNi'LobAxs. WOLF & WENZEL, 531 Linden., Opp. Court lions;, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Bole Agents for Richardson Boyntou'a Furnaces aud Kaut'e OP j'H J1PWESE jBlaACf 1 . lirebb h SDmAI rrlilAI Wc offer about 50 Boys' 3-picee Suits (short pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. These vSuits arc heav' weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Choice for EACH s, WterauFuiDi WE HAVE THE BEST To Be Found In the City. Tailor-Made, TaiRor Fit And Finish And About Half Tailor Prices. mwm I6 LACKAWANNA AVEW-. THE I I 93 Builders' Hardware, Gas, Plumbing and Electric Fixtures, Electric Light Wiring. STEAM AND MOT WATER HEATING 434 LACKAWANNA AVE, EYES Ton can save money by buying specta cles of Sllvorstone, tho eye specialist, at 309 Eackawanna avenue, onely one Ulght over the Lehigh Valle ticket ofllce Tha following jnlcea will satisfy jou that they are the cheapest In tho city Solid gold rlmmed spectacles at ?3 CO per pair; tilled bows at $2, nicklo bows from EOc to $1 DO; aluminum bows from 75c to $2 00, colored glasses fiom 2"c to SI 25. AVo have a largo lino of reading glasses, the best In tho maiket at 23e per pilr Opera and mne. nifjlne glasses at reduced prices Of fice houis. 8 a m to 12m . 1 to fl p. m. Remember that jour ees will bo exam ined free and satisfaction Is guaranteed. i THIELE School of Music, 5:0 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singiuij. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble Both teachers at celebrated Scliarwenka. Consenatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is. the successor to the late HERR KOPFF. THE KEELEY CUR Why lot your home and business bo destroy ed through strong drink or morphine when yon can be cured lu four weeks at tho Keolof Institute, 78 Madlaon avenue Bcrtnton, Pa. The Curt Will Bear Investigation. $5.00 snBra Suits 63818 f