THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 30, 1S!G. GARBOIIDALE. JRMfler will plnn not that rtvwtl fnents, orders for Job work, and Items for (ubliration left at the establishment of fenannoi) A Co.. newsdealers. North Main atreet, will receive prompt attention; of lice open f rom a. m. to 10 p. nv DEATH OF JOHN DUFFY. An Old Ki-sideut or This t il Passe Auny. AftiT four weeks' Illness. Jnhn Duf fy, lonj; an estcemej citizen of this city, n fulled away un Montlay nlsht. He vus l 'in in Ireland about tifty-flve y.ais au and had resided In Carlmn ilale f..r mure than forty years. Mr. Imffy was employed at No. 1 colliery us dockimj boss. He was unmarried and is survived by three sisters, Mrs. 1' .J. O'lfcinnell. (irSerunton; Mrs. Fran cis Mi Ktiina and Miss Kate Duffy, of this city: also l-y one brother, Patrick Huffy, of May Held. Funeral Fervl'-s will be held at St. Itose church on Thursday. Death of .Mrs. Thomas Knni'. Mis. Thomas Kane, of the West Side, died very suddenly from heart trouble .,n .Monday nitiht. Mrs. Kane was tin years old. A law circle of friends and relatives mourn one who was kind, charitable and affei tioiiate In her dis position. Her husband and six chil dren remain. Mis. Henry llrattan, Mrs. I'Hiiiek Morris, of Scmntun; Mrs. liliinev'ault, Mrs. Henry Collins, Miss Julia Kane and Thonius Kane. The funeral services will be held at the home and at St. Kose church on Thurs day afternoon.. isit ill IS i-li op. Fleet I'cntlcruiff. Hlshop-el.ft 1'relldel'Ktlst is ill this the home of Mrs. Kllen ity visitinx at Motlitt. A te Icgiam from the arch- bishop of 1 'Hi I idi lphla to Fattier Vol- fey was receiv snyini? that the imj Very Kev auxiliary Main eil on Monday evening. apostolic brief appoint . Kilward fielldeinast .p 'of rhlladelphia had oUcsthiK Father Coffey arrived and i to inl'.i in the bi shop-elect of this otlicial anuouneeiiient I ufoitiinate Accident. As Wiliam Kennedy, vf Urooklyn street, was nssistini; his wife in cur rylnt? a boiler of hot water yesterday, in some way he lost his footing and fell. The hot water was thrown over his face and arms. His arms, especially, received the sculdiiiK water. Dr. H. C AVheeler was called and attended to the painful injuries. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Hatlie I'liacoe will entertain her Funday school class Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. tieorcre Kvarts, of Lake Ariel, who have I II the guests of friends In Carbondule, have returned home. Much excitement has been created nmoiiK the viiuni; people over the recep tion to le Riven In the W. V. Watt building this evening, by the Misses Kdith and liuth llailey. Over 150 in vitations have been issued and elab orate preparations made for the enter tainment of their friends. .Misses Anna una MiiksIc Fnrrrll and Tillle Xeitlon. of I'ike street, are spend In a few days with friends In Pitts tun. It is well to tcmeniber that orders for the Scranton Tribune, when left at Shannon's News store tin North Main Street, or CO CiiuT.eld avenue, will re ceive prompt attention. Send In your subscriptions before the New Year. The Young Men's Institute of this city are makiiiK preparation for a banquet and social to be given about the UUth of January. Mr. and Mrs. Edward ltyan. of South Church street, who have been visitins relatives In Holicsdale, have returned honv. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lewsley and son hnve returned from Nineveh. The Junior l-Jnden'.or society of the Haptlst chiiK'h will hoi. a social in the cha el in tin.' afternoon of New Year's day. Mr. nnd Mrs. I'tt, of Tori JervU, are Visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. llettinuer. Jesse D. Jones, who for some time !ast has been connected with the Lead er, left y sterility for Wilkes-Harre, where he has accepted a position on the Times. Hew J. J. Curran, of Kast Knd., was a visitor In town yestuday. Mrs. Frank Stoutenner and Miss Irene Daley ale visiting In Syracuse. Mr. and Mis. J. I!. Shannon, of Wy oming street, entertained a number of their friend:! last eveninp;. P. J. McDonnell, of Fall brook street, left for an extended visit in HulTalo. Miss Julia I len ity left Monday even ing 'or a visit with friends in Susque hanna. Mark T Hnlley. M, 1)., house physi cian at the hospital, and a siaduate of the University of New York, has roK lstercd with tin prothonotary In Scran ton, with the Intention of practicing in Cnrbondale. K. A. Cobb, rf Susquehanna, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William tiaidner Monday evening. Miss Dorothy Darke and Messrs. Jo seph Durke and I.ouis Thurston, of Oneonta, are visiting friends in this city. Miss Mary Mnllady, of South Main street, Is spendlm; the holidays with ft lends In Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, who have been visiilns friends in Susquehanna, it-turned homo Monday. Mrs. lascoe, Mrs. A. W. Reynold?-. Olid Miss Pascoe have issued invitations for a thimble tea to be Kiveti at the Pascoe residence this afternoon. Miss Lizzie D aley, of St ranton, is the guest of friends In this city. TAYI.OK. The Taylor Host mpany's fair will open at Weber's rink this evening. The committee who have had the ofl'ulr In OUR II Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands, Screens, Pictures Has socks, Carpet Sweepers, Riifi and Mats, and the latest and finest assortment of Carpets in the city, PRICES always the lowest. J.S0OTT INGLIS, Carpets, Wall Pipen and Draperies, 419 LICKL WEMIL y Spec chance, have labored haid to make it a success, which it surely will be. There are many beautiful and costly articles to be chanced off during the progress of the fair. It is to be sincere ly hoped that all will respond freely and help the cause alon;, for a more gallant or willing lot of firemen are not to be found. Watch meeting services will be held at the Calvary Itaptist church tomor row evening. All are cordially Invited. The lward of health will meet this evening at 7.20 p. in. In the otlice of the burgess. Master Hubert Cordon, of Petersburg, vUlted the home of his sister, Mrs. II. J. Daniels, of Washington street, yesterday. The 1'nion hand of this town attended the fair at Mlnooka under the auspices of the St. Joseph's society on Monday evening, and this evening the Anthra cite ;jee club will attend. Miss Jennie Morgans, of Hyde Park, spent Sunday with friends In this place. D ALTON. The Christmas exercises were cele brated in both the churches at this place last Thursday evening. Presents were given to both the old and young members of the Sunday schools. Miss Cora Hell, of Karlville, N. V.. Is visiting friends here. Mr. Homer Jones and Miss Fannie Hamble, of Ariel, Pa., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Purdy. Mr. Nelson Dershlmer nnd Hoy A. Decker, of Wyoming seminary, are spending their vacations at their homes in this place. The school directors are huving steam heating apparatus put Into the school house this week. Let us hope that this will prove successful. It is the aim of the school board to huve a warm building for the children of Ualton's schoi il. Kev. Hrowe, of Waverly, gave a very instructive address at the Young Men's Christian association meeting last Sun day. Mr. James P. Dickson and family spent Christmas at Philadelphia. .Mrs. A. Hall Is sick. Miss Kcrthn Santee. of Wyoming seminary. Is spending her vacation at her home In this place. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist church will serve u New Year's dinner at the church parlors next Fri day. All are invited to be present und to partake. Price 23 cents. Dr. Charles Maekey expects to move to Waverly and succef-d his brother while at Harrlsburg. It Is said Dr. Smith, of Newton, Pa., will be at this place. Franklin nnd Hnll's minstrels will give an entertainment at the Young Men's Christian association hall next Thursday evening. Mr. H. D. Swarts and wife, of Scran ton, spent Christmas at the residence of his father, Mr. J. L. Swarts, of this pluce. Professor Thompson Is visiting at Newton, Pa. A number of the young people of this place are enjoying the tine skating. Miss Dora Smith spent Sunday with friends out of town. Mrs. T. A. Purdon Is visiting her pa rents at Tuiikhunnoc k. Mr. George D. Oshourne Is making some very pretty stands which he has the art of covering with seeds. He has one on exhibition in the window of Mr. Phlnney's barber shop on Waverly street, also one at Phelps' drug store, Scranton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Kymer were visit ing Wall's Corners last Friday. AVOCA. The marriage of Mr. James Mr Math atid Miss Margaret Major will be sol emnized on New Year's nljrht at the residence of Mr. Sandy Conkey, of the North Knd. The bible class of the Langellffe church presented their leader, Mr. Jas. Dick, with a handsome pallor lump ami lemonade set as a token of their ap preciation for his untiring devotion to ward them. Mr. Frank Fadden, of Newport News, is vlsitins at the residence of his par ents on Urove street. Miss H. Dempsey is visiting friends in Dunmure. Miss Kat-.' Kurke hns returned home after a few days' visit with friends In Jermyn. Miss Lizzie Heese, of Pnrsons, Is spending a few days at the residence of Mrs. William Hutchings. Mr. und Mrs. Patrick Conaboy left on Monday to reside in New York city, their former home. During the production of the cantata ot "Shlloh" in the Presbyterian church, the choir presented their leader. John H. tieorge, with a purse as a token of gratitude for the excellent services ren dered during the past few years. Mr. John (j'Mikel has resumed his position us clerk in Manner's drug store, after a few days' visit with friends in Harrlsburg. An entertainment and supper will be given by the Daughters of St. George In O'Malley's hull tomorrow evening. A special feature of the entertainment will be the production of the farce comedy entitled "Curing the Ttorrow ers" in which the following will take part: Charles Hoslcy, James Ralph, Lizzie Kuglfliall. Alicia Davis, Thomas and Viola Deebli. Admission 23 cents which includes supntr. The Lackawanna Thistles defeated the St. Andrew team from New York city In a holly contested curling game on the Ice at Pltlston yesterday. Mr. James Moore, of this place, acted as referee In the game between the St. Andrews and I'lttston clubs. The Juveniles of the Methodist Kids copal Sunday school will render an in teresting entertainment In the church on Friday evening. An admission fee of 5 cents will be charged to all under 12 years; adults, 10 i-cnts. The pro ceeds will be donated to the organ fund. The Hillside Coal company nnd the Central collieries have suspended work until Jan. 4. - - l'OR F.ST CITV. The hollers, engines, etc., for the new electric light plant arrived on Monday. They will be placed upon their foundation as soon us possible. The work is being rushed and It is the expectation of Mr. Plntt to have it completed In the near future. John Kudy was taken to Montrose on Tuesday, where he will be locked up to await trial at the next term of court. The proceeds of the nterprlse Hose company's fair amounted to $!I70. Mrs. John Westgate will undergo an operation this week at the Carbondale hospital. Mrs. Westgate Is suffering from a cancer In the stomuch. The condition of William Williams, who was taken to the Carbondale hos pital a few weeks ago. Is gradually Im proving. Mr. Williams was very low with Ilrlght's disease. Hillside Surveyor Harry Yewens was engaged here on Tuesday. The Mendelssohn alee club will hold a concert in Vandllng at an early date. JERHYN AND MAYFIELD our little borough, beyond a ques tion. Is one of the- most e nteiprisng towns in the valley. The present coun cil has worked hard, has Improved the roads, the sidewalks, and curbing, and unquestionably It is the people's duty to clean the wulks In front of their properties, as nt present they are but a coating of ice, making it perilous to the pedestrians. According to the borough ordinance, there is supposed to be a license placed upon pack peddlers, hucksters and all those who come to this town to sell their wares. Several years ago this tax was Imposed, which protect d our mer chants, as they have to pay license, but of late this has been neglected. Now the time Is fast approaching when the citizens will have an opportunity of placing several olllcials in the respect ive otllces, and it would be a wise plan to instruct such aspirants of the voters' wishes. Mrs. K. K. Curtis, of Aldenville, nne county. Is visiting friends in town. Miss Jennie Joy. f Honesdale, Is visiting her parents on Second street. tin Monday M. I). Cure, Jr., sustained a fracture of the knee by a kick from a horse at his home in llrecnticld. Mr. Cure undoubtedly will not attend to his duties for some time. Mr. Isaac Singer, of Carbondale, was a business caller in town yesterday. Mr .1. L. Crawford, of Scranton. was In town yesterday. Mr. James Muldoon. of Washington, who has been visiting his parents on Main street, wll! leave on Monday for his home. On his way he will stixi at c imaha, Neb., to visit Ulchard Kurdish, lormerly of this place. Mr. James Carbine, of Ulyphn nt. was n caller in town the fore part of the present week. Two yutuiff men came to town on Sat urday last, registering us Charles Minor and John A. Anderson, ami claiming that they were soup agents, but upon investigation we found they came here for a Jolly Christmas and from all ac counts they had it. among wine bot tles and chicken, w hich hud not been thoroughly cooked. We will merely add that the young men signed tlctitious names, as tliey wore not very far away from home. .Miss Alice Watklns, of Carbondale, is the guest of Miss Jessie Sunford. Miss Grace Hucklngtum, of Carbon dale, was calling on Miss Hattle Mason yesterday. Miss Margaret Jones was calling on friends in Carbondale yesterday. tin Monday evening a pleasant sur prise was given the Kev. Mr. Williams n i a i at his home on Third street, by t members of his bible class. A pleusn time was siient, and before Icav gave him a useful present, in memento of his class. The following composed the party: Mr. and Mrs. James Din ner. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. David Smallcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Kd ward Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Oily. Mrs. Stu art, Mrs. Jessup, Mr. John Culey, Mr. Kdward Dinner, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Maymes, Mr. and .Mrs. William Will iams. Miss Miiary Hucklnghum, Miss Cooper, Miss Couso, Miss Mary Din ner, Iss Ann Joplln, Mr. Paul Jones. Mr. .1. D. Myers, of Scranton, spent Sunday In town. Mrs. C. L. Hell Is reported to be sick with diphtheria. James Lee, of the East Ride, while coming from his work In the Delaware and Hudson mines on Monday, was accidentally struck on the forehead by a piece of coal. The cut required sev eral stitches to close It up. .Mrs. Thomas Marsh, of Second street, received quite painful Injuries on Mon day while walking down Second street. The sidewalk in that neighborhood Is quite slippery ami Mrs. Marsh fell. When friends reached her she was un conscious. She was curried to her home on Second street, nnd Is now rest ing qute easy. A number of the ladles of this town have recently formed a club for the purpose of exchanging' periodicals. A number of the young people spent last evening at the home of Miss Ger tie Davison on Second street. Mine Foreman Thomas ii'llrlon Is quite sick at his home with signs of pneumonia. Lyman Jloffecker hns been awarded the contract tir the erection of the electric light plant at Forest City. Mrs. George W. Davis, of Scranton, spent yesterday at the home of S. D. Davis, on Main street. Miss Kliza Osborne w ill give a recita tion lit the watch night services nt the Methodist church, Carbon dale, on New Year's eve. Dwight Crane, Charles Smith and I.ouis Abbott, of Carbondale, enjoyed the skating on the reservoir yesterday. The .lerniyn Citizens hand ln;t ev n Ing discoursed some of their choice music on the streets. Tills band inn ; not been organized many years, but j cm n year Mints laurels to its crow-!, and Is now one of the best bands in the alley. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Vail and family attended th" funerui of a friend at Clifford yesterday afternoon. TUNK1I ANNOCK. Cory Kresky and family, of Scran ton, have been snending -some time In town w ith Jacob Kresky. Yesterday moriiiiir? John Hart man, an employe at the tannery, accident ally stepiied into a pool of waler heat ed ?flO decrees. Ills left foot and leg were badly s( aided, which w ill prob ably lay him up for many weeks. Ice seven Inches thick Is being cut on the reservoir. Mrs. Dr. Chase, who for the past year has been living in Wilkes-liarre, con templates moving back to Tunkhnn nock in April. Joshua Siinpkins, which comes to Piatt's opera house on Thursday night, does so in order to till an off date. The company, coming directly from Scran ton, goes from Tiiukhunuoek to Ithaca, is considered Hist class and far above the usual run of shows which II t id their way to the smaller towns. Will Ilawke, of Nicholson, is visit ing Kvuns Aver. Hugh Pliinney, our harness maker. Is very ill at his home In Tioga street. Foster Hewitt, of Trilinunsburs, N. Y.. and cx-proprb-tor of the Packer House, wus In town last week. A gang of men have been at work for the past two days putting the Pos tal telegraph wltvs in proper shape. Cooper Ac Wuters have their saw mill erected at the "Y," and will begin operations shortly. OLD FOK(iK. George K. Drake, sr., and T. J. Stew art are spending a few days in New York city. Prof. L. It. Krndhend Is spending his holidnys with his pnrtnts. William T. Drake, ot Lehigh univer sity, III vlBiting his parents. The fourth quarterly sacramental ser- vice will lie held In the Hrlck church on Thursday evening. A watch meet ing will afterwards be held. AV I I.KF.S-H A R R K. The remains of the late Charles Par rish arrived at the Lehigh Valley depot at l.:W yesterday afternoon. They were enclosed in a larse oaken case with bronze bundles over the casket. On the train was Mrs. Parrish and daugh ters, W. L Conyngham and others. The remains were put in charge of ISur tn Vfiorhis, of Voorhis & Murray, und were taken to the First Presbyterian church, where they will remain until the funeral services are conducted at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. llelma. wife of Jacob Falk, died at her home on North Franklin street Monday evening. She was a resident of Wilkes-Karre for nearly half a i-en-tury and was universally respetted. Hesldes her husband there survive her: Mrs. Max I-vl. Samuel L, Sara and Henry, the latter u student at the ' i i -versity of Pennsylvania. A dime soelal w 111 be held at the Derr Memorial Methodist Kpiscopal church on Friday evening. January 1, with the following programme: First, instru mental and vocal music; second, mum (any violation of this part of the pro gramme will cost 5 cents extra: third, light refreshments. It will begin at S o'clock. The young men employed as waiters In the Exchange hotel have received notices from Mr. Keigler, the proprietor, that their services were no longer re quired alter the first of the year. Mr. Xicgler Intends to employ waitreseS. This is dene to cut down expenses. The wholesale liquor store of Con stine & Wolpow was closed last even ing by the sheriff on executions ag gregating tlU.UIHI. Mrs. Samuel Gelsslnger tiled at her home, corner North Washington and Jackson streets, Monday evening after a long Illness. She was 55 years of age and well know n. ZUCKER'S SENTENCE. The Now York Firebug Mill Pass ThirtySix Yc ir iu Prison. New York, Dec. SO. Isaac Zucker, convicted last night of arson in the first degree, was today sentenced to thirty-six years in prison. Stacker re ceived ills sentence impassively. His lawyer made a motion for arrest of Judgment und n lu-w trial, whh-h was denied. He w ill go before the supreme court and there make an application for a new trial. The spccillc crime for which Stacker was tried was that of setting tire to his house at No. 2l Division street, this city, on the night of January -i, IS'.it. It Is the general belief, however, that he participated in a number of Incen diary lires, Gladstone's Hirtliduy. London, Dec. 211. Mr. Gladstone cele brated the c Ighty-se vcntli anniversary of his Ijlrth at his residence at llawardeii today, sill rounded by his family. There wus the usual demonstration by the vil lagers in honor of I he occasion, eonslst Ing of the rlUKing of eliureh lu lls and the assignment of deputations to proceed to the castle and congratulate the venerable statesman. Thioio-limn the day there was all enormous How ij congratulatory telegrams Into the castle from all pa 'is of the t'nlted Kingdom, the I'nlted Slates ai.d the continent. President Isaac LeAvis of Saliinii, Ohio, is liiuiily res(cclc(l all Ihroiivh Unit section, lie lias lived in Clinton Co. 7.5 years, and litis Iiecn ircitlcht of tlic Satiinii Hank 'JM veins. Hi- jfliiilly tcslilics to tin- nii'fil of Hood's Sarsa lai'illa, mill what lie says is worthy attention. All brain workers liml Jl I's Sat's!iitii'illu ipcciiliarly adapted to llicir needs. It makes pure, rich, red lilonil, anil from this conies nerve, menial, Imilily und digestive slrcii"th. "I am glad to my that Hood's Karsapa rilla is a very pood medicine, especially as a blood puriller. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es liecially at night when I had been havimj a hard day ol physical and mental labor. 1 took many remedies, but found ht-lponly in Hood's Sarsaparilla w hich cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's SarsHparilla lias proved itself atrue friend. I also take Hood's i'ills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much." Isaac LEWIS, Sahina, Ohio. Sarsapariila Istlie (Hit- True blood Puriller. Allilrtiggt-iK 1. Prepared only liy C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell. .Mat. u it rii are ironiit. ellleicnt and MOOdS FlIlS easy in effect iiCL-nts. DUPONT'S Ki mM, ELASTIC AND SPORTING Vanufact'ired ot the W.ipwnllopon Mills, Luzern county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BEMN, J?. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstrlot US WY0MIN0 AVENUE, Scranton, Pa. Third National Hank Building;. AGENCIES: THOS. POr.D. Plttston. Pa. JOHN R SMITH A SDN. Plymouth, Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkes-Uarre. Pa. Agents for tho Kt-pauno Chemical Com. (a.&y'a High Uxplouives. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York. 0pp. Ursce Church. -European Plan, koom $i.oo a Day and Upwards. In n modest nnd unobtrusive way thor art few bvttor conducted hoUiii la the metropolis thnn the Ht. Denis. The great popu arity it baa acquired can rendiljr be tracad to it unique lo. atlon, its hnmohkn Ktmnaplmre. tlm peculiar excellenu of its cuisine and saririce, anil its rer moder ate prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. Bank THE BLUES. A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE DREADFUL FEELING. What Is Meant by This Furni or Acuta M lav ry-Where Uut-tora Make MUlakra. When a cheerfu'. brave, lijrht-heartej Woman is suddenly plungi'd into that perfection of misery, the blues, it is a sad picture. It is usually this way : She has been feeliu(f " uut of sorts" for some time; head has ached, and back also; lias slept poorly; been quite i uervous, uuu a nearly fainted M mice or ' twice; head 'pi dizzy, and 'f ues.r; nus i beat very fast; then that bearing-down feeling. Her doctor says, "cheer up, you have dyspepsia; you'll be all ri'lit soon." Hut she doesn't get "all rijrht." She grows worse day by day, till all at once she realizes that a distressing female complaint is established. tier doctor has made a mistake. She has lost faith iu him ; hope van ishes; then conies the brnod'uig, mor bid, melancholy, everlasting in. IKS. lier doctor, if lie knew, should have told tier und cured her, but he did not, und she was allowed to KuiTer. Hy chance slio came across one of Mrs l'inkhatu's books, and in it she foiiiu, her very symptoms dcscrilied and an explanation of what they meant. Then she wrote to Mrs. I'inkhain, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, feeling that she was telling her troubles to a woman. Speedy relief followed, and vigorous health returned. Lydia K. I'inkliiun's Vegetable Com pound instantly asserts its curative powers iu all those peculiar ailments of women. It has been the standby of intelligent American women for twenty years, und the slo1-' recited nbovo is the true experience of hun dreds of women, whose letters of gratitude are to be found ou tile in Mrs. l'inUhum's library. WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establishment in Scran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at low prices. We make good garments at low prices, and we are the only par tics in Scranton that have the facilities for so doinir. Wl nAVN sis Wyoming Ave, J. Urt li Arcade Buildlnz. :i3 LAOTM.'U HJE.TJE. C4 VI, -1 'c haw nearly completed cur Holiday Stock ami arc now prepared to olfcr as fine an of JEWELRY, CLOCK i, WATCH-J, cut gus?, oT pott:;., SILVE3 WAR!, HHPS, PUT3 Will, as can be found ativwiiere. Look at our $10.00 Gold Watches, warranted 1 5 years. licatitifnl Banquet Lamp and Lar;: S-lk Shade, At $1.1 ) Hogers' Triple PlalcJ Knives and Forks are line, At .So.01) 213 Lackawanna Avenjs. BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at ako? swtica, at The Tribune Office. Iff Sih. 7 -TVSV A. E. ROGERS Jewelry Store PHELrVDELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS Magnificent Display. mm iiii-TiWJ "." han,lFotro T.lafrlnp p'nph rnis, Hi-Inch li'iiKtlm, full swii-ii, Thlln-I ami M.-inen triiiinilui.', Minn- .-mlirokli ri 1 In rut J. I iiinl In iiilliin hivIi'm. Tin- liki- nt-vor wus soM In 1 1I i-ity fur li-ys 6Q QO thun Jl.",; our l lin i li i- .. $Oiv)0 Sl'WIAI. l!nu.lS IN' SKI'ARATK UI-:SS gKIKTi!- ." ltmirl.- (.kills. lnl liml liiteillm-.l, full wlilth In brown. fc-i'i't-ii. Mat k nml liliu-; ivijiilai- O QO Iri..e ;!.ys; now fct30 Z. WE1NGART, Proprietor, M LACKAWANNA AVENUE NO CHARGE FOR CLEARING SALE OF Holiday Goods At a sweeping reduction in prices in order to close them out before our stock-taking January ist, 1S97. Screens, Easels, Umbrella Stands, Bric-a-Brac, Tabourettes, Onyx Top Tables and Cabinets, Tea Tables, Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Carpet Sweepers, Blacking Cases, Ottomans, hassocks, Etc. Rug Department. Turkish Dagestan, Wilton, noquette, Sheepskin, Goatskin and Smyrna Rugs, Baby Carriage Robes and a Full Line of Cocoa, Rubber and Wire Door Mats, all sizes. Carpets and Draperies. TK-. 403 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ' THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Libera! Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. mwm crumbs" sale. o mi o o . a-- 1 Mil opportunity to uuy ''1. . ii ..." 1. x uc items are bucn over therefore these Lamps ana Kh:u!e:- 0 O o The p;"ic:s tin th.'se cooils are 1-4 till former price. Cumd l'ase and 'i.ii:i. Cupid I'.asc ami Globe ,i.7 Unix Hilar and Shade '. S, with Cliitinii Lace, .i.ihi Lamps and Shades 5. 511, and other like valiii-s. Pk'i!r;'s St. Cecelia," "Maler Djlaliosa," "Magdalene" and such popular sub jects cumprNv our stock alL fumed in haiid-iOtne uiiiltou'atiy and t;tild. White and ...ou Hcturcs 'J.i)S. o Fancy Baskets Scrap Uaskots W.irfc Unskcts Well math- a lew left at half 'price. S I 7". iJa-ikct .. .MS 2 OO K:is!ict 1 .01) 111 o:) Work Market SO.O Other prices between. Faiifj Kerrjjfi'SH (hairs 0 e have about two dnzen of them maiked at prices less than wc paid. We want to move them.' That's the "Why?" Our "Christinas Crumbs" Sale continues until next 4 Thursday so do not delay as there arc some that we have not mentioned above that you may want. ckockxooooxooooooooocoxooxoo $ "Christmas ft MitV rath k&LA0 225-227 Wyoming Avcnus a. o Wo hav Jimt purchased J3.M0 dollars worth of Mock of CATES, COATS, SklltTS. ami WAISTS only. Our nor inous trail tells the iitory of wonderful Having of Hoot caiih biiylnif and spot cas Killlii,-. i,ir .r. puru lions for the holiday trailt- were made by redui'inK prices be fore Christmas in order to give our pat rons a chance to have their Karmenta for midwinter wear. It Is not necessary to wait until the season la over. You will i it a bi-nellt to conio and examine our SPncK lii-tore purchasing elsewhere. 30 Hondo Coots half silk lined 0 QO formerly J...S!!; now lt.00 ) line Persian Ast radian coats, lined with the llnrst Khadame lik. trimmed with llitie pearl buttons, former A QO pili-e Jii.:K now r.35 30H extra tine French caterpillar coats, half silk lined, made up in the newts " QO efteeis, former price Ho.; now 1 130 Tii nil wool Kersey Coats, lined with tin Taffeta silk, handsomely trimmed, sold In New York city lor SIS each. Owlmt to our fortunate purchase can C QO Bell them to you for 3.UU I'M nne crushed Astrachan Capes, silk lined, full sweep, Thibet fur Uiinmlnit, sold In this city at 111.00; re- A QO duetion price HiOO "00 beautiful IlKiired mohair skirts, 4 yards wide-, lined and Interlined, velvet biml Iiik; e. bai-Kula nt p.oo; our 1 iQ I'lice .t3 If wo boiiKht up the whole spaco of this paper we would not be able to Klve you a correct Idea of the bargains wa have. Con-seiiut-ntly we save expenses In every way In order to give you the full benefit In bargain. ALTERATIONS Established 23 Years SON & CO., 'v r. it e i a gut lor inose you iorgot .i t as we uo not care iu carry big cuts: I low ii Look at- the down, HulIY, odor less and almost stemless. And th; sateen ! All sorts of charming pat terns. We sell them at $1.13. Wi'i deductions in Comforts and Itlankcts, too. Moil's Overcoats As yon please you may get an Overcoat fi r the money you thought would be necessary. Or you may make your money biiv an Overcoat ust as qooil asnin as you hoped to have. This explains it: We have a lot Overcoats left from various lots of It 1 110 ami Black Kerseys and Fancy Cheviots not a complete line of sizes probably in any one but all sizes in the group. We Sell Clothing For Cash Or Credit. Carpets And Hogs Greatly Reduced.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers