The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 29, 1896, Page 8, Image 8
THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20. autiYOH's BLOOD CURES MiinyoM'a Wood Ouiv. will positively euro tho worst form of avrofuU, erylpa In, sali-rhoum. roirnm. plmplea. syphtll-tt- affiH'tiotim nuTiHirlttl mini, blou-lu-i, liver iot, tetu-r atul all Impurllle of the Mutiyon'n Ka.-i anil Skin Olntim-nt re hiovch Mii. klioails. plnil-. bkttclw aiul Mil ktu eruptions. It soot hi uiij heals cuts, sores. s.'mKIs uliti luirns, ami relieves tho .im ttt oiu-e. Sore Hps. chapped haiiils. scurvy ectcma. salt rheum and tetter ntv promptly cured. A separate cure for each disease. At all rinitfiiist, mostly Vi cents a vial. IVrsonal letter to Prof. Muuyon, 1505 Aivh stivct. Philadelphia. Pa., answered fiee medical udlce for any disease. CARBONDALE, (RraArr will rl no'1 that advrtl mem, orders for Job work, and Hema for publication left at th establlihment of Shannon Co.. newsdealer. North Main atreet. will receive prompt attention; of lice open from a' a. m. to 10 p. m.) CAPTURED A SHOE THIEF. An Suiting hnse Through the Sireols. A man giving his name as janie Q. Piic wan tried before Alderman Jone yesterday mortilni; charued with steal In l' u pair of patent leather shoes from Kllirci'ht'a shoe store on Man street. He was easily proved guilty and com mitted to the county jail. The shoos were stolen last week. The man entered the store and asked to see hoiik shoes. While he was looking at them the rlerk'a attention was drawn to some one else who had entered. Price then clipped a pair of expensive pat ent leather shoes Into his pocket and left the store. It was several days before the shoes were missed and then the queer actions of the customer com ing to the mind of the clerk he at once concluded that he was the one who took them. Since then a bright lookout hus been kept for the stranger and at Jast the search was rewarded. Mr. Kibrecht was tuld where to And the iiiuii uml It was not long before he had him spotted. He invited the man to walk to his store where he had a little business to tulk over. The stranger consented to go and had no suspicions of anything until they beared the store. .Making Koine excuse he hurried into u suloou and out the front way, followed Uy Mr. Kibrecht. The race was kept VP for some distance, but the thief out distanced Mr. Kibrecht, who, seeing pursuit would be in vain, hurried to Alderman Jones', where he secured a warrant. Soon after the thief was cap tured by Constable Vun Oorder. When captured Price was about to step on a street car. He hail several packages with him, consisting of wear, lug uiiiiril and on his head was a new hut. The slioes he had on were the stolen pair and Mr. Kibrecht showed conclusively that they must have been taken from his store. As Price could do nothing with the overwhelming proof brought uguinst him he pleaded guilty bud was sent to Scranton. Price Is ulso accused of breaking into a trunk la Forest City on Christinas night. FELL INTO A MINE. Sudden I'nve-in Nearly Cause the llenth of Two Horses. An accident occurred In the vinclnlty of the Northwest mines which nearly resulted In the death of two valuable horses, the property of Frank Hollen-bei-k. The accident was of a rather peculiar nature. The team driven by Frank MeCawley had Just taken a load of ties to the Northwest and were returning when suddenly the ground caved In precipitating the horses to the bottom where they lay struggling violently to free themselves. The driver hau luckily escaped falling and soon had help. The struggle of the animals, however, caus ed another fall which let one of the animals to the bottom of the mine. To release the animal it was necessary to enter the mine and by digging around freed It. It was then lead out through the slope. It required more work to liberate the other horse. An Inclined plane was built and up this the horse was pulled. Neither of the animals were Injured beyond several bad cuts. Heath ol Mr. Thomas Barrett. , The sudden death of Mrs. Catherine Barrett, wife of Thomas Barrett, a well known merchant of the city, occurred yesterday morning. Mr. Barrett had apparently recovered from an Illness i4 some three weeks duration and had been conversing In her usual cheerful manner when she was seized with heart failure and passed away. She was a daughter of Mrs. Mary Dixon and had always resided In this city since her birth fifty years ago. Her sudden death brings sorrow to her husband and children, Mrs. Michael Ollroy, Alice and Loretta Harrett, and Thomas Bar rett, an only son. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Dixon and four sisters survive, Mrs. Michael Nevlns, of Scran ton; Mrs. Thomas Mullaney, of Hinghamton; Mrs. Lawrence Burke, and Miss Sarah Jjlxun, of this city. W reck nl No. I Mine. A wreck occurred at No. 1 mine yes terday of the same nature as the one at the same place some time ago. A switch was left open and a train of car coming clown the gravity ran Into It and several cars were derailed. The damage was small. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Jennie Fox, of South Main street. OUR Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands, Screens, Pictures Has socks, Cur pet Sweepers, Rugs and Muts, and the largest and finest assortment of Carpets in the city, I'ltlCES uhvays the lowest. J.SCOTT INGLIS, Carpel;, Wall Paper tad Drapsrles, 419 LICKl AVENUE. III in will spend this week with friends In Plltaton and W likes-rre- John Burns, or Honandul. was the guest of friends In town Sunday. Kev. J. Ma lone, of Scranton, was a visitor at St. Rose rectory yesterday. James Duggan, of Brooklyn street. Is III with rheumatism. Rev. John Holmes visited friends in Honesdale yesterday. , Henry Mcllale, of Pittston, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McHale. L. M. Bunnell, of Scranton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd over Sun day. Dr. W. P. Morrison, of St. Joseph's hospital, Reading. Pa., returned to his duties last evening, after a short visit with his parents. Rev. Michael & Loftus was the guest of Rev. J. J. Outran, of Wllkes-Barre Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Roach and two children, of Canaan street, are 111 with diphtheria. Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara was In town yesterday. Yesterday being the "Feast of the Holy Innocents," the bishop made his accustomed visit to the no vitiates at St. Rose convent. Mrs. Edward Clark, of the West Side, Is entertaining Mrs. W, J. Donlan and daughters, of Kingston. T. J. Gilmartln, who has been sick with typhoid fever, Is able to set up. Henry L. Moses, of Scranton, was a visitor In town yesterday. Miss Mary Killeen, who has been visiting friends in New York for sev eral months, has returned home. Mrs. Daniel Williams, of Dunmore, was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Wilson Sunday, Miss Alice Brldgett Is confined to her home on Darte avenue by illness. The wife of Aneurln Jones, formerly of Carbondale, died at the family home in Brooklyn on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butterwuorth, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, on Bel mont street. Miss Klla lilrs has returned from a lengthened visit In New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Epes and Mrs. C. M. Epes and grandson, Charlie, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Benson on North Wyoming street over Sunuay. Miss Hattle Cooper, of Hyde Park, is visiting at the home of Miss Hattle Hutchins on Washington street. J. J. Simpson and Isaac Hollenhack are confined to their homes .by an at tack of fever. Master James and Miss Mary Walsh, of Pittston, are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, of South Church street. Mrs. J. J. O'Boyle left yesterday for a visit with friends in New York city. Miss Lizzie Thompson is home from West Chester Normal school. FACTORY V1LLE. Some of our young men have been so persistant In ringing doorbells, and committing other malicious mischief about town, that they have aroused the wrath of some of the citizens, and It looks like trouble brewing for two or three of the boys thut have been caught at It. Their names shows on the records at one of our Justice' of the peace, for future proceedings. Attorney and Mrs. Fred R. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. William Pertigo. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Capwell and (laughter, all of Scranton, spent Christmas lit our town. lr. J. A. Heller has disposed of his drug store to Charles Klinefelter, one of our best known young men who will lake possession today. Charles is a very popular young man here and he has our best wishes for success. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mathewson, Mr. and Mrs. Kllas Thompson and John Kllen berger ate Christmas dinner at the "(lid Depot Hotel." Mr. Reynolds, of Reynolds Bros., of Scranton, was calling on yir merchants yesterday. Miss Electa Capwell and Oeorge War ner, of Nicholson, Miss Minnie Capwell, of Dixon, and Mr. Burns, of Blootus burg, were culling on friends In town Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. A. Brown was visiting friends In Nicholson last Saturday. Our well-known townsman. J. Wesley Reynolds, had an attack of congestion of the brain last Saturday afternoon. Doctor Fitch was summoned and soon succeeded In getting' him to resting quietly and at the present writing Mr. Reynolds Is much Improved and rapidly regaining his former health. on and after Jan. 1st. 1SU7. there will be G per cent, added to all taxes unpaid. Those who yet have taxes not paid will do well to call on Collector Fred Chase and pay the same and save a, nickel on a dollar. Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis, formerly of this place, but now of Ithaca, N. Y are visiting relatives in town. Meetings will continue all this week (except Saturday night) at both the Baptist and Methodist churches. Janitor E. L. Watklna was a caller to the "Electric City" yesterday. Mrs. A. J. Oilmore was shopping in the city Monday. Prof. Oeorge Transit?, wife and chil dren, of Pottsvllle, are vlsitng the holiday week with K. S. Hinds. Rev. C. K. Van Woert, of Nicholson, will assist Rev. H. H. Wilbur in the revival work at the M. E. church this week. Six degrees below tero yesterday morning was the average register here. On and after Jan. 1st. 18T. the I).. L. A W. railroad company will prohibit the free transportation of individual milk cans or cans going to the employes of the railroad. This will materially ef fect one of the lurgest milk dealers In this place as hereafter the milk for employes will be shipped to Scranton in bulk and then put into individual cans. Incurring considerable more expense to the shippers as well as to the con sumer, as the shipper will have to get more for his milk. Four or five hun dred Individual cans have been coming Into the depot at Scranton every morn ing and often trains had to be held on account of them. The company has decided that it has grown to be a nuis ance and has concluded to stop it. ' TAYt.OK. By a peculiar coincidence four houses were destroyed by fire in Old Forge at about 10.30 a. m. yesterday morning. The lire company of this town quietly responded, but when the firemen reached the scene the fire was bursting through the roofs, and by that time the buildings were completely de stroyed. The fire started In the hotel owned by James Smith. The loss will be about $4,000, most of which is cov ered by Insurance. Mrs. Reese, of Prlceburg, visited friends and relative in this town on Sunday. The board of health will hold a meet ing on Wednesday evening at the of fice of the burgess. The Independent Social Hub will con duct their regular weekly social this evening at Weber's rink. Messrs. C. H. Van Horn. Tallie Thomas and Officer Edward Allen left yesterday on a hunt ins trip. The above gentlemen are good marksmen and no doubt will return with a nice lot of game., JERHYN AXD , MAYFIELD On New Year's evening the parish hall will be formally opened to the con gregation of Sacred Heart church. The pastor. Rev. M. E. Lynott, deserves a great deal of credit for the Interest which he has taken in the Improvement of the hall. They have now a reading and recitation room, which is unex celled by any in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soby spent the latter part of the week with the lutter's parents at Forest City. Bert Dix called on friends in town yesterday. Professor Stevens, Joseph Tennis and Thomas Douthwaite played with the Ollroy orchestra at the Archbald opera house last night. George Tennis and Frank Giles spent Saturday in Scranton. Rev. Mr. Fessondon, rector of St. James church, spent part of yesterday in Scranton. John Carey made a business trip to Moscow yesterday. Miss Emma Scutt spent Sunday in Scranton, the guest of her sister, and while there attended the Christmas ex ercises at Elm Park church, and is loud In her praises of the music. The following were Installed as offi cers of Aurora lodge. No. 52:!, Free and Accepted Masons, on Saturduy evening by Past Master 8. I). Davis: Isaac Mendleson, worthy master; C. August Buttenberg, senior warden; Frank Vlemclrlght, Junior warden; Calvin Vail, treusurer: S. D. Davis, secretary. The appointed officers will be an nounced at the next meeting. Stephen Whltmore will sturt this morning to draw the lumber to Crystal Lake for the erection of cottages at that place. William P. Bray Is insist ing him. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goodrich, of South Gibson, und Miss Dunn, of For est City, are visiting Mr. and Mis. Oeorge Dunn, on Main street. Jesse Snyder and daughter, of North Muin street, are quite sick with diph theria. The Misses May IVngelly and May Ktlputrick. of Cutiiondale, were callers In tow n yesterday. Albert Crane and sister, of Carbon dale, culled on friends in town last evening. 'The young people both of Jermyn and Carbondale, are enjoying the excel lent skating on the new reservoir near Kushbrook road.' They are taking ad vantage of It now us the Ire dealers will soon be guthering their harvest. The society of this and surrounding towns are out on th qul-vive for all ar langements for the Crystal tire com pany's grand ball on New Year's eve, are now complete. Kvery detail has been carefully arranged, und all that remains to be done, is for the Invited guests to turn out en-musse, and en Joy the good time, and things prepared for them by the lire toddles. Past events of this kind have proved the elllii eney of tile Crystals as entertainers, and from pr-wiit indications they In tend to keep up to the standard. The hull Is handsomely decorated, a full orchestra will furnish the music for (lancing. A supper will be iBerved and a suite of rooms adjoining the hall has been etigugeil where those who will may enjoy u quiet tete-a-tete, after be ing fatigued by the dancing. This Is the people's opportunity to show their appreciation of the firemen. Mrs. D. P. Evans and family spent Sunday at Wllkes-Barre. Mrs. Alfred Butterworth, who has been sick for several days, is improv ing. Miss Laura Hill on Thursday morn ing will leuve fore a month's sojourn ut Philadelphia. Mrs. John E. Humphrey, who some time ago returned from the west quite ill, is still quite sick. On Sunday evening President Elder Thorpe, at the Methodist church, ad ministered the Lord's supper to a large number of communicants. Richard (letidall returned from Wy oming Seminary yesterday. The Misses Maggie Winter and kib ble I'ellow attended Trinity church, Carbondale on Sunday morning. Messrs. Charles Smith and James MrhliittJ, of Mayfleld, who returned from Alaska last Friday evening, ex pect to return about the middle of March. They have purchased a clulm there and also brought a piece of rock which is glittering with gold, as a speci men of the good fortune that they hope awaits them in the future should Prov idence spare them. Mr. Smith also spoke of the shipwreck and Qf the man ner In which they landed, but space will not allow the full details of the trip. Mr. Smith states that as they pro ceeded towards their destination their hearts were tilled with superstitious fears. A very enjoyable time was Bpent on Christmas evening in the Welsh Baptist church, Mayfleld. A large number were In attendance. The children sang and recited their pieces well. At the close of the entertainment presents were distributed to the members of the Sunday school. Miss Sadie Buchanan, of Third street, is visiting friends In Scott. Mr. Richard Latcham, of Providence, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Noah Pugh, of Mayfleld. yesterday.' . Kev. Ivor Thomas, of Taylor, preach ed a veiy ol'le sermon at the Congre gational church yesterduy. The following officers of the Meth odist Episcopal Sunday school were elected on Sunday afternoon: Superin tendent. C. D. Winter: first assistant, I. B. Crawford: second asuitant, ('. L. Hell; secretary, W. T. Osborne: assist ant secretary, J. M. Gill; treusurer, John Mason; orgunist, Emma Roberts: ussltant organist, John Friend; chor ister, Thomus Jopllns: assistant chor ister, I). P. Evans; ushers, John Mc Lean, John Wasley, Frank Couch; li brarians, John Robinson, William Ben nett, John Jones, Martin Stevens; pri mary department superintendent, C. F. Baker; organist. Mrs. Dr. M. J. Shields; assistant organist. May Hen wood. All the teachers were re-elected to the respective classes. The Sunday school is now in a flosrishlnz condi tion. There are enrolled over 600 pu pils. John Friend, of West Mayfleld, has nigh decided to leave town. He says he Is getting tired of the place and his Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels arid produces bilioiuiiets, torpid liver, iiidi- IrHood'jl geition, bad taste, coated f9 tongue, sick headache, in- I Qj ! 1 1 (omnia, etc. Hood's fills I I I S cureconstlpation and all Its w results, euiiiyaiid thoroughly, sse. All drugglstl. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mum. Tat ouljr Puis to take with Hood'i BamparlUa. t 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER R OYA L the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. 4 opinion Is that Prlceburg Is the only town he now could content himself in. James) G. Nicholson hus accepted a poslton with the Traction company and entered upon his duties yesterday. Miss Libbie Hen wold, of Second street, sient the Subbuth with the Misses La Rue, of Carbondale. On Christmas day four of our young men thought they would like to liuve their photos, taking together so having got the best price offered by the photo grupher decided the price was Very reasonable and went and sat for their pictures. But alas when they came to settle for them they were charged an extra -5 cents and they were at loss to know the cause of the udvunce and up on inquiries they found that the extra charge was made for photographing a boll that grew upon one of the quar tette. The Interesting part of it is the fact that the owner of the boil refuses to pay the extra charge while the others cannot see the reasonableness of their paying for it und unless Sum can see It in the light the others view It they must be content with being as sessed to help pay for photogruphing of the boil that grew on Sum's fuce. Richard Friend, who has been visit ing friends ut Como, returned home Sunday evening. At the evening service In the M. K. church Sunday evening the sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered by Presiding Elder Thorpe who also delivered an appropriate sermon. Pas tor Gendull olllcltited In like' capacity ut Peckvllle. Purlck Mullin, who left here thirteen months ago for Pittsburg, is visiting his parents on Lackuwunna avenue. Watch night services will be held at the M. E. church Thursday evening. The services will commence at 8:li0 p. in. The forepart of the evening's ser vices will be conducted by the Kpworth League und ut ID p. in. a sermon by the pastor. All are cordially Invited to be present. William Griffiths, of Third street, who has been suffering for the past three weeks with bn.nchetis Is slowly Improving. Miss Emily Friend Is visiting friends nt Herrlck Center. Patrick Loughney was visiting with friends in Carbondale Sunday. The Maylield school board will meet this evening. Considerable business will be transuded. A case of diphtheria has been report ed to the Mayfleld bourd of health. The nlllicteil Is the son of Mutthew Cnvnnagh, of Lackawanna avenue. A concert will be given In the near future by Professor George Duvis, of Scranton. j Some mischievous fcoys who make It a practice to congregate nightly at the residence of George Hutchings and annoy him. on Saturday evening, while he was away from home, threw stones through his windows. Some one cer tainly ought to be made an example of and u stop put to such rowdyism. We me Inclined to ask where are our po lice? The coming election promises to be very Interesting in Maylield, us the principal ofllces must be filled. The of fice of tax collector w ill certainly bring forth many candidates, us will also the of burgess. PICKVILl.i;. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jaynp, of Nan tlcoke, spent Christmas with her pa rents, Mr. und Mrs. Thomus Swules. Mrs. 7.. P. Tlnklepuugh spent Sunday with her parents ut Pittston. Edgur Lindsley, of Hickory street. Is down with scarlet fever. All members of Blakely council. Junior Order I'nlted American Mechanics, are rtiqUi.'Sted io nfeet next Wednesday evening, as the election of ofllcers will be held. Wellund Peck, a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania, is home on a vacation. Rev. Francis Geiidall, of Jermyn, preached to a larse audience at the Methodist Episcopal church last Sun day eveiiln:'. taking for his text the luth verse of the th chapter of the second book of Corinthians. All parties wishing to procure The Tlibunte's. Political Handbook on New Year's morning can get them of the carriers. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Menner returned home yesterday after spending Christ mas with relatives at Honesdale. Bert Dikeman left yesterday for a visit with friends at Susquehanna.. An Infunt child of Mr. and Mrs. Lo re n Finch died last Saturday of convul sions and was buried In Prospect cem etery yesterday. Edward and George Locklin spent Sunday with their parents in Wayne county. . m , - OLYI'HANT. The funeral of Richard Wormacott, who died on Thursday last, incur red Sunday afternoon from his late resi dence and was attended by a large number of friends. The remains were Interred In I'nlon cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, of Dunmore, are spending the holidays with relatives in town. "The Fast Mail" was presented at the Father Mathew opera hous last evening before a fair sized audience. Mrs. John O'Malley returned home yesterday from a visit in Pittston. Excelsior hose company. No. 1. will hold a social In the Clubf '95 hall Fri day evening, January 8. Rev. Peter Roberts returned hems 4 4 i 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t t t 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 NCW YOKK. W yesterday after spending two weeks In New York. John McNamara, of Ciiicugo, is home for the holiday vacation, Mr. und Mrs. D. J. Vaughn, of King hamton, are visiting the lutter's par ents here. Misses Mary O'Boyle and Lizzie Fur red spent Sunday at Dunmore. WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establishment in Scran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at low prices. We make good garments at low prices, and we are the only par ties in Scranton that have the facilities for so doiug. WI nAVIs sis Wyomln? Ave. . J. UAVIO, Arcade Building ASKFO&TrlE B?oKLET0N GIVES TilL BtT LIGHT thb VvORlD ANPl5A559iyTEiy5ArE FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO SCRANTON STATION. Cdkmio it Tut Hioxtrr Mmui AvrMenmt SHlmHOLiNHALK HEADACHEW . - j ' -inn niNTSGi 3. JfcJ iMfAtun will cure ymi. A LJri jSoiiderru! boon to Buuvrer, iBflarnra. Brouehltlr fir II A FFVEU. Afcra: immnliaterrHti. Anefflcten. rcmiHlY. mnT.nlMt ill rurr . hi portrrt, r!tilT to w en flrt Incllnuiun of c.lii. outlnaed Vtt l.Wertm Permanent Cure. 9ntlfwHlun fnarsntcod orip.nnejr ret undeii. Price. rli. Trial free at Uruiaii'H. HeKlstcred nintl. JO ceuu. 1. S. CCiEMia, Mr., Ibra kiitri, sicfa., 0. 9. 1 BirUTUni The iiiren snd ufest rer-nlr for m&N I nUb sJuklndlnenaee. Ki iemb. Iti li.Sa! rthtum1ni1 sores. Burns. I'nrn. Wonderful ren ii.v ioriii.K. i-rice.XActs.nt iintu ni ' Tor sals by MATTHEWS BROS. JOHN Tf TTFT.PS. Ser-r,tf.n Vi. and Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA G8EAH f hi. Remove FrsoSdss, P!mp!t, f Liver Mole., DlacMoW, binr nan, wwiuibi a l.,k.M .l' Tn. .ml X - re- Mores tho (Ida to lis oriel- i yfi fyt&i) nsi freshness, producing a 'J'WCmtV cicr sad healthy cora-iWCsr ynK- plcxion. Superior to e!i faro preparation snd pvtlerUf tnrmlc?s. At all uruggltts, or mailed for Suits, bcud lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP tanr iwi. " IklB r-uril jlBf Soap, aneqDaled ft (ha tiUel, and without a rival lot tba aumry. AbmlutoW jmra ami delfcataly miU caud. AioTanhti, Price 25 CenH, rM. c. BITTNER , to., Toledo. O, For sals by MATTHEWS mtns. and JOHN H. PHRT.PS. Scrsnton. fa. HOTELS. An establbhed butel under new management nd thoroughly abreast of the times. Visitors to New York will And the Everett Id the very heart of the shoppln district, convenient to places of amusement son readily arceaalble from au part K the city. SL'UOFtA.N HLAN. III .IT l B 01 7i Wat H. BATES. B.L.M. BATES, PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURERS OF CLOAKS AND SUITS Magnificent Display. 73 tmmlsomc T.lzerlnc p'i'"h Pnpes, an-!noh li'iiKihH. full sweep, Thlbi't and Marten triiumiiiK, Home embroidered In cut Jet und in uppllque styles. The like never was sold in this city for less &Q QQ than $13; our reduction prlee .. $Oi90 8PKCIAL ISAIWJAINS IN SKPARATK KKKSS SKIUTS-Siki lloucle fkirts, lined . und Interlined, full width in brown, green, black and blue; regular r) AO price 13M; now eCivJO Z. WEINGART, Proprietor, 421 LACKAWANNA AVENUE NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS CLEARING SALE OF Holiday Goods At a sweeping reduction in prices in order to close them out before our stock-taking January ist, 1S97. Screens, Easels, Umbrella Stands, Bric-a-Brac, Tabourettes, Onyx Top Tables and Cabinets, Tea Tables, Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Carpet Sweepers, Blacking Cases, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc. Rug Department. Turkish Dagestan, Wilton, Hoquette, Sheepskin, Goatskin and Smyrna Rugs, Baby Carriage Robes and a Full Line of Cocoa, Rubber and Wire Door Mats, all sizes. . G. KERR, SON & CO., Carpets and Draperies. !!!SSll 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. CHRISTMAS CRUMBS" SALE. An opportunity to buy a gift for those you forgot The Items are such as we do not care to carry over therefore these big cuts: Lamps an;! Shades The prices 011 these coods arc 1-4 of former price. Cupid Itase and ,!.)(. Cupid H;ise and (ilnbe ,!."). Onyx Hilar and Shade S.i, N, w'uh Chili'on Lace. '0.ih Lamps and Shades $4 50, and other like values. Fji'turos 'St. Cecelia," "Mater Do laUosa," "Magdalene" and such popular sub jects comprise our stock all framed in handsome mulwuany and gold. White and $4.00 Pictures $2.g8. Fancy Baskets Scrap iiaskets Work Basis .'U A Well made a few Ic It at half price. S 1 7fi IJasJscts 2 OO Haskcts 1(1 Oil Work HasU-ts .. .S3 .. I. Ol) .. 50.0 Other prices between. Fancy Itci pption ( hairs c have about two dozen of them marked at prices less than we paid. c want to move them. That's the 'Why?" Our "Christmas Crumbs" Sale continues until next A Thursday so do not delay have not mentioned above that you may want. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I 'nirktmM I fX tnO' Q I v I 9 225227 We have Just purchased 23.000 dollars worth of stock of CAPES, COAT&V 8KIHTS. and WAISTS only. Our enor mous trade tells the story of wonderful saving of spot cash buyinif and spot cash sellltiK. Our preparations for the holiday trade were made by reducing prices be. fore Christmas in order to give our pat rons a chance to have their garments for midwinter wear. It Is not necessary to wult until the season Is over. You will find It a benefit to come und examine our Block before purchasing elsewhere. 300 Boucle Coats half silk lined frfl HA formeriy T,.SS; now )35 too tine Persian Astrachan coats, lined with the finest Khadame silk, trimmed with little pearl buttons, former A OO price tti.tvj now "KgO S00 extra fine French caterpillar coats, half silk lined, made up in the newts " QQ effects, former price W.W; now laWO 273 all wool Kersey Coats, lined with fine Taffeta silk, handsomely trimmed, sold in New York city for 15 each. Owing to our fortunate purchase can C QQ sell them to you for WiwO 100 line crushed Astrachan Capes, silk lined, full sweep, Thibet fur trimming, sold In this city at $11.00; re- A QQ ductton price TtwO 300 beautiful figured mohair skirts, 4 yard wide, lined und Interlined, velvet bind ing; a barguin at $3.00; our 1 AQ price t 19 If wc bought up the whole space of this" paper we would not be uble to give you a correct Idea of the bargains we haVe. Con sequently we save expenses In every way In order to give you the full benefit In burgalus. Established 23 Years l!oun Quills Look at the down, flu fly, odor less and almost stciuless. And tin sateen ! All sorts of charmini; pat terns. We sell them at $4.4. Bis Reductions in Comforts and Blankets, too. Men's Overcoats As you plca you may get an Overcoat for the money you thought would be necessary. Or you may make your money buy an Overcoat tist as good again as you hoped to have. This explains it: 'e have a lot Overcoats left from various lots of Blue and Black Kerseys and Fancy Cheviots not a complete line of sizes probably in any one but all sizes in, the group. We Six Clothing For Cash Or Credit. as there ate some that we Wyoming Avenue. Carpets And Rags Greatly Reduced.