The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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rouK, allay. t Irritation unci oriusH or
thv vhst and acts nmrvWoiisly us a sooth
ing and healintr balm for illseuwl
Jt poultlvely cure bronchial coeiKh. Willi
rattling in thu windpipe ""! im-ntm-as
ultosb the chest, rattliiiK ooiiKh with se
cretions of mucus, homse-ncs. loss of
voire, soreness of Hie chest, dittlrulty In
breathing, couijhs from n;isal catarrh.
harkliiK eouuh of old people. Hhoit, eli.v
with quick breathing; languor, debility
and nlKht xwealw; in fact, every loim
of couKh and nil pulmonary diseus.s.
where tht" limits are not loo far consumed
by the disease or covered by t ubcr.-les.
Jrlee. 2To.
A separate cure for each disease. At Ml
druKKlsts. mostly ' cents a rial.
Personal letters to 1'rof. Munyon, J.'jiTi
Arch street. Philadelphia, l'a., iinsve:eel
With free, medical udvlce for any disease.
fRMderft will please note that nrtvertlpe
aienta, orders for Job work, and Items for
Sublication left at the establishment of
hannon A Co., newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
Uce open from ft a. m. to 10 p. ra.j
Chriklma Services at St. Hose's.
There will be four mnsses at ft. Itose
church on Christmas Day. I lev. J'din
Holmes will lie celebrant nt the six
o'clock mass, mid ltev. MU-hm l K. J f -tus
tit the hnlf-imxt ten o'clock ise-r-Vke.
Very Kev. J. It. Teeby. presi
dent of St. Michael's rnllet,-( Toronto.
Canada, will deliver the sermon. The
music at the Huh masses at rlx and at
hulf-past ten will be under the direc
tion of Professor S. V. Stockman, or
ganist of the church, and the choir
with a chorus of fifty voices will be as
sisted by the Mustn't orchestra. The
following nitis'c will be rendered: Open
ing hymn, "Adeste Kiiblis." with or
rheslraaccoinixiniment: "Kyrle," Uiitt
ninii's mass in F: "Credo," Jinitition's
mass In K; offertory, "Xoei! Niieil"
"sajidrln." "Henelif:tns" :ml "Akiiiis
Del," Buttmon's muss; closing liyinn,
"Holy Night." iu;irt'tte. chorus.
rrrsbyterian Cbnrrh K.nlcrlnininciits
Active iiieparatLin Is belnir niude for
the observance of the holidays nt the
Second Presbyterian church. m
Christmas eve tnere will be a stereoi
ticon exhibition ami entertainment for
the Sunday school. The children w ill
brhiK their mile-hoys and all tire cor
dially Invited to brlua a Christ mas of
feriiiK for the new church lot. tin Xew
Years afternoon and evuiimv the Voting
Mens' league will hold an oyster sup
lit r and X-rays exhibition. Professor
R. N. Havlrt will have charue of the
electrical apparatus, d-voliiiim? tin
wonderful X-rays, nnd all science lov
ing people should come ami see Ibis
most marvelous invention of the (w.
Christmas at Simpson kinileruiirlcn.
The Simpson Kinilersnrten closing ex
ercises were held yesterday mornlm?
bv Miew IVMen ktvcl Mead and bet' as
sistant. Miss Anna llnson. The loom
was beautifully decorated with a vari
ety of pretty articles made by the
children. Santa Claus was present
with an abundant supply of Kifts. Al
ter the dosing son "liood-I've" the va
cation bey a 11 which will continue until
Jan. 7.
Sudden Denth.
C. II. Whitman, about seventy years
Of OKe, who lived ln-ar .Simpson, started
on his way yestetday mornlni; to visit
the doctor's otlice, but wan unable to
proceed and turned l ack uKuin. Some
child it n soon alter found him near the
kludet'Karton nearly unconscious, lb
was assisted to bis home where he re
sided alone. Iiealh from paralysis re
sulted soon after the attack.
A Japanese Visitor.
A young Japanese oll'u Itil, Mr. P.
Kmido, who was educated at the I'ni
Versity of Toklo, was a visitor in this
city on Tuesday. lb- speaks Kmillsli
readily, and is well Informed. lie Is in
this country tit the expense of the gov
ernment seeking Informal Ion. Annuls;
other plates he visited the 1 leneliicU
works, the Silk mill and the brewery.
Welcome News lor .Mrs. lluil.c,
Mrs. Ldwarrt Purke, widow of a
Veteran, received the welcome news
yesterday from the pension attorneys
at Washington, that her application
for a pension bud been allowed, ami
that l,i!00 t ack pay due her deceased
husband for Injuries received during
the war, Mould be paid.
Miss Ttebicca McColm, of Wyoming
street, was the guest of her ntitit. .Mrs.
Thomas Cowley, of Winton, the lhst
of the week.
Matthew f-avey. of Xiagara univer
sity, is spending his vacation with his
sister, Mrs. John Lynch.
Mrs. John Mellowly was the guest of
her sister in Peckville yesterday.
Mrs. John S. Xlles is entertaining her
mother, Mrs. Hunsicker, ot Collcce
vllle. Pioneer council. Junior Order nf Unit
ed American Mechanics, of this city,
will present a ilag to the Maylield pub
lic school on Christmas morning.
Mr. H. Bolton has been cotillneil to
4he house by illness for several days.
Miss May Cameron has been the
guest of friends In Honesdale.
Mrs. Alexander Kennedy, of South
Main street, who has been ill, is con
valescent. Miss Mary Duffy Is seriously ill at
her home on Pottage street.
Mrs. C. 8. Hollls has returned from
lengthened visit in Seranton.
E. L. Knslin. of Seranton. was the
guest of Miss Cora McUonty this Week.
T. H. Enner and sons, Theodore and
Mallory. of North Church street, anil
Mrs. John Heine, of Archbald. left yes
terday for Easton, where they will
spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Werkheiser, of that place.
The management of the Crund opera
house have Invited all the newsboys
In Carbondale to attend the yellow
Kid of Hogan's Alley" at the opera
house Christmas afternoon.
Mrs. E. T. Corby, who has been se
riously ill. is improving.
Dr. Xlles was In South Canaan yes
terday. Mrs. John Van Oorder, of Meshop-
Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables,
Standi, Screens, Pictures, Has
socks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and
Mats, and the largest und finest
assortment of Carpets in the city,
PRICES always the lowest.
. Carpels, Wall Papon and Dnpjrijs,
lily m
pen, Wyoming county. Is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. ti. 11. Van lioider, on Terrace
John W. Aitkin, Albeit S. linker.
William J. Hamilton, Kohert A. .lad
win, Levi A. Patterson, K-. 1'harlcs Krank K. liennls, of Ibis city, at
tended the Xew Kn:lund society (tinner
iti Seranton Tuesday eveiiin;:.
Joseph o'Kourke js lioine from Wor
cester, .Mss., to spe'nd Christinas.
Miss Klieti Heed Mead will be tie
guest of friends in Wilkcs-itai re the
next two weeks.
A number of invitations have 1 n
received in this city to the fourth
annual bull of the Amity Soelil club,
of llomsdnb'. (in Xew Year's eve.
Joseph Spellman. of llones.lale, was
a visiti.r in this city yesterday.-
Mrs. John Kase. of Wayne sir -i t. is
entertaining her mollvT. Mrs. Court
riKht, of Sout'.t Canaan.
On Christmas Hay the bazaar of St.
Thomas' con y, regit t ion will open In the
basement of ilie church. ' Ireat prepar
ations have been made for it and there
Is every prosii.ct of it being the desir
able place to spend an evening as it
has been heretofore. There will be
many line articles on inhibition and tin
unusual prouininnie of rale excellent:;
will be observed tomorrow evening.
Aliss Sarah O'Connor and Mr. M. V.
O'Poyle, both teachers in our public
schools, continue seriously ill.
Justice of the Peace T. J. (iildea was
In Seranton yesterday.
The opening of the Hnckley Memorial
kindergarten on Friday last litis called
general intention to one of (he most
creditable institutions established in
this section in recent years. The new
building which has been in process of
erection for several months was for
mally opened and exercises of an ap
propriate character were observed. It
was nnfortiiiniLe that Mrs. C. IS. Hack
ley, of Tarrytiiwu, X. Y w hose gener
osity was rcsnonsiMe for the magnifi
cent buildincr was unable to be present.
Mis.- I'nd-rwiMiil, of Seranton, superin
tend -nt of the kindergartens in this
vicinity, on behalf of Mrs. Hackley.
gave welcome to the assembled children
ami parents nnd told In well chosen
ords the slory of the kindergarten
movement am! particularly of the one
established ill this borough by Mrs.
Hackley in loving reiiicmbrnm e of her
own little (laiiuhter. w llo ilieil many
yens ii!;o. Tints," continued Ml-'s
I'lKlcnvond. "by honoring the memoiy
of her own. ho shows her love for all
the little ones, and teaches tbein to be
good and t rin tin n and women." After
tellin-; of the proud work tint hud been
done in the ol.l iiuarlcrs of the kinder
garten she c-wressed a hope that equal
ly good result" would llow from the new
si hool. Tin children tli- n sang motion
and other Sonus and afterwards gifts
were distributed to them from u large
Christmas tree. lOach one of the audi
ence vas given a betiuiiful souvenir
calendar mini.- by the children of the
school. Among those w ho att- nded the
exercises v r -r .lames J. Williams,
.Vrs. Ilitc hc oc W, nf Hi n IMihre- K. ;.
.b.m s. ( ilvpliant : Ib-v. T. ,f. Cciinerl'ord,
Thoneis Law. Archbald: Mrs. Mealier,
Vita Mead. .Mrs. P. II. Abbott, Miss I II
lian bilker. Miss Florence Duly. Miss
IIi'smii nnd Aliss Thorne, Curbomlale.
The new kindergarten Is I ical- cl on
tl.e bill beside the Presbyterian church
at the western end of Wayne sheet.
The biiililinu is a large and substantial
two-story structure of iron and wood.
m the lower I hole is a large
assembly ball, tin this Hoot- also are
Ibe two class moms eonn-'i-ted by fold
ing doors. (in the second Hoof there
are quarters fur the Janitor and a large
room which it Is Mrs. Il.ickley's iiiii n
1 i i 1 1 In lit up us all lihrai y and read
ing room. These will be opened as soon
as pi act Ion bio. The teachers nl pres
ent employi cl in tin- kindergiirb n de-piii-lineul
are Miss Hitchcoc k, of Mcran
loti: Mii-s Abbot, id' Curbomlale, and
Miss Sadie Sweeney, of Ihis place. All
an- evpei leneecl teachers and e great
deal of Hie credit for I he excellent work
nnd conduct nf the children is due to
their ii lil.- direction. The building is
an ornaim nl to the town and in every
way a worthy memorial of the gener
osity of Mrs. Il-iekley, That our peopl "
appteciate lic i- kindly Interest in them
was ninidy shown not only nt lb" ex
ercises on PY'day bill hi I heir cue our
agena tit unci iiatt-oiiai'e of the kinder
garten i-inc-e ii w.i s cstalilished llel-e.
Ilie of the mosl plettsalli events of
the week v:is the celebration of the
eighty-sec cuid birihihiy anniversary of
Mrs. Caroline .Miller, of Archbnld. on
Aionday last. Mr. and Mis. C. C. Ifnt
tcnliei'g. with whom ( liaiichuotlii r .Mil
ler icsides. i i ,-1 1 1 picoarcd an excellent
biithc'ay 1 i 1 1 1 1 -1' of which Ibe following
guests, compi isiny: the Miller laimly.
partook: Jir. and Mrs. 11. C. .Miller, of
Kingston; Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. .Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. n. P. .Miller. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Nicmcycr, .Mrs. W. J. Mor
gan, of Scr.'Pton: Ml', unci Mis. I lnn i',
of C.irboncbile; Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Callaway, Air. nnd Mrs. A. V. C.eroig,
Mrs. Kniin.i .Mihlli.ius. unci Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Patlcnberg, of Archbald. After
the (I inner i.n enjoyable social time was
had by all j. resent; niter which the
company dispersed wishing Mrs. Miller
many more? years of hfrqiluoss. Mr.
and Mrs. A. V. A. Miller, of Ktrouds
burg, wen unable to at feud owing to
sickness in tin ir family.
The pupils of N11. 1 sc hool, under tic
tuition of Miss Janet Inulis. will hold
their Christmas exercises this after
noon tit 2 o'clock. Misses Polly Davis,
Kelilh Van I iuslihk and Professor Jas.
V. Foley will assist. The programme
v. ill be reml'-red as follows: Id-citation,
Ada Hatten; song, lierlha Kohler; rec
itation, Maggie .May Davis; due;, Fran
ces and Eva Winters; recitation. .Maud
Evans; recitation, Emma Winters;
quartette. I.eah Kvnns and party; rec
itation. Ada Davis; song, Edith Kohler;
recitation. Knt hel Jone s: song. Annie
Moreliind: recitation, Elizabeth Winter
burn: dialogue. Frances Winters and
party: recitation. Eizzle Williams;
lK-italion, I'.lniiche Williams; song.
Emma Winters; re-citation, Anni
Thomas; s le ction, by the s -hool; reci
tation. Jessio Carelwi II. All the parents
and friends of the children are invited
to attend.
The marriage of Mr. William (lysb-r
and Miss K.ite F.ibner will ' solem
nized this evening at the home of the
bride's parents.
Miss Susb- rianis. of the I'.ei'ch. will
sr-eud her holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Airs. David 1 bin is. 01 this
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Powell, of Ib-nd-hnm,
will leave today I'm lla::leton and
will spend the Christmas with Mrs.
Powell's sister.
Th children of the Me-thoe'.lst church
Sunday sclionl will pros nt t!i" cantata
entitled "Islands of the Sea" tills even
ing at the church.
Misses I, -nil and Grace King nt-e
heme from Syracuse to spend the holi
days, w ith their pureiils, itev. ami Mrs.
F. A. Kins?.
The rnivcrn!lst Sunday srhool will
give on entertainment tonight at the
opera hous", after which uresents will
be distributed among the children.
The ladies of the Methodist Ft Isco
pal church will serve dinner nnd sup
per at the opera house on Christmas
The first snow to cover the grnunil
began Monday evening nnd continued
until Wednesday noon almost continu
ally, but only about three ineln-s fell In
dalnsha flrnw. of California, a
nephew of Hon. O'nlusha A. Crow. Is
spending the holidays with h's mother
at Ccleinvood. He was calling on
fri'-nc!s here yesterday.
C.eorge Ib-nniger, of V.'etherly,
l'a.. Is the giiosl of his wife's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ft. H. Williams.
Mrs. Sarnh J. Williams is spending
the holidays with her son, E, J. Kay
mond, in Binghamton.
On Monday Mr. A. J. Civin hnd a
win runt issueel by Setirire Atkinson fur
the arrest of James Doiid, of the East
Side, for breaking windows and ste al
ing n hat valued at $;i. .Matthew I.e.-b.-onalitled
us liis bceolsniaa in the sum
of SrJ'iu for each offence.
The little child of Joseph CoKhvi died
yesterday afternoon of diphtheria.
.Mrs. T. (). Uohinson is sick at her
home on Cemetery street.
Mr. l.oroy Taylor, who has been
teaching at Williams' Itusin ess college,
Sciantoii, has returned to his home nt
Tompkinsville, since the failure of the
On Monday In-, and Mrs. M. J.
Shields will start for a month's isir
at Victoria. Texas. The doctor Is i
son of th- sunny south and undoubt
edly will enjoy his trio.
The case which was rep-e t-d as diph
theria at the home of William I . Hill,
upon development wns found to be
simple laryngitis. As this is not coii
lauious tin- house is not quarantined.
The services at the Methodist Epis
copal church on Christmas night will
be us follows: 1, unthem by the choir;
2, song by the Sunday school; :!, pray
er by pastor; 4. address by isuperi.ileud
ent; o. recitation, "Words of Welcome,"
by John Morconi: li, recitation. "Hur
rah for Our Sunday School." by Kui
Ciirelner. followed by a carol from tin
lettl" tots; T. "Tile liabe of Ke-thlehem."
by fifteen pupils, S, song, by Sunday
school; ! "Five Fat Turkeys." by live
little boys: 10, recitation, by Kill til
Hutchlns; II. song, by Sunday school;
12, Christmas Power, by twelve little
girls; distribution of gifts.
The services at the Primitive Meth
odist church this evening will consist
of a cantata entitled "Santa Clans und
Mother (loose." by the scholars of the
Sunday school, a:'b-r which the schol
ars will lie rewarded with books and re
freshments. Doors o;ien at 7, com-ine-m
e at 7.:ii i. in.
Horn To Mr. and Mn. William Paw
ling. 011 December 2;l, ti son.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Transue spent
yesterday in Carbondale.
This eveninrj the Jermyn Citizen
band will go out serenading the citi
zens, as a nic-iins of wishing a Merry
.Mr. l-'ra-ik Winters called on friends
at Wyoming seminary yesterday.
Mr. Klija Stephens made a business,
trip to Archbald Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Michael Muldoon's
son, .lames, returned from Washing
ton state on Tuesday. He has been ill
the fur west for ubotit sixte-en j ears.
As may be supposed his parents were
overjoyed at his return.
Mr. Charles Depw. station agent at
Jefferson Junction, Kpent Monday and
Tuesday in town.
Professor J. C. Taylor visited the
public schools on Monday and Tuesday
and declared himself well pleased with
Ho- advancement of th" scholars.
Mr. John It. (Jrilliths, of Wesleyan
college, returned last evening to spend
the holidays.
Mr. T. H. Crawford spent last even
ing in Seranton.
Hairy Kovnrd, piinelpnl of the
I'nloiiilale schools, Is home for the holi
days. MAYF1EI.D.
For the play on Friday evening at
tin- opera bene In Carbondale. seals can
be re.-eiveei bv leaving Word lit the
burlier shop of Peter MeCoi ly, of .May
Held. Mr. Thomas Owens, of Mavtield,
ma.le a business trip to Carbondale
The people of Maylb-lil. property own
ers and all persons oceupjing prop-rty
11s te nants or otln rwlse within the lim
its of the said borour;li, are 1 nested
to remove the snow from t lie sidewalks
within twenty-four hours niter any
fall of snow or lee is deposited the said
si-lew alks.
The borough council of Maylield
passed an ordinance recently which
imposes a tax af llfty cents pe r annum
on each pole in town. Peter McCarly
and Thomas Mciluhniess made a tour
of the borough Momln and found 174
poles, 121 of which are the property of
the Carbondale Traction company and
the remaining fifty-three be lenig to the
J'ostal Tel'-graph company.
. The entei taininent to be given In the
Congregational church this evening un
der the auspices of the Sunday school
will In of a very high order. All lire
invited to attend. Doors open at 7.
entertainment at "" l. in., when the
following programme will be re ndere d:
Singing. "Joy to the World;" recitation.
"Christmas Creeling." Emory Salls
biny; recitation, May Surdivu; recita
tion. Tonimie Hufton: recitation. Sarah
Kill ton; motion song, three little chil
dren; recitation. Willard Crilliths; re
citation, liella Smith; "The Speaking
Club." by primary class; recitation.
"Writing to l'lepa." ( Mweu .b t ri tt;
recitation. "Knitting Mittens." Carrie
Prltchnril; recitation. "The Dead Doll."
Cora Yates: dialogue. "Little Cifts."
four little girls; song. "Waiting for
Santa Clans." live little girls: recita
tion. "Santa Claus and liis Wheel."
Cet tie Wirole ; dialogue, ".Minnie's
Christmas:" sermon; recitation,"
Owens: duet. "The Wonderful Star."
Mary Joins. I.c-tlie Jenkins: dialogue,
"K.-eping Still;" recitation. "How S inta
Clans Was Troubled." .Mary E. Jenkins;
recitation. Mamie Huberts; dialogue.
"Making Doughnuts:" song. "Looking
for Santa Clans;" Santa Clau-i" address.
Hugh Jennings, from Europe. Owen
limine, of St. Michael's college-. Toron
l. . and William Dixon, or St. Vincent's
colli ge, All-'gcie-ny, are spending Christ
mas with friends in town.
On account e;f the shortness of the
days and there being no lights, as yet
in 'tin- silk mill, operations have been
mi-ponded until Jan. 4.
Masses in St. .Mary's church tomor
row will be at K. s.:ie and ta.'.n o'cloc k.
Special music will lie rendered ut the
Ihr.t and last masses.
Miss Mary Davis, of the North End,
Is convalescent after a severe attack -if
The- following programme will be ren
dered this evening at the Methotli-t
Episcopal church: Singing. "Angel's
Mcsn'ge-." resiiosisi ve rending. "Cooel
Tidings;" duett. "Ib-ly Voices." Misses
Kuth and Davis: welcome addrcF.s. Et
tie Davis: singing, "lilrthilay of th
King." primary exercises: youthful
welcome, Stanley Dell; Christmas
greitiiig, Harry Mttcklow: singing,
"ChrNtmus story;" reading. Mark llol
gate: dialogue, ".limnik'ii Conversion;"
singing. "First Christinas Morn:" reci
tation, Mary Muckiow; singing. "Jesus
is Love:" recitation. Alicia Davis:
singing, "The Arch of tll.;hc sl ll"aen."
.Miss Jennie Newlin visited friends
In Seranton yesterday.
Tours to Florida.
No district in America presents, dur
ing the winter season, so many varied
attractions us the state of Florida. He
sides its delightful climate, which to
one escaping from the cold und un-
IJke biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constl
putton. sour .stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Tills. They do their work
easily anil thnrmiRlily. B I 1
Ilest nfti-r flintier pllH. &? 118 6
M cents. All clniotlsls. B 1 B B taiV
PreKircl liy C. I. lluod & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Fill to tako with Hood s Sursaparllla.
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world eel-
1 - 1 r .
curatcu ior ns
1 : . . . i
cimicr ana
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
royal nnni pswoesj eo., new vons.
healthful changes of the north seems
almost ethereal, it is pre-eminently a
land of sport and pleasure. - Along Its
eleven hundred miles of sail water
coast and in its twelve hundred fresh
wute-r lakes are llsh of almost every
conc eivable vni iety.irom the migratory
tiibes common i, northern waters to
the tarpon, poninano, and others of 11
more tropical character. Nowhere in
all our broad land can the angler find
a irteuter variety of game or belter
lb-re also the most enthusiastic hun
ter find satiety. Deer, turkeys, hears,
panthers ami wild cats roam ut large
through the more sparsely settled re
gions, while birds of ull kinds may be
louiiel in abundance throughout the
state. The more novel sport of alli
gator ami manatee buntiiiy; may also
be indulged jn by the; more udventur
oils tourist.
With Its matchless climate, its or
ange groves, its rivers and lakes, Its
boating nnd bathing, its fishing and
hunting, and Its extensive forests, Flor
ida presents unrivaled attractions for
the valetudinarian, the lover of nature-,
the sportsman and the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsyl
vania Hnilroad company lias arranged
four personally conducted tours during
the season of 1SH7. leaving by special
train January 21S. February it and 2:1,
anil Ma-lcli !l. 'I he lirst three tours will
admit of a sojourn of two weeks in this
delightful land; tickets for the fourth
ti ill i- will be valid In return until Muy
ill by regular trains.
liates. for the round trio. $." from
New York, $ls ftoni Philadelphia, and
proportionate rates from other points.
It A little book that should bp in evetv N
j home. Issued by thv manufucturefs
f o.Ulo
y r;i o r -1 r
f Condensed Milk N
p iv. 1. uoncensed Milk Co.
71 Hudson Street, HewTork
Uanufacturers of the Celebrated
In loi M
100,000 Barrels per Annum
LADIHS, j-on can have a beautiful chain iu?.de out of
your own hair at
I ii HtTZES, 333 UimMk AVE.. SCR NTON
C i; "UoiiK-nilit-r, :e arc the only oiiim here who inaiuifae'.ure chains
froni yuur own limr. leave onk-rs as early a nissibL-.
Rcmavable, S3ij-3h3r?3.i:nj
Kevarslip T03 Ca!r,
liiTKuIil fi CO.
Aud a full line of iron and
steel Blacksmiths' aud Wag
onmakcrs' supplies.
Lccomoiives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
hoisting in mm machinery.
prcat rsrw
1 :rs ,
'I! ffl&xfctf
ntTxk b(iij Fjwotn co., new vons. r
For tickets. Itineraries and other In
formation, apply to ticket agents, spe
cial booking otllces. or address Ui-orge
V. Hoyd. assistant general assenger
agent, Ut-oud street station, I'hiladel
phla. il the linhy Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect succese. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world.
He sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Business boom at Davis'
Tailoring House?
The People
recognize this as the only
establishment in Seran
ton where garments are
made to order at popular
Some Make
poor garments at low
prices. We make good
garments at low prices,
and we are the only par
ties in Seranton that
have the facilities for so
W. J. DAVIS, a,ArM5eBu"fjinV!C'
Gas end Electrls Fiilum,
The Wolsbach Ugi
At KeilaiTd rrlocs.
434 Lackawanna vz.
If Your Horse Is Shod with
RirssrRtifM 3 no 99
He Positively Cannot Slip
lii ft mi co.,
p z
Magnificent Display.
. I'i-""
" hnn'1.oniP I.IztIiip plush fa pes, 30-lnoli
lcnmhB, full Hwccp, Thllu-t ami Mai-leu
ti-linmliiK, iomi- riiilrolile-'--il In put J.
unci In iippliiic styles. The like never
was sulci In this, city for lc-sn &Q Qp
than our r.-jiie-iluii price .. $Oi36
UltKSS 8KlltT8-ricju lliiiic-l.- fkirti, llnnel
unci im.-i lincil. full wi.H h in tiron-n.
Ki-eeii, liliic-k ami lihic; rei'.ulai- A IJ0
utlcc :i.SI!; noA- .t.iJO
Onyx Tables and Cabinets,
flusic Racks, Easels,
China Cabinets,
Towel Racks,
Flower Stands,
Carpet Sweepers,
Rug Department.
Imported and Domestic Axminster Hugs,
hi suitubic sizes Tor rooms.
Combination Kiun Mohair and Silk,
with Curl Center, in the latest effects.
A earerullj selected line or Assyrian, Velvet. Moqnelte,
Smyrna, Fur and Japanese Hugs; also Baby Carriage
Uobes In variety, at Prices Lower Than Ever.
Make your selection while the
delivered when desired.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits.
S 9.
Vrreater inducements tnan our
aslsiel: war e,
Were never efFered. See our show
window for prices
of us.
At Nisht
W'f- huc-ci Ills! ntllNtinuA,1 S ILIA n1tnM
worth of Mock of I'AI'ES, CcjATS.
SK1KT3. unci WAISTS only. Our uor
nious trade tella the tory of wonderful
nv in? of iot euh luiyliur ami Bpot cash
selling, our preparatioim for the holiday
trade were muile by re.luciiiK prU-ei be.
Tore C n retinas In onler to iclve our pat.
r.iiia a chiince to have their KarmentB for
midwinter wear. It U not necessary to
wait until the season Is over. You- will
lltiel It a benellt to come unci examine oui
Kloi-K before purchaslnir elsewhere.
Houi le Coats half silk lined 4 OO
formerly $5.s; now Aa90
Zm line I'wslan Astrachan coats, lined with
the finest Khu.lnine silk, trimmed with
little pearl buttons, former A OO
price SU.iHi now XUO
3in extra tine Krenc-h cnterplllnr coats, half
s:lk lined, maelo up In the newts 7 AO
elTects, former price $10.S; now I ,Q
27 all wool Kersey Coats, lined with fin
Taffeta silk, handsomely trimmed, solj
III New York city for tla each, Owtiut
to utir fortunate purchase can C BQ
sell them to you for OlwO
1(J0 line crushed Astrachan Capes, silk
Illicit, full sweep, Thibet fur trliiimlnuT,
sold In this city at $11.00; re- A 00
(liii-tlon price fwO
Cmi liriuitifnl rlKiireel mohair skirts, 4 yard
wlile, lined ami Interlined, velvet bind
Iiik; a barguiii ut $3.00; our 1 ATI
If we boiiKht up the whole space of thU
pappr we would not be able to Klve you a
correct idea of the bargain we have. Con.
sequently we save expenses in every wujr
in order to Klve you the full benefit Id
Z. WEINGART, Proprietor,
Hat and Coat Racks,
Umbrella Stands,
Hassocks, Etc.
stock U full. Goods stored and
SON & CO.,
Too Late
Prices on
and also inquire
Wyoming Avenue.
4 1
fAr,VJr-&T Department
&00S Se,,s 0D
I irtQii, 100. j