The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Edward Lewis, of North Sumner Avenue,
Killed While at Work in the
Diamond Mine.
. Edward Lewis, of North Sum nor avo
Uue, a yountr man well known on this
lUo, was killed yesterday morning at
9 o'clock liy a fall of roof roal In the
JJimnond mine, where he was employed
(is a miner. The clrrumetanoos pre
vious to the fatal fall are worthy of
Mr. Lewis was out on a hunting trip
Tuesday unci It was his Intention to k
Into the woods ue;uin yesterday. The
tmow fell during the nlifht and in the
tuoruitiK w hen Mr. lewlssaw the heavy
fall he decided that hunting would not
be I'leasant under the existing condi
tions and derided to K to work. When
he reached I lie mine he began the work
of dislodging a large piece of roof coal.
A bl-iMt was Hied but this failed to
move the mass as did repeated strokes
from the drill. The mine foivmun
"l't it alone, Kdward," he said: "you
huve enough coal dow n for today, any
how." Lewis said "all right" and care
lessly lie struck the mass a slight tap.
not with the Intention of bringing it
down, but Imply us a good-nulurcd
farewell to the work. The coal fell
without an Instant's warning ami when
Lewis was taken out he was dead. He
Is a married man, his wife and a year
old daughter surviving.
He wus a member of the Diamond
tnltie fund and the Klectrie city enm
mandery. Knights of Alalia. Ills fath
er, Thomas I). Lewis, of Lafayette
street, is very well known on the West
Fide. The funeral will be Saturday af
ternoon at L' o'clock. Services will he
held at the Jackson Street Muptist
church an dinteruient will be made In
IWashburn t-trect cemetery.
TIO.N. Patagonia lodge. No. Kfi. Knights of
I'ythlas, celebrated its sixth anniver
sary last evening In Kvan's hall on
South Main avenue. An entertain-
Plate Grand Chancellor of the Knights
ot i'ythlas.
inent supplemented by a couple of good
addresses and ending with refresh
ments and cigars was the nature of the
evening's festivity. In charge of the
affair for the lodge was the following
committee: 1). 1). Evans, Kilmund Da
vis, Thomas H. Jones. 1). K. Evans, I.
P. Roberts and William Deacon. D. IX
Evans was chairman of the evening.
Mr. Evans opened the celebration with
a few Introductory remarks. The room
at thlg time was pretty nearlv (Hied
with the Knights and their lady
friends. David J. Davis sang the lirst
solo, "When the Tide Is Coming In."
This young man Is almost unknown
See Window Display.
Square De.g Clothlsrs,
of tfo? Sfltobs.
to local entertainments. lie has a
ttlenwlmr vr,lu ami aim tt'lfh excellent
taste. Miss Lizzie Jones recited "The
Hurglar Alarm, a humorous piece,
and a recitation, "Asking the tiover-
n.ii ' ,td .-.ll crlvi.n hv ChHrles
Cadugan. Solos were sung by Evan
.Miles, William .Morgan, .worris i nom
as. David Jenkins, Miss Fannie Evans,
Miss Maggie Jones. Miss Lizzie Will
iams and a duet was sung by D. J.
Davis and David Jenkins. Whyndzor
It. Thomas, a small boy, played upon
tliA t-l.tlit, I,, ,.luvur ivuv MlMa Tora
Jacobs and Miss Lizzie Williams recit
ed. Benjamin c.nmtns also gave one
o his stirring declamations. The ad-
fliatfw.u if lha evenilif? were made 1V
Henry O. Davis, of the lodge, and State
tirana cnanceuor t-r. i. uuiim-u.
Dr. Dunnell talked on the character of
the Knikhts of Pythias as an order,
..f !,, li.moHtu tn Ifia menibel'S lltld the
stability of the organization. Dr. Dun
nell huu prepared na anureso. ue juoi
talked from his personal experience
.....I vhnl ha It n..u- nan ITiltlll In the Ol-
der. Mr. Davis spoke of the Patagonia
lodge, particularly, lie was one oi on
charter members when It organized on
November !). In Levi hall on South
xi,. i,, nvunnu u-lth liftv-seven members.
In presenting a resume of the history of
the lodge air. uavis was veij ini"--Ing.
The organizers were Willluin A.
Ilea ni. deceased, Abram Thomas, de
ceased; Hubert I. Jones. Thomas L.
Williams and Jacob Easterllne. Since
the oieanlzatlon but four members
have died, viz.: Thomas ... John. Jas.
Lewis and the two mentioned. There
are seventy-tlve members In the lodge
at the present time. The otllcers are:
John T. Lewis, chancellor comniond
er: D. 13. Evans, master of forms; Itleh
ard A. Lewis, prelate: D. P. Huberts,
master of work; Thomas R Jones,
master of exchequer; D. Dl Evans,
master of finance; Edmund Jones,
keeper of records and seals; John Wag
stalf. inside guard: Morris Jones, out
side guard. The lodge Is In good finan
cial condition. Last night's celebra-
Chairman of the Anniversary Entertain
ment. tlon was very enjoyable. D. D. Ev
ans, whose picture uccoinpunies this
report, is one of the leading members
of the lodge..
A Christmas entertainment will be
held ut the Tabernacle Congregational
church, West Side, Thursday evening.
It will commence at 7.110 p. in. sharp,
when the following programme will be
"W elcome Motion Song,"
Eight Young Ladies
Hesitation, "Christmas Eve." '
Mamie Itowen
Chorus, "The Olden Story,'. Hand of Hope
Mediation, "Once I'poa a Time,"
Itlunche Jones
Mediation Anna Uurtree
Solo and Chorus,
John Jenkins and Choir
Mediation, "Flo's Letter,"
Lizzie Williams
Solo Mis L. Williams
Meeitation, "A Little tllii's Song,"
Jennie William!
Chorus, "The Savior Is King."
Mediation, "Santa Clans Knows,"
Jennie Davis
Chorus. "Wonderful Man."
Medtaiion Lizzie Williams
yuuriette, "The Virgin Is Hushing Her
Dialogue, "The Angel and the Pilgrims."
Chorus, "The Song of Did."
Tableau, "The Lord's Prayer," in 3 scenes.
Tahleuu, "Where Is My Wandering boy
Chorus, ".More About Jesus."
Free admission; all are welcome,
Susie, the eight-year-old daughter of
H. M. Fowler, of 917 Oxford street, died
Tuesday evening ut 11 o'clock. A short
service will be held at the home this
morning at 8.20 o'clock and the remains
will bp taken to Espy on the 9..15 a. m.
train on the Woomsburg division of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
road. The Interment will take place at
Espy Friday afternoon.
Uutcher William Trostel, of Jackson
street, has, hanging In his ehop on
Hatters and Fumlshiri.
Jackson Btreet, the larsest hos in the
city. The animal when dressed weigh
ed 9'!0 pounds. It was three years old
when killed and was brought up on the
farm of John Striekllng in Springvllle,
Wyoming county.
This afternoon at Xo. '4 school an
Inteiesting programme will be rendered
by the pupils.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth
Simpkins, of 115! Hampton street, will
take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
InUrment will be made in Washburn
Ftrect cemetery. The deceased was
born in Wales but during her short '
residence In this country she has made
many friends, who mourn her loss.
Closing exercises of St. Patrick's
school were conducted Tuesday after
noon. The latest and best styles. Moberts,
L'fi North Maine.
Olliecrs will be elected at the meeting
of Keystone lodge, ,'!", Loyal Knights
of America, at their regular meeting
this evening.
Miss Agnes Williams, of Peckville.
soent nnrt of the week with her ORrents !
on North Sumner avenue.
Muster David Jenkins, of Hampton
street. Is convalescent after a serious
The Sunday schools of the Plymouth
Congregational church und the First
Welsh Congregational church will con
duct Christmas exercises tonight. To
morrow night the Sunday schools of the
Jackson Street Haplist. the Scranton
Street Hnptist and the Simpson .Metho
dist Episcopal church will celdirub'.
"Santa C'laus' Surprise," a cantata, will
be given at the Scranton Street llaptist
Choice cut (lowers and Mower de
signs at Palmer & McDonulds. M4
The Salvation army will have a ju
niors' rally this evening. Santa Claus
will be In the pro-mccting parade.
Patrick Durkiii, Terrenee Alt-Nutty,
lilchard Lonergan, and Anthony Mc
Ilugh, are home for the holidays from
Holy Cross college.
Michael Duffy, a student at the t'nl-Vd-slty
of Pennsylvania, Is spending the
hididay vacation with his parent on
Price street.
Dr. K. Y. Harrison, Dentist, Aleara
Hall. 113 S. Main avenue.
Dr. C. V. f 'album, Dentist.
Rooms 144 North Main avenue.
West Side Uusiness Directory.
flowers and funeral designs a specialty;
104 South Alain avenue; two doors from
Jackson street.
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Etoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the
stock of J. C. Kin. 701 to 7U West Lack
awanna avenue.
avenue Warranted pure drugs and
chemicals. Prescriptions rnreftilly pre
pared. Flno stationery and blank book.
A large stock siiitnbln for Christinas
presents. Teachers' Ulbles cheaper than
ever. Call and examine them. Wood
Btains. paints, window glass, etc. Clerk
at store all hours of night.
Officers who will pilot the William
Council Hose company for the ensuing
years are as followed President, ('has.
Slmrell; vice president. Thomas I Ion
ian; recording secretary, Hichard Fur
rell; financial secretary, i.. C. Slmrell;
treasurer, James J. Keogh; foreman,
David Hurke; first assistant foreman,
John Fink: second assistant foreman,
Hichard Farrell; trustees. Arthur
Schel'l'er, Charles Slmrell and Thomas
Donlan; plpemen. James keogh, Chus.
Slmrell, Charles W. Stone, Frank Muel
ler, Thomas Donlan and lilchard Far
rell; property man, David Hurke; per
manent man, Sterling Slmrell. A vote
of thanks was tendered Councilman
Thomas J. Coyne for the Interest he
has shown in the welfare of the com
pany. A masquerade ball wilt be given at
Oermunla hall on January LT under the
auspices of the Electric Athletic club.
St. John's purochlal school closed yes
terday for Its Christmas vacation.
Thomas and Dudley Hanley. of Pitts
ton avenue, are home from I Inly Cross
college, Worcester, Mass, on their holi
day vacation.
A shouting match will be In progress
all of tomorrow at the hotel of Will
lain Smith, at the corner of Meadow
avenue und I leech street, for turkeys.
tleorge Crolly, of Honesdule, Is the
guest of George Lobeman, of Willow
Street. Choice cut llowers and flower de
signs at Palmer & McDonulds, M4
City Controller Hobinson bought a
trotter yesterday at a Philadelphia sale.
The animal was shipped here in the nf
ternoon In charge of John Mock, driver
for the Neptune Engine company.
has opened a first-class Carriage and
Wagon making establishment at ."4.1
Locust street. Horse shoeing a special
ty. Mr. Alaner is a former resident of
the South Side, und has recently bean In
business on South lilukely street. Dun
more. liurgcss Toy Store.
Everything new in toys, 812 Cedar
W. J. Costello. a student In Holy
Cross college, Worcester, Mass., is
spending the Christmas holidays with
his parents, Professor and Airs. J. J.
Costello, of Market street.
VVIIiam Noon, who has been visit
ing friends on !reen street for the last
few- days, has returned to his home tn
New York city.
The Independent Republican club
met last evening in Lucas' hall.
DavUl Jones, of Meyer's cash store,
Is 111 at his home on Wayne avenue.
Mrs. J. H. Gillespie, of Church ave
nue, has returned from a visit with
friends In New York city.
The young folks of the Presbyterian
church will produce the cantata.
"Santa Claus In a Plight," this even
ing In the church parlors. The enter
tainment will commence at 7.:st) o'cha-k.
AIlss Lizzie Gabriel, the daughter of
Mr. and Airs. Evan Gabriel, of Church
avenue, and Arnold D. Thomas, of
Youngstown, O., will be married Wed
nesday evening, December HO.
Airs. E. G. Connelly, of New York
city. Is beinr entertained by Airs.' E.
Carson, of Parker street.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker, of Hedlngton,
Pa., who have been visiting friends
her the past few days, ret tuned home
Alichae Coyne, an attache of Click
Sam s Navy, and stationed at Norfolk,
Va., is spending the holidays with bis
parents on Strofford street.
Airs. John Gormully of Alaylietd spent
yesterday with her mother Airs. Hyun,
of Alain street.
The O'Connell Council Young Alen's
Institute will meet this evening and
elect otllcers for the ensuing year.
Street car trafllc wan very Irregular
yesterday, owing to the snow drifts.
Tom Murray strolled Into tow n yes
terday with a load of rabbits. Although
Tom has a reputation as a marksman
some of his friends say they were mar
ket stuck.
Slippers! Slippers t
10.000 pairs for half price at the 6
To Care a Cold la One Day.
Take laxative Bromo Qu!i:tne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money It It to cure. 26 cents.
; K E ENKl D( E.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Mason and son Fred,
of Samlet-son avenue, will upend Christ
ians with Dr. Jeddo und wife, of llones
diile. The Paragon Plaster company, the
Green Ridge Lumber company und the
Richardson Coal Separating company pre
sented euch of their employes with a
Christmas turkey yesterday.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. XV. Garney have re
tiirnrd from New York city, where they
have been visiting friends.
Walter .M.rritt, of Tompkinsville, is the
guest of Thomas Lanyon.
David Janus returned last nisht from
New York city, wlu-re he has lieen on
Appropriate Christmas exercises will be
coiidiii-te't In schools Nos. 1:7 and 2 this
afternoon at S o'clock. The parents an I
friends of the pupils are invited to at
tend. The Christmas exercises of the Asbury
Mitho.list Episcopal Sunday school will be
held Christmas nluhl in the auditorium
of Ihe church, when the following pro
gramme will be rendered:
opining chorus. "Joy Rells."
Recitation. "Apostrophe to the Christ
mas Hells" Jciiuiu Pulmer
Scripture Reading.
Song. "Lirt fi the Voice" School
fe.hoft addresses bv Nettle Van Gordeu
ami lvh;ht SulTord.
Carol, "The Angel's Song."
Recitation, "The Star Above the Mangel-"
Geriie Fuatz
Duet. "Starry Sky. Ijively Nicht,"
Eva Dorsev nnd Minnie l'eck
Recitation, "While Christmas Hells
Are Ringing" Genevieve Hverbaugh
Song. ".Merry Christmas lleils" School
Dialogue. "Christmas Eve Snnwtlakes,"
Thomas Lanyuti, Ruby Coons. Grover
Sears and Mussel I lower.
Hell song ami recitation. "The Chil
dren's Christmas" Infant Class
Mediation, "mice t'pon a Time."
Eva Dorsey
Song, (with sleigh bell accompaniment.
Recitation, "Santa Claus,"
Grace Stackhouse
Solo, "Out ill the Darkness". Main-1 Jayne
Anlhoni, "I'.loiy in the Highest,"
Church Choir
The fair In Odd Fellows' hall, which Is
being conducted under the auspices of the
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Eagle,
was opened last evening with a large ut
ti inlance notwithstanding Ihe Indcnieiicy
of ihe weather. The booths, decorated In
a beautiful ami artistic manner, presented
a pleasing appearance. The "Yellow and
Purple" Is in charge of .Mrs. A. Kclzer,
Mrs. S. Greaves Mrs. M. Singer, Mrs. Al.
Frank. Airs. L. Harvey, Mrs. M. Harvey,
Aliss M. Kline, and the "Yellow, Purple
ami Red" booth of Mrs. L. Fink, Mrs. E.
Vlckeis, Mrs. S. Jenkins, Airs. A. Ang
wlu, jr., Mrs. 1 ). Ji nklns, Mrs. II. Dainty,
Mrs. Al. Warfel, Mrs. E. Thompson; the
"Hlue. Hlm-k ami Red" booth. .Mrs. M.
Anewin. Mrs. S. Joins, Mrs. R. Miller.
Mrs. Al. E. Keast, .Mrs. S. Cole, Mrs. J.
Cron, Airs. Al. Foster. Mrs. Al. Washburn,
.Mrs. J. Harlh, Airs. A. T. Dainty, Airs. S.
Smith, Airs. A. Alacauby, Airs. S. Kroiis.
Tile icfivsltinciit booth will be In charge
of J. II. Jenkins and li. It. Cole. Last
night was celebrated as "Galilei-lug
Nlulit." Tonliihl will he called "Santa
Claus night."
Air. ami Airs. K. p. Toiler ami daugh
ter, of Dailou. arc the guests of Mr. and
Airs. William AlacKay, of Adams avenue.
Harry Turiibull is dangerously HI with
pneumonia at bis home on f,rov utreet.
Air. anil Airs. John Mason are ivjoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl.
Al Ihe last meeting of Die endels an
order for fM was drawn, which Is to be
presented to Rev. Al. H. Donlan towards
his contest. Edward Cawloy, John Ale
Hale and Edward Jordan were appointed
a committee to .present It to him.
Christinas fcstivltbs will be held In the
Plesliyiei and Haplisl churches this
evening. Each scholar or the Sunday
school will receive ids customary Christ
inas gift.
The prcimrutions fur the fair which Is
to be held in .Mauley's hall iiinli r the
auspices of Hi uigregatioif of SI. .Mary's
church have been completed. Hooths of
various designs have been erected and
are being decorated with (tags, hunting
and fancy articles. During each even
ing a door prize will he chanced olT and
each purchaser of a door ticket will have
a chance on the same.
The funeral of Alahlon S. Stark took
place from Ihe family residence on Chest
nut strict yesterday noon. Services were
held In i he .Methodist Episcopal church.
The remains were lakcii to Nanlicoke for
burial. The lleptusophs attended the fu
net ill In a body.
Patrick o'lloyle, of Apple avenue, hits
leased Ihe Tammany hotel on Chestnut
street. It was formerly occupied by J. J.
Scott, who has tcken a hotel on Lacka
wanna avenue, Scranton.
Henry Purl'roy, of Hrook street, Is con
valescing after his recent accident in
the mini's, when he sustained u fractured
The Neptune Fire company will hold a
ball la Keystone hall tonight. Tomorrow
night the Nonpareil Hase Hall dub will
hold one In Ihe same hall.
The services to be held In St. Alary's
church on Christmas day are as follows:
Time masses will be read, the tlrst at li
o'clock, second at X o'clock and the last
at la o'clock. Lawrence's orchestra will
furnish music at the la o'clock mass.
Inscy Hrothcrs Secure Atluitionnl
Frontage on Lncknxviiiniii Avenue.
Casey Druthers, the wealthy whole
sale lluuor dealers nml brewers, have
purchased the Von Storch inimerfy on
Ixicknwantia uvenue near Wvoinlnrr
avenue, now occupied by liutledge's
hotel, lor J4...(HH. The Casoys have for
a number of years owned the adjoin
ing property, ut Lackawanna ami Wy
oming avenues, the first Hour of which
is occupied by Eiiuuister, t lie shoe
dealer. The recent purchase gives
them a frontage, of one hundred feet
on Lackawanna nvenue. The lots are
one hundred feet deep.
on this plot within tho next few
years the Casoys propose to erect a
modern, sky-scraper.
. -
Inflammatory Kliciiniatisin Cured in
:i Days.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Intl.,
says: "Aty wife had influmatory
rheumatism In every muscle anil Joint
her suffering was terrible and her
body and face were swollen almost be
yond recognition: bad been in bed for
six weeks und boil eight physicians but
received no benefit until she tried the
Atystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave
Immediate relief and she was nblu to
walk nbout In three days. I am sure
it snved her life." Sold by Carl Lorenz,
druggist, Scranton, 418 Lackawanna
To Avoid Ihe Afternoon Crouds
trade early today If possible. The bat
nnce of our Ki.iwu pairs of slippers will
be sedd for half price. S Drotliers.
Open U'.te tonight.
The King of Pills li Beecham'a.
For Infants and Children.
500 Luck Ave., Cor. Wash.,
Today at s.30 and 8 p. m. , by
Do not fail to attend
these giving-away sales.
fk Orienlol
They Visited the Hcsidenrc of Lev. J.
1.. Itucc, on Cctlnr Avenue.
Burglurs paid a visit at an early hour
yesterday morning 10 the parsonage of
I'edar Avenue Methodist F.piscopul
church and got away with a silver tea
set presented to Itev. J. L. Puce, the
pastor, on the celebration of his golden
Jubilee a few months ago, his gold
watch which he owned for over 41) years,
and his new overcoat.
Cedar avenue church Is on the corner
of Cherry street, and the parsonage
is In the rear of the church and 'faces
on Cherry street, ltcv. Mr. liace was
busy in the church until nearly mid
night preparing for the Christmas ex
ercises Hint urc to take place this
evening. When he left Ihe church he
securely fastened the doors, and before
retiring he saw that vw doors in the
parsonage were boiled as usual.
During the night 110 member of the
family heard a noise, although the ar
tlclis stolen were all In n room adjoin
ing the one in which the minister slept.
The visit of the burirlais was not dis
covered until yesterday morning when
the fumlly arose.
The di.ors were found unlocked, and
a window in the rear of the house was
pried open. The chin ch was also brok
en into, but the burglars tound nothing
there the y cared to take.
Hev. Air. Uace nmile his uppcaranee
at the police station soon after the loss
was discovered and gave a description
11" the articles missing The wntch Is
an old Knglish timepiece and is vnlucd
more on account of the louy; time he
owned it rather than for Its Intrinsic
value. The overcoat Is a heavy black
liought in at Small I'imiics by the
Ilxeciilion Creditors.
The three business colleges which
were owned by o. F. Williams, were
yesterday sold by Deputy Sheriff T. .1.
l'llce. The Lackawanna avenue col
lege brought $"7u.-fi, und was purchased
by Attorney James J. o'Alalley, who
represeiilcd a number of tne creditors.
Tile Duumore school wus purchased by
10. F. Hoylc, I lie landlord of the build
ing in which it wus conducted, for
$.'i7.2.'i. Attorney liescoe Dale, trustee
for the execution creditors, bought the
Olyphaiit school.
The last sale was not entll'clv con
summated. The bill was made with
tlie understanding that It could be re
scinded uny time before :i o'clock today.
ter collapse. J
An titter collapse.
The man who has at-
n a Lum a ,m,,li.1 ,,f
I : I "-IT
Dlisincsi meiuou .net
dignity who would as
noon think of putting
his feet oil the ui&no at
home as on the desk at his office finally
goes to pieces all at once, bankruptcy
with it has come an utter loss of ambition,
dignity, and health. Ill health is at the
bottom of it all. bankruptcy stares in the
face every business man who neglects liu
health. A man cannot work on forever if
he is suffering froMi brain fag, nervous ex
haustion, and debility. All the se can come
to the man who neglects to keep his di
gestion perfect, his bowels regular ami
his blood pure.
Business men everywhere have come to
recogni.e Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Iis
covery as an invaluable remedy. It make
the digestion perfect, invigorates the liver,
restores the appetite, regulates the bowels,
purifies and builds up the blood, makes the
flesh and muscles firm, and tones up tlis
nerves. It is a business nuin's medicine.
Tho. J. Torhert, Sr., of old Springhill, Mnr.
enao Co., Ala., writes: "I want to tell you the
good the MioHell I liscovery ' 1ms d'Hio
me. I had ervsiiK-la nnd eczema. Had suf
fered for eight yc irs. I tried nil remedies and
several doctors, but could get 110 relief. I txmidit
a bottle of your ' 1 .olden Meilk-al Discovery ' and
tried it. I used four !otllesand n half. It com
pletely cured me. I have bad no symptoms ol in
return. It has been three years since my cure."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser has h id a larger sale than any other
book of this class ever offered the public.
This book of i.or.S pages with ,v" illustra
tions, is full, from cover to cover, of practi
cal advice on health matters. This great
book, in heavy mani'da covers, is now of
fered fhkk to whoever will send 21 one-cent
stamps to pay for mailing mil v. If an cle.
gant French cloth binding is desired, send
to cents extra: ,tt cents in all. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, buffalo, N. V.
rf .5
i V:;V . ' i u. -ai. bail
An fsffibtlhofl iiotr! unrtppnt w mflrnwTYrpnt
and tliorntKhly or limt'S. Visitor t
NfW York will ilnd Hip Kverrtt In tlio very heart
ill" tin Khopii'ii; illtrl:'t, rcnvpntor.t t( pincK of
an'ii-ifniiit ami reidttv nihi troni ull iarts
trt.'fiiy. lirHtll'AN I 'LAN.
tISl! (hristm
UK )U I?
Fine China,
Cut Glass,
Belleek Goods,
Wedgewocd Goods, Water Sets,
Delft Goods, Wine Sets.
Banquet and Princess Lamps in Onyx, Gold, Silver, Dresden, Delft, etc.
Onyx Tables, Cabinets and Pieces, Jardiniers, Umbrella Stands and Bric-a-Brac
in All the Royal Wares.
422 Lackawanna Avenue.
XmiM Day and Saturday, Dec. 15.36.
Matlnccl Xmos and Saturday.
Koturn of the Favorites, AIK. anil MRS.
In tl:s spirited and amusing drama,
ill- and Mr.Vliytul in the comedy characters
PRICKS-tlidlurv, ito.: Dalconv. S.V., S0e.;
lirst flour. 7.V.. (1 Id: X 01:1a aud Saturday
nights ami Xinatt inatmce,
Special Popular Pries Mat. Saturday-All
Lower Hoor. .,!u.: Children, iic.; Oalcouy,2,"ic.
Ml thris'.m.s Wctlt Commencing Monday Eve
The Marvelous Trick Pantomime entitled
All Now Scones!
Wonderful Transformations!
Mystifying Tricks?
Magnificent Properties!
Elegant Costammi!
Electrio effects!
The Greatest Production in tlio homo's his
tory, anil na entertninmout for Ladles, Utm
tlumen auj Children.
I'HICHS AS USUAL, but children under VI
will be admitted eyerv nfternoiri during th
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton
OFFICE HOURS from 7.S0 a. tn. to p.
m. (1 hour intermission for dinner and
Particular Attention (liven to Collection.
Prompt Settlement (luaraiiteed. Vour Bust
on U Respectfully Solicited. Telephone 134,
2,000,000 BARRELS
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending larch 1, 1896.
Total Product of
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000.000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from th
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, und in ICnglund, Ireland
and Scotland very largely, uud in recognized as the best flour in th
Eometitnoa nee ia a reliable, monthly, reiolatlnff medicine. Only harala
the purest arugn
Thn, .in. nroaint. Mle and certain In reaalt The aeanlnefDr. Pl'i)aeTr4
For snls by JOHN H. FHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton,
Visit Our Store and Look Over
Our Stock of
Dinner Sets,
Chamber Sets
Wagner ft Reis, Manager.
John L. Kerr, Acting Manager.
Matlnea and Night.
A Merry Play for a Marry Chriatmaa,
a liollickmg ttaca Couraa Comedy
Management Cliarlra frohman. From a
rim in New York of one hundred and
titty nbihts. with the original naat
including H KINKY E. UIXEV.
Palo of seat upoua Wednceday, Dec, S3 at
Wagner A licit. Manager,
John L. Kerr, Acting Manager.
Matlnes at a- 30. bvcalng at 8. 1(
Jacob I.itts' Magnificent Produotion
of the perpetual aucceaa,
In Old Kentucky
Prepared for the yenr'a tonr at an actual
outlay of 5.000 The great east The horsa
race. Knlargedaud improved; presenting the
most exnting and t-li. ring spectacle of the
kind ever ahown on the stage, and the Faaa
ous Pickaninny Band. Matinee prioea, 25 and
5'i cents. Kveiiing prices, 2fie, 6uc, 75c and $i.
(aloof Mats opeua Thursday, Dec 24, at V a. m
Wagner Kola. Manager
John L. Kerr, Acting Manager.
Commencing Monday, December J.
All Week, kxcept Hriday.
Numbering &0 Talented People. Headed by
Mario Laurens. Prima Douna, Milton A bora
and Jamca Uonnelly, comedians, Joseph W.
Smith, leading teimr, Herman Waldo, flattie
Arnold, Marie Ilimu. Oar own Uraad Or
chestra. Daily Mntiueoa Beginning Tueadar-
ItKPICKTol l E-Mohday eveninc, "Tar and
Turtur;" Tuesday ualluee, "Two Vagabond);"
Tuesday evening. "The Bohemian Girl;"
Weduuiibiy matinee "Chime of Normandy ;',
Wednosiiay evening, "Fra Diavolo." Evening
prices, lu, ill and M centa. Matiuee prioea, in
and '.'," eon ta. Male of reserved seat to ail
performances begina brlilny. Dec. ti, at 9 a.m
Cali-kMler. RoalUh Maauad Braadk
krlfflMBl aatJ Only CtaavJae.
arc. lvtt?a rouble, ladic tat
aJrutrxIri fur Ckicktt9r$ XWUJ Pla
ta taker. Htfiu iin$ arow nthttttu
t iph aitat imitation. Al Drtcirii, t wtm4 W
In iuiata I; trtkulw. ntlaoalaJa ud
Hellef tmr Lading' tn ttlttr, ( rtaf
Mail. Itr.AIMi TtaUiuatiUU. Jram W.
rt.lrhl-lr kcmlcaJti.iUallMtlllqajtM
AlMbj tul Lwal Urucclau,
aaouia do utea. xi yon want in oaet, f el
Pennyroyal Pillo
Fhairracist, ccr. Vycmlno Avenue an 4
1 9
W!&l?6 J
Tea Sets.