TITE SCTJ ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 189. (I JHEKIFF'8 SALE. -OF- THE LEADER 124 and 126 Wyoming Ave. ! A WEBV FFl"J ! M hll Valuable Real Estate SETS ONLY ARE -ox FniPAY. J ANl'AKY !5th. 1S07. Vy virtu of snmlrv wills of Kiorl Fa rias, Lt'vurt Kai-liis iiiul Voii.lliionl Kx IoiiKS, lsiifj out of Uu- fourt of i-oinnioii pleas of l.uckawMiinii rminty. to me ui-ivi-tiM. 1 will vxikwo to itilio salo l ven due or oitti-rv. to tho lilwli.st ami liet lil.KU'is, for rush, at the rourt house. In the rltv of Seraiituii. I.;iek:t wanna roim tv. onVKIDAY. tho KlFTKf.NTtI UA) tiF JAN'l'A K Y. A. !.. 1V7. at lei o elook In the forenoon of wtltl ilay. all the rti;lit title anil Interest of the il.l'en.lauts in an. I to the followliiK ilesettbeil lots, plerra or parrels of laml. viz.: No. 1. All the rlnht. title an.l Inteivst of the defendant in ami to the following ilesrrlhed lot. leee or parrel of laml -ll-nateil In the township of ni l Koine, in lh rounty of l.at kawanna. ami slate of IVnn flyvaiila. HeliiK lot No. j: in Hloek No. T. seetlon '!'," on the plan of K. Al. Smith lots, l.aekawanna rounty. I'. iiuy I vanla, drawn and painted ly J. II. Illt tenhoiise, ('. R.. uml 1 Init tlfiy feet In front on Hickory street and one hundred and lifty feet in depth. I.uiinde I as fol lows: nil the northeast by Ilhkory street, on the southeast by lot number twenty-six, on the southwest by lot number Ihh ty three. and on the notthwest by lot num ber twenty-lour. Seized and taken In rxeoullon at the suit of 1C. M. Smilli vs. Hetii l!a;y liooilnuin. lebl, Jl'.'ii.lT. .In l- ineiit No. Hi. January term. IV7. II. fa to January U-rm. 117. il. I'. HKYNi l.l.- An y. ALSO Xo. 2.-A11 tho rlirlit, title ami Interest of the defendant, (iioifje S.ibanas in and to all that riitalu lot of laml situ.ue In the township of Fell, enmity of l.in ka- I wanna, and state of Pennsylvania, helim .1 part of what is known as the "Warren lot." Willi h is a part of the wananl -e traet In the inline of l'eler Ib-aeh. Said lot beinK niiinbi'ied IJ7 uiii'ih plot and situate upon street railed First sti t. upon the Warren plot or addition to I'or est I'lly, intended to bt recorded; s:itd lot beliitf sixty feet In frotir and one hun dred and lll'iy-seven feet deep and ivetioi-; Kiilar In shape. Coal, mineral and mining ri Ueiie-i, and subjeet to conditions and i vseryai ions usually contained In deeds from the War ren Hues to purchasers. Improved with onu two-story frame dwelling house. Seized ami taken 111 execution at the suit of T. 1.. liortoii, iihslnned to F. .1. Osgood vs. tJeoi'Ke Snbanas. Iicbl. fr.Mi.m. Judgment No. 771. .Mturh term. lv.;, li. fa. to Juiuiury term, IsHi. WATIitiLS, Atfy. ALSO Xo. 3. All the riyht, title ami Interest .if the defendants, Anthony Lynch and Mary Lynch, In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Twentieth ward. In the cily of .S.-iaiiton. In the county of Lackawanna and Mate of 1'ennsylvanin. itein lot number three (3) in miutire or block number one hun dred and three lo;t). ami situate upon street culled and known as I'itisiun ave nue, on the town pint of Scranloii, said lot belNK forty (U) feet In front on said avenue, forty (tut fort In rear and on hundred and fifty Mail) feet la depth. All Improved with a two-story frame dtvell liiK house with basement and other out buildiiiKS thereon. Seized and taken In execnllon at the suit of Harmony Hiiil'llnu and Ln an asso ciation, No. !!, vs. A lit hi v Lynch and .Mary Lvnch. Debt. Jl.sTi'i.im. .In luiio nt No. U4il, September term. IvM. lev. fa. lo January, 1SU7. BTtiKKS, Atfy. ALSO Xo. 4.-AI1 the rliiht, title and littered of the defendants, John J. Caim'uin and Margaret tiaiiKhuii, in and lo all Ilia! ivr. .tain lot, piece or parcel of laud sil utile in tho Seventh ward of the cily of Scrantou, In the county of Lackawanna and stale of J'tnnsy Ivnnla, described as follows; lieliur lut number sixteen n;i in square or block number folly-four 1.1 II, und situate upon .Minerul street, upon the Lackawanna Iron and Foal t'o.'s plot of Bulil city. Said lot lielnn thirty I'M) feet In front, and one hundred and twenty (111)) feet In depth and is recta insular. All Improved with a two-story, frame dwell ing house nnd other outbuildlm;s theivwi. Seized and taken ln execution at the suit of Lackawanna Lull. lint; and Loan association vs. John J. (iaui'han and Mar. Killet (iaim-lian. lcbl, jti.ini.im. .ItnlKnn lit No. 2.", September term, Pl'-'l. II. fa. to Jan uary term, 1SH7. STuKLS, Atfy. ALSO Xo. B. All the rlKht. title nit 1 Interest of the defendant, John I'.ossak, In nnd nil the surface or riant of soil of all those two ci l tain lots, pieces or parcels of hind, titan to on what Is culled or known as the 'Warren lot," or addition to Forest t'ity. In the township of Fell, county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania. UeiiiK a put t of an original tract in the warrantee name of Peter Heaidi; said lots beliiR lots numbered thirty-three nnd thirty-four. North Plot, situate between Hillside and First streets. Said lids helm; sixty feet in front and rear, and iheir combined depth threo hundred and four teen feet. Improved with two, two-story, frame dwellliiKs. Seized and taken 111 execution at the suit of T. H. Davis K- Co. assigned to F. J. Osgood vs. John Kossak. Debt, tl7it.nn. Judgment No. 77S, .March term, ls'jj, li. fa. to January term, 1SU7. WATHUUS, Atfy. ALSO Xo. . All the right, title nnd Interest Of the defendant, li. F. Huttei Held, in and to all the following described lot of laml with the Improvements thereon, sit mile ill Elmhurst, luekuwunnii county, Pennsyl vania, bounded and described us follows, lo wit: Beginning at a corner on the southwest sldu of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, sixty-two feet from the renter of the southern bound track of said railroad, thence south forty-one de grees, west alonir lands of Fliztiboth Knickerbocker, eleven rods and eleven links to a corner In line of F. !. Hehuon muker land, thence south alon said line thirty-seven and one-half degrees east, live roils and twelve links to a corner, adjoining lot owned by Charles I 'age and A. C. Dunlng, thence north fifty-three degrees east twelve rods nnd eighteen links to a corner sixty-two feet from the renter of said southern bound track, thence northwesterly along said railroad truck sixty-two feet from Us center seven rods and seventeen links to the place of beginning, containing one-half un acre of land to the same more or less. It being the same lot of land as conveyed to II. F. Hutterfleld by Robert I mils and wife by deed dated June iith, 1S!I, and recorded Id the office for recording deeds In nnd for the rounty of Lackawanna In Deed Hook No. 7ii, at page 79, etc. improved with a two-story, frame dwelling house and outbuilding. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Jennie Lommason, et al., vs. Jt. IS. Hutterfleld. Debt, $.SX4.m. Judgment No. 1SHI. September term. 1Mt. lev. fu. to Jan uary term, ls7. C. il. YVF.LLKS, Atfy. ALSO Xo. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Oeorgo D. Urown, In nnd to all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land and situate In the Cltv of Sminton and county of Lackawanna nnd state of Pennsylvania; and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Hoglnning at the southeast corner or an alley on the south east side of Dickson avenue, one hundred and eighty feet and six Inches (ISO ft. (i in.) from the corner of Dickson avenue and Ureuker street, thence along said avenue south thirty-nine degrees nnd forty-live minutes (38 degrees, 43 minutes), west one - hundred and liny-two W) reel to a cor ner; thence south fifty degrees and fifteen minutes (50 (leg. 1.1 in.), east two hundred and fifteen (2l.ri) feet to a corner, thence north thirty-nine degrees and fifty-five minutes ueg. i: m.), east ono hundred and fifty (ISO) feet to a corner on an alley: thence north fifty degrees nnd fif teen minutes (40 (leg. 15 m l, west along said alley two hundred and fifteen (-I'd feet to Dickson avenue aforesaid at the place of beginning; containing thirtv-twn thousand four hundred (.12,4011) feet of land more or less. Helng part of lot number five i.l), all of lots number six (li) and aavan (7) and part of lot number eight (M In square or block number nine CJ) on plot of land survyed for W'ilitum Von ttoivh by J. L. Law.-eni e: Kvcpiiiig and rts. rlng all the eojl and minerals beneath the surface with ihe right lo mine and remove by any subter ranean process, improved with a plauiim mill brick ollice. frame bam liiix'SU feet and 'a block of three dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Wiilllam fonnell, et al., executors of the estate of Alexander Conncll, de ceased. Debt, t"..V:n.s3. Judgment No. ."14 January term, 1SH7. II. fa. tu January term, Ii7. C. H. WLLLKS. Atfy. ALSO Xo. S. All the defendant's rlitht, title to. ami Interest In the following described piece or parcel of real estate, situate, ly-ins- and hi lug 111 the borough of Duiiinure. county of Lackawanna and state of Penn sylvania!, hour le i and described as fol lows, to wit: Mi ginning at a slake on a street tu line of .A. 11. SilUman's land, thence southeast along said A. H. Silk mairs laml 17.7 feet to an alley; thence northeast along said alley I'M feet to a slake; thence northwest 1" feet to the aforesaid street; thence southwest along said stieet bil fe.-t to the place of begin ning. Cuniairiiig about one-half (i-l of an acre of land, move or less, coal and minerals reserved, lieing same premises conveyed to Albert liiiiterman by deed dated August Hath, lsvi. recorded In Lack awanna county In D. H. Xo. :!), pace 4X etc. All Improved with a two-story ami basement sinitle dwelling house, a double house arrangid 'or two l'amilbj and out buildings thereon. Seized niul taken ill execution at tile suit of Hie Ke-tei-n r.iilldiug and Loan socieiiy VS. Alllelt I ill t P- nmtl. Debt, .:!.' i.. aa. .In hiiia nt No. M. September leim. -", atlas II. fa. to Janiiarv term, Mm. TUAl'V, Atfy. ALSO No. 9.-A11 the right, title and Interest of 111.' defendant, liny A. Lobiiisnn. adoum.'. ' trat.ir, C. T. of the estate of William Uolili'soti. deceusi d. in and lo all that ccr t i : i lol or tract of laud situate in the lownshio of ibiaring 1-trnok, county o'' Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, in w't: Iteciuning at a point In the renter of the old Drinker turnpike m l corner o'' I 'tid of Thomas it. 1 1 a r lellbcl M, Oil lice 7" ile ;;rers . s ;;m o.ls to a corner of said Mat ih nbi rg ami John Urndy lots; thence licit it alone, sa.d lirady line hl'-j nils io a corner id' pest and siones; I n 'lice north 7'i'i decrees east l-li lods to i eiiicr of sabl Drinker turnpike; Hi. nee s ntth 2!i'a iel.es easl II! 1-S luds lo jdare of b. glll- nine. I'oniaininc al out three aerrs of land, more or less, ail hopuned wilh a I vvo-slot , finine builoiiig hicne. one franie barn, out biiUdlngs and orchard. f'eiZid and laketi In exeeillioll at the sail of A. T. Searie. :i'lgter e!' .Mary A. ilaidner vs. liny A. Lob'leoii. a d ml uist t a lois of William It. Koniusoii, il.-e. -used, li. Id, .L'"".'"'. Judgment ills .lanu.ity term, IVH", b e. la. lo .lantiarv term. K'7. i;i;r:i;s uuaiiiis, Atfy. ALSO Xo. 1 .-.All the liuhl. title and IlllereSl of I In- defendants, Joseph lilcneross ami Agnes (ileiicinss and Kliz.ibetli illcucross, lerre li nnnts, lu ami bi liie following de Seribed lots, piece oi parnd of laud, sit uate, lying and hi :ng in ihc )orougi of Diinmore. county of Liukawatuia and stele of Pctita-ylvaiiia, bounded and ih. seril.ed as folloivs: I 'i nipieiiel ng at a corner in the center of Alain street, ilience soiilh il:;ij d-t s. east along the line of lots l::. I.' and II lltreo hllll. lied tllld f Oil y-llllle llllll IW'I- lliirids c:i!i J.:1.) fiit to a corner: theme south ll-'i decrees west along lati Is I'orntcrlv owned by , 1 1. Soi neer one hundred and twenty four HUD feel lo n corner; tin nee nov'h ;::' , d. riees ft l..t ihree hundred fori., -nine tin I I w o-l lilti's Cli'i -J-:!i fi el lo a corner in ihe renter of Main street; I hence along the renter of .Main street north degrees east, twelve II-) J'cel to a corner; tn pre south 'i;!4 degrees east otic hundred and si-veiny I17"i feet lo a corner; thence tiorlh ."''i degrees east Hfly ("il'l feet to a corner; tin lice north i;:!'i ih gives west one bun dled and seventy (I7'H feci to a corner in Ih" renter of Alain street: theme north l.' l ih tiers oust sIXIy-tWO t'JL'l feet to tile 1 lai c cf beginning. I'oiilnlning :!.".. m.n feet of laud more or less. Fw;,t ing ami re serving nil coal tind iivnrrals. Iinnroveil wiiih a Iwo-simy, frame house wlili kitchen attached, fruit lives, harn. crape-vines and other Iruit. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Horan .V Healv s. Joseph !len-i-ross. Debt. SI.Vi:,!'. Jndgiuenl No. -IIS. Mac ti rm. 1vi. h. fa. lo January term, M'7. also at the sull of Koran ami Mealy vs. Joseph lib ncross. De'.t. s::r,.7.'i. Jud-r-nieiit No. 111.' April iii in. IV'-'. h. fa. lo January term. IV'7. Abo at the su't of Horan & II a'y vs. Joseph f ilencross. de fendant, ami Amies i Ilencross and I'.llza. belli loelleross, li-'Ti' tenants. Di'ilt, $;;.a.,r,. .ludmiieiit .o. lii;, .March te'iit, iM'.'i, II. fa. to January teim. 1 "!T. il. C. ItFYNol.DS. Atfy. ALSO No. 11. -All ih" right, title and interest of Die defemlanl, II. N. or Harriet . i-h'itm'itLc, in and lo all that certain pi , parcel or lot of land situate, lying ami liilag 111 tlu towrshlp of Seotl, in ihe eouii.y of Laehitwauna al d state 01 p. 1111 sylvanlii, bounded and dcscriln d as fol lows, to wil: lletMiitihig at the soiuh curncr of a tract of laml in tile wa'Tant' c name of John While, thciire alori;; lire of said tract and of another tract In l!i" warrantee nai.ie of William Ll iir, siorth furly-thiee nml thivi-l'onrths (il'o de grees west ninety-seven r7 perelv s to a berrh sitiiiip corner; thence by in I imw or late of John liarlner. north fortv-id:; and thr fou -Ihs IK1,) degrees east eiglity-thr-e ami one-half pel. 'nes to a stone ror.ier; 1 hence sjuth fifteen and onc-ipiarier C".' : di grees east thlr.y Idne anil three. tenths bill 8-lu perches lo a ht'iiiltieU stuiiii rorivr; thema nor n lighty-tivc and one-half ('.7,i-i perches to a stone heap corner, thence north forly live i-l'ii ilcurecs -ast one hundred an I thirty-live and one-half IKI'-) perches fo a, post ami. stones cm ner lu line of I'm said John While liaet. and nl a tract In the vyirrantee nanie of John Alears; tliem e along suld line south forty-four Oil iie rrees east thirty-nine CM perches 10 I': f east I'lirner of said John While trae:; theme along line of s.iiin- soinii fo.-ty ii.e and three-fourths (IV'i) degree-t west two hundred and twenty-four (JJD iierihes to Ihe place of bcaliining. Containing elijity one (l) acres and ightynine (;'.ii perchi s of land, be the i-anie more or le-!s. All hnp-oved with a story ami a half frame dwelling house, frame barn, outbuildings, orchard, fruit trees, etc., land mostly im proved. Seized and taken In execution nt ih' suit of V. W. Watson, trustee of It. F. Itreed estate vs. II. N. or Harriet N. llruiidiige. Debi. SI. 171..::-;. Judgment No. :i.t! January term, lv.17. li. fa. lo Jumiury term. M'l. WATSON, Dinill, ft HALL, Alt'ys. TERMS OF SALE. F1FTV DOLLARS CASH WHEN PRO PERTY IS STRUCK OFF AND BALANCE IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SALE IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOU COSTS, COSTS MUST DE PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH ABOVE TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL BE RESOLD BEFORE AD JOURNMENT. FRANK H. CLEM0?1S, Siisritf. Sheriffs ollice, Sciantou, Pa., Dec. 21th, IKlti . ON THE LIKE OF THfc CANADIAN PACIFIC i?Y are located the finest Ashing and hunting rounds In Ihe world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, SI. Paul, Canadian and t'ntted States Northwest, Vanvouver, Beat tie, Tacoma, Portland, ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dinin? Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other line For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 33S Broadway, New York. 1 IB 1 II From Now Until Christmas We Beg to Offer Our Immense Stock of 6 AT LESS THAN COST. A rare chance to purchase the most useful and elab orate Christmas (lifts at prices that cannot be equalled in lowncss any more than the goods can be excelled in value and taste. Thousands have already taken advantage of these wfirn aft nr v ' n Jill J! II J 61 D Aud thousand-; more will. We must close out our Holiday vSpecials, and as there arc only a few more days to do it in, there was nothing else left for us to do but mark down the prices. The Public Reap the Benefit. LEiEOK 1 RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule In Effest June iSi. Trninj Leave Wilkes-Barre as F0II0W3 7. SO a. m., week days, for Sunbur, HarrisburR, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hnzleton, Pottswille, Reading, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburt;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and .Pitts burg and tho West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburt, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the Vest. 3.17 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, H.-.rrisburg, Philaclelp hi and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., we.k days, for Hazleton and Poltsville. J. K. WOOD, Qcn'l Paw. Azs.nt. S. M. PkUVGST, (icneral Manager. mm Pel., Lack, and AVcstcrn. Kffec-t .Monday, October 19. 1SS3. Trains leuvo Soranton aj follows: Ex p:..r. tor .New Y'ork und ull points East, i. iJ, 2.LU. i.U, li.UU uud U.ij 11. in.; l.ll) and ii. w j. in. lOxprtKS for Easton, Tronton, Ph:lad;l. phiu ai.d tho South, 6.15, S.OO und 9. Si a. 111.; l.ll' i-r.d '' 111. W.isliiiiuion and wny (stations, 3.5 p. m. Toliyhiinua uocommodatlon, CIO p. ni. V.xnress for Ulnghamton, Osw,?ao, EN n.ua, 101:;. UK. H.iui. I .i 11s vi Hi-, Mount MorriH und liufralo, i2.-0. 2 :i." a. m., and l.oj p. 111., m.iltitiK (dose conneotions at Itiiffalj to ail points in the West, Northwest und tSI-UtllVt-'lt. lialh ai toniniodation, 9.1ii a. m. I'diiKliumton and way Mutiono. 1.0S p. m. Nicholson accoinniodation, 5.13 p. tn. P. in. Itiiishnmton and Elmlia express, 5.3 p. in. Express for T'tlea and rilchfiolcl Springs, 2.:t." a. m.. and l.w" p. m. Ithaca 2.& and Bath 9.15 a. m. and 1.55 P. ni. For Northumberland, nttrton. W)1ks Barre, Plymouth, nioomsliuri? nnd l.in. ville, maltl! elovo rnnrnrtlon? at North umliprlnnd for AVUlliitnport, llarrlshiirg, Baltimore. Wn?hlni;ton nnd tho South. Norttiiiniliirlund and Intprnv-dlnto sta tions, 5.W, 9.ri! a. m. nnd 1.5S nnd 11. On p. m. Nantlroki and lntrmpdlat( tntion!. S OI and 11.20 a. m. l'lymouth nnd intermediate stations, 3.40 nnd S.47 p. ni. 1'ullman liarlor and sleeping coachra on ell express trains. For detnlled Information, pocket tlmn tnbli's, i'to.. apply to M. I.. Smith, city th'ki't oflli-p. Lackawanna avenue, or depot tickt t ollice. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehlsth and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur. lng cleanliness and comfort. TI M K TAHI.K IN EFFECT NOV. 15. 18W). Trains lavo Scranton for I'ittstjn, Wllkes-narre, etc., at 8.J0. 9.15, 11. S a. m.. 12.45. 2.0O. 3.1)".. 5.no, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 00. a. m., l.uo. 2.1.1, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New Yo;k, Newark and Elisabeth. 8.20 (express) 11. m , 12.43 (express with Buf fet pnrlor cart, 3.05 (express) p. in. Sun dav. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Term innl. R I! n. m. nnd New York fi.no n. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, S.20 a. in., 12.4.1. 3.05. 5.O0 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Suiidny. 2.15 p. m. For Lonif Branch, Ocean Orove. etc., a: 8.31 a. m. nnd 12.45 p. m. For Tleadinir, Lebanon and llarrlsbure. via Allentown. 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 5.00 p. in. Fund ay. '2 15 p. m. For PottKville, 8.2 a. m. 12.45 p. m. Returning, lenve New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) ti. m.. 1.10. 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. ni. Butiday, 4 30 a. m. I.eava Phllndelnhla. Rendinc Terminal 9.00 a- m . 2.V0 and 4.30 p. in. Sunday, 6.21 a. n. Through tickets to all points nt lowest rnten may br had on npp'leitlon In ad. Vance to the ticket agent ai t.se station. H. P. .VMWIN'. Gen. Pass. Ajt J. H. OUIArSEN. Gen. Supt. LK111UH VALLEY KAlUOAD TliM. Anthracite Coal l'ntd Exclusively lnsur. Ins rifiinliiies.-i and Comfort, IN EFFECT N11V. 15, lfilili. TRAIN'S LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New York via D. II. R. K. nt li. 45. 7.4.1 n, 111., 12.115. 1.20. 3.33 tiii icK I 'lainoiid Express) und 11.30 p. m. For Plitstoti und Wllkos-Barro via U. L. & w. u. ., coo, H.Ui, 11.20 a. m 1.55, S.Hi. (l.mi und S. 47 0. 111 For While Haven. Hazleton, Potts ville and piinclpal points In tho coal renton via 1). fc II. R. It., 0.45 a. m., 12.05 and i.U p. 111. For Bcthlrhem. Easton. Readlnir, Har- riyliiiiB und principal Intermediate sta- linns via I), ti II. It. It., 6.1.1, 7.41 a. ni., 120.1, 1.2H, 3.33 (Plack Uiumond Express), 4.41 and 11.30 p. m. For Tiiiikliiinnock. Towanda. Elm'ra, Ithaca. Ciciievii nnd principal lntcrniedl its siauons .via 11., 1.. & . u. n.t b.wi, 0.U3, 9.51. a. ni . 12 ''il and 3.40 11. m. For Geneva, Rudiester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, ChiciiKo and nil points wst via D. H II. R. It.. 7.15 a. m.. 12.111. 3.33 (Uluck DU- nuinu r.xpress), 'J.r.O nnd 11. 511 p. m. Pullman parlor und sleenlnw or T.chlsr Valley chair ears on ull trains betwten Wiikeo-Bnrre and New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and .Suspension Bridge. rtuf.LIN' 11. Wil.Hl lt. Oen. Supt. CIIAS. S LEE. Clen. Pass. Aat..Phila. Pa. A. V. NiiNNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass At . South Bi'thlehem, Pa. Scriiiiton OMIce. 'M Lackawanna avenue. "$ oaOi SVK !' ' IVISIO. Ill tlficcl OctolM-r tilt, I Mill. North ifoiinil. s-watli 1101111(1, umon -tut 'tot ' . Stations sfSj S a (Trains Dally. Ex- 2s S Q y, eept Mindayj o S51 II MP M ,...( 7 il ... 1 H :::.i'i i.-. . 1 m ... :is: ....,ii! "i ,...l'.' til "iili-i Ti' ,...12i'3 ... fl I.M' II '.'J '(i II 34 111 II :il I t fll-.'., II II tPI 11 IS !2 11 1.1 : II II 23 11 (C id 1 1 0.1 IS II (II 15 11 ir 12 tle.T 10 10 55 MAM Arrive Leave N. Y. Fratililln sr.i . West 42ud sheet . Weehuwkeii 1 . Arrive Leave A Hancock .lunctlJii, llaiu'rek Siarlkhr Picstoii j'ark I'ltllio PoynU-lli! IllllllOIlt IMeisttiil Mt. I'ldnlidalo Finest city Ciirb'indii.e Wh te lirldvre .Muvlleld .lerinvn Aichllialil Wlnton rtckt'lllo dlvi hunt Fl IcebiirK Tbioop Providence Park P are hern' ' . 11 Lenve Arrive 1 A M ..! 7 I'l . 1 810 , XI1 Ml U.5 'i! 2 23 2 31 , 2 411 .: S.',8 l 6 ...1 8119 ..' 8 19 111 II 34 111 13 !1H 12 18 t.'l II H ll if I 8 51 '. a 8M i7 8 59 32 4 01 SI 4D7 -li 4 10 39 4 14, , 41 (4 17 4S 4 2J . M r it All trains run dally exoept, sunrtny. f. slnllles that trains stop un ltitil for pas Beii)rers. feeure rotes via Ontario a Western before nnrclinsliiK tickets and save money. Day mid td'tlt K-presn tothc West. ,1 C. Anrtersnn, (Jen. Pass Agt. T. Fill croft, ML' I'fiiK. A (ft scrr.nt'in. fa POULTRY Turkeys, racks, Chicken, Kresli Every Day. ALSO- Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. lllflOlfflLBffl ! AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS The Of that world-famed reference work, originally produced in England and now thoroughly revised for America, Encyclopaedic Dictionary At Onca a Dictionary and an Encyclopaedia. PRODUCED AT A COST OF $750,000. o I A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE WORK. J-tJilnJ A PLETE DICTIONARY of the Eiiglixh latiKiiaKe, ami is the MOST COMPREHENSIVE ENCYCLO- X PAEDIA ever published It Includes uuder one alphabet uot only all the best features or every other die- V tionary, but discusses thousands of subjects not eveu meutioned lu any other dlctlouary or encyolopaedlu. It is (25(,Oi)0 words A DICTIONARY (250.000 words defined.) OR nirTinMADIPC defined.) Z-TO: uLD.li. AR. v. fTt R. C .frKV nr J- JJL-m ; 7 pour Mi perbl; sslvt Volumes. .7 Pane. Welaht About 40 Pounds. Su. perbly Illustrated with AUgnilicent Hull-Pane Colored Plate ana Koproauciion irom rnoiograpns. FIVE GENTS A DAY EXPLANATORY The American publishers,through the New York Newspaper Syndicate, are distributing at a nominal cost a limited num ber of introductory sets to ad vertise the work by affording the public an opportunity to compare it with all other dic tionaries aud encyclopaedias. A very Few Sets Only have been allotted to Scran- ? ton to be turned over through The Tribune at a fraction only of the original subscri p- tion price and those sets are X to be delivered to those who A first apply on payments or $1.50 monthly for one year, and when V the original sub- V 0 these few sets are gone scriptiou price of $42.00 will prevail. joooooooooooooo Containing all modern English words, au exhaustive list of obsolete words, foreign words and phrases now current in this couutry as a part of our rotiiiiimi limupmne, a complete vocabulary of technical words and recent scientific terms, aud A RICH MINE OF ENCYCLOPAEDIC MATTER ON ALL (SUBJECTS. It is, lu fuot, (125,000 more words than Webster's new International.) An Absolute Authority, And accepted as such by scholars, literary men, colleges and universites wherever introduced. It Is withal Mechanically Perfect, (131,000 more words than Worcester.) iK set from new type manufactured expressly for the purpose, and printed on a fine quality of book it. It is profusely illustrated with explanatory engravings, miignitlcent, new, full-page colored plates Being 1 uauer. and numerous photographic reproductions, and is hutidsomuly and durably bound in four sumptuous volumes, rue publishers are wen aware mat 0 o SEEING IS BELIEVING. 4 Volumss at About the Price of One Volume. And therefore offer a few introductory sets simply by way of advertising the work. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO if 10 E 11 III Ml Bring or send $2.0 to THE TRI15UNE, and the entire set of four superb volumes, bound in cloth, will be forwarded. The balanc is to be puid at the rate of $1.50 monthly for 12 months. 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Tribune Inquiry Blank It is only neccs;;iry to send your name and adJrcss as below indicated and fail particulars rcarditi this remarkable opportunity will be prompt' ly sent. Xame - Address MAIL TODAY SURE. oooooxxooooxx SPECIAL In order that ail may be satisfied by a personal inspection of this Great Word Book and Encyclopaedia, we have arranged to keep the Free Reading Room at 708 Mears Building: f OPEN EVERY EYEXLN0 UNTIL CHRISTMAS. a. oooooooooooooo Y tGive your children BRAINS for Christmas and leave out some of the Useless Knick-Knacks that usually fill the Christmas Stock ing. We Help the Children of Older Growth, too. t