The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
Will Be Open
Evenings Until
Carpels, Draperies anl Wall Papa;
On ChrlHtmas uiKht the Kxwlslor Ath
letic club will hoUl ItB thirteenth unmial
bull in .MuHic liull.
On KrliluJ evening the Suivliiy school
of llruce Lutheran cliifYch will holil their
C'hi'lstmaH f xeivistti.
l'osUolllee, Inspector llornian u in the
city yesterday consulting with I'ostniHster
Vanillins unil Hilef of I'ollcc lloblliiK
uliuut the went rubbery ill lluzlctoii.
Tho Kai'knwminu lioHiltul makes an ap
peal fur Christmas (Illinois. A nninlier
have ulreaily been cuntrllputej, but many
mure are needed.
A matin service will be conducted In
Trinity Lutheran church on Krlduy morn
ing ut o'clock. The childieii'H t'hrist
num festival will be celebrated Friday
evenliiK at 7.30.
In the suit of the Arcude Vile works
nt;alnsl T. Leonard, the court yester
day ut the request of the defendant,
made an order allowing depositions with
reference to the ease to be taken in New
York illy.
At the postolllee Christmas day the
money order and relster windows will be
closed all day. The stamp, general ,lt--livery
and carrier windows will be open
from lu. a. m. to I- o'clock. No de
liveries will be made by carriers.
Tho sale of tickets to the patronesses
' of the tilee, .Mandolin and (lullar (dub of
the I'nlversitv of Pennsylvania, ends to
day. It Is at Powell's Music store. The
Kcncral sale of tickets for the same Im
portant musical event will begin ut the
aanitt place today.
A iari;e Christmas tree In the window
of A. It. Silencers store, on Kickson ave
nue. catlKht lire last evening. An alarm
was sent in from box Ui and nil the North
, End companies and the Chemical company
I responded. Their services were noi re
quired, as the tire had been put out be
fore their arrival. The damage was
' Uavid 1). Jones, of Scrantnn, and Mag
gie Jane Jenkins, ot laylur; Michael
i Jiiipsk UnFl Kossallii Walkallis, of rtoran
ton; lieoitJe V. Swartz, of .Scranton, and
Klva Hedley, of Lake Ariel; Theodore (
iKiiiKherty, of Scranton, and Clara M.
Kreoer, of Dunmnie; Antonl 1'ilcnda
and I'Yuncesco Uutkaskl. of l'rlccbiii'K,
were granted murrlaKe llccnsta yester
day. 'William II. Price, nged L7. died yes
terday at the Iickuwauna hospital from
a hemorrhage. Me formerly boarded on
the West Side, but had no relatives In this
country. Jtev. ItoKorn Israel, pastor of
St. Luke's church, w.ho ministered to him
during his illness, took charge of the re
. mains, and today Ihev will be Interred
III Korest Hill cemetery at the expense of
the .Men's guild of St. Luke's. Services
will be conducted at the church ut 2.3U
o ciock mis urternnon.
Louis Friedman keeps n clothing store
on Pent) avenue opposite Itockal'eller'n
restaurant. About 7 o'clock last even
ing he locked the store ror a few min
utes and ran across the street for an oys
ter stew. When he gut back a dummy
dressed In a suit of clothes nnd nil over-
' coat was missing from Its position on
the 10-" ot privilege. Mr. Friedman sklr
mis around and found the dummy
thro. ,i In the "ladies' entrance" next to
Ferdinando's saloon. The dummy was
minus the clothing, the value of which
was $20. A telephone message was sent
to police headquarters, but no truce of
the thief could be found.
Sr. McDowell, dentist, 240 Adam,
Mill Be Sold tor the Nthncfcr-Spiuki
llilliard exhibition.
Next Monday night's billiard exhibi
tion by Schaefer and Spinkn In llucktis'
parlors I. attracting no little interest
among lover of tho gamp. Only 125
admission tickets will bp sold, ns that
number will Mil the scatlnir capacity of
the private parlor In which the exhib
ition will take place.
Scranton will be the first city to wit
ness an exhibition by the two plavers
In I. . . 1 .. 4 .... . . L . . . '.
I hi iuui niMiiw iiie I'uiiiiueiit to
(If .1.. rpu...- I .,1 . -
'i'"" iiiw. a nr. i uiur- e(? uiieCt tl'Om
New York city and will play in Wilkes
llarrc, Reading unci Kuston before
Starling wc.-itward.
Colonel Krazler. the advance repre
sentative, left for Wilkes-Kurre lust
nlglit after a two days' stop in this
city. He was for fifteen ycurs a mem
ber of the Hoston Ideals nnd for sev
eral years liiianciully Interested in the
company and now owns Its title. He Is
an expert player himself and with his
cue elite! tulncd a party of gentlemen
in Backus' parlors yesterday ufternocm.
The Almighty Hollar
always had great power at the S Broth
ers, but never as much as today. Iii.ikh)
pairs of slippers will be sold for half
price. Open lute tonight.
Kor razors and pocket air rifles, foot
balls and Ice skates, go to Jurisch, 224
Spruce street.
Tlrass and Onyx Tables, Lamps and
Shades. All reduced to cost,
lilt and 1.13 Wash. ave.
tiood Camera,
at our Holiday branch, 203 Wash. ave.
Fine line of Cnrvers. Five O'clock
Teas, Skates and Pocket Knives.
Fancy Malaga (.rnpes.
The finest we ever offered. 23c. per
lb. Ccur-sen.
Just received, a new line of Itoys'
Sweaters at Florey's, 222 Wyoming ave.
Our Coscv Camera Parlor
la ornethlng new. 203 Wash. ave.
Winter Weather Makes Itself Felt la
and About Scranton.
A Uountiful 1 all or tho Beautiful
Comes in the Nick of Tiino-Strcct
Car Lines Sutler, but tho Merchant
Is Happy and So la the Holi
day l.ovcflt Mill Last Over
Christmas Day.
Forecast for Thursday: For Eastern
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, partly
cloudy weather with continued norther
ly winds; for Western Pennsylvania,
partly cloudy weather possibly light
local snows; slight changes in temper
ature, fresh to brisk northerly winds.
Santa Claus will come to Scranton
with his reindeers, sleigh and plenty of
snow. The Washtngtun weather dis
pensary promises it.
Tills will not be a creen Christmas;
there will not be a fat graveyard. The
first assertion Is proved by the abun
dance of snow and the latter by an old
adage. Scran toll's confines and the
country for miles around are cloaked in
a mantle of the beautiful beautiful to
the small boy and the liveryman but
more or less u horrible thing to street
railways and railways which have
steam furu motive power.
The Scranton Traction company suf
fered yesterday on nil Its suburban
lines, although but slight impediment
wus caused within the city, liut while
the street railway olllcluls had their
troubles, nearly everybody else was
joyful and welcomed the snow as a pre
cursor of an old-fushloned Christmas,
holl;-, Santa Claus and Hlclirliliells.
Tho fall of snow during Tuesday
night did not seriously impede street
cur traflic but during yesterday morning
the continued fall and the udditlon of
a high wind piled tip Innumerable drifts
in the outlying districts and put the
suburban residents ut a disadvantage.
The two old and one new electric
sweepers of the Scranton Traction com
pany were pressed Into service and their
capacity was taxed all morning In keep
ing open the lines In the city. The cars
ran but nt Irregular Intervals.
Jieanwhlle the trucks outside the city
had become blocked. It was not until
late in the evening tluit trutllo had
been resumed n the Throop nnd l'ltts
toii lines. Only two trips of cars had
been made on the Throop line up to !
o'clock last night, and the regular runs
on the I'ittstun line were not made
possible until after midnight. There
was practically no travel of nny kind
on the latter division up to (I o'clock at
night. The Taylor and IVckville lines
were kept open during the day. but
Hie cars ran at long and irregular inter
vals. To tho merchant nnd the pleasutv
sceker, however, the snow was a god
Send. All duy the strtets of the busi
ness section were literally thronged
with Chi 1st mas shoppers and through
out the residence sections the avenues
resounded and were alive with the Jin
gle of sleighbells and passing equip
pagep. For several weeks past the retail deal
er in merchandise hud just cause for
complaint. Sales were conspicuous by
their absence nnd the shelves, loaded
with winter goods, found no purchases
because no winter had arrived. 'All
that was changed yesterday. Kvery
bi dy bought something suggested by
real cold weather. All the stores were
thronged and it wus with difficulty that
customers, because of their great num
bers, could be waited upon.
liut the daylight hours were not a
circumstance to what the electric lights
t.uw at uluht. The streets on Lacka
wanna and Wyoming avenues were al
most Impassable, and the more prom
inent stores found it dilllcttlt to accom
module the throngp tluit crowded about
the entrances and Jammed Into the
aisles. In several instunces it was nec
essary to close lee main entrances at
Intervals. Then the doors were opened
to admit a squad of pushing, shoving
ami impatient shoppers while a squad
of similar size passed out.
And the merchant smiled.
Kvery hill whose Incline gave even
a halt excuse for coasting had lis quota
of red-faced, shouting and happy ur
chins. When night came no accidents
had been reported that might mar the
pleasant anticipation of Christmas In
any locality.
There was no t.erlous delay of trains
on any of the steam railroads entering
the city, ulthough precautions were
taken on all lines to prepare for a
continuance of the fall and hurricane
weather. There were drifts on the Po
cono nnd on the hills north of the
city along the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western line, but all of yesterday's
passenger trains pulled into the city
within a few Minutes of schedule time.
The engines were enshrouded in a
mould of white and the coaches resem
bled horizontal Icicles from Polar lands,
evidences of a battle with the elements,
but the lost time wns not In any case
serious enough to chronicle.
I'nless all signs fall, cold, wind and
robustness may be expected until lung
into tomorrow ultjht.
Christmas Attraction I'lcnsing to the
Patrons of Davis' Theater.
The Christmas week show Js hlgily
pleasing to the patrons of Davis' the
ater. There are no dull moments In It;
and there Is something for every taste.
The show Is a Very clean and proper
one for ladles ami children, many of
whom attend. The closing tableau
"Fairy Starlights, (1 rot to of Happiness"
Is the finest picture ever seen on the
stage of that theater.
firing in Your Tea Checks.
and exchange them for China and fan
cy goods, Itric-a-Prac, etc., ulso a large
line ot Toys for the children just re
ceived. Come now and make your se
lection nnd avoid the rush Just before
Christmas. Oram! Cnion Tea Co., 811
Lacku. ave., Jones Uros., proprietors.
I. tidies' Solid Silver Watches.
$2.75 nnd $3.1)0; cannot be purchased
elsewhere for less than $." or $6. They
are of the best make, and give genuine
satisfaction to the purchaser.
da vi dow mtoa..
217 Lacka. ave.
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes 1
Why not select them for a Xmns
gift? You father, mother, brothers and
sisters will appreciate them and we
guarantee the fit. 0 P.rothers. f,0S
Lackawanna avenue. Open late to
night. Fine Ladles' Kersey Cnpes nt $4.00. '
Coursen Hells
fancy candles in boxes, 2"c. and 2Se. lb.
'Ice skates of all styles and sizes.
Jurisch can suit you. 324 Spruce st.
Just received, a new line of Hoys'
Sweaters at Florey's, 222 Wyoming ave.
Only tho Finest Cameras
made are shown In our Holiday Branch,
203 Wash, ave
1'nion and tin-en Itidge Lodge
Install Officers and llunquet.
The recently elected ollleers of 1'nion
lodge. No. 2il, and Green Hidge lodge.
No. 579, Free und Accepted Masons,
were Installed lust night, the former in
Masonic hull on Penn avenue and the
latter in the lodse rooms on Dickson
avenue. Green Ridge. In each cuse
the event was followed by a banquet.
The Green Ridge ollleers Installed
were Jesse E. Clifford, worshipful mas
ter; Bradley Woodhull, senior warden;
George Atkins, junior warden: it. A.
Zimmerman, treasurer, and K. G. Stev
ens, secretary. The ceremony was con
ducted by Past Master C. S. Seamans.
assisted by l ast Masters F. F. Arndt, T.
F. Penman, C. L. Van Ilusklrk and
Preston Robinson. The banquet took
place in the house, now vacated, re
cently occupied by the retiring worship
ful master, Ernest K. Teal, on Sander
son avenue. The ladies of the Asbury
Methodist Episcopal church prepared
the banquet In accordance with their
custom for several yeurs past and which
has resulted in money proceeds fcjr tha
Past Master Enos Hall installed the
oflicers of 1'nlon lodge, lie was assist
ed by Past Masters F. J. Amsden, John
F. Scragg. John Madigun ami John
Harvey. The ollleers installed were:
Frank J. Stanton, worshipful master;
Elery C. Th irnley, senior w arden; Lou
is G. Schuntz, junior warden; Frank
S. Hall, secretary, and E. 1". Kingsbury,
Retiring Worshipful Master E. A.
Newlng was presented with a valuable
jewel of his olllce. He Is the I'liion rep
resentative to the Grand lotlue.
Following the Installation u banquet
was served by Caterer Brock in the
Masonic hall banquet room. Past Mas
ter John F. Strang presided.
They Are Preparing for the Meeting of
the Grand Lodge in This City on
August 17, 1 897.
Scranton Knights of Pythias are en
ergetically at work making prepara
tions for the state convention of the
grand lodge In this city beginning
Tuesduy, August 17. IS!7. The various
divisions of the order In this district
have named representatives to act
upon the general committee which has
the arrangements in hand.
The committee met last night in Hul
bert's hull, Wyoming avenue. Deputy
Grand Chancellor VV, A. Shllller is
chuirmaii, Martin Joyce, secretary, nnd
Dr. J. R. Newton, treasurer. The other
members of the committee are: Eber
Braniiiug, Alois Rudler, T. S. Jones,
Henry Harding, David K. Evans, o. S.
Kldgeway. C. It. Wheatcott. A. A.
Nichol, A. II. Comstock, James E. Stov
ers, David Donaldson. James Wilson,
George Schsirfer, August Wenzel, F. It.
Mclntyre. John llenore, E. S. Jones, J.
J. Reel, J. II. Browning, John Combe,
L. Mote. Charles E. Robinson, C. 11.
Weber, W. L. Well. E. W. Finch, Sel
don Brady, B. Brady, W. R. Casner,
John Hall, W. E. Luniley, D. D. Ev
ans. W. J. Jenkins, W. II. Hoffman,
J. R. Thomas, D. H. Reese, R. G. Preii
lock, T. B. Ilirtley, Louis Christ. J.
Parwin, Ellas Williams, W. J. Mur
ray. C. W. Weldaw, Martin Graf. Da
vid Leitthold and C. W. De Wight.
Dr. H. N. Dunnell, grand chancellor
of the order, lends his aid to the com
mittee In Its work. The grand lodge
has a membership of between Miu and
550. They, with few exceptions, will
be here, as will the members of the
uniformed rank, which numbers about
1.5(10. All told. It Is expected that be
tween 5.UIH) and 6.01111 Knights of Py
thias will be In town.
The convention will begin on August
17 and will be in session until possibly
Friday of that week. There will be a
magnificent parade, and local Knights
will entertain their visiting brethren
with a trip over the Gravity road to
Farvlew. The many details In connec
tion with the event will be arranged
ftt the succeeding monthly meetings.
Henry Hussing, a Grocer of Hidge
Mrcct, Passed Away.
Henry Husslng, of Ridge street,
Petersburg, died suddenly ut 7 o'clock
last evening. He kept a grocery store
and was about 55 years "Id. Although
he had not enjoyed good health for a
year or more, he wns able to be about
and he was down town In the after
noon. After supper he went from the dining
room into the store and was seated
near the stove when an attack of diz
ziness came upon him. He went to
bed and got so bad that a messenger
was sent after Dr. Bernstein. When
the doctor reached the bedside, Mus
sing was breathing his last. Heart
fuilure was the cause of death.
Coroner Longstreet went to the
house at 9 o'clock to investigate the
Attracted a Largo Audience to the
Academy of Music.
Familiar "Shore Acres" that Idyl of
New England life was presented at the
Academy of .Music lust night to an au
dience that taxed Its capacity. There
Is no better told or more wholesome
story on the stage today which ac
count for thes wonderful popularity of
Actor Heme's dramatic effort.
The company that produced it last
night Is excellent and Is headed by
George W. Wilson and Atkins Law
rence both capable actors. "Shore
Acres" will be seen at the Academy
again tonight.
This is Important to You,
And to your wife, Bon and daughter.
You want a home. Think ubout it.
Buy one of our choice lots In the cen
tra! and select part of Scranton at a
handy and convenient walking dis
tance from business, theaters, hotels,
churches, stores and depots, on- Adams,
Jefferson, Madison or Monroe avenues.
At most of the lots flag walks and
curbs are laid, also sewers, gas and
water mains and steam heat, and in
front of some the usphalt pave. These
are sites for superior homes. Prices
low. Terms easy. Clear title guaran
teed. Call for circular, Jones.lill Spruce.
IfVoii Want to Buy
any Christinas presents, we will sell
you goods at less than on-hnlf the ac
tual cost, to (dose out the enti:e stock
before April 1st. .
217 Lacka. ave.
Do you drive, skate or shoot. Then
get a pocket stove at Jutiseh's, Spruce
Just received, a new line of Boys'
Sweaters ut Florey's, 222 Wyoming ave.
Fancy Florida Oranges.
35c. up. 'oursen's.
Great value In muffs at $1.50 today.
F. L. CRAi.:.
We can help you work the Santa
Claus In a sensible way. Come early
in the day.
Buy Hera Camera
for Xmas. We have 'em at 203 Wash.
FOWLER In Scrnnton, Pa., Dee. 22,
Susie, the (laughter of Mr. and
Mrs. II. M. Fowler, of K17 Oxford street
ngeil 8 years and 2 nemths. Funeral
Thursday morning at 8."H) o'clock. At
9.45 the remains will be ta'en to Kspy,
Columbia county, whero Interment will
be made Friday.
Bringing Some of the Christmas Cheer
to the Homes of the Destitute.
Mrs. Duggau, Agent of the Board of
Associated Charities, nnd Her As
sistants, Were Kugngcd Yesterday
at tho City Hall Preparing Ncccs
sarics nnd Luxuries for Distribu
tion Today and Tonights-Providing
for One Hund red nnd Fifty Funiilies
Between 100 and 200 families will be
cared for this Christmas liv the Board
of Associated Charities. This does not
represent the number of families in ac
tual need; it is the number that rep
resents the very neediest of the needy.
Those In a position to know state
that this winter is one of the severest
that the poor people of tills city have
encountered in many years. From the
South Side and Bcllevue the most ap
peals for assistance come. All day yes
terday Mrs. DugtTan, ugent of the
Board of Associated Charities, was
busy in the Emergency hospital at the
city hall, getting ready to deal out the
Christmas offerings.
Every family of at least 150 will get
either a small turkey or goose, and
some potato s and 1 abbage, or other
substantial articles of food. There will
be given out bags of candy lor the
children to make lliein feel happy ut a
time whi n pence on earth Is the per
vading sentiment in Christendom.
Mrs. Dugguu ycslerday purchased
about "HO pnuiiil:! of candies, mixed nuts
and pop coin, and tills was divided up
into 2-poiind lots nod placed in paper
bags. She scut out postal cards to the
families she found most in need of as
sistance and expects to lie at work all
day today in the Emergency hospital
giving out a portion to every family.
She related an inslaft-e that occurred
last year at I o'clock Christmas morn
ing. Postal curds had been sent out
to the families thai were to be helped,
but for some reason or other not more
than 10 per cent, of them called, and
she found It necessary to hire u wagon
and take the goods around to the
She got to one house nn hour after
midnight and the six children were in
bed. When they saw the bags of candy
for them, they screamed with joy and
there wus no more sleep In that house
that night. The family wus a very
worthy one, but also very needy, nnd
the children called Mrs. Duggan ull
kinds of Santa Clauses.
Miss Kiesel, nurse for the board, is
assisting Mrs. Duggan, and Mrs. Fla
herty Is working in conjunction with
them representing the ladles of the St.
Vincent de Paul society of St. Peter's
Probability That the Difference Between
the Journeymen and Master Plumbers
Will Be Amicably Arranged.
There will be 110 plumbers strike on
the Hist of the year us was threatened.
At least both the master plumbers und
Journeymen hojio to avoid it und will
confer tonight with u view to bringing
about a realization of their hopes.
Last Friday night the master plumb
ers received a (lemniid, with a strike
ultimatum for a uniform rate of wages
ol per (I ty fur all Journeymen who
had worked a full year continuously til
their trade alter serving the prescribed
apprenticeship, the Increase to take ef
fect Jan. 1, 1SS7. The master plumbers
niter clue consideration concluded that
they could not afford to grunt the de
mand as winter contracts had been
bused on the present rate of wages,
but thoy proposed a compromise to the
effect that the ten per cent, advance
which they promised lor next May go
Into effect Immediately. .
When this proposition was read at
the meeting ot the Journeymen Tuesday
night, It was generally uoecpted as a
full' and equitable offer and after a
lengthy debate it was decided to refer
the whole matter to a committee, of live
with full power to act and instructions
to avoid a stiilie If It could be con
sistently done. This committee, com
prised of James Donahoe, T. F. Moran,
Henry Woolsifer, Joseph Evans and T.
J. O'Malley, w ill tonight meet 11 similar
siy-ed committee of the muster plumb
ers, Henry Giinslcr, Thomas Clnrke,
Louis Schumacher, Luke ll.-ani and
August Schneider, nnd it is expected
tliMl an aiiiicabl- adjustment of the
grievances v 111 be reached.
Belter Here Than in Any Other City
in the State.
According to ft statement by Sinier
Intendent of Schools Howell, the aver
age attendance at school of the schol
ars enrolled during the three months
of this term bus been higher than in
any city In the state. An Increase of
10'i l'er cent. Is recorded over last
year, the usual Increuse not going
above 'Mil per cent.
In past years XX per cent, was the
highest of pupils enrolled and who con
tlnued In school. The general uverage
of the present tertfi Is Ml 2-3 per cent.
divided ns follows: September 03 per
cent.: October, hi) per cent.; November,
!7 per cent.
Superintendent Howell ascribe the
increase to the system In vogue of
sending monthly reports to parents.
Formerly this was done In the primary
departments only.
. ,
To Avoid the Allcrnoon Crowds
trade early today If possible. The bal
ance of our I11.01111 pairs of slippers must
nnd will be sold for half price. 5 Broth
ers. 50s Lackawanna avenue. Open hit'
... . . ..
Cameras $5 and up, just the thing for
Xrnas presents, ut Kemp's photo par
lors, 103 Wyo. ave.
To Cure n (.'old in One Duy.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c.
.Most Popular
and Interesting holiday resort In the
city. Behllemun, 211 Wash, ave.
Don't forget the Excelsior Atholctic
club's annual ball on Christmas night
at .Music Hall. Admission 50 cents.
Don't squander good money on use
less toys; buy something useful und
Miss Carol yne V. Dorsey, teacher of
elocution, orutory and delsarte, 434 Ad
ams uvenue.
Watch for the White Wagons.
Our work Is always thoroughly wash
ed, nicely starched, beautifully Ironed.
Crystal Laundry. Experienced help
t.rentest Nnle of Slippers
ever heard of Is now going on at tho
5 Brothers. Open late tonight,
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue. In
Irarrla' drug store. Hours 9 a. m 5
p. m.
1!rown martin muffs from $7.00 to
Steam clams, soring chicken and
good beer, at Lohmann's, Spruce. Ml I
Dr. (late' Parents Celebrate nil Iu
tcrckting Cvcnt ut His Home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates, of Thomp
son, Susquehanna county, celebrated
the ttftieth anniversary of their mar
riage at the home of their son. Dr. I
M. Gates, 309 Madison avenue, yester
day. The event took the form of a din
ner attended by their children. The
latter are Attorney L. A. Gates, of New
York; Mrs. Browning, wife of Attorney
J. W. Browning, of this city, and Dr.
Gates. Mr. Browning and Mrs. M.
Gates were also present at the dinner.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gates will remain In
this city until after the holidays us the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Gates and At
torney and Mrs. Browning. Attorney
Gates will return today to New York
Mr. and Mrs. Gates are hale and hear
ty old people w ho come of families not
ed for their longevity. Mr. Gates is
now 70 years of age. His fat In r llwd
to pass the four score murk. Before
her marriu-ie to .Mr. Gates at Jackson.
Susquehanna county lit'iy years ago
Mrs. Gates was Miss Mali, daughter of
Martin Hall, of Jackson, w ho died a
Tew years u'o ut the udvanced age of
94 years.
Calendars Given Aiuii.
Beginning Saturday, Dec. liqli. and'
continuing until Christmas, we will
give to every purchaser a handsome
calendar for IW7. Solium chase your
tea and coffee for your iiiristnias din
ner at the old reliable ten and coffee
house and get a calendar. Grand
I'nion Tea Co., 31 1 Lacka. ave., Jones
Bios., Pi'op'rs.
. - -. -
Turkeys, Chickens, Geese nnd Ducks
We have received a large shipment ol
New Vol k und Vermont slate poultry,
which Is vv: y line. We invito I lie public
to look at our stock before having.
A. G. GIL.Mi IRE jfr St i.
People's market,
33 ami 35 Lacka. ave.
Next to D. & II. station.
Grcnlcl Display
of books In the city. Bcldleman, the
10.0(10 Pans
Who wouldn't have a pair of slippers
whin they can get a Sl im slipper for 511
cents at the 5 Brothers' slipper sale to
day und tonight.
Contributions of Poultry, Meat and
Provisions may b. sent to St. Luke's
parhii room, 122 Wash. ave.. on W ed
nesday, between the hours ol 9 U. 111.
and 5 p. m.
(.rent lliirgtiins
in diamonds nt David. iw Bros., 217
Lacka. ave. Now is the time to buy.
"I had sore hands for n Innrr time
and suffered a great deal. I saw an
advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla
und began taking it. My hands soon
began to get better and I have not had
any trouble with them since." Mrs.
Eva, Moore, Colli E. St., Philadelphia,
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable.
TIB 11LL11Y.
This collection, Jiisl one hundred and
eighty-nine street and evening headgear.
Is tempting, stylish and up-to-date. Thai
the price is oic-half is simply due to iln
lateness of tin' season. Do you wnnd'T
that more and more of ihe hat selling
centers lure.' H.'ic. and by easy sic, is to
Ten dozen more of those $1.25 Black (
t rich lipis. Wont last long at li'.ic. a
Just a lew more of those ll.nil Camel's
liair Trimmed Sailors; marked at 3!V.
Extra special. tl-Carton Plain and Morle
Glace Taffeta Ribbon, 4-iu. wide, extra
tine quality, marked at 2.1c. a yard; 5i)c. is
wnni iney are worm.
If they interest you come early.
SohiM Piano Stands at ths Head
!"H.- : I J 1111
3-, t v i.
AND J. W. CiUHRNSnY Stonds at the Head
In tho Mil-tin tr ick. Von can always g.'t a
hotter burgain nt Ms beautiful wareroonis
than at any other place in tho city.
Cull and sea for yourclf before buying.
205 Washington Avenue,
IucIuithiK tho p.iinloss extras titu of
ti-etu by un entirely new prociMti,
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
311 Spruce St , Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
We have a nice line of Reed Rockers and Chairs.
Also Oak, Hahogany and Willow Rockers.
New Designs, Onyx Top. Prices Reasonable.
A new choice line just Received at $2.25. 30x60 inches
WatchDS. j8W3.ry,
Sterllni Silvjr Novelties.
AT uk;iit piticr.s.
423 Lackawanna Avenj),
The Christmr, Gift of a Piano
fiivs tho (treat ist pRuitrj If it i.i one of tho
or LHCKUKI.IXl. Sold only by
22G-'2:JO Wyoming Ave.
SILVER . . .
Is a new addition to our stock
ut llottom Trices. Opened an.
other new line of
White China
For Decorating
Prices und styles talk, as we
are .selling lots of it. Will
keep open evenings ul'ter the
fu st of December.
C. .1. WElCHKIi,
Mcurf Ulilit, Cor, Wash, and Spruce St.
406 Lackawanna Ave.
i Cpp. Wyoming; House.
UDlliiiluia m a W s u a w lift PT 111
r3J f
I I 1 III fl I I . I K ?!T3
Closed on
Account of Fire.
Be Open
In a Few Days
And will give you
Bargains that have
never been offered
And See.
Vis Wyoming Avenue.
Grand Panorama
Holiday Goods
Outshining in display
all previous efforts.
Outdoing all past values
all previous prices.
S' You cannot make a mistake iu
S buying fur a Christinas Gift
Finer Cut Glassware,
1 Tumblers,
a '
I Yases,
1 Bowls,
At the Popular
mnncnuro pn-MTui
231 Fenn fl.a Cpn Baptist Chnrol
Middle ol the Block.
Your Satisfaction Our Aim g
Come to
Newspapers, Magazines,
and Story Papers,
Alain Stand, - ioj Wyoming Avenut
LeK and Fe:t with SubA.tragalus Joint
lor Lateral Ankle Movement- Arms and
lands with Hull Fingers. Wrist and Elbow
Improved Artificial Limbs
And Appliance flor Deformed and Par
o'vteJ l.lnib Manufactured by C. A.
1-KLbS, Uruadway. New York.
1332 Penu Avenue,
Scranton, Pa.
l ij V AT
( '