UIB PCRATiTOX TK115UJ4E-THURSDAY MOBNING, DECEMBER t!4. ilk Santa Claus Couldn't Bring any one, man woman or child, a pres ent which they would appreciate mure than a book, the best of all gifts; the most useful and enduring. Good books increase in value and are the best of companions always; a solace in adversity and helpful in prosperity. Our large assortment of desirable and choice editions is up to our usual standard of excellence. For all age, conditions and circumstances. Bibles, we have the best styles from lour publishing house at prices from 25c to S15 each, Prayer Hooks and Hymnals, all sorts, Kooklets, Art Calendars and Christinas Cards in bewildering variety of styles and prices. Fine Stationary and Fancy Art Goods, We have our usual large variety. Gaines and Large Toys, our display is unusually large : and attractive. Have three Hours, 100 by 25 feet, With lots of light to show our goods and competent help to serve customers. We think a store of this kind an ideal one for present buying. NORTON'S 322 Lackawanna Ave. Shavings The use of Shavings for bedding lor horses or cows in not New But put up like straw In Small Bales Is eometliing uew. Cheaper Tlian Straw, ( leaner Tlian Straw, Keller Than Straw. We keep it. rhe Weston Mill Co JCRANTOJI, GLYPHflNT, CaR33iMLS. ABSOLUTELY WITHGUT PAIN EXTRACTION OF TEETH WITH ' "ANAESTHEXE." FINEST DEN- TAL WORK IN THE CITS'. DRS. HENWOOD & WARDELL 3!6 LACKAWAflllN AVE. AN EXTRA DIVIDEND DECLARED. Stockholder of 1'eiiiisylvniiin Conl Company Get n Christmas Present. The Pennsylvania Conl cniminy hns declared an extra dividend of 5 per rent. In addition to I In- regular divi dend for 190. In April. ISM, the last extra dividend was declared. Jt was one of 4 tier cent. The Pennsylvania company has paid Its stockholders 16 per cent, dividends for the lust fifteen yours. Silvrmnrct Silvern met Ttiipers Hros. triple plate Bllver Uti tpoons, formerly! ?; per set. now $1.25 at JJaviduw , Hi os'., il7 Locka. ave. Choice cut flowers and flower de Clgns at Palmer & McDonalds, Ml Rpruce. Holiday Slippers We have just What you want. Come now and get the best assortment ever known. All Kinds. All Prices. ; All Winners. For Men, Boys, Youths; for Ladies, Misses and Children. All Leathers. All Shades. All Sizes. 410 Spruce Street, CHRISTMAS MUSIC IN THE CHURCHES Brilliant Programme That Will Be Ren dered at Elm Park Cburcb. CEMAROSVS MILITARY MASS It Will lie Suui! by the Choir of St. PctcrN Cathedral I mler the Hiree tion of Professor Nchillini;"Muhic at the 6 mid 10:'Jil Masses iu St. 1'atrickS Church, West NidcPuri. tau Congregational Church. The following proRiammes of Ohrist ntas music will lie rendered In some of the city churches: KIM I'AHK CHritCH. The music at Klin Park church next Sunday nioiniiiK will he of a festival character, but the special Chrlstniastide musical service will he given in the evening, when a very elaborate pro urunime of anthems, solo, hymns, carols and Instrumental music will he rendered ly the Klin Park quartette and Mr. IVnnlniitoii, assisted by. Mrs. J. U. PaRe. soprano: Miss Julia Allen, violinist; Llewellyn Jones, pianist. awl a chorus of ulrls. The folKnvlnif are the pronranimes: M USX INC. SERVICE. Chime of Holl.-i lehaiiKe rlimins). "Christ inas Carols." "To'lVi'le llostias" (final chorus from I lie oratorio uf Noell Saint hauns Pastorale It'rum Christinas Concert si. Fischer Praeludiuni In major Uaoli choir. . P. stival Te Ileum, in K Hal .. .I.ii-k It runic 1'poii a MidniKhl Char .Mnlley Carol. "In Kx.ilsis (iloiia" Hushes K KNINii tfKKVICK. Chime of HelN (chuUKe riiiuiUKl. "Christ mas Carols. OIKall I'leliolo Fidelcs Mi llyinii, "Hark. anations on .viesie Helolier I'euninmon. What Menu Those Holy Voices.' Anthem, "i 1 Zlon That Tcll.st liood Hack Tldlims- Klin Park Quartette. Carol, "Christ Is Horn Today." Hills' Chorus Soprano Solo. "'Rejoice tlroutly" if colli the .Messiah"! Handel .Miss Wolf. (With ornan and piano.) Alto Solo. "Tlie .Nativity" Coombs Misu Van liervoori. (With or.ipin and piano.) Anthem, "o'er the Hills of Hetlilehetn." Shelley Kim Park Quartette, Carol. Itiiinintt the Hells". .tllrls' Chorus llass Solo, ".Mortals Awake." Staintr .Mr, Thomas. (With oman. I Tenor Polo. The Holy Child''.. ..Shelley Air. Winder. (With oiKau, violin ami piano.) (iflVrtoiy, Pastorale In F J. S. Jlach Air. fVnnlnutiin. Violin Solo, "Cradcl Soiik" Oodard .Miss Allen. W illi ornan.) Carol. "While the Silent Slats." liiiis ('horns I.adh s' Trio. "I 'hrlsl mas Hells". ..Cantor Anthem, "The YIkII of the Shepherds," Hliiuicnscheiu Kim Park Quartette. Carol, "JeseiiM Is Ills Name." Jills' Chorus Hymn. "All Hail Ihe Potter of Jesus' Name." (i nan I'nstlii'le, "Heaven and iirth Iijsplay" Mendelssohn AT Tl IK PATH KI RA 1.. On Christinas niorniiiMr ut W.Sll Cima rosa's iiiililary muss will he sunt;, ac companied liy Mailer' h orchestra of thir teen pieces. The mass has Ihe usual Fix tiiiiuhei'M. Kyrlc, (ilorin. Creilo, Siiui tiis. Iti iiiMlii tiis. Aijrrius ie, and was writleu lv the uulhor for a uiillt n i y festival. It has a number of bril liant march movements. The orchestra parts were Heclally urruiiKed for this occasion liy the youiiK composer. Carl S hillini,'. in Merlin, (lermunv, and Is the linest over liluyed on a Christ mas day in this city. Hauer's orchestra is doling finer work than ever. The offer tory Is n riirlslnuis hymn written for three choirs, untrels, shepherds ami the choir proper, stationed In different parts of the t liurch. The pastorale In troduces tin- shepherds' pipe. The church has lu-eii beautifully decorated with moss and cverareeii and the crili with tile life-fixed Ilvures has been put up ami in nn.l slums Ihe Infant Jesus In the stalile, Hiirroiinded hy the sliep In ids, kiliK mid the holy family. .The programme of the music Is us follows: .lubllato lieo ... Kvrie liloiia Cred Offertory. I'lnb Saiicttis Cetledietlls ..... Aunus I M l Te I lean Wilcox Clmarosa Clmarosa Clmarosa Unas Hymn (iilsin Cimarnsa Clmarosa Ciniarosa (ilerman) The mass and the other pieces have numerous suhis. duets, titiurtottes and choruses. Scuts In the church are free. ST. PATRICK'S ClirilCII. Tn .U. Patrick's church on the West Side the folhiwimt programme of music will be rendered at the (i ami pi.M) o'clock musses Chi 1st mas niorninc; by the choir under the direction of llaydn Kvans: innaii i'l ltlilo. Pastorale from 'M.s . Handel Welu.iud ... Silas siah" .... Asperses .Mi Mass in ('.. K y rie. Cloria. "Qui Tolls" (martette Chorus and bass Solo "lil'lldllilt ("redo, "Kt Incui luitiis Kst" Quartette otieilory, Iiilermizzo ( violin)... Muscusni -Miss Ward. Sanctus. . Heiieilictus. Quartette and Chorus. Annus lei, Ijoiiu .Nobis. I'ostlude. Coiicertn Iu H llatiilel-l.tix Quartette MIsh Kate Hiilllvuii, soprano; .Miss Kitty Clbhons, eoiitralio; Kdward Walsh, tenor; William Vnnston, buss .Miss Harriet Ward, violinist; Haydn Kvuns, orsunlst and dlreetor. Pl'RITAN COX(iRI ;( J ATI ( )NA h. The special Christmas service of the Puritan Oine;reKatioiial church of the North Knd will tuke pluce at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. It will consist almost wholly of music. The selections are ai (f the nioKt beautiful. All who en joy sucred music will find the prn Mrumine attractive. A very cordial in vitation is extended to all and especial ly to those who do not regularly attend church services. Among the many good features of tills Christmas services, special mention may be made of the Miami chorus. "IiuUKhter of Zioii." which received universal and unstinted praise at the recent concert under the uusplces of the choir. It is repeated by urgent retiuest. The (service will be as follows: Hymn i'i. "Joy to the World." Sciintiiru reaction. Anthem, "AiiKelH from the ltenls of (ilory .Matthews Prayer. Am hem. "When Hethlehem's herds" Offertory. Solo, "The Holy Child" Sl'i. . Herbert ...Shelley .Miss Ktiimu Jluiniihivv. Hymn am. ".Messiah, at Thy Cdud Ap proach." Short sermon on "Immumiel." Rev. Newman Matt hews Chorus. "There Were Shepherds". Hamper Hymn SHfi, "I'airest hord Jesus." (irand chorus, "I.iuiiKhter of Zion"..Cark lleneiliclion. Iilreetor, Itees Wutklns; orKiinlst, Miss Annie Heese. IX OTHKIi CHPRCHKS. rhrlstmas services. Church of the Ooud Shephenl. Orten RldK'e street and Monsey aveniu- Karly service, holy rommuiiion, Christmas music, 6 a. in.; second service, morning prayer, holy communion, sermon, W.20. orferinj? at both services for clergy fund. All Beats free. All welcome. St. PiiiiI'h I.utherun Church Short avenue. Park Place. Christmas service In (iermun, 10.30 a. m.; service in Kiik lish, 7. lit). St. huke's Church Rev. ItoRers Is rael, rector. The nativity of our Lord or Christinaa day. U a. m., holy com- I nmnion: S a. m.. holy communion: 10.30 j a. m.. moruiaK prayer, sermon and holy communion. St. Murk's. IHinmore Key. Kdward i J. Haimhloii, jiriest. a. in., holy ! comiiuinion. A LITERARY MILESTONE. Trihuup Headers" It a re )pioitnnity iu the titter ol the Piililishcm of the .New r.ncyclopacdic lietiniMrv. A dictionary of dk tionaries. a com prehensive encyclopaedia, a systeinatle uiid thorough education, all neatly stowed away ill the form of fovr mas sne volumes. suierldy hound, entitled the New Kncyclopaeilic I ii tionai y. This splendid work, containilie; over a.uwi pas;es, elegantly and profusely il lustiated. with iiuiBniiiceiit lull pus colored plates and reproductions from photonraphs. is the unecjuuhtl produc tion of the master minds of two Rreat KiiKhsh sptukniK nutions. It is based upon ihe cncyclopudic ilictionary pub lished in Knvl.iiid, under the editorial ! suidance of a distinguished body of I sc holars, nmonu whom were Professor ! Huxley and i'rofessi r Proctor. The re i visiniis and additions necessary to ud , apt it to American usus have been most carefully and thoroughly wrotmht out ! under the editorial suoerv ision of an. ' extensive corps of eminent American scholars, scientists and soei le.lists, tho wink beiiij.- brought thoroughly up to j di'te in every particular, until It stands today the dictionary of dictionaries and I an encyclopaedia in everv respect in valuable for the home, library, olnco and stiiii In order to :uoinote the sale of this marcelous production, the American publishers make a ;rl-oat special offer of a limited number of sets of the work ut a price so low and on terms so easy us to result in promotim; a widespread publicity for the enterprise. The f"W Introductory sets allotted to Serautoii will lie disirilmted to those who are t lie lirst to apply. It is only necessary to send or brim; lirst payment to the Tribune, and the complete set of four handsome volumes will lie delivered at once, the balance of the price (Jilt) to be paid at the rule of $t.fi per month for on- yea'', or ut the late of about live cents a day. Prompt ai t Ion is. of course, essential, us. so few introductory sets at so low a price, an.l on such easy terms, will be quickly allotted, for when Ihoe are rone the cost of the Iiooks will be aiUiiuecd to $li Inspec tion of the voltiiii-.-s invited ut the Tri bune otliee ill ordur to uld you in cominur to u uuick decision. lietailed Inlormiition may also be gleaned from an advertisement on page idx of today's paper. TW0 TRESPASS CASES SETTLED. In lloth ol Tlieni I tit Scmiilon T ruc tion Coaipiinv Han Del'endnnt. Papers disiMiiitinulne; two trespass cases nitainst the Scrunton Traction company were filed yesterday w ith Pro thoiiolary Pryor. Hoth cases hud been trinl here nini were on their way up to the hlirher courts to be reviewed. Patrick l.oft us was the plaintiff Iu one case, lie sued the Traction com pany to recover dutuuKs for Ihe death of his son who was killed by a trolley car on Cupoiise it venue. The cuse wus tried on Jan. .'II lust, and a verdict of S..IMI relumed in favor of the plain tiff. An apnlii utiou for u new trial was made and on April b) Judge tiun sler haudeil down an opinion cutting down the verdict to rl.alHi. If thai ver dict was not acceptable to the plaintiff and defendant then another dial wus to lie giuntcd. An uppeul wus taken to the supreme court but the tiling of yes terday's paper ends all proi eedlngs. The il.fiiiil is to be paid before March I, I Vi". with Interest from lice. 15. Isnti. The other case settled was .Mrs. l.eno ra I.. Poller UKuinst t he Scrunton Trac tion company for damages caused by belii'i thrown from a car on Capouse avenue, i in Jan. 10 last the case was tiled and a. verdict for Mrs. Potter In the sum of Kl.iHHl returned. An appeal was laheii to the supreme court which fulls in consequence of yesterday's set tlement. The Traction com puny agrees to pay .Mrs. Potter IM.tmo before Jan. "7, 1SU7, with Interest from Doc. la, ISUli, PERSONAL. K It. Sturges was In New York city yesterday. Hon. Iianlel Kdwurds, of Kingston, was here yesterday. Mr. II. K. Ib ilner will spend Christmas with his parents at Sliaiuokin. Mr. Stein, of Wyoming avenue, will I'pcnd Christmas ut Shenandoah. Ksdras Howell and children, of Wash Iiimiuii avenue, will spend Clulbtmas In New York city. , K. K. Male, of Mes Moines. Ia.. Is spend ing the holidays with his relatives In this, his former home. Kx-County Treasurer M. W. Powell has returned from Harrlsbing and will spend the holidays with his family here. Miss (lassie Harper, of X'.D Wyoming avenue, lias hemill an extended visit Willi New Yolk and Philadelphia friends. .1. C. 1 1 ii n I i ne. 1 1 oi has returned from the Adlionilacks, where he has been spending scv rul months hunting and llshiug. Miss prances Keunard, daughter of ex Sheriff Keiiuard, of Meshoppen. WyotiiiiiK county, was the guest of Scrunton friends yesterday. Mavid Williams and sister. Miss Rosa Williams, of .Middle Uranvllle, N. V., ure the kiii sis uf Mr. J. J. Roberts, of South .Main uveiiuc. Mivlsion Traveling Passenger Agent S. T. Sceley, of ihe krie rallroud, hus re slgmd his position, the resignation to go Into effect Jan. I. Mrs. Keller 'and granddaughter. Miss (Jeiiilii rliiig, of Northiimlierluiiil ure vis illng at the home of .Mr. und .Mrs. Tcels, of 47."i i'enn aveiiiie. Rev. and Mrs. K. A. I.yne and children, of Mctioit. Mich., are In the city spending the holidays with Mrs. I.yne's parents, .Mr. und .Mis. R. H. I'rear. City Solicitor J. II. Torrev was in Phila delphia yeslerday attending the meeiing of Hie U xeelitlve edlnndllee of the Slule oi ganlzatlon of city solicitors. .New York and Return Yin l. 1 At W. H. It. Only I. :.(t. For the Commercial Travelers' Fair tickets may be purchased to New York city, good going on train leaving lieln wure. Lackawanna and Western sta tion, Scrunton, ut S.on a. m. Saturday. Dec. L'H: good for return until Dee. uo, at M.r.n for the round trip. I.udicn Solid (;ld King. set with pearls, rubles, diamonds, sap phires, etc. We have over 1.U0O differ ent styles to select from: prices form erly were $4, $."). $(! to $7.",(J, now we are disposing of them at tl.'Si, $2.25, $:'.75 und $:i.5u to close out the business DA VI DOW MRUS.. -17 l.acka. ave. ."Solicp. The following ia a list of display cards Kept in stock at this ofllce and for sule at ten cents each: Rooms for rent. For sale. This property for sa'e. Furnished rooms. House for rent. House to let, etc. For Dyspepsia I so Ilorslord's Arid Phosplinte. Dr. J. R. Schwartz, Harrlsburi Pa., says: "I have used it in dyspepsia, with charming effect, and am well pleased with it." Attention Slipper liuvcr. Our 10,000 pairs of slippers for half prlcp today. Don't miss tits chance. The bargains are real hot ones and still heating. ! Hint hers. Open late to night. Plenty of extra clerks. ' lleidlemiin the lloohman. Is heat'.iUarters for Hooks, Calendars, Diaries. IJrlng your card plate to The Tribune for prlntlnif. NO FREE SPEECH FOR FREE THINKERS So Declared (he Priceburj Populace in a Very Demonstrative Way. EGGS FOR DR. JOHN SZLUPAS One of the Alleged Kes Throwers Mas oil Trial Yesterday llrlore Judge KdunrdtfoTwo .Ilea t hared with Attempt Criminal Assuult De clared Not tiuiltyA Jury Says Mrw. Hopper Aosnultfd Aged Martin culon-Olher t'riininal Cases. One night last August Dr. John Szlu pas, of l'enn avenue, went up to Price burn to deliver a speech at Smith's hall on Free Thought. The intensely religious people of that quiet and or derly hamlet didn't take kindly to tha Doctor's Irreligious views and evidenc ed their disapproval by hurling eggs at him and by breaking the windows of the hall with stones. William Smith, the proprietor of the hall, started an In vestigation and two weeks later hail Toehold liendavlg arrested for hcln cc-ncn-ned iu the unt l-Szlupas demon st rat ion. Yesterday Renduvlg was on trial for the crime in criinlnul court. All the witnesses agreed that there was a great huhub outside the hall and Hint eggs and stones were throw n. Two ol the witnesses for the prosecution swore they saw Rondavlg throw u. stone but the olh.'l's could only testify thut lie' was in the crowd of disturbers and that he was one of Ihe most dem onstrative of Ihe crowd. The defense had a large array of witnesses w lu swore that they were near Hendaviii w hen the missiles were throw n und that he did not throw them. The case was on at adjournment, lion. John P, Kel ly Is attorney for the defense. TWO SEIUOl'S CHARCiKS. Two men were tried for attempted criminal assault. James Sullivan, of Maylield, aged about 5". years, was ac cused by his slsier-ln-hiw, Mrs. Sarali Kennedy, atd forty years. Mrs. Ken nedy's story was to the effect that while she was sitting by the bedside of Sullivan's mother w ho was ill, Sullivan made Indecent propi sals to her anil followed tin in up by assaulting her. She. escaped from him and made her way home. Attorney C. Coipegys, who represent ed the defense, Hi-d to make out that it wus u case of blackmail, the Kenne dy's being indebted In the Sulllvatis for a la rue rent bill. Th - jury returned u verdict of not guilty and directed thut the costs be equally divided between the prosecutrix and defendant. In the second case Peter Rlasko was the defendant and Pearl Woeserstraiii the accuser. Mrs. Woeserstrani alleged that she was passing through an alley, which hruuclus off Crown avenue on the South Side, ut X.O o'clock on., night last summer, to cull for her little daughter v ho wus at nllil school and that "he wus set upon by Rlasko and another man. who caught her about the waist and tried to assault her. SfKKA.MS MROl'dllT IIIU.P. Her screams brought a couple of pas sersby to her assistance and Hlusko was captured. The defense was a plain denial. The jury after lengthy delib eration returned a veidict of not guilty ol attempted criminal assault but guilty of assault and battery. Attorney (ieo. H. Davidson appeared for the defense. Attorney Nathan Vldavcr assisted MIs Irlct torney Jones. Mollis Mehle and Michael Dully, of Archbald, were the purlics iu an as sault and buttery cuse. Duffy claimed that Rehle assailed and battered lilm without any provoi utioii. Heine said that he only stayed the prosecutor's arm, when It was raised to strike Con stable HurrK who was escorting Duffy to Hie lock-un. The Jury said not guilty ami divided the costs. C. A. Hallullberg wus' attorney for the de fense. Nusta 1'rbnn pleaded guilty of assault and buttery on Joseph Krietiuick. Judge Kdwurds suspended sentence. Mary A. Hopple, who was trh-d Tues day for assaulting aged Martin Ni ulon with u stone, was yesterday morning', retui ned guilty w ith a recommendation of mercy. AMUSEMENTS. "Mr. and Mrs. Russ Whytul will he the stars at the Academy on Christmas and the following day, when they will again present Mr. Whytal's bold and spirited picture of life In the Old Do minion duriii!r the civil war. entitled "For Fair Virginia." iu which they were so favorably received last season. This year they are offering variety liy c hanging to the light comedy parts. The matinee on Saturday will be a popular prices, and should be very at tractive to children who ure sure to enjoy the remiirkuble performance of that wonderfully clever child, Lottie ISriscoe. The reservation of seats and boxes began yesterday for "T horoughbred," the comedy by Ralph Lumley, which has hail so much success in New York. It comes under Charles Frohmun's management to the Frothlnghani Christmas. The cast seen hero will be that seen during Ihe play's run In New York. It Is headed by the Well known comedian, Henry K. Dlxey and others in It are Kdgar I.. Davenport. Isabel Kvesson, William Norris. 11. M. Pitt and Maggie llollouay Fisher. The plot of the piece is said to be very fun ny, mixing u:i pious people with race track affairs in a most amusing man ner. "In Old Kentucky" will he given n matinee ami evening performance at the Frothlnghani Saturday by the or iginal No. 1 company. It is an am bitious attempt to pluce before the public in an attractive and creditable way two kinds of life as they exist In Kentucky. Many novel features, pe culiar only to the country in w hich the scene is laid, ure Introduced. The play has been enthusiastically received w herever It has been given, and Is un doubtedly one of the most pretentious us well as one of the most successful pi eductions of an American play ever glvert on the stage. The Walte Comic opera company are announced to appear at the Fiothing ham all of next we"k with the execu tion of Friday. This organization is the largest, best equipped and most ar tistic popular priced stage attraction now before the public. It numbers fully fifty people, carries Its own orchestra, and a cast of principles of rare ability among these Milton Aborn arid James Donnelly, the well known comedians; Miss Marie Laurens and Marie liillln. the sopranos; Mrs. Huttie Arnold, well known here: Joseph W. Smith, the pleasinK tenor: Herman Waldo, bari tone, and a bevy of beautiful girls, who appear In marches, arrayed In gorgeous costumes. The selection of opera for the openlni? hill Is "Tur and Turtar," using; all of the original scenery, etc., of the New York production of this great success ut Palmer's theater. There will he matinees each day begin ning; Tuesday. Prices 10 and L'O cents. The prices for the evenings will be 10, 20 and 20 cents SUNDAY FREIGHT TRAINS LAID OFF. New Order linn Cone Into KtTcct on Lehigh Valley Railroad. A new order has gone Into effect on the Lehigh Valley railroad which provides that hereafter only the most Important und perishable freight wUl be transported on Sunday. This is d ne for th; purpose of Kling the em ployes of the roud the benefit of Sun day as far us possible. Among the Sunday freight train to be retained are those fast through lrelglits six in uumlier known us "symltol trains" and those necessary to haul perishable goods. All other Sunday freight trains will lie aban doned. The order is a general one, and effects the entire Lehigh Valley sys tem from lttiffalo to New York. To thousands of Lehlsh Valley trainmen who have heretofore worked on Sun day, it will hereafter be really a day of rest. Holiday Tour to Washington. The Pennsylvania Railroad company announces another of its annual holi day tours to Washington. The gener ous patronage which has hitherto been accorded these tours has been very gratifying, and the present season indicates no diminution. To all pa tiioile Americans Washington is in tensely interest inir. ami It will 1 i. es pecially so during the gay festivities 01 tne nnudoy season and on the eve of a presidential iuauguratlon. Tour w ill leave New York und Phila delphia December I'll, 1.SSB. Rates, In cluding U'cominoilations at the best Washington hotels. $14. ."0 from New York, Krooklyn and .Newark: $11. SO from Philadelphia and Wilmington. Proportionate rates from olher iininis For tickets, Itineraries and other in formation, apply to ticket agents, spe clay booking oflUes, or address (ieorge W. Moyd, assistant general passenger ukciii, urouii street, slation, Philadel phia. Me Have Split the Rock of High Prices with Our 10,000 Pairs of slippers. We are selling' slippers cheap er than other dealers can buy them. Z lirotheis. ( ipeu lute tonight. To Cure n fold in One Day. Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money it It (alls to cure. 23 cents. An elegant calendar with every cash purchase of $1.00 or over. FOOTK & SHEAR CO. Join the Crouds of well pleased hook havers at Heldle nian's holiday stop', I'll Wash. ave. REXFORD'S. No Store in Scranton Ever Done Such a Holiday Business as We Are Doing". What's the Reason ? REXFORD'S, 303 Lacka. Ave. THIELE School of Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Scharwcnki Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the latj HERR KOPFF. EYES EXAMINED EE. Toil can save money by buying specta cles of Sllverstonc, the eye specialist, tit 30!) Lackawanna avenue, onely one flight over the Lehigh Valley ticket ofllce. 1h following prices will satisfy you that they are the cheapest In the city: Solid gold rimmed spectacles at $3.50 per pair; flllei bows at nlckle hows from 50c. to $1.50; aluminum bows from 75c. to 32.00; colored glasses from 25c. tn $1.25. We have a lar-jo line of reading glasses, the best In the market, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag. nlfylng glasses at reduced prices. Of fice hours, 8 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Remember that your eyes will be exam Ined free and satisfaction Is guaranteed. Via Central Ft R. of N. J,, ON DEC. 26, 1 896, On Account of tbo Commercial Travelers' Fair For this ocraHlon the Central Railroir of Now Jurm-y will soil xeumlon ttckin to cw York for HG0 for the round trip. These tick ets will be good to go on tin ' Flyer" Deo. -'tf, leaving Mcrnnton 12. 4i Tv.tn., Arora I'.'. fit u.lu,. Pittstou 1.01 p. m., Wllkes-Bsrre MB p. tn.. Anliley I 26 p. m,,sutl for return until Jan 2 Mil nas Presents Are you careful when you buy china or glass? You are when you hat.ille it hy not be still more careful when you select it when you buy it ? Isn't hard to select good either, not when you have a stock like ours to select from. Prices make it easier. Many people have bought lamps of us lamps that Rive light lots or it. Wc believe that lamps should give liht lirst and be beautiful afterwards useful and then ornamental Dinner, Tea AND Toilet Sets Silverware, Etc. CHINjOALL, MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Avenue. Walk in and look around. Open Evenings. A. E. ROGERS P Jewelry Store 213 LICMWAMA ,E,fJl 'e have nearly . completed our Holiday Stock and are now prepared to offer as Tine an assortment of JEWELRY, CLOCKi, WATCHES, CUT GLASS, ART P0TTR, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILVER WARZ, LAMPS, PLATED WARE, as can be found anywhere. Look at our $10.00 Gold Watches, warranted 15 years. Beautiful Dantjitet Lamp and Lars: S'lk Shade, At $4.45 Rogers' Triple Plated Knives and Forks are fine, At 213 Lackawanna Avenm JAMES MOIR, Haa Moved t HI New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. entrance onilde next to Flmt National Bank. He liu now iu a Comprising everything req-lnito for One llerolmnt Tailoring. And thn nme cau beebowu to iidvantnite in liU uplrn dialy fined up room A SPECIAL INVITATION la Bitcnded to All Readers ot The Trib. na to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In KU New Buslnc Home THE Si klEUUUlU lUISVUli UUM ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH BI'ITS, SCRANTON, PA, POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RtflUfr DALE WORKS. LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrlo Butteries, Elertric Kxnlodors. for el IilodluK blasts, Safety Fuse, anil Repauno Chemical Co.s explosives, ii i n ienw pnwnPR rn i SPEC hi We offer about 50 Boys 3-piece Suits, (short pauts), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $S.oo and $10.00. Choice for EACH Clothiers, MLCumwa o c o X Of the best makes and styles at prlcei thut will astoui.ib you. Everybody buys at the same price. 416 LACKAWANNA AVEiTJl ST. NICK was nRrwiiliiy surptlHoil to flnil such a line lino uf uvorrciul mill suits ut prices lower than t'ae lowest In this county ut Kiamsr Bros., POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, :s ucKf.'.virm ave. iYLVANIA laiLKOAlM'O'.IIMNY. rc'rsoi!ii"lj-('p.(!;!i'lc;l Tours MATCHLESS IN EVERY FEATURE. CAM FORMA Three tours to C'AI.lFOIlXIA nnd tha PACIFIC foAST will Ivbvp N'ew York atiil I'hiln'loM'lii:! -I. Fi)b. 24, und March 27. 1"I'"- Klve woc-ku In California on the II n't tour, and four weikx on tlto Booond. 1'asstnti.rs on the thlnl tour iiihv return on u vular traiu.i within nlno niuiitha. Stop will lie mule at Now or loans for .ManlMJras festivi'lta on the Hoooii'l tniir. Katoa from Now York. Vhilmlelphla nti'l point oust of Tittnliuri:: First ton'. i'iUU'U; nei-oinl tour, SXV.i.OO: thlnl tour, VJlO.uu round trip, and SI.V.'.OU one way. FLO ill DA Jacksonville tour?, allowing two weks In Florida, will leave Now York and I'hll mli lldila .Ian. :'!. Fob. II and and March 9. 1W, Kate, roverlni; cxpi-nses en rout in hoth directions. J.'iii.liii from New York, und $4S,U0 from rhlladolphla. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of threa (lavs, will leave New York and Philadel phia loc. 211, ISM, Jan. 21. Fob. 11, March 11, April 1 and 22. and May H, lMii. Kates. InclmliiiK transportation and two nays' accommodation nt the b'st ?. ashitmteii hotels. $14.iiu from New York, and $11. j0 from Philadelphia. OLD POINT COMFORT TODRS Keturnln't Direct or Via R1CHW0W3 AND WflSHIftGTO?! will leave New York and Philadelphia Moo. !!ii, 1MHI, Jan. 2S, Feb. 20, .March IS, and April 15, IW7. For iletalled itineraries and other In. formation, apply at ticket uRencles, or address OeoiKe W. Itoyd. assistant en enil jiasseiiRer RKent, llroad Street ata. tlon, Philadelphia. THE KEELEY CURE Why let yonr home enl bnsl neas b detrny. d through strop drink or morphia, whoa roil can lie oured in four weeks at thci KatUy nstlttite, 728 Mndisou nTnnus Hrraatoa. Pa. rha Curt WUl Bear lavtallgattoo. $5.00 ILIll Ml)-) 1