8 THE SCRAXTOfs TRIBUNI -WEDNESDAY MOUNTNG, DECEMBER 23, 1895. i . -7 1 777-77 V.7;' .7- 77777 7! ; ' -' ,- W 'f s ; r:i;;!:c Struts. .,. j nlon slii!'; iJi-.!:r:;;V- ;i! . ! . i !' :: ' .'ii'ii cr 'iiiiiH ':i., j iii X. h:t i,t ll.'iriy .K:i;hMiil .". cl Aero t'ic J.iin U'ti.i iivil s ,.'i"ir.'.c One il ll:c . ! i s! tV". I. . "I i'i 'l'inn'"-ll'' V rotr !iu ( on: :i"rii;!i Aiix'iKii:ii'i'.t. .!' i.i ' V " " mi .:: . : . i i .. I :. I--l". i nr: r. ', I . v. i : : : : I mil . v. i... v.. i ; I"'"' . lir ! ii- i' i mi ; ii.iv.iin . . f i ., ii t..vn ..; I 1 1 ' 1 . i . ' 1 : ' . i- . I I I ;. 1 . ' .J) II V at Kl.-llniil'l Whll.. a I-.. I .a i a, a ii I ;i ii. li-'- ci--'I I.i y . 1- c.-.i ! :bil It .-ii v. a- ;.f. a a -a 1. a . ' i i 'is ii,..!- f Hi- va.a ." A t li). i M.f )!i;cc J -.' pa.M a ill s-ii- I c'e Ha- cr.-il l-'r.-i.-iiaia ll.ikir.r a ."!.' I...W a- H , I'll" .l.a.a ! aH'-'iiii:". v; "!il III". IllSt-Cd '"I I'." a'.; 11.. lee1 ,. lip IH1.. I I;.. in--. ti. I. ri :i-':.i!i.''i. c -; .hieb wa - i.r.l a- ii sii.- I- VIKTV-S'X T I , i. I Tvi i . I ;inv!-:.i!i i.t . , hii.l .1. Ian .... ,snir I.-li.-n I - Hi- : i..I:e I l:aa mil, I' if to li-, i i - ii i--i: '.iue ci' l:iv. ia :"iili t .-, . I ai ..la.-'i ia t.:ai l - -1 1 . . ' i s e5' . .' . i.. I h - i i I d:i '!' l-'eV. ,1 ',-"!' )f li-lw ill Sl:..t..i u fai'i s .. i ': .m" .'a ' s, ii:. Ifli'vl'iti.. V' p:- ;! il is-.- ,A. ina a- !a T : i u a;i 'a J a i'I.'I' Hair i.-li.iii fl int S a:a! l- "r .n,:: a i, licai. i 'I lias l'a mi..' ar.-. are :ii' li in;. 'i '.Ip-i r fa i her in i is s' : !-:;-, l.-i-.ii i ; i , d in I"'' I" j .. V. Il" Iil .i.i a! Till'- ' ! ' barn i, ,i,,i liirtribic li..ii... th.-ir 01 .-on... in n milii. in?; to miiiisi.-r to nis '..aats in las .!, , n :'lmii:g y,.-i.fs. a In ISM Air. Pdnghnm '.-a-- L- ? ,1 I , 1 lo :-" 'il" 'I'llil'li -fol'.l i il ooll:;res-S as a !',:,:''--'j i.i.iis, s:-maii" frni, 1 tla'Tv. , n!. -lir -t -'at- : . 01 ,- i :p. Sixie, nt p -oliio ois.-a-l. eia-l Ibi.r i;:-.-ssioiial car.'- r 1 xli r- ' r a p.-- .-ma 1 nail of ei::':ie--n j -iirs. , ith ibe -:;-i 1 ,, nt :, pHoii of one lei 1,1. t'ia I of lie Ttil, ly - ' an n, Hiphlii cmar-ss. lb- war 1,01. :a., .! ,p ! a . I' Oi and served ual-.l ?,!;.,, h !. PT::. ia e a a M.'.y, IaJ::, he w as ani,,,,:-:, -I eiiviy - I n -,,1-lie r!vil ve fsisS" I." ' ;i.iotd:iiary and miiosi.r n, iiinote a-j "' im i-ii! , assi I bv .1 ltiajei'JI.v of Iv-i. tiary '.. lh- curt 01 i'apaii widcli p, m-. w in, v, i .! for it was Holier! Nu-Bilio-i he 1,,-id uii.il l'--,. ", ,1. a He 1 rat from Ni-wcnvv-s- VPoTj-: TliH 1 IT 1 1 AMi;.i:i'r.NT. Tim fonrp,,..!! i) aim a Constitution wjis la;e!j hitu as ch.,1' man 01 t which it was referred. Bo frame this una mitnei,. ii-it I,, Hii' a. , i 1 i ( omi-Ptlce t I." desil t ll.lt Pet would th- good le-aipy from he war be secured, bat iliat amniier was sjiould be imaossi: ,e. one of his many not,-, on 'iy ?;u-. rlr.s I iu congress, wiis iiis reply to I'iaigm.ia. I a southern rejires-niative. i"!io spiPiel ia defense of the attack of lirooks 011 ; Senator Stunner, ('lingman sousht 1,1 ! nenttie the episode, tr.-.n tpeg it as a petty case of assault and ba;t"iv, to be tided by a jusiico of the p -aee a,,d tllsml'ssei? with line and- costs. Mr. J'ingbain replied almost without M" ni.ilitat Ion in a spepen nt it b-J la lank -with Cicero's inve( tive against Vari es. me day. Air. pinghnm was sif iag at his desk in. the house writing, w heti a Sir. I'.owii., a member of tin' lpape from -Mar.v land, belarisdrig 11N0 to the family from which cam,- tli'-, lain,. its bwwie knife; .-aui.' up to him aiid lhr"at eiied to cut Air. l;ingham' tliroat. Ilis langn.age was violent and his- g 'ui;-, s menacing. Howie was prompi'v y hnlved from the hull 'be tile s. fs" atil-nt-arins; On t Be following day he made an apology tn Air. I'ingiiam f ir 'his 'condui t, siatitgr that he bad been informed of ids violent Inngna.'e, 'on;, had no recollection t.f it himself. The apology wtif, ncpcptcd and was doubt less sincere, for while Mr. Pinphann v.ns lclivrlivf; his famoin spc cii on the admission of Oregon, not long after the Incident referred to. Mr. Howie brought his huge list down on his dark with a mighty thump (hat almost shook the hall, nt the same time ac companying it with tin expression more forcible than ci' gant to show his ap proval of the sentiments to which lw ,,. yas listening.. Liuring the .delivery, of i 7 j . ' -v;- iv7- 7'-- - ;.Ky.u; .. . -lr;- ;f 7; F:.;7 . 7V:7;;''': 'C7!v:;f-:v7 '7 ;--:.:7 t ---n ' 71 u w;7-V7..-r7-.:!V7,': t ,7 IN THE GARDEN OF ''1.. I!. I -.".". .l.ini.'S Cr.y, ! r ii r "I' 111" i ...ii ! ii- ) :r. Kiiv.;- .. - .; i -..uiml-iy, lo , i i'.-i .v! f, ' 'iuIui v. ''. ' !' '. 1 t I'iiu i v. mi .isnault, ' ' i : :.N''' .1 :. "f ni'l. V A !i''i:i,. I itrl ;t itr n-n- ..! r. '1 ,i .in. I I'.l - 1 ,1. :i i, Sii'm - itU K', ! :-', uilh -. -.1.-1. i i !!:'. -v ::ni : h" Ui -I yi. ;(1 i ruin-- ihc." 7 i i' l!i'..'i.'il "!' ;J , .(. " ' ; ; ,,;' -l ' ,7. anil U,l ' , ;. .... : i. :a la i l.. a Vi -. . i ill" l.a i I iii. la I i ) , i . t i n i'iy ii 'hi Hvii 7 ," 1 ! 1 1 ! ,. ,, : . ill I ! s r i i. ci -aa' . , - i,; ,,,.. t . i , Tli'.. -. i.ai.' ' i-i-.-i-.-iaHia.: a i i-, ,i -v ',... ',, v.. I,,: : ja i j j ... ! ii ,;i;i i .i l-.i i; ,,;.o!vi;,.. i vis,.iii in I , ; a, .- 1 '!', . ! '. I iv- .-Hi : . . I ,: r. ; ... ,i,. , i, . ( in :7l m.t i : : lai a ' rain ii ii -ar. "r. ni. ' -a ..!' Hi.' il i ."a ..:...i. i! iiiai r..r The i:r'n.i:i: ill. a. i .1. Fl'.i 'M Tt. I'" t ih-hts ami runs away 1,1 a,'. a iier day " Ti'," Him:!, am gut the Hour ,ia ...II .ai Hie in- at i-uce put il ... a . lie la.lile a SH"i I 11 ,'1 ivept , 1 1 ', i i i i 1 1 - ill lis favor lalli.-ii, in'.-'i- 1 , I.,- i..;.it-..i a f -i fa-, tin.- i'' arci.-at lian-s in a i'r, ,.. ,a' i hi . s .a, u-e s 1 'I I,: hill ."If, II- t tt tll.lltl il 'I'll" V. it. ll.is. P 1. -.H' ' l , . -, Ian a; r. Mill i:in"l, iai win I,-, i.-.j ilSs., a , n I'.ullei' among : III i.i in a sin: l ring way I,,.,. , -ci;e- ;, - ' ,i7t sp.-M-li of .r.77,.L -i -a 'for "'lar- oiilnss on Mars hill.1' ,', , ,'. ,,r vv:'.; V'v (p. a,!- i'r. I -I -:' ' '. .in' ' i'linV a- a I.. ,al ,1 op Hi ami P.- i a, v iii'-nsnivs f , . 1 - c'' I 'lll- I :-.i- ",'i.. w-iv.s : to 'which it v in i 1 Tli . p went i a divlil Hi- 111. man, of wpiciii haire - n. X.-itlier lit. ic n h a (oin l'l- ! I. ill w as call- d .dr. i . , , v -. ,,i I,, Seer, la rv of Hie i , 7,'i,Vv fl' i 'c ami luoitii'ed as (o j . . . , ... 1 ti,.. . ; , 1 1 . 1 ,,, ti,, , a ,11'a.ll nil lili lai-ai: r- :y w; ' i i ... PlilPoHS of dollars. .ett'.!'. ; ireni cn.-t'.nis 'i",iirly-H : U) Ha treasury, T-n-'dnys ..-iipi, .... ' a ii , ani" Mr. l:iii'.Tl;am s ti'.i"! ik ,!pri"". Hie ,i;..:cit jsi-.n in the I., iViii. f", lon-nily interrupted by -a--, ia lections. Mr. Conk- i-.iii a ('.'..slio;. "Will not the lllit Co I'.'W ll" illl i'ldUee- ,,, tn,- p- --"li i" ii,. -credit th" l.icli .Mi' I'.ip.""!.-.;'! re plied: "S, 1'iai ti" .- cm.-:-' tip- Pay? .l Hi a ad admirer of Ai r. 1 iaiVed t lie paeas- ! I iipgliam.' ilis PI e. i 1:; 1 d' i.lN''cl.V. 1! A;:'. lii:uiiiam :irsi r,p-t i'resi.i.-ii! 1. in to ,co. 11 in Hi, na'l a, the house. y,,n a -nlv let' t; . iiis- iiv. a : iirp.! ion. lb- !i- an! 1 ivd both ir-ue.iiials. i i, 'said v in -n i,,a- ue'i 0.P1 oiier-'e Hp. slat "a,,- containing j ,!s. "1 very patriot :rrayc." his. f i' Vii sui ' 1 up as if H'.e si-e.u.er ' as in-i i iny.ra.ni was jiciitenHy con-. l by Hie president, w ho gave or-j lo !ii:i doorkei ;--r to admit Mr. Piitgfiani any time day i f niglu that he cali.-d. Si r. i titp: ham rmiik".l upon tip- humor of the great president: "lie was Hie saddest ma.' I ever saw and la' had cause p be, for he hare in his ereat heart the .sorrows of iiis peo ple" one day in- called and found Mr. Pin coin v.itii little T.i l on bis kip-e, read ing from til" Xciv Testament. im the night of .vi, til 11, PH.-,. Mr. I'ingiiam vviis at his Inure in Cadiz, 1 '. i i- felt vea, y m depressed. A patriot ic ue , pig was in prut ivss Chat evening al t-" .Method! -d i-Pi"copaI church, pi inosi op-.osiu- Mr. I tiiie.ham's residence. About 'J o'clock .soup- genticmen can,. to his home ami said: "The police are asking for you over nt the church." He went Willi tl'.om to I he church and made a si' '. . 11 of nearly nn hour, congratulat ing the large audience that Hp. cruel war would soon 1 vr. Uctuming home nt" hi o'clock he remarked to his family: "l atii depressed." He finally retired but 4s ( tident that lie did U"t 'njoy a incmeiil's unbroken (dumber that whole night. lie prose very early the next ntorn-ini-. No one was astir. The whole town FeVnicrt to lie su sleep. He walked to the corner .f the-block in which his hoiis" is and presently -saw the tele grjiiih opera lot : com it ig up the Btrei;t. 7'!';- v,' ---7 YOUTH f,i Tin' n-i-,!t ii:-'! I I Hi Ii:t..i. Xi.I I'm;-. I.r.l .', ali.r lui'i.;- iv:i v I" lii' .!!!: iif.ir t V..-.I iuh! 1.,'cn !: i.'tl.u-: :!-;.;;!! H H-i-.. Hi" 0.,-)- I Aii . i'ni'.;lia'n a l'i aiaanl : '' "ii' a 'i i i i;: i mi- .vni'i!.; : x i:vs r viiK assassination. "i.iiir-iln !.iit nilu. :U l-'ni'il': U'.'. i if;, il Si.y.nil '"ii-..ss,i.ii, .Mr evpr.ss'.i.ii ."ill a linw :,::, i" I. laiUcti. asking "ia , Hi I'l'i'Mf'i'lli s S VlT'l 1 1 H .- S : I :.' I ' ( - i .- -it llUl'k 0 111! i'.;lli i ' i r i i i : i !!: ruri-ii'inn. tbr . !' '.r. !p:ii I'tii.iinn uml i 1 1 s r l'"l i.i: CiM.i. :'i:il I ii 1 i t I In- uv.r. i' "( 111.- !-! lit." 'I'll. u sui'ii- ilaj- .1 i .;r.'.:i.'M;i itii;ii-' :ill'i:-.'r sp- - rii i i :l ''''!''.- I'Mifci a iiili.-lu-r iil tlv- A J -l ? 1 1 i ; . 1 i-'.iii-'i-ii!.-;l i luii'. Ii am! :- i -1 ' 1 ',1-1 . Mi .Ulii::ll ii -1. 1.1 M-t I'M'.' I' l:r'i I" 'as!:i:".-Inn. his -1 i : 1 1 1 1 i.h- .1 'l'-l. '!! I"''.: "i'.""a y.in nitit rtt ;': ?-""ii ii'ay h" kill.-i!." Mis wii'i' was !!! 'til. I'.'il !i" 'liil i:--a. lii"'-r Hi" 'i'V l " -HI- 'I "ii S rivirry Sl-'ii- i. -h. v.-rri I na in: . .1 ana n.-arin.-, l.ir rii;,i- Wil.iii. I . 'iily-liiiii haii' al'lrr lii.-; nr-lviil item, n .1 at. .ili"'aaal f'.iin- ala it'l til" '.iaa:' WSIIfli l.-all.-'l' 111 111" !''!. trial tntil m -i t ( m ui' t li -;- !' "' ".r. lilivi'iar: '.ins a i''iu!i.il j'!..' ' a.!.. !:. ..it-r.il in 'In- y.-sif 1MI I. v. M a imii ..f iM-ii:r-. i.-val. Hi-' I i i :- f .a';- .iil ail a' an : in : am a s Hi" t vial nf Saru-'i p.-'Jaa a-H I laniin nal. win hal i. .'..,! II" ri.Hi.Ts l.y nmans lrcl I'.'.-.i a:it !"" y nlaiiki'ls. l!a was famvl a"! v a nil . .-iii. a !. T. ;. ii a t i,a i '. .. i . Hi" y...ir I 'f :-1 I : -i I l.ir,r..n. m..i'ic- i i i i .' a", "in. a a ! i a .. .Ml. I. !;;- h-lii ..licit. ! nf Hi" I'liit" ! Stat"S cinirt "i claims. Vive hiiiidr. .1 .-ii"': v. ie .li.'i -.- .1 of by liim wiililn fi". 'aaaiilr-. .'. iiib r -Vliiv' fi'ain bis ni'.l'i' iiis.lal"as Ha- assassination oeruired. ti:i m. or-' Tiii': coxsri ;:at iit-'. YVithi'i -1 few days after br5" arrival ill Wi'shinaj-n Air. Mineham was anpi-inlid s;.ci ial judge advocate by l'ris; leiit .leiiiisnn and tnaile p. nu nibci' nf tin- military cnnimission to try tli" consi i :'a i, ,rs. 'I'lie details nf the cain- I nii-'s; .ti ,ci e mad" nil .May S, 1m:.", and Hi'' 'lo?! itiiii". was (el May !i. The we...: .a c:-:ani:inng .'inn .'.s-'-esp.miii-ie. Hie wii-.-'ss-M f. latg-ly fa Mr. l.llli-.I.IM.. I ie a.!.,. Iliaue ini- U 1,1. .'rguuK ni icr in,' i i -oseciu ion. I 'di'ii - ir.g 'line hours f.-r its delivery. AYh-n i Iu iiao c,menaie,i iu. ,e wis no none,, i 1 .... . ... t . n. ..:.... ..r ,1 . " '"' uuuiiw . ".. 1'r- nn-' hams ai-timent in the great trial 'a' "t inted and forms a volume of eonstd. r-H.h sixc Ml- lam.:, aim was appoinl"d a nn-m- ber of the committee to which was !!- li'U-teil I he iniporlnip duly of drawing no i 1 1 ail', 1 1 -s oi impeat nnieiir a.gninsi t I. SI I- 111 .lolila oil. 'I IllS llelllg ilone "n '"" --' H'-i.onii el tile iinp.e. li- w as , 1 ' ''laii-maa id the managers to '"I'luet ':" i ia'"" i ( Ini n i 1 1 pr 'difgn t Ii" -a ! i--'a , ( inn " ' s'-o no. .. ai .in. ""' ''"lv "! i--aking 111- cles- "!'. aty.mi."!: volv a ni tilni. , "' .' "'" "" Monday. -'lay ; ' -an. .-a ue- 'ni"iiiiiu i I'le s. n:,.;.. aa-1 p vast an, !i(.' c.. nti (lie Ilu, ,r -. , ,1 ! o ' P , 11, ile t. ! t 1, v, ,, . Sl.e- - ra "t ;, - 'M-cct".! .villi applause vuch j i. 1 l r iia.i l.ei ll h'-ai .1 111 the capltol vi i-:v.",o;i as an ouatoi:. I ! win. have heard A'r. i'ipe.l'.'i'U ' r . e Hint la- ha.i the cpi liiti, itiiais f a iilept orat' I 'res, "ice. voice, ariiell laliop. p., cli! Hi-Pl a-', I i:estll'e were ilis. I'c u-i.s a!-o i,.;,.-p :- id the wa a', ; ,-as of bi-Hi aaihos am! sa-i-iirn. n : has nui'le political S"' 'ci'.es' ia t'.vi tit' -i ope state. -,. from I'm ".! 1 :i,i. '.b... to 1 i'oi tl-ia-'. 1 re. I Hiring Hie d,-iv,"-v his S'r-e.-h ill (oil: ,',':-s ,1 111" r,H:l . 1 c! el-el :! -.,.'' I n m U.IP:- :.S, ill v.dtl ! I:,. Il"ld H ' , to : CO r. til,, statute of lawni" 1 " ith i artii.'".' v.'i.f'!. a :' .',.. , : a ia, 'a';, r. ..ppo-.cd ti, I he 1'hlV" cu, ,' 1 ' ' ' ' , a .0 .. a . ii-. a ::'! 1 c; ; nip ,,uf : ,i;i,l ' vail,- ..... Ims ..t liriti 'It ami Atari- ,... i, . ,1 . ,. .1'. Is Hiiiti. I : a pin In Ins v. i.rit. .tiiii.i, AWiCti. '".'.'ist : ' r. its Pa la's." ! II, ll". '.,-iii'tni I 1 ;,-tp-r:,l V.'.-v -ii, s,, 1 i 11 a .-iiiL', 1 1 t'-.- a- 1 ".'.'., .' '"' ' I nlii'.... I tiie at, . , at. ' lift i-l-si! i. ::tle,:,l To il "111- i . il 1 l. s-- !:;; la, an .iss:'fimt .-liilor j.j.i I H-- ".- o.lia si. 11, ipiu rs. aslnag.cn Si :. i t -: w, 'I 777777 v'vf it V ori I'S --n Copyright, ir-M, by Alitehell Miller. The ynung ehan who lost 1,1s ulrl all on account of a cureless speech iu which he said lie preferred lunili to mutton. tlfe, (..t.yHu-;., Kl by X'it. h. 11 & Mlllrr. FOKKSl' CITY. I ht young man ' win. 1'i.r tla lia.-t ti-n (lavs has liai'll till ,j, i,v ,,,,,,,'u. inlla. mv. name tn hlmsnlf on aiia.lav aVatiii l present lie is ' ilUi.a sntl'-ible Paul talks freely to all i v ini visit liim. The case is nn exlnmr I iliiairy one and is Hie cause of no little gus.-'ip. Intring the above inentiiitiad i p aliul he hp.;: been a stance of trouble j in Ins parents. His actions were care f.,iu. .,i,a,...i i., ia i-., -!,., ,.. s(;inllv ,',,j,nVl),i hiin. 7n Friday ho entered the si. ue of Howard Johns and piiicliai'i'd ginc, l ies and dry goods on hi.-' father's credit. 'I he gooos were not a.", hd. but in order to avoid trouble l.c was allowed la take tli. in. lie Im agiin d that be lived alone and wheii . V,T lie was in want "f anvlhing to eat lie would prepare il himself. When he left Innae he would Io.-k the doors and take 111,- k, ys Willi him. Such were his pciious during the period in which he was under the alleged hypnotic Inllu encc. The ease is n mysterious one, and people here ate constantly inquir ing aval wn lnlcring what tile real cause of tin- young man's trouble is. There is certainly something wrong with liim. and if It is not the effects of hyp notism, which professor Sage says it cannot be, then the case Is one of a more soii, nis nut lir... on Friday even ing ::l Carbon, lain Professor Sage, In one of his preliminary talks, touched on Wesi ol's case, in which h" said that li" tWertciiiit was suueling from tlu- effects of no hypnotic spell. lie alTn sitited that he would na- the ex-p- in-, s of any reputable physician wnn uait'lil gn to Forest Cily and examine the i-ip... and t'etin niii'. i'l. liming that U'. steott was the victim of hypnotism. Air Sage says licit such a thing Is Im possible: was never heard of, and, I'll"!'!, ..'l!, ore. never will be. Mil's llc.-aie Aldvin. the nssl.-it.uU In H,e ;,osto',, e, is cmtined to tier home on aci'iiiitu of sickness. An additional railway nostal clerk has been anniented to take charge of one mail on, h way between Sttstjue. iiaiina and Sciant.ui daily. The Krie lljcr leaving Siffiuchanna at 7. IN! a. ni. will cany the mail. The train arrives in Forest City at X.-lfl and in Scrapie, i at '.'.'II. on the return trip the triiin will leave Scranton at a.-Ti p. in., aiiiviiig in Forest City at fi.ilD p. in. The time of the arrivals of the trains is the same as heretofore, only v, ii Ii an aiPlitionnl mail each way daily. A large iiinnunt of mail from the west win arrive earlier than It Hoes at pres ent, laisiin-ss men along the line fiom Susquehanna lo Carbon, lale will be gnally heip'liteil by tlie new system. The Crystal Fir" company ef .Krmyn atli'ta'.eil the Knlerprise Hose com pany's fair on Saturday evening. '1 no lommittee in chari'e el" the fair have decided to cui'.inue the satni! one or ;.v.o .veilings during the. week. .Many useful and fancy articles are left which .are yet p. be disposed of. A miiiil.-o' of the William Walker fire men "I .Ma.vlniil nn.t TtooK to escort lh,. ,.1,,y canvassers ut the fair homo , iuring the'r visit here last week, and ib.. c..n-eti..iei of such was that they p. liiatlv ipisseo tae last car, which, PV v,.yi ,..1V,. ,,tt midnight, or . ,. t I . , iiinrii. iiin-i. n hiis Miiii-ii inai si. int of ll'"tn w:ilk"il home, while the re mainder waited fr.r the llrsl car. which w as da in a few hours. Still, they re port. ,1 an excellent time. ''red I'lntt, of Scranton. was here on Monday to proceed with the electric li.ahl Plant. The work will now be pushed until the contract is finished. Howard and Sylvester O NelM. of Uichpaindale. ware arrested at the In stance if John iiulii:i. of the same place, far assault ami battery. They -i'!,. gi,p a hearing before Justice jC!pn at C;, rPondale lh" latP-r part of last v. 1 . k. v'v h ,-; ti i- was discharged. 1 in Ha- evidence against him was not I Mi!i,, a at to hold I: ini. I'M ward was In-,. I in $::nu bail f ,r aoHcarjuce at I com t. Th" Pelawrif" and Hudson company iktming the a palling cilieiy on . ,e . ti... 11:1,. a.:.. ...an... a..., , '"' 1 ", i I' d making hal, li ra- tips ni.'tilli. It I Hi it eptv eiglir and one- half days will He worked during the Iii, If ibis be III", can' I' will he lie pooii.-i mop. Hi that I tie . ..-btei ics ha vi 'wall.. ;! for i-osi- time on Salatda" evening John Itice an! ill i'taa a-f. I'olanders. were 111- 1. ii I.i. '!.:'. They iiave been engaged j a j I a-eaa" bri.e.a'il iiaai'teis for livedol- 1 .. .. ,1,1 ,,1,,,.,.,. :n their f"llow coll II- iryimti. who have not yet Pin al'le to i ii tin- di.i'".ieiice i.i Hie i'nlled Stale-) ( ins so as to detect the for"crv. Tile pri; n, rs raid they obtained ihe inoney in i'i aanton and would not ray any iiior- a 01 mt it when .piest loned. Al the .iH'p e of Justice of the Peace Urainar.. tl.cv admitted their guilt. Tilt y were cooim'tt si to Montrose jail to await ti I il at the naxt.i ourt. William Carney, aged 21 years, met vvil'.i an (:,(. ediagiv painful accident lit the P. .;t H. coilieiy on Tuesday morning.. The young trail was em ployed b: Ibe cp.piieiiy of a laborer and worki ! for James M.Cabe. About ( l-ye:i o'clock a :ot tion of the roof fell v.iihoui any warning which caught 'urn. v and crush, d liim to the Moor. The rock was removed and upon ex amining liim It war. found that one of hU Id's was complct'-ly served just below Ihe knee. The unfortunate young man was taken to the Carbondale hos pital immediately. He v. as a brother of Mrs. Frank Sculler with whom he boarded. Carney died late In the afternoon. S. ('. Stewart, of Ihe linn of A. K. and S. C. Stewart, of Hoehester, N. Y.. was in Forest City on Tuesday. Mr. Stew art will probably furiilrh the Hillside tire company with a new hose wagon which will ccsl tW, The apparatus will lie fitted with all modern Improve ments. The Christmas exercises at the M. E. ehureh will be held on t'hriHttmiM niKht. A tiniirramme "Clilininif Jlells" will be used. The First l'resbyterlun ehuivh will eelebrate the event on Christmas eve. The scholars of the school will execute a neat and attractive service. The Baptist school will observe Christmas nielit and the Welsh Con gregational school Christmas eve. At Id-.'M Christmas mornlns at the Epis copal church a sirayer service will be held. In the evening the Sunday school will celebrate with a Christmas tree and Interesrtnur exercises In connection with It. ' on Monday evening the reading rooms of the Young Jien's Christian associa tion were opened to the public. Frank Iiruwn, assistant secretary of the Kail road Y. M. C. A., of Sctanton, was pres ent and made the opening address, in hi;) remarks many good suggestions in connection with the Y. il. C. A. work Were , iri veil. At the close of his ad dress several quest Ions were askeil him which were satisfactorily answered. Those wNi have chai'i:e of the work here wete greatly helped by the u;: tresltoiis of Mr. iirowii. Revs. 1. I!. Kennedy on-l V. Marshall inude sli!rt speeches after which the president of tliu association, IT. C. Peterson, in effec tive language expressed the happiness which h- felt in which the work Is Pe ine; carried on. The success at the commencement was gratifying to li t tit and hoped that it would continue to be so. The reading rooms will be open daily from two to ten p. in. Pally papers-, periodicals, books, games, etc., are thole to amuse and instruct the meiiiln is and in fact all who wish to go there. WYOMING. Mr. and Sirs. Cearge Stullh. Mr. and Mrs. Ktlv.atd Shoemaker and son and Miss lOmma AVbitlnck. of West I'ltls ton, were at A ilkes-liai re Saturday. Mis Maltie Fnrr, of Forkslown, is Visiiing Iriends here. Miss Naomi Harris and Itosa Sutter, of Mt. ion, and Miss Maine Jones were calling on Miss Plda MeUillun Saturday. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Williams Swltjser spent Saturday with friends ut Lu zerne. At a regular meeting of Hubert U. Frenr cum p. No. ll'ili, Sons of Veterans, held Monday evening, the following o!!l- cers were elei ted for the ensuing year: Captain, William Pavvson; lirst lieuten ant, (!. P. Vandyke; second lieutenant, Fred Snfford; camp council, T. II. Kink er, K. (1. Ailing and lieese Morgan; delegate, T. 11. Pinker; alternate, K, U. Ailing. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Chesvvorth were at AVllki's-Harre Saturday. Miss Maggie Svvltzer wits ut AA'ilkes Piriv yesterday. Alts. Joseph McKi'l and daughter, Lida, Miss Itetta linker and Kliza Kgle ston were at Wilkes-Uurre Saturday. Cards ure out tinnounelng the fiftieth anniversary of Key. and Sirs.-John La Har's marriage. Mr. uml Mrs. W. 11. Heneh were call ers at Wilkes-Pnrre on Saturday. (i. A. Join s, of Wilkes-Pariv, was call ing on friends in town Sunday. Mrs. W. V. lionelle and Sirs-. John Wilson were at Wilkes-Parre yesterday. Jack Jenkins, Hie man who is suppos ed to have done the slashing Willi Ihe bull her knife on the coi ner of Klghth and Shoemaker avenues Sunday even ing. Pec. 1:1, was arrested at Miner's Mills Monday afternoon bv Constable S. A. Leake and K. M. rarrish. He was given a hearing before 'Squire Saunders, who held him to ball in the sum of $:'.uiii. In default of buil he was m ilt to jail. AM. UK WAJfTKU. From an Exchange. J. Kinury Htorrs lost a divorce case by the vvli of Iiis oppan, -at. He had brought suit for divorce 011 behalf of a woman, win) nski-,1 for po-sesslon of two children. Tile hushnnil made o vigorous protest, and employed a Muuitf lawyer of ability to defend the suit. Tile defense hud the best ease, so far as the eviilenei.. went, but Air. Storm made on,- of his chariieieristically strung speeches, vviih an Ho, pi, on plea on behalf of the miillier and her two rial, Iron. The effect on the July whs apparent. H eUii cliided Ids speech with that trite exclanvi lion of Patrick Henry, "tiie nie liberty, or give me death!" The young attorney arose" deliberately and "aid: "Air. Ilnlllff, you can give me a glass of water.'' adway's Pills Always Reliabls, Purely Vegeiaito, MILDt BIT EFFECTIVE. r.iroly vecretnttiV, not without pnint ole pantly crati-d. InHtcU'SM, small and "any (o take. ItinhvHy'H Pills assist nntuiv, Htiinulnt Ine to ho;i1thful activity the liver, bowoisi and otltt-r dirotivo nran. Iwmr the howN in a natural oundition without any alter vliucts. CURE Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AMD A!3 Live! Di sorters. RAHWAV'S Pil.LS nro purely reK,.-t:d,lo. luilil ni'-l r.-ii:ihl,. i auso 1','ro'ct Digcs'inn. rimtpicto nb.aretieii Had healtiilul regularity. i" R-.-ntH a Imx. At Drug'-'istj, or Ly niu-.l. ''lluuk of Advicu'' true by mail. RAOWAY & CO., No. ss Elm Stroet, New York. MT. PLEASANT COAI AT RETAIL.. , Coal of '.he best quality for iliraio'.n n.i and of all nixes, Including Ltuckvvhciit an liirdseye. delivered ia any pur; of th9 city at the lowest price. Orders received at thu Office, first floor Commonwealth buildlne. room No. I: telephone No. 2624 or at the mln., te't phone No. 271. will be promptly attends to.Oealers t'tipplied at tho mine. ViM.T.SITH. POULTRY Tarkeys, Bacis, Chickens, Fresh Every Day. ALSO-ssx Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks. i a f a pi iil 111 THE LEADER 124 and 126 Wyoming Ave. i From Now Until Christmas We Beg to Offer Our Immense Stock of AT LESS THAN COST. A rare chance to purchase the most useful aud elab orate Christmas Gifts at prices that cannot be equalled in lowness any more than the goods can be excelled in value aud taste. Thousands have already taken advantage of these r fl J I And thousands more will. Wc must close out our Holiday Specials, and as there are only a few more days to do it in, there was nothing else left for us to do but mark down the prices. The Public Reap the Benefit. UEMl 1 (MfflftL JAMES IY10IR, u iedpimmt inn on Has Moved te HU New Quarttri, 402 Lackawanna Avenue, Entrance on side next to Fli-ft National Bank. He lias now in a ISO Comprising evorytlihig ro(jiintt fur fine Idcroliaiit TniloriiiL'. And the same dm boebowu to Hdvuntiore in bi.s splon diuly utlud up ruoms. A SPECIAL INVITATION ll Eitendcd to All Ucaiers of The Trlb neto Ceil on "OLD RELIABLE" In Hit New Business Home R0G:,13 I A'iD 2, CCJi'LTH B'L'D'3, SCRANTON, PA. SliSiHS AND BLASTING MADE AT MOOSIC ANT rtU03. DALE WORK 3. LAFL1N & RAND POWDER CO'S GRANGE GUN POWDER nicctrie Hatteri 's. Elwtrli ExoH-l-jr for ex pluUlii) bliibts, S-u'eky Kiise, and Repaano Ctcmlcal Co, 's liltlH LXPl.OSIVRS, r.-e 7n7 Cu5 ths ruttonlioIc.Tl Kven Santa flans would do It, If he had to tupsle with the shirts that some men wear. lie a fensllile little Santa Plans. Buy your husband something that he renlly heeds. For Instance, a half-dozen kooi! Flilrtn. and a really pretty tie. Instead of the nionturosily he wears. Zero prices. 305 Lack Ar. 111 TH ii km r 11 rn 7v't 'rtfc.zTi 111 GOODS Q A. E. ROGERS' ewelry Store 213 LACKAWAN.il AJENJE. "c have nearly completed our Ilolid.iy Stock and art now prepared to olfcr as fine an assortment of JZiiELRV. CLOCK), WATCHES, cut glass, art potter, bric-a-brac, Silver ware, lamps, plateo war-, as can be found anywhere. Look at our $10.00 Gold Watches, warranted 15 years. Beautiful Danqtiet Lamp and Larie S:Ik Shade, At $4.13 Rogers' Triple PlateJ Knives and Forks are tine, At $.'5.00 21 3 Lackawanna Avenus WILLIAM S- MILLAR, HKSerman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND 5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER St OFFICE H0T7R9 from 7.30 a. m. to p. tn. (1 hour intermission for dinner and upper.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. Your Bust, eaa U Respectfully SMtcited. 1 elepheoe lt