The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Directors of the Hospital Meet and Select
the Staff of Physicians Will Open
Hospital Jan. I.
For the first time, the directors of
the West Side Hospital association met
last evening in the hospital buihlini: 'n
the corner of Bromley avenue and Jack
ton Mrect and umnnij the important
actions of the evening was the
of th physirlans who will constitute
the rtmilar medical stalT of the hos
pital. The staff is: I'r. J. K. Hontley,
Dr. M. J. Williams. Or. W. A. l'aine.
Dr. W. K. Allen. Dr. C.eorge B. Hey
Holds, Dr. J. J. Carroll, Dr. J. .1. K-hi-rts,
nnd Dr. 15. U. Beddue, I'ltlht in
nil. There were flrteen caiididiites for
position on the staff und in malcliiK the
electi.n each director voted for eifct
The diiectors present were: Senator
J. C. Vaughn, Dr. W. A. l'aine. Dr. M.
J. Williama, D. D. Kvans. i.luelln
Rolierts, William Karrel, William Kr
mini, N. tiaylonl Thomas, Alfred T i'.l
ini.', puvtrlmy, and Hon. John It. JV.rr,
who presided over the mi.'i-tin;t Hei
hert Evans, now of Clearfield, I'a., I iu
formerly a resident of the West t'itl.-.
was elected Janitor of the hospital.
Mr. i:ans will he here hefore the first
of the year, meanwhile his son will lie
in cha'Ke of the liulldinn. Several ap
plications for matron of the new hos
pital were passed over by the hoard.
No one was elected to the position last
r.iKht. The directors are determined
that the Matron of the hospital uliall
be fully capable of a commendable
management of the Institution. The
selection will be made at the next
nieetliiK which will he Monday nUvhl.
Applications from nurses were very
numerous und the board has along list
of names to select from. An effort will
be made to have the hospital opened on
January first, at which time the public
Will be Invited to inspect the building.
One room has already been luted up.
Camp ITS, .Sons of America, having
agreed to furnish one apartment, select
ed a room on the second Hour, fiirins
Jackson tit root on the ritfht. Three
beds, with accompanying stands have
been iilaivii in the room. The walls
nnd ceiling have been re-papered all 1 a
thorough lenovation made
The tu:n!ture Is of a white enamel
finish, the bedsteads are of polished
brass, and the effect Is verv pietty.
IIurk, Pictures, etc.. will yet be added.
1. W. Tunue, unci the Koniiomy Furni
ture company have contributed pieces
of furniture for the hospital. The build
ing Is very well adapted for the pur
Two churches In Syracuse are mak
ing an effort to add Edwin liinven. the
well known singer, to their paid choirs.
Mr. Howcn was In Syracuse last Sun
day, and sanjr in the First Presbyter
ian mri-h morning and afternoon, and
in the Lutheran church in the evening.
So great was his success that the ser
vices were scarcely over when Mr.
liowen was asked for his terms by
both churches. He gave the First
Presbyterian church the llrst oppor
tunity, and it Is likely he will be en
gaged at his own liguies. The Luther
an church assured Mr. liowen that If
the other church does not engaRc him
they will ndd another J.MI to the yearly
salary and they will also secure for
hlin a lucrative position In Syracuse.
Mr. liowen is disposed to accept. Me
has been sinking only a few years, yet
he has captured many prizes at the
local eisteddfods and he Is at present
one of the Washburn Street Presby
terian church quartette. His voice is
a sweet tenor. Mr. Itowen's home Is
on Archbald street, Hcllevue Heights.
The pupils of Intermediate A and II,
No. IS school, under the tuition of Miss
Sara A. Jones and Miss Murphy, will
hold their Christmas exercises this af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. li. T. Jayue
and Miss Edith Swingle will assist. The
programme includes cantatas, the parts
being as follows:
Norman ami Dorothy, two children
who have soni'lit out Santa flatly,
Arthur Marriott and .Mattle Huishon
Santa Clans John ('. Thomas
Jack Frost Edwin Coukiin
Krmlnla liessle I'.iildoe
Nelge Verna Williams
Star Shine Hertha William
Silver Spark .Mabel liivnwooil
Crystal Clear (Jrai'i- Cramer
Christmas Joy, the world's Klft to
Santa Claus Jennie Lewis
While Cat Harry Thomas
Carl Waller (inenwood
Elsie ' May Williams
Pages for Santa's stockhm,
George lteese ami Joshua Williams
Frost Sjirites, Snuwllakes ami tile Chil
dren of the Nations. All the parents,
controllers and adult friends of the chil
dren are invited to attend.
Tatagonla Lodge, No. IL'O, Knights of
Pythias, will hold a social nnd enter
tainment tomorrow evening In Evans'
See Window Display.
Square Dealing Clothiers,
o! tb? Slibdrbs.
hall on South Main avenue. It will be
in commemoration of the sixth an
niversary of the lodge. The programm"
as printed in Monday's Tribune will
be rendered entire. State Grand Chan
cellor. Dr. H. N. Bunnell, will deliver
an address.
William I'enn Morgan, general su
perintendent of the Lackawanna Iron
jind Coal company's collieries, was vis
ited last evening at his Home on Jack
son street by the members of the Acci
dental Fund at the Capuuse mine, ami
as a token of esteem Mr. Morsan was
presented with a costly silver ten set,
the gift of the miners. Edward How
ell made the presentation speech. Mr.
Morgan responded in his cheery way
trr way which make him popular
with each of hiit subordinates und the
evening was yassed very pleasantly.
Iti-v. Edward James, of Princeton, N.
J., is visiting at the home of his broth
er. Charles, James, ol Tenth street.
William Neville Is home from Yale
college to spend the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. H. J. Neville, of
Fairview avenue.
Thomas Larkln, a student nt Niagara
university, returned home yesterday to
spend Hie vacation season with his
parents on West Lackawanna avenue.
Will .Marsh left yesterday for Wash
ington to eater the six day bicycle race.
President Charles E. Oiver requests a
full attendance of the members of the
Went Side Hepuhlican league ul a spe
cial meeting this eveiilnar.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Michael
Itoitoti will take place tomorrow morn
ing at o'clock. Serilces will be held
at St. Patrick's church and Interment
will be made in Hyde Park Catholic
ih Mabel Dershlmer. of Low Kvnon
street, is home from Keystone Academy
for the season.
Miss Mcdlle Haul:!, of Chestnut street,
has returned home from a visit at
Ha i t lord, Conn.
Crump's baud serenaded several
South Main uvenue gentlemen last
Itev. J. L. Knee, of the South Side,
preached last evening at the Salva
tion army indoor camp meeting.
The P.obert Morris Clio club will re
hearse In U'eiseniluh's hall on Christ
mas afternoon li.-fnl.. the eisteddfod.
Joseph, n son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Murphy, of :',V2 Swetland street, cliul
yesterday, and will be burled this af
ternoon at -." o'clock.
D. W. Morgan, of Washburn sttvot.
has never at any time entertained the
idea of withdrawing as a candidate
for alderman In the Fifth ward. As
sertions to the contrary effect have no
Tile following officers for the Ply
mouth congregational church were
elected Monday evening: Clerk, Miss
Lizzie A. Kvans; financial secretary.
Waller WIIMns; standing committee,
Daniel Mntliiax. S. IS. Powell mid Ev
an Davis; ways nnd menus committee,
John Richards, W. Ilroiniev Williams,
Uichard Philips, Mrs. Walter WilUius.
Miss Jennie Lewis: member of music
committee. Howell Harris. Trustees
will be elected next month.
The funeral of the late James Quinn,
of North Everett avenue, took place
yesterday morning. Sei vices were held
nt St. Patrick's church. Kcv. J. P. Mc
N.illy otliciating at the mass. The
pall-bearers were John McCiloln. Tims,
Ward, M. Jennings, Janps Mooney,
James Flynn. Interment was made in
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Choice cut Mowers and Mower de
signs nt Palmer & McDonalds. Ml
West Side I'usiiirxs Directory.
flowers anil funeral designs a specialty;
JM South Main avenue; two doors from
Jackson street.
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tin
stock of J. C. King, 701 to 7U9 West Lack
awanna avenue.
avenue Warranted pure drugs and
chemicals. Prescriptions carefully pre
pared. Fino stationery and blank books.
A large stock suitable for I'lirl.Hntas
prenenls. Teachers' Hlhles cheaper than
ever. Call nnd examine them. Wood
stains, paints, window glass, etc. Clerk
ut store all hours of night.
Inflammatory Itliciinintisni Cured in
:! Days.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind..
pays: "My wife had Inllamntory
rheumatism In every muscle and Joint
her suffering was terrible and her
body and face were swollen almost be
yond recognition; had been in bed for
six weeks and had eight physicians but
received no benelit until she tried the
Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave
immediate relief und she was able to
walk about In three days. I nm sure
It saved her life." Sold by Carl Lorenz,
druggist, Scranton, 41S Lackawanna
The Kin of PUla u Boecham'-
Hatters and Furnlski
Christmas Exercises Tomorrow Night in
the Cedar Avenue M. E. Cliurdi.
Shorter Paragraph.
Christmas eve exerciser of unusual
Interest will be presented at Cedar Ave
nue Methodist JOpiseopal i burch tomor
row night. The pastor's choir of sev-eniy-'lve
voices and an orchistra will
take part, but the chief part of the
programme will be by the children.
The programme Is as follows:
Marc, Xo. "The Royal lianner."
The Lord's Prayer.
Wclccme Daniel James
"A Merry Chrlrlmas" 'la Conner
Dtulciiuc. "How W e Spell ChrWtinas."
lie.- l...K.lita an I Llwde Si-hanl-r
"The open I). un" Pearl Carey
"Joy to the WorU" Dora
"f'lar of lin;n " Ca HvaiM
Dialogue ...Ida Kchardi r ami Maine Sober
Sua:?, "riiiiishliie In the Soul.''
Ry the pastor's choir
Luther's Cradle llvn'.n Verna Lewis
r.eautP'al l.-iud" Kitty .MeFai -land
"Llllie Children Come lo Ji mis,"
.Mary .Milllgau
"Christmas Hells" Louise illiatos
"King of Kings" Isabelle. Cat.Uo
"A Visit from S!. Nlei ola: ". . I'.'loie Parry
DialoMic. "I'nJer the Star of I'.ethh-
llelll.'' i: eleven girls
"Tiie Star" Cenevieve P.eighnusi r
"I nir Christinas" V'erua .laek.-'oii
"The Children's Carol" Kllen Powell
"Day Divine" C.-.rrl.- Kirselnicr
"Annie and Willie's Prayer,"
li orej.ina oberly
"Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep,"
Ivlgar ?.ullivan
Song Sy the pastor's choir
One of the old-st residents of til"
ifout'n fide. John Noll, of Peech Klre-t,
ilied Monday morning at an cc riy hour.
He hail coiiioleied his seveiitv-iilxth
year. The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon. Interment was made in St.
Mary's Herman cemetery.
St. Patrick's Tidal Abstinence nnd
lU'iievolent society has nominated uill
cers as follows: President, James P.
Luvelle; vice president. Maurice Dug
gau; recording secretary. M. !. Lnu
gan; lliiancial secretary, Martin Wade:
fuersentrer. Martin (laughan nnd Roger
Sniilli; seryeniit nt alius. Patrick Cur
ran; trustees. Kdwnrd Quliinnn. Mar
tin (inicrhan. John I). Roland, Michael
Rellly and John liuller.
The Primitive Social club held n so
cial last evenips at Oermanla hull.
Choice cut Mowers ami Mower de
signs nt Palmer A McDonalds, r.ll
I, allies' Solid (iolil (tings,
set wiih pearls, rubles, diamonds, sap
phires, i -lo. We have over I.IIOK differ
ent styles to select from; prices former
ly were $1, ?r, to to ST.'iO. now we ttn
disposing d' them at $1.21. $.'.2, $2. Jo
und $:!..ra tu close out the business.
DA VI DOW l!l:oH..
"17 Laclia. ave.
The funeral of the child of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Clinton licnjumln, of North Main
avenue, who died a few days ajfo, took
place yesterday afternoon. Short s.'i--'
vlia'S. conducted by Kcv. William IM
gar, were held at the home niter whb-h
the remains were taken to Diinmore
cemetery where interment was made.
AllAliiieiilandellvcreilalectill" ill tlio
Welsh Rapti.-I church last evening. The
subject bore upon the recent troubles
in his native country.
David Thomas, a student In itin knell
university, is spending the Christum
holidays with his parents, Mr. pod
Mrs. F.vnu Thomas, of Putnam street.
Mrs. O. P. Hadsel, of Oreeti Ridge
street, who has been visiting her Mint.
Mrs. (iroove Smith, of Riiighainlon. fi r
the past week, has returned.
Thomas It. Nicholas. of Putnam street,
who was Injured in the mini's about a
month u;o, underwent an operation n
few days ago.
Mrs. Peter Lynott. nf'Wtr.t Market
Ft reel, has returned from u visit to
fi lends nt Pliilndelobla.
Flank Russell, clerk in Davis' drug
sti re, left yesterday for Deposit, N.
Y.. where he will sm ml the Christmas
hcluitiys with his parents.
Mrs. t". P. Koelle, of Jefferson nwrm,'1,
is the guest of relatives in Ueeders, Pi.
Miss I Munche Cap'.vcll, who hus hen
the guest of her sist-r. Miss Dalna
Capwcll, of Cherry street, for the past
few weeks, has returned to her home
at Lake Winoln.
Mrs. J. I!. Hobday, of 1 Ironic a street,
has returned from n .prolonged visit
with friends In New York state.
Miss Hattie (ireaver, of Jefferson ave
nue, is confined to her home witli ill
ness. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Harper Sirort,
Is seriously ill at her home.
James Flynn. of Factoryvllle, spent
yesterday with friends In town.
At the Inst meeting of John I!. S'milh
Hose company the following officers
were elected: President, T. J. Hughes;
vice president, Thomas Lavin; ivcord
Ing and corresponding secretary, Timo
thy Kellly; financial secretary. R. W.
Cooney; treasurer. James o'Hoio; foie
man, Thomas Monnhan; trustees, Rog
er O'Hara, John Loftus and John Coo
ney. James Parker, of Drinker street, who
was seriously hurt In the milieu a few
weeks ago. lias recovered sil:li"i"ir ly
to allow him to be removed from tl.e
Lackawanna hospital. He Is able to
move about with the aid of crutches.
James Matthcwn Is seriously III at lilfl
home on lilakely street.
Mis. li. M. Rogers, of Duiidnff", Is vis
iting Ah', and Mrs. T. P. Letchworth,
of Chestnut street.
The Sunday school room of th Pus
byterian church has been t l;orou:;nly
renovated, giving it n most pi using
appearance. The Christmas services
will be held on Christmas eve. An y
cillont procriTinime has been arranged.
The item regarding the sending of
provisions for the poor should have read
St. Mark's Parish house. Instead of St.
Mary's Parish house.
Tin' following officers were el K'tnl at
the regular monthly meeting of the
Yoiiui: Men's Institute: President. W.
,T. Crepe: first vice president. Thomas
Taylor; second vice president, Patilik
l!iU'.!;erty; financial secretary. John I),
(lihiiuitin: recording seietary, P. J.
rniggan: corresponding secretary, Thoi.
Mnnley; marshal. James (lilmariin; in
hide sentinel. James Fiannclly; outside
sentinel, Richard Golden; executive
committee, Patrick Jordan, Frank Cul
b n. John Welsh, Patrick Higglns and
F.d. Clark.
The funeral of M. S. Stark will lake
place today from his late home on
Chestnut street. S rvlces will b- held
in the Methodist episcopal church and
Interment will be made in Nanticoke.
The funeral will leave on the 1.55 Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western train
over the Dloonisburg division.
The members of the Heptasophs are
urgently requested to meet In their
rooms tills mornlii!? to attend the funer
al of their late comrade, M. S. Stark.
For Infants and Children.
Concluded from Page li.
nnd begin the operations necessary to
bring these horrible massacres to a
close. The beginning of the e.Tort
would be the beginning of the dreaded
universal war and the loss of posses- I
sions and Interests to some powers of j
course. Kngland,' too, when she had
her powerful Meet at the mouth of !
the Dardanelles and ready to force a i
pat-sage, received secret but reliable in
f'rmntlon that word had been passed
from Constantinople that the first gun
Hied tit Turkish policy would be the
signal for the massacre not only for
Aimer.lans but of every Christian with
in the reach of Turkish rule. Ihigluud
had only the support of Italy and what
ever chance the two powera had to
brins the horror to a i lose was de-
: stroved by the creation by the devil of
, ol tin- Ventziplan question. It nalur
: ally direc ted Holland's nttciit ion to
i oilier interests.
Armenians and New Knglanilcrs were
, bound to tt!ter..-'t themselves; the I'nl- j
i lid Slates govi riniieiit was bound lo
suppori any and all nations that may ,
; soon attempt to t- indnate the outrage.
Tile stereoptlcon pictures displayed
by A. V. Rower and bis accompany ing
I talk was a novel combination, insirui- I
; ti e and i ntertulnine. Tiie room waa I
; ili.rkened unci tile pictures thrown from
; the machine at the e oi Thiol' door on a
j curtain stretched at the west side of
I thy room.
' First cnllluir attention to the rise of
imiitunlsm In Holland, the speaker led
tip- hearers along the pathway of the
Pilgrim fathers from their departure
from I.eyden to their landing ut Ply
mouth. Interestln;: as Is the history
of the Pilgi hits. It was mad." doubly so
nod exceedingly imnrcsslve by the ap
propriate scenes, iimon-j which the
most prominent were "The Departure
from old Kngland." "Th- Compact on
the Mayllowci-. l'he ' Landing" and
"The. l-Tr.-it Sabbath In the No'
World." Mr. Rower called particular
attention to one sentence In the coin
pact made on board the Mavllower, In
which they decided to remain loyal
subjects to King James. The speaker
raid: "They still considered thcin
si Ives subjects of James; It was not for
civil as much as reli-rlous liberty they
sought, and yet if they could have
foreseen tne results In after years of
that provision they certainly would
have omitted It." Mr. Rower then
showed with beautiful dissolving ef
fect some of the principal scenes in the
revolutionary war and came back
n gain to the scene on the Mavllower.
The speaker called attention to the
hardship of the voyage, "short allow
ance of victuals and plenty of noth
ing but gospel."
Then came tin- lan.ring. "There Is
probably no moie sncred spot in the
world tiian Plymouth Rock. That had
been to their feet as a dooislep Into a
world u"kiiown, the corner stone of a
nation. 'The consequences of that
day,' says the liNtnihtn of the Culled
States, " 'are constantly unfolding
themselves ns time advances. It was
the origin of New Kngland. domestic
liberty and Christian worship at once
existed in America.' Plymouth fleck
is treasured by a great nation; its
veiy ciusl Is shared as a relic and
what has become of the cab wavn of
a thousand palaces? Who cares for
Forefathers' monument and the
beautiful Fulth monument a. Ply
mouth were then thrown upon the
screen. The Pilgrim fathers little knew
what their saciilice nnd nib -Ion meant.
In pursuit of religious freedom, they
el tal-lished civil liberty, and meaning
only to found a church, gave blrlh to a
nal'ion. and in si-ttliiiv; a town, cn
meiiced an empire."
Thev Utile thought how pare n light
Willi veaia .-Mould gather round thit
How hue should keep their memories
How wide a ria'.m their ;--o:is should
One of the humors of Mr. Rower's
effort was the display of two pictures of
one of A. F. Law's anoslors. One view
I'epn seitted the ancestor chasing iv
Christmas turkey, nnd the other
showed an Indian chasing the ancestor.
"The Yankee as 11- Is in His Own
Kyes, 'A Little Lower Thau the
Angels,' " was the toast response of
Rev. Dr. C. M. liililn. pastor of Kim
Park church. The sot h was not be
gun until niter midnight. Dr. Oiliin
spoke as an ohionu and a buck-ye, and
constantly reminded his hearers that
the Culled Slates contained some peo
ple other than Yankee horn und that
the Yankees had their fa nils, nis re
marks caused ii continuous pral of
laughter from Un ir introduction to the
Dr. C.iflin read his topic from the
menu and remarked that he was at a to know what class of angi Is had
been ei lected. lie would like to ask
as did the pnna n of the pious Peter
Caitiight. "Did the angels smell of
"The Yankee Is not nhvavs looking
at himself," said Dr. (lillin: "his nos-e Is
ol'ion over his neighbor's fence, nnd as
to loolilng-glaases, there seems to be
a scarcity of them in the mass of so
called reiics brought over In the lit lie
Mayllower but which would now fill
the'eaieiclty of the City of Paris. The
Puritans evidently did not sit or sleep
much their furnituje has been well
preservi d.
"I admire the self-estcfin of the gath
ering here. 1 nm not of straight Puri
tan extraction but there Is much In me
to approve, for Instance a rare bit of
Welsh : so much Herman that after I
hud once sinilled with extreme satis
faction some sauerkraut and ordered a
quantity sent home the boy who de
livered it asked file maid II' the parson
div.nk beer; a tinge of Irish, and I
have for a coat of arms the reme'.n
biatice and reverence of bare feet that
once walked on the bogs of Ireland.
The grasshopper" referring to Pred-dent-elect
MeKlnley. ' who Is now sit
ting In the potato vine, I will have you
understand, comes from pretty mar the
neighborhood that I hail from.
Dr. (liflin then referred lo some of the
sharp trade prnetleea anil false econ
on ies of the Yankee and paused to
remark that "if any angels were lower
than that, he would like to know It."
lie recommended thai any valuables
in the nrca- nce of such New Kngland
sti ck had better be kept nailed down.
of Yankee Invention nnd thrift Dr.
Oiinn said that if your New Knglander
had nothing to Ktart with In his hand,
lit- had It in his bead, und died the
mother who sent her little .ilrl to bor
row a dozen eggs and a setting hen.
the mother furnishing a nest and start
Inir a hennery.
Tin re was pome eo1 In the Yankee.
The New Kngland element and genius
had been so fli mly planted in the repub
lic that If It was ripped out. the gnp
could not he filled wllh the whole world
for a source of supply. It was com
mendable that a Yankee would support
Ids parson and the church und pick
himself a'i b an as a dried herrins in
the doing of it.
"Now in giving vou nnv compliment
you should remember flint you have
the worship of a bin keye. the worship
of your equal and then you will the
more readily realize how really groat
you are," c-mclinbd Dr. OKHn. "You
would be greater though If more of you
had been trained in the Methodist
It wns nearly 1 o'clock when President
Plurges brlelly declared the banquet
and Its attendant features finished.
Fire nt I'.l mini llel'orinnfory.
F.:tnlra. N. Y.. Dee. 22. -The H. F. Mills
Manufacturing company of the NVvv York
Rlale Reformatory was burned out to
lihsht. The fiames destroyed two large
brick buildings belonging lo the Mate,
which were occupied by the Mills coin
puny as nittnufui. tin era. Loss, pv.W.
price: are going cown.
Ale mid Ilccr Much Cheaper Than
They Were a Few Years Ago.
There has been nlmost as fierce com
petition in the beer trade !n Scranton
in the past three years ns there has re
cently been among the sti;el manufac
turers of the I'nited States. The way
prices have been slashed by the biTW
cries here Is enough to kill Ihc old soaks
off with a surleit of ecstatU' joy.
Ale hus ilropp-.'d to $1.50 a barrel with
I V per cent, off for cash. When it is
considered also that the driver of tin
ale wuuon s.eniia at least 5 cents lor
every barrel he sells, and that the agent
spends Hi iciits for every barrel sold
when he comes around to rolled, the
saloonkeeper set a his ale for less than
$1 a Larrel.
Not long ale was $J a barrel, but
th coming of more breweries reduced
tin' price step by step until it is only
h:'lf as much now as it was five or six
years ago. Ten years ago the mam nle
of Peadleslon & Woerz. of New York,
bad almost a inoiionly in and around
Scranlon. The advent of the o ul
breweries drove the New York firm out
of ndive competition.
Lager has not reduced In price in the
Fame ifrooorlioii, but il is going down
and can be purchased for $1.-0 a keg
win n it used to be $2. Through all the
lluetiiutiou In price lager kept uni
formly ut S2 ii k'-g mull lately, but It
went down, a nip the indications are
tiiat it will take 4i siill further tumble.
A i! ntleina:i Interested hi one oi the
blewcries of the city was wlllint; a
few davs ago to wagi r that it will be
but a short time until there are ruinous
on Lackawanna avenue selling two
schooners of beer for live cents, l.ven
now tne saloons will sell that quantity
of bqer for live cents if one goes witn
a Pall for it.
The gentleman was candid cnourrh lo
admit that the reduced prices at which
ale Is going now by the barrel lias re
sulted In a deterioration In flu- quality.
He said .'hat the iiilroiluc lion of im
proved ma 'lilnery has lessened the cost
of miinufactiii e a lurse Her. elitage but
it has not L'one far enough to compen
sate for the heavy slash that has been
made In in ices.
Will Inquire Into Ihc Siinily nt Lncl.n.
wanna Prisoners,
December i Judge Archbald received
from J. J. Wlstor. secretary of the
hoard of inspectors of the Kasferil
penitentiary, a communication notify
ing him thai thiee or tin- Lackawanna
prisoiicis were Insane and inlilsing Ium
that the board of Inspectors walled his
directions as to how they should ad
respecting tie hi. Monday Judge
Archbald hnnded down the follo.vliig
It being suggested by the repart of the
Hoard of lns tors of tie- I'eiiiti r.tiat y
fur lhi lla.itria District of Pennsylvania
ul Philail 'lidihi, thai cerlaiii persons c-o.i-vlcted
of crime lii the conns of ihi-i coun
ty and sentenced to Imprisonment In the
i-iid peiilietiliury are Insane tu wit: Kd
wnrd lliilchlns. convicted of criminal as
sault; Peter Momhaeh, arroii; Afloti lin.-li-wak.
felonious v. on .;!! n'. a commission
Is hereby appointed, consisting of W. K,
Allen. 1 1., p. F. ( 'iiio ier, M. D.. and
John M. Harris, esq., to Ir.-iulre Into Die
condhina and eirenmslanees of the said
per.-ons as lo whether cither of them Is
Insane, ami If r- tthtthrr he requires
tnatinent iu a hospital or whether lie can
be I i i .ated and cared for as well at the said
pellltenliar.l. 1 llle notice of lite execution
oi' the said commission and Inquiry, to lr
give! lo the slale committee cm lunacy,
lb col t to he made to the court at or b--I'ore
iu XI term.
Joseph Most, one of the alleged lead
ers of the riot ut the Forest colliery,
Archbald, yesterday sectir. d his re
lease from the county jail by entering
SMHI bail. S.-.eo for rioting and S:'.'nl for
cat lying concealed weapons. Michael
Hor-s, of Old Forge, qtinltiicil us his
Ira J. Fox was released from the
Kastern penitentiary Monday afler
serving three years for committing a
ciimimj assault on n little gill named
Delhi liixbv. who h'ved at his house.
Ilis wife s'lved a year In the county
jail for aiilini' and abetting her hus
bafld In the iieiiilisli crime.
The will of Thomas Fbiellein, of Car
boiulalo, was admitted to i robate yes
terday by 'b;:lster Hopkins. Letters
testamentary were cranlcd to the
widow. I'li'.alietll Fllli'llcm.
Patrick .Vullnrkev, who was sen
tenced to ten days for larceny and re
ceiving, and F. II. Ore en. who got
thirty days for a similar offense, were
yesterday released, the county com
mission! m certifying that the prison
ers were too ;aor to pay the costs or
make restitution for the stolen prop
erty. The following were yesterday sen
tenced for costs: Jennie Fleming, in
tile case of flie ciinimcmwe."Ph against
Jennie Fleming; Joseph Yndishus. in
tin- case of the commonwealth against
William Mori'uii; .Martin A. Dockeriy.
Ill the case of the coiriinoiiwenHh
against William Loftus. All seemed
their release under the insolvency laws.
Voung Shcinmrd Seems Xot to KcnN
i.c His Crime. '
nalveston. Tex.. Hep. 22. .lame-i
I.ouin Sliepl'itril, the 1 1-yenr-ol'l boy ,
who phot anil killed Mary Fall, a serv-
anl Kill, last Fililtiy liecause siv.' ruMied
Hour in his face, was held In'O
lionilH toel.iv to ans'.ver the charge of
Tin- lioinl v.-an Kiven hy relaiives and ;
Hie hoy left the court room whistling. ;
The ivirl was hulled yerlerday.
Fine China,
Cut Glass,
Belleek Goods
Wedgewood Goods, Water Sets,
Delft Goods
Banquet and Princess Lamps in Onyx, Gold, Silver, Dresden, Delft, etc.
Onyx Tables, Cabinets and Pieces, Jardiniers, Umbrella Stands and Brica-Brac
in All the Royal Wares.
the que; ib, mm mm
422 Lackawanna Avenue.
Concert in V. M. ('. A. Hall Next
Tuesday N'islil.
The T'nlverslty of Pennsylvania Glee
and Banjo club, which appears heru
on thr evening of December 2!).
is quite an cxleusdve organisa
tion and should have hud n
large aui'itoi ium thnn t'acy were
able to secure, or they are capable of
drawing a large innl'.once.
They found that both the Frothlng
bam and the Academv were engaged
fir that evening;, so they decided to
make use of the Young Men's Christian
association hall. They expect to bring
sisiv men and travel In two Pullman
palace curs. The university has over
two thousand students, so it is needless
to su:- these an- ricked men.
H is 111 ",hlv probable that every seat
In this email auditorium will be taken
and many unable to obtain admission.
John I!. Fellows Heroine l!is Surety
in the Sum ol $1,000.
W. II. Coona.,the 1)., L & W. ticket
agent, cliare.e'.l with embezzlement,
v. lio was xuriendcivd by his bondsman.
Roger Kvur.s, Monday, was re-i-.rrotcd
slerduy by County Detective
I.e; shun.
He v:n found PI In bad when the.
county detective called and In consider
ation of this Mr. Kvans allowed his ball
to stand for the day. lull ing the after
noon, Mr. Coon's friends succeeded in
securing John 11. Fellows as a bonds
mail and at 5 o'clock Mr. Coons and
Mr. Fellows went before Judge ICd
wi'.nls and enti red ball In the mini of
Sl.oim. This is less than was re
quire!! by Alderman Millar.
D., L. .V . Coal Office itobbcry .Not
Yet F.xplniiicil.
No rolu I Ion has been offered yet of
the In sua ions dlsaooearalice of file
1 10 from ;he D., L, & v. coal ollicce.
Tin- coiu.iany c illeials are determined
to unravel the mvslery and bring the
offender to Justice if iiucli u thing Is
The money belonged to the D., L. ft
W. Mutual Aid association and was In
the keeping; of the secietary, Chailes
Haug. who is a clerk In the coal olllce.
The less will fall upon him.
It is a rciiKiikable Incident that nt
lite nieelln;; of the Mulal Aid society
on b'si Sunday, the secretary anil
tnasurcr were put under bonds.
cuiiv.tuuy uiitj i iiuimuu ,
A Play That Is Sure to Please.
Jamss A. Hsrno's
Direction oi II. C. MINER.
A Fino t'omp my of Pliiyei's, Kntire Now
'ceu"fy. I'n quo UcalUiio Novelties.
(I.'llci y, 2-; Uuliuny, 35, 511; first Flour,
V 7S Si-oo.
.Vans Diiy and Saturday, Dec. 25-26
Mallu-jts Xuias and Saturday.
P.i'luru of the Favorites, MR. and MI'.S.
In the sjiivitctl anil amusing drama,
Mr.nml Mr. Wkytnl ia tlm comedy characters
PlilC'.rt li.ilbiry. '-'ic. : Ilnlcor.y. .IV
I' ust H1.0?. 7.c.. ti mi; :
nij;I.H and Xiiias mutiui-i
Xintia unit htituriluy
'c. '
Kpccinl Pcntilar I'.-lc Alat. Saturduy - All
Lower i'1-.o; ,' ..:. ; Cluiareii. itie. ; Bulcotiy.'i'ic.
Vanu'',!"refl at tho Wapnallopcn Mills,
Luzerna county. Pa., ami at W'll
minston, Dclnwara.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District
118 WYO.MINO AVCNL'Ii, Scranton. Pa,
Third National Bank EullJine.
rims. ponn. Pittstnn. p.i.
JOHN It. SMITH A: SDN. Plymcnih, Pa.
B. V. SICM.KrAN. v',arre. Pa.
Agents for the Hepauao ClicmlcnJ Com.
ill-h K;.iilujivc.
Visit Our Store and Look Over
Our Stock of
What Huxley, Hie Great F.nulUh
Scientist, Considered the Best
Stmt in Life.
The mat Kngllsh scientist, Huxley,
snld the best start In life is a so ill.,
btomuch. Weak stomachs fall to di
gest food propel ly because they lack
the proper quantity of digestive acids
(l.ictic und hydrochloric) and pepto
ginlc pi millets: the most sensible
remedy in all cases of Indigestion, is
to till e after each meal one or two of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets because
they Miooly in a pleasant, harmless
form all the elements that weak stom
achs luck.
The tegular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia,
Tabids will cure every form of stom
ach trouble except cancer of the
They Increase flesh. Insure pure
blood, strong nerves, a bright eye and
clear complexion, because all these re
sult only from wholesome food well
Nearly all drugclsts sell Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full
sized package.
Send lor Free book on Stomach
Troubles to. stqart Co., Marshall,
Kit F.F.N RIlKiK.
Mrs. J. V. Hlake and daughter, of
Kquiiiuiik, will spend the holidays with
F. 11. Dunn and family, of Boulevard
Christmas donations for the needy
may be taken to the Asbury M. li.
church this evening at J o'clock. Any
tiling In the line of clothing or pro
Visions will he acceptable.
H- tl- TVniiant and wife, of North
Park, are visiting relatives near Mt.
Mrs. o. p. Hadsall. who was called to
P.ingliauitctn a couple of weeks ago, on
account ol the serious Illness of her
aunt, has returned to her home on Green
KicPjc sfliet.
The annual banquet of the Masons
to lie held at 1.K2M Sanderson avenue,
tills evening, will be In charge of thu
ladles of Asbury M. K. church.
Mrs. William Cobb, of Dickson ave
nue, is entertaining her daughter, Mrs.
Hilli-r, of Stroudsburfi.
"I had sore hands for a lonff time
nnd suffered a great deal. I saw an
advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparllla
nnd began taking It. My hands soon
began to get better and 1 have not had
any trouble with them since." Mrs.
Kva .Moore, S0I K. St., Philadelphia
Hood's I'llls are purely vegetable.
Wagner & Rels, Manager.
John L. Kerr, Acting Manager.
FRIDAY, mis, CHRiSrifUS.
Matinee and Night.
A Merry Play for a Merry Christmas!
o Hullleklng KaceCoilrso Coniody
Maniigi-iinait Cliarli-n lfrohtimn. Krom a
run in .Ncvvlurk of one hundred and
fifty nhdit. with t ho oriented east
iui'luiliiii llbNWV E. UIXBV.
Salo of scata cpoua Wcdiiosduy, Dec, 1 at
0 x 111,
WnsniT & k'i'is, Munafre'a,
Jutni L. kcrr. Acting Manager.
Matinee ut 2. 30. evening at 8.13
Jacob bltts' Miiauilleont Production
of tlio iurj)utuiil succt-Hti,
In Old Kentucky
Propireil fnr tli yonr's tonr at an nctual
nil, I. it, ..P It h, '1-1. n ........ ri-l... l.o..
I rtice. i-ailurc'cil utnl in: proved : nrenctitiinr ti-.o
I iiiust exc itini; and uti. riiur Kiiectai-U of tie)
1 kiii:l oror .iiuvn on tlia Nt.-tife. anil tlio Fain
1 hi Pickaninny Hand. Jliitiiu-o priei'S. mid
j etfiita. KveniiiK prices. 'J.V, 811c, 7:k! und 81.
bulu of seats upmiH I liursuiiy. Doc. '.'4, at u a in
mi Cbilstmis Woik CcmmsccIitK Monday Eve
Tlio Slarvelous Trick Pantomime- entitled
an:) tub ouod fairy starlight.
All Now Hi-ones!
Woudurful Transformations!
Myatifyins Tricks
M.mnlllfoiit Proportiesl Coatumoa!
Electric Effects!
Tlio Greatest Production in tho bouso's his
tory, anil an cntvrtuiuinuut for Ludios, Uon
tlcuicn aad Children.
PR1CHS AS USUAL, bat children under 12
will ho admitted every afternoon during tho
' Presents
Dinner Sets,
Chamber Sets
Tea Sets.
Wine Sets.