- : - -'m THE SCItANTOtf TRTr.UNR -WEDNESDAY MORNINW, DECEMBER 23. 1S9R. r, .j.'-. luiilyaud Weekly. No Sunday Edltloa. Published at Scranton, Pa., by The Tribune Publishing Company. Ktw York Offin: Tribune Bulldin Fraute S. limy, Mawer, IMIRID AT T!l POSTOPFirll 4T SCRAKTOS. PA.. A3 SICOND-CLABS MATTER. SCRANTOX. DKCKMlU.lt 2.1. IS'jC. The Immense muss met-ting hrlil last evening by the citizens (if rhlluili'lhia in support of the senatorial ranilidaoy of Hon. Uulea IVnrose Is a fit answer to the mnllclous anonymous insinuations rnnoerning Penrose which asents of Wunamuker have lately been spreadlns bruadf-ust. It Is glu-n out that Mr. Wanamnker is soon to make a speech at Krie on the si-natoilal question. I.' t hlin then have the manliness to say publicly what his emissaries have lately been wlilsin-iliiK in (lark coiners; ami thus renib-r it possible for Senator l'm rose to face his chief dcfainer In open court. Under False Pretenses. We oppose John Wanamuker for I'nl ted States senator for a number of rea sonsamong; them b-cause be lacks ex perience in legislative ways; because hr is guilty by acquiescent e if not by tonnivaiHe In a most WespU "iWc ami un-Cliristian c.ininalun of defamation aimcil at a political opponent and worked aloiiK lim-n from which any d. -cv nt man would instiretively rt coil; and because ne stands publicly nr-rainm-il. utiil non -in otestliv-r. for polit ical methods narrowly cscapimr. if not actually Indictable under, the laws against bribery. lint if in charily we assume in his bihalf tint he r. irards any course js justiciable in politics, how are we to reconcile such a view lth the lofty ;a:d hlirh-Kouiidiiitt preti'iisimis that are beim; made throughout th.' stat in his name and inl 'iest? How can we find liistiiication for the sanctimonious honor with which his principal lieuten ants affect to vle.v the machiiiiitions of that awful man. Senator Quay, or of his equally awful protege. Senator l'i n rose, when we know and the public knows, that they a IV on eh and sever ally tarred with a far dirtier slick? 'i'li fact of the whole niiittcr, put in plain words, is that the Wanamaker l,n.ve ne:it. from the moment ol its In ception (liiII to the jilesellt, has been, 'in actuating impulse, a campaign of false pretences. Kirst atipealini; to the religious element tlirouish lyinK inmi fndo and i overt accusation aualnsl I'cnrose, it next wrested the Ilusiicss Men's league fioin its original purpose as a national organization into a per sonal feeder to Wtiivunaker's ambition and row it solicits with one breath the co-operation of the respectable busiln s.i clement and with another beckons to the Hilars, the heelers and the boodlers, for whom it has collected one of the lai'K'st rallying funds in recent pol itical history. There niv honest men in ureat abun dance who have been taken In by this consummate mixture of wei k-day com mercialism w ith Sabbath day cant; but wo predict that i te the campaign reach es u linish most of these v. ill be unde ceived. There will, of course, be no war; but it nevertheless Is interesting; t, mite that accordiiiff to Secretary Herbert's last annual report the United States has In readiness for emergencies forty one Roi.d warships as against less than thirty workable ships available for Spain. Help for the Farmer. .The master of the ViiRinia stat prnngi'i Alex. AS'edderburn. Is nisi) a master of irony, as one of his "open letters" will show. A Washington pa per in an editorial comment on the de cline in farm values recently conclud ed with the remark: "The farmer's friend should plunge Into the breach. Where Is he?" This ave Mr. Wedder btirn his text and he replies as follows: Till" seems a stranuu question to lie uskeil, when scarce slxly days iiko at every cross roads and on every stump in the rural districts from Maine to full, fornia, was heard the voice of the 'farni nr's friend" proelalinliiK aloud his de votion and love for the rainier. Surely the cyclone that swept the enmity on Nov. 3 did not destroy all of the fann er's friends certainly some are h:ft who will proclaim themselves friends of the farmers. If they are not. what has be come of them? Are these friends- sim ply like the locusts, that appear nt stated periods ami then luiry themselves? Io the. friends of the farmer Kennlnate and fructify Just prior to our annual elections, and with the eoimtlni; of the ballots y.u Into the chrysalis slate to imaln Monin forth just in time to cnleh votes? The fact that a gn-iit piqier should have to ask. "Where Is he?-' seems to indie, ite that even here, at the national capital, (UiriiiK the session of conirreys, when the ureat men of the nation are cathiTnl to make laws for the people (which in-ans nil the people even the farmer. 1 should suppose) In ronvrcss assembled, that he. the pre-eminently conspicuous, only n few short weeks .iko, so consideiious as to provoke merriment ami cartoons of the metropolitan mess nil over the land, has entirely disappeared Masted by the win ter frost. This, however, has been a mild winter. So -mild, indeed, that now In the white houpe urnmnl the dandelion Is In full bloom. ineirelinK the mansion with Its golden tints, as though rcllectlmr the sentiments of Its oceupant. Surely a few of "him" mluht yet be found to 'nlse a voice for the- farmer. And yet, like yourself. I tun compelled to nk "Where is he?" It Is probable that Mr. Wedderbnrn. like many another farmer. Is Inclined to overemphasize the Importance of havlns a protecting snecial friend at cort. obody disputes his statement that "our farmers pun hasp the creator proportion of our nation's wealth. They feed, they clothe, und partially house the entire country. Their prosperlty means work and prosperity f(ir all oth er people. When they produce r-rops which cost more than they sell fur. then they nannot use the transporta tion companies) for travel and ship ment; they cannot visit our cities for pleasure or business: they cannot buy material for building and inmrovn ments; they cannot buy machinery for their farms. Worse still, when they continue to lose each year (as the sta tistics of the agricultural department unquestionably show they must dis pense vlth labor on their farms, and every dollar thus curtailed is a dollar that falls to circulate first with the country merchant, next viith the Job- ber. then the wholesal-r and th-n with I the manufacturer, until lastly It fails to reach tht wage-workers in our fuc- 1 torles. Thus falling prices for th? furmer permeates the entire body poli tic, and leaves Its blight upon the en tire country." All this, we repeat, is freely conced ed. Hut the question arises. Can laws be mude which will no far cuouph to remedy the farmer's lot? Can wc. for example, prevent tin? international overproduction of staple food product! in a Rood year, any more than we can provide such international shortages as appear in this year of partial fa mine? Can we stop the progress xf the trolley and thus save the horse and the hay market? Can we, for the farmer's sake, nullify by statute any of the great and universal trade laws which nre at present slowly revolut ion izing his Industry und overthrowing the simple standards of pioneer times? We fear not. lint there are s,,:no things which we can do. and the.--e public sentiment will Insist shall be done. We can keep the American market for the American producer. We can to a lar;;e extent prevent dis crimination ami oe!-cha!friiis by our carriers of farm produce. V.'e ran light the trusts which prey on the vit als of agriculture. And we can con tinue to expend money on the develop ment of new foreign markets for our farm produce as well as for our ma chinery, under the operation of trea ties of reciprocity. The remainder we fear, will depend largely on the farmer himself. The prompt and emphatic stand of the Wilkcs-Harre Tines for Wana maker for senator may not tally with the sentiments of those who favor IVn rose, but it at least shows that the Times has the courage of its opinions, our observation is that the public thinks more of a paper that Is out spoken even on the wrong side than it does of one which never dans to peep. A (iolden Christmas Tree. In this time of gladsome preparation for Christmas it Is Interesting to read of Christmas novelties. One of these, which certainly Is a imveliy so far as the looii of u.i are concerned, Is de scribed in a Xew Vork loiter to the Washington I'ost. it Is nothing 1-ss than a Christinas tree that bears gold en fruit. Says the narrator of its peculiarities: This Christinas tree Is a wonder of Its kind. it probably raiiKs pre-eminent union;; the liuudieds of thousands . of C lulsimas trees set up In nil parts of the win bt. It Is a small tree, not more than live feet high, and tin- average child would not regard it with as much pleasure as a tree bedt eked Willi dolls and drum.', Noah's arks, and blocks, candy ami pop corn, and lighted with candles. Ten mil iars will make the ordinary tree a very ai traetlve affair. Hut it taiies SKi.ikiu to dee. orate this particular tree wiih trinkets an,p toys. Six or seven years ago Mrs. TTieodoro llavenn yer, the wife of the Su gar King, guve her first Christmas eve party, and since then 4t has been the gnat holiday event of swaggerdoin. Iter .Madison avenue house, of plain brick, with scarcely the shadow of exterior ornamentation. Is credited with being the tlnest house In Xew Vork, and that Is say ing a good deal. The Christinas tree is set ill one corner of the great ballroom, where everything is white and gold. The walls are of glistening white marble, wiih delicate tracings of gold. At one t nil I:-: a great pi rgan built Into the wail; the organ is all white end gold. Curtains of white satin and white Velvet, orna mented in gold, hang from the windows an I doors. Tiny gilt cotillion chairs, up holstered In wldte, are scattered along the sid'-s of the room. The ceiling Is painted In white and gold; the woodwork with the exception of the polished floor ing Is white ami gold, (inlilen braekets jut out from the walls, holding bulbs of softened electric IIkIHs. The wide don,- look out upon a wide hallway, all marble ami gold. A marble stairway, growing broader with each upward step, leads to a wide platform halfway to the upper floor, and from this pint form the way Pais Into the big conservatory, bigger than the conservatory of any other house in Xew York. This Is the place where the Christmas tree gnosis will assemble next Thursday night. There .they .will find Mr. Have, meyer, cost timed like the conventional Santa Clans. lie calls off n name and Ihe owner walks up and receives a tiny silk stocking. !f she be a woman; or a pauh-r m.-niie pig, or cow, or horse, if n man. Inside the stocking will be a small pair of Felssors. all solid gold, or a gold hand mirror, or a gold seert bottle. If n man, the fancy pig or other animal, will have stowed away in its Interior a gold match box, n pocket-knife, with a gold handle; or n small pipe sheathed In gold. Kvery. thing on Ihe tree Is of gold. This Is certainly nn Inviting outlook for those privileged to share the golden tree's glories. Hut ve suspect there nre very few Scrantonir.ns who nvill( envy Santa Clans Ilavenieyer his polden tree or that there is one particle of pleasure In connection with that gorgeous celebration which cannot be duplicated and perhaps surpassed In the humblest home In I.ackinvanna county, if the occupants of that home so determine. Spain's -talk of offering reforms to Cubn after she shall have crushed the rebellion would be very amusing If it were not rn very detestable. Docs Spain Imagine that hypocritical "re forms" can take the place of liberty? An Honor Well Deserved. It is nnnounced that when the leg islature of Colorado shall assemble in January it will accord to Henry M. Teller nn honor without precedent in American history, that of a unanimous election, by the votes of members of nil political parties, to the Cuited Stales senate. The notable feature about this honor is that it will come to Senator Tellor without the expenditure of a dollar In campaign funds, without the establishment of headquarters, and w ithotil miy of the usual parapliet nulla of a senatorial campaign, "it Is divest ed." says a Denver letter, "even of the clement of prospective patronage, fur it is generally conceded that Senator Tel ler will not have an ollii-e to bestow un der the next administration.'! W think it is within the limits of truth to say that this conspicuous and. as we are told, unprecedented, honor is well deserved by .Mr. Teller. His long service as n public official Is marked by a dopn-e of ability, honesty and con scientiousness very rare in public life; even in his mistakes no one has ever been able P question his sincerity or wholly repress admiration for the In flexible courage with which he has re mained true to nis convictions. It Is nn honor to Colorado that she should thus aopreciate and reward his labors in her behalf; and the example phe thus setsi Is one which (several other states might profitably follow. Tom Piatt may have fought McKln l"y before the convention, but he has the right idea now. "The success of the rtxt administration," says he, "will be the stieci rs of the party; tiv fail ure of tho administration would be the party's failure.- with all such a failure would Imply. Ami rti ,;t be comes the duty und the privll ge i f every one o" us to renew our pl.-dges to our party, to renew our pledges to the victorious candidates of our party, William McKirley and Can it A. Ho hart, and to prepare to sustain the new administration by word nnJ by deed for the good of party and for the good of the entile nation." We irm ss no body will dispute that this Is suund ductrine. Senator Quay's prediction as to the outcome of the senatorial fight is not ambiguous. H says: "Mr. Wano muker will be beaten by such a pro pounced and emphatic majority that will not care to enter another contist for some time to come. Thirty-three out of the forty-four meraleis in th rii'.lad -b.hia d -legation will vote against him. lie will only get one senator, t'rouse, und ten members from the city. In the state he will not huvo more i "nun thirty-five or forty votes, imhI very li'iely lc:-s than that number. In my opinion, Penrose will have Kill votes oup of the 21 S In the Republican caucus." The opposition knows Sena tor Quay's reiiutuiion as a prophet. The first newspaper almanac to reach us for 1S!7 comes from the Philadelphia l'..'Cord.andasisiisual with the itecoid's annuals, Is full of valuable and timely leference matter. In this connection we renew attention to the fact that The Tribune's political hand-book for the new year, to be Issued January 1, will, we trust, be the best publication of lis kind ever printed in l'cnn syhaniu. H seems that after all thai Senator Quay has done for them In connection with the upbuilding of the new navy, the Cramps of Philadelphia are now enlisted in the movement to down him. This is by no means an Isolated speci men of political Ingratitude. Hut when such lngrates turn on those who have helped them it creates a new liul: of sympathy between their victims und all decent men. In Illin,oi.! the constitution requires all comity Judges to make annual re port of real or fancied defects in the statutes before them. Why should this not be a good practice in Pennsylva nia? A compilation of such reports would certainly be of advisory value to the legislature. We gather from a recent editorial In the Kvangelist that that worthy jour nal thinks the secular press Is, upon the whole, quite as good as the public to which it caters; and we guess this covers the whole subject. Says the Sun: "It Is a prouder achievement not to have written any poem at all Hum to have written six thousand and sixteen imor ones." Where is the editor who cannot cry a fervent "amen!" - The man who reads the report ac companying the Cameron resolution will Karn several things that .Messrs. Cleveland and Olney appear to have overlooked. It Is gravely aimminccd, via Vienna, that President-elect McKinley "does not favor war." Well, who does? We can readily believe the report that John Wanamaker wishes he had not entered the senatorial race. For a second time Mr. llryan has "declined to talk." What can his ail ment be? Jfesta Word or TM) o! Casual Mention "Talrty-five dollars." "i)h, no; nt least forty-five dollar'." The mayor sai l thirty-live and the re. porter forty-five. Thi y were standing in front of the window of a large Jewelry store on Wyuniit g and discussing the value of u large and elegantly wrought cut-glass punch howl that wss displayed ill the brilliantly lighted window. The conversation took place one recent night. Mayor lliiiley argued that the bowl w is wonh nt retail only i'i'u mid the reporter finally allowed that $10 was cheap enough. Mianwhile the Christmas shoppers flit ted by und the argument about the value of the cct-i;lass v. ax. 1 warm. The mayor tcvi ailed ill Ills talk that h. knew jvtst a little about that kind of cost ly merchandise especially punch bowls. Concerning the one Uii 'er discussion he criticised its patUrn ar.d slinpp; told what It cost in the mould and how long It took to cet it, and liually became so lirdcnt that he pulled u note book and Pencil from his pocket and began to llgitre. The reporter wouldn't agree wiih him and It w.i.- decided that each should write h!s guess oil a piece of -paper mi l thin nseer'iiiu the siding price from out of tin- clerks, tin one making the poorest ;,!. s.i to buy til perfeetos. The el, rk said the pi lee of the bowl war. X. So the reporter had to buy. H- ha 1 stink to his estimate r SI') while th': mayor clung to th" s:'"i KWr'. It wan later a'cerlaine I that Mayir Hailey Is a cul-ii-iss connois'eiir. lie run ih-t-'ct the quality of Ihe eiiltiiur as read ily a a M-ye-ir-oM bov can ib-c'.dc on Ihe de.ine of toutbsotni in ss of indifferent pie .Mayor I'.alley's buffet, contains a valued und vai led assort meet of cut-glass, and lie Is constantly adding to the ill-play. Moral Kvcll laayors are light some Hans. -o- At the conventlan of the judge of t In state in I'hilad lphia on liee. ai Jndge Ar.-hbald will probably sti-aest the ad visability of having -one uniform p-j'.iey with reference to the naturniizatloi of citizens In the various eouatie-i. This the judge retards as n most lnimrtant matter worthy of serious consld. latlcn. His ex perience on the bench during the last eleven yearn has convinced him that a mini should possess intelligence and a fair knowledge of the form of government that exists In thl country before he Is lutrust id with the rights of citi.enshlp. line of the li sis that Judge Arebbald occasionally employed during the last natural!;;. -.Hun enic t was to prt'ciit a ballot to tic can didate for citi7.v!i;.'.il honors and usk libit how he would murk it if he wanti.il to vote n certain tl- ket. This for the pur pose of Judging the liitelllgi nee of the ap plicant for papers. The Judge will not urge a standard r lucutlounl test, pre ferring a form of examination that will enable the Judge to decide whether or not the applicant has the Intelligence and knowledge of our lio-tltntlons necessary to rntitle him to naturalization papers. Aluny amusing answers are mude in re sponse to the judge's questions la natur nlU.itlnn court. Recently a candidate was being- examined by Judge Archbald and w,is nskrd who the ruler of this country was. After thinking the question over in a dazed sort of a way fo n minute he answered, "Cod " "Where docs the ruler of vMs country live?" was the next question. "Ckveland," came the auawcr prompt ly, whereupen Deputy Prothonotary Pryor wyggl.-hly i-etiiarltid: "He means JIar!t liur.au." What person evi r thought of b:ack suiiih.i wot king overtime or doing au'.ea of an iia-ii.ise.i busiuesa lijcausa? o.' live holiday!.? I'.lacksnilil'.s don't lock pi city In working g.u-b und tiny miu't hiuc; th ir rtKS in Plato gl.i. wia.-o.vs and tiny don't advertise sp.'ial line of horccskot-s for Christnia: tt le they i!c.:'t da any of th se, but they have bier, i n Ji.yi:,g nn Ineicsed Irude oa g-eourt uf the holiday Just the uume. Thciv's n horscshoi ing emporium In the heart cf the business district that has been o-i.'a every night for u w k until a l ite hour, (in .Monday night the brawny and Ik FTlrvd smiths were pounding, whistling, shoeing ar.d hiiFtllrg until after 1 oV'kk': la the moridr:.'. Tin- plac contained nearly u duzcti horses and about as many workmen, several ol them fitr.v lain;!:.. The street out-ide was cninpuruMv.-'y heshed and oai, I, but within the chop the lir. y. glowed ulnl the ipaikf, tle-.v Wh'.le the prep! lelor I'.ltli d here and there liiivet. leg the v.oik. He told a Tribune report -r that situ e Tii'irsiiay an avi rage of sixty horses lul l b.-en shod i .ich day and there had been a eorrespuiiiiingly Urge amount of wagon I'ouir w k. --C-- The favorite rendezvous of Ihe street gamins since cold weather set ill is oak ford coal", rear S(.:ti.-i rtreet. An Iron grating protrudes f-ota t'.e wall of the lintel .lermyi: near that point, and through this the warm air is ixpelied from the boiler room by minus of a fan. The news boys, bootblacks aud the h')y.i v.iio do nothing but piny prarks were not lung Pi li'scov. ling that this grating nv.de a nice co'y place to loaf, end they forth with a-b;ptid it. A-t right approaches and Ihe boys betake themselves to ih-ir home, many a chilled ar.d weary vagrant r.eeits the spot to warm his benumbed hauds Mid f-.-e;. o- Siq er!nteinl?nt Vox, of the Traction company. Is responsible for the Ftutencut that motormeii are lj-s liable to llln.-en than conductors, despite tin- fact that they are mere cxposi d to the weather than the nun on fie rear end of the ear. lie ex plains this by the fact that conductors catch cold by reason of their going In aril out of the highly heated cars. The liiotormen too, he say;!, have less dre.nl of the cold weather than the conductor?. The first real cold day we had this win ter, there were liul conductors reported loo 111 to come out and not n single motor, man failed to turn nn for duty. -O - The hoard of rxainlaers of the Lack i wanna bar yesterday granted certltieatM to Chat lis Post and R ,1. MeAn irews. of lids city, and P. K. Timlin, of Jerniyn, showing that they pas'-id a successful examination and lire entitled to practice law In the courts of this county. Mr. i'ost Is a son of the la-te p-aae I'ost and was a student In the olliee of ex-Justice Alfred Hand. .Mr. MeAudrew and -Mr. Ttinltn pursued their studies under the direction of M'Urlon & Kelly. Tim Inlliicncc of t'npricorn. The Pun entered Capricorn yesterday, and will continue In the sign until Jan. 111. The children of Capricorn belong to the class of great workers ami thinkers, philosophers and reasoners. They are usually proud, high-minded anil Independ ent. They want to be recognized as the heud of any entcrpii.se with which they are connected, and it is dillictilt for them to economize in anything. They hive great executive ability and will succeed as managers, iirehltects or teachers. Un less modilied by planetary Influences, the traits of the child of Capricorn nre liable to be disagreeable, on account of exclu sive pride and a illspo.-lilon to look with disdain upon those in more humble walks of life, of children of Capricorn tho an cient astrologers speak us follows: "A son born when the Sim is in Capricorn maketh the child soon angry, and lig'u- hearted, but sometimes accompanying himself with vile and suspicious persons. Also he will be worried and distracted and v. xed with divers variances, the which adversities he shall stoutly bear out and sustain. He shall be r-ady to dye for the love of some poof nnd simple maid, who will nt length cast him Into some mis for tune or sickness." Persons born under this sign are liable to stomach troubles. TOLD BY THE STARS, Doily Horoscope Drawn by Ajnccluu The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: bill a. m., Wednesday, Dec. X. IMlil. & A child horn on this day will notice that among the advocates of war with Spain the ring of genuineness is more pro noun -ed In the voices or war shooters v. ho urn exempt from military service. There is "big money" in the newspaper business, but many publishers experience ilifilciilty In gelling it nut. In case of war with Spain the P.aneroft will doubtless be obliged to postpone that trip up the Dardanelles. The wise hobo will today select the resi dence that has a, well-swept sidewalk in front wlnn seeking work. The man who manufactures gunpowder always has gr.at opportunities to rise in life. Snou .'lakes. The snow! the snow! the beautiful snow! It mnkcth the Chrh tma white. Ami graveyards now will all be lean, Tho' fat when Christinas day is green; All fall to the mantle of light. . IN' (ll'KS'i'IONAiW.K TASTK. Prom the Time's li oMh I. 7n ell matters Involving rn l ingered re lations with forei-.:u countries it li above all important that the s vi ral brani-liei of the govei nnu ct r-hn'.l pn.-M.-nt a nulled front. This Is no time for n contest 'j.' tweell Ihe provident and l oil ;; 1 lis to tin if re, ;icet!vo prerogatives, and i; is certainly In questionable taste for ti e sccntary of state In the absence of the pri-sid. lit to serv notice upon a country whose relations with lis ale stiained th-it the ex eutlvc may b,, depended upon to Ignore any spieifiid action that the na ticrat! legislature may take. a cask i roivr. Xew York Mail mid Impress. I'lider common la w a ninn is forbidden to maintain a nuDanceon his premises whl -h Impairs the health, comfort or property cf his neighbor, lty analogy it would an pear that international law l'orb!ds-.i conn, try to maintain a nulsam-e which offend the seii-e mil outrages the civilization of a neighboring country. I'"rr,ni this point of i--w Spain is Indictable before the court of nations for maintaining a nuisance la (ill a, and the Pulled Staler, can be called as the prosecuting witness. SANTA CLAUS Bonds his I'ook or ders to our HOLIDAY STORE 2ii Wash. Ave.. Opp. Curt Houje. iltlll UUIVUUI 437 Spruce Street. mi mm mu UDly Tu)o Days More B?fore Christmas. . . Any one of them is worth any three days of ordinary merchandising. All of the' Holiday Stock must be disposed of within this short time. THE I THE G All of the Fancy Articles must be sold. We Carry Nothing Over. Prices have been put on all of these goods that are irresistibly cheap. . EDo your shopping early in the avoid the rush. BUT NONE IN SCRANTON winch can compare in any way with our mammoth tailoring establishment. Our line in Suitings, Trouserings and Over coatings is as complete as you will find in any city. Our patterns and fashions are up-to-date and the very latest only. Should our prices be too low let us know and wc will make the necessary correction. Our work and fit we guarantee. We don't allow a oarmcnt to leave our place ex:cpt per lectly satisfactory, linyint; facilities enable in to sell at !illC( li lOWCl' Hill SI IdWl'St prices, hence here, like everywhere else, our immense sticjew. EASTERN SUIT ID PANTS COM, a lirunch 11. 42 Nothing but the Price of Our Skates is Tin Qa&Uty I; Higher Than Ever. ITS Hffl CO 110 Washington Avenue. SPECIAL Offar for' Decmber. Cur prices already ths lowest in Scranton, greatly reduced. Take advantsgc of this, our greatest offer, and niaS-.o yourscir a Xmaa present of Made to Orto Suit or Overcoat for C? at Least a Fair of V.'e shew whole rclls of cloth, ftot shori length cample. GREAT ATLANTIC PANTS CO,, 319 laeka Am rr-" CO. OFFICE AND WARI-llOl'FS, 141 10 151 ,uEri:): a.j street. lLW.COLms,Siannser. DR. G. W. GREEN, PHYSICIAN Hi SURGEON, Clectrlcal Treatment a SreCalty. OfllcM, 607. dutt and 6v MarB Building, SCRANTON, PA. Tlie most complotrt t'quipmcnt of Electrical tn i-IilnM and appliances for mcUiml um to he o itul In n physician's oflica uitslile of New otk. Medical nud electrical treatment for nil c3cs tiiucnablo to cither or both. C. W. GREEN, M. U07, COS an 1 aw Mears Culldloir, Scrantos. ' ' Uoun-Va,iu, toJi 1 p.m.toi; 7.1 to SE4.00 $9 nn 1 B Ef e CALL UP 3I33?i I17!LiliilHB iiSIKlf ors MIES, TH I.iU'kiiwi?ma Avenue, Scranton, With every -pair of Skate ve will ive a ticket . . which wi!l entitle the pur chaser to one .... Chance on a Spalding Bicycle, 1897 Hodel. We have a full line of in door Games tor the Holidays. PSrtm7c Wyoming Avenue, V. M. C. A. BJILOI 'JG. Our lloliil.iy Diiil;iy of useful an J ornamental articles, was nuver sj Lit'iic .ti this s.'asnn's exhibit. The advantage of having so larc nn J v.iric.l an assortment to select from will t? apparent to all v!hi conicnt jila'.c sivin! presents of a substantial and artistic diameter, or buiii fur their own use. Wi-ftiitj; Da.iks, .Massing Table?, Co'.lwlles, Kockcrs, Kcilininf' and I'.asy Cliuirs, Must.: Cabinets, Parltir Cab;n-l-t un i Tabl.v-t, Work iuliL'.s, lairio (ascD, Tea Tables, Vc rn i :; .11 a r i i n 'a 1 1 i n u t s. Parlor an J l'aiuy Inlaid Chairs, (jilt l.ccption Chairs, Parlor Suits in (Jilt, Pedestals. Jardinieres, Hook Cases. Shaving Stands all mat he 1 at moderate prices in plain figures. HILL $l GONNELL 131 & 133 Vasiiingta An. AV0LF & WEJiZEL, 31 Linden., Opp. Court Hous;, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLDL5BEBS Sola Agents for Riclinrdsou Ilojrutou's I r'or usees and Kantfes. el i mn warn mm mm. y y?5 E DOLLS, day if you can and LOWENSTEIN Pa. Ri'anc'.ill. Fountain Pens. Oxford Bibles ' Catholic Prayer Books We have the Largest and Most Complete Line of Holiday Goods in the city. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravars, HOTIX jr-RMYN BUII.DINU. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEAUS. ROW B OUR DEW STORE, 130 eOMIKS AVENUE. Cuul Exchange, Opp, Hotel Jerniyn. Wc have tha f.nost store and moat complatj stuck iu all this section, c WSTCHES, FINE JEWELR7. OlllBiONDS, STZRLIiiG w:.r z, STtfiLI'IG SILVEil RO'JELTIES, F.ICri CUT GLASS, CLOCK), LTC. Our Prices are always bottom. If you have not seen us In our new store It III pay you to call. YOU CAN SAVE HONEY BY BJYIN1 NEW AND fin Ladies' and Children's Wear. Seal and Plash Sacqtics, Carpets and Feather Beds From L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave.
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