The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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HC Mil
Santa Claus
Couldn't Bring
any one, man woman or child, a pres
ent which they would appreciate more
than a book, the best of all uifts; the
most useful and enduring CiOutl
hooks increase in value and arc the
best of companions always; a solace
in adversity and helpful in prosperity.
Our large assortment of desirable and
choice editions is up to our usual
standard of excellence. For all asjM,
conditions and circumstances.
Uiblcs, we have the best styles
from tour publishing houses
at prices from 25c to S15 each,
Prayer Hooks and Hymnals, all sorts,
liooklets Art Calendars
and Christmas Cards
in bewildering variety
of styles and prices.
Fine Stationary and Fancy Art Goods,
wc have our usual large variety.
Games and Large Toys,
our display Is unusually large
and attractive.
Have three (loots, 100 by 25 feet,
With lots of light to show our goods
and competent help
to serve customers.
We think a store of this kind
an ideal one for present buying.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
The we of Shavings for betldiug
lor hurst's or cows is uot
Lut put up like straw la
Small Bales
Is something new.
Cheaper Than Straw,
Cleaner Taan Straw,
Eetter Than Straw.
W'e keep it.
The Weston Mill Co
Couple from Dumiiorn and Another
from the Sibley United.
Alderman Howe married two couples
yesterday. Miss I'hoelie Jarxawny
was made the wife of Henry .''olilolnli.
He Is 4!l years old und xhe Is 'i'liev
are residents of Dunmore, where lie Is
In the photographing business.
The second couple united was Joseph
Tnrchio and Francesco Urn urn. They
are Italians and are young. They
couldn't understand Knprlish and an In
terpreter had to be culled In. They
live near the Sibley mines in Uld Forge
Headquarters tor .Xinns (Joocls
fct Davldow Hros., 217 Lackawanna ave.
Chnlce cut flowers and flower d
Rlcrns at l'ulmer & AIcDonulds, M4
We have just What
you want.
Come now and get tlie best
assortment ever known.
All Kinds. All Prices.
All Winners.
For Men, Boys, Youths; for
Ladies, Misses and Children.
All Leathers. All Shades.
All Sizes.
410 Sprues Street
Installed Last Night in Masonic Kail
co Pcnn Avenue.
It Win Attended by Nearly Two Hun
dred .Mn-oiis.-lnstnlliiitf Officer
District Oi-putv t J rami Master
Tliomn F. Wells and Fust Masters
T. F. PtMimiin, F. S. Barker und F.
1.. l!rown--Tlic Ollicers Installed.
I'eter V.'illianison Inrtjre, No. XIX Free
and Ac i ptei Masons, Imslullcil ollicers
last uiKlit ami cehlnaU'd the event
w it li a liaiiipiet in .Masonic hall on IVnn
Tlie installing ollicers were District
iJeputy i.lrund .Muster Thomas F. Wells,
Past Alnster T. F. IVnnmn. T'ust Mas
ter F. S. liark-r and I'unt Master F.
I.. Urown. The otllei-rs installed were;
Worshipful master. V. S. ldelil; senior
warden, id. I.ynde; junior warclen,
Frank Moyer: secretary. '. I.. Van Kus
Uirk; treasurer, Thomas K. I union;
trustees, K. II. Itipple, V. L. Council
uinl 10. I.. I tuck.
.Nearly two hundred .Masons witnessed
the ceremonies und attended the ban
Il'iidcr this hialiim short letters or in
terest will lie published when ueemnp '
nled, for puliliealliin, by the writer'a
name. The Tribune will not be held re
sponsible fur opinions here cxprcs; ej.
I'resident William' Slalcaicat.
KJIIor of The Tribune.
Sir: I'lecause of dull eollretloiis and oilier
adverse intlueiiees lay coIIckc, in which I
look pride and by which 1 tried In effect
nool results, pusses to other conirol. .My
laiullorils and faculty are protected by
law ami hold an iiiveatoi y, which, as t:iken
last vear. niaoiuils la double such claims.
To 'protect all oilier creditors, and with
out preference i xcept as to wanes of em
ployes, and on ndvlee of Messrs. Warren
kuapp, I transferred to a trustee lay
opell leili'er accounts due me also all
I nit ion contracts, and I hope and believe
the assets thus assigned, which are if
law volume, will cover all liabilities.
All my available means have been ab
sorbed and 1 a pt a salaried position.
Chrlsliun yentleuien of the board of
trade, some of whom are strangers to me.
held a meetiim' ami without my knonl"d.';e
discussed measures to relieve me and for
the maintenance of the college as a public
benefit. I hereby express lu such friends
my earnest thanks.
I'nder other uusulces T believe the col
lege will re-open .lau, 4. and from my sym
pathy with patrons and pupils I have
striven to reach that end.
I have also unceasingly striven to en
sure full payment of every claim fruni
assets transferred to the trustee named,
hut If such cannot be effected even then
from new business brought by the re
opened coIIckc, prollts in future hiay offset
preselvt losses.
I owe thanks to a iteivrous press and
public. I came here amid the throes of a
panic ami with a law and talented fac
ulty have labored unthiiiKly to advance
the social and educational status of the
youth of Scriiutont and deeply scnslihw
as I am. I keenly appreciate the fact thai
to this hour, uhile kind words and ir.':.1
have been showered upon me, f J'vc
never heard an unkind word uttered aa o
my career or in criticism of'
It will be pleasant if the press publish
Oils statement as widely as the public
may thus be served.
t'onlially, u. I'. Williams.
Statement from Captain Hart.
Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: The Crown KIhk fool ball team de
sire to make the following statement:
The frown Kins foot ball team has been
oiajanizeil since the loot ball season starl
et I and ilurliur that time bus proved itself
the strongest, most seleneed and most jren
tleiiiMiily lot of players that ever battled
for supremacy on the gridiron hereabouts.
The game last Sunday broke up lu a
wraiiKle. it is true; but not until the
(.'ruwn K'lnKS did all In their power to have
file name tsu on, coneediiiB everything
that was reasonable.
Immediately after the ball was put in
play last Sunday until the mimi" broke up
It was a conspicuous fact that tlie Crown
Kings were playlnii loo Strom; a Maine and
were fast ' snowing their opponents, the
Crescents, under. After ten minutes'
play, the Crown Kings secured a touch
down and a goal. It could lie easily reen
afterward that the Crescents fried all
plans to have the game broke up, so as lo
have an excuse for avoiding the over
whelming defeat which they would re
ceive. The ball was punted, and in tlie
senllle one of the Creeents deliberately
fouled one of the Crown Kings. For this
the umpire, the chief otllclal in n foot ball
game, allowed the Crown Ivlntsa llfteen
The umpire gave Ills decision without
prejudice, and the Crown Kings seeing;
that their opponents would not abide by
his decision left the Held. The Crown
Kings will post from $Ti to $"() wilh tile
Sporting 'ICditor of any of the dally pa
pers, and will nllow the above amount
to the Crescents, If they can't duplicate
the feat of last Sunday nguln next Sun
day on the James Hoys' grounds, provid
ing however, that the Crescents does like
wise. The Crown Klntrs have won all
their battles on the foot hall Held and not
in Hie newspapers; ho If the Crescents
mean business, let them post their money
and we will do the rest. II. Hart.
Captain Crown King Foot Mull Club.
They Were Not Authorized. '
To the Public.
The two yuting men who called on the
different busini-ss men of our city to so
licit advertisements for the Young Vo
niun's Christian association were not;au
thorlsicil by uny of the ofllcers of thn as
sociation. Mrs. Hippie, I'resident.
1bc. iil, 1890. . '
Resolution Signed by .Mayor t ill fJivc
Traction t'o. Some Work to Do.
Mayor Uuih y Monday signed an or
dinance nnd seven resolutions. Among
tlie resolutions is one directing; the
Kcrantoii Traction company to prop
erly plunk und guard till its tracks,
within the city limits where a T rail
is used nnd where plankint Is riot al
ready laid. The company Is Riven six
ty days In which to do it, ami If it Is
not dune then, the street commissioner
Is directed to proceed with the work
und charge it up to the Traction com
pany. Councilman Wirth. of the Nine
teenth ward. Is the father of the reso
lution. The ordinance signed directs the city
clerk to advertise for bids for equip
ping Hie Nay Aug engine house with
steam heating apparatus and steam.
The other resolutions were; liruntliiK
permit shut to the proiierly owners on
Harri.-'utl avenue to construct a sew
er: providing (or the extension of Sum
ner avenue from Kairview avenue to
Putnam street; providing for the erec
tion of a lire hydrant at th corner of
Summit avenue and l'tUnam street;
permitting tlie Kcnnoniy Heat und
i'liwer company to extend its line of
pipe on h'ranklin avenue; directing the
city engineer to prepare plans for the
opening; of Wyoming avenue from I'lim
to Ash streets; mid -directing; the city
engineer to make plans aed sneciiica
tinus for a viaduct from Lackawanna
avenue bridge to Itobinsou street.
Heaiith'iil "Shore Acres." n play that
has won the lavish praise of thousands
of people in nil parts of tint country,
will be tlie attraction al the Academy
of .Music to-night and to-morrow night.
"Shore Aires" is a dramatized poem,
a pretty, simple, pure, truthful story
of human life, in which there appeals
at no time any evidence of stage device
or -lap-trap to offend the ut-tisiic senses
of foe audience. The play has some
exipiisite touches of human iiaiure and
contains much thai is pathetic, senti
monial nnd tender. The stoi V of love,
hope, laith, patience, ambition, and
greed makes up the circumstance
of almost everyone's life is told in a
masterly manner by the simple folk .Mr.
lleiiie introduces in "Shore Acres,"
and no one can help but admire this
great nlav, which many uble critics
claim is tlie best native work yet pro
duced. rt -
Christmas nflernon and evonlntr the
"Thoroughbred," Charles l''roliman':i
newest c.imeiiy success, will lie the bill
al tlie c'loihlnglium. nc of .Mr. Kroh
man's maiiv ideals is to keen a brand
new I'otnedv before the public nil tin
time. "Charle's Aunt" had no sooner
completed its first triumphal tour of the
coiinliv than William Hillefte's laugh
able creation, "Too Much Johnson,"
was .sent out by Mr. Frohmau. Xmf
comes "Thoroughbred," which, like
"('hurley's Aunt," is by nn Knglishmnn.
and hears the record of splendid runs
in London and Xew York. The well
known comedian. II. K. Ui.vey, made
on of the greatest hits of his life In
the original New York production and
he, as well as most of tlie others oC the
original last, will be seen here.
The attraction for Christmas and the
next day ul the Academy will be Mr.
and Mrs. Iluss Wliytal in the powerful
nnd amusing drama, "l-'or Fair Vir
ginia." which was so very favor
ably received last season. Kjiice then
Mi. and .Mrs. Wliylal have chosen to
appear in the light comedy parts, thus
offering; the charm of novelty. The
Saturday matinee will be at popular
prices. Tlie perform!! nee of that won
derful clever chllil, liiittie liriseiil, makes
the iierfornmnce specially Interesting;
to women and children.
Xext Saturday luinjrs to the Froth
Ingliani for a matinee and evening per
foi uinncc I ''at now famous dramatic
noveliy "In old Kentucky." The scene
Is laid in tin- mountainous regions of
Kentucky, und the story Is spirited.
Idyllic and thrilling by turns. It is a
heavy scenic product Ion. each scene
representing some particular spot or
buildinj;- in Kentucky. Probably the
most striking scene is the realistic rep
resentation of the Lexington running
track with nil tlie adjuncts and acces
sories, complete in every detail. Xo
American play lias ever made so much
money for its author ami owner ns this
delightful sloiv of Kentucky life,
Carl Welles has returned from Yale for
the holidays.
l'atriek tlannlek will spend n few dajs
during the holidays la Xew York city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. It. Thomas, of Wilkes
Lane, are visiting friends In Ibis oily.
Thomas II. Dolan. of ICastoa, was the
guest of Attorney Julin T. .Martin yester
day. .Miss Anna Iturke is home from lMcti
hall. Torrcsdale, for the Christmas holi
days. i. ,1. Moiiarlty, of the Times, Is quite
seriously ill at his home, uu Orchard
St 'let.
C. W. Fulton, who has been in Denver,
Col., for the past two weeks, returned to
Scranton yesterday.
Kra and Then lore Council, of the I'nl
vcrsity of Pennsylvania, will conn, home
today for the holidays.
Colonel K. II. liiopli' spent yesterday
at the Soldiers' Orphan school, at liar
ford, Su.-'tuchanna county.
M. J. Xlhill. who Is traveling engineer
for the Piilon Pacific Hailroad omputiy,
Is visiting relatives on Xinlh sti t.
John !'. Mel lerinotl, the I'eun avenue
bookseller, and several members of his
family are al present la California, where
they Intend lo remain for some iliac.
Charles K. Horn, son of Attorney George
S. Horn, has returned from the' law de
partment of Piekinson college to spunl
tlie holidays at his home, oil Mulberry
Miss Jessie Dlinnilik and her brother.
Willie, of Chicago, arrived In Pie c:ty
yesterday afternoon, where they will
snelld the holidays as Ihe gtnsls of their
grandparents,. Hull, and .Mis. William
Tho following Is a list of display cards
lent In stock at this olllce und for
sale at ten cents each:
Hooms for rent.
For sale.
This property for sale.
Furnished rooms.
Hout'o for rent.
lioase to let, etc.
I'rices Scattered to the .Vinds
in slippers nt the 5 Urothers. 10.000
palls must be sold and we have cut
prices: stftiiire in two. A $1.00 slipper
for &Uo. See our display, open eve
nings. Salesmen Wanted.
Ten experienced salesmen wanted im
mediately ut Liavldow iiros., 1:17 Lncka,
llcidli'ina n
the r.oiikmnn. Is headquarters for
Hooks, Calendars, Diaries.
Itrlm? your card plate to Tho Tribune
for printing.
School of Music, 5:0 Spruce St.
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singing.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Scharwcn'.ia
Conservatory, New York. Also other
competent teachers cngagcl Mr. Thiele
is the successor to the late
Five Gut of Six Mulcted far Costs Yes
terday ia Cr iniinal Court.
By TUeir Verdicts the Juries Virtually
Say That .Vinctciitlis ol the Asaull
uud ISattoiy Cases Should Never iic
Allowed to Come Into Courl--.ovcl
IWfense Sit l in n jlnlicicus
.Tlisfhirt' Case.
Six assault ami battery cases and one
of malicious mischief were tried in
criminal court before Judge Kdwards
yesterday, in live of the cases, the
defendants weiv mulcted for ull or a
part of the costs.
one of the cases has an amusing
feature connected with It. Michael IV
nnui was prosector in assault and bat
tery charges against Joint and Michael
Kin-hick. The ease was called, but
Poiiito was not present, so court di
rected the Jury to find a verdict of not
guilty and place the costs on tile prose
cutor. Just as the jury rendered their
milling, the prosecutor came breath
lessly into court and hurried up to Dis
trict Attorney John 11. Junes, to b t
him know he was ready to proceed,
in: tend of beini,' invited to a seat al
the prosecutor's table, he was inarched
before J tiiigo Kdwards mid told that he
could consider himself a until
he had paid the costs imposed on him.
He was a very much perturbed and
deeply disgusted man. During the af
ternoon he secured bis release under
the insolvency laws.
Maggie Ouinn. Id' 1 'in llrool;, was
the first called to answer the i barge 1 f
assault and battery. Annie Hrown was
tlie accuser. Vbe nllegat'011 was that
tint defendant slapped tlie 4-year-obl
child of tin- prosecutrix, because the
Hrown child had shinned her child.
The jury said not gitiliy and ilivhh d
the costs. ' Attorney John F. .Seiuggr
represented the defense.
l'atriek Shi-rld.'tu and Frank MoCce,
of I'arbondale. were the parlies in
case Xo. i MeiSeo said he hoarded
with Sheridan, but owing to some dis
pute witti Mis. Sheridan, was ordered
to leave and did. .Shortly afterwards
Sheridan met him walking along the
Ontario nnd Western railroad truck,
and without a word assaulted him and
knocked him down. Tile defendant did
not deny striking Mel ice, but averred
that MeUce bulled him with libi head
in the vest, and that he was only act
ing in self-defense. Not guilty, costs
divided, ugain said the Jury. Attor
ney A. A. Vosinirg defended Sheridan.
Pfoviilciice furnished the next case.
The parties were James .Murphy and
James Clark. Clark testllled that he
went into l.yneh's saloon Aug. S last
and had no sooner set his foot Inside
the door than Murphy made an insult
ing remark about him. He slapped his
detractor across the face with the hack
of his hand and warned him lo keep
his distance. He then retired to tho
back room and was sitting there read
ing a paper when Murphy came lu and
apologized. They shook hands and
agreed to be fi loudly. A minute later
Murphy struck him over the eye with
a beer glass, cutting a deep gash which
endangered tlie sight of the eye. Mur
phy put in the defense that Clark lirst
attempted to strike hiin. The Jury
found hiui guilty, but recommended
mercy. Attorney A. A. Vosburg ap
peared for the defense.
Peter Keiber rented n house from K.
II. Pickering, in Dunmore. He couldn't
pay his rent and hud to leave. Some of
his cliifhinit had been bit behind, and
returning to get it he found the door
locked, lie pounded on the door, and
Pickering coming down, ordered him to
ib-sist. Thereupon, according to the
story of Hie prosecution, Keiber felled
Pickering to the ground with a blow
oil the head from a dinner pail which
lieilicr carried at the time,' Keiber said
in defense that Pickering struck him
with a wiillilng stick and that he mere
ly pushed hiin away. Not guilty, prose
cutor to pav costs was the llndina of
the jury. Attorney lleorge M. Watson
defended Keiber. Mr. Diehle, of Wat
son, Dielile & Hall, assisted In the
That a woman would and did break
down her own door und then charge
her neighbor with the crime was tho
belief of one Jury that went out to de
liberate yesterday. Henna Kose, of
the South Side, ,vns the woman who
owned the door. Hannah Andrews wus
the neighbor she charged with batter
ing It down in a spirit of malice.
Mrs. I use swore that Mrs. Andrews
came to her house and dared her to
come out. Mrs. Kose came out, but see
ing thai Mrs. Andrews was accompa
nied by two bricks, she retreated. Mrs.
Andrews thereupon threw the bricks
through the panels of the door. Mis.
Andrews said in defense that this was
all untrue and brought forth testimony
to show that niter sin- a-.ul Mrs. I use
had had a little war of. words, Mrs.
Kose battered down her "own door and
then proceeded to an nlderman's olllce
and had a warrant Issued charging her
with malicious mischief. The jury not
only said not guilty, but put the costs
on the prosecutrix. Attorney tleorge
P.ealo conducted the defense. Attor
ney Xathun Vldaver ussisted lu the
Today we reduce the price on all
Children's Coats,
Ladies' Coats,
Ladies' Capes,
Silk Waists,
Woolen Waits.
Now is the time to buy.
We are selling Fine Dress Goods
at Special Prices.
Martin Nttloti. an old man livins on
Pittston uveiiue. pros euled Mis. Mary
A. Hopple, his next door neighbor, for
knocking him senseless with a "lump
or a stone." The trouble occurred 011
Feb. S last, and grew out of a line fence
dispute. The case was on at adfouin
ment. Attorney Joseph O'Brien repre
sented the defense, and Attorney V. J.
t itasimmons esslFtcd in ihe prosecu
tion. A verdict of not guilty wes returned
In the case of Joseph WroblesKi
charged with assault and battery ty
I.cdwiek Jerzlerskl. which was tried
Monday just previous to adjournment.
Two-thirds of the costs were placed on
the prosecutor unit ene-thiru on the
dc:'t ndant.
Superior Court Will .licet Here on the
Second Vouday of Ja Hilary.
The Superior court, in session in Phil
adelphia, lias made tile following order
postnoniu:; the oivnii.ff of the; session
in this city from the urst until the sec
ond Monday ot January:
.Now. Dee. IS. is'Mi. il D ordeied that 'he
session of llie eoerl in January, tv.14. be-l-'lu
on the see'ouil Monday hist, ad of the
first and that all appeals, which,
under the stall ttag or.ic:-. would tie heard
during the wi-ck beginning I he iiist Mon
day of January, shall be placed at tlie
head of the list for the week beginning Ih
second Monday uf January. IM'T. uud thai
the prothoiiotury ul Seratilou forward a
copy of this order to the pi othonotarles of
the several counties alfeeted thereby.
Ladies' Solid t.old iiin-p's,
set with pearls, rubles, diamonds, sap
phires, etc. We have over l.Olltl differ
ent styles to select from; prii es former
ly were JI, i?5. $ii lo Jl.'iti, now wevro
disposing of them ut fl.J.'i. $2.2"i.
and $.:.u to close out Hie business.
217 l-uc-Ua. ave.
Tru Thousand 1'niis,
Yes lO.llnO pairs we have und 10,000
pairs we imisl sell, so for the next few
days, slippers will be sold at u sacrihee.
open cvnings.
Ccuuinn Diamond lli-.ig
only $10.00. worth Si'.'.OO, at Davidow
Pros." Ktvut ret trine; sale, 217 l.aeka. av.
An elegnnt calendar with every cash
purchase of $1.00 or over.
.loin tin! Crowds
ot well nlea.ied book buyers at Ileldle
man's holiday store, I'll Wash. ave.
Reason ?
303 Lacka. Ave.
For Christmas Oifts.
A very fine assortment of
Toilet and Fancy Articles,
Ladies' Kid Gloves,
Gent's Kid Gloves,
Children's Gloves and Mittens, Etc,
Regular goods not satisfactory
may be exchanged after Christmas
415, 417 Lackawanna
Christmas Presents
Arc you careful when you buy china
or glass? You arc when you hat. die
it Why not be still more careful
when you select it when you buy it?
Isn't bard to select good cither, not
when you have a stock like ours to
select from. Prices make it easier.
Many people have bought lamps of us
lamps that u've light lots of it.
Wc believe that lamp slum 1.1 give
light lirst and be beautiful afterwards
useful and then ornamental.
Dinner, Tea
Toilet Sets
Silverware, Etc.
131 Wyoming Avenue.
Walk in and look around.
Open Evenings,
If you have any Dental Work you want done
you will save money by heointf mo boforo go
ing ulsowhore. WUen I say 1 am Insortiiiff
(luarauteed to save tho teeth from further
iloray. 1 liipan it. I am doing tho very lnvst
ilcntnl work nt lowor prices tlian otlieis ami
can piovo it ny culling at my otlico. Exami
nation costs you uotli DK. if you want a gold
crown or
Called Crown and Brlrlffo Work. KomemlMr,
I matin only ouo crado tho very beat !K.
Kold and fcood weight aud the price is riUt.
li uiiiuiui i
316 Sprnce Street,
Next Ooor to Hotel Jermyn.
Ton can save money by buying ppcta
oles of Silverstone, the eye upeclnllst, at
309 Lacknwnnnu avenue, onely one llit'lit
over the Lehigh Valley ticket office. Tha
following prices will satisfy you that they
lire the cheapest In the city: Solid gold
rimmed spectacles nt $3.o0 per pair; tilled
bows at nlclile bows from 50c. to $1.50;
aluminum bows from 75c. to $2.00; colored
rI.imsps from 25c. to $1.25. We have a larca
line of reading glasses, tho best In the
market, at 25c. per pair. Opera and mag
nifying glasses at reduced prices. Of
fice hours, 8 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 6 p. m.
Remember that your eyes will be exam
Ined free and satisfaction Is guaranteed.
5l0 Lack Ave, Cor. Wash., ,
I ' Today at 3.30 and Hp. m., by
Do not fail to attend
these giving-away sales.
Avenue, Scranton,
fk Orienifl!
(hi Will 111
We offer about 50 Boys'
3-piece Suits, (short pants),
sizes 12 to 16 years, at al
most nothing.
These Suits are heavy
weight, nice mixtures, aud
formerly sold for $7.00, $S.oo
and $10.00.
Choice for
Glothiere, MemMurnishera
Of tho ln'st makes mid styles at jiricE-s
tlttit will astouish you. Everybody
buys at the same piiw.
was nKreea'niy surprised to find such a
line line of overeuuts and suits at prices
lower than the lowest in this county at
Kiamer Bros
popular ci.orinxf; liousi:,
M o
Mnfi c
c R o
I M il
Every woman 'appre
ciates Table Linens
Linen Sets.
' We have them in great
variety at Special Prices.