THE SCTIANTOX TTIIBUNE-WEDNESDAT MOItNIXtt. DECEMBER 23, 1896, MEN OF PROMINENCE. .. -. .... s v. wi MlwV v filfl& CENHKAL FITZML'GH LEE. The American Consul General at Havana Who Is Now On His Way Hack to His Post of Duty. BUSINESS BEFORE SENATE AND HOUSE Numerous Spectators Listen in Vain for an Excited Speech. AIR. MORGAN C0NSUA1ES THE TIME Proceedings oi'tllC IIOIISC"TllC. Sill" livy of tilt' of Congress Reduced from ll,O0 to .'i,(00. 'flu- Derision Reached Alter a He-bull- of Thri!i Hays Duration--ISotli Hruuchc Adjourn for the lloliduys. Washington. Dee. 22. The si tutors ivlio hail assembled In lame inimliers In tile senate naileries toilav III expeeta tioli of witnessing interesting scenes unil of listenini: to an exciting ileliate In eoinieetioii with the Cuban iiuestioii were disappointed, the only thing that came up luiviug any relation to that subject at all being a resolution of in ipiiry as to the eireiiinslanees attend ing the ilealh of tin American citizen, said to have been "hacked to pieees by Soanisii soldiers" in the Island 'of Culm. Mr. Vest did not eall up, as he had iriveii not it e be would, his Vesolii tion for an linpiiry as to the constitu tional uiiest'iin presented by tin- secre tary of wlale in Ills press statement touching tile power of the president to ignore a joint resolution of congress directing . Iiim to ivt'oejiir.c Hie inde pendence of tin- republic of Cuba. The morning hour, in which that subject luiKlit have been discussed, was oc cupied by .Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, in a low? speech against the Pacific rail road funding I'ill and In favor of the government taking possession of those roads, which he contended it was its right and duty to do whenever a default I In payment of the bonds occurred. The! subject came up on a resolution of Mr. Petligrew, of South Dakota, with refer-1 ence to the six ner cent, trust notes of! the 1'nloii I'm Hie railroad company, which he asserted were to be used so as , not to Inline ami destroy the seitinty of the government for the debt due to It. by the eonipHliy. The resolution was referred to the committee on pn cllie railroiids, whose chairman. .M. lenr, of Iowa, declared his purpose 10 ask action on the funding bill Im mediately after the holidays. The urgency iletlclency bili u'ns pass ed and was imtnediiitelv returned to the house for concurrence In the ainend i nicnts agreed to in the senate. At ;! o. in. the senate adjourned un til Tuesday, Jan. ;. TI1K IKirSK ADJOURNS. At 3.l this afternoon the house ad journed for the holiday recess, hav ing then disposed of the legislative, eveeutive and judicial apiifopriatiou bill, after four days' consideration, it was passed just n reported from the committee on aporoiirlations. with the single exception that the salary of the librarian of congress was reduced from .) i ja.iiiw. And this, after It hail been antagonized by the Joint eommit-t-e on library and the opponent of the civil service law. In a discussion run ning over three days. The bill carries a total appronrlation of $2l.t',ils,:l7o and provides for lO.OKr, salaries Today's session was devoted to a discussion of the appropriation for the civil service commission, nnd under it the law nnd the administration thereof were most vigorously attacked. A mo tion to strike out the anpronrlation failed 29 to 112. This was the only vote counted, other nropositions to amend the provision being settled In the nega tive viva voce. The house agreed p the senate amendment to the urgent detictenoy bill. TUNKIIAXNOCK. James Hyndinnn, of the firm of Car ney & Hyndnian, of Kingston, was in town yesterday. The case of Kills EHswort.i, the Erookslde school master, who was ar rested for whiopliiK n child of James Donley, will be heard before 'SiUire Kilts today. Frank Hart and family nrp spending the Christmas vacation at Patcrson, AV. K. Kiefer spent Sunday In lle- A the shnppcn visit Iiik lils daughter, Mrs. l-'r.d Hewitt. C. M. K IslipiiiiLfli. f llarrishtirg. has boon-spending a few days In town. Tin- Tiinkhaiimirk Manufacturing company has closed Its bobbin works for a few weeks. Tin? young people are enjoying tin lint- ska t hi at ilu mill dam. Mrs. William MtirrnV mother from Sc-i-iiiitt.n s her.- taking line of .Mrs. Murray ami her i-hlhl, who an- Im proving, Luige shipments of live poultry haw been made from this point, as well as from towns above, this week. lievivul services ure being hi'M at the Haptlst church this week. District Attorney brake is la Scrun tun. The several Sunday schools hava heen making elaborate preparations for I'hrislnias. II ON ESI) ALE. The pupils of our public schools will have a vacation until Monday, Jan. 4. The annual bill of the Amity club Will be held in tile opera house Dee. "I. Mis K!l::uheth Preston, n teacher in our graded school, will spend her vaca tion in New York city. Miss Louisa Durlatid is home from Chanihcrsbiirg seminary to spend her vacation. .Miss Katharine II. Tony and Kdwin V. Ross, of Chicago, will be married in tin' Presbyterian church at noon. Jan. 5. 1SH7. Lincoln .1. Carter's went plav Fast Mail." will be produced in i hi' the opei a house Friday night, Dee. 2.". Kay llardenbtii!; and Will Swift, out of town students, are home fur tae holidays. Miss Harriet Koclcwe-l, olio of the instructors in the lloidelitown. X. .1., collide. Is spendiiiMT the holiday vaca tion at the home of her father, Charles liockwoll. January 12 the Scranton I.iederkrans'. will visit llonedale and render the comic opera. "The Viliaire ltarber," in the opera house, tinder the ausniees of the Honesilale society. Kauer's or chestra will accompany them. The llonesdale I'oval Arcanum have elected the follow inv; l'tcers: F. P. Kimble, regent: (ieorire l". Koss, secre tary; II. II. Welch, collector; J. A. l!o die, treasurer; (1. 1!. Perham, chaplain; F. McMullen. Kuide; Henry Priefer. warden; William Parrabl". sentry; N. Doris, representative; I?. F. Haines, J, N. C. liader anil Thomas Cros-ley, trustees. The law nlTices in Liberty Hall btiild ini; are hcliis leinodele,!, nnd Attorneys K. C. Mumford and K. .1. Stacker have secured ti-inporarv iuarters, the form er next door to the piistolllce; the lat ter in the office of D. L. Kowland. I in Thursday evenini; Honesilale Indxc. Xo. 21 s. Free and Accepted Ma sons, elected ollleers us follows: W. Lane, worshipful master; usearj. Car- ser. senior warden; A. Dunlao, Junior warden: ,1. .M. Ilattman, treasurer: A. J. Kehbein. seerilary: T. A. Faker, representative to the grand Indsre. A biimiuet took place after the electloin Hon. (Jeorije S. Purdy and wife spent last w-.'ck in Xew York city. If the I?aly l rutting Tcnii. Mrs. Wlnslow'n Soothing Pyrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething.'wlth perfect success It soothes the child, softens the eum. allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remPdy ror diarrhoea. Sold by druRKists in every part of the world. He sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlm: Syrup." and take no other lilnu. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Copyrlsht, 1S90. by Mitchell & Miller. The End of thg Huntinf; Season" "Here's to the fragrant anise-yeed ba;; May its shadow never urow less." Lite. j7 mmwm THE Opposite Wyoming House, CLOAKS AND MILLINERY FIRST IN STYLES. ( PIRaT I rsj QUALITY. LOWESTIN PRICES Having of from 25 to SO ciints on dollar. THE Cor. Lickasanna and Wyoming Atcs.,' SCRAH70N,' FA. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS A True Wild Goose Story Related by Sam Wbeclan. . RODS ON THE BACK OF A BULL Itcmnrltitblo Kxpcricnce of a Starr uvea Woniaa.-Dentil bf Weil linown C.itizcns""cws for tjo Ituilrond l!oys--.'Vl!i.ior SJcJiinley I'rcpnrcs for t!ie Kuh from .Hontrosc.-Thc Tnle of u :aiisiige"-'liristmu Qnirps. Special Torres) of The Tribune. Suse.uehanna, Dec. 22. A party of farmers were sittlmr around the stove in the Hi.-iUehanr.a milk station, when old Sam W heelan of Great Dead town ship, tilled h's pipe Willi plus tobacco lighted U, and said: "Nuvv just for a moment 1 wain you to listen to a true story. I can spin a yarn on ;?rcat occasions, but this is sospel truth. Whin I was u yo'.iii!,' mu.ii we lived up in Ararat, pretty well over imainst Thomson. Just beyond our house was Writihters pond. That vi cinity was a regular thoroughfare for wild Reese Kohl;? north in the FprliiK ai d south in the Full. 'e used lo shout ib.:;ciiJ of them in fact, one fall I alone shot- but as tlds is a true story will b't that pa?s. In the fall we hud veiy sudden chanren In teiiioeral ure, and when a chill iiortlnvostern set In tlieie was a suddci ami nlarinin' drop lu the mercury, one nlKht 1 heard a j;:iat 'houkiui!" down on tile pond, once or tu ice 1 heard it. Next mornlm; it was frieziier coal, nnd these iieese were .-tin makini; a racket. .My broth-! or and 1 took cur guns and went down Cn-cpliiK up o!iu;! we tired. Two birda tumble,! over, but the rest only simattercd the louder, but never moved. lb. hi!,' down to the shore we found that; the sudden drop ill the temperature' had fruiieli a whole tlnrk into the mud around the shore. All we hud to d' was to kii up and knock them on the head. IVc Rot 114 und had roast guuse ail winter." PAPSKD OX. At his home on the Oakland side on Thursday last, Joshua I.. Councilman, an old. nnd esteemed resident, died very suddenly, ned years: The fun eral was laiRi-ly attended on Sunday afternoon from the Susquehanna Pres byterian church. Rev. W. 1. Cochrane, pastor of the Oakland M. 10. church, olliclatiii.w, assisted by llevs. Illller and Sutherland. The interment was made In the Crand Street cemetery. After a brief Illness, Mrs. Charles Hodden, wife of the county treasurer elect, died at her home on Kast Church street on Saturday niorninjt. She Is survived by tin- husband and three small children, the youngest a babe, two weeks old. The funeral wtis law. ly attended this afternoon from the Presbyterian church, the pastor, Hev. D. I. Sutherland, olllelatintr. 1MPKOVF.D SKKVICR. Ilcsinnlnir on Monday, there Is a new railway postal service between Sus iUelmnnii and Serauton, via the Krie and Delaware and Hudson roads. Pal mers train carries the mail over the Krie. Mr. Conrad, of I lien wood, Sus quehanna county, is the route nicent. The new ,ervj,e Rives the smaller towns between Susquehanna and Serauton a morninar mall from the west and nn eveniiiK mail from the south. SDK HODK A Til'LL. In the absence of her husband, a Woman in Starrucca. whose daughter was ill u few days since, for want of a horse, rode n 2-year-nld bull to the house of a physician. There and back was a distance of ten miles. On the return trip she started live minutes ahead of the physician and arrived ut her home half an hour ahead of him. He drove a Rood roadster, attached to a Ris. When within tl mile of her the bull saw a man with a red shirt, and, with n loud roar, ho dashed ahead. The driver was compelled to lash his horse unmercifully to escape certain disaster. The woman said the bull was rnther ton thin to ride with out '.a saddle, nnd, ns she expressed it. "pretty, lad Klttin' on iirIii after the wind strikes one awhile." So far as known, no other woman In Pennsyl vania ever rode a bull at high speed over a roiiRli country pike. DKATH OF It. T. DODSON. P.iehard Tuwnshend Dodson, several years ui?o a prominent nnd esteemed resident of Susquehanna, where he was a. clerk la the ollice of the superinten dent of motive power of the Erie, but of late superintendent of the r.lossburpr Coal and Dumber company died suddenly of apoplexy, at his home m Arnot on Saturday morning, osed ,"1! years, lie Is r.urvlved by the widow. and a babe nine months old. He was a native of Maryland und was an ottl- cer in the Confederate army. While re siding heru he contributed a series of papers to the Philadelphia Press, on his Southern army experience. He was a talented, genial gentleman, with a legion ol trlends. He was n prominent Mason, and a member of Susquehanna Council, Jloycl Arcanum. RAIMJOAD HACHF.T. The Krie will on Wednesday reim burse its Susquehanna Ehopmen for services In November. S. "Tut" Seek-y. of Klmira, the Erie's ,-Misquenarna Division Paaser.ger ngeni, nas resigned his position. He isshhi to nnve an "easy sit" elsewhere. "Tut" knows considerable about tickets. You can trund a good long distance wiilrmt discovering two more capable and popular railroad ollieials than ,-ii.ei inieiiueni v. is. .Wanville. of the Pennsylvania division of the Delaw.-re and Hudson mad, ami Superintendent (leorge V,'. Dowe, of t he Jefi'erson divi sion of Hie Krie. . Zealous In the dis charge of their onerous duties Intri cate and exact itnr as thev nr.- l,l h gentlemen ure nevertheless popular with the employes, a combination of circumstances not to be found every day. To each of these gentlemen we wish n very Merry Christ man and a Happy New Y'ear. In the lnnguaif of tiny Tim, "find bless us every one!" IN THK cornTS. At the expiration of his lerm of of fice, Sheriff K. A. Leonard will remove to otego county, Nw Vork. He has made an excellent olllcial. There Is a suspicion that Montrose recently tacked on nn extra ward or two in order that she might have more candidates for postmaster. It Is ru mored that Major McKinlev h,is hired an extr;i clerk to attend to his Mont lose mail. Petitions are being numerously signed throughout the county, pravlng the lerislaturo to erect. In Hnrrisburg, a monument or nv-moriul hall to the memory of Andrew . Curt in. Pennsyl vania's great war governor. The name of Andrew d. Curtin Is entraved upon the hearts of the oalrlotlc peotde of Pennsylvania, but give him n great me morable pile. He descry it all. The sound of the whistle of the gold nnd silver mine In Klk Mountain ,. be heard in rnlondal". Let us hope that In the naleglan and vociferous fu ture the cus words of the prospector cannot b' henrd In Serauton. Hnllsteud Is to have a Prohibition club. Dlphthorln lins departed out of the gates of Great lVnd. YVesentt. the nlleged victim nf a pere grin! ing hypnotist, is still very much In evidence in Forest City. Dr. F. C, Grander, of Forest City, Is a candidate for county medical pension examiner. TALE OF A SAtKGE. A Susquehanna young man started out a few evenings since to see his very host girl. Ills mother told him to bring home n pound of sausage. He pur chased the meat, placed It In his over coat pocket, and made his call. His overcoat was hung in the hall. While the young man was telling the girl a few choice ghost stories there was a sudden commotion In the hall, and In about a second the family cat appeared, drawing across the parlor carpet ten links of sausage. Tableau! VICTIM OF DATHINO. "Well," said an old lady from Jack son, "they may talk as much as they alike about taking baths, but I know there is nothing in them. My daughter was rick nil one summer. When she was nearly well the doctor said she must have a bath every day. and so we gave ito her. She wasn't used to It, und last week we purchased a monu ment for her grave. None of my family will ever bathe again!" ONE FOOLISH YOfNO MAN. Young man, never be ashamed of your occupation. If it s an honorable one. Whether It is measuring caliei. wielding a hammer and chisel or sling ing a pick. In a railroad coach, not long since, the writer was compelled to listen to a conversation between a Susquehanna younir mna and a young lady, the latter a stranger. "How many men pre employed In the Susquehanna shops?" asked the young lady. With some hesitation, the young man re plied: "Welt, my business seldom enlls me to the shoo, but I am told a thou sand men are employed." As n nint-tei- of fact, the young man has been em ployed in the Rhops for over a dozen years. The following yonr.g fellow evi dently desired the "Irl to believe thr.t ho wan the idle son of a capitalist. CimiSTMAS QFini'S. On Christmas morning many n child In Serauton nnd Susquehanna will have nothing in Its stacking except a cold foot. Are ynu doing anything toward mak ing some needy family happy nn Christ mas morning? If not why not? There pre bard lines ah'ad for the wicked big boy who tells ihe little boy that there D no Santa Clans and no reindeer on th roof. It is very dillieult to think of Christ mas, joyous In this hanpy land, with out enllin:? uo contrustlr.g pictures of Its terrors and deselrtlon In the blood stained homes of Armenians. Compare your Christmas with theirs! "Warm hearts nnd willing hands today With Christmas joys surround ynu; And mnv blite Y'ule-ti.le leave you ayes. More blest than e'er U found you." LITTLE LOCALS. Mrs. I utlier Ford, of Port Jorvis, Is very ill In this place. Our good I'ncle Sam's detectives are hot-footed after the f'rent iHend and Lanesboro piistolllce robbers. The new board of trnde has organized with Joseph F. Lannon ns president. Several silk mills desire to locate In Susqilehnnna. If they can produce n clean bill nf health they will be ad mitted. A good mnnv manufacturing estab lishments demand too many things be fore they will consent to pull up stakes and remove. In some Instances, there Is a suspicion that, bv nn occasional removal, they make more money than they will by re maining stationery and manufacturing. Communities will usually do well to steer clear of these migratory, fly-by-night concerns. They are a snare and . , ivuervRV. n oe union. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Hcvicw. New York, Dee. 22. After n weak open ing niul a fractional decline 111 prices stocks Improved on covering of short con tracts. The advance, outside of Sugar, which moved up about a point, wis la sWnllW.M. In the afternoon on the an nouncement of 1 he failure of several bunks In the northwest, the bearish feeling on the market was aggravated and the mar ket became weaker. Delaware anil Hud son scored a loss of fi"; New Jersey Cen tral. IV, Sugar, 1"4; Canada Southern, 2'L-! Uuirlbigton and yiibiey, IV. Chicago das, U,: St Paul. I"!; Itoek Island. IV, Louis, villi- n'nil Nashville. IV, Manhattan. i: Heading, 1; Tennessee Coal. H4: West ern Pnion. 1'4. Speculation closed weak 111 tone. Net chaimes show declines or '4 to 1", per cent, outside of Delaware and Hudson, Jersey Central and Long Island, which lust :i'Na"-. Tobacco made flu ex ceptional gala or 1 per cent. Considering the shrinkage lu prices the dealings wi re enintiarntlvely small, footing up only l," shares. Furnished bv WILLIAM LINN. AL LKN & CO.. stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms, T03-7UG. Open- High- Low- Clos. Ing. est. est. In. Am. Tobacco Co 7ic ""'i Am. Slur. Itef. Co Do'-j H'i M''-.' Ateh., T. S. Fe .. l"."-s I1 IS1 l"''- At.. T. S. Fe 22' i 2?v 21-. "I, ('ana. la Southern ... -tT'!i -IS 41,2 4ii Chen. i Ohio 1.Y r.- 1" 1.1 Chic. "2"i 71' j 72i 7''i I 'hie. H N. " 10-" i 1e:!'4 1"-".4 h'-'i Chic. P. ft Q 71".. 7J"-k 7"' 7"' a Chle. Mil. & St. P. .. e!' Ti 72V, 72' 3 Chic.. 11. I. K Pae. .. Ol'i e4 '.'.'j 'a Del. & Hudson 1J3 1 17"i, 1!7 Dlst. N- C. K IT;, 12-, U"4 11 C.en. IClwtrle Si's 3t S1 8t', Lake Shore " l", l.V. IV. J.ouU. & Nash -IS t 47", 17", At. K. Tex. Pr. ... 27 'Si ?: i'l", Man. Elevated i4 K!i f"! "i IT', Mo. Pae 2in4 2.!'4 1''i 1'i". N. .1. Central 1r2 W IW'i Kl-', N. Y. Central IH'J IU'4 91U WV, Nor. Pne l::v, t'!U !2"4 KU .Hit. West 14". M", 141 ; It". Omaha i 47", 47s, 47 -V Pae. .Mail 21 21 21- 2S-'4 Phil. Mending 2Vi 2.1 2P , 25 Southern P.. H H", !'", '., v". Seat h. -n R. M. I'r. . 2'l".i 2.e 2l " T-iin. C. V Iron 2'.1- 2", 2l'a 211, Texas Pie!e !l " n 9 ' !l I'nlon Pacllie !i'4 n;i 9 n Wabash Pr pi:. 1:,', r,". Western Pnlon S1U V;'.. 8i, S2'm W. 1 7 7'J ;-, i;", P. S. Lei'lher VJ S "-, S;t, S':, P. S. I.nttier Pr r.y-a P. S. liuhber ir, 25 24 24 CIHCACIO BOARD OF TP.ADE PRICES. Ojien- High- Low- Cloa- WIIEAT. Inir. ext. et. In:r. May Mi, si'., 7Pi.; S:i".; July 75 W'l 7l's 75'4 OAT3. May 10"-, Jjii, j;it; CORN. May 2.V, 2.V July 257 25 LARD. January 3.S2 3.S2 K(il SS2 May 4.02 4.U2 4.w 4.UO POMK. Januiiry 7.02 7.C5 7.0) 7 f,.i May 7.!i2 7.W .'M 7.1W Scrnnton Hoard of Trade Kxrhnnge (Jiiol.-ilion- All Quotation liaed en Par itf lOO. Name. Dime Pep. & Dls. Rank .. Bid. 115 Asked. Serauton Lace Curtain Co National Poring ft Drilling Co First National Bank Scrnnton Jar & Stopper Co. .. Elmhurst Ronlevard Co Scranton Pavings B.init Honta Plate Class Co tScrmiton packing Co Lackawanna Iron Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f g. Co. ... Scramon tTriielion Co Scranton Axle Work Economy Steam Heat ft Power Vo Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Iteplaeer Co. .. BONDS. Scranton Pass. R.illwuy, first mortgage duo 1918 Peotle'H Street Railway, tlrst mortgage due lmS Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co. People's Btret Railway, Sec ond mortgage due IH'-'U Dlckton Manufactiirlne Co. ., fid 80 G50 11 'ih S5 "si w 10 r,i 2MI i09 3s) 'is 40 m no 119 LO KM M Si loi i 10 Lackn. Township School S.. ... City of 8 -ruiiton St. Imp. i. ... Ml. Vernon Con! Co Scranton Axlo Works ... Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. & V. Co Krw York I'rodtice Mnrkot. N. w York. Dec. Flour D'lll. tm-chan-ied. Wheat Firmer: f. o. b rSV,c-; iingriiileil reil, Ni;i!e.'..e. ; No. 1 northern, MiV.; entiyns closed llrm at rinl'-iiC. over yerterda'v; January. s"V.c.; March. PSSc; Voy, KK.e.; July, dIV; December, Kra-c. Corn Fiimer; No. 2. 2Tic., eleeutor; 29Ti,e., it Hon t; ungraded mixed, 29c; oitlon dull and firm; December, 28'iio.; Junuary, 220.; onoolly A Substantial mark-down in prices has taken place in our CSoak Room. CONNOLLY & Mav, JHJc. oats Dull, steady; options . quiet, steadv; December, 22c; Junuary. 22'..c; Februarv, 22', c: May, 2b-.; stiot prices. No. 2, 22' , c: No. 2 while. 25' ,c: No. i 2. Chicago, 2:i,c; .o. 3, -uc; .mi. ,i ihk. l!lc; uilcd western, 2ila23c: white do. und while stale, 2U:'.lc Provisions Firm, stea'iv, uiu-hangeil. Lard Kasy. cpil-t, iiachangt'l. I tutter Finn, unchnngeiJ, Pb-ady. fhees, Steady, imi-hanged. KggJ Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 22a24e.: I..., i,..,,., I-...1W.. ,v..ut,.ri, t'l-i.h. Iu22e. : do. case S2a4: southern. 21a22c; limed, liia 15iic IMiilni'.clpliin i'rovision .Market. Phlladeliihla. Dee. 22. Provisions were In moderate jobbing demand and steady. We iiuote: Peer hams, Slita 18.5a. as to age and brand; pork, family. JlUalO.DU; hams, S. P. cured. 111 tierces, S.illc; do. smoked, 9'iallc, as to average and brand; si 1-s, ribbed, in salt, 4'a4-V.: '1J- 'o. smoked, a'jaj' .e.; shoulders, pickle cured, uVj-iS'-jC. ; do. do. smoked. il'aiViC-l picnic hnma. S. P. cured, 5'4arr-4e.; ilo. do. smoked. II' ia (; billies, in pickle, according to aver age, loose, 5aiic; breakfast bacon, 7aSc, us to brand und uveruge; lard, pure, city relbicd, lu tierces, r.u5V.c; do. do.. In tutu, aVja.'i'sc.: do. butchers', loose, 4al c; city tallow, in hogsheads, ;ic; country do., 2'ia 3c, us to quality, and cakes, J'ie. Chicago (irnin anil I'rovision Market Chicago, Dee. 22. The lending futures ranged us follows: Wheat December, 77c, 77c; May, S'i',c, hiiv,c; July, 75c. 75'.,e. Corn December, 22a,, 22vBc; Jan uary, 22'V'., 22'ic; May. 2V.8C 25' sc. Oaw Decemlii r, lii'ic, P'sc.; May, lll'ic, IS'ke. Mes pork Januiiry, $7.C5. 7.C): May, J7.U2' ... 7.M. Liir.l-Jaaiiary, :i.S2';., t:t2'a; .Mav,"f!.iC'.. JI.U21,. Short ribs January, $:l.hj, i.l.S5; .May. t. '."2's. Cash ituuta tions were as follows: Flour Quiet, steady, unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 7ii' .a77-'ic.; No. :i do., 75a7i4e.; No. 2 red, XSi'iisiiijc.; No. 2 corn, 22'ic; No. 2 outs, Hi'"al7i": No. 2 rye. ;c; No. 2 barley. 21a 35c: Ibix-'eed, 72a7:i';.e.; timothy seed, S2.55; mess pork,; lard, ?'i.75a3.77' j : short rilw. $:i.75al; dry salted shouldi-rs, $l.25al."i; short clear, sides, $4n4.12:ij; whis key, tl.18; sugars, uiiehanged. Chicngo Live Stock. Chicago, Dee. 22. Cattle Receipts. 4,ftM head; market eusy mi l pie. lower; com- i iik.ii to extra steers, $:t.t"a5.ii: sluekers a.i.l I feeders. J2.S5a3.S5; cows lllld bulls, SI... nil 3.75; calves, :tu5.",0; Texans. $2.75al.25. ttoga Itei-el.its, 2s.iia head: murket e.isv and Be. lower; heavy iackiug and shipping bits, J:!.lua3.25, common to choice, mix, d. Jsl.25a3.4n; ehe'ce assorted, $:i.30a.t.40; light, ::.2nu3. In; iigs, $2.!l'ia'1.45. Sheep lb ci-lpts, ll.iHW bead; market steady; Inferior to choice, 2u:l.75; lambs, ?3.25a.'j,20. Uullalo Live Stock, P.ufriii, Dee. 22. -Cattle Dull; good to fat, $2.25a.,; bulls, J2.25n.1. Veals Steady; common to fair, Hu5.50. Hogs Steady to (inn: good to choice Yo.kers, t3. In; mixed puckers, $3.35a3.4o; mediiens. io.:;:,:,;,. Ii; he-ivy. '! 3 a:S. to. Sheep and lambs Lambs, steady; sheep dud; fair to good lambs, $4.!Ki:i5.4: common lot SI.5.U 4.75; mixed sm i-i, good to choice, $1.23.-1 3.50; culls to fair. J2a3.15. (lil Market. Oil City, Pa., Dee. 22. Option oil noi quoted; crtill; balances, !(5c liristuins Holiday Tours, Tn imrsunnee of Its annnai custom the Pennsylvania Railroad company has nrranired for two Christmas Holi day Tours, one to Old Point Comfort. Richmond, and Washington, and the other to Washington direct, to leave New Yorl: nnd Philadelphia December 20 and 2!1 respectively. The same high standard of excellence which has made these tours to popular In puat years will be maintained during the present Ftason. Tourists will travel la hnnd sotnely appointed trains, accompanied bv Tourist AiP-nt and Chaperon, and will be accorded accommodations at the leading hotels. The social season at both V.'as'.iintTton und Old Point will be at Its height. Round-trip rate frc.m New York for the. Old Point Comfort tour, returning via Richmond nnd Washington, ?.?; $23 from Philadelphia. Returning di rect. $10.0 from New York; $14.00 from Philadelphia. Kates for the Washington tour: $14. "0 from New York; U.5 from Philadel phia. Proportionate rates from other peintr.. FT tickets. Itinera ties, and other In formation apply to ticket agents, or ad dress Ceo. V, . Hoyd, Assistant eneral Pns.-.enger Agent. Droad Street Station, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED. DliUD L'l.l- KK WANTS FOHITION-KKD-istered Q. A. : b.-st references. Address Elt.VEST CKOSS. Wymning. Pa. W'ANTED-UV MARUIF.I) MAN. HITCA I 1 lion ns enu'incHr, llreinai, or wateiniiLii; enn do o, n repairing mill m-iki? Idi.i-.ell' gen erallv utefnl: g.i id furnistieil. K. C. 313 Liailcu utreet. CITL'ATION WANTED TO Di) WASHING iTr nod ironing at honi- or ao out by the .lav at anything, cloniii'iir eslices: will i,ive p. rfeet sRttt,e-tio.i at any j.Uce Cull or address A, 11., 3il Nuitu Stunner uvenuo. VY BOilIvS AT BLIDLEMAK'S. ) WnsUingt.m avenao. 21, SPECIAL NOTICES. HOME MADE M1XCE MKAT. WHEN you make those inim-o pics, an not go to the trouble of making luiare meat, but buy 5.une of that made by T. E. Carr ft Sim, nt Wsshinto i JITarkct. npp. th-. Court Iiiiu.-e. CITY SCAVENGER. AH. F.I(UiiS CI.EAKK fhlVY VAt'LTf n;nl ctjs ih1m in cider: improved pimif.a UMitl. A. YMUtOS. TroprH'tor. i'tivtj oi".ors 1I0 North Aiitii uvenu-, or KreUm1 ii:p'Nt're. lorutr i.uuiim and Mul berry. 1 1 Itffibtftjv 4.V;j. I-XICCUTOIW NOTICE. ISTATE UK EDWAUO T. JOHN. DE J J ceased, lute of th city of Scranton,Lnok. awaiina eoiuity, Pouti-ylvauia. D'turs testa nieiitary liin the abnve-n.iinod rtute having beon to th- oniiet Higncd. a 1 persons having claim or ilcnviadi aKsliist too saal estate will present them for payment, and these Intlehted thereto will please luuke immediate payment lo ANN T. JOHN. I p,., John e. John Ejrecl01 CUA9. E. OLVEit. Scranton, Pa. Attorney or Estate. i jl' WALLACE, A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 23 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. WANTED. VJCCONO-HAND FURNACE TO HEAT A k! hotel. Cull or neldreiwi ANTHKACITE HOTKL, 111 Wyoming uvenuo. I1F.LP WANTED MALES. UTE WANT RELIABLE SALESMEN nlroady calling upon mills, fnctorien, hnruware, uenoral storas, etfi., to aell staple line of goods; speei.tlty or aula lino, II. H. PAKH. Mauuger. Cleveland, Ohio. W ANTI.D-.MEK AND W)YB. ANY AUK. Have you a trade t Wo toncli the bar ber trailoln H wrokn an4 gnarantao you a job as noon as competent. Write for Illustrated cutHlogiio. PH1LA. BARBER SCRUOL. V23 Arch street, Phils., Pa. CHEAPEST BIBLES IN THE STATE J liblDLKMA.N, tins Bookman. UAN'TF.O AN IDEA. WHO CAN' THINK . of some B.mple thing to patent Pro tect vonr ideas: thev ui:it brbm von wealth. Write JONIl WF.UDKHUCK m tc CO,. Dept. C, 2-1, Patent Atlomeys, w aoliiiigton, u, u., for their tl'O prize uffer and list of 2UU Invoii tions wanted. 7 ANTED AS AOF.NT IN EVERY SEC- Hon to caiirnsa: J4.00 to $."nu a day nindn ; Bells nt eight; also a man to sell Staple floods to drnlfrs: iK'St side line &7A a month: salary or large commission made: experience iiniiecoo'sary. Clifton Soup and Manutuctur llia Co., Cincinnati, O. W 'ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN overy town to folioit stock subaerip Hons: a monopoly; Pig money for ugents: no capital required. EDWARD U. FIHU it CO., Borden Block, Chieaito, 111. U ELP WANTED-EEM ALES. JADIES-l MAKE BI( WAGES DOIN J pleasant home woik. and will glHilly and full particulars to all sending 2 mit stamp. .VISS 31. A. S'lEbBINS, Luwreiit-e. llieli. WrANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN- V ton to sell and introduce Snydor's cako Ieine; rxpericnctd ennvaaser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for particular at euro ai d iet benefit of holiday trado. T. B. SNVDKR & CO., Cincinnati, O. c IBILPUEN'S BOOKS-BEST ASSORT. liient. HEIDLEMA. 1 7-ANTED IMllEDIATELY-TWO ENER- eotic faleswnnieii to represent us Onnrautned fi a h.y without interforriiig with other linties. Ilrnlthtul oiciipatioii. rito for i nrtlculars, enelosim: stnmp, Alangn ( hemiial Ccmimiiy. No. 72 John Stieet, Now York. FOR SALE, I 'OR PALE I'Ol'SE ANU LOT AT Wlx- V in-rs: store nttacl ed to house. Good location nenr depot. Address, J. L, BROWN, Wimaiei-i, Pa. t 1, OR "SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN J double 1k-U nu.lioiiaim. nicely enitraveil with tmndi' iie I ell. 4oid linnl: iieurW new nud p. st f '.Hi: will sell i t n barguln. Address this weei: to E. N. GAYLOli, LaRaysvlUe, I 'B; IAI.GK LINE DIARIES 11EIDLEM AN. J liitlmr Store. T.'Olt SALK-HOKSE. AGLU SIX YEARS, J' wc'glit l.tUU 1 cures; cull Le been at 1021 Price street. tJoR SALE-S1Y COTTAE AT ELM- V hurst ami the lour lets on which it stands; nkotho four kits adjoining: meet de siralle locution ill Kin lu;:si: i rii-es rea-ionn-ble: terms ciisv: pi ps. sh-ii riven at once. K, P. I."l NCMll.'RY, li.ii.ii.Liiwcnlth Building, Ser.iutnn. Pa. F()!J KENT. 1 tr.udrrn iinpnivrn'ftits: writ rnwonable; of l iiu nt l I iiil;i-iy stni'tn, Dunmurtj, WANTED TO KENT. SPimTtTp!.V'. CALL OR ADDRESS DA.MKL DA VIES. '.ill N. Mnin nveuua. Fi;i:.NISIIES) KOOMS l'OK KENT iHEAP K.J tobt. 1UEAP t'CRNISUED HOoJIS. HEATED, J4H ltcnr A'lama avenne. EOAKI) WANTED. I "OR MAX AND WI E, NEAR P(:!LIC 1 Liiirsrv. A l:!is A.. Tribune ollko. A(iENTS WANTED. U 'ANTED - 5lil AGENTS FOR KUS-s-ll s nut'icririd "LIVI-S OF MeKlN. I KY AND HOllAiil ;" tares. eWantly li'itMtm'eti; price onlv SI.W: till bo-t and tho eheaj-e-it. an-l en's dls all i th -rs: 51 t-rcent. to agents ami the fietf'it laid. 'Pooa new reudv: s,ve ti-iu ty H-n-bn; 5u ennts in stuuniK fur nn ouill nt on"o A.lare- s A. D. V. OKTIIINGToN Sc CO.. 11 rtb.rd, Conn. TlfANTED- GENERAL AGENTS IN EV. ? erv county; iilno lady canvHssers: soine thlng lien-: sure sel er; apply ipiiek. J, C IllLLKI'.T, 1 11 Ai'uils avuuue, Serauton, Pa. TL KG ANT CALENDARS -BHIDLE MAN'S I j Holiday Storo, 211 Wasliinicton avenue, VGENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO dgabout Safe ship prleo 91. (b lev by ttioi'S.iuils. Address, NICHOLS, Na erville, HI. GENTS TO PELL OCR PRACTICAL cold, silver, nickel ana cornier electro plasters: rrlrt a Iiom f3 uiiwanr. .-alary ami , xpei ses H'ld: ontllt frw, ililress, wita itsuip, MR H1GAN MFG CO., Chicago. VG EN TS TO SE I.L G 1 ti A P.S TO DF A LERS; $25 weekly and cxpepjs: eperiunee un neecsBHry. C'ONSOLIDA'I ED 11FU CO.. 44 v an Huron St.. Chicago, CALF.SMAN TO CA H I. Y SIDE LINE; IT, k :er iviii. .-cuiiuirnuiit aauilMe eisjK lliaueu Iree, Aiiuruta L. N. CO., btatlou L, New lura. Wallace THE CLOAK TRADE Has had a trifle the ! worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down has been found necessary mSStt2T Opp. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CIORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING ' nails cured without the leaat pain or drawing blood Consultation and advice given free. E. 51. HETSEL, Chiropodist, 3JU Lack awatina avenue. Ladles attended at tueif residence it dosired. Charges moderate. REDEMPTION OF BONDS. Ori'U'B or smesox is W atkinh. i Slrantok. Pa., Dec. 21. IM'6. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 11 AT IN uccordu.iee with the provisions of the mortgage ot The Babylon Coal Company to the Scranton bnvlng Bank and Trust Com pany, trustee, that bonds of the said coal com pany numbered is &r, fit, 67 and olt have been designated by lot this day for redemption, and will be redeemed at par and interest upon prefentatlon at the Scranton Savings bank and Trust Company. The Interest oeaaes oa the above-numbered houda on January 1st, 1M7. THE BABt ION COAL COMPAH Y, By C. D. SI Mi SON, Treasurer. t HANKING. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE! at Scranton, In the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Dec. 17, 1S91: KI-'.Sol-UCKS. Lonns nnd discounts tl.6G2.5C4 74 Overdrafts, secured und unse cured fi91 It. S. Hands lo secure circulation 200,000 III) . I". S. Ponds on hand 6.IW0 W Premiums on V. S. Itomls 21.878 75 Stocks, securities, etc 301,823 95 Hanking house, furniture and tlx I u res 20,734 03 Due from National Hunks (not Reserve Agents) 8,591 83 Due from State Hunks and Hankers 10,827 43 Due from approved reserve agents 2G,n",2 75 Checks and other cash Items ... 4. SMI 45 Exchunges for cleurlng house .. 4.104 31 Notes ol other National Hunks.. 2,843 W Krui tiomil paper currency, nick els nod cents 807 58 Lawful .Money Reserve la Hank, viz.: Specie jr.071 31 Legal-tender notes.,,, 71,uil0 00 127,431 31 Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer (3 per cent, of circu lation) 4,800 00 Due from l S. Treasurer other thun 5 per cent, redemption fund ' 1,000 CO Total 2.512,b i LIAP.IL1TIES. Capital stock paid In .....$ 200.000 00 Surplus fund 310,000 00 Undivided protlts, less expenses and taxes paid 83.922 93 National Hunk notes outstand ing iso.noo no Due to other National Hanks.. 31,553 43 Due to State Dunks und Hunk ers L4S2 24 Dividends unpaid 21 5 Individual deposits subject to clo ck 1.CS9.624 H Demand certificates of deioslt.. 12.17(1 (! Cl-rlilied cheeks 3.W'1 ' Cashier's cheeks outstniidlng ... M SO Notes und bills rediscounted., None Hills payable Nono Liabilities other thun those above stated Nono Total J2.512.KW 5S Statu of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wunna, ss.: I, William II. Peck, Cushler of the nhove-numed bank, do solemnly svteur thut the ubove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge und belief. VM. H. PKCK. Cashier. Eubfierlbed and sworn to before me thl 22d day of December. 1V!!. WALTER E. CfNSTER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: AI.FUED HAND, 11 EN R Y LKL1N. JR., LLTHEIi KELLER, Director. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THF TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK at Scranton. In the state of Pennsylvania, at the close of business. Dee. 17, liHOt P.KSiM'HCKS. Loans ami discounts 670,147 93 Overdruits, secured and unse cured 58S 11 P. S. Honds to secure circulation SOO.ual 00 Preniluins on V. 8. Ponds 2S.1S7 M Slocks, securities, etc 2s,0oJ 00 Hunkiiig-hoiise, furniliire,. and lixtures 139,991 CS Other real estate und mortgages owned 10,814 80 Due from National Hunks (not Reserve Agents) 8,052 03 Due from St-.tte Hunks nnd Hankers 9.658 CS Due from approved reserve agents C3.2'3 70 Cheeks nml other cash Items ... :t.i;:3 57 Exchanges for clearing-house .. 7,413 93 Notes of other Natlonul Hunks. 2.820 uO I-'ractloiiul puter currency, nick els, and cents 338 91 Lawful .Money Ileserve in Hank, viz.: Specie $12,758 G! Legal-tender notes .... 51,199 no C8.957 63 Redemption fund with I". S. Treasurer (5 i,er cent, of circu lation) 8.100 00 Total L1AHILIT1ES. ..J1.1I7 034 18 Cepital stock puld In 25O.0O0 00 Siirolus fund 41,0Ui) 00 I'ndivi.le l protlra. less expens-s and taxis paid 17.449 2 Nnlioiuil Hank notes outsta.r.d- ISO.noo 00 Due to olhrr National Hunk's... 19.385 10 Due to Slate Hanks and link ers 5.095 64 Individual deposits subji t to check C27.SS2 3 Demand certificates of deposit . 3.075 ') Cert Hied checks 795 97 Ca.--h!er's checks oiitstn-.v-llng.... 3.0(9 9tJ Notes aril bills redlsi.'iinte.l.. None lulls payable None Liabilities other than those above stated None Totnl $1,147 9.14 1 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna ss.: I. Frank L. T'hilllps, Cashier of th nbove-nunieil lrmk. do solemnly swear that the nbovs- stntement Is true to the best of my kjiowb .lire and belief. V. L. PHILLIPS. Cashier. SubserlbrH nnd sworn to before me this 22d day of December, lS9ii. W. S. DPKHL, Notary Publlo. CorrPct Attest: .1. J. JICRMYN. JOHN T. PORTER. C. 1. MATTHEWS. THIRD iilCM BANK I . ' . Directors, f I ... . X ' i a -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers